1\name{dimnames.DBIsvydesign} 2\alias{dimnames.DBIsvydesign} 3\alias{dimnames.survey.design} 4\alias{dimnames.svyrep.design} 5\alias{dimnames.twophase} 6\alias{dimnames.svyimputationList} 7\alias{dim.DBIsvydesign} 8\alias{dim.survey.design} 9\alias{dim.twophase} 10\alias{dim.svyimputationList} 11\alias{dim.svyrep.design} 12 13%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. 14\title{Dimensions of survey designs} 15\description{ 16\code{dimnames} returns variable names and row names for the data 17variables in a design object and \code{dim} returns dimensions. 18For multiple imputation designs there is a third dimension giving the 19number of imputations. For database-backed designs the second dimension 20includes variables defined by \code{update}. The first dimension 21excludes observations with zero weight. 22} 23\usage{ 24\method{dim}{survey.design}(x) 25\method{dim}{svyimputationList}(x) 26\method{dimnames}{survey.design}(x) 27\method{dimnames}{DBIsvydesign}(x) 28\method{dimnames}{svyimputationList}(x) 29} 30%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. 31\arguments{ 32 \item{x}{Design object} 33 34} 35 36\value{ 37A vector of numbers for \code{dim}, a list of vectors of strings for \code{dimnames}. 38} 39 40\seealso{ \code{\link{update.DBIsvydesign}}, \code{\link{with.svyimputationList}}} 41\examples{ 42data(api) 43dclus1 <- svydesign(ids=~dnum,weights=~pw,data=apiclus1,fpc=~fpc) 44dim(dclus1) 45dimnames(dclus1) 46colnames(dclus1) 47} 48% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the 49% R documentation directory. 50\keyword{survey} 51\keyword{manip}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line 52