1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
7import itertools
8import logging
9import os
10import six
11import sys
12import time
13import traceback
15from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
16from mach.mixin.logging import LoggingMixin
17from mozbuild.util import memoize, OrderedDefaultDict
19import mozpack.path as mozpath
20import mozinfo
21import pytoml
23from .data import (
24    BaseRustProgram,
25    ChromeManifestEntry,
26    ComputedFlags,
27    ConfigFileSubstitution,
28    Defines,
29    DirectoryTraversal,
30    Exports,
31    FinalTargetFiles,
32    FinalTargetPreprocessedFiles,
33    GeneratedFile,
34    GeneratedSources,
35    GnProjectData,
36    ExternalStaticLibrary,
37    ExternalSharedLibrary,
38    HostDefines,
39    HostGeneratedSources,
40    HostLibrary,
41    HostProgram,
42    HostRustProgram,
43    HostSharedLibrary,
44    HostSimpleProgram,
45    HostSources,
46    InstallationTarget,
47    IPDLCollection,
48    JARManifest,
49    Library,
50    Linkable,
51    LocalInclude,
52    LocalizedFiles,
53    LocalizedPreprocessedFiles,
54    ObjdirFiles,
55    ObjdirPreprocessedFiles,
56    PerSourceFlag,
57    WebIDLCollection,
58    Program,
59    RustLibrary,
60    HostRustLibrary,
61    RustProgram,
62    RustTests,
63    SandboxedWasmLibrary,
64    SharedLibrary,
65    SimpleProgram,
66    Sources,
67    StaticLibrary,
68    TestHarnessFiles,
69    TestManifest,
70    UnifiedSources,
71    VariablePassthru,
72    WasmDefines,
73    WasmGeneratedSources,
74    WasmSources,
75    XPCOMComponentManifests,
76    XPIDLModule,
78from mozpack.chrome.manifest import Manifest
80from .reader import SandboxValidationError
82from ..testing import TEST_MANIFESTS, REFTEST_FLAVORS, SupportFilesConverter
84from .context import Context, SourcePath, ObjDirPath, Path, SubContext
86from mozbuild.base import ExecutionSummary
89class TreeMetadataEmitter(LoggingMixin):
90    """Converts the executed mozbuild files into data structures.
92    This is a bridge between reader.py and data.py. It takes what was read by
93    reader.BuildReader and converts it into the classes defined in the data
94    module.
95    """
97    def __init__(self, config):
98        self.populate_logger()
100        self.config = config
102        mozinfo.find_and_update_from_json(config.topobjdir)
104        self.info = dict(mozinfo.info)
106        self._libs = OrderedDefaultDict(list)
107        self._binaries = OrderedDict()
108        self._compile_dirs = set()
109        self._host_compile_dirs = set()
110        self._wasm_compile_dirs = set()
111        self._asm_compile_dirs = set()
112        self._compile_flags = dict()
113        self._compile_as_flags = dict()
114        self._linkage = []
115        self._static_linking_shared = set()
116        self._crate_verified_local = set()
117        self._crate_directories = dict()
118        self._idls = defaultdict(set)
120        # Keep track of external paths (third party build systems), starting
121        # from what we run a subconfigure in. We'll eliminate some directories
122        # as we traverse them with moz.build (e.g. js/src).
123        subconfigures = os.path.join(self.config.topobjdir, "subconfigures")
124        paths = []
125        if os.path.exists(subconfigures):
126            paths = open(subconfigures).read().splitlines()
127        self._external_paths = set(mozpath.normsep(d) for d in paths)
129        self._emitter_time = 0.0
130        self._object_count = 0
131        self._test_files_converter = SupportFilesConverter()
133    def summary(self):
134        return ExecutionSummary(
135            "Processed into {object_count:d} build config descriptors in "
136            "{execution_time:.2f}s",
137            execution_time=self._emitter_time,
138            object_count=self._object_count,
139        )
141    def emit(self, output, emitfn=None):
142        """Convert the BuildReader output into data structures.
144        The return value from BuildReader.read_topsrcdir() (a generator) is
145        typically fed into this function.
146        """
147        contexts = {}
148        emitfn = emitfn or self.emit_from_context
150        def emit_objs(objs):
151            for o in objs:
152                self._object_count += 1
153                yield o
155        for out in output:
156            # Nothing in sub-contexts is currently of interest to us. Filter
157            # them all out.
158            if isinstance(out, SubContext):
159                continue
161            if isinstance(out, Context):
162                # Keep all contexts around, we will need them later.
163                contexts[os.path.normcase(out.objdir)] = out
165                start = time.time()
166                # We need to expand the generator for the timings to work.
167                objs = list(emitfn(out))
168                self._emitter_time += time.time() - start
170                for o in emit_objs(objs):
171                    yield o
173            else:
174                raise Exception("Unhandled output type: %s" % type(out))
176        # Don't emit Linkable objects when COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT is not set
177        if self.config.substs.get("COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"):
178            start = time.time()
179            objs = list(self._emit_libs_derived(contexts))
180            self._emitter_time += time.time() - start
182            for o in emit_objs(objs):
183                yield o
185    def _emit_libs_derived(self, contexts):
187        # First aggregate idl sources.
188        webidl_attrs = [
189            ("GENERATED_EVENTS_WEBIDL_FILES", lambda c: c.generated_events_sources),
190            ("GENERATED_WEBIDL_FILES", lambda c: c.generated_sources),
191            ("PREPROCESSED_TEST_WEBIDL_FILES", lambda c: c.preprocessed_test_sources),
192            ("PREPROCESSED_WEBIDL_FILES", lambda c: c.preprocessed_sources),
193            ("TEST_WEBIDL_FILES", lambda c: c.test_sources),
194            ("WEBIDL_FILES", lambda c: c.sources),
195            ("WEBIDL_EXAMPLE_INTERFACES", lambda c: c.example_interfaces),
196        ]
197        ipdl_attrs = [
198            ("IPDL_SOURCES", lambda c: c.sources),
199            ("PREPROCESSED_IPDL_SOURCES", lambda c: c.preprocessed_sources),
200        ]
201        xpcom_attrs = [("XPCOM_MANIFESTS", lambda c: c.manifests)]
203        idl_sources = {}
204        for root, cls, attrs in (
205            (self.config.substs.get("WEBIDL_ROOT"), WebIDLCollection, webidl_attrs),
206            (self.config.substs.get("IPDL_ROOT"), IPDLCollection, ipdl_attrs),
207            (
208                self.config.substs.get("XPCOM_ROOT"),
209                XPCOMComponentManifests,
210                xpcom_attrs,
211            ),
212        ):
213            if root:
214                collection = cls(contexts[os.path.normcase(root)])
215                for var, src_getter in attrs:
216                    src_getter(collection).update(self._idls[var])
218                idl_sources[root] = collection.all_source_files()
219                if isinstance(collection, WebIDLCollection):
220                    # Test webidl sources are added here as a somewhat special
221                    # case.
222                    idl_sources[mozpath.join(root, "test")] = [
223                        s for s in collection.all_test_cpp_basenames()
224                    ]
226                yield collection
228        # Next do FINAL_LIBRARY linkage.
229        for lib in (l for libs in self._libs.values() for l in libs):
230            if not isinstance(lib, (StaticLibrary, RustLibrary)) or not lib.link_into:
231                continue
232            if lib.link_into not in self._libs:
233                raise SandboxValidationError(
234                    'FINAL_LIBRARY ("%s") does not match any LIBRARY_NAME'
235                    % lib.link_into,
236                    contexts[os.path.normcase(lib.objdir)],
237                )
238            candidates = self._libs[lib.link_into]
240            # When there are multiple candidates, but all are in the same
241            # directory and have a different type, we want all of them to
242            # have the library linked. The typical usecase is when building
243            # both a static and a shared library in a directory, and having
244            # that as a FINAL_LIBRARY.
245            if (
246                len(set(type(l) for l in candidates)) == len(candidates)
247                and len(set(l.objdir for l in candidates)) == 1
248            ):
249                for c in candidates:
250                    c.link_library(lib)
251            else:
252                raise SandboxValidationError(
253                    'FINAL_LIBRARY ("%s") matches a LIBRARY_NAME defined in '
254                    "multiple places:\n    %s"
255                    % (lib.link_into, "\n    ".join(l.objdir for l in candidates)),
256                    contexts[os.path.normcase(lib.objdir)],
257                )
259        # ...and USE_LIBS linkage.
260        for context, obj, variable in self._linkage:
261            self._link_libraries(context, obj, variable, idl_sources)
263        def recurse_refs(lib):
264            for o in lib.refs:
265                yield o
266                if isinstance(o, StaticLibrary):
267                    for q in recurse_refs(o):
268                        yield q
270        # Check that all static libraries refering shared libraries in
271        # USE_LIBS are linked into a shared library or program.
272        for lib in self._static_linking_shared:
273            if all(isinstance(o, StaticLibrary) for o in recurse_refs(lib)):
274                shared_libs = sorted(
275                    l.basename
276                    for l in lib.linked_libraries
277                    if isinstance(l, SharedLibrary)
278                )
279                raise SandboxValidationError(
280                    'The static "%s" library is not used in a shared library '
281                    "or a program, but USE_LIBS contains the following shared "
282                    "library names:\n    %s\n\nMaybe you can remove the "
283                    'static "%s" library?'
284                    % (lib.basename, "\n    ".join(shared_libs), lib.basename),
285                    contexts[os.path.normcase(lib.objdir)],
286                )
288        @memoize
289        def rust_libraries(obj):
290            libs = []
291            for o in obj.linked_libraries:
292                if isinstance(o, (HostRustLibrary, RustLibrary)):
293                    libs.append(o)
294                elif isinstance(o, (HostLibrary, StaticLibrary, SandboxedWasmLibrary)):
295                    libs.extend(rust_libraries(o))
296            return libs
298        def check_rust_libraries(obj):
299            rust_libs = set(rust_libraries(obj))
300            if len(rust_libs) <= 1:
301                return
302            if isinstance(obj, (Library, HostLibrary)):
303                what = '"%s" library' % obj.basename
304            else:
305                what = '"%s" program' % obj.name
306            raise SandboxValidationError(
307                "Cannot link the following Rust libraries into the %s:\n"
308                "%s\nOnly one is allowed."
309                % (
310                    what,
311                    "\n".join(
312                        "  - %s" % r.basename
313                        for r in sorted(rust_libs, key=lambda r: r.basename)
314                    ),
315                ),
316                contexts[os.path.normcase(obj.objdir)],
317            )
319        # Propagate LIBRARY_DEFINES to all child libraries recursively.
320        def propagate_defines(outerlib, defines):
321            outerlib.lib_defines.update(defines)
322            for lib in outerlib.linked_libraries:
323                # Propagate defines only along FINAL_LIBRARY paths, not USE_LIBS
324                # paths.
325                if (
326                    isinstance(lib, StaticLibrary)
327                    and lib.link_into == outerlib.basename
328                ):
329                    propagate_defines(lib, defines)
331        for lib in (l for libs in self._libs.values() for l in libs):
332            if isinstance(lib, Library):
333                propagate_defines(lib, lib.lib_defines)
334            check_rust_libraries(lib)
335            yield lib
337        for lib in (l for libs in self._libs.values() for l in libs):
338            lib_defines = list(lib.lib_defines.get_defines())
339            if lib_defines:
340                objdir_flags = self._compile_flags[lib.objdir]
341                objdir_flags.resolve_flags("LIBRARY_DEFINES", lib_defines)
343                objdir_flags = self._compile_as_flags.get(lib.objdir)
344                if objdir_flags:
345                    objdir_flags.resolve_flags("LIBRARY_DEFINES", lib_defines)
347        for flags_obj in self._compile_flags.values():
348            yield flags_obj
350        for flags_obj in self._compile_as_flags.values():
351            yield flags_obj
353        for obj in self._binaries.values():
354            if isinstance(obj, Linkable):
355                check_rust_libraries(obj)
356            yield obj
359        "host": "HOST_LIBRARY_NAME",
360        "target": "LIBRARY_NAME",
361        "wasm": "SANDBOXED_WASM_LIBRARY_NAME",
362    }
364    LIBSTDCXX_VAR = {
365        "host": "MOZ_LIBSTDCXX_HOST_VERSION",
366        "target": "MOZ_LIBSTDCXX_TARGET_VERSION",
367        "wasm": "MOZ_LIBSTDCXX_TARGET_VERSION",
368    }
371        "host": "host_stdc++compat",
372        "target": "stdc++compat",
373        "wasm": "stdc++compat",
374    }
376    def _link_libraries(self, context, obj, variable, extra_sources):
377        """Add linkage declarations to a given object."""
378        assert isinstance(obj, Linkable)
380        if context.objdir in extra_sources:
381            # All "extra sources" are .cpp for the moment, and happen to come
382            # first in order.
383            obj.sources[".cpp"] = extra_sources[context.objdir] + obj.sources[".cpp"]
385        for path in context.get(variable, []):
386            self._link_library(context, obj, variable, path)
388        # Link system libraries from OS_LIBS/HOST_OS_LIBS.
389        for lib in context.get(variable.replace("USE", "OS"), []):
390            obj.link_system_library(lib)
392        # We have to wait for all the self._link_library calls above to have
393        # happened for obj.cxx_link to be final.
394        # FIXME: Theoretically, HostSharedLibrary shouldn't be here (bug
395        # 1474022).
396        if (
397            not isinstance(
398                obj, (StaticLibrary, HostLibrary, HostSharedLibrary, BaseRustProgram)
399            )
400            and obj.cxx_link
401        ):
402            if context.config.substs.get(self.LIBSTDCXX_VAR[obj.KIND]):
403                self._link_library(
404                    context, obj, variable, self.STDCXXCOMPAT_NAME[obj.KIND]
405                )
406            if obj.KIND == "target":
407                for lib in context.config.substs.get("STLPORT_LIBS", []):
408                    obj.link_system_library(lib)
410    def _link_library(self, context, obj, variable, path):
411        force_static = path.startswith("static:") and obj.KIND == "target"
412        if force_static:
413            path = path[7:]
414        name = mozpath.basename(path)
415        dir = mozpath.dirname(path)
416        candidates = [l for l in self._libs[name] if l.KIND == obj.KIND]
417        if dir:
418            if dir.startswith("/"):
419                dir = mozpath.normpath(mozpath.join(obj.topobjdir, dir[1:]))
420            else:
421                dir = mozpath.normpath(mozpath.join(obj.objdir, dir))
422            dir = mozpath.relpath(dir, obj.topobjdir)
423            candidates = [l for l in candidates if l.relobjdir == dir]
424            if not candidates:
425                # If the given directory is under one of the external
426                # (third party) paths, use a fake library reference to
427                # there.
428                for d in self._external_paths:
429                    if dir.startswith("%s/" % d):
430                        candidates = [
431                            self._get_external_library(dir, name, force_static)
432                        ]
433                        break
435            if not candidates:
436                raise SandboxValidationError(
437                    '%s contains "%s", but there is no "%s" %s in %s.'
438                    % (variable, path, name, self.LIBRARY_NAME_VAR[obj.KIND], dir),
439                    context,
440                )
442        if len(candidates) > 1:
443            # If there's more than one remaining candidate, it could be
444            # that there are instances for the same library, in static and
445            # shared form.
446            libs = {}
447            for l in candidates:
448                key = mozpath.join(l.relobjdir, l.basename)
449                if force_static:
450                    if isinstance(l, StaticLibrary):
451                        libs[key] = l
452                else:
453                    if key in libs and isinstance(l, SharedLibrary):
454                        libs[key] = l
455                    if key not in libs:
456                        libs[key] = l
457            candidates = list(libs.values())
458            if force_static and not candidates:
459                if dir:
460                    raise SandboxValidationError(
461                        '%s contains "static:%s", but there is no static '
462                        '"%s" %s in %s.'
463                        % (variable, path, name, self.LIBRARY_NAME_VAR[obj.KIND], dir),
464                        context,
465                    )
466                raise SandboxValidationError(
467                    '%s contains "static:%s", but there is no static "%s" '
468                    "%s in the tree"
469                    % (variable, name, name, self.LIBRARY_NAME_VAR[obj.KIND]),
470                    context,
471                )
473        if not candidates:
474            raise SandboxValidationError(
475                '%s contains "%s", which does not match any %s in the tree.'
476                % (variable, path, self.LIBRARY_NAME_VAR[obj.KIND]),
477                context,
478            )
480        elif len(candidates) > 1:
481            paths = (mozpath.join(l.relsrcdir, "moz.build") for l in candidates)
482            raise SandboxValidationError(
483                '%s contains "%s", which matches a %s defined in multiple '
484                "places:\n    %s"
485                % (
486                    variable,
487                    path,
488                    self.LIBRARY_NAME_VAR[obj.KIND],
489                    "\n    ".join(paths),
490                ),
491                context,
492            )
494        elif force_static and not isinstance(candidates[0], StaticLibrary):
495            raise SandboxValidationError(
496                '%s contains "static:%s", but there is only a shared "%s" '
497                "in %s. You may want to add FORCE_STATIC_LIB=True in "
498                '%s/moz.build, or remove "static:".'
499                % (
500                    variable,
501                    path,
502                    name,
503                    candidates[0].relobjdir,
504                    candidates[0].relobjdir,
505                ),
506                context,
507            )
509        elif isinstance(obj, StaticLibrary) and isinstance(
510            candidates[0], SharedLibrary
511        ):
512            self._static_linking_shared.add(obj)
513        obj.link_library(candidates[0])
515    @memoize
516    def _get_external_library(self, dir, name, force_static):
517        # Create ExternalStaticLibrary or ExternalSharedLibrary object with a
518        # context more or less truthful about where the external library is.
519        context = Context(config=self.config)
520        context.add_source(mozpath.join(self.config.topsrcdir, dir, "dummy"))
521        if force_static:
522            return ExternalStaticLibrary(context, name)
523        else:
524            return ExternalSharedLibrary(context, name)
526    def _parse_cargo_file(self, context):
527        """Parse the Cargo.toml file in context and return a Python object
528        representation of it.  Raise a SandboxValidationError if the Cargo.toml
529        file does not exist.  Return a tuple of (config, cargo_file)."""
530        cargo_file = mozpath.join(context.srcdir, "Cargo.toml")
531        if not os.path.exists(cargo_file):
532            raise SandboxValidationError(
533                "No Cargo.toml file found in %s" % cargo_file, context
534            )
535        with open(cargo_file, "r") as f:
536            return pytoml.load(f), cargo_file
538    def _verify_deps(
539        self, context, crate_dir, crate_name, dependencies, description="Dependency"
540    ):
541        """Verify that a crate's dependencies all specify local paths."""
542        for dep_crate_name, values in six.iteritems(dependencies):
543            # A simple version number.
544            if isinstance(values, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)):
545                raise SandboxValidationError(
546                    "%s %s of crate %s does not list a path"
547                    % (description, dep_crate_name, crate_name),
548                    context,
549                )
551            dep_path = values.get("path", None)
552            if not dep_path:
553                raise SandboxValidationError(
554                    "%s %s of crate %s does not list a path"
555                    % (description, dep_crate_name, crate_name),
556                    context,
557                )
559            # Try to catch the case where somebody listed a
560            # local path for development.
561            if os.path.isabs(dep_path):
562                raise SandboxValidationError(
563                    "%s %s of crate %s has a non-relative path"
564                    % (description, dep_crate_name, crate_name),
565                    context,
566                )
568            if not os.path.exists(
569                mozpath.join(context.config.topsrcdir, crate_dir, dep_path)
570            ):
571                raise SandboxValidationError(
572                    "%s %s of crate %s refers to a non-existent path"
573                    % (description, dep_crate_name, crate_name),
574                    context,
575                )
577    def _rust_library(
578        self, context, libname, static_args, is_gkrust=False, cls=RustLibrary
579    ):
580        # We need to note any Rust library for linking purposes.
581        config, cargo_file = self._parse_cargo_file(context)
582        crate_name = config["package"]["name"]
584        if crate_name != libname:
585            raise SandboxValidationError(
586                "library %s does not match Cargo.toml-defined package %s"
587                % (libname, crate_name),
588                context,
589            )
591        # Check that the [lib.crate-type] field is correct
592        lib_section = config.get("lib", None)
593        if not lib_section:
594            raise SandboxValidationError(
595                "Cargo.toml for %s has no [lib] section" % libname, context
596            )
598        crate_type = lib_section.get("crate-type", None)
599        if not crate_type:
600            raise SandboxValidationError(
601                "Can't determine a crate-type for %s from Cargo.toml" % libname, context
602            )
604        crate_type = crate_type[0]
605        if crate_type != "staticlib":
606            raise SandboxValidationError(
607                "crate-type %s is not permitted for %s" % (crate_type, libname), context
608            )
610        dependencies = set(six.iterkeys(config.get("dependencies", {})))
612        features = context.get(cls.FEATURES_VAR, [])
613        unique_features = set(features)
614        if len(features) != len(unique_features):
615            raise SandboxValidationError(
616                "features for %s should not contain duplicates: %s"
617                % (libname, features),
618                context,
619            )
621        return cls(
622            context,
623            libname,
624            cargo_file,
625            crate_type,
626            dependencies,
627            features,
628            is_gkrust,
629            **static_args
630        )
632    def _handle_gn_dirs(self, context):
633        for target_dir in context.get("GN_DIRS", []):
634            context["DIRS"] += [target_dir]
635            gn_dir = context["GN_DIRS"][target_dir]
636            for v in ("variables",):
637                if not getattr(gn_dir, "variables"):
638                    raise SandboxValidationError(
639                        "Missing value for " 'GN_DIRS["%s"].%s' % (target_dir, v),
640                        context,
641                    )
643            non_unified_sources = set()
644            for s in gn_dir.non_unified_sources:
645                source = SourcePath(context, s)
646                if not os.path.exists(source.full_path):
647                    raise SandboxValidationError("Cannot find %s." % source, context)
648                non_unified_sources.add(mozpath.join(context.relsrcdir, s))
650            yield GnProjectData(context, target_dir, gn_dir, non_unified_sources)
652    def _handle_linkables(self, context, passthru, generated_files):
653        linkables = []
654        host_linkables = []
655        wasm_linkables = []
657        def add_program(prog, var):
658            if var.startswith("HOST_"):
659                host_linkables.append(prog)
660            else:
661                linkables.append(prog)
663        def check_unique_binary(program, kind):
664            if program in self._binaries:
665                raise SandboxValidationError(
666                    'Cannot use "%s" as %s name, '
667                    "because it is already used in %s"
668                    % (program, kind, self._binaries[program].relsrcdir),
669                    context,
670                )
672        for kind, cls in [("PROGRAM", Program), ("HOST_PROGRAM", HostProgram)]:
673            program = context.get(kind)
674            if program:
675                check_unique_binary(program, kind)
676                self._binaries[program] = cls(context, program)
677                self._linkage.append(
678                    (
679                        context,
680                        self._binaries[program],
681                        kind.replace("PROGRAM", "USE_LIBS"),
682                    )
683                )
684                add_program(self._binaries[program], kind)
686        all_rust_programs = []
687        for kind, cls in [
688            ("RUST_PROGRAMS", RustProgram),
689            ("HOST_RUST_PROGRAMS", HostRustProgram),
690        ]:
691            programs = context[kind]
692            if not programs:
693                continue
695            all_rust_programs.append((programs, kind, cls))
697        # Verify Rust program definitions.
698        if all_rust_programs:
699            config, cargo_file = self._parse_cargo_file(context)
700            bin_section = config.get("bin", None)
701            if not bin_section:
702                raise SandboxValidationError(
703                    "Cargo.toml in %s has no [bin] section" % context.srcdir, context
704                )
706            defined_binaries = {b["name"] for b in bin_section}
708            for programs, kind, cls in all_rust_programs:
709                for program in programs:
710                    if program not in defined_binaries:
711                        raise SandboxValidationError(
712                            "Cannot find Cargo.toml definition for %s" % program,
713                            context,
714                        )
716                    check_unique_binary(program, kind)
717                    self._binaries[program] = cls(context, program, cargo_file)
718                    add_program(self._binaries[program], kind)
720        for kind, cls in [
721            ("SIMPLE_PROGRAMS", SimpleProgram),
722            ("CPP_UNIT_TESTS", SimpleProgram),
723            ("HOST_SIMPLE_PROGRAMS", HostSimpleProgram),
724        ]:
725            for program in context[kind]:
726                if program in self._binaries:
727                    raise SandboxValidationError(
728                        'Cannot use "%s" in %s, '
729                        "because it is already used in %s"
730                        % (program, kind, self._binaries[program].relsrcdir),
731                        context,
732                    )
733                self._binaries[program] = cls(
734                    context, program, is_unit_test=kind == "CPP_UNIT_TESTS"
735                )
736                self._linkage.append(
737                    (
738                        context,
739                        self._binaries[program],
740                        "HOST_USE_LIBS"
741                        if kind == "HOST_SIMPLE_PROGRAMS"
742                        else "USE_LIBS",
743                    )
744                )
745                add_program(self._binaries[program], kind)
747        host_libname = context.get("HOST_LIBRARY_NAME")
748        libname = context.get("LIBRARY_NAME")
750        if host_libname:
751            if host_libname == libname:
752                raise SandboxValidationError(
753                    "LIBRARY_NAME and HOST_LIBRARY_NAME must have a different value",
754                    context,
755                )
757            is_rust_library = context.get("IS_RUST_LIBRARY")
758            if is_rust_library:
759                lib = self._rust_library(context, host_libname, {}, cls=HostRustLibrary)
760            elif context.get("FORCE_SHARED_LIB"):
761                lib = HostSharedLibrary(context, host_libname)
762            else:
763                lib = HostLibrary(context, host_libname)
764            self._libs[host_libname].append(lib)
765            self._linkage.append((context, lib, "HOST_USE_LIBS"))
766            host_linkables.append(lib)
768        final_lib = context.get("FINAL_LIBRARY")
769        if not libname and final_lib:
770            # If no LIBRARY_NAME is given, create one.
771            libname = context.relsrcdir.replace("/", "_")
773        static_lib = context.get("FORCE_STATIC_LIB")
774        shared_lib = context.get("FORCE_SHARED_LIB")
776        static_name = context.get("STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME")
777        shared_name = context.get("SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME")
779        is_framework = context.get("IS_FRAMEWORK")
781        soname = context.get("SONAME")
783        lib_defines = context.get("LIBRARY_DEFINES")
785        wasm_lib = context.get("SANDBOXED_WASM_LIBRARY_NAME")
787        shared_args = {}
788        static_args = {}
790        if final_lib:
791            if static_lib:
792                raise SandboxValidationError(
793                    "FINAL_LIBRARY implies FORCE_STATIC_LIB. "
794                    "Please remove the latter.",
795                    context,
796                )
797            if shared_lib:
798                raise SandboxValidationError(
799                    "FINAL_LIBRARY conflicts with FORCE_SHARED_LIB. "
800                    "Please remove one.",
801                    context,
802                )
803            if is_framework:
804                raise SandboxValidationError(
805                    "FINAL_LIBRARY conflicts with IS_FRAMEWORK. " "Please remove one.",
806                    context,
807                )
808            static_args["link_into"] = final_lib
809            static_lib = True
811        if libname:
812            if is_framework:
813                if soname:
814                    raise SandboxValidationError(
815                        "IS_FRAMEWORK conflicts with SONAME. " "Please remove one.",
816                        context,
817                    )
818                shared_lib = True
819                shared_args["variant"] = SharedLibrary.FRAMEWORK
821            if not static_lib and not shared_lib:
822                static_lib = True
824            if static_name:
825                if not static_lib:
826                    raise SandboxValidationError(
827                        "STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME requires FORCE_STATIC_LIB", context
828                    )
829                static_args["real_name"] = static_name
831            if shared_name:
832                if not shared_lib:
833                    raise SandboxValidationError(
834                        "SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME requires FORCE_SHARED_LIB", context
835                    )
836                shared_args["real_name"] = shared_name
838            if soname:
839                if not shared_lib:
840                    raise SandboxValidationError(
841                        "SONAME requires FORCE_SHARED_LIB", context
842                    )
843                shared_args["soname"] = soname
845            if context.get("NO_EXPAND_LIBS"):
846                if not static_lib:
847                    raise SandboxValidationError(
848                        "NO_EXPAND_LIBS can only be set for static libraries.", context
849                    )
850                static_args["no_expand_lib"] = True
852            if shared_lib and static_lib:
853                if not static_name and not shared_name:
854                    raise SandboxValidationError(
855                        "Both FORCE_STATIC_LIB and FORCE_SHARED_LIB are True, "
856                        "but neither STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME or "
857                        "SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME is set. At least one is required.",
858                        context,
859                    )
860                if static_name and not shared_name and static_name == libname:
861                    raise SandboxValidationError(
862                        "Both FORCE_STATIC_LIB and FORCE_SHARED_LIB are True, "
863                        "but STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME is the same as LIBRARY_NAME, "
864                        "and SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME is unset. Please either "
865                        "change STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME or LIBRARY_NAME, or set "
866                        "SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME.",
867                        context,
868                    )
869                if shared_name and not static_name and shared_name == libname:
870                    raise SandboxValidationError(
871                        "Both FORCE_STATIC_LIB and FORCE_SHARED_LIB are True, "
872                        "but SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME is the same as LIBRARY_NAME, "
873                        "and STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME is unset. Please either "
874                        "change SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME or LIBRARY_NAME, or set "
875                        "STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME.",
876                        context,
877                    )
878                if shared_name and static_name and shared_name == static_name:
879                    raise SandboxValidationError(
880                        "Both FORCE_STATIC_LIB and FORCE_SHARED_LIB are True, "
881                        "but SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME is the same as "
882                        "STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME. Please change one of them.",
883                        context,
884                    )
886            symbols_file = context.get("SYMBOLS_FILE")
887            if symbols_file:
888                if not shared_lib:
889                    raise SandboxValidationError(
890                        "SYMBOLS_FILE can only be used with a SHARED_LIBRARY.", context
891                    )
892                if context.get("DEFFILE"):
893                    raise SandboxValidationError(
894                        "SYMBOLS_FILE cannot be used along DEFFILE.", context
895                    )
896                if isinstance(symbols_file, SourcePath):
897                    if not os.path.exists(symbols_file.full_path):
898                        raise SandboxValidationError(
899                            "Path specified in SYMBOLS_FILE does not exist: %s "
900                            "(resolved to %s)" % (symbols_file, symbols_file.full_path),
901                            context,
902                        )
903                    shared_args["symbols_file"] = True
904                else:
905                    if symbols_file.target_basename not in generated_files:
906                        raise SandboxValidationError(
907                            (
908                                "Objdir file specified in SYMBOLS_FILE not in "
909                                + "GENERATED_FILES: %s"
910                            )
911                            % (symbols_file,),
912                            context,
913                        )
914                    shared_args["symbols_file"] = symbols_file.target_basename
916            if shared_lib:
917                lib = SharedLibrary(context, libname, **shared_args)
918                self._libs[libname].append(lib)
919                self._linkage.append((context, lib, "USE_LIBS"))
920                linkables.append(lib)
921                if not lib.installed:
922                    generated_files.add(lib.lib_name)
923                if symbols_file and isinstance(symbols_file, SourcePath):
924                    script = mozpath.join(
925                        mozpath.dirname(mozpath.dirname(__file__)),
926                        "action",
927                        "generate_symbols_file.py",
928                    )
929                    defines = ()
930                    if lib.defines:
931                        defines = lib.defines.get_defines()
932                    yield GeneratedFile(
933                        context,
934                        script,
935                        "generate_symbols_file",
936                        lib.symbols_file,
937                        [symbols_file],
938                        defines,
939                        required_during_compile=[lib.symbols_file],
940                    )
941            if static_lib:
942                is_rust_library = context.get("IS_RUST_LIBRARY")
943                if is_rust_library:
944                    lib = self._rust_library(
945                        context,
946                        libname,
947                        static_args,
948                        is_gkrust=bool(context.get("IS_GKRUST")),
949                    )
950                else:
951                    lib = StaticLibrary(context, libname, **static_args)
952                self._libs[libname].append(lib)
953                self._linkage.append((context, lib, "USE_LIBS"))
954                linkables.append(lib)
956            if lib_defines:
957                if not libname:
958                    raise SandboxValidationError(
959                        "LIBRARY_DEFINES needs a " "LIBRARY_NAME to take effect",
960                        context,
961                    )
962                lib.lib_defines.update(lib_defines)
964        if wasm_lib:
965            if wasm_lib == libname:
966                raise SandboxValidationError(
967                    "SANDBOXED_WASM_LIBRARY_NAME and LIBRARY_NAME must have a "
968                    "different value.",
969                    context,
970                )
971            if wasm_lib == host_libname:
972                raise SandboxValidationError(
973                    "SANDBOXED_WASM_LIBRARY_NAME and HOST_LIBRARY_NAME must "
974                    "have a different value.",
975                    context,
976                )
977            if wasm_lib == shared_name:
978                raise SandboxValidationError(
979                    "SANDBOXED_WASM_LIBRARY_NAME and SHARED_NAME must have a "
980                    "different value.",
981                    context,
982                )
983            if wasm_lib == static_name:
984                raise SandboxValidationError(
985                    "SANDBOXED_WASM_LIBRARY_NAME and STATIC_NAME must have a "
986                    "different value.",
987                    context,
988                )
989            lib = SandboxedWasmLibrary(context, libname, real_name=wasm_lib)
990            self._libs[libname].append(lib)
991            self._linkage.append((context, lib, "USE_LIBS"))
992            wasm_linkables.append(lib)
993            self._wasm_compile_dirs.add(context.objdir)
995        # Only emit sources if we have linkables defined in the same context.
996        # Note the linkables are not emitted in this function, but much later,
997        # after aggregation (because of e.g. USE_LIBS processing).
998        if not (linkables or host_linkables or wasm_linkables):
999            return
1001        self._compile_dirs.add(context.objdir)
1003        if host_linkables and not all(
1004            isinstance(l, HostRustLibrary) for l in host_linkables
1005        ):
1006            self._host_compile_dirs.add(context.objdir)
1007            # TODO: objdirs with only host things in them shouldn't need target
1008            # flags, but there's at least one Makefile.in (in
1009            # build/unix/elfhack) that relies on the value of LDFLAGS being
1010            # passed to one-off rules.
1011            self._compile_dirs.add(context.objdir)
1013        sources = defaultdict(list)
1014        gen_sources = defaultdict(list)
1015        all_flags = {}
1016        for symbol in ("SOURCES", "HOST_SOURCES", "UNIFIED_SOURCES", "WASM_SOURCES"):
1017            srcs = sources[symbol]
1018            gen_srcs = gen_sources[symbol]
1019            context_srcs = context.get(symbol, [])
1020            seen_sources = set()
1021            for f in context_srcs:
1022                if f in seen_sources:
1023                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1024                        "Source file should only "
1025                        "be added to %s once: %s" % (symbol, f),
1026                        context,
1027                    )
1028                seen_sources.add(f)
1029                full_path = f.full_path
1030                if isinstance(f, SourcePath):
1031                    srcs.append(full_path)
1032                else:
1033                    assert isinstance(f, Path)
1034                    gen_srcs.append(full_path)
1035                if symbol == "SOURCES":
1036                    context_flags = context_srcs[f]
1037                    if context_flags:
1038                        all_flags[full_path] = context_flags
1040                if isinstance(f, SourcePath) and not os.path.exists(full_path):
1041                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1042                        "File listed in %s does not "
1043                        "exist: '%s'" % (symbol, full_path),
1044                        context,
1045                    )
1047        # UNIFIED_SOURCES only take SourcePaths, so there should be no
1048        # generated source in here
1049        assert not gen_sources["UNIFIED_SOURCES"]
1051        no_pgo = context.get("NO_PGO")
1052        no_pgo_sources = [f for f, flags in six.iteritems(all_flags) if flags.no_pgo]
1053        if no_pgo:
1054            if no_pgo_sources:
1055                raise SandboxValidationError(
1056                    "NO_PGO and SOURCES[...].no_pgo " "cannot be set at the same time",
1057                    context,
1058                )
1059            passthru.variables["NO_PROFILE_GUIDED_OPTIMIZE"] = no_pgo
1060        if no_pgo_sources:
1061            passthru.variables["NO_PROFILE_GUIDED_OPTIMIZE"] = no_pgo_sources
1063        # A map from "canonical suffixes" for a particular source file
1064        # language to the range of suffixes associated with that language.
1065        #
1066        # We deliberately don't list the canonical suffix in the suffix list
1067        # in the definition; we'll add it in programmatically after defining
1068        # things.
1069        suffix_map = {
1070            ".s": set([".asm"]),
1071            ".c": set(),
1072            ".m": set(),
1073            ".mm": set(),
1074            ".cpp": set([".cc", ".cxx"]),
1075            ".S": set(),
1076        }
1078        # The inverse of the above, mapping suffixes to their canonical suffix.
1079        canonicalized_suffix_map = {}
1080        for suffix, alternatives in six.iteritems(suffix_map):
1081            alternatives.add(suffix)
1082            for a in alternatives:
1083                canonicalized_suffix_map[a] = suffix
1085        def canonical_suffix_for_file(f):
1086            return canonicalized_suffix_map[mozpath.splitext(f)[1]]
1088        # A map from moz.build variables to the canonical suffixes of file
1089        # kinds that can be listed therein.
1090        all_suffixes = list(suffix_map.keys())
1091        varmap = dict(
1092            SOURCES=(Sources, GeneratedSources, all_suffixes),
1093            HOST_SOURCES=(HostSources, HostGeneratedSources, [".c", ".mm", ".cpp"]),
1094            UNIFIED_SOURCES=(UnifiedSources, None, [".c", ".mm", ".cpp"]),
1095        )
1096        # Only include a WasmSources or WasmGeneratedSources context if there
1097        # are any WASM_SOURCES. (This is going to matter later because we inject
1098        # an extra .c file to compile with the wasm compiler if, and only if,
1099        # there are any WASM sources.)
1100        if sources["WASM_SOURCES"] or gen_sources["WASM_SOURCES"]:
1101            varmap["WASM_SOURCES"] = (WasmSources, WasmGeneratedSources, [".c", ".cpp"])
1102        # Track whether there are any C++ source files.
1103        # Technically this won't do the right thing for SIMPLE_PROGRAMS in
1104        # a directory with mixed C and C++ source, but it's not that important.
1105        cxx_sources = defaultdict(bool)
1107        # Source files to track for linkables associated with this context.
1108        ctxt_sources = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
1110        for variable, (klass, gen_klass, suffixes) in varmap.items():
1111            allowed_suffixes = set().union(*[suffix_map[s] for s in suffixes])
1113            # First ensure that we haven't been given filetypes that we don't
1114            # recognize.
1115            for f in itertools.chain(sources[variable], gen_sources[variable]):
1116                ext = mozpath.splitext(f)[1]
1117                if ext not in allowed_suffixes:
1118                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1119                        "%s has an unknown file type." % f, context
1120                    )
1122            for srcs, cls in (
1123                (sources[variable], klass),
1124                (gen_sources[variable], gen_klass),
1125            ):
1126                # Now sort the files to let groupby work.
1127                sorted_files = sorted(srcs, key=canonical_suffix_for_file)
1128                for canonical_suffix, files in itertools.groupby(
1129                    sorted_files, canonical_suffix_for_file
1130                ):
1131                    if canonical_suffix in (".cpp", ".mm"):
1132                        cxx_sources[variable] = True
1133                    elif canonical_suffix in (".s", ".S"):
1134                        self._asm_compile_dirs.add(context.objdir)
1135                    arglist = [context, list(files), canonical_suffix]
1136                    if variable.startswith("UNIFIED_"):
1137                        arglist.append(context.get("FILES_PER_UNIFIED_FILE", 16))
1138                    obj = cls(*arglist)
1139                    srcs = list(obj.files)
1140                    if isinstance(obj, UnifiedSources) and obj.have_unified_mapping:
1141                        srcs = dict(obj.unified_source_mapping).keys()
1142                    ctxt_sources[variable][canonical_suffix] += sorted(srcs)
1143                    yield obj
1145        if ctxt_sources:
1146            for linkable in linkables:
1147                for target_var in ("SOURCES", "UNIFIED_SOURCES"):
1148                    for suffix, srcs in ctxt_sources[target_var].items():
1149                        linkable.sources[suffix] += srcs
1150            for host_linkable in host_linkables:
1151                for suffix, srcs in ctxt_sources["HOST_SOURCES"].items():
1152                    host_linkable.sources[suffix] += srcs
1153            for wasm_linkable in wasm_linkables:
1154                for suffix, srcs in ctxt_sources["WASM_SOURCES"].items():
1155                    wasm_linkable.sources[suffix] += srcs
1157        for f, flags in sorted(six.iteritems(all_flags)):
1158            if flags.flags:
1159                ext = mozpath.splitext(f)[1]
1160                yield PerSourceFlag(context, f, flags.flags)
1162        # If there are any C++ sources, set all the linkables defined here
1163        # to require the C++ linker.
1164        for vars, linkable_items in (
1165            (("SOURCES", "UNIFIED_SOURCES"), linkables),
1166            (("HOST_SOURCES",), host_linkables),
1167        ):
1168            for var in vars:
1169                if cxx_sources[var]:
1170                    for l in linkable_items:
1171                        l.cxx_link = True
1172                    break
1174    def emit_from_context(self, context):
1175        """Convert a Context to tree metadata objects.
1177        This is a generator of mozbuild.frontend.data.ContextDerived instances.
1178        """
1180        # We only want to emit an InstallationTarget if one of the consulted
1181        # variables is defined. Later on, we look up FINAL_TARGET, which has
1182        # the side-effect of populating it. So, we need to do this lookup
1183        # early.
1184        if any(k in context for k in ("FINAL_TARGET", "XPI_NAME", "DIST_SUBDIR")):
1185            yield InstallationTarget(context)
1187        for obj in self._handle_gn_dirs(context):
1188            yield obj
1190        # We always emit a directory traversal descriptor. This is needed by
1191        # the recursive make backend.
1192        for o in self._emit_directory_traversal_from_context(context):
1193            yield o
1195        for obj in self._process_xpidl(context):
1196            yield obj
1198        computed_flags = ComputedFlags(context, context["COMPILE_FLAGS"])
1199        computed_link_flags = ComputedFlags(context, context["LINK_FLAGS"])
1200        computed_host_flags = ComputedFlags(context, context["HOST_COMPILE_FLAGS"])
1201        computed_as_flags = ComputedFlags(context, context["ASM_FLAGS"])
1202        computed_wasm_flags = ComputedFlags(context, context["WASM_FLAGS"])
1204        # Proxy some variables as-is until we have richer classes to represent
1205        # them. We should aim to keep this set small because it violates the
1206        # desired abstraction of the build definition away from makefiles.
1207        passthru = VariablePassthru(context)
1208        varlist = [
1209            "EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS",
1210            "RCFILE",
1211            "RCINCLUDE",
1212            "WIN32_EXE_LDFLAGS",
1213            "USE_EXTENSION_MANIFEST",
1214        ]
1215        for v in varlist:
1216            if v in context and context[v]:
1217                passthru.variables[v] = context[v]
1219        if (
1220            context.config.substs.get("OS_TARGET") == "WINNT"
1221            and context["DELAYLOAD_DLLS"]
1222        ):
1223            if context.config.substs.get("CC_TYPE") != "clang":
1224                context["LDFLAGS"].extend(
1225                    [("-DELAYLOAD:%s" % dll) for dll in context["DELAYLOAD_DLLS"]]
1226                )
1227            else:
1228                context["LDFLAGS"].extend(
1229                    [
1230                        ("-Wl,-Xlink=-DELAYLOAD:%s" % dll)
1231                        for dll in context["DELAYLOAD_DLLS"]
1232                    ]
1233                )
1234            context["OS_LIBS"].append("delayimp")
1236        for v in ["CMFLAGS", "CMMFLAGS"]:
1237            if v in context and context[v]:
1238                passthru.variables["MOZBUILD_" + v] = context[v]
1240        for v in ["CXXFLAGS", "CFLAGS"]:
1241            if v in context and context[v]:
1242                computed_flags.resolve_flags("MOZBUILD_%s" % v, context[v])
1244        for v in ["WASM_CFLAGS", "WASM_CXXFLAGS"]:
1245            if v in context and context[v]:
1246                computed_wasm_flags.resolve_flags("MOZBUILD_%s" % v, context[v])
1248        for v in ["HOST_CXXFLAGS", "HOST_CFLAGS"]:
1249            if v in context and context[v]:
1250                computed_host_flags.resolve_flags("MOZBUILD_%s" % v, context[v])
1252        if "LDFLAGS" in context and context["LDFLAGS"]:
1253            computed_link_flags.resolve_flags("MOZBUILD", context["LDFLAGS"])
1255        deffile = context.get("DEFFILE")
1256        if deffile and context.config.substs.get("OS_TARGET") == "WINNT":
1257            if isinstance(deffile, SourcePath):
1258                if not os.path.exists(deffile.full_path):
1259                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1260                        "Path specified in DEFFILE does not exist: %s "
1261                        "(resolved to %s)" % (deffile, deffile.full_path),
1262                        context,
1263                    )
1264                path = mozpath.relpath(deffile.full_path, context.objdir)
1265            else:
1266                path = deffile.target_basename
1268            if context.config.substs.get("GNU_CC"):
1269                computed_link_flags.resolve_flags("DEFFILE", [path])
1270            else:
1271                computed_link_flags.resolve_flags("DEFFILE", ["-DEF:" + path])
1273        dist_install = context["DIST_INSTALL"]
1274        if dist_install is True:
1275            passthru.variables["DIST_INSTALL"] = True
1276        elif dist_install is False:
1277            passthru.variables["NO_DIST_INSTALL"] = True
1279        # Ideally, this should be done in templates, but this is difficult at
1280        # the moment because USE_STATIC_LIBS can be set after a template
1281        # returns. Eventually, with context-based templates, it will be
1282        # possible.
1283        if context.config.substs.get(
1284            "OS_ARCH"
1285        ) == "WINNT" and not context.config.substs.get("GNU_CC"):
1286            use_static_lib = context.get(
1287                "USE_STATIC_LIBS"
1288            ) and not context.config.substs.get("MOZ_ASAN")
1289            rtl_flag = "-MT" if use_static_lib else "-MD"
1290            if context.config.substs.get("MOZ_DEBUG") and not context.config.substs.get(
1291                "MOZ_NO_DEBUG_RTL"
1292            ):
1293                rtl_flag += "d"
1294            computed_flags.resolve_flags("RTL", [rtl_flag])
1295            if not context.config.substs.get("CROSS_COMPILE"):
1296                computed_host_flags.resolve_flags("RTL", [rtl_flag])
1297            computed_wasm_flags.resolve_flags("RTL", [rtl_flag])
1299        generated_files = set()
1300        localized_generated_files = set()
1301        for obj in self._process_generated_files(context):
1302            for f in obj.outputs:
1303                generated_files.add(f)
1304                if obj.localized:
1305                    localized_generated_files.add(f)
1306            yield obj
1308        for path in context["CONFIGURE_SUBST_FILES"]:
1309            sub = self._create_substitution(ConfigFileSubstitution, context, path)
1310            generated_files.add(str(sub.relpath))
1311            yield sub
1313        for defines_var, cls, backend_flags in (
1314            ("DEFINES", Defines, (computed_flags, computed_as_flags)),
1315            ("HOST_DEFINES", HostDefines, (computed_host_flags,)),
1316            ("WASM_DEFINES", WasmDefines, (computed_wasm_flags,)),
1317        ):
1318            defines = context.get(defines_var)
1319            if defines:
1320                defines_obj = cls(context, defines)
1321                if isinstance(defines_obj, Defines):
1322                    # DEFINES have consumers outside the compile command line,
1323                    # HOST_DEFINES do not.
1324                    yield defines_obj
1325            else:
1326                # If we don't have explicitly set defines we need to make sure
1327                # initialized values if present end up in computed flags.
1328                defines_obj = cls(context, context[defines_var])
1330            defines_from_obj = list(defines_obj.get_defines())
1331            if defines_from_obj:
1332                for flags in backend_flags:
1333                    flags.resolve_flags(defines_var, defines_from_obj)
1335        idl_vars = (
1337            "GENERATED_WEBIDL_FILES",
1340            "TEST_WEBIDL_FILES",
1341            "WEBIDL_FILES",
1342            "IPDL_SOURCES",
1344            "XPCOM_MANIFESTS",
1345        )
1346        for context_var in idl_vars:
1347            for name in context.get(context_var, []):
1348                self._idls[context_var].add(mozpath.join(context.srcdir, name))
1349        # WEBIDL_EXAMPLE_INTERFACES do not correspond to files.
1350        for name in context.get("WEBIDL_EXAMPLE_INTERFACES", []):
1351            self._idls["WEBIDL_EXAMPLE_INTERFACES"].add(name)
1353        local_includes = []
1354        for local_include in context.get("LOCAL_INCLUDES", []):
1355            full_path = local_include.full_path
1356            if not isinstance(local_include, ObjDirPath):
1357                if not os.path.exists(full_path):
1358                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1359                        "Path specified in LOCAL_INCLUDES does not exist: %s (resolved to %s)"
1360                        % (local_include, full_path),
1361                        context,
1362                    )
1363                if not os.path.isdir(full_path):
1364                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1365                        "Path specified in LOCAL_INCLUDES "
1366                        "is a filename, but a directory is required: %s "
1367                        "(resolved to %s)" % (local_include, full_path),
1368                        context,
1369                    )
1370            if (
1371                full_path == context.config.topsrcdir
1372                or full_path == context.config.topobjdir
1373            ):
1374                raise SandboxValidationError(
1375                    "Path specified in LOCAL_INCLUDES "
1376                    "(%s) resolves to the topsrcdir or topobjdir (%s), which is "
1377                    "not allowed" % (local_include, full_path),
1378                    context,
1379                )
1380            include_obj = LocalInclude(context, local_include)
1381            local_includes.append(include_obj.path.full_path)
1382            yield include_obj
1384        computed_flags.resolve_flags(
1385            "LOCAL_INCLUDES", ["-I%s" % p for p in local_includes]
1386        )
1387        computed_as_flags.resolve_flags(
1388            "LOCAL_INCLUDES", ["-I%s" % p for p in local_includes]
1389        )
1390        computed_host_flags.resolve_flags(
1391            "LOCAL_INCLUDES", ["-I%s" % p for p in local_includes]
1392        )
1393        computed_wasm_flags.resolve_flags(
1394            "LOCAL_INCLUDES", ["-I%s" % p for p in local_includes]
1395        )
1397        for obj in self._handle_linkables(context, passthru, generated_files):
1398            yield obj
1400        generated_files.update(
1401            [
1402                "%s%s" % (k, self.config.substs.get("BIN_SUFFIX", ""))
1403                for k in self._binaries.keys()
1404            ]
1405        )
1407        components = []
1408        for var, cls in (
1409            ("EXPORTS", Exports),
1410            ("FINAL_TARGET_FILES", FinalTargetFiles),
1411            ("FINAL_TARGET_PP_FILES", FinalTargetPreprocessedFiles),
1412            ("LOCALIZED_FILES", LocalizedFiles),
1413            ("LOCALIZED_PP_FILES", LocalizedPreprocessedFiles),
1414            ("OBJDIR_FILES", ObjdirFiles),
1415            ("OBJDIR_PP_FILES", ObjdirPreprocessedFiles),
1416            ("TEST_HARNESS_FILES", TestHarnessFiles),
1417        ):
1418            all_files = context.get(var)
1419            if not all_files:
1420                continue
1421            if dist_install is False and var != "TEST_HARNESS_FILES":
1422                raise SandboxValidationError(
1423                    "%s cannot be used with DIST_INSTALL = False" % var, context
1424                )
1425            has_prefs = False
1426            has_resources = False
1427            for base, files in all_files.walk():
1428                if var == "TEST_HARNESS_FILES" and not base:
1429                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1430                        "Cannot install files to the root of TEST_HARNESS_FILES",
1431                        context,
1432                    )
1433                if base == "components":
1434                    components.extend(files)
1435                if base == "defaults/pref":
1436                    has_prefs = True
1437                if mozpath.split(base)[0] == "res":
1438                    has_resources = True
1439                for f in files:
1440                    if (
1441                        var
1442                        in (
1443                            "FINAL_TARGET_PP_FILES",
1444                            "OBJDIR_PP_FILES",
1445                            "LOCALIZED_PP_FILES",
1446                        )
1447                        and not isinstance(f, SourcePath)
1448                    ):
1449                        raise SandboxValidationError(
1450                            ("Only source directory paths allowed in " + "%s: %s")
1451                            % (var, f),
1452                            context,
1453                        )
1454                    if var.startswith("LOCALIZED_"):
1455                        if isinstance(f, SourcePath):
1456                            if f.startswith("en-US/"):
1457                                pass
1458                            elif "locales/en-US/" in f:
1459                                pass
1460                            else:
1461                                raise SandboxValidationError(
1462                                    "%s paths must start with `en-US/` or "
1463                                    "contain `locales/en-US/`: %s" % (var, f),
1464                                    context,
1465                                )
1467                    if not isinstance(f, ObjDirPath):
1468                        path = f.full_path
1469                        if "*" not in path and not os.path.exists(path):
1470                            raise SandboxValidationError(
1471                                "File listed in %s does not exist: %s" % (var, path),
1472                                context,
1473                            )
1474                    else:
1475                        # TODO: Bug 1254682 - The '/' check is to allow
1476                        # installing files generated from other directories,
1477                        # which is done occasionally for tests. However, it
1478                        # means we don't fail early if the file isn't actually
1479                        # created by the other moz.build file.
1480                        if f.target_basename not in generated_files and "/" not in f:
1481                            raise SandboxValidationError(
1482                                (
1483                                    "Objdir file listed in %s not in "
1484                                    + "GENERATED_FILES: %s"
1485                                )
1486                                % (var, f),
1487                                context,
1488                            )
1490                        if var.startswith("LOCALIZED_"):
1491                            # Further require that LOCALIZED_FILES are from
1492                            # LOCALIZED_GENERATED_FILES.
1493                            if f.target_basename not in localized_generated_files:
1494                                raise SandboxValidationError(
1495                                    (
1496                                        "Objdir file listed in %s not in "
1497                                        + "LOCALIZED_GENERATED_FILES: %s"
1498                                    )
1499                                    % (var, f),
1500                                    context,
1501                                )
1502                        else:
1503                            # Additionally, don't allow LOCALIZED_GENERATED_FILES to be used
1504                            # in anything *but* LOCALIZED_FILES.
1505                            if f.target_basename in localized_generated_files:
1506                                raise SandboxValidationError(
1507                                    (
1508                                        "Outputs of LOCALIZED_GENERATED_FILES cannot "
1509                                        "be used in %s: %s"
1510                                    )
1511                                    % (var, f),
1512                                    context,
1513                                )
1515            # Addons (when XPI_NAME is defined) and Applications (when
1516            # DIST_SUBDIR is defined) use a different preferences directory
1517            # (default/preferences) from the one the GRE uses (defaults/pref).
1518            # Hence, we move the files from the latter to the former in that
1519            # case.
1520            if has_prefs and (context.get("XPI_NAME") or context.get("DIST_SUBDIR")):
1521                all_files.defaults.preferences += all_files.defaults.pref
1522                del all_files.defaults._children["pref"]
1524            if has_resources and (
1525                context.get("DIST_SUBDIR") or context.get("XPI_NAME")
1526            ):
1527                raise SandboxValidationError(
1528                    "RESOURCES_FILES cannot be used with DIST_SUBDIR or " "XPI_NAME.",
1529                    context,
1530                )
1532            yield cls(context, all_files)
1534        for c in components:
1535            if c.endswith(".manifest"):
1536                yield ChromeManifestEntry(
1537                    context,
1538                    "chrome.manifest",
1539                    Manifest("components", mozpath.basename(c)),
1540                )
1542        rust_tests = context.get("RUST_TESTS", [])
1543        if rust_tests:
1544            # TODO: more sophisticated checking of the declared name vs.
1545            # contents of the Cargo.toml file.
1546            features = context.get("RUST_TEST_FEATURES", [])
1548            yield RustTests(context, rust_tests, features)
1550        for obj in self._process_test_manifests(context):
1551            yield obj
1553        for obj in self._process_jar_manifests(context):
1554            yield obj
1556        computed_as_flags.resolve_flags("MOZBUILD", context.get("ASFLAGS"))
1558        if context.get("USE_NASM") is True:
1559            nasm = context.config.substs.get("NASM")
1560            if not nasm:
1561                raise SandboxValidationError("nasm is not available", context)
1562            passthru.variables["AS"] = nasm
1563            passthru.variables["AS_DASH_C_FLAG"] = ""
1564            passthru.variables["ASOUTOPTION"] = "-o "
1565            computed_as_flags.resolve_flags(
1566                "OS", context.config.substs.get("NASM_ASFLAGS", [])
1567            )
1569        if context.get("USE_INTEGRATED_CLANGCL_AS") is True:
1570            if context.config.substs.get("CC_TYPE") != "clang-cl":
1571                raise SandboxValidationError("clang-cl is not available", context)
1572            passthru.variables["AS"] = context.config.substs.get("CC")
1573            passthru.variables["AS_DASH_C_FLAG"] = "-c"
1574            passthru.variables["ASOUTOPTION"] = "-o "
1576        if passthru.variables:
1577            yield passthru
1579        if context.objdir in self._compile_dirs:
1580            self._compile_flags[context.objdir] = computed_flags
1581            yield computed_link_flags
1583        if context.objdir in self._asm_compile_dirs:
1584            self._compile_as_flags[context.objdir] = computed_as_flags
1586        if context.objdir in self._host_compile_dirs:
1587            yield computed_host_flags
1589        if context.objdir in self._wasm_compile_dirs:
1590            yield computed_wasm_flags
1592    def _create_substitution(self, cls, context, path):
1593        sub = cls(context)
1594        sub.input_path = "%s.in" % path.full_path
1595        sub.output_path = path.translated
1596        sub.relpath = path
1598        return sub
1600    def _process_xpidl(self, context):
1601        # XPIDL source files get processed and turned into .h and .xpt files.
1602        # If there are multiple XPIDL files in a directory, they get linked
1603        # together into a final .xpt, which has the name defined by
1604        # XPIDL_MODULE.
1605        xpidl_module = context["XPIDL_MODULE"]
1607        if not xpidl_module:
1608            if context["XPIDL_SOURCES"]:
1609                raise SandboxValidationError(
1610                    "XPIDL_MODULE must be defined if " "XPIDL_SOURCES is defined.",
1611                    context,
1612                )
1613            return
1615        if not context["XPIDL_SOURCES"]:
1616            raise SandboxValidationError(
1617                "XPIDL_MODULE cannot be defined " "unless there are XPIDL_SOURCES",
1618                context,
1619            )
1621        if context["DIST_INSTALL"] is False:
1622            self.log(
1623                logging.WARN,
1624                "mozbuild_warning",
1625                dict(path=context.main_path),
1626                "{path}: DIST_INSTALL = False has no effect on XPIDL_SOURCES.",
1627            )
1629        for idl in context["XPIDL_SOURCES"]:
1630            if not os.path.exists(idl.full_path):
1631                raise SandboxValidationError(
1632                    "File %s from XPIDL_SOURCES " "does not exist" % idl.full_path,
1633                    context,
1634                )
1636        yield XPIDLModule(context, xpidl_module, context["XPIDL_SOURCES"])
1638    def _process_generated_files(self, context):
1639        for path in context["CONFIGURE_DEFINE_FILES"]:
1640            script = mozpath.join(
1641                mozpath.dirname(mozpath.dirname(__file__)),
1642                "action",
1643                "process_define_files.py",
1644            )
1645            yield GeneratedFile(
1646                context,
1647                script,
1648                "process_define_file",
1649                six.text_type(path),
1650                [Path(context, path + ".in")],
1651            )
1653        generated_files = context.get("GENERATED_FILES") or []
1654        localized_generated_files = context.get("LOCALIZED_GENERATED_FILES") or []
1655        if not (generated_files or localized_generated_files):
1656            return
1658        for (localized, gen) in (
1659            (False, generated_files),
1660            (True, localized_generated_files),
1661        ):
1662            for f in gen:
1663                flags = gen[f]
1664                outputs = f
1665                inputs = []
1666                if flags.script:
1667                    method = "main"
1668                    script = SourcePath(context, flags.script).full_path
1670                    # Deal with cases like "C:\\path\\to\\script.py:function".
1671                    if ".py:" in script:
1672                        script, method = script.rsplit(".py:", 1)
1673                        script += ".py"
1675                    if not os.path.exists(script):
1676                        raise SandboxValidationError(
1677                            "Script for generating %s does not exist: %s" % (f, script),
1678                            context,
1679                        )
1680                    if os.path.splitext(script)[1] != ".py":
1681                        raise SandboxValidationError(
1682                            "Script for generating %s does not end in .py: %s"
1683                            % (f, script),
1684                            context,
1685                        )
1686                else:
1687                    script = None
1688                    method = None
1690                for i in flags.inputs:
1691                    p = Path(context, i)
1692                    if isinstance(p, SourcePath) and not os.path.exists(p.full_path):
1693                        raise SandboxValidationError(
1694                            "Input for generating %s does not exist: %s"
1695                            % (f, p.full_path),
1696                            context,
1697                        )
1698                    inputs.append(p)
1700                yield GeneratedFile(
1701                    context,
1702                    script,
1703                    method,
1704                    outputs,
1705                    inputs,
1706                    flags.flags,
1707                    localized=localized,
1708                    force=flags.force,
1709                )
1711    def _process_test_manifests(self, context):
1712        for prefix, info in TEST_MANIFESTS.items():
1713            for path, manifest in context.get("%s_MANIFESTS" % prefix, []):
1714                for obj in self._process_test_manifest(context, info, path, manifest):
1715                    yield obj
1717        for flavor in REFTEST_FLAVORS:
1718            for path, manifest in context.get("%s_MANIFESTS" % flavor.upper(), []):
1719                for obj in self._process_reftest_manifest(
1720                    context, flavor, path, manifest
1721                ):
1722                    yield obj
1724    def _process_test_manifest(self, context, info, manifest_path, mpmanifest):
1725        flavor, install_root, install_subdir, package_tests = info
1727        path = manifest_path.full_path
1728        manifest_dir = mozpath.dirname(path)
1729        manifest_reldir = mozpath.dirname(
1730            mozpath.relpath(path, context.config.topsrcdir)
1731        )
1732        manifest_sources = [
1733            mozpath.relpath(pth, context.config.topsrcdir)
1734            for pth in mpmanifest.source_files
1735        ]
1736        install_prefix = mozpath.join(install_root, install_subdir)
1738        try:
1739            if not mpmanifest.tests:
1740                raise SandboxValidationError("Empty test manifest: %s" % path, context)
1742            defaults = mpmanifest.manifest_defaults[os.path.normpath(path)]
1743            obj = TestManifest(
1744                context,
1745                path,
1746                mpmanifest,
1747                flavor=flavor,
1748                install_prefix=install_prefix,
1749                relpath=mozpath.join(manifest_reldir, mozpath.basename(path)),
1750                sources=manifest_sources,
1751                dupe_manifest="dupe-manifest" in defaults,
1752            )
1754            filtered = mpmanifest.tests
1756            missing = [t["name"] for t in filtered if not os.path.exists(t["path"])]
1757            if missing:
1758                raise SandboxValidationError(
1759                    "Test manifest (%s) lists "
1760                    "test that does not exist: %s" % (path, ", ".join(missing)),
1761                    context,
1762                )
1764            out_dir = mozpath.join(install_prefix, manifest_reldir)
1766            def process_support_files(test):
1767                install_info = self._test_files_converter.convert_support_files(
1768                    test, install_root, manifest_dir, out_dir
1769                )
1771                obj.pattern_installs.extend(install_info.pattern_installs)
1772                for source, dest in install_info.installs:
1773                    obj.installs[source] = (dest, False)
1774                obj.external_installs |= install_info.external_installs
1775                for install_path in install_info.deferred_installs:
1776                    if all(
1777                        [
1778                            "*" not in install_path,
1779                            not os.path.isfile(
1780                                mozpath.join(context.config.topsrcdir, install_path[2:])
1781                            ),
1782                            install_path not in install_info.external_installs,
1783                        ]
1784                    ):
1785                        raise SandboxValidationError(
1786                            "Error processing test "
1787                            "manifest %s: entry in support-files not present "
1788                            "in the srcdir: %s" % (path, install_path),
1789                            context,
1790                        )
1792                obj.deferred_installs |= install_info.deferred_installs
1794            for test in filtered:
1795                obj.tests.append(test)
1797                # Some test files are compiled and should not be copied into the
1798                # test package. They function as identifiers rather than files.
1799                if package_tests:
1800                    manifest_relpath = mozpath.relpath(
1801                        test["path"], mozpath.dirname(test["manifest"])
1802                    )
1803                    obj.installs[mozpath.normpath(test["path"])] = (
1804                        (mozpath.join(out_dir, manifest_relpath)),
1805                        True,
1806                    )
1808                process_support_files(test)
1810            for path, m_defaults in mpmanifest.manifest_defaults.items():
1811                process_support_files(m_defaults)
1813            # We also copy manifests into the output directory,
1814            # including manifests from [include:foo] directives.
1815            for mpath in mpmanifest.manifests():
1816                mpath = mozpath.normpath(mpath)
1817                out_path = mozpath.join(out_dir, mozpath.basename(mpath))
1818                obj.installs[mpath] = (out_path, False)
1820            # Some manifests reference files that are auto generated as
1821            # part of the build or shouldn't be installed for some
1822            # reason. Here, we prune those files from the install set.
1823            # FUTURE we should be able to detect autogenerated files from
1824            # other build metadata. Once we do that, we can get rid of this.
1825            for f in defaults.get("generated-files", "").split():
1826                # We re-raise otherwise the stack trace isn't informative.
1827                try:
1828                    del obj.installs[mozpath.join(manifest_dir, f)]
1829                except KeyError:
1830                    raise SandboxValidationError(
1831                        "Error processing test "
1832                        "manifest %s: entry in generated-files not present "
1833                        "elsewhere in manifest: %s" % (path, f),
1834                        context,
1835                    )
1837            yield obj
1838        except (AssertionError, Exception):
1839            raise SandboxValidationError(
1840                "Error processing test "
1841                "manifest file %s: %s"
1842                % (path, "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))),
1843                context,
1844            )
1846    def _process_reftest_manifest(self, context, flavor, manifest_path, manifest):
1847        manifest_full_path = manifest_path.full_path
1848        manifest_reldir = mozpath.dirname(
1849            mozpath.relpath(manifest_full_path, context.config.topsrcdir)
1850        )
1852        # reftest manifests don't come from manifest parser. But they are
1853        # similar enough that we can use the same emitted objects. Note
1854        # that we don't perform any installs for reftests.
1855        obj = TestManifest(
1856            context,
1857            manifest_full_path,
1858            manifest,
1859            flavor=flavor,
1860            install_prefix="%s/" % flavor,
1861            relpath=mozpath.join(manifest_reldir, mozpath.basename(manifest_path)),
1862        )
1863        obj.tests = list(sorted(manifest.tests, key=lambda t: t["path"]))
1865        yield obj
1867    def _process_jar_manifests(self, context):
1868        jar_manifests = context.get("JAR_MANIFESTS", [])
1869        if len(jar_manifests) > 1:
1870            raise SandboxValidationError(
1871                "While JAR_MANIFESTS is a list, "
1872                "it is currently limited to one value.",
1873                context,
1874            )
1876        for path in jar_manifests:
1877            yield JARManifest(context, path)
1879        # Temporary test to look for jar.mn files that creep in without using
1880        # the new declaration. Before, we didn't require jar.mn files to
1881        # declared anywhere (they were discovered). This will detect people
1882        # relying on the old behavior.
1883        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(context.srcdir, "jar.mn")):
1884            if "jar.mn" not in jar_manifests:
1885                raise SandboxValidationError(
1886                    "A jar.mn exists but it "
1887                    "is not referenced in the moz.build file. "
1888                    "Please define JAR_MANIFESTS.",
1889                    context,
1890                )
1892    def _emit_directory_traversal_from_context(self, context):
1893        o = DirectoryTraversal(context)
1894        o.dirs = context.get("DIRS", [])
1896        # Some paths have a subconfigure, yet also have a moz.build. Those
1897        # shouldn't end up in self._external_paths.
1898        if o.objdir:
1899            self._external_paths -= {o.relobjdir}
1901        yield o