1# coding: utf-8
2from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
4import copy
5from functools import partial
6from itertools import chain, count, groupby
8from pip._internal.req.constructors import install_req_from_line
9from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import update_env_context_manager
11from . import click
12from .logging import log
13from .utils import (
15    format_requirement,
16    format_specifier,
17    is_pinned_requirement,
18    is_url_requirement,
19    key_from_ireq,
22green = partial(click.style, fg="green")
23magenta = partial(click.style, fg="magenta")
26class RequirementSummary(object):
27    """
28    Summary of a requirement's properties for comparison purposes.
29    """
31    def __init__(self, ireq):
32        self.req = ireq.req
33        self.key = key_from_ireq(ireq)
34        self.extras = frozenset(ireq.extras)
35        self.specifier = ireq.specifier
37    def __eq__(self, other):
38        return (
39            self.key == other.key
40            and self.specifier == other.specifier
41            and self.extras == other.extras
42        )
44    def __hash__(self):
45        return hash((self.key, self.specifier, self.extras))
47    def __str__(self):
48        return repr((self.key, str(self.specifier), sorted(self.extras)))
51def combine_install_requirements(repository, ireqs):
52    """
53    Return a single install requirement that reflects a combination of
54    all the inputs.
55    """
56    # We will store the source ireqs in a _source_ireqs attribute;
57    # if any of the inputs have this, then use those sources directly.
58    source_ireqs = []
59    for ireq in ireqs:
60        source_ireqs.extend(getattr(ireq, "_source_ireqs", [ireq]))
62    # Optimization. Don't bother with combination logic.
63    if len(source_ireqs) == 1:
64        return source_ireqs[0]
66    # deepcopy the accumulator so as to not modify the inputs
67    combined_ireq = copy.deepcopy(source_ireqs[0])
68    repository.copy_ireq_dependencies(source_ireqs[0], combined_ireq)
70    for ireq in source_ireqs[1:]:
71        # NOTE we may be losing some info on dropped reqs here
72        combined_ireq.req.specifier &= ireq.req.specifier
73        if combined_ireq.constraint:
74            # We don't find dependencies for constraint ireqs, so copy them
75            # from non-constraints:
76            repository.copy_ireq_dependencies(ireq, combined_ireq)
77        combined_ireq.constraint &= ireq.constraint
78        # Return a sorted, de-duped tuple of extras
79        combined_ireq.extras = tuple(
80            sorted(set(tuple(combined_ireq.extras) + tuple(ireq.extras)))
81        )
83    # InstallRequirements objects are assumed to come from only one source, and
84    # so they support only a single comes_from entry. This function breaks this
85    # model. As a workaround, we deterministically choose a single source for
86    # the comes_from entry, and add an extra _source_ireqs attribute to keep
87    # track of multiple sources for use within pip-tools.
88    if len(source_ireqs) > 1:
89        if any(ireq.comes_from is None for ireq in source_ireqs):
90            # None indicates package was directly specified.
91            combined_ireq.comes_from = None
92        else:
93            # Populate the comes_from field from one of the sources.
94            # Requirement input order is not stable, so we need to sort:
95            # We choose the shortest entry in order to keep the printed
96            # representation as concise as possible.
97            combined_ireq.comes_from = min(
98                (ireq.comes_from for ireq in source_ireqs),
99                key=lambda x: (len(str(x)), str(x)),
100            )
101        combined_ireq._source_ireqs = source_ireqs
102    return combined_ireq
105class Resolver(object):
106    def __init__(
107        self,
108        constraints,
109        repository,
110        cache,
111        prereleases=False,
112        clear_caches=False,
113        allow_unsafe=False,
114    ):
115        """
116        This class resolves a given set of constraints (a collection of
117        InstallRequirement objects) by consulting the given Repository and the
118        DependencyCache.
119        """
120        self.our_constraints = set(constraints)
121        self.their_constraints = set()
122        self.repository = repository
123        self.dependency_cache = cache
124        self.prereleases = prereleases
125        self.clear_caches = clear_caches
126        self.allow_unsafe = allow_unsafe
127        self.unsafe_constraints = set()
129    @property
130    def constraints(self):
131        return set(
132            self._group_constraints(chain(self.our_constraints, self.their_constraints))
133        )
135    def resolve_hashes(self, ireqs):
136        """
137        Finds acceptable hashes for all of the given InstallRequirements.
138        """
139        log.debug("")
140        log.debug("Generating hashes:")
141        with self.repository.allow_all_wheels(), log.indentation():
142            return {ireq: self.repository.get_hashes(ireq) for ireq in ireqs}
144    def resolve(self, max_rounds=10):
145        """
146        Finds concrete package versions for all the given InstallRequirements
147        and their recursive dependencies.  The end result is a flat list of
148        (name, version) tuples.  (Or an editable package.)
150        Resolves constraints one round at a time, until they don't change
151        anymore.  Protects against infinite loops by breaking out after a max
152        number rounds.
153        """
154        if self.clear_caches:
155            self.dependency_cache.clear()
156            self.repository.clear_caches()
158        # Ignore existing packages
159        # NOTE: str() wrapping necessary for Python 2/3 compat
160        with update_env_context_manager(PIP_EXISTS_ACTION=str("i")):
161            for current_round in count(start=1):  # pragma: no branch
162                if current_round > max_rounds:
163                    raise RuntimeError(
164                        "No stable configuration of concrete packages "
165                        "could be found for the given constraints after "
166                        "{max_rounds} rounds of resolving.\n"
167                        "This is likely a bug.".format(max_rounds=max_rounds)
168                    )
170                log.debug("")
171                log.debug(magenta("{:^60}".format("ROUND {}".format(current_round))))
172                # If a package version (foo==2.0) was built in a previous round,
173                # and in this round a different version of foo needs to be built
174                # (i.e. foo==1.0), the directory will exist already, which will
175                # cause a pip build failure.  The trick is to start with a new
176                # build cache dir for every round, so this can never happen.
177                with self.repository.freshen_build_caches():
178                    has_changed, best_matches = self._resolve_one_round()
179                    log.debug("-" * 60)
180                    log.debug(
181                        "Result of round {}: {}".format(
182                            current_round,
183                            "not stable" if has_changed else "stable, done",
184                        )
185                    )
186                if not has_changed:
187                    break
189        # Only include hard requirements and not pip constraints
190        results = {req for req in best_matches if not req.constraint}
192        # Filter out unsafe requirements.
193        self.unsafe_constraints = set()
194        if not self.allow_unsafe:
195            # reverse_dependencies is used to filter out packages that are only
196            # required by unsafe packages. This logic is incomplete, as it would
197            # fail to filter sub-sub-dependencies of unsafe packages. None of the
198            # UNSAFE_PACKAGES currently have any dependencies at all (which makes
199            # sense for installation tools) so this seems sufficient.
200            reverse_dependencies = self.reverse_dependencies(results)
201            for req in results.copy():
202                required_by = reverse_dependencies.get(req.name.lower(), [])
203                if req.name in UNSAFE_PACKAGES or (
204                    required_by and all(name in UNSAFE_PACKAGES for name in required_by)
205                ):
206                    self.unsafe_constraints.add(req)
207                    results.remove(req)
209        return results
211    def _group_constraints(self, constraints):
212        """
213        Groups constraints (remember, InstallRequirements!) by their key name,
214        and combining their SpecifierSets into a single InstallRequirement per
215        package.  For example, given the following constraints:
217            Django<1.9,>=1.4.2
218            django~=1.5
219            Flask~=0.7
221        This will be combined into a single entry per package:
223            django~=1.5,<1.9,>=1.4.2
224            flask~=0.7
226        """
227        constraints = list(constraints)
228        for ireq in constraints:
229            if ireq.name is None:
230                # get_dependencies has side-effect of assigning name to ireq
231                # (so we can group by the name below).
232                self.repository.get_dependencies(ireq)
234        # Sort first by name, i.e. the groupby key. Then within each group,
235        # sort editables first.
236        # This way, we don't bother with combining editables, since the first
237        # ireq will be editable, if one exists.
238        for _, ireqs in groupby(
239            sorted(constraints, key=(lambda x: (key_from_ireq(x), not x.editable))),
240            key=key_from_ireq,
241        ):
242            yield combine_install_requirements(self.repository, ireqs)
244    def _resolve_one_round(self):
245        """
246        Resolves one level of the current constraints, by finding the best
247        match for each package in the repository and adding all requirements
248        for those best package versions.  Some of these constraints may be new
249        or updated.
251        Returns whether new constraints appeared in this round.  If no
252        constraints were added or changed, this indicates a stable
253        configuration.
254        """
255        # Sort this list for readability of terminal output
256        constraints = sorted(self.constraints, key=key_from_ireq)
258        log.debug("Current constraints:")
259        with log.indentation():
260            for constraint in constraints:
261                log.debug(str(constraint))
263        log.debug("")
264        log.debug("Finding the best candidates:")
265        with log.indentation():
266            best_matches = {self.get_best_match(ireq) for ireq in constraints}
268        # Find the new set of secondary dependencies
269        log.debug("")
270        log.debug("Finding secondary dependencies:")
272        their_constraints = []
273        with log.indentation():
274            for best_match in best_matches:
275                their_constraints.extend(self._iter_dependencies(best_match))
276        # Grouping constraints to make clean diff between rounds
277        theirs = set(self._group_constraints(their_constraints))
279        # NOTE: We need to compare RequirementSummary objects, since
280        # InstallRequirement does not define equality
281        diff = {RequirementSummary(t) for t in theirs} - {
282            RequirementSummary(t) for t in self.their_constraints
283        }
284        removed = {RequirementSummary(t) for t in self.their_constraints} - {
285            RequirementSummary(t) for t in theirs
286        }
288        has_changed = len(diff) > 0 or len(removed) > 0
289        if has_changed:
290            log.debug("")
291            log.debug("New dependencies found in this round:")
292            with log.indentation():
293                for new_dependency in sorted(diff, key=key_from_ireq):
294                    log.debug("adding {}".format(new_dependency))
295            log.debug("Removed dependencies in this round:")
296            with log.indentation():
297                for removed_dependency in sorted(removed, key=key_from_ireq):
298                    log.debug("removing {}".format(removed_dependency))
300        # Store the last round's results in the their_constraints
301        self.their_constraints = theirs
302        return has_changed, best_matches
304    def get_best_match(self, ireq):
305        """
306        Returns a (pinned or editable) InstallRequirement, indicating the best
307        match to use for the given InstallRequirement (in the form of an
308        InstallRequirement).
310        Example:
311        Given the constraint Flask>=0.10, may return Flask==0.10.1 at
312        a certain moment in time.
314        Pinned requirements will always return themselves, i.e.
316            Flask==0.10.1 => Flask==0.10.1
318        """
319        if ireq.editable or is_url_requirement(ireq):
320            # NOTE: it's much quicker to immediately return instead of
321            # hitting the index server
322            best_match = ireq
323        elif is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
324            # NOTE: it's much quicker to immediately return instead of
325            # hitting the index server
326            best_match = ireq
327        elif ireq.constraint:
328            # NOTE: This is not a requirement (yet) and does not need
329            # to be resolved
330            best_match = ireq
331        else:
332            best_match = self.repository.find_best_match(
333                ireq, prereleases=self.prereleases
334            )
336        # Format the best match
337        log.debug(
338            "found candidate {} (constraint was {})".format(
339                format_requirement(best_match), format_specifier(ireq)
340            )
341        )
342        best_match.comes_from = ireq.comes_from
343        if hasattr(ireq, "_source_ireqs"):
344            best_match._source_ireqs = ireq._source_ireqs
345        return best_match
347    def _iter_dependencies(self, ireq):
348        """
349        Given a pinned, url, or editable InstallRequirement, collects all the
350        secondary dependencies for them, either by looking them up in a local
351        cache, or by reaching out to the repository.
353        Editable requirements will never be looked up, as they may have
354        changed at any time.
355        """
356        # Pip does not resolve dependencies of constraints. We skip handling
357        # constraints here as well to prevent the cache from being polluted.
358        # Constraints that are later determined to be dependencies will be
359        # marked as non-constraints in later rounds by
360        # `combine_install_requirements`, and will be properly resolved.
361        # See https://github.com/pypa/pip/
362        # blob/6896dfcd831330c13e076a74624d95fa55ff53f4/src/pip/_internal/
363        # legacy_resolve.py#L325
364        if ireq.constraint:
365            return
367        if ireq.editable or is_url_requirement(ireq):
368            for dependency in self.repository.get_dependencies(ireq):
369                yield dependency
370            return
371        elif not is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
372            raise TypeError(
373                "Expected pinned or editable requirement, got {}".format(ireq)
374            )
376        # Now, either get the dependencies from the dependency cache (for
377        # speed), or reach out to the external repository to
378        # download and inspect the package version and get dependencies
379        # from there
380        if ireq not in self.dependency_cache:
381            log.debug(
382                "{} not in cache, need to check index".format(format_requirement(ireq)),
383                fg="yellow",
384            )
385            dependencies = self.repository.get_dependencies(ireq)
386            self.dependency_cache[ireq] = sorted(str(ireq.req) for ireq in dependencies)
388        # Example: ['Werkzeug>=0.9', 'Jinja2>=2.4']
389        dependency_strings = self.dependency_cache[ireq]
390        log.debug(
391            "{:25} requires {}".format(
392                format_requirement(ireq),
393                ", ".join(sorted(dependency_strings, key=lambda s: s.lower())) or "-",
394            )
395        )
396        for dependency_string in dependency_strings:
397            yield install_req_from_line(
398                dependency_string, constraint=ireq.constraint, comes_from=ireq
399            )
401    def reverse_dependencies(self, ireqs):
402        non_editable = [
403            ireq for ireq in ireqs if not (ireq.editable or is_url_requirement(ireq))
404        ]
405        return self.dependency_cache.reverse_dependencies(non_editable)