1 /** @file basic.cpp
2  *
3  *  Implementation of GiNaC's ABC. */
5 /*
6  *  GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
7  *
8  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  *  (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21  */
23 #include "basic.h"
24 #include "ex.h"
25 #include "numeric.h"
26 #include "power.h"
27 #include "add.h"
28 #include "symbol.h"
29 #include "lst.h"
30 #include "ncmul.h"
31 #include "relational.h"
32 #include "operators.h"
33 #include "wildcard.h"
34 #include "archive.h"
35 #include "utils.h"
36 #include "hash_seed.h"
37 #include "inifcns.h"
39 #include <iostream>
40 #include <stdexcept>
41 #include <typeinfo>
43 namespace GiNaC {
46   print_func<print_context>(&basic::do_print).
47   print_func<print_tree>(&basic::do_print_tree).
48   print_func<print_python_repr>(&basic::do_print_python_repr))
50 //////////
51 // default constructor, destructor, copy constructor and assignment operator
52 //////////
54 // public
56 /** basic copy constructor: implicitly assumes that the other class is of
57  *  the exact same type (as it's used by duplicate()), so it can copy the
58  *  tinfo_key and the hash value. */
basic(const basic & other)59 basic::basic(const basic & other) : flags(other.flags & ~status_flags::dynallocated), hashvalue(other.hashvalue)
60 {
61 }
63 /** basic assignment operator: the other object might be of a derived class. */
operator =(const basic & other)64 const basic & basic::operator=(const basic & other)
65 {
66 	unsigned fl = other.flags & ~status_flags::dynallocated;
67 	if (typeid(*this) != typeid(other)) {
68 		// The other object is of a derived class, so clear the flags as they
69 		// might no longer apply (especially hash_calculated). Oh, and don't
70 		// copy the tinfo_key: it is already set correctly for this object.
71 		fl &= ~(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded | status_flags::hash_calculated);
72 	} else {
73 		// The objects are of the exact same class, so copy the hash value.
74 		hashvalue = other.hashvalue;
75 	}
76 	flags = fl;
77 	set_refcount(0);
78 	return *this;
79 }
81 // protected
83 // none (all inlined)
85 //////////
86 // other constructors
87 //////////
89 // none (all inlined)
91 //////////
92 // archiving
93 //////////
95 /** Construct object from archive_node. */
read_archive(const archive_node & n,lst & syms)96 void basic::read_archive(const archive_node& n, lst& syms)
97 { }
99 /** Archive the object. */
archive(archive_node & n) const100 void basic::archive(archive_node &n) const
101 {
102 	n.add_string("class", class_name());
103 }
105 //////////
106 // new virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes
107 //////////
109 // public
111 /** Output to stream. This performs double dispatch on the dynamic type of
112  *  *this and the dynamic type of the supplied print context.
113  *  @param c print context object that describes the output formatting
114  *  @param level value that is used to identify the precedence or indentation
115  *               level for placing parentheses and formatting */
print(const print_context & c,unsigned level) const116 void basic::print(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const
117 {
118 	print_dispatch(get_class_info(), c, level);
119 }
121 /** Like print(), but dispatch to the specified class. Can be used by
122  *  implementations of print methods to dispatch to the method of the
123  *  superclass.
124  *
125  *  @see basic::print */
print_dispatch(const registered_class_info & ri,const print_context & c,unsigned level) const126 void basic::print_dispatch(const registered_class_info & ri, const print_context & c, unsigned level) const
127 {
128 	// Double dispatch on object type and print_context type
129 	const registered_class_info * reg_info = &ri;
130 	const print_context_class_info * pc_info = &c.get_class_info();
132 next_class:
133 	const std::vector<print_functor> & pdt = reg_info->options.get_print_dispatch_table();
135 next_context:
136 	unsigned id = pc_info->options.get_id();
137 	if (id >= pdt.size() || !(pdt[id].is_valid())) {
139 		// Method not found, try parent print_context class
140 		const print_context_class_info * parent_pc_info = pc_info->get_parent();
141 		if (parent_pc_info) {
142 			pc_info = parent_pc_info;
143 			goto next_context;
144 		}
146 		// Method still not found, try parent class
147 		const registered_class_info * parent_reg_info = reg_info->get_parent();
148 		if (parent_reg_info) {
149 			reg_info = parent_reg_info;
150 			pc_info = &c.get_class_info();
151 			goto next_class;
152 		}
154 		// Method still not found. This shouldn't happen because basic (the
155 		// base class of the algebraic hierarchy) registers a method for
156 		// print_context (the base class of the print context hierarchy),
157 		// so if we end up here, there's something wrong with the class
158 		// registry.
159 		throw (std::runtime_error(std::string("basic::print(): method for ") + class_name() + "/" + c.class_name() + " not found"));
161 	} else {
163 		// Call method
164 		pdt[id](*this, c, level);
165 	}
166 }
168 /** Default output to stream. */
do_print(const print_context & c,unsigned level) const169 void basic::do_print(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const
170 {
171 	c.s << "[" << class_name() << " object]";
172 }
174 /** Tree output to stream. */
do_print_tree(const print_tree & c,unsigned level) const175 void basic::do_print_tree(const print_tree & c, unsigned level) const
176 {
177 	c.s << std::string(level, ' ') << class_name() << " @" << this
178 	    << std::hex << ", hash=0x" << hashvalue << ", flags=0x" << flags << std::dec;
179 	if (nops())
180 		c.s << ", nops=" << nops();
181 	c.s << std::endl;
182 	for (size_t i=0; i<nops(); ++i)
183 		op(i).print(c, level + c.delta_indent);
184 }
186 /** Python parsable output to stream. */
do_print_python_repr(const print_python_repr & c,unsigned level) const187 void basic::do_print_python_repr(const print_python_repr & c, unsigned level) const
188 {
189 	c.s << class_name() << "()";
190 }
192 /** Little wrapper around print to be called within a debugger.
193  *  This is needed because you cannot call foo.print(cout) from within the
194  *  debugger because it might not know what cout is.  This method can be
195  *  invoked with no argument and it will simply print to stdout.
196  *
197  *  @see basic::print
198  *  @see basic::dbgprinttree */
dbgprint() const199 void basic::dbgprint() const
200 {
201 	this->print(print_dflt(std::cerr));
202 	std::cerr << std::endl;
203 }
205 /** Little wrapper around printtree to be called within a debugger.
206  *
207  *  @see basic::dbgprint */
dbgprinttree() const208 void basic::dbgprinttree() const
209 {
210 	this->print(print_tree(std::cerr));
211 }
213 /** Return relative operator precedence (for parenthezing output). */
precedence() const214 unsigned basic::precedence() const
215 {
216 	return 70;
217 }
219 /** Information about the object.
220  *
221  *  @see class info_flags */
info(unsigned inf) const222 bool basic::info(unsigned inf) const
223 {
224 	// all possible properties are false for basic objects
225 	return false;
226 }
228 /** Number of operands/members. */
nops() const229 size_t basic::nops() const
230 {
231 	// iterating from 0 to nops() on atomic objects should be an empty loop,
232 	// and accessing their elements is a range error.  Container objects should
233 	// override this.
234 	return 0;
235 }
237 /** Return operand/member at position i. */
op(size_t i) const238 ex basic::op(size_t i) const
239 {
240 	throw(std::range_error(std::string("basic::op(): ") + class_name() + std::string(" has no operands")));
241 }
243 /** Return modifiable operand/member at position i. */
let_op(size_t i)244 ex & basic::let_op(size_t i)
245 {
246 	ensure_if_modifiable();
247 	throw(std::range_error(std::string("basic::let_op(): ") + class_name() + std::string(" has no operands")));
248 }
operator [](const ex & index) const250 ex basic::operator[](const ex & index) const
251 {
252 	if (is_exactly_a<numeric>(index))
253 		return op(static_cast<size_t>(ex_to<numeric>(index).to_int()));
255 	throw(std::invalid_argument(std::string("non-numeric indices not supported by ") + class_name()));
256 }
operator [](size_t i) const258 ex basic::operator[](size_t i) const
259 {
260 	return op(i);
261 }
operator [](const ex & index)263 ex & basic::operator[](const ex & index)
264 {
265 	if (is_exactly_a<numeric>(index))
266 		return let_op(ex_to<numeric>(index).to_int());
268 	throw(std::invalid_argument(std::string("non-numeric indices not supported by ") + class_name()));
269 }
operator [](size_t i)271 ex & basic::operator[](size_t i)
272 {
273 	return let_op(i);
274 }
276 /** Test for occurrence of a pattern.  An object 'has' a pattern if it matches
277  *  the pattern itself or one of the children 'has' it.  As a consequence
278  *  (according to the definition of children) given e=x+y+z, e.has(x) is true
279  *  but e.has(x+y) is false. */
has(const ex & pattern,unsigned options) const280 bool basic::has(const ex & pattern, unsigned options) const
281 {
282 	exmap repl_lst;
283 	if (match(pattern, repl_lst))
284 		return true;
285 	for (size_t i=0; i<nops(); i++)
286 		if (op(i).has(pattern, options))
287 			return true;
289 	return false;
290 }
292 /** Construct new expression by applying the specified function to all
293  *  sub-expressions (one level only, not recursively). */
map(map_function & f) const294 ex basic::map(map_function & f) const
295 {
296 	size_t num = nops();
297 	if (num == 0)
298 		return *this;
300 	basic *copy = nullptr;
301 	for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
302 		const ex & o = op(i);
303 		const ex & n = f(o);
304 		if (!are_ex_trivially_equal(o, n)) {
305 			if (copy == nullptr)
306 				copy = duplicate();
307 			copy->let_op(i) = n;
308 		}
309 	}
311 	if (copy) {
312 		copy->clearflag(status_flags::hash_calculated | status_flags::expanded);
313 		return *copy;
314 	} else
315 		return *this;
316 }
318 /** Check whether this is a polynomial in the given variables. */
is_polynomial(const ex & var) const319 bool basic::is_polynomial(const ex & var) const
320 {
321 	return !has(var) || is_equal(ex_to<basic>(var));
322 }
324 /** Return degree of highest power in object s. */
degree(const ex & s) const325 int basic::degree(const ex & s) const
326 {
327 	return is_equal(ex_to<basic>(s)) ? 1 : 0;
328 }
330 /** Return degree of lowest power in object s. */
ldegree(const ex & s) const331 int basic::ldegree(const ex & s) const
332 {
333 	return is_equal(ex_to<basic>(s)) ? 1 : 0;
334 }
336 /** Return coefficient of degree n in object s. */
coeff(const ex & s,int n) const337 ex basic::coeff(const ex & s, int n) const
338 {
339 	if (is_equal(ex_to<basic>(s)))
340 		return n==1 ? _ex1 : _ex0;
341 	else
342 		return n==0 ? *this : _ex0;
343 }
345 /** Sort expanded expression in terms of powers of some object(s).
346  *  @param s object(s) to sort in
347  *  @param distributed recursive or distributed form (only used when s is a list) */
collect(const ex & s,bool distributed) const348 ex basic::collect(const ex & s, bool distributed) const
349 {
350 	ex x;
351 	if (is_a<lst>(s)) {
353 		// List of objects specified
354 		if (s.nops() == 0)
355 			return *this;
356 		if (s.nops() == 1)
357 			return collect(s.op(0));
359 		else if (distributed) {
361 			x = this->expand();
362 			if (! is_a<add>(x))
363 				return x;
364 			const lst& l(ex_to<lst>(s));
366 			exmap cmap;
367 			cmap[_ex1] = _ex0;
368 			for (const auto & xi : x) {
369 				ex key = _ex1;
370 				ex pre_coeff = xi;
371 				for (auto & li : l) {
372 					int cexp = pre_coeff.degree(li);
373 					pre_coeff = pre_coeff.coeff(li, cexp);
374 					key *= pow(li, cexp);
375 				}
376 				auto ci = cmap.find(key);
377 				if (ci != cmap.end())
378 					ci->second += pre_coeff;
379 				else
380 					cmap.insert(exmap::value_type(key, pre_coeff));
381 			}
383 			exvector resv;
384 			for (auto & mi : cmap)
385 				resv.push_back((mi.first)*(mi.second));
386 			return dynallocate<add>(resv);
388 		} else {
390 			// Recursive form
391 			x = *this;
392 			size_t n = s.nops() - 1;
393 			while (true) {
394 				x = x.collect(s[n]);
395 				if (n == 0)
396 					break;
397 				n--;
398 			}
399 		}
401 	} else {
403 		// Only one object specified
404 		for (int n=this->ldegree(s); n<=this->degree(s); ++n)
405 			x += this->coeff(s,n)*power(s,n);
406 	}
408 	// correct for lost fractional arguments and return
409 	return x + (*this - x).expand();
410 }
412 /** Perform automatic non-interruptive term rewriting rules. */
eval() const413 ex basic::eval() const
414 {
415 	// There is nothing to do for basic objects:
416 	return hold();
417 }
419 /** Function object to be applied by basic::evalf(). */
420 struct evalf_map_function : public map_function {
operator ()GiNaC::evalf_map_function421 	ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return evalf(e); }
422 };
424 /** Evaluate object numerically. */
evalf() const425 ex basic::evalf() const
426 {
427 	if (nops() == 0)
428 		return *this;
429 	else {
430 		evalf_map_function map_evalf;
431 		return map(map_evalf);
432 	}
433 }
435 /** Function object to be applied by basic::evalm(). */
436 struct evalm_map_function : public map_function {
operator ()GiNaC::evalm_map_function437 	ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return evalm(e); }
438 } map_evalm;
440 /** Evaluate sums, products and integer powers of matrices. */
evalm() const441 ex basic::evalm() const
442 {
443 	if (nops() == 0)
444 		return *this;
445 	else
446 		return map(map_evalm);
447 }
449 /** Function object to be applied by basic::eval_integ(). */
450 struct eval_integ_map_function : public map_function {
operator ()GiNaC::eval_integ_map_function451 	ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return eval_integ(e); }
452 } map_eval_integ;
454 /** Evaluate integrals, if result is known. */
eval_integ() const455 ex basic::eval_integ() const
456 {
457 	if (nops() == 0)
458 		return *this;
459 	else
460 		return map(map_eval_integ);
461 }
463 /** Perform automatic symbolic evaluations on indexed expression that
464  *  contains this object as the base expression. */
eval_indexed(const basic & i) const465 ex basic::eval_indexed(const basic & i) const
466  // this function can't take a "const ex & i" because that would result
467  // in an infinite eval() loop
468 {
469 	// There is nothing to do for basic objects
470 	return i.hold();
471 }
473 /** Add two indexed expressions. They are guaranteed to be of class indexed
474  *  (or a subclass) and their indices are compatible. This function is used
475  *  internally by simplify_indexed().
476  *
477  *  @param self First indexed expression; its base object is *this
478  *  @param other Second indexed expression
479  *  @return sum of self and other
480  *  @see ex::simplify_indexed() */
add_indexed(const ex & self,const ex & other) const481 ex basic::add_indexed(const ex & self, const ex & other) const
482 {
483 	return self + other;
484 }
486 /** Multiply an indexed expression with a scalar. This function is used
487  *  internally by simplify_indexed().
488  *
489  *  @param self Indexed expression; its base object is *this
490  *  @param other Numeric value
491  *  @return product of self and other
492  *  @see ex::simplify_indexed() */
scalar_mul_indexed(const ex & self,const numeric & other) const493 ex basic::scalar_mul_indexed(const ex & self, const numeric & other) const
494 {
495 	return self * other;
496 }
498 /** Try to contract two indexed expressions that appear in the same product.
499  *  If a contraction exists, the function overwrites one or both of the
500  *  expressions and returns true. Otherwise it returns false. It is
501  *  guaranteed that both expressions are of class indexed (or a subclass)
502  *  and that at least one dummy index has been found. This functions is
503  *  used internally by simplify_indexed().
504  *
505  *  @param self Pointer to first indexed expression; its base object is *this
506  *  @param other Pointer to second indexed expression
507  *  @param v The complete vector of factors
508  *  @return true if the contraction was successful, false otherwise
509  *  @see ex::simplify_indexed() */
contract_with(exvector::iterator self,exvector::iterator other,exvector & v) const510 bool basic::contract_with(exvector::iterator self, exvector::iterator other, exvector & v) const
511 {
512 	// Do nothing
513 	return false;
514 }
516 /** Check whether the expression matches a given pattern. For every wildcard
517  *  object in the pattern, a pair with the wildcard as a key and matching
518  *  expression as a value is added to repl_lst. */
match(const ex & pattern,exmap & repl_lst) const519 bool basic::match(const ex & pattern, exmap& repl_lst) const
520 {
521 /*
522 	Sweet sweet shapes, sweet sweet shapes,
523 	That's the key thing, right right.
524 	Feed feed face, feed feed shapes,
525 	But who is the king tonight?
526 	Who is the king tonight?
527 	Pattern is the thing, the key thing-a-ling,
528 	But who is the king of Pattern?
529 	But who is the king, the king thing-a-ling,
530 	Who is the king of Pattern?
531 	Bog is the king, the king thing-a-ling,
532 	Bog is the king of Pattern.
533 	Ba bu-bu-bu-bu bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu bu-bu
534 	Bog is the king of Pattern.
535 */
537 	if (is_exactly_a<wildcard>(pattern)) {
539 		// Wildcard matches anything, but check whether we already have found
540 		// a match for that wildcard first (if so, the earlier match must be
541 		// the same expression)
542 		for (auto & it : repl_lst) {
543 			if (it.first.is_equal(pattern))
544 				return is_equal(ex_to<basic>(it.second));
545 		}
546 		repl_lst[pattern] = *this;
547 		return true;
549 	} else {
551 		// Expression must be of the same type as the pattern
552 		if (typeid(*this) != typeid(ex_to<basic>(pattern)))
553 			return false;
555 		// Number of subexpressions must match
556 		if (nops() != pattern.nops())
557 			return false;
559 		// No subexpressions? Then just compare the objects (there can't be
560 		// wildcards in the pattern)
561 		if (nops() == 0)
562 			return is_equal_same_type(ex_to<basic>(pattern));
564 		// Check whether attributes that are not subexpressions match
565 		if (!match_same_type(ex_to<basic>(pattern)))
566 			return false;
568 		// Even if the expression does not match the pattern, some of
569 		// its subexpressions could match it. For example, x^5*y^(-1)
570 		// does not match the pattern $0^5, but its subexpression x^5
571 		// does. So, save repl_lst in order to not add bogus entries.
572 		exmap tmp_repl = repl_lst;
573 		// Otherwise the subexpressions must match one-to-one
574 		for (size_t i=0; i<nops(); i++)
575 			if (!op(i).match(pattern.op(i), tmp_repl))
576 				return false;
578 		// Looks similar enough, match found
579 		repl_lst = tmp_repl;
580 		return true;
581 	}
582 }
584 /** Helper function for subs(). Does not recurse into subexpressions. */
subs_one_level(const exmap & m,unsigned options) const585 ex basic::subs_one_level(const exmap & m, unsigned options) const
586 {
587 	if (options & subs_options::no_pattern) {
588 		ex thisex = *this;  // NB: *this may be deleted here.
589 		auto it = m.find(thisex);
590 		if (it != m.end())
591 			return it->second;
592 		return thisex;
593 	} else {
594 		for (auto & it : m) {
595 			exmap repl_lst;
596 			if (match(ex_to<basic>(it.first), repl_lst))
597 				return it.second.subs(repl_lst, options | subs_options::no_pattern);
598 			// avoid infinite recursion when re-substituting the wildcards
599 		}
600 	}
602 	return *this;
603 }
605 /** Substitute a set of objects by arbitrary expressions. The ex returned
606  *  will already be evaluated. */
subs(const exmap & m,unsigned options) const607 ex basic::subs(const exmap & m, unsigned options) const
608 {
609 	size_t num = nops();
610 	if (num) {
612 		// Substitute in subexpressions
613 		for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
614 			const ex & orig_op = op(i);
615 			const ex & subsed_op = orig_op.subs(m, options);
616 			if (!are_ex_trivially_equal(orig_op, subsed_op)) {
618 				// Something changed, clone the object
619 				basic *copy = duplicate();
620 				copy->clearflag(status_flags::hash_calculated | status_flags::expanded);
622 				// Substitute the changed operand
623 				copy->let_op(i++) = subsed_op;
625 				// Substitute the other operands
626 				for (; i<num; i++)
627 					copy->let_op(i) = op(i).subs(m, options);
629 				// Perform substitutions on the new object as a whole
630 				return copy->subs_one_level(m, options);
631 			}
632 		}
633 	}
635 	// Nothing changed or no subexpressions
636 	return subs_one_level(m, options);
637 }
639 /** Default interface of nth derivative ex::diff(s, n).  It should be called
640  *  instead of ::derivative(s) for first derivatives and for nth derivatives it
641  *  just recurses down.
642  *
643  *  @param s symbol to differentiate in
644  *  @param nth order of differentiation
645  *  @see ex::diff */
diff(const symbol & s,unsigned nth) const646 ex basic::diff(const symbol & s, unsigned nth) const
647 {
648 	// trivial: zeroth derivative
649 	if (nth==0)
650 		return ex(*this);
652 	// evaluate unevaluated *this before differentiating
653 	if (!(flags & status_flags::evaluated))
654 		return ex(*this).diff(s, nth);
656 	ex ndiff = this->derivative(s);
657 	while (!ndiff.is_zero() &&    // stop differentiating zeros
658 	       nth>1) {
659 		ndiff = ndiff.diff(s);
660 		--nth;
661 	}
662 	return ndiff;
663 }
665 /** Return a vector containing the free indices of an expression. */
get_free_indices() const666 exvector basic::get_free_indices() const
667 {
668 	return exvector(); // return an empty exvector
669 }
conjugate() const671 ex basic::conjugate() const
672 {
673 	return *this;
674 }
real_part() const676 ex basic::real_part() const
677 {
678 	return real_part_function(*this).hold();
679 }
imag_part() const681 ex basic::imag_part() const
682 {
683 	return imag_part_function(*this).hold();
684 }
eval_ncmul(const exvector & v) const686 ex basic::eval_ncmul(const exvector & v) const
687 {
688 	return hold_ncmul(v);
689 }
691 // protected
693 /** Function object to be applied by basic::derivative(). */
694 struct derivative_map_function : public map_function {
695 	const symbol &s;
derivative_map_functionGiNaC::derivative_map_function696 	derivative_map_function(const symbol &sym) : s(sym) {}
operator ()GiNaC::derivative_map_function697 	ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return diff(e, s); }
698 };
700 /** Default implementation of ex::diff(). It maps the operation on the
701  *  operands (or returns 0 when the object has no operands).
702  *
703  *  @see ex::diff */
derivative(const symbol & s) const704 ex basic::derivative(const symbol & s) const
705 {
706 	if (nops() == 0)
707 		return _ex0;
708 	else {
709 		derivative_map_function map_derivative(s);
710 		return map(map_derivative);
711 	}
712 }
714 /** Returns order relation between two objects of same type.  This needs to be
715  *  implemented by each class. It may never return anything else than 0,
716  *  signalling equality, or +1 and -1 signalling inequality and determining
717  *  the canonical ordering.  (Perl hackers will wonder why C++ doesn't feature
718  *  the spaceship operator <=> for denoting just this.) */
compare_same_type(const basic & other) const719 int basic::compare_same_type(const basic & other) const
720 {
721 	return compare_pointers(this, &other);
722 }
724 /** Returns true if two objects of same type are equal.  Normally needs
725  *  not be reimplemented as long as it wasn't overwritten by some parent
726  *  class, since it just calls compare_same_type().  The reason why this
727  *  function exists is that sometimes it is easier to determine equality
728  *  than an order relation and then it can be overridden. */
is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const729 bool basic::is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const
730 {
731 	return compare_same_type(other)==0;
732 }
734 /** Returns true if the attributes of two objects are similar enough for
735  *  a match. This function must not match subexpressions (this is already
736  *  done by basic::match()). Only attributes not accessible by op() should
737  *  be compared. This is also the reason why this function doesn't take the
738  *  wildcard replacement list from match() as an argument: only subexpressions
739  *  are subject to wildcard matches. Also, this function only needs to be
740  *  implemented for container classes because is_equal_same_type() is
741  *  automatically used instead of match_same_type() if nops() == 0.
742  *
743  *  @see basic::match */
match_same_type(const basic & other) const744 bool basic::match_same_type(const basic & other) const
745 {
746 	// The default is to only consider subexpressions, but not any other
747 	// attributes
748 	return true;
749 }
return_type() const751 unsigned basic::return_type() const
752 {
753 	return return_types::commutative;
754 }
return_type_tinfo() const756 return_type_t basic::return_type_tinfo() const
757 {
758 	return_type_t rt;
759 	rt.tinfo = &typeid(*this);
760 	rt.rl = 0;
761 	return rt;
762 }
764 /** Compute the hash value of an object and if it makes sense to store it in
765  *  the objects status_flags, do so.  The method inherited from class basic
766  *  computes a hash value based on the type and hash values of possible
767  *  members.  For this reason it is well suited for container classes but
768  *  atomic classes should override this implementation because otherwise they
769  *  would all end up with the same hashvalue. */
calchash() const770 unsigned basic::calchash() const
771 {
772 	unsigned v = make_hash_seed(typeid(*this));
773 	for (size_t i=0; i<nops(); i++) {
774 		v = rotate_left(v);
775 		v ^= this->op(i).gethash();
776 	}
778 	// store calculated hash value only if object is already evaluated
779 	if (flags & status_flags::evaluated) {
780 		setflag(status_flags::hash_calculated);
781 		hashvalue = v;
782 	}
784 	return v;
785 }
787 /** Function object to be applied by basic::expand(). */
788 struct expand_map_function : public map_function {
789 	unsigned options;
expand_map_functionGiNaC::expand_map_function790 	expand_map_function(unsigned o) : options(o) {}
operator ()GiNaC::expand_map_function791 	ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return e.expand(options); }
792 };
794 /** Expand expression, i.e. multiply it out and return the result as a new
795  *  expression. */
expand(unsigned options) const796 ex basic::expand(unsigned options) const
797 {
798 	if (nops() == 0)
799 		return (options == 0) ? setflag(status_flags::expanded) : *this;
800 	else {
801 		expand_map_function map_expand(options);
802 		return ex_to<basic>(map(map_expand)).setflag(options == 0 ? status_flags::expanded : 0);
803 	}
804 }
807 //////////
808 // non-virtual functions in this class
809 //////////
811 // public
813 /** Compare objects syntactically to establish canonical ordering.
814  *  All compare functions return: -1 for *this less than other, 0 equal,
815  *  1 greater. */
compare(const basic & other) const816 int basic::compare(const basic & other) const
817 {
819 	compare_statistics.total_basic_compares++;
820 #endif
821 	const unsigned hash_this = gethash();
822 	const unsigned hash_other = other.gethash();
823 	if (hash_this<hash_other) return -1;
824 	if (hash_this>hash_other) return 1;
826 	compare_statistics.compare_same_hashvalue++;
827 #endif
829 	const std::type_info& typeid_this = typeid(*this);
830 	const std::type_info& typeid_other = typeid(other);
831 	if (typeid_this == typeid_other) {
832 // 		int cmpval = compare_same_type(other);
833 // 		if (cmpval!=0) {
834 // 			std::cout << "hash collision, same type: "
835 // 			          << *this << " and " << other << std::endl;
836 // 			this->print(print_tree(std::cout));
837 // 			std::cout << " and ";
838 // 			other.print(print_tree(std::cout));
839 // 			std::cout << std::endl;
840 // 		}
841 // 		return cmpval;
843 		compare_statistics.compare_same_type++;
844 #endif
845 		return compare_same_type(other);
846 	} else {
847 // 		std::cout << "hash collision, different types: "
848 // 		          << *this << " and " << other << std::endl;
849 // 		this->print(print_tree(std::cout));
850 // 		std::cout << " and ";
851 // 		other.print(print_tree(std::cout));
852 // 		std::cout << std::endl;
853 		return (typeid_this.before(typeid_other) ? -1 : 1);
854 	}
855 }
857 /** Test for syntactic equality.
858  *  This is only a quick test, meaning objects should be in the same domain.
859  *  You might have to .expand(), .normal() objects first, depending on the
860  *  domain of your computation, to get a more reliable answer.
861  *
862  *  @see is_equal_same_type */
is_equal(const basic & other) const863 bool basic::is_equal(const basic & other) const
864 {
866 	compare_statistics.total_basic_is_equals++;
867 #endif
868 	if (this->gethash()!=other.gethash())
869 		return false;
871 	compare_statistics.is_equal_same_hashvalue++;
872 #endif
873 	if (typeid(*this) != typeid(other))
874 		return false;
877 	compare_statistics.is_equal_same_type++;
878 #endif
879 	return is_equal_same_type(other);
880 }
882 // protected
884 /** Stop further evaluation.
885  *
886  *  @see basic::eval */
hold() const887 const basic & basic::hold() const
888 {
889 	return setflag(status_flags::evaluated);
890 }
892 /** Ensure the object may be modified without hurting others, throws if this
893  *  is not the case. */
ensure_if_modifiable() const894 void basic::ensure_if_modifiable() const
895 {
896 	if (get_refcount() > 1)
897 		throw(std::runtime_error("cannot modify multiply referenced object"));
898 	clearflag(status_flags::hash_calculated | status_flags::evaluated);
899 }
901 //////////
902 // global variables
903 //////////
~compare_statistics_t()906 compare_statistics_t::~compare_statistics_t()
907 {
908 	std::clog << "ex::compare() called " << total_compares << " times" << std::endl;
909 	std::clog << "nontrivial compares: " << nontrivial_compares << " times" << std::endl;
910 	std::clog << "basic::compare() called " << total_basic_compares << " times" << std::endl;
911 	std::clog << "same hashvalue in compare(): " << compare_same_hashvalue << " times" << std::endl;
912 	std::clog << "compare_same_type() called " << compare_same_type << " times" << std::endl;
913 	std::clog << std::endl;
914 	std::clog << "ex::is_equal() called " << total_is_equals << " times" << std::endl;
915 	std::clog << "nontrivial is_equals: " << nontrivial_is_equals << " times" << std::endl;
916 	std::clog << "basic::is_equal() called " << total_basic_is_equals << " times" << std::endl;
917 	std::clog << "same hashvalue in is_equal(): " << is_equal_same_hashvalue << " times" << std::endl;
918 	std::clog << "is_equal_same_type() called " << is_equal_same_type << " times" << std::endl;
919 	std::clog << std::endl;
920 	std::clog << "basic::gethash() called " << total_gethash << " times" << std::endl;
921 	std::clog << "used cached hashvalue " << gethash_cached << " times" << std::endl;
922 }
924 compare_statistics_t compare_statistics;
925 #endif
927 } // namespace GiNaC