1#  File src/library/methods/R/MethodsList.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
6#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9#  (at your option) any later version.
11#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#  GNU General Public License for more details.
16#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
17#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
19MethodsList <-
20  ## Create a MethodsList object out of the arguments.
21  ##
22  ## Conceptually, this object is a named collection of methods to be
23  ## dispatched when the (first) argument in a function call matches the
24  ## class corresponding to one of the names.  A final, unnamed element
25  ## (i.e., with name `""') corresponds to the default method.
26  ##
27  ## The elements can be either a function, or another MethodsList.  In
28  ## the second case, this list implies dispatching on the second
29  ## argument to the function using that list, given a selection of this
30  ## element on the first argument.  Thus, method dispatching on an
31  ## arbitrary number of arguments is defined.
32  ##
33  ## MethodsList objects are used primarily to dispatch OOP-style
34  ## methods and, in R, to emulate S4-style methods.
35  function(.ArgName, ...)
37    .MlistDeprecated("MethodsList()")
38    value <- makeMethodsList(list(...))
39    if(is.name(.ArgName)){}
40    else if(is.character(.ArgName) && length(.ArgName) == 1)
41        .ArgName <- as.name(.ArgName)
42    else stop("invalid first argument: should be the name of the first argument in the dispatch")
43    slot(value, "argument") <- .ArgName
44    value
47makeMethodsList <- function(object, level=1)
49    .MlistDeprecated("makeMethodsList()")
50    mnames <- allNames(object)
51    if(.noMlists()) {
52        keep <- mnames %in% c("", "ANY")
53        mnames <- mnames[keep]
54        object <- object[keep]
55    }
56    value <- new("MethodsList")
57    i <- match("", mnames)
58    if(!is.na(i)) {
59        ## convert to ANY
60        mnames[[i]] <- "ANY"
61        names(object) <- mnames
62    }
63    if(anyDuplicated(mnames))
64        stop(gettextf("duplicate element names in 'MethodsList' at level %d: %s",
65             level, paste("\"", unique(mnames[duplicated(mnames)]), "\"",
66                          collapse=", ")), domain = NA)
67    for(i in seq_along(object)) {
68        eli <- object[[i]]
69        if(is.function(eli)
70           || is(eli, "MethodsList")) {}
71        else if(is(eli, "list") ||
72                is(eli, "named"))
73            object[[i]] <- Recall(eli, NULL, level+1)
74        else
75            stop(gettextf("element %d at level %d (class %s) cannot be interpreted as a function or named list",
76                          i, level, dQuote(class(eli))),
77                 domain = NA)
78    }
79    slot(value, "methods") <- object
80    value
83SignatureMethod <-
84  ## construct a MethodsList object containing (only) this method, corresponding
85  ## to the signature; i.e., such that signature[[1L]] is the match for the first
86  ## argument, signature[[2L]] for the second argument, and so on.  The string
87  ## "missing" means a match for a missing argument, and "ANY" means use this as the
88  ## default setting at this level.
89  ##
90  ## The first argument is the argument names to be used for dispatch corresponding to
91  ## the signatures.
92  function(names, signature, definition)
94    .MlistDeprecated("SignatureMethod()")
95    n <- length(signature)
96    if(n > length(names))
97        stop("arguments 'names' and 'signature' must have the same length")
98    if(n == 0)
99        return(definition)
100    Class <- signature[[n]]
101    name <- names[[n]]
102    m <- MethodsList(name)
103    slot(m, "methods")[[Class]] <- definition
104    slot(m, "argument") <- as.name(name)
105    SignatureMethod(names[-n], signature[-n], m)
109insertMethod <-
110  ## insert the definition `def' into the MethodsList object, `mlist', corresponding to
111  ## the signature, and return the modified MethodsList.
112  function(mlist, signature, args, def, cacheOnly = FALSE)
114    .MlistDeprecated("insertMethod()")
115    if(.noMlists() && !identical(unique(signature), "ANY"))
116      return(mlist)
117    ## Checks for assertions about valid calls.
118    ## See rev. 1.17 for the code before the assertions added.
119    if(identical(args[1L], "...") && !identical(names(signature), "...")) {
120        if(identical(signature[[1L]], "ANY"))
121           stop(gettextf("inserting method with invalid signature matching argument '...' to class %s",
122                         dQuote(signature[[1L]])),
123                domain = NA)
124        args <- args[-1L]
125        signature <- signature[-1L]
126        if(length(signature) == 0L)
127            return(mlist)
128    }
129    if(length(signature) == 0L)
130        stop("inserting method corresponding to empty signature")
131    if(!is(mlist, "MethodsList"))
132        stop(gettextf("inserting method into non-methods-list object (class %s)",
133                      dQuote(.class1(mlist))),
134             domain = NA)
135    if(length(args) > 1 && !cacheOnly)
136        mlist <- balanceMethodsList(mlist, args)
137    Class <- signature[[1]]
138    methods <- if(cacheOnly) mlist@allMethods else mlist@methods
139    current <- methods[[Class]]
140    if(is(current, "MethodsList")) {
141        nextArg <- as.character(current@argument)
142        sigArgs <- args
143        n <- length(signature)
144        length(sigArgs) <- n
145        if(is.na(match(nextArg, sigArgs))) {
146            n <- match(nextArg, args) - n
147            if(is.na(n)) { ## not in args eitiher
148                n <- 1
149                args <- c(args, nextArg)
150            }
151            ## make explicit the trailing ANY's needed
152            signature <- c(signature, rep("ANY", n))
153        }
154    }
155    if(length(signature) == 1) {
156        if(is.null(current)) {
157            if(!is.null(def))
158                methods[[Class]] <- def
159            ## else, no change
160        }
161        else {
162            which <- match(Class, names(methods))
163            if(is.null(def))
164                ## delete the method
165                methods <- methods[-which]
166            else
167                methods[[which]] <- def
168        }
169    }
170    else { ## recursively merge, initializing current if necessary
171        if(is.null(current))
172            current <- new("MethodsList", argument = as.name(args[2L]))
173        else if(is.function(current))
174            current <- new("MethodsList", argument = as.name(args[2L]),
175			   methods = list(ANY = current))
176        methods[[Class]] <-
177            Recall(current, signature[-1L], args[-1L], def, cacheOnly)
178    }
179    mlist@allMethods <- methods
180    if(!cacheOnly)
181        mlist@methods <-  methods
182    mlist
186MethodsListSelect <-
187  ## select the element of a MethodsList object corresponding to the
188  ## actual arguments (as defined in the suppled environment),
189  ## and return the object, extended to include that method if necessary.
190  ##
191  ## Works recursively.  At each level finds an argument name from the current `mlist'
192  ## object, and evaluates this argument (if it is not missing), then uses the
193  ## class of the result to select an element of `mlist'.  If such an element
194  ## exists and is another `MethodsList' object, `MethodsListSelect'  calls itself recursively
195  ## to resolve using further arguments.  Matching includes using a default selection or
196  ## a method specifically linked to class `"missing"'.  Once a function is found, it
197  ## is returned as the value.  If matching fails,  NULL is returned.
198    function(f, env,
199             mlist = NULL,
200             fEnv = if(is(fdef, "genericFunction")) environment(fdef) else baseenv(),
201             finalDefault = finalDefaultMethod(mlist),
202             evalArgs = TRUE,
203             useInherited = TRUE,  ## supplied when evalArgs is FALSE
204             fdef = getGeneric(f, where = env), # MUST BE SAFE FROM RECUSIVE METHOD SELECTION
205             resetAllowed = TRUE # FALSE when called from selectMethod, .findNextMethod
206 )
208    .MlistDeprecated("MethodsListSelect()")
209    if(!resetAllowed) # ensure we restore the real methods for this function
210	resetMlist <- .getMethodsForDispatch(fdef)
211    ## look for call from C dispatch code during another call to MethodsListSelect
212    if(is.null(f)) {} # Recall, not from C
213    else {
214	fMethods <- .getMethodsForDispatch(fdef)
215        if(is.null(mlist) || (evalArgs && is.function(fMethods)))
216            mlist <- fMethods
217    }
218    resetNeeded <- .setIfBase(f, fdef, mlist) # quickly protect against recursion -- see Methods.R
219    if(resetNeeded) {
220        on.exit(.setMethodsForDispatch(f, fdef, mlist))
221    }
222    if(!is(mlist, "MethodsList")) {
223        if(is.function(mlist)) # call to f, inside MethodsListSelect
224            {on.exit(); return(mlist)}
225        if(is.null(f)) # recursive recall of MethodsListSelect
226            stop("invalid method sublist")
227        else if(!is.null(mlist)) # NULL => 1st call to genericFunction
228            stop(gettextf("%f is not a valid generic function: methods list was an object of class %s",
229                          sQuote(f), dQuote(class(mlist))),
230                 domain = NA)
231    }
232    if(!is.logical(useInherited))
233        stop(gettextf("%s must be TRUE, FALSE, or a named logical vector of those values; got an object of class %s",
234                      sQuote("useInherited"),
235                      dQuote(class(useInherited))),
236             domain = NA)
237    if(identical(mlist, .getMethodsForDispatch(fdef))) {
238        resetNeeded <- TRUE
239        ## On the initial call:
240        ## turn off any further method dispatch on this function, to avoid recursive
241        ## loops if f is a function used in MethodsListSelect.
242        ## TODO: Using namespaces in the methods package would eliminate the need for this
243        .setMethodsForDispatch(f, fdef, finalDefault)
244        if(is(mlist, "MethodsList")) {
245            on.exit(.setMethodsForDispatch(f, fdef, mlist))
246        }
247    }
248    argName <- slot(mlist, "argument")
249    arg <- NULL ## => don't use instance-specific inheritance
250    if(evalArgs) {
251        ## check for missing argument. NB: S sense, not that of R base missing()
252        if(missingArg(argName, env, TRUE))
253            thisClass <- "missing"
254        else {
255            arg <- eval(as.name(argName), env) ## DO use instance-specific inheritance
256	    if(missing(arg)) ## S3 weird R code? Bail out!
257		return(finalDefault)
258            thisClass <- .class1(arg)
259        }
260    }
261    else
262        thisClass <- get(as.character(argName), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
263    if(isTRUE(useInherited) || isFALSE(useInherited))
264        thisInherit <- nextUseInherited <- useInherited
265    else {
266        which <- match(as.character(argName), names(useInherited))
267        if(is.na(which)) {
268            nextUseInherited <- useInherited
269            thisInherit <- TRUE
270        }
271        else {
272            thisInherit <- useInherited[[which]]
273            nextUseInherited <- useInherited[-which]
274        }
275    }
276    fromClass <- thisClass ## will mark the class actually providing the method
277    allMethods <- mlist@allMethods
278    which <- match(thisClass, names(allMethods))
279    inherited <- is.na(which)
280    selection <- if(inherited) NULL else allMethods[[which]]
281    if(!inherited) {
282        if(is.function(selection)) {
283            if(is.null(f)) {
284              ## An inherited method at the next level up.
285              ## only the inherited method should be added
286              mlist <- .trimMlist(mlist, fromClass)
287            }
288            value <- mlist ## no change
289          }
290        else {
291            ## recursive call with NULL function name, to allow search to fail &
292            ## to suppress any reset actions.
293            method <- Recall(NULL, env, selection, finalDefault = finalDefault,
294                   evalArgs = evalArgs, useInherited = nextUseInherited, fdef = fdef,
295                             )
296            if(is(method, "EmptyMethodsList"))
297                value <- method
298            else {
299                mlist@allMethods[[which]] <- method
300                value <- mlist
301            }
302        }
303    }
304    if(inherited || is(value, "EmptyMethodsList"))  {
305        ## direct selection failed at this level or below
306        method <- NULL
307        if(thisInherit)  {
308            allSelections <- inheritedSubMethodLists(arg, fromClass, mlist, env)
309            allClasses <- names(allSelections)
310            for(i in seq_along(allSelections)) {
311                selection <- allSelections[[i]]
312                fromClass <- allClasses[[i]]
313                if(is.function(selection))
314                    method <- selection
315                else if(is(selection, "MethodsList")) {
316                    ## go on to try matching further arguments
317                    method <- Recall(NULL, env, selection, finalDefault = finalDefault,
318                                     evalArgs = evalArgs,
319                                     useInherited = nextUseInherited, fdef = fdef)
320                    if(is(method, "EmptyMethodsList"))
321                        selection <- method   ## recursive selection failed
322                }
323                if(!is(selection, "EmptyMethodsList"))
324                    break
325            }
326        }
327        if((is.null(selection) || is(selection, "EmptyMethodsList"))
328           && !is.null(f) && !is.null(finalDefault)) {
329            ## only use the final default method after exhausting all
330            ## other possibilities, at all levels.
331            method <- finalDefault
332            fromClass <- "ANY"
333        }
334        if(is.null(method) || is(method, "EmptyMethodsList"))
335            value <- emptyMethodsList(mlist, thisClass) ## nothing found
336        else {
337            method <- MethodAddCoerce(method, argName, thisClass, fromClass)
338            value <- .insertCachedMethods(mlist, as.character(argName), thisClass, fromClass,
339                                         method)
340        }
341    }
342    if(!is.null(f)) {
343        ## top level
344        if(is(value, "EmptyMethodsList")) ## selection failed
345            value <- NULL
346        if(resetNeeded) {
347            on.exit() # cancel the restore of the original mlist
348            if(resetAllowed) {
349                if(is.null(value)) resetMlist <- mlist else resetMlist <- value
350            }
351            .setMethodsForDispatch(f, fdef, resetMlist)
352            if(dispatchIsInternal(fdef))
353                setPrimitiveMethods(f, finalDefault, "set", fdef, resetMlist)
354        }
356    }
357    value
360emptyMethodsList <- function(mlist, thisClass = "ANY", sublist = list()) {
361    .MlistDeprecated("emptyMethodsList()")
362    sublist[thisClass] <- list(NULL)
363    new("EmptyMethodsList", argument = mlist@argument, sublist = sublist)
366insertMethodInEmptyList <- function(mlist, def) {
367    .MlistDeprecated("insertMethodInEmptyList()")
368    value <- new("MethodsList", argument = mlist@argument)
369    sublist <- mlist@sublist
370    submethods <- sublist[[1L]]
371    if(is.null(submethods))
372        sublist[[1L]] <- def
373    else
374        sublist[[1L]] <- Recall(submethods, def)
375    value@allMethods <- sublist
376    value
382finalDefaultMethod <-
383  ## Return the default method from the generic (it may be NULL, a method object or a primitive.
384  ## this previously searched in a MethodsList object.  Once those are gone, the loop should
385  ## be irrelevant except as an error check.
386  function(method)
388    repeat {
389        if(is.function(method) # <- somewhat liberal, but catches both methods and primitives
390           || is.null(method))
391          break
392        if(is(method, "MethodsList")) {
393	    .MlistDeprecated()
394            method <-  slot(method, "methods")[["ANY"]]
395        } else
396          stop(gettextf(
397	"default method must be a method definition, a primitive or NULL: got an object of class %s",
398			dQuote(class(method))),
399               domain = NA)
400    }
401    method
405inheritedSubMethodLists <-
406  ## Utility function to match the object to the elements of a methods list.
407  ##
408  ## The function looks only for an inherited match, and only among
409  ## the methods that are not themselves inherited.  (Inherited methods when found are
410  ## stored in the session copy of the methods list, but they themselves should not be
411  ## used for finding inherited matches, because an erroneous match could be found depending
412  ## on which methods were previously used.  See the detailed discussion of methods.)
413  function(object, thisClass, mlist, ev)
415  .MlistDeprecated("inheritedSubMethodLists()")
416  methods <- slot(mlist, "methods")## only direct methods
417  defaultMethod <- methods[["ANY"]]## maybe NULL
418  classes <- names(methods)
419  value <- list()
420  if(.identC(thisClass, "missing")) {
421        ## no superclasses for "missing"
422  }
423  else {
424      ## search in the superclasses, but don't use inherited methods
425      ## There are two cases:  if thisClass is formally defined & unsealed, use its
426      ## superclasses.  Otherwise, look in the subclasses of those classes for
427      ## which methods exist.
428      classDef <- getClassDef(thisClass, ev)
429      useSuperClasses <- !is.null(classDef) && !classDef@sealed
430      if(useSuperClasses) {
431          ## for consistency, order the available methods by
432          ## the ordering of the superclasses of thisClass
433          superClasses <- names(classDef@contains)
434          classes <- superClasses[!is.na(match(superClasses, classes))]
435          for(which in seq_along(classes)) {
436              tryClass <- classes[[which]]
437              ## TODO:  There is potential bug here:  If the is relation is conditional,
438              ## we should not cache this selection.  Needs another trick in the environment
439              ## to FORCE no caching regardless of what happens elsewhere; e.g., storing a
440              ## special object in .Class
441              if(is.null(object) || is(object, tryClass)) {
442                  value[[tryClass]] <- methods[[tryClass]]
443              }
444          }
445      }
446      else {
447          for(which in seq_along(classes)) {
448              tryClass <- classes[[which]]
449              tryClassDef <- getClassDef(tryClass, ev)
450              if(!is.null(tryClassDef) &&
451                 !is.na(match(thisClass, names(tryClassDef@subclasses))))
452                  value[[tryClass]] <- methods[[which]]
453          }
454      }
455  }
456  if(!is.null(defaultMethod))
457      value[["ANY"]] <- defaultMethod
458  value
462matchSignature <-
463  ## Match the signature object (a partially or completely named subset of the
464  ## arguments of `fun', and return a vector of all the classes in the order specified
465  ## by the signature slot of the generic.  The classes not specified by `signature
466  ##' will be `"ANY"' in the value.
467  function(signature, fun, where = baseenv())
469    if(!is(fun, "genericFunction"))
470        stop(gettextf("trying to match a method signature to an object (of class %s) that is not a generic function",
471                      dQuote(class(fun))),
472             domain = NA)
473    anames <- fun@signature
474    if(length(signature) == 0L)
475        return(character())
476    if(is(signature,"character")) {
477        pkgs <- packageSlot(signature) # includes case of  "ObjectsWithPackage"
478        if(is.null(pkgs))
479            pkgs <- character(length(signature))
480        else if(length(pkgs) != length(signature))
481            stop("invalid 'package' slot or attribute, wrong length")
482        sigClasses <- as.character(signature)
483    }
484    else if(is(signature, "list")) {
485        sigClasses <- pkgs <- character(length(signature))
486        for(i in seq_along(signature)) {
487            cli <- signature[[i]]
488            if(is(cli, "classRepresentation")) {
489                sigClasses[[i]] <- cli@className
490                pkgs[[i]] <- cli@package
491            }
492            else if(is(cli, "character") && length(cli) == 1) {
493                sigClasses[[i]] <- cli
494                pkgi <- packageSlot(cli)
495                if(is.character(pkgi))
496                    pkgs[[i]] <- pkgi
497            }
498            else
499                stop(gettextf("invalid element in a list for \"signature\" argument; element %d is neither a class definition nor a class name",
500                     i), domain = NA)
501        }
502    }
503    else
504        stop(gettextf("trying to match a method signature of class %s; expects a list or a character vector",
505                      dQuote(class(signature))),
506             domain = NA)
507    if(!identical(where, baseenv())) {
508        ## fill in package information, warn about undefined classes
509        unknown <- !nzchar(pkgs)
510        for(i in seq_along(sigClasses)[unknown]) {
511            cli <- getClassDef(sigClasses[[i]], where)
512            if(!is.null(cli)) {
513                pkgs[[i]] <- cli@package
514                unknown[[i]] <- FALSE
515            }
516        }
517        if(any(unknown)) {
518            unknown <- unique(sigClasses[unknown])
519            ## coerce(), i.e., setAs() may use *one* unknown class
520	    MSG <- if(identical(as.vector(coerce@generic), "coerce") &&
521		      length(unknown) == 1) message
522	    else function(...) warning(..., call. = FALSE)
523	    MSG(.renderSignature(fun@generic, signature),
524		sprintf(ngettext(length(unknown),
525				 "no definition for class %s",
526				 "no definition for classes %s"),
527			paste(dQuote(unknown), collapse = ", ")),
528		domain = NA)
529        }
530    }
531    signature <- as.list(signature)
532    if(length(sigClasses) != length(signature))
533        stop(gettextf("object to use as a method signature for function %s does not look like a legitimate signature (a vector of single class names): there were %d class names, but %d elements in the signature object",
534                      sQuote(fun@generic),
535                      length(sigClasses),
536                      length(signature)),
537             domain = NA)
538    if(length(signature) > length(anames))
539        stop(gettextf("more elements in the method signature (%d) than in the generic signature (%d) for function %s",
540                      length(signature), length(anames), sQuote(fun@generic)), domain = NA)
541    if(is.null(names(signature))) {
542        which <- seq_along(signature)
543    }
544    else {
545        ## construct a function call with the same naming pattern  &
546        ## values as signature
547        sigList <- signature
548        for(i in seq_along(sigList))
549            sigList[[i]] <- c(sigClasses[[i]], pkgs[[i]])
550        fcall <- do.call("call", c("fun", sigList))
551        argmatches <- charmatch(names(sigList), anames)
552        if (anyNA(argmatches))
553            stop(gettextf("there are named arguments (%s) in the method signature that are missing from the generic signature, for function %s",
554                          paste(sQuote(names(sigList)[is.na(argmatches)]),
555                                collapse = ", "),
556                          sQuote(fun@generic), domain = NA))
557        ambig <- argmatches == 0L & names(sigList) != ""
558        if (any(ambig))
559            stop(gettextf("there are named arguments (%s) in the method signature that ambiguously match the generic signature, for function %s",
560                          paste(sQuote(names(sigList)[ambig]),
561                                collapse = ", "),
562                          sQuote(fun@generic), domain = NA))
563        ## match the call to the formal signature (usually the formal args)
564        if(identical(anames, formalArgs(fun)))
565            smatch <- match.call(fun, fcall)
566        else {
567            fmatch <- fun
568            ff <- as.list(anames); names(ff) <- anames
569            formals(fmatch, envir = environment(fun)) <- ff
570            smatch <- match.call(fmatch, fcall)
571        }
572        snames <- names(smatch)[-1L]
573        which <- match(snames, anames)
574        ## Assertion:  match.call has permuted the args into the order of formal args,
575        ## and carried along the values.  Get the supplied classes in that
576        ## order, from the matched args in the call object.
577        if(anyNA(which))
578            stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(is.na(which)),
579                                  "in the method signature for function %s invalid argument name in the signature: %s",
580                                  "in the method signature for function %s invalid argument names in the signature: %s"),
581                         sQuote(fun@generic),
582                         paste(snames[is.na(which)], collapse = ", ")),
583                 domain = NA)
584        smatch <- smatch[-1]
585        for(i in seq_along(smatch)) {
586            eli <- smatch[[i]]
587            sigClasses[[i]] <- eli[[1]]
588            pkgs[[i]] <- eli[[2]]
589        }
590    }
591    n <- length(anames)
592    value <- rep("ANY", n)
593    valueP <- rep("methods", n)
594    names(value) <- anames
595    value[which] <- sigClasses
596    valueP[which] <- pkgs
597    unspec <- value == "ANY"
598    ## remove the trailing unspecified classes
599    while(n > 1 && unspec[[n]])
600        n <- n-1
601    length(value) <- length(valueP) <- n
602    attr(value, "package") <- valueP
603    ## <FIXME> Is there a reason (bootstrapping?) why this
604    ## is not an actual object from class "signature"?
605    ## See .MakeSignature() </FIXME>
606    value
609showMlist <-
610  ## Prints the contents of the MethodsList.  If `includeDefs' the signatures and the
611  ## corresponding definitions will be printed; otherwise, only the signatures.
612  ##
613  ## If `includeDefs' is `TRUE', the currently known inherited methods are included;
614  ## otherwise, only the directly defined methods.
615function(mlist, includeDefs = TRUE, inherited = TRUE, classes = NULL, useArgNames = TRUE,
616         printTo = stdout())
618    .MlistDeprecated("showMlist()")
619    if(isFALSE(printTo)) {
620        tmp <- tempfile()
621        con <- file(tmp, "w")
622    }
623    else
624        con <- printTo
625  object <- linearizeMlist(mlist, inherited)
626  methods <- object@methods
627  signatures <- object@classes
628  args <- object@arguments
629  if(!is.null(classes) && length(signatures)>0) {
630    keep <- !vapply(signatures, function(x, y) all(is.na(match(x, y))), NA, classes)
631    methods <- methods[keep]
632    signatures <- signatures[keep]
633    args <- args[keep]
634  }
635  if(length(methods) == 0)
636    cat(file=con, "<Empty Methods List>\n")
637  else {
638   n <- length(methods)
639    labels <- character(n)
640    if(useArgNames) {
641      for(i in 1L:n) {
642        sigi <- signatures[[i]]
643        labels[[i]] <- paste0(args[[i]], " = \"", sigi, "\"",
644                              collapse = ", ")
645      }
646    }
647    else {
648      for(i in 1L:n)
649        labels[[i]] <- paste(signatures[[i]], collapse = ", ")
650    }
651    for(i in seq_along(methods)) {
652      cat(file=con, (if(includeDefs) "## Signature:" else ""), labels[[i]])
653      method <- methods[[i]]
654      if(includeDefs) {
655        cat(file=con, ":\n")
656        if(is(method, "MethodDefinition")) ## really an assertion
657          cat(file=con, deparse(method@.Data), sep="\n")
658        else
659          cat(file=con, deparse(method), sep="\n")
660      }
661      if(is(method, "MethodDefinition") &&
662         !identical(method@target, method@defined)) {
663          defFrom <- method@defined
664          cat(file = con, if(includeDefs) "##:" else "\n",
665              "    (inherited from ",
666              paste0(names(defFrom), " = \"",
667                     as.character(defFrom), "\"",
668                     collapse = ", "),
669               ")", if(includeDefs) "\n", sep="")
670      }
671      cat(file=con, "\n")
672    }
673  }
674    if(isFALSE(printTo)) {
675        close(con)
676        value <- readLines(tmp)
677        unlink(tmp)
678        value
679    }
682promptMethods <- function(f, filename = NULL, methods)
684    ## Generate information in the style of 'prompt' for the methods of
685    ## the generic named 'f'.
686    ##
687    ## 'filename' can be a logical or NA or the name of a file to print
688    ## to.  If it 'FALSE', the methods skeleton is returned, to be
689    ## included in other printing (typically, the output from 'prompt').
691    escape <- function(txt) gsub("%", "\\%", txt, fixed=TRUE)
692    packageString <- ""
694    fdef <- getGeneric(f)
695    if(!isGeneric(f, fdef=fdef))
696	stop(gettextf("no generic function found corresponding to %s",
697                      sQuote(f)),
698	     domain = NA)
699    if(missing(methods)) {
700	methods <- findMethods(fdef)
701	## try making  packageString
702	where <- .genEnv(fdef, topenv(parent.frame()))
703	if(!identical(where, .GlobalEnv))
704	    packageString <-
705                sprintf("in Package \\pkg{%s}", getPackageName(where))
706    }
707    fullName <- utils:::topicName("methods", f)
708    n <- length(methods)
709    labels <- character(n)
710    aliases <- character(n)
711    signatures <- findMethodSignatures(methods = methods, target=TRUE)
712    args <- colnames(signatures) # the *same* for all
713    for(i in seq_len(n)) {
714        sigi <- signatures[i, ]
715	labels[[i]] <-
716            sprintf("\\code{signature(%s)}",
717                    paste(sprintf("%s = \"%s\"", args, escape(sigi)),
718                          collapse = ", "))
719	aliases[[i]] <-
720	    paste0("\\alias{",
721		   utils:::topicName("method", c(f, signatures[i,])),
722		   "}")
723    }
724    text <- paste0("\n\\item{", labels,
725                   "}{\n%%  ~~describe this method here~~\n}")
726    text <- c("\\section{Methods}{\n\\describe{", text, "}}")
727    aliasText <- c(paste0("\\alias{", escape(fullName), "}"), escape(aliases))
728    if(isFALSE(filename))
729        return(c(aliasText, text))
731    if(is.null(filename) || isTRUE(filename))
732        filename <- paste0(fullName, ".Rd")
734    Rdtxt <-
735        list(name = paste0("\\name{", fullName, "}"),
736             type = "\\docType{methods}",
737             aliases = aliasText,
738             ## <FIXME>
739             ## Title and description are ok as auto-generated: should
740             ## they be flagged as such (via '~~' which are quite often
741             ## left in by authors)?
742             title =
743             sprintf("\\title{ ~~ Methods for Function \\code{%s} %s ~~}",
744                     f, packageString),
745             description =
746             paste0("\\description{\n ~~ Methods for function",
747                    " \\code{", f, "} ",
748                    sub("^in Package", "in package", packageString),
749                    " ~~\n}"),
750             ## </FIXME>
751             "section{Methods}" = text,
752             keywords = c("\\keyword{methods}",
753             "\\keyword{ ~~ other possible keyword(s) ~~ }"))
755    if(is.na(filename)) return(Rdtxt)
757    cat(unlist(Rdtxt), file = filename, sep = "\n")
758    .message("A shell of methods documentation has been written",
759             .fileDesc(filename), ".\n")
760    invisible(filename)
763##' only called from showMlist() above, which has been deprecated in R 3.2.0 (Apr.2015):
764linearizeMlist <-
765    ## Undo the recursive nature of the methods list, making a list of
766    ## function definitions, with the names of the list being the
767    ## corresponding signatures (designed for printing; for looping over
768    ## the methods, use `listFromMlist' instead).
769    ##
770    ## The function calls itself recursively.  `prev' is the previously
771    ## selected class names.
772    ##
773    ## If argument `classes' is provided, only signatures containing one
774    ## of these classes will be included.
775    function(mlist, inherited = TRUE) {
776        methods <- mlist@methods
777        allMethods <- mlist@allMethods
778        if(inherited && length(allMethods) >= length(methods)) {
779##            anames <- names(allMethods)
780##            inh <- is.na(match(anames, names(methods)))
781            methods <- allMethods
782        }
783        preC <- function(y, x)c(x,y) # used with lapply below
784        cnames <- names(methods)
785        value <- list()
786        classes <- list()
787        arguments <- list()
788        argname <- as.character(mlist@argument)
789        for(i in seq_along(cnames)) {
790            mi <- methods[[i]]
791            if(is.function(mi)) {
792                value <- c(value, list(mi))
793                classes <- c(classes, list(cnames[[i]]))
794                arguments <- c(arguments, list(argname))
795            }
796            else if(is(mi, "MethodsList")) {
797		.MlistDeprecated()
798                mi <- Recall(mi, inherited)
799                value <- c(value, mi@methods)
800                classes <- c(classes, lapply(mi@classes, preC, cnames[[i]]))
801                arguments <- c(arguments, lapply(mi@arguments, preC, argname))
802            }
803            else
804                warning(gettextf("skipping methods list element %s of unexpected class %s\n\n",
805                                 paste(cnames[i], collapse = ", "),
806                                 dQuote(.class1(mi))),
807                        domain = NA)
808        }
809        new("LinearMethodsList", methods = value, classes = classes, arguments = arguments)
810    }
812print.MethodsList <- function(x, ...)
813    showMlist(x)
816## In R's own code, this is *only* used in mergeMethods(), deprecated in R 3.2.0 (Apr.2015)
817listFromMlist <-
818  ## linearizes the MethodsList object into list(sigs, methods); `prefix' is the partial
819  ## signature (a named list of classes) to be prepended to the signatures in this object.
820  ##
821  ## A utility function used to iterate over all the individual methods in the object.
822  function(mlist, prefix = list(), sigs. = TRUE, methods. = TRUE)
824    methodSlot <- slot(mlist, "methods")
825    mnames <- names(methodSlot)
826    argName <- as.character(slot(mlist, "argument"))
827    sigs <- list()
828    methods <- list()
829    for(i in seq_along(methodSlot)) {
830        thisMethod <- methodSlot[i]
831        thisClass <- mnames[[i]]
832        prefix[[argName]] <- thisClass
833        if(is.function(thisMethod)) {
834            if(sigs.) sigs <- c(sigs, list(prefix))
835            if(methods.) methods <- c(methods, list(thisMethod))
836        }
837        else {
838            more <- Recall(thisMethod, prefix)
839            if(sigs.) sigs <- c(sigs, more[[1]])
840            if(methods.) methods <- c(methods, more[[2]])
841        }
842    }
843    list(sigs, methods)
846.insertCachedMethods <- function(mlist, argName, Class, fromClass, def) {
847    if(is(def, "MethodsList")) {
848        .MlistDeprecated()
849        ## insert all the cached methods in def
850        newArg <- c(argName, as.character(def@argument))
851        newDefs <- def@allMethods
852        newSigs <- as.list(names(newDefs))
853        for(j in seq_along(newDefs))
854            mlist <- Recall(mlist, newArg, c(Class, newSigs[[j]]), fromClass,
855                            newDefs[[j]])
856    }
857    else {
858        def <- .addMethodFrom(def, argName[1L], Class[1L], fromClass)
859        mlist <- insertMethod(mlist, Class, argName, def, TRUE)
860    }
861    mlist
864.addMethodFrom <- function(def, arg, Class, fromClass) {
865    if(is(def, "MethodDefinition")) {
866        ## eventually, we may enforce method definition objects
867        ## If not, just leave raw functions alone (NextMethod won't work)
868        def@target[[arg]] <- Class
869        def@defined[[arg]] <- fromClass
870    }
871    def
874## Define a trivial version of asMethodDefinition for bootstrapping.
875## The real version requires several class definitions as well as
876## methods for as<-
877asMethodDefinition <- function(def, signature = list(.anyClassName), sealed = FALSE, fdef = def) {
878  if(is.primitive(def) || is(def, "MethodDefinition"))
879    def
880  else {
881    value = new("MethodDefinition")
882    value@.Data <- def
883    classes <- .MakeSignature(new("signature"),  def, signature, fdef)
884        value@target <- classes
885        value@defined <- classes
886    value
887  }
888  }
890.trimMlist <- function(mlist, fromClass) {
891  mlist@methods <- mlist@methods[fromClass]
892  mlist@allMethods <- mlist@allMethods[fromClass]
893  mlist
896.noMlistsFlag <- TRUE
897.noMlists <- function() {
898   ## if this were to be dynamically variable, but
899  ## it can't, IMO
900  ## isTRUE(getOption("noMlists"))
901  ## so instead
902  .noMlistsFlag
905.MlistDepTable <- new.env()
906.MlistDeprecated <- function(this = "<default>", instead) {
907    if(is.character(this)) {
908        if(exists(this, envir = .MlistDepTable, inherits = FALSE))
909            return() # have already warned about it
910        else
911            assign(this, TRUE, envir = .MlistDepTable)
912    }
913    base::.Deprecated(msg = paste0(
914        if(missing(this))
915            "Use of the \"MethodsList\" meta data objects is deprecated."
916        else if(is.character(this))
917            gettextf(
918	"%s, along with other use of the \"MethodsList\" metadata objects, is deprecated.",
919		dQuote(this))
920        else
921            gettextf("In %s: use of \"MethodsList\" metadata objects is deprecated.",
922                     deparse(this))
923      , "\n "
924      , if(!missing(instead)) gettextf("Use %s instead. ", dQuote(instead))
925      , "See ?MethodsList. (This warning is shown once per session.)"))
928.MlistDefunct <- function(this = "<default>", instead) {
929    base::.Defunct(msg = paste0(
930        if(missing(this))
931            "Use of the \"MethodsList\" meta data objects is defunct."
932        else if(is.character(this))
933            gettextf("%s, along with other use of the \"MethodsList\" metadata objects, is defunct.",
934                     dQuote(this))
935        else
936            gettextf("In %s: use of \"MethodsList\" metadata objects is defunct.",
937                     deparse(this))
938      , " "
939      , if(!missing(instead)) gettextf("Use %s instead. ", dQuote(instead))
940      , "See ?MethodsList."))