1 //!
2 //! **rose_tree** is a rose tree (aka multi-way tree) data structure library.
3 //!
4 //! The most prominent type is [**RoseTree**](./struct.RoseTree.html) - a wrapper around [petgraph]
5 //! (http://bluss.github.io/petulant-avenger-graphlibrary/doc/petgraph/index.html)'s [**Graph**]
6 //! (http://bluss.github.io/petulant-avenger-graphlibrary/doc/petgraph/graph/struct.Graph.html)
7 //! data structure, exposing a refined API targeted towards rose tree related functionality.
8 //!
10 #![forbid(unsafe_code)]
11 #![warn(missing_docs)]
13 pub extern crate petgraph;
14 use petgraph as pg;
16 use petgraph::graph::IndexType;
17 pub use petgraph::graph::NodeIndex;
19 type DefIndex = u32;
21 /// The PetGraph to be used internally within the RoseTree for storing/managing nodes and edges.
22 pub type PetGraph<N, Ix> = pg::Graph<N, (), pg::Directed, Ix>;
24 /// An indexable tree data structure with a variable and unbounded number of branches per node.
25 ///
26 /// Also known as a multi-way tree.
27 ///
28 /// See the [wikipedia article on the "Rose tree" data
29 /// structure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_tree).
30 ///
31 /// Note: The following documentation is adapted from petgraph's [**Graph** documentation]
32 /// (http://bluss.github.io/petulant-avenger-graphlibrary/doc/petgraph/graph/struct.Graph.html).
33 ///
34 /// **RoseTree** is parameterized over the node weight **N** and **Ix** which is the index type
35 /// used.
36 ///
37 /// A wrapper around petgraph's **Graph** data structure with a refined API specifically targeted
38 /// towards use as a **RoseTree**.
39 ///
40 /// **NodeIndex** is a type that acts as a reference to nodes, but these are only stable across
41 /// certain operations. **Removing nodes may shift other indices.** Adding kids to the **RoseTree**
42 /// keeps all indices stable, but removing a node will force the last node to shift its index to
43 /// take its place.
44 ///
45 /// The fact that the node indices in the **RoseTree** are numbered in a compact interval from 0 to
46 /// *n*-1 simplifies some graph algorithms.
47 ///
48 /// The **Ix** parameter is u32 by default. The goal is that you can ignore this parameter
49 /// completely unless you need a very large **RoseTree** -- then you can use usize.
50 ///
51 /// The **RoseTree** also offers methods for accessing the underlying **Graph**, which can be useful
52 /// for taking advantage of petgraph's various graph-related algorithms.
53 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
54 pub struct RoseTree<N, Ix: IndexType = DefIndex> {
55     /// A graph for storing all nodes and edges between them that represent the tree.
56     graph: PetGraph<N, Ix>,
57 }
59 /// An iterator that yeilds an index to the parent of the current child before the setting the
60 /// parent as the new current child. This occurs recursively until the root index is yeilded.
61 pub struct ParentRecursion<'a, N: 'a, Ix: IndexType> {
62     rose_tree: &'a RoseTree<N, Ix>,
63     child: NodeIndex<Ix>,
64 }
66 /// An iterator yielding indices to the children of some node.
67 pub type Children<'a, Ix> = pg::graph::Neighbors<'a, (), Ix>;
69 /// An iterator yielding indices to the siblings of some child node.
70 pub struct Siblings<'a, Ix: IndexType> {
71     child: NodeIndex<Ix>,
72     maybe_siblings: Option<Children<'a, Ix>>,
73 }
75 /// A "walker" object that can be used to step through the children of some parent node.
76 pub struct WalkChildren<Ix: IndexType> {
77     walk_edges: pg::graph::WalkNeighbors<Ix>,
78 }
80 /// A "walker" object that can be used to step through the siblings of some child node.
81 pub struct WalkSiblings<Ix: IndexType> {
82     child: NodeIndex<Ix>,
83     maybe_walk_children: Option<WalkChildren<Ix>>,
84 }
86 /// `RoseTree`'s API ensures that it always has a "root" node and that its index is always 0.
87 pub const ROOT: usize = 0;
89 impl<N, Ix> RoseTree<N, Ix>
90 where
91     Ix: IndexType,
92 {
93     /// Create a new `RoseTree` along with some root node.
94     /// Returns both the `RoseTree` and an index into the root node in a tuple.
new(root: N) -> (Self, NodeIndex<Ix>)95     pub fn new(root: N) -> (Self, NodeIndex<Ix>) {
96         Self::with_capacity(1, root)
97     }
99     /// Create a new `RoseTree` with estimated capacity and some root node.
100     /// Returns both the `RoseTree` and an index into the root node in a tuple.
with_capacity(nodes: usize, root: N) -> (Self, NodeIndex<Ix>)101     pub fn with_capacity(nodes: usize, root: N) -> (Self, NodeIndex<Ix>) {
102         let mut graph = PetGraph::with_capacity(nodes, nodes);
103         let root = graph.add_node(root);
104         (RoseTree { graph }, root)
105     }
107     /// The total number of nodes in the RoseTree.
node_count(&self) -> usize108     pub fn node_count(&self) -> usize {
109         self.graph.node_count()
110     }
112     /// Borrow the `RoseTree`'s underlying `PetGraph<N, Ix>`.
113     /// All existing `NodeIndex`s may be used to index into this graph the same way they may be
114     /// used to index into the `RoseTree`.
graph(&self) -> &PetGraph<N, Ix>115     pub fn graph(&self) -> &PetGraph<N, Ix> {
116         &self.graph
117     }
119     /// Take ownership of the RoseTree and return the internal PetGraph<N, Ix>.
120     /// All existing `NodeIndex`s may be used to index into this graph the same way they may be
121     /// used to index into the `RoseTree`.
into_graph(self) -> PetGraph<N, Ix>122     pub fn into_graph(self) -> PetGraph<N, Ix> {
123         let RoseTree { graph } = self;
124         graph
125     }
127     /// Add a child node to the node at the given NodeIndex.
128     /// Returns an index into the child's position within the tree.
129     ///
130     /// Computes in **O(1)** time.
131     ///
132     /// **Panics** if the given parent node doesn't exist.
133     ///
134     /// **Panics** if the Graph is at the maximum number of edges for its index.
add_child(&mut self, parent: NodeIndex<Ix>, kid: N) -> NodeIndex<Ix>135     pub fn add_child(&mut self, parent: NodeIndex<Ix>, kid: N) -> NodeIndex<Ix> {
136         let kid = self.graph.add_node(kid);
137         self.graph.add_edge(parent, kid, ());
138         kid
139     }
141     /// Borrow the weight from the node at the given index.
node_weight(&self, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<&N>142     pub fn node_weight(&self, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<&N> {
143         self.graph.node_weight(node)
144     }
146     /// Mutably borrow the weight from the node at the given index.
node_weight_mut(&mut self, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<&mut N>147     pub fn node_weight_mut(&mut self, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<&mut N> {
148         self.graph.node_weight_mut(node)
149     }
151     /// Index the `RoseTree` by two node indices.
152     ///
153     /// **Panics** if the indices are equal or if they are out of bounds.
index_twice_mut(&mut self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>, b: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> (&mut N, &mut N)154     pub fn index_twice_mut(&mut self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>, b: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> (&mut N, &mut N) {
155         self.graph.index_twice_mut(a, b)
156     }
158     /// Remove all nodes in the `RoseTree` except for the root.
remove_all_but_root(&mut self)159     pub fn remove_all_but_root(&mut self) {
160         // We can assume that the `root`'s index is zero, as it is always the first node to be
161         // added to the RoseTree.
162         if let Some(root) = self.graph.remove_node(NodeIndex::new(0)) {
163             self.graph.clear();
164             self.graph.add_node(root);
165         }
166     }
168     /// Removes and returns the node at the given index.
169     ///
170     /// The parent of `node` will become the new parent for all of its children.
171     ///
172     /// The root node cannot be removed. If its index is given, `None` will be returned.
173     ///
174     /// Note: this method may shift other node indices, invalidating previously returned indices!
remove_node(&mut self, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<N>175     pub fn remove_node(&mut self, node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<N> {
176         // Check if an attempt to remove the root node has been made.
177         if node.index() == ROOT || self.graph.node_weight(node).is_none() {
178             return None;
179         }
181         // Now that we know we're not the root node, we know that we **must** have some parent.
182         let parent = self.parent(node).expect("No parent node found");
184         // For each of `node`'s children, set their parent to `node`'s parent.
185         let mut children = self.graph.neighbors_directed(node, pg::Outgoing).detach();
186         while let Some((child_edge, child_node)) = children.next(&self.graph) {
187             self.graph.remove_edge(child_edge);
188             self.graph.add_edge(parent, child_node, ());
189         }
191         // Finally, remove our node and return it.
192         self.graph.remove_node(node)
193     }
195     /// Removes the node at the given index along with all their children, returning them as a new
196     /// RoseTree.
197     ///
198     /// If there was no node at the given index, `None` will be returned.
remove_node_with_children(&mut self, _node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<RoseTree<N, Ix>>199     pub fn remove_node_with_children(&mut self, _node: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<RoseTree<N, Ix>> {
200         unimplemented!();
201     }
203     /// An index to the parent of the node at the given index if there is one.
parent(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>>204     pub fn parent(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>> {
205         self.graph.neighbors_directed(child, pg::Incoming).next()
206     }
208     /// An iterator over the given child's parent, that parent's parent and so forth.
209     ///
210     /// The returned iterator yields `NodeIndex<Ix>`s.
parent_recursion(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> ParentRecursion<N, Ix>211     pub fn parent_recursion(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> ParentRecursion<N, Ix> {
212         ParentRecursion {
213             rose_tree: self,
214             child,
215         }
216     }
218     /// An iterator over all nodes that are children to the node at the given index.
219     ///
220     /// The returned iterator yields `NodeIndex<Ix>`s.
children(&self, parent: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Children<Ix>221     pub fn children(&self, parent: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Children<Ix> {
222         self.graph.neighbors_directed(parent, pg::Outgoing)
223     }
225     /// A "walker" object that may be used to step through the children of the given parent node.
226     ///
227     /// Unlike the `Children` type, `WalkChildren` does not borrow the `RoseTree`.
walk_children(&self, parent: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> WalkChildren<Ix>228     pub fn walk_children(&self, parent: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> WalkChildren<Ix> {
229         let walk_edges = self.graph.neighbors_directed(parent, pg::Outgoing).detach();
230         WalkChildren { walk_edges }
231     }
233     /// An iterator over all nodes that are siblings to the node at the given index.
234     ///
235     /// The returned iterator yields `NodeIndex<Ix>`s.
siblings(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Siblings<Ix>236     pub fn siblings(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Siblings<Ix> {
237         let maybe_siblings = self.parent(child).map(|parent| self.children(parent));
238         Siblings {
239             child,
240             maybe_siblings,
241         }
242     }
244     /// A "walker" object that may be used to step through the siblings of the given child node.
245     ///
246     /// Unlike the `Siblings` type, `WalkSiblings` does not borrow the `RoseTree`.
walk_siblings(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> WalkSiblings<Ix>247     pub fn walk_siblings(&self, child: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> WalkSiblings<Ix> {
248         let maybe_walk_children = self.parent(child).map(|parent| self.walk_children(parent));
249         WalkSiblings {
250             child,
251             maybe_walk_children,
252         }
253     }
254 }
256 impl<N, Ix> ::std::ops::Index<NodeIndex<Ix>> for RoseTree<N, Ix>
257 where
258     Ix: IndexType,
259 {
260     type Output = N;
index(&self, index: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &N261     fn index(&self, index: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &N {
262         &self.graph[index]
263     }
264 }
266 impl<N, Ix> ::std::ops::IndexMut<NodeIndex<Ix>> for RoseTree<N, Ix>
267 where
268     Ix: IndexType,
269 {
index_mut(&mut self, index: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &mut N270     fn index_mut(&mut self, index: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> &mut N {
271         &mut self.graph[index]
272     }
273 }
275 impl<'a, Ix> Iterator for Siblings<'a, Ix>
276 where
277     Ix: IndexType,
278 {
279     type Item = NodeIndex<Ix>;
next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>>280     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>> {
281         let Siblings {
282             child,
283             ref mut maybe_siblings,
284         } = *self;
285         maybe_siblings.as_mut().and_then(|siblings| {
286             siblings.next().and_then(|sibling| {
287                 if sibling != child {
288                     Some(sibling)
289                 } else {
290                     siblings.next()
291                 }
292             })
293         })
294     }
295 }
297 impl<'a, N, Ix> Iterator for ParentRecursion<'a, N, Ix>
298 where
299     Ix: IndexType,
300 {
301     type Item = NodeIndex<Ix>;
next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>>302     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>> {
303         let ParentRecursion {
304             ref mut child,
305             ref rose_tree,
306         } = *self;
307         rose_tree.parent(*child).map(|parent| {
308             *child = parent;
309             parent
310         })
311     }
312 }
314 impl<Ix> WalkChildren<Ix>
315 where
316     Ix: IndexType,
317 {
318     /// Fetch the next child index in the walk for the given `RoseTree`.
next<N>(&mut self, tree: &RoseTree<N, Ix>) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>>319     pub fn next<N>(&mut self, tree: &RoseTree<N, Ix>) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>> {
320         self.walk_edges.next(&tree.graph).map(|(_, n)| n)
321     }
322 }
324 impl<Ix> WalkSiblings<Ix>
325 where
326     Ix: IndexType,
327 {
328     /// Fetch the next sibling index in the walk for the given `RoseTree`.
next<N>(&mut self, tree: &RoseTree<N, Ix>) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>>329     pub fn next<N>(&mut self, tree: &RoseTree<N, Ix>) -> Option<NodeIndex<Ix>> {
330         let WalkSiblings {
331             child,
332             ref mut maybe_walk_children,
333         } = *self;
334         maybe_walk_children.as_mut().and_then(|walk_children| {
335             walk_children.next(tree).and_then(|sibling| {
336                 if child != sibling {
337                     Some(sibling)
338                 } else {
339                     walk_children.next(tree)
340                 }
341             })
342         })
343     }
344 }