1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2  * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
3  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef vm_SavedStacks_h
8 #define vm_SavedStacks_h
10 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
11 #include "mozilla/FastBernoulliTrial.h"
12 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
14 #include "js/HashTable.h"
15 #include "js/Wrapper.h"
16 #include "vm/JSContext.h"
17 #include "vm/SavedFrame.h"
18 #include "vm/Stack.h"
20 namespace JS {
21 enum class SavedFrameSelfHosted;
22 }
24 namespace js {
26 // # Saved Stacks
27 //
28 // The `SavedStacks` class provides a compact way to capture and save JS stacks
29 // as `SavedFrame` `JSObject` subclasses. A single `SavedFrame` object
30 // represents one frame that was on the stack, and has a strong reference to its
31 // parent `SavedFrame` (the next youngest frame). This reference is null when
32 // the `SavedFrame` object is the oldest frame that was on the stack.
33 //
34 // This comment documents implementation. For usage documentation, see the
35 // `js/src/doc/SavedFrame/SavedFrame.md` file and relevant `SavedFrame`
36 // functions in `js/src/jsapi.h`.
37 //
38 // ## Compact
39 //
40 // Older saved stack frame tails are shared via hash consing, to deduplicate
41 // structurally identical data. `SavedStacks` contains a hash table of weakly
42 // held `SavedFrame` objects, and when the owning compartment is swept, it
43 // removes entries from this table that aren't held alive in any other way. When
44 // saving new stacks, we use this table to find pre-existing `SavedFrame`
45 // objects. If such an object is already extant, it is reused; otherwise a new
46 // `SavedFrame` is allocated and inserted into the table.
47 //
48 //    Naive         |   Hash Consing
49 //    --------------+------------------
50 //    c -> b -> a   |   c -> b -> a
51 //                  |        ^
52 //    d -> b -> a   |   d ---|
53 //                  |        |
54 //    e -> b -> a   |   e ---'
55 //
56 // This technique is effective because of the nature of the events that trigger
57 // capturing the stack. Currently, these events consist primarily of `JSObject`
58 // allocation (when an observing `Debugger` has such tracking), `Promise`
59 // settlement, and `Error` object creation. While these events may occur many
60 // times, they tend to occur only at a few locations in the JS source. For
61 // example, if we enable Object allocation tracking and run the esprima
62 // JavaScript parser on its own JavaScript source, there are approximately 54700
63 // total `Object` allocations, but just ~1400 unique JS stacks at allocation
64 // time. There's only ~200 allocation sites if we capture only the youngest
65 // stack frame.
66 //
67 // ## Security and Wrappers
68 //
69 // We save every frame on the stack, regardless of whether the `SavedStack`'s
70 // compartment's principals subsume the frame's compartment's principals or
71 // not. This gives us maximum flexibility down the line when accessing and
72 // presenting captured stacks, but at the price of some complication involved in
73 // preventing the leakage of privileged stack frames to unprivileged callers.
74 //
75 // When a `SavedFrame` method or accessor is called, we compare the caller's
76 // compartment's principals to each `SavedFrame`'s captured principals. We avoid
77 // using the usual `CallNonGenericMethod` and `nativeCall` machinery which
78 // enters the `SavedFrame` object's compartment before we can check these
79 // principals, because we need access to the original caller's compartment's
80 // principals (unlike other `CallNonGenericMethod` users) to determine what view
81 // of the stack to present. Instead, we take a similar approach to that used by
82 // DOM methods, and manually unwrap wrappers until we get the underlying
83 // `SavedFrame` object, find the first `SavedFrame` in its stack whose captured
84 // principals are subsumed by the caller's principals, access the reserved slots
85 // we care about, and then rewrap return values as necessary.
86 //
87 // Consider the following diagram:
88 //
89 //                                              Content Compartment
90 //                                    +---------------------------------------+
91 //                                    |                                       |
92 //                                    |           +------------------------+  |
93 //      Chrome Compartment            |           |                        |  |
94 //    +--------------------+          |           | SavedFrame C (content) |  |
95 //    |                    |          |           |                        |  |
96 //    |                  +--------------+         +------------------------+  |
97 //    |                  |              |                    ^                |
98 //    |     var x -----> | Xray Wrapper |-----.              |                |
99 //    |                  |              |     |              |                |
100 //    |                  +--------------+     |   +------------------------+  |
101 //    |                    |          |       |   |                        |  |
102 //    |                  +--------------+     |   | SavedFrame B (content) |  |
103 //    |                  |              |     |   |                        |  |
104 //    |     var y -----> | CCW (waived) |--.  |   +------------------------+  |
105 //    |                  |              |  |  |              ^                |
106 //    |                  +--------------+  |  |              |                |
107 //    |                    |          |    |  |              |                |
108 //    +--------------------+          |    |  |   +------------------------+  |
109 //                                    |    |  '-> |                        |  |
110 //                                    |    |      | SavedFrame A (chrome)  |  |
111 //                                    |    '----> |                        |  |
112 //                                    |           +------------------------+  |
113 //                                    |                      ^                |
114 //                                    |                      |                |
115 //                                    |           var z -----'                |
116 //                                    |                                       |
117 //                                    +---------------------------------------+
118 //
119 // CCW is a plain cross-compartment wrapper, yielded by waiving Xray vision. A
120 // is the youngest `SavedFrame` and represents a frame that was from the chrome
121 // compartment, while B and C are from frames from the content compartment. C is
122 // the oldest frame.
123 //
124 // Note that it is always safe to waive an Xray around a SavedFrame object,
125 // because SavedFrame objects and the SavedFrame prototype are always frozen you
126 // will never run untrusted code.
127 //
128 // Depending on who the caller is, the view of the stack will be different, and
129 // is summarized in the table below.
130 //
131 //    Var  | View
132 //    -----+------------
133 //    x    | A -> B -> C
134 //    y, z | B -> C
135 //
136 // In the case of x, the `SavedFrame` accessors are called with an Xray wrapper
137 // around the `SavedFrame` object as the `this` value, and the chrome
138 // compartment as the cx's current principals. Because the chrome compartment's
139 // principals subsume both itself and the content compartment's principals, x
140 // has the complete view of the stack.
141 //
142 // In the case of y, the cross-compartment machinery automatically enters the
143 // content compartment, and calls the `SavedFrame` accessors with the wrapped
144 // `SavedFrame` object as the `this` value. Because the cx's current compartment
145 // is the content compartment, and the content compartment's principals do not
146 // subsume the chrome compartment's principals, it can only see the B and C
147 // frames.
148 //
149 // In the case of z, the `SavedFrame` accessors are called with the `SavedFrame`
150 // object in the `this` value, and the content compartment as the cx's current
151 // compartment. Similar to the case of y, only the B and C frames are exposed
152 // because the cx's current compartment's principals do not subsume A's captured
153 // principals.
155 class SavedStacks {
156   friend class SavedFrame;
157   friend bool JS::ubi::ConstructSavedFrameStackSlow(
158       JSContext* cx, JS::ubi::StackFrame& ubiFrame,
159       MutableHandleObject outSavedFrameStack);
161  public:
SavedStacks()162   SavedStacks()
163       : frames(),
164         bernoulliSeeded(false),
165         bernoulli(1.0, 0x59fdad7f6b4cc573, 0x91adf38db96a9354),
166         creatingSavedFrame(false) {}
168   [[nodiscard]] bool saveCurrentStack(
169       JSContext* cx, MutableHandleSavedFrame frame,
170       JS::StackCapture&& capture = JS::StackCapture(JS::AllFrames()));
171   [[nodiscard]] bool copyAsyncStack(
172       JSContext* cx, HandleObject asyncStack, HandleString asyncCause,
173       MutableHandleSavedFrame adoptedStack,
174       const mozilla::Maybe<size_t>& maxFrameCount);
175   void traceWeak(JSTracer* trc);
176   void trace(JSTracer* trc);
177   uint32_t count();
178   void clear();
179   void chooseSamplingProbability(JS::Realm* realm);
181   // Set the sampling random number generator's state to |state0| and
182   // |state1|. One or the other must be non-zero. See the comments for
183   // mozilla::non_crypto::XorShift128PlusRNG::setState for details.
setRNGState(uint64_t state0,uint64_t state1)184   void setRNGState(uint64_t state0, uint64_t state1) {
185     bernoulli.setRandomState(state0, state1);
186   }
188   size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf);
190   // An alloction metadata builder that marks cells with the JavaScript stack
191   // at which they were allocated.
192   struct MetadataBuilder : public AllocationMetadataBuilder {
MetadataBuilderMetadataBuilder193     MetadataBuilder() : AllocationMetadataBuilder() {}
194     virtual JSObject* build(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj,
195                             AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion& oomUnsafe) const override;
196   };
198   static const MetadataBuilder metadataBuilder;
200  private:
201   SavedFrame::Set frames;
202   bool bernoulliSeeded;
203   mozilla::FastBernoulliTrial bernoulli;
204   bool creatingSavedFrame;
206   // Similar to mozilla::ReentrancyGuard, but instead of asserting against
207   // reentrancy, just change the behavior of SavedStacks::saveCurrentStack to
208   // return a nullptr SavedFrame.
209   struct MOZ_RAII AutoReentrancyGuard {
210     SavedStacks& stacks;
AutoReentrancyGuardAutoReentrancyGuard212     explicit AutoReentrancyGuard(SavedStacks& stacks) : stacks(stacks) {
213       stacks.creatingSavedFrame = true;
214     }
~AutoReentrancyGuardAutoReentrancyGuard216     ~AutoReentrancyGuard() { stacks.creatingSavedFrame = false; }
217   };
219   [[nodiscard]] bool insertFrames(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleSavedFrame frame,
220                                   JS::StackCapture&& capture);
221   [[nodiscard]] bool adoptAsyncStack(
222       JSContext* cx, MutableHandleSavedFrame asyncStack, HandleAtom asyncCause,
223       const mozilla::Maybe<size_t>& maxFrameCount);
224   [[nodiscard]] bool checkForEvalInFramePrev(
225       JSContext* cx, MutableHandle<SavedFrame::Lookup> lookup);
226   SavedFrame* getOrCreateSavedFrame(JSContext* cx,
227                                     Handle<SavedFrame::Lookup> lookup);
228   SavedFrame* createFrameFromLookup(JSContext* cx,
229                                     Handle<SavedFrame::Lookup> lookup);
230   void setSamplingProbability(double probability);
232   // Cache for memoizing PCToLineNumber lookups.
234   struct PCKey {
PCKeyPCKey235     PCKey(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) : script(script), pc(pc) {}
237     HeapPtr<JSScript*> script;
238     jsbytecode* pc;
tracePCKey240     void trace(JSTracer* trc) { /* PCKey is weak. */
241     }
traceWeakPCKey242     bool traceWeak(JSTracer* trc) {
243       return TraceWeakEdge(trc, &script, "traceWeak");
244     }
245   };
247  public:
248   struct LocationValue {
LocationValueLocationValue249     LocationValue() : source(nullptr), sourceId(0), line(0), column(0) {}
LocationValueLocationValue250     LocationValue(JSAtom* source, uint32_t sourceId, size_t line,
251                   uint32_t column)
252         : source(source), sourceId(sourceId), line(line), column(column) {}
traceLocationValue254     void trace(JSTracer* trc) {
255       TraceNullableEdge(trc, &source, "SavedStacks::LocationValue::source");
256     }
traceWeakLocationValue258     bool traceWeak(JSTracer* trc) {
259       MOZ_ASSERT(source);
260       // TODO: Bug 1501334: IsAboutToBeFinalized doesn't work for atoms.
261       // Otherwise we should assert TraceWeakEdge always returns true;
262       return TraceWeakEdge(trc, &source, "traceWeak");
263     }
265     HeapPtr<JSAtom*> source;
266     uint32_t sourceId;
267     size_t line;
268     uint32_t column;
269   };
271  private:
272   struct PCLocationHasher : public DefaultHasher<PCKey> {
273     using ScriptPtrHasher = DefaultHasher<JSScript*>;
274     using BytecodePtrHasher = DefaultHasher<jsbytecode*>;
hashPCLocationHasher276     static HashNumber hash(const PCKey& key) {
277       return mozilla::AddToHash(ScriptPtrHasher::hash(key.script),
278                                 BytecodePtrHasher::hash(key.pc));
279     }
matchPCLocationHasher281     static bool match(const PCKey& l, const PCKey& k) {
282       return ScriptPtrHasher::match(l.script, k.script) &&
283              BytecodePtrHasher::match(l.pc, k.pc);
284     }
285   };
287   // We eagerly Atomize the script source stored in LocationValue because
288   // wasm does not always have a JSScript and the source might not be
289   // available when we need it later. However, since the JSScript does not
290   // actually hold this atom, we have to trace it strongly to keep it alive.
291   // Thus, it takes two GC passes to fully clean up this table: the first GC
292   // removes the dead script; the second will clear out the source atom since
293   // it is no longer held by the table.
294   using PCLocationMap =
295       GCHashMap<PCKey, LocationValue, PCLocationHasher, SystemAllocPolicy>;
296   PCLocationMap pcLocationMap;
298   [[nodiscard]] bool getLocation(JSContext* cx, const FrameIter& iter,
299                                  MutableHandle<LocationValue> locationp);
300 };
302 template <typename Wrapper>
303 struct WrappedPtrOperations<SavedStacks::LocationValue, Wrapper> {
304   JSAtom* source() const { return loc().source; }
305   uint32_t sourceId() const { return loc().sourceId; }
306   size_t line() const { return loc().line; }
307   uint32_t column() const { return loc().column; }
309  private:
310   const SavedStacks::LocationValue& loc() const {
311     return static_cast<const Wrapper*>(this)->get();
312   }
313 };
315 template <typename Wrapper>
316 struct MutableWrappedPtrOperations<SavedStacks::LocationValue, Wrapper>
317     : public WrappedPtrOperations<SavedStacks::LocationValue, Wrapper> {
318   void setSource(JSAtom* v) { loc().source = v; }
319   void setSourceId(uint32_t v) { loc().sourceId = v; }
320   void setLine(size_t v) { loc().line = v; }
321   void setColumn(uint32_t v) { loc().column = v; }
323  private:
324   SavedStacks::LocationValue& loc() {
325     return static_cast<Wrapper*>(this)->get();
326   }
327 };
329 JS::UniqueChars BuildUTF8StackString(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals,
330                                      HandleObject stack);
332 uint32_t FixupColumnForDisplay(uint32_t column);
334 js::SavedFrame* UnwrapSavedFrame(JSContext* cx, JSPrincipals* principals,
335                                  HandleObject obj,
336                                  JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted,
337                                  bool& skippedAsync);
339 } /* namespace js */
341 #endif /* vm_SavedStacks_h */