1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <limits>
14 #include "modules/video_coding/nack_module.h"
16 #include "modules/utility/include/process_thread.h"
17 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
18 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
20 namespace webrtc {
22 namespace {
23 const int kMaxPacketAge = 10000;
24 const int kMaxNackPackets = 1000;
25 const int kDefaultRttMs = 100;
26 const int kMaxNackRetries = 10;
27 const int kProcessFrequency = 50;
28 const int kProcessIntervalMs = 1000 / kProcessFrequency;
29 const int kMaxReorderedPackets = 128;
30 const int kNumReorderingBuckets = 10;
31 }  // namespace
NackInfo()33 NackModule::NackInfo::NackInfo()
34     : seq_num(0), send_at_seq_num(0), sent_at_time(-1), retries(0) {}
NackInfo(uint16_t seq_num,uint16_t send_at_seq_num)36 NackModule::NackInfo::NackInfo(uint16_t seq_num, uint16_t send_at_seq_num)
37     : seq_num(seq_num),
38       send_at_seq_num(send_at_seq_num),
39       sent_at_time(-1),
40       retries(0) {}
NackModule(Clock * clock,NackSender * nack_sender,KeyFrameRequestSender * keyframe_request_sender)42 NackModule::NackModule(Clock* clock,
43                        NackSender* nack_sender,
44                        KeyFrameRequestSender* keyframe_request_sender)
45     : clock_(clock),
46       nack_sender_(nack_sender),
47       keyframe_request_sender_(keyframe_request_sender),
48       reordering_histogram_(kNumReorderingBuckets, kMaxReorderedPackets),
49       initialized_(false),
50       rtt_ms_(kDefaultRttMs),
51       newest_seq_num_(0),
52       next_process_time_ms_(-1) {
53   RTC_DCHECK(clock_);
54   RTC_DCHECK(nack_sender_);
55   RTC_DCHECK(keyframe_request_sender_);
56 }
OnReceivedPacket(const VCMPacket & packet)58 int NackModule::OnReceivedPacket(const VCMPacket& packet) {
59   rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
60   uint16_t seq_num = packet.seqNum;
61   // TODO(philipel): When the packet includes information whether it is
62   //                 retransmitted or not, use that value instead. For
63   //                 now set it to true, which will cause the reordering
64   //                 statistics to never be updated.
65   bool is_retransmitted = true;
66   bool is_keyframe =
67       packet.is_first_packet_in_frame && packet.frameType == kVideoFrameKey;
69   if (!initialized_) {
70     newest_seq_num_ = seq_num;
71     if (is_keyframe)
72       keyframe_list_.insert(seq_num);
73     initialized_ = true;
74     return 0;
75   }
77   // Since the |newest_seq_num_| is a packet we have actually received we know
78   // that packet has never been Nacked.
79   if (seq_num == newest_seq_num_)
80     return 0;
82   if (AheadOf(newest_seq_num_, seq_num)) {
83     // An out of order packet has been received.
84     auto nack_list_it = nack_list_.find(seq_num);
85     int nacks_sent_for_packet = 0;
86     if (nack_list_it != nack_list_.end()) {
87       nacks_sent_for_packet = nack_list_it->second.retries;
88       nack_list_.erase(nack_list_it);
89     }
90     if (!is_retransmitted)
91       UpdateReorderingStatistics(seq_num);
92     return nacks_sent_for_packet;
93   }
94   AddPacketsToNack(newest_seq_num_ + 1, seq_num);
95   newest_seq_num_ = seq_num;
97   // Keep track of new keyframes.
98   if (is_keyframe)
99     keyframe_list_.insert(seq_num);
101   // And remove old ones so we don't accumulate keyframes.
102   auto it = keyframe_list_.lower_bound(seq_num - kMaxPacketAge);
103   if (it != keyframe_list_.begin())
104     keyframe_list_.erase(keyframe_list_.begin(), it);
106   // Are there any nacks that are waiting for this seq_num.
107   std::vector<uint16_t> nack_batch = GetNackBatch(kSeqNumOnly);
108   if (!nack_batch.empty())
109     nack_sender_->SendNack(nack_batch);
111   return 0;
112 }
ClearUpTo(uint16_t seq_num)114 void NackModule::ClearUpTo(uint16_t seq_num) {
115   rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
116   nack_list_.erase(nack_list_.begin(), nack_list_.lower_bound(seq_num));
117   keyframe_list_.erase(keyframe_list_.begin(),
118                        keyframe_list_.lower_bound(seq_num));
119 }
UpdateRtt(int64_t rtt_ms)121 void NackModule::UpdateRtt(int64_t rtt_ms) {
122   rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
123   rtt_ms_ = rtt_ms;
124 }
Clear()126 void NackModule::Clear() {
127   rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
128   nack_list_.clear();
129   keyframe_list_.clear();
130 }
TimeUntilNextProcess()132 int64_t NackModule::TimeUntilNextProcess() {
133   return std::max<int64_t>(next_process_time_ms_ - clock_->TimeInMilliseconds(),
134                            0);
135 }
Process()137 void NackModule::Process() {
138   if (nack_sender_) {
139     std::vector<uint16_t> nack_batch;
140     {
141       rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
142       nack_batch = GetNackBatch(kTimeOnly);
143     }
145     if (!nack_batch.empty())
146       nack_sender_->SendNack(nack_batch);
147   }
149   // Update the next_process_time_ms_ in intervals to achieve
150   // the targeted frequency over time. Also add multiple intervals
151   // in case of a skip in time as to not make uneccessary
152   // calls to Process in order to catch up.
153   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
154   if (next_process_time_ms_ == -1) {
155     next_process_time_ms_ = now_ms + kProcessIntervalMs;
156   } else {
157     next_process_time_ms_ = next_process_time_ms_ + kProcessIntervalMs +
158                             (now_ms - next_process_time_ms_) /
159                                 kProcessIntervalMs * kProcessIntervalMs;
160   }
161 }
RemovePacketsUntilKeyFrame()163 bool NackModule::RemovePacketsUntilKeyFrame() {
164   while (!keyframe_list_.empty()) {
165     auto it = nack_list_.lower_bound(*keyframe_list_.begin());
167     if (it != nack_list_.begin()) {
168       // We have found a keyframe that actually is newer than at least one
169       // packet in the nack list.
170       RTC_DCHECK(it != nack_list_.end());
171       nack_list_.erase(nack_list_.begin(), it);
172       return true;
173     }
175     // If this keyframe is so old it does not remove any packets from the list,
176     // remove it from the list of keyframes and try the next keyframe.
177     keyframe_list_.erase(keyframe_list_.begin());
178   }
179   return false;
180 }
AddPacketsToNack(uint16_t seq_num_start,uint16_t seq_num_end)182 void NackModule::AddPacketsToNack(uint16_t seq_num_start,
183                                   uint16_t seq_num_end) {
184   // Remove old packets.
185   auto it = nack_list_.lower_bound(seq_num_end - kMaxPacketAge);
186   nack_list_.erase(nack_list_.begin(), it);
188   // If the nack list is too large, remove packets from the nack list until
189   // the latest first packet of a keyframe. If the list is still too large,
190   // clear it and request a keyframe.
191   uint16_t num_new_nacks = ForwardDiff(seq_num_start, seq_num_end);
192   if (nack_list_.size() + num_new_nacks > kMaxNackPackets) {
193     while (RemovePacketsUntilKeyFrame() &&
194            nack_list_.size() + num_new_nacks > kMaxNackPackets) {
195     }
197     if (nack_list_.size() + num_new_nacks > kMaxNackPackets) {
198       nack_list_.clear();
199       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "NACK list full, clearing NACK"
200                              " list and requesting keyframe.";
201       keyframe_request_sender_->RequestKeyFrame();
202       return;
203     }
204   }
206   for (uint16_t seq_num = seq_num_start; seq_num != seq_num_end; ++seq_num) {
207     NackInfo nack_info(seq_num, seq_num + WaitNumberOfPackets(0.5));
208     RTC_DCHECK(nack_list_.find(seq_num) == nack_list_.end());
209     nack_list_[seq_num] = nack_info;
210   }
211 }
GetNackBatch(NackFilterOptions options)213 std::vector<uint16_t> NackModule::GetNackBatch(NackFilterOptions options) {
214   bool consider_seq_num = options != kTimeOnly;
215   bool consider_timestamp = options != kSeqNumOnly;
216   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
217   std::vector<uint16_t> nack_batch;
218   auto it = nack_list_.begin();
219   while (it != nack_list_.end()) {
220     if (consider_seq_num && it->second.sent_at_time == -1 &&
221         AheadOrAt(newest_seq_num_, it->second.send_at_seq_num)) {
222       nack_batch.emplace_back(it->second.seq_num);
223       ++it->second.retries;
224       it->second.sent_at_time = now_ms;
225       if (it->second.retries >= kMaxNackRetries) {
226         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Sequence number " << it->second.seq_num
227                             << " removed from NACK list due to max retries.";
228         it = nack_list_.erase(it);
229       } else {
230         ++it;
231       }
232       continue;
233     }
235     if (consider_timestamp && it->second.sent_at_time + rtt_ms_ <= now_ms) {
236       nack_batch.emplace_back(it->second.seq_num);
237       ++it->second.retries;
238       it->second.sent_at_time = now_ms;
239       if (it->second.retries >= kMaxNackRetries) {
240         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Sequence number " << it->second.seq_num
241                             << " removed from NACK list due to max retries.";
242         it = nack_list_.erase(it);
243       } else {
244         ++it;
245       }
246       continue;
247     }
248     ++it;
249   }
250   return nack_batch;
251 }
UpdateReorderingStatistics(uint16_t seq_num)253 void NackModule::UpdateReorderingStatistics(uint16_t seq_num) {
254   RTC_DCHECK(AheadOf(newest_seq_num_, seq_num));
255   uint16_t diff = ReverseDiff(newest_seq_num_, seq_num);
256   reordering_histogram_.Add(diff);
257 }
WaitNumberOfPackets(float probability) const259 int NackModule::WaitNumberOfPackets(float probability) const {
260   if (reordering_histogram_.NumValues() == 0)
261     return 0;
262   return reordering_histogram_.InverseCdf(probability);
263 }
265 }  // namespace webrtc