1### This is originally from the R package
3####  rrcov : Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point
5#### by Valentin Todorov
7##  I would like to thank Peter Rousseeuw and Katrien van Driessen for
8##  providing the initial code of this function.
10## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13## (at your option) any later version.
15## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18## GNU General Public License for more details.
20## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21## along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
22## http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
24## No longer hidden in namespace :
25## easier to explain when user-available & documented if
26h.alpha.n <- function(alpha, n, p) {
27    ## Compute h(alpha) := size of subsample, given alpha, (n,p)
28    ## Same function for covMcd() and ltsReg()
29    n2 <- (n+p+1) %/% 2
30    floor(2 * n2 - n + 2 * (n - n2) * alpha)
33## MM: the way it's set up, *must* be kept in sync with rrcov.control()'s
34## defaults --> ./rrcov.control.R  :
35covMcd <- function(x,
36           cor = FALSE,
37	   raw.only = FALSE,
38           alpha = control$ alpha,
39           nsamp = control$ nsamp,
40           nmini = control$ nmini, kmini = control$ kmini,
41           scalefn=control$scalefn, maxcsteps=control$maxcsteps,
42           initHsets = NULL, save.hsets = FALSE, names = TRUE,
43           seed  = control$ seed,
44           tolSolve = control$ tolSolve, # had 1e-10 hardwired {now 1e-14 default}
45           trace = control$ trace,
46           use.correction = control$ use.correction,
47           wgtFUN = control$ wgtFUN,
48           control = rrcov.control())
50    logdet.Lrg <- 50 ## <-- FIXME add to  rrcov.control() and then use that
51    ##   Analyze and validate the input parameters ...
52    if(length(seed) > 0) {
53	if(length(seed) < 3 || seed[1L] < 100)
54	    stop("invalid 'seed'. Must be compatible with .Random.seed !")
55        if(exists(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits=FALSE))  {
56            seed.keep <- get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits=FALSE)
57            on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", seed.keep, envir=.GlobalEnv))
58        }
59        assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir=.GlobalEnv)
60    }
62    ## For back compatibility, as some new args did not exist pre 2013-04,
63    ## and callers of covMcd() may use a "too small"  'control' list:
64    defCtrl <- if(missing(control)) control else rrcov.control()
65    if(missing(wgtFUN)) getDefCtrl("wgtFUN", defCtrl)
66    if(is.null (nmini)) getDefCtrl("nmini", defCtrl)
68    ##   vt::03.02.2006 - added options "best" and "exact" for nsamp
69    ##   nsamp will be further analized in the wrapper .fastmcd()
70    if(is.numeric(nsamp) && nsamp <= 0)
71        stop("Invalid number of trials nsamp = ",nsamp, "!")
73    if(is.data.frame(x))
74	x <- data.matrix(x, rownames.force=FALSE)
75    else if (!is.matrix(x))
76        x <- matrix(x, length(x), 1,
77                    dimnames = if(names) list(names(x), deparse(substitute(x))))
79    if(!names) dimnames(x) <- NULL # (speedup)
80    ## drop all rows with missing values (!!) :
81    ok <- is.finite(x %*% rep.int(1, ncol(x)))
82    x <- x[ok, , drop = FALSE]
83    if(!length(dx <- dim(x)))
84        stop("All observations have missing values!")
85    n <- dx[1]; p <- dx[2]
86    if(names) dimn <- dimnames(x)
87    ## h(alpha) , the size of the subsamples
88    h <- h.alpha.n(alpha, n, p)
89    if(n <= p + 1) # ==> floor((n+p+1)/2) > n - 1  -- not Ok
90        stop(if (n <= p) # absolute barrier!
91             "n <= p -- you can't be serious!"
92        else "n == p+1  is too small sample size for MCD")
93    ## else
94    if(n < 2 * p) { ## p+1 < n < 2p
95        warning("n < 2 * p, i.e., possibly too small sample size")
96        ## was stop("Need at least 2*(number of variables) observations ")
97    }
98    ##     jmin <- (n + p + 1) %/% 2
99    ##     if(alpha < 1/2) ## FIXME? shouldn't we rather test   'alpha < jmin/n' ?
100    ##  stop("The MCD must cover at least", jmin, "observations")
101    ## MM: I think this should be sufficient;
102    ##     we should even omit the (n < 2p) warning
103    if(h > n)
104        stop("Sample size n  <  h(alpha; n,p) := size of \"good\" subsample")
105    else if(2*h < n)
106	warning("subsample size	 h < n/2  may be too small")
108    if(is.character(wgtFUN)) {
109	if(is.function(mkWfun <- .wgtFUN.covMcd[[wgtFUN]]))
110            wgtFUN <- mkWfun(p=p, n=n, control)
111    }
112    if(!is.function(wgtFUN))
113	stop(gettextf("'wgtFUN' must be a function or one of the strings %s.",
114		      pasteK(paste0('"',names(.wgtFUN.covMcd),'"'))), domain=NA)
116    ## vt::03.02.2006 - raw.cnp2 and cnp2 are vectors of size 2 and  will
117    ##   contain the correction factors (concistency and finite sample)
118    ##   for the raw and reweighted estimates respectively. Set them
119    ##   initially to 1.  If use.correction is false (not the default),
120    ##   the finite sample correction factor will not be used
121    ##   (neither for the raw estimates nor for the reweighted ones)
122    raw.cnp2 <- cnp2 <- c(1,1)
124    ans <- list(call = match.call(), nsamp = nsamp,
125                method = sprintf("MCD(alpha=%g ==> h=%d)", alpha, h))
127    if(h == n) { ## <==> alpha ~= 1 : Just compute the classical estimates --------
128        mcd <- cov(x) #MM: was  cov.wt(x)$cov
129        loc <- as.vector(colMeans(x))
130        obj <- determinant(mcd, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]
131        if ( -obj/p > logdet.Lrg ) {
132            ans$cov <- mcd
133	    if(names) dimnames(ans$cov) <- list(dimn[[2]], dimn[[2]])
134            if (cor)
135                ans$cor <- cov2cor(ans$cov)
136            ans$center <- loc
137            if(names && length(dimn[[2]]))
138                names(ans$center) <- dimn[[2]]
139            ans$n.obs <- n
140            ans$singularity <- list(kind = "classical")
141            weights <- 1
142        }
143        else {
144            mah <- mahalanobis(x, loc, mcd, tol = tolSolve)
145            ## VT:: 01.09.2004 - bug in alpha=1
146            weights <- wgtFUN(mah) # 0/1
147            sum.w <- sum(weights)
148            ans <- c(ans, cov.wt(x, wt = weights, cor = cor))
149            ## cov.wt() -> list("cov", "center", "n.obs", ["wt", "cor"])
150            ## Consistency factor for reweighted MCD -- ok for default wgtFUN only: FIXME
151            if(sum.w != n) {
152                cnp2[1] <- .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n)
153                ans$cov <- ans$cov * cnp2[1]
154            }
155            obj <- determinant(mcd, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]
156            if( -obj/p > logdet.Lrg ) {
157                ans$singularity <- list(kind = "reweighted.MCD")
158            }
159            else {
160                mah <- mahalanobis(x, ans$center, ans$cov, tol = tolSolve)
161                weights <- wgtFUN(mah) # 0/1
162            }
163        }
165        ans$alpha <- alpha
166        ans$quan <- h
167        ans$raw.cov <- mcd
168        ans$raw.center <- loc
169        if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
170            names(ans$raw.center) <- nms
171            dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
172        }
173        ans$crit <- obj # was exp(obj); but log-scale is "robust" against under/overflow
174        ans$method <- paste(ans$method,
175                            "\nalpha = 1: The minimum covariance determinant estimates based on",
176                            n, "observations \nare equal to the classical estimates.")
177        ans$mcd.wt <- rep.int(NA, length(ok))
178        ans$mcd.wt[ok] <- weights
179        if(names && length(dimn[[1]]))
180            names(ans$mcd.wt) <- dimn[[1]]
181        ans$wt <- NULL
182        ans$X <- x
183        if(names) {
184            if(length(dimn[[1]]))
185                dimnames(ans$X)[[1]] <- names(ans$mcd.wt)[ok]
186            else
187                dimnames(ans$X) <- list(seq(along = ok)[ok], NULL)
188        }
189        if(trace)
190            cat(ans$method, "\n")
191        ans$raw.cnp2 <- raw.cnp2
192        ans$cnp2 <- cnp2
193        class(ans) <- "mcd"
194        return(ans)
195    } ## end { alpha = 1   <==>   h = n }
197    mcd <- if(nsamp == "deterministic") {
198	ans$method <- paste("Deterministic", ans$method)
199	.detmcd (x, h, hsets.init = initHsets,
200		 save.hsets=save.hsets, # full.h=full.h,
201		 scalefn=scalefn, maxcsteps=maxcsteps, trace=as.integer(trace),
202		 names=names)
203    } else {
204	ans$method <- paste0("Fast ", ans$method, "; nsamp = ", nsamp,
205			     "; (n,k)mini = (", nmini,",",kmini,")")
206	.fastmcd(x, h, nsamp, nmini, kmini, trace=as.integer(trace))
207    }
209    ## Compute the consistency correction factor for the raw MCD
210    ##  (see calfa in Croux and Haesbroeck)
211    calpha <- .MCDcons(p, h/n)    ## VT::19.3.2007
212    correct <- if(use.correction) .MCDcnp2(p, n, alpha) else 1.
213    raw.cnp2 <- c(calpha, correct)
215    if(p == 1) {
216        ## ==> Compute univariate location and scale estimates
217	ans$method <- paste("Univariate", ans$method)
218        scale <- sqrt(calpha * correct) * as.double(mcd$initcovariance)
219        center <- as.double(mcd$initmean)
220        if(abs(scale - 0) < 1e-07) {
221            ans$singularity <- list(kind = "identicalObs", q = h)
222            ans$raw.cov <- ans$cov <- matrix(0)
223            ans$raw.center <- ans$center <- center
224            ans$n.obs <- n
225            ans$alpha <- alpha
226            ans$quan <- h
227            if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]][1])) {
228                names(ans$raw.center) <- names(ans$center) <- nms
229                dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- dimnames(ans$cov) <- list(nms,nms)
230            }
231            ans$crit <- -Inf # = log(0)
232            weights <- as.numeric(abs(x - center) < 1e-07) # 0 / 1
233        } ## end { scale ~= 0 }
234        else {
235            ## Compute the weights for the raw MCD in case p=1
236            weights <- wgtFUN(((x - center)/scale)^2) # 0/1
237            sum.w <- sum(weights)
238            ans <- c(ans, cov.wt(x, wt = weights, cor=cor))
240	    if(sum.w != n) {
241		cdelta.rew <- .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n) ## VT::19.3.2007
242		correct.rew <- if(use.correction) .MCDcnp2.rew(p, n, alpha) else 1.
243		cnp2 <- c(cdelta.rew, correct.rew)
244		ans$cov <- cdelta.rew * correct.rew * ans$cov
245	    }
246            ans$alpha <- alpha
247            ans$quan <- h
248            ans$raw.cov <- as.matrix(scale^2)
249            ans$raw.center <- as.vector(center)
250            if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]][1])) {
251                dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
252                names(ans$raw.center) <- nms
253            }
254	    ans$crit <- ## log(det) =
255		log(sum(sort((x - as.double(mcd$initmean))^2, partial = h)[1:h])/max(1,h-1))
256            center <- ans$center
257            scale <- as.vector(sqrt(ans$cov))
258            weights <- wgtFUN(((x - center)/scale)^2)
259        } ## end{ scale > 0 }
260    } ## end p=1
262    else { ## p >= 2 : ---------------------------------------------------------
264      ## Apply correction factor to the raw estimates
265      ## and use them to compute weights
266      mcd$initcovariance <- matrix(calpha * correct * mcd$initcovariance, p,p)
267      if(raw.only || mcd$exactfit != 0) {
268        ## If not all observations are in general position, i.e. more than
269        ## h observations lie on a hyperplane, the program still yields
270        ## the MCD location and scatter matrix, the latter being singular
271        ## (as it should be), as well as the equation of the hyperplane.
273        dim(mcd$coeff) <- c(5, p)
274        ans$cov <- ans$raw.cov <- mcd$initcovariance
275        ans$center <- ans$raw.center <- as.vector(mcd$initmean)
277        if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
278            dimnames(ans$cov) <- list(nms, nms)
279            names(ans$center) <- nms
280        }
281        ans$n.obs <- n
283	if(raw.only) {
284	    ans$raw.only <- TRUE
285	} else {
286	    ## no longer relevant:
287	    ##      if(mcd$exactfit == -1)
288	    ##      stop("The program allows for at most ", mcd$kount, " observations.")
289	    ##      if(mcd$exactfit == -2)
290	    ##      stop("The program allows for at most ", mcd$kount, " variables.")
291	    if(!(mcd$exactfit %in% c(1,2,3)))
292		stop("Unexpected 'exactfit' code ", mcd$exactfit, ". Please report!")
293	    ## new (2007-01) and *instead* of older long 'method' extension;
294	    ## the old message is still *printed* via .MCDsingularityMsg()
295	    ##
296	    ## exactfit is now *passed* to result instead of coded into 'message':
297	    ans$singularity <-
298		list(kind = "on.hyperplane", exactCode = mcd$exactfit,
299		     p = p, h = h, count = mcd$kount, coeff = mcd$coeff[1,])
300	}
301        ans$alpha <- alpha
302        ans$quan <- h
303        if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
304            names(ans$raw.center) <- nms
305            dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
306        }
307        ans$crit <- -Inf # = log(0)
308        weights <- mcd$weights
310      } ## end (raw.only || exact fit)
312      else { ## have general position (exactfit == 0) : ------------------------
314        ## FIXME? here, we assume that mcd$initcovariance is not singular:
315        mah <- mahalanobis(x, mcd$initmean, mcd$initcovariance, tol = tolSolve)
316        weights <- wgtFUN(mah)
317        sum.w <- sum(weights)
318        ans <- c(ans, cov.wt(x, wt = weights, cor=cor))
319        ## simple check for singularity, much cheaper than determinant() below:
320        sing.rewt <- any(apply(ans$cov == 0, 2, all))
322        ## Compute and apply the consistency correction factor for
323        ## the reweighted cov
324        if(!sing.rewt && sum.w != n) {
325	    cdelta.rew <- .MCDcons(p, sum.w/n) ## VT::19.3.2007
326	    correct.rew <- if(use.correction) .MCDcnp2.rew(p, n, alpha) else 1.
327	    cnp2 <- c(cdelta.rew, correct.rew)
328	    ans$cov <- cdelta.rew * correct.rew * ans$cov
329        }
331        ##vt:: add also the best found subsample to the result list
332        ans$best <- sort(as.vector(mcd$best))
334        ans$alpha <- alpha
335        ans$quan <- h
336        ans$raw.cov <- mcd$initcovariance
337        ans$raw.center <- as.vector(mcd$initmean)
338        if(names && !is.null(nms <- dimn[[2]])) {
339            names(ans$raw.center) <- nms
340            dimnames(ans$raw.cov) <- list(nms,nms)
341        }
342        ans$raw.weights <- weights
343        ans$crit <- mcd$mcdestimate # now in log scale!
344        ## 'mah' already computed above
345        ans$raw.mah <- mah ## mahalanobis(x, ans$raw.center, ans$raw.cov, tol = tolSolve)
346        ## Check if the reweighted scatter matrix is singular.
347        if(sing.rewt || - determinant(ans$cov, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]/p > logdet.Lrg) {
348	    ans$singularity <- list(kind = paste0("reweighted.MCD",
349				    if(sing.rewt)"(zero col.)"))
350	    ans$mah <- mah
351        }
352        else {
353            mah <- mahalanobis(x, ans$center, ans$cov, tol = tolSolve)
354            ans$mah <- mah
355            weights <- wgtFUN(mah)
356        }
357      } ## end{ not exact fit }
359    } ## end{ p >= 2 }
361    ans$mcd.wt <- rep.int(NA, length(ok))
362    ans$mcd.wt[ok] <- weights
363    if(names) {
364	if(length(dimn[[1]]))
365	    names(ans$mcd.wt) <- dimn[[1]]
366	if(length(dimn[[1]]))
367	    dimnames(x)[[1]] <- names(ans$mcd.wt)[ok]
368	else
369	    dimnames(x) <- list(seq(along = ok)[ok], NULL)
370    }
371    ans$X <- x
372    ans$wt <- NULL
373    if(trace)
374        cat(ans$method, "\n")
375    ans$raw.cnp2 <- raw.cnp2
376    ans$cnp2 <- cnp2
377    if(nsamp == "deterministic")
378	ans <- c(ans, mcd[c("iBest","n.csteps", if(save.hsets) "initHsets")])
379    class(ans) <- "mcd"
380    ## warn if we have a singularity:
381    if(is.list(ans$singularity))
382	warning(paste(strwrap(.MCDsingularityMsg(ans$singularity, ans$n.obs)), collapse="\n"),
383		domain=NA)
384    ## return
385    ans
386} ## {covMcd}
388smoothWgt <- function(x, c, h) {
389    ## currently drops all attributes, dim(), names(), etc
390    ## maybe add 'keep.attributes = FALSE' (and pass to C)
391    .Call(R_wgt_flex, x, c, h)
394##' Martin Maechler's simple proposal for an *adaptive* cutoff
395##' i.e., one which does *not* reject outliers in good samples asymptotically
396.MCDadaptWgt.c <- function(n,p) {
397    eps <- 0.4 / n ^ 0.6 # => 1-eps(n=100) ~= 0.975; 1-eps(n=10) ~= 0.90
398    ## using upper tail:
399    qchisq(eps, p, lower.tail=FALSE)
403## Default wgtFUN()s :
404.wgtFUN.covMcd <-
405    list("01.original" = function(p, ...) {
406	     cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p)
407	     function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah)
408	 },
409	 "01.flex" = function(p, n, control) { ## 'control$beta' instead of 0.975
410	     ## FIXME: update rrcov.control() to accept 'beta'
411	     stopifnot(is.1num(beta <- control$beta), 0 <= beta, beta <= 1)
412	     cMah <- qchisq(beta, p)
413	     function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah)
414	 },
415	 "01.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) { ## 'beta_n' instead of 0.975
416	     cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
417	     function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah)
418	 },
419	 "sm1.orig" = function(p, n, ...) {
420	     cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p)
421	     function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 1)
422	 },
423	 "sm2.orig" = function(p, n, ...) {
424	     cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p)
425	     function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 2)
426	 },
427	 "sm1.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) {
428	     cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
429	     function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 1)
430	 },
431	 "sm2.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) {
432	     cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
433	     function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = 2)
434	 },
435	 "smE.adaptive" = function(p, n, ...) {
436	     cMah <- .MCDadaptWgt.c(n,p)
437	     ## TODO: find "theory" for h = f(cMah), or better c=f1(n,p); h=f2(n,p)
438	     function(d) smoothWgt(d, c = cMah, h = max(2, cMah/4))
439	 }
440	 )
443.MCDsingularityMsg <- function(singList, n.obs)
445    stopifnot(is.list(singList))
447    switch(singList$kind,
448       "classical" = {
449           "The classical covariance matrix is singular."
450       },
451       "reweighted.MCD" = {
452           "The reweighted MCD scatter matrix is singular."
453       },
454       "identicalObs" = {
455           sprintf("Initial scale 0 because more than 'h' (=%d) observations are identical.",
456               singList$q)
457       },
458       "on.hyperplane" = {
459           stopifnot(c("p", "count", "coeff") %in% names(singList))
460	   obsMsg <- function(m, n)
461	       paste("There are", m,
462		     "observations (in the entire dataset of", n, "obs.)",
463		     "lying on the")
464	   invisible(obsMsg)# <- codetools
465           with(singList,
466                c(switch(exactCode,
467                         ## exactfit == 1 :
468                         "The covariance matrix of the data is singular.",
469                         ## exactfit == 2 :
470                         c("The covariance matrix has become singular during",
471                           "the iterations of the MCD algorithm."),
472			 ## exactfit == 3:
473			 paste0("The ", h,
474				"-th order statistic of the absolute deviation of variable ",
475				which(coeff == 1), " is zero.")),
477                  if(p == 2) {
478                      paste(obsMsg(count, n.obs), "line with equation ",
479                            signif(coeff[1], digits= 5), "(x_i1-m_1) +",
480                            signif(coeff[2], digits= 5), "(x_i2-m_2) = 0",
481                            "with (m_1,m_2) the mean of these observations.")
482                  }
483                  else if(p == 3) {
484                      paste(obsMsg(count, n.obs), "plane with equation ",
485                            signif(coeff[1], digits= 5), "(x_i1-m_1) +",
486                            signif(coeff[2], digits= 5), "(x_i2-m_2) +",
487                            signif(coeff[3], digits= 5), "(x_i3-m_3) = 0",
488                            "with (m_1,m_2) the mean of these observations."
489                            )
490                  }
491                  else { ##  p > 3 -----------
492                      paste(obsMsg(count, n.obs), "hyperplane with equation ",
493                                "a_1*(x_i1 - m_1) + ... + a_p*(x_ip - m_p) = 0",
494                            "with (m_1, ..., m_p) the mean of these observations",
495			    "and coefficients a_i from the vector   a <- ",
496			    paste(deparse(zapsmall(coeff)), collapse="\n "))
497                  }))
498       },
499       ## Otherwise
500       stop("illegal 'singularity$kind'")
501       ) ## end{switch}
504nobs.mcd <- function (object, ...) object$n.obs
506print.mcd <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), print.gap = 2, ...)
508    cat("Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) estimator approximation.\n",
509        "Method: ", x$method, "\n", sep="")
510    if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
511        cat("Call:\n")
512        dput(cl)
513    }
514    if(is.list(x$singularity))
515        cat(strwrap(.MCDsingularityMsg(x$singularity, x$n.obs)), sep ="\n")
517    if(identical(x$nsamp, "deterministic"))
518	cat("iBest: ", pasteK(x$iBest), "; C-step iterations: ", pasteK(x$n.csteps),
519            "\n", sep="")
520    ## VT::29.03.2007 - solve a conflict with fastmcd() in package robust -
521    ##      also returning an object of class "mcd"
522    xx <- NA
523    if(!is.null(x$crit))
524	xx <- format(x$crit, digits = digits)
525    else if (!is.null(x$raw.objective))
526	xx <- format(log(x$raw.objective), digits = digits)
527    cat("Log(Det.): ", xx , "\n\nRobust Estimate of Location:\n")
528    print(x$center, digits = digits, print.gap = print.gap, ...)
529    cat("Robust Estimate of Covariance:\n")
530    print(x$cov, digits = digits, print.gap = print.gap, ...)
531    invisible(x)
534summary.mcd <- function(object, ...)
536    class(object) <- c("summary.mcd", class(object))
537    object
540print.summary.mcd <-
541    function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), print.gap = 2, ...)
543    print.mcd(x, digits = digits, print.gap = print.gap, ...) # see above
545    ## hmm, maybe not *such* a good idea :
546    if(!is.null(x$cor)) {
547        cat("\nRobust Estimate of Correlation: \n")
548        dimnames(x$cor) <- dimnames(x$cov)
549        print(x$cor, digits = digits, print.gap = print.gap, ...)
550    }
552    cat("\nEigenvalues:\n")
553    print(eigen(x$cov, only.values = TRUE)$values, digits = digits, ...)
555    if(!is.null(x$mah)) {
556	cat("\nRobust Distances: \n")
557	print(summary(x$mah, digits = digits), digits = digits, ...)
558    }
559    if(!is.null(wt <- x$mcd.wt))
560	summarizeRobWeights(wt, digits = digits)
561    invisible(x)
564## NOTE:  plot.mcd() is in ./covPlot.R !
565## ----                    ~~~~~~~~~~~
567### Consistency and Finite Sample Correction Factors
568###  .MCDcons()         .MCDcnp2() & .MCDcnp2.rew()
570### now exported and documented in ../man/covMcd.Rd
572##' Compute the consistency correction factor for the MCD estimate
573##'    (see calfa in Croux and Haesbroeck)
574##' @param p
575##' @param alpha alpha ~= h/n = quan/n
576##'    also use for the reweighted MCD, calling with alpha = 'sum(weights)/n'
577MCDcons <- # <- *not* exported, but currently used in pkgs rrcov, rrcovNA
578.MCDcons <- function(p, alpha)
580    qalpha <- qchisq(alpha, p)
581    caI <- pgamma(qalpha/2, p/2 + 1) / alpha
582    1/caI
585MCDcnp2 <- # <- *not* exported, but currently used in pkg rrcovNA
586##' Finite sample correction factor for raw MCD:
587.MCDcnp2 <- function(p, n, alpha)
589    stopifnot(0 <= alpha, alpha <= 1, length(alpha) == 1)
591    if(p > 2) {
592	##				"alfaq"	        "betaq"	    "qwaarden"
593        coeffqpkwad875 <- matrix(c(-0.455179464070565, 1.11192541278794, 2,
594                                   -0.294241208320834, 1.09649329149811, 3),
595                                 ncol = 2)
596        coeffqpkwad500 <- matrix(c(-1.42764571687802,  1.26263336932151, 2,
597                                   -1.06141115981725,  1.28907991440387, 3),
598                                 ncol = 2)
600        y.500 <- log( - coeffqpkwad500[1, ] / p^coeffqpkwad500[2, ] )
601        y.875 <- log( - coeffqpkwad875[1, ] / p^coeffqpkwad875[2, ] )
603        A.500 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffqpkwad500[3, ] * p^2))
604        A.875 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffqpkwad875[3, ] * p^2))
605        coeffic.500 <- solve(A.500, y.500)
606        coeffic.875 <- solve(A.875, y.875)
607        fp.500.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.500[1]) / n^coeffic.500[2]
608        fp.875.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.875[1]) / n^coeffic.875[2]
609    }
610    else if(p == 2) {
611        fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 0.673292623522027) / n^0.691365864961895
612        fp.875.n <- 1 - exp( 0.446537815635445) / n^1.06690782995919
613    } else if(p == 1) {
614        fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 0.262024211897096) / n^0.604756680630497
615        fp.875.n <- 1 - exp(-0.351584646688712) / n^1.01646567502486
616    }
618    ## VT:18.04.2007 - use simulated correction factors for several p and n:
619    ## p in [1, 20] n in [2*p, ...]
620    if(alpha == 0.5 && !is.na(fp.x <- MCDcnp2s$sim.0(p, n)))
621        fp.500.n <- 1/fp.x
623    fp.alpha.n <-
624        if(alpha <= 0.875)
625            fp.500.n + (fp.875.n - fp.500.n)/0.375 * (alpha - 0.5)
626        else ##  0.875 < alpha <= 1
627            fp.875.n + (1 - fp.875.n)/0.125 * (alpha - 0.875)
629    1/fp.alpha.n
630} ## end{.MCDcnp2 }
632MCDcnp2.rew <- # <- *not* exported, but currently used in pkg rrcovNA
633##' Finite sample correction factor for *REW*eighted MCD
634.MCDcnp2.rew <- function(p, n, alpha)
636    stopifnot(0 <= alpha, alpha <= 1, length(alpha) == 1)
638    if(p > 2) {
639        ##                              "alfaq"         "betaq"        "qwaarden"
640        coeffrewqpkwad875 <- matrix(c(-0.544482443573914, 1.25994483222292, 2,
641                                      -0.343791072183285, 1.25159004257133, 3),
642                                    ncol = 2)
643        coeffrewqpkwad500 <- matrix(c(-1.02842572724793,  1.67659883081926, 2,
644                                      -0.26800273450853,  1.35968562893582, 3),
645                                    ncol = 2)
647        y.500 <- log( - coeffrewqpkwad500[1, ] / p^ coeffrewqpkwad500[2, ] )
648        y.875 <- log( - coeffrewqpkwad875[1, ] / p^ coeffrewqpkwad875[2, ] )
650        A.500 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffrewqpkwad500[3, ] * p^2))
651        coeffic.500 <- solve(A.500, y.500)
652        A.875 <- cbind(1, - log(coeffrewqpkwad875[3, ] * p^2))
653        coeffic.875 <- solve(A.875, y.875)
654        fp.500.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.500[1]) / n^ coeffic.500[2]
655        fp.875.n <- 1 - exp(coeffic.875[1]) / n^ coeffic.875[2]
656    }
657    else if(p == 2) {
658        fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 3.11101712909049 ) / n^ 1.91401056721863
659        fp.875.n <- 1 - exp( 0.79473550581058 ) / n^ 1.10081930350091
660    } else if(p == 1) {
661        fp.500.n <- 1 - exp( 1.11098143415027 ) / n^ 1.5182890270453
662        fp.875.n <- 1 - exp( -0.66046776772861) / n^ 0.88939595831888
663    }
665    ## VT:18.04.2007 - use simulated correction factors for several p and n:
666    ## p in [1, 20] n in [2*p, ...]
667    if(alpha == 0.5 && !is.na(fp.x <- MCDcnp2s$sim.rew(p, n)))
668        fp.500.n <- 1/fp.x
670    fp.alpha.n <-
671        if(alpha <= 0.875)
672            fp.500.n + (fp.875.n - fp.500.n)/0.375 * (alpha - 0.5)
673        else ##  0.875 < alpha <= 1
674            fp.875.n + (1 - fp.875.n)/0.125 * (alpha - 0.875)
676    1/fp.alpha.n
677} ## end{.MCDcnp2.rew }
680.fastmcd <- function(x, h, nsamp, nmini, kmini, trace = 0)
682    dx <- dim(x)
683    n <- dx[1]
684    p <- dx[2]
686    ##   parameters for partitioning {equal to those in Fortran !!}
687    ## kmini <- 5
688    ## nmini <- 300
689    stopifnot(length(kmini <- as.integer(kmini)) == 1, kmini >= 2L,
690              is.1num(nmini), is.finite(nmaxi <- as.double(nmini)*kmini),
691              nmaxi * p < .Machine$integer.max)
692    nmaxi <- as.integer(nmaxi)
693    km10 <- 10*kmini
695    ## vt::03.02.2006 - added options "best" and "exact" for nsamp
696    ##
697    nLarge <- 100000 # was 5000 before Nov.2009 -- keep forever now; user can say "exact"
698    if(is.numeric(nsamp) && (nsamp < 0 || nsamp == 0 && p > 1)) {
699        nsamp <- -1
700    } else if(nsamp == "exact" || nsamp == "best") {
701        if(n > 2*nmini-1) {
702            warning("Options 'best' and 'exact' not allowed for n greater than  2*nmini-1 =",
703                    2*nmini-1,".\nUsing default.\n")
704            nsamp <- -1
705        } else {
706	    myk <- p + 1 ## was 'p'; but p+1 ("nsel = nvar+1") is correct
707            nall <- choose(n, myk)
708            msg <- paste("subsets of size", myk, "out of", n)
709            if(nall > nLarge && nsamp == "best") {
710                nsamp <- nLarge
711                warning("'nsamp = \"best\"' allows maximally ",
712                        format(nLarge, scientific=FALSE),
713                        " subsets;\ncomputing these ", msg,
714                        immediate. = TRUE)
715            } else {   ## "exact" or ("best"  &  nall < nLarge)
716                nsamp <- 0 ## all subsamples -> special treatment in Fortran
717                if(nall > nLarge) {
718                    msg <- paste("Computing all", nall, msg)
719                    if(nall > 10*nLarge)
720                        warning(msg, "\n This may take a",
721                                if(nall/nLarge > 100) " very", " long time!\n",
722                                immediate. = TRUE)
723                    else message(msg)
724                }
725            }
726        }
727    }
729    if(!is.numeric(nsamp) || nsamp == -1) { # still not defined
730        ## set it to the default :
731        nsamp.def <- rrcov.control()$nsamp
732	warning(gettextf("Invalid number of trials nsamp=%s. Using default nsamp=%d.",
733			 format(nsamp), nsamp.def),
734		domain=NA)
735        nsamp <- nsamp.def
736    }
738    if(nsamp > (mx <- .Machine$integer.max)) {
739	warning("nsamp > i_max := maximal integer -- not allowed;\n",
740		" set to i_max = ", mx)
741	nsamp <- mx
742    }
744    ##   Allocate temporary storage for the Fortran implementation,
745    ##   directly in the .Fortran() call.
746    ##    (if we used C + .Call() we would allocate all there, and be quite faster!)
748    .Fortran(rffastmcd,
749             x = if(is.double(x)) x else as.double(x),
750             n =    as.integer(n),
751             p =    as.integer(p), ## = 'nvar'  in Fortran
752             nhalff =   as.integer(h),
753             nsamp  =   as.integer(nsamp), # = 'krep'
754             nmini  =   as.integer(nmini),
755	     kmini  =	kmini,
756             initcovariance = double(p * p),
757             initmean       = double(p),
758             best       = rep.int(as.integer(10000), h),
759             mcdestimate = double(1), ## = 'det'
760             weights   = integer(n),
761             exactfit  = integer(1), # output indicator: 0: ok; 1: ..., 2: ..
762             coeff     = matrix(double(5 * p), nrow = 5, ncol = p), ## plane
763             kount     = integer(1),
764             adjustcov = double(p * p), ## used in ltsReg() !
765             ## integer(1), ## << 'seed' no longer used
766             temp   = integer(n),
767             index1 = integer(n),
768             index2 = integer(n),
769             indexx = integer(n),
770             nmahad = double(n),
771             ndist  = double(n),
772             am     = double(n),
773             am2    = double(n),
774             slutn  = double(n),
776             med   = double(p),
777             mad   = double(p),
778             sd    = double(p),
779             means = double(p),
780             bmeans= double(p),
781             w     = double(p),
782             fv1   = double(p),
783             fv2   = double(p),
785             rec   = double(p+1),
786             sscp1 = double((p+1)*(p+1)),
787             cova1 = double(p * p),
788             corr1 = double(p * p),
789             cinv1 = double(p * p),
790             cova2 = double(p * p),
791             cinv2 = double(p * p),
792             z     = double(p * p),
794             cstock = double(10 * p * p), # (10,nvmax2)
795             mstock = double(10 * p),     # (10,nvmax)
796             c1stock = double(km10 * p * p), # (km10,nvmax2)
797             m1stock = double(km10 * p),     # (km10,nvmax)
798             dath = double(nmaxi * p),       # (nmaxi,nvmax)
800             cutoff = qchisq(0.975, p),
801             chimed = qchisq(0.5,   p),
802             i.trace= as.integer(trace)
803             )[ ## keep the following ones:
804               c("initcovariance", "initmean", "best", "mcdestimate",
805                 "weights", "exactfit", "coeff", "kount", "adjustcov") ]
809## VT:18.04.2007 - use simulated correction factors for several p and n
810##   and alpha = 1/2  (the default in rrcov.control())
811##       ~~~~~~~~~~~
812##  p in [1, 20] n in [2*p, ...]
813##  see the modifications in.MCDcnp2() and.MCDcnp2.rew
816##  VT::08.06.2007 - fixed the simulated values (especially for p=1)
817##  VT::11.05.2007 - reduce the usage of the simulated correction factors to only those that
818##  are definitvely wrong (negative or very large). This is done by:
819##      a) reducing p.max
820##      b) reducing n.max
821##  NB: In general, "wrong" are the factors for the reweighted matrix, but whenever a simulated
822##      value for the reweighted is used, the corresponding simulated must be used for the raw too.
825## MM::2014-04 :
826MCDcnp2s <- local({
827    p.min <- 1L
828    p.max <- 9L # was 20
829    ncol <- 20L # the number of column in the matrices
830    n.min <- as.integer(
831###  p =  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
832        c(1,  4,  6,  8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40))
833    n.max <- as.integer(
834        c(2,  6, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20, 20, 20, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60))
835##was  c(22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60)
836## these are the right (simulated) values for n.max
838    n.min.rew <- n.min
839    n.max.rew <- n.max
841    m.0 <- matrix(
842        c(1, 3.075819, 1.515999, 2.156169, 1.480742, 1.765485, 1.460206, 1.603707, 1.427429, 1.504712, 1.334528, 1.48297,  1.355308, 1.383867, 1.319241, 1.36065,  1.307467, 1.365596, 1.255259, 1.352741, 1.239381, 3.15342, 1.799889, 2.258497, 1.688312, 1.906779, 1.548203, 1.724785, 1.500873, 1.573442, 1.417137, 1.540805, 1.395945, 1.472596, 1.394247, 1.377487, 1.337394, 1.369354, 1.333378, 1.3181, 1.313813, 1.315528, 2.12777, 2.718898, 1.993509, 2.220433, 1.820585, 1.97782, 1.672455, 1.770151, 1.587478, 1.685352, 1.539295, 1.584536, 1.499487, 1.50702, 1.41952, 1.449058, 1.393042, 1.432999, 1.369964, 1.400997, 1.333824, 2.950549, 2.145387, 2.382224, 1.927077, 2.032489, 1.8371, 1.877833, 1.710891, 1.756053, 1.620778, 1.657761, 1.558978, 1.56257, 1.508633, 1.534406, 1.46709, 1.468734, 1.432529, 1.455283, 1.386975, 1.417532, 2.229573, 2.494447, 2.016117, 2.190061, 1.877996, 1.978964, 1.767284, 1.836948, 1.677372, 1.743316, 1.616383, 1.655964, 1.55484, 1.594831, 1.502185, 1.543723, 1.467005, 1.491123, 1.44402, 1.446915, 1.401578, 2.580264, 2.109121, 2.240741, 1.944719, 2.043397, 1.821808, 1.89725, 1.748788, 1.786988, 1.659333, 1.697012, 1.610622, 1.616503, 1.538529, 1.562024, 1.499964, 1.529344, 1.474519, 1.483264, 1.441552, 1.434448, 2.165233, 2.320281, 2.007836, 2.086471, 1.884052, 1.950563, 1.76926, 1.843328, 1.708941, 1.741039, 1.627206, 1.644755, 1.580563, 1.593402, 1.527312, 1.568418, 1.501462, 1.502542, 1.464583, 1.467921, 1.431141, 2.340443, 2.048262, 2.161097, 1.926082, 1.995422, 1.81446, 1.853165, 1.738533, 1.784456, 1.679444, 1.696463, 1.612931, 1.629483, 1.548186, 1.580026, 1.52198, 1.531111, 1.482914, 1.484824, 1.442726, 1.447838, 2.093386, 2.185793, 1.948989, 2.02804, 1.867137, 1.907732, 1.771923, 1.800413, 1.691612, 1.720603, 1.642705, 1.649769, 1.589028, 1.598955, 1.539759, 1.55096, 1.503965, 1.50703, 1.471349, 1.469791, 1.436959, 2.218315, 1.997369, 2.041128, 1.887059, 1.928524, 1.79626, 1.827538, 1.716748, 1.735696, 1.658329, 1.664211, 1.599286, 1.611511, 1.553925, 1.562637, 1.516805, 1.529894, 1.476064, 1.482474, 1.453253, 1.458467, 2.0247, 2.07899, 1.921976, 1.949376, 1.824629, 1.851671, 1.744713, 1.765647, 1.683525, 1.685592, 1.625113, 1.624961, 1.571921, 1.581223, 1.535257, 1.537464, 1.497165, 1.504879, 1.468682, 1.469319, 1.448344, 2.092315, 1.941412, 1.969843, 1.844093, 1.866133, 1.766145, 1.783829, 1.703613, 1.709714, 1.646078, 1.654264, 1.594523, 1.598488, 1.545105, 1.555356, 1.514627, 1.521353, 1.483958, 1.487677, 1.449191, 1.459721, 1.958987, 1.985144, 1.87739, 1.879643, 1.786823, 1.799642, 1.720015, 1.724688, 1.663539, 1.662997, 1.609267, 1.615124, 1.56746, 1.562026, 1.520586, 1.52503, 1.493008, 1.502496, 1.471983, 1.468546, 1.435064, 1.994706, 1.880348, 1.894254, 1.805827, 1.815965, 1.744296, 1.743389, 1.665481, 1.681644, 1.624466, 1.626109, 1.584028, 1.5818, 1.54376, 1.547237, 1.504878, 1.515087, 1.479032, 1.47936, 1.450758, 1.45073, 1.892685, 1.91087, 1.825301, 1.827176, 1.745363, 1.746115, 1.693373, 1.701692, 1.648247, 1.637112, 1.594648, 1.592013, 1.554849, 1.55013, 1.522186, 1.520901, 1.492606, 1.493072, 1.460868, 1.46733, 1.440956, 1.92771, 1.835696, 1.841979, 1.775991, 1.766092, 1.703807, 1.708791, 1.654985, 1.655917, 1.602388, 1.611867, 1.570765, 1.573368, 1.53419, 1.529033, 1.506767, 1.503596, 1.481126, 1.471806, 1.444917, 1.451682, 1.850262, 1.855034, 1.778997, 1.789995, 1.718871, 1.717326, 1.667357, 1.666291, 1.619743, 1.631475, 1.582624, 1.58766, 1.546302, 1.545063, 1.512222, 1.517888, 1.489127, 1.487271, 1.466722, 1.463618, 1.444137, 1.8709, 1.794033, 1.80121, 1.736376, 1.740201, 1.673776, 1.682541, 1.638153, 1.642294, 1.604417, 1.597721, 1.559534, 1.559108, 1.533942, 1.529348, 1.499517, 1.501586, 1.473147, 1.473031, 1.457615, 1.452348, 1.805753, 1.812952, 1.746549, 1.747222, 1.696924, 1.694957, 1.652157, 1.650568, 1.607807, 1.613666, 1.577295, 1.570712, 1.543704, 1.538272, 1.515369, 1.517113, 1.487451, 1.491593, 1.464514, 1.464658, 1.439359, 1.823222, 1.758781, 1.767358, 1.70872, 1.712926, 1.666956, 1.667838, 1.62077, 1.621445, 1.592891, 1.58549, 1.55603, 1.559042, 1.521501, 1.523342, 1.499913, 1.501937, 1.473359, 1.472522, 1.452613, 1.452448),
843                         ncol = ncol)
845    m.rew <- matrix(
846    c(1, 0.984724, 0.970109, 0.978037, 0.979202, 0.982933, 1.001461, 1.026651, 0.981233, 1.011895, 1.017499, 0.964323, 1.026574, 1.006594, 0.980194, 1.009828, 0.998083, 0.966173, 1.009942, 0.99916, 1.021521, 2.216302, 1.418526, 1.635601, 1.31402, 1.33975, 1.251798, 1.210917, 1.133114, 1.150666, 1.138732, 1.096822, 1.076489, 1.058343, 1.045746, 1.036743, 1.008929, 1.049537, 1.028148, 1.027297, 1.020578, 1.00074, 1.73511, 2.06681, 1.545905, 1.659655, 1.456835, 1.47809, 1.331966, 1.334229, 1.231218, 1.220443, 1.198143, 1.193965, 1.142156, 1.146231, 1.124661, 1.112719, 1.089973, 1.070606, 1.082681, 1.061243, 1.053191, 2.388892, 1.847626, 1.96998, 1.630723, 1.701272, 1.521008, 1.553057, 1.382168, 1.414555, 1.326982, 1.321403, 1.265207, 1.264856, 1.200418, 1.21152, 1.17531, 1.168536, 1.140586, 1.14457, 1.111392, 1.112031, 1.968153, 2.168931, 1.784373, 1.894409, 1.667912, 1.693007, 1.545176, 1.582428, 1.45319, 1.480559, 1.371611, 1.358541, 1.330235, 1.30264, 1.257518, 1.244156, 1.221907, 1.22455, 1.178965, 1.177855, 1.166319, 2.275891, 1.866587, 2.014249, 1.750567, 1.829363, 1.650019, 1.689043, 1.562539, 1.561359, 1.473378, 1.488554, 1.411097, 1.416527, 1.35117, 1.361044, 1.30205, 1.299037, 1.250265, 1.260083, 1.218665, 1.236027, 1.95771, 2.074066, 1.847385, 1.905408, 1.71393, 1.768425, 1.63908, 1.67234, 1.564992, 1.562337, 1.49229, 1.499573, 1.420813, 1.424067, 1.383947, 1.378726, 1.33062, 1.330071, 1.279404, 1.295302, 1.263947, 2.164121, 1.871024, 1.979485, 1.782417, 1.84489, 1.706023, 1.734857, 1.622782, 1.634869, 1.55196, 1.554423, 1.482325, 1.509195, 1.440726, 1.436328, 1.386335, 1.396277, 1.347939, 1.346732, 1.310242, 1.309371, 1.938822, 2.050409, 1.834863, 1.882536, 1.737494, 1.761608, 1.65742, 1.687579, 1.591863, 1.60158, 1.520982, 1.535234, 1.470649, 1.486485, 1.42892, 1.435574, 1.384132, 1.382329, 1.343281, 1.346581, 1.315111, 2.063894, 1.880094, 1.907246, 1.78278, 1.806648, 1.6952, 1.720922, 1.63084, 1.635274, 1.565423, 1.56171, 1.512015, 1.4986, 1.463903, 1.456588, 1.422856, 1.407325, 1.376724, 1.373923, 1.346464, 1.34259, 1.898389, 1.950406, 1.812053, 1.849175, 1.72649, 1.737651, 1.646719, 1.655112, 1.587601, 1.597894, 1.539877, 1.53329, 1.495054, 1.490548, 1.445249, 1.446037, 1.410272, 1.412274, 1.375797, 1.369604, 1.341232, 1.992488, 1.830452, 1.857314, 1.758686, 1.763822, 1.683215, 1.679543, 1.619269, 1.608512, 1.565, 1.562282, 1.498869, 1.51325, 1.470912, 1.464654, 1.427573, 1.439301, 1.402308, 1.391006, 1.37074, 1.367573, 1.855502, 1.891242, 1.77513, 1.790618, 1.706443, 1.713098, 1.642896, 1.636577, 1.580366, 1.581752, 1.542937, 1.531668, 1.487894, 1.492039, 1.460304, 1.449762, 1.4219, 1.420953, 1.390137, 1.388677, 1.360506, 1.908277, 1.802091, 1.806128, 1.723757, 1.727249, 1.659883, 1.670056, 1.605209, 1.611481, 1.558846, 1.551762, 1.512951, 1.511515, 1.468948, 1.476073, 1.441508, 1.434997, 1.412687, 1.406782, 1.380452, 1.375924, 1.811415, 1.822311, 1.740544, 1.739355, 1.68127, 1.685342, 1.620281, 1.622572, 1.579611, 1.570103, 1.529881, 1.530097, 1.490041, 1.4947, 1.457329, 1.456344, 1.423363, 1.428653, 1.399988, 1.390069, 1.376594, 1.837723, 1.76039, 1.771031, 1.697404, 1.690915, 1.634409, 1.63713, 1.589594, 1.586521, 1.552974, 1.545571, 1.505923, 1.512794, 1.477833, 1.477821, 1.444241, 1.44452, 1.419258, 1.421297, 1.394924, 1.389393, 1.779716, 1.781271, 1.706031, 1.71224, 1.655099, 1.654284, 1.608878, 1.605955, 1.565683, 1.565938, 1.523594, 1.531235, 1.492749, 1.486786, 1.457635, 1.461416, 1.432472, 1.430164, 1.404441, 1.400021, 1.378273, 1.798932, 1.735577, 1.727031, 1.671049, 1.677601, 1.624427, 1.617626, 1.579533, 1.579987, 1.544635, 1.538715, 1.504538, 1.50726, 1.477163, 1.477084, 1.450861, 1.444496, 1.428416, 1.422813, 1.400185, 1.39552, 1.750193, 1.752145, 1.690365, 1.692051, 1.642391, 1.63858, 1.600144, 1.596401, 1.558305, 1.555932, 1.525968, 1.522984, 1.491563, 1.492554, 1.467575, 1.45786, 1.437545, 1.430893, 1.413983, 1.409386, 1.391943, 1.762922, 1.701346, 1.704996, 1.6556, 1.655548, 1.611964, 1.615219, 1.569103, 1.571079, 1.540617, 1.541602, 1.503791, 1.50195, 1.478069, 1.47678, 1.452458, 1.451732, 1.429144, 1.426547, 1.40363, 1.402647),
847                         ncol = ncol)
849    rm(ncol)
850    list(
851        sim.0 = function(p, n) {
852            p. <- p - p.min + 1L
853            if(p.min     <= p && p <= p.max &&
854               n.min[p.] <= n && n <= n.max[p.]) {
855                nind <- n - n.min[p.] + 1L
856                m.0[nind, p.]
857                ##=
858            } else NA
859        },
860        sim.rew = function(p, n) {
861            p. <- p - p.min + 1L
862            if(p.min         <= p && p <= p.max &&
863               n.min.rew[p.] <= n && n <= n.max.rew[p.]) {
864                nind <- n - n.min.rew[p.] + 1L
865                m.rew[nind, p.]
866                ##===
867            } else NA
868        })
869}) ## end{MCDcnp2s}
871if(FALSE) { ## For experimentation:
872    ls.str( ee <- environment(MCDcnp2s$sim.0) )
873    matplot(1:21, ee$m.0, type = "o", xlab = "p - p.min + 1")