1Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
3External codes:
4  Readline 7.0         GNU library for command line editing (gnu.org/s/readline)
5  CPLEX       Linear Programming Solver developed by IBM (www.cplex.com)
6  CppAD 20180000.0     Algorithmic Differentiation of C++ algorithms developed by B. Bell (www.coin-or.org/CppAD)
7  ZLIB 1.2.11          General purpose compression library by J. Gailly and M. Adler (zlib.net)
8  GMP 6.1.2            GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library developed by T. Granlund (gmplib.org)
9  bliss 0.73p          Computing Graph Automorphism Groups by T. Junttila and P. Kaski (http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/)
11user parameter file <scip.set> not found - using default parameters
14SCIP> set misc referencevalue -77.0
15misc/referencevalue = -77
16SCIP> set limits time 3600
17limits/time = 3600
18SCIP> set limits nodes 2100000000
19limits/nodes = 2100000000
20SCIP> set limits memory 12345
21limits/memory = 12345
22SCIP> set lp advanced threads 1
23lp/threads = 1
24SCIP> set timing clocktype 1
25timing/clocktype = 1
26SCIP> set display freq 10000
27display/freq = 10000
28SCIP> set memory savefac 1.0
29memory/savefac = 1
33original problem has 260 variables (130 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 130 cont) and 356 constraints
34SCIP> display parameters
36number of parameters = 2603
37non-default parameter settings:
38display/freq = 10000
39limits/time = 3600
40limits/nodes = 2100000000
41limits/memory = 12345
42lp/threads = 1
43memory/savefac = 1
44misc/referencevalue = -77
45timing/clocktype = 1
46estimation/reportfreq = 100
47estimation/treeprofile/enabled = TRUE
50feasible solution found by trivial heuristic after 0.4 seconds, objective value 0.000000e+00
52(round 1, fast)       15 del vars, 15 del conss, 0 add conss, 250 chg bounds, 75 chg sides, 75 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 15 impls, 65 clqs
53(round 2, exhaustive) 15 del vars, 15 del conss, 0 add conss, 250 chg bounds, 75 chg sides, 75 chg coeffs, 180 upgd conss, 15 impls, 65 clqs
54(round 3, exhaustive) 15 del vars, 15 del conss, 0 add conss, 250 chg bounds, 75 chg sides, 75 chg coeffs, 195 upgd conss, 115 impls, 65 clqs
55   (0.4s) probing cycle finished: starting next cycle
56   (0.4s) symmetry computation started: requiring (bin +, int +, cont +), (fixed: bin -, int -, cont -)
57   (0.4s) symmetry computation finished: 17 generators found (max: 1500, log10 of symmetry group size: 8.6)
58presolving (4 rounds: 4 fast, 3 medium, 3 exhaustive):
59 100 deleted vars, 115 deleted constraints, 0 added constraints, 250 tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 75 changed sides, 75 changed coefficients
60 540 implications, 45 cliques
61presolved problem has 160 variables (80 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 80 cont) and 241 constraints
62     80 constraints of type <varbound>
63     45 constraints of type <setppc>
64    116 constraints of type <linear>
65Presolving Time: 0.86
67 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl.
68t 1.2s|     1 |     0 |     0 |     - | trivial|   0 | 160 | 241 |   0 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 |-2.700000e+02 |-3.000000e+01 | 800.00%| unknown
69p 1.2s|     1 |     0 |     4 |     - |  clique|   0 | 160 | 241 | 241 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 |-2.700000e+02 |-4.200000e+01 | 542.86%| unknown
70p 1.2s|     1 |     0 |    56 |     - | vbounds|   0 | 160 | 241 | 241 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 |-2.700000e+02 |-4.500000e+01 | 500.00%| unknown
71  1.2s|     1 |     0 |   164 |     - |  5247k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 241 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
72  1.2s|     1 |     0 |   172 |     - |  5346k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 243 |   2 |  1 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
73  1.2s|     1 |     0 |   188 |     - |  5629k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 249 |   8 |  2 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
74  1.2s|     1 |     0 |   200 |     - |  5889k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 253 |  12 |  3 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
75  1.2s|     1 |     0 |   212 |     - |  5989k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 257 |  16 |  4 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
76  1.2s|     1 |     0 |   223 |     - |  6313k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 260 |  19 |  5 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
77  1.3s|     1 |     0 |   231 |     - |  6669k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 264 |  23 |  6 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
78  1.3s|     1 |     0 |   241 |     - |  6992k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 266 |  25 |  7 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
79  1.3s|     1 |     0 |   262 |     - |  7110k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 270 |  29 |  8 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
80  1.3s|     1 |     0 |   275 |     - |  7400k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 273 |  32 |  9 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
81  1.3s|     1 |     0 |   289 |     - |  7619k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 277 |  36 | 10 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
82  1.3s|     1 |     0 |   294 |     - |  7649k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 281 |  40 | 11 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.500000e+01 |  73.33%| unknown
83 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl.
84r 1.3s|     1 |     0 |   294 |     - |shifting|   0 | 160 | 241 | 281 |  40 | 11 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-4.751460e+01 |  64.16%| unknown
85L 1.6s|     1 |     0 |   365 |     - |    rens|   0 | 160 | 241 | 281 |  40 | 11 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.500000e+01 |   4.00%| unknown
86  1.8s|     1 |     0 |   365 |     - |  7669k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 281 |  40 | 11 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.500000e+01 |   4.00%| unknown
87  1.8s|     1 |     0 |   379 |     - |  7696k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 281 |  47 | 12 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.500000e+01 |   4.00%| unknown
88  1.8s|     1 |     0 |   384 |     - |  7696k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 283 |  49 | 13 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.500000e+01 |   4.00%| unknown
89  1.8s|     1 |     0 |   395 |     - |  7700k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 285 |  51 | 14 |   0 |   0 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.500000e+01 |   4.00%| unknown
90  1.8s|     1 |     2 |   395 |     - |  7715k |   0 | 160 | 241 | 285 |  51 | 14 |   0 |  19 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.500000e+01 |   4.00%| unknown
91* 1.9s|    11 |     8 |   497 |  22.9 |    LP  |  10 | 160 | 241 | 260 |  55 |  2 |   0 | 101 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.600000e+01 |   2.63%| unknown
92* 1.9s|    16 |    11 |   566 |  19.9 |    LP  |  10 | 160 | 241 | 270 |  69 |  3 |   0 | 135 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.700000e+01 |   1.30%| unknown
93Report 1
94Time Elapsed: 1.95
95Estim. Tree Size   :         80
96Estimation Tree    : 49 nodes (35 visited, 24 inner, 11 leaves, 14 open), weight: 0.2588 completed 0.1104
97Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
98  wbe              :         84          -          -          -          -
99  tree-profile     :         -1          -          -          -          -
100  gap              :         21    0.98718    0.17016          1         20
101  tree-weight      :         80    0.25879    0.02504          1        686
102  leaf-frequency   :        141    0.30000    0.00333          1        166
103  ssg              :         85    0.80958   -0.02526          1         90
104  open-nodes       :         70   14.00000    1.91920          1         69
105End of Report 1
107Report 2
108Time Elapsed: 1.98
109Estim. Tree Size   :        101
110Estimation Tree    : 61 nodes (43 visited, 30 inner, 13 leaves, 18 open), weight: 0.2607 completed 0.1244
111Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
112  wbe              :         99          -          -          -          -
113  tree-profile     :         -1          -          -          -          -
114  gap              :         25    0.98718    0.11962          1         25
115  tree-weight      :        102    0.26074    0.01923          1        136
116  leaf-frequency   :        508    0.29070    0.00087          1        407
117  ssg              :        113    0.80958   -0.01831          1        109
118  open-nodes       :         86   18.00000    1.66250          1         85
119End of Report 2
121Report 3
122Time Elapsed: 2.04
123Estim. Tree Size   :         49
124Estimation Tree    : 85 nodes (63 visited, 42 inner, 21 leaves, 22 open), weight: 0.7661 completed 0.2047
125Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
126  wbe              :         54          -          -          -          -
127  tree-profile     :         -1          -          -          -          -
128  gap              :         42    0.98718    0.02921          1         41
129  tree-weight      :         50    0.76611    0.05378          1        105
130  leaf-frequency   :        184    0.32540    0.00245          1        249
131  ssg              :        151    0.71437   -0.01304          1        194
132  open-nodes       :        126   22.00000    0.49847          1        125
133End of Report 3
135Report 4
136Time Elapsed: 2.08
137Estim. Tree Size   :         88
138Estimation Tree    : 111 nodes (84 visited, 55 inner, 29 leaves, 27 open), weight: 0.7710 completed 0.2883
139Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
140  wbe              :         74          -          -          -          -
141  tree-profile     :         -1          -          -          -          -
142  gap              :         61    0.98718    0.00713          1         60
143  tree-weight      :         88    0.77100    0.01463          1         86
144  leaf-frequency   :        409    0.33929    0.00091          1        694
145  ssg              :        480    0.71437   -0.00338          1        457
146  open-nodes       :        168   27.00000    0.32949          1        167
147End of Report 4
149Report 5
150Time Elapsed: 2.83
151Estim. Tree Size   :       1777
152Estimation Tree    : 261 nodes (218 visited, 130 inner, 88 leaves, 43 open), weight: 0.7809 completed 0.2551
153Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
154  wbe              :        224          -          -          -          -
155  tree-profile     :         -1          -          -          -          -
156  gap              :        436    0.98718    0.00000          1        435
157  tree-weight      :       1778    0.78088    0.00027          1       1984
158  leaf-frequency   :        913    0.40138    0.00027          1       1074
159  ssg              :        436    0.71437   -0.00000          1        435
160  open-nodes       :        436   43.00000    0.04169          1        530
161End of Report 5
163Report 6
164Time Elapsed: 3.98
165Estim. Tree Size   :       2247
166Estimation Tree    : 399 nodes (326 visited, 199 inner, 127 leaves, 73 open), weight: 0.7902 completed 0.2217
167Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
168  wbe              :        320          -          -          -          -
169  tree-profile     :         -1          -          -          -          -
170  gap              :        652    0.98718    0.00000          1        649
171  tree-weight      :       2248    0.79017    0.00021          1       6200
172  leaf-frequency   :        652    0.38804   -0.00005          1       1625
173  ssg              :        652    0.71437   -0.00000          1        649
174  open-nodes       :        652   73.00000    0.40604          1        649
175End of Report 6
177Report 7
178Time Elapsed: 4.07
179Estim. Tree Size   :       2027
180Estimation Tree    : 489 nodes (409 visited, 244 inner, 165 leaves, 80 open), weight: 0.8000 completed 0.2171
181Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
182  wbe              :        411          -          -          -          -
183  tree-profile     :        481          -          -          -          -
184  gap              :        818    0.98718    0.00000          1        817
185  tree-weight      :       2028    0.80005    0.00024          1       2012
186  leaf-frequency   :        818    0.40220   -0.00020          1        819
187  ssg              :        818    0.71437   -0.00000          1        817
188  open-nodes       :        818   80.00000    0.37297          1        819
189End of Report 7
191Report 8
192Time Elapsed: 4.29
193Estim. Tree Size   :       4976
194Estimation Tree    : 715 nodes (582 visited, 357 inner, 225 leaves, 133 open), weight: 0.8100 completed 0.2179
195Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
196  wbe              :        555          -          -          -          -
197  tree-profile     :        481          -          -          -          -
198  gap              :       1164    0.98718    0.00000          1       1163
199  tree-weight      :       4976    0.81003    0.00008          1       4844
200  leaf-frequency   :       1164    0.38574   -0.00007          1       1206
201  ssg              :       1164    0.71437   -0.00000          1       1163
202  open-nodes       :       1164  133.00000    0.93550          1       1163
203End of Report 8
205Report 9
206Time Elapsed: 4.99
207Estim. Tree Size   :      12251
208Estimation Tree    : 1771 nodes (1397 visited, 885 inner, 512 leaves, 374 open), weight: 0.8200 completed 0.2509
209Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
210  wbe              :       1248          -          -          -          -
211  tree-profile     :       3455          -          -          -          -
212  gap              :       2794    0.98718    0.00000          1       2793
213  tree-weight      :      12251    0.82005    0.00003          1      18735
214  leaf-frequency   :       9711    0.36614    0.00003          1      10394
215  ssg              :       2794    0.71437   -0.00000          1       2793
216  open-nodes       :       2794  374.00000    0.21163          1       2793
217End of Report 9
219Report 10
220Time Elapsed: 5.32
221Estim. Tree Size   :      19667
222Estimation Tree    : 2309 nodes (1866 visited, 1154 inner, 712 leaves, 443 open), weight: 0.8300 completed 0.2411
223Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
224  wbe              :       1715          -          -          -          -
225  tree-profile     :       3554          -          -          -          -
226  gap              :       3732    0.98718    0.00000          1       3731
227  tree-weight      :      19668    0.83000    0.00002          1      19595
228  leaf-frequency   :       5515    0.38130    0.00006          1       6368
229  ssg              :       3732    0.71437   -0.00000          1       3731
230  open-nodes       :       3732  443.00000    0.09742          1       3731
231End of Report 10
233Report 11
234Time Elapsed: 5.69
235Estim. Tree Size   :       5078
236Estimation Tree    : 2925 nodes (2409 visited, 1462 inner, 947 leaves, 516 open), weight: 0.8405 completed 0.3960
237Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
238  wbe              :       2252          -          -          -          -
239  tree-profile     :       3648          -          -          -          -
240  gap              :       4818    0.98718    0.00000          1       4817
241  tree-weight      :       5078    0.84048    0.00010          1       6726
242  leaf-frequency   :       5931    0.39290    0.00005          1       5958
243  ssg              :       4818    0.71437   -0.00000          1       4817
244  open-nodes       :      15495  516.00000   -0.07587          1      14630
245End of Report 11
247Report 12
248Time Elapsed: 6.98
249Estim. Tree Size   :     222441
250Estimation Tree    : 3723 nodes (3126 visited, 1861 inner, 1265 leaves, 597 open), weight: 0.8500 completed 0.2519
251Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
252  wbe              :       2975          -          -          -          -
253  tree-profile     :       3822          -          -          -          -
254  gap              :       6252    0.98718    0.00000          2       6241
255  tree-weight      :     222442    0.85001    0.00000          2     214513
256  leaf-frequency   :      14094    0.40451    0.00003          2      14048
257  ssg              :       6252    0.71437   -0.00000          2       6241
258  open-nodes       :       6252  597.00000    0.27831          2       6241
259End of Report 12
261Report 13
262Time Elapsed: 7.49
263Estim. Tree Size   :      21326
264Estimation Tree    : 4587 nodes (3939 visited, 2293 inner, 1646 leaves, 648 open), weight: 0.8600 completed 0.2283
265Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
266  wbe              :       3827          -          -          -          -
267  tree-profile     :       5608          -          -          -          -
268  gap              :       7878    0.98718    0.00000          2       7875
269  tree-weight      :      21327    0.86000    0.00003          2      23368
270  leaf-frequency   :      11644    0.41775    0.00004          2      11519
271  ssg              :       7878    0.71437   -0.00000          2       7875
272  open-nodes       :       7878  648.00000    0.19198          2       7875
273End of Report 13
275Report 14
276Time Elapsed: 8.51
277Estim. Tree Size   :      18797
278Estimation Tree    : 5745 nodes (5048 visited, 2872 inner, 2176 leaves, 697 open), weight: 0.8700 completed 0.4264
279Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
280  wbe              :       5001          -          -          -          -
281  tree-profile     :       5608          -          -          -          -
282  gap              :      10096    0.98718    0.00000          4      10092
283  tree-weight      :      18798    0.87004    0.00007          4      19803
284  leaf-frequency   :      11996    0.43096    0.00007          4      12604
285  ssg              :      10096    0.71437   -0.00000          4      10092
286  open-nodes       :      17971  697.00000   -0.40939          4      19841
287End of Report 14
289Report 15
290Time Elapsed: 8.79
291Estim. Tree Size   :      11513
292Estimation Tree    : 6117 nodes (5456 visited, 3058 inner, 2398 leaves, 661 open), weight: 0.8800 completed 0.4815
293Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
294  wbe              :       5449          -          -          -          -
295  tree-profile     :       5608          -          -          -          -
296  gap              :      10912    0.98718    0.00000          4      10894
297  tree-weight      :      11513    0.88004    0.00014          4      12055
298  leaf-frequency   :      32739    0.43942    0.00002          4      30433
299  ssg              :      10912    0.71437   -0.00000          4      10894
300  open-nodes       :      40750  661.00000   -0.14706          4      37390
301End of Report 15
303Report 16
304Time Elapsed: 9.00
305Estim. Tree Size   :       8820
306Estimation Tree    : 6381 nodes (5747 visited, 3190 inner, 2557 leaves, 634 open), weight: 0.8901 completed 0.4977
307Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
308  wbe              :       5745          -          -          -          -
309  tree-profile     :       5608          -          -          -          -
310  gap              :      11494    0.98718    0.00000          4      11488
311  tree-weight      :       8820    0.89006    0.00024          4       9865
312  leaf-frequency   :      15698    0.44484    0.00004          4      18082
313  ssg              :      11494    0.71437   -0.00000          4      11488
314  open-nodes       :      13441  634.00000   -0.60890          4      13976
315End of Report 16
317Report 17
318Time Elapsed: 9.07
319Estim. Tree Size   :       8954
320Estimation Tree    : 6485 nodes (5853 visited, 3242 inner, 2611 leaves, 632 open), weight: 0.9010 completed 0.4743
321Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
322  wbe              :       5795          -          -          -          -
323  tree-profile     :       5608          -          -          -          -
324  gap              :      11706    0.98718    0.00000          4      11688
325  tree-weight      :       8954    0.90097    0.00021          4       9125
326  leaf-frequency   :      11859    0.44601    0.00007          4      12497
327  ssg              :      11706    0.71437   -0.00000          4      11688
328  open-nodes       :      13592  632.00000   -0.60359          4      15358
329End of Report 17
331Report 18
332Time Elapsed: 9.38
333Estim. Tree Size   :      13157
334Estimation Tree    : 6963 nodes (6312 visited, 3481 inner, 2831 leaves, 651 open), weight: 0.9108 completed 0.4755
335Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
336  wbe              :       6215          -          -          -          -
337  tree-profile     :       5608          -          -          -          -
338  gap              :      12624    0.98718    0.00000          4      12613
339  tree-weight      :      13158    0.91084    0.00010          4      13166
340  leaf-frequency   :      11881    0.44843    0.00007          4      12993
341  ssg              :      12624    0.71437   -0.00000          4      12613
342  open-nodes       :      22757  651.00000   -0.30453          4      20259
343End of Report 18
345Report 19
346Time Elapsed: 9.83
347Estim. Tree Size   :      10450
348Estimation Tree    : 7355 nodes (6709 visited, 3677 inner, 3032 leaves, 646 open), weight: 0.9201 completed 0.4815
349Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
350  wbe              :       6590          -          -          -          -
351  tree-profile     :       8215          -          -          -          -
352  gap              :      13418    0.98718    0.00000          4      13414
353  tree-weight      :      10451    0.92006    0.00015          4      11018
354  leaf-frequency   :      12752    0.45186    0.00006          4      12908
355  ssg              :      13418    0.71437   -0.00000          4      13414
356  open-nodes       :      15488  646.00000   -0.54832          4      17053
357End of Report 19
359Report 20
360Time Elapsed: 10.45
361Estim. Tree Size   :       9382
362Estimation Tree    : 8415 nodes (7775 visited, 4207 inner, 3568 leaves, 640 open), weight: 0.9317 completed 0.5240
363Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
364  wbe              :       7658          -          -          -          -
365  tree-profile     :       8215          -          -          -          -
366  gap              :      15550    0.98718    0.00000          4      15546
367  tree-weight      :       9383    0.93169    0.00024          4      15800
368  leaf-frequency   :      21914    0.45884    0.00002          4      25380
369  ssg              :      15550    0.71437   -0.00000          4      15546
370  open-nodes       :     161079  640.00000   -0.03326          4     124692
371End of Report 20
373Report 21
374Time Elapsed: 10.60
375Estim. Tree Size   :       9177
376Estimation Tree    : 8617 nodes (7997 visited, 4308 inner, 3689 leaves, 620 open), weight: 0.9400 completed 0.5154
377Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
378  wbe              :       7848          -          -          -          -
379  tree-profile     :       8215          -          -          -          -
380  gap              :      15994    0.98718    0.00000          4      15985
381  tree-weight      :       9178    0.94002    0.00027          4      10456
382  leaf-frequency   :      12451    0.46124    0.00006          4      12985
383  ssg              :      15994    0.71437   -0.00000          4      15985
384  open-nodes       :      13444  620.00000   -0.81729          4      15089
385End of Report 21
387Report 22
388Time Elapsed: 11.08
389Estim. Tree Size   :      16284
390Estimation Tree    : 9435 nodes (8838 visited, 4717 inner, 4121 leaves, 597 open), weight: 0.9501 completed 0.5361
391Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
392  wbe              :       8674          -          -          -          -
393  tree-profile     :       8215          -          -          -          -
394  gap              :      17676    0.98718    0.00000          8      17665
395  tree-weight      :      16285    0.95010    0.00010          8      16205
396  leaf-frequency   :      18770    0.46623    0.00005          8      19557
397  ssg              :      57279    0.64247   -0.00021          8      55542
398  open-nodes       :      25059  597.00000   -0.56790          8      28915
399End of Report 22
401Report 23
402Time Elapsed: 11.60
403Estim. Tree Size   :      15190
404Estimation Tree    : 10357 nodes (9737 visited, 5178 inner, 4559 leaves, 620 open), weight: 0.9619 completed 0.5263
405Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
406  wbe              :       9478          -          -          -          -
407  tree-profile     :       8408          -          -          -          -
408  gap              :      19474    0.98718    0.00000          8      19448
409  tree-weight      :      15190    0.96193    0.00010          8      15473
410  leaf-frequency   :      18011    0.46816    0.00006          8      19284
411  ssg              :      19474    0.64247   -0.00000          8      19448
412  open-nodes       :      18038  620.00000   -1.11018          8      19608
413End of Report 23
415 11.8s| 10000 |   586 | 79409 |   7.9 |    16M |  27 | 160 | 576 | 259 |1996 |  0 |1074 | 732 |-7.800000e+01 |-7.700000e+01 |   1.30%|  52.45%
416Report 24
417Time Elapsed: 11.88
418Estim. Tree Size   :      15530
419Estimation Tree    : 10861 nodes (10284 visited, 5430 inner, 4854 leaves, 577 open), weight: 0.9700 completed 0.3989
420Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
421  wbe              :      10007          -          -          -          -
422  tree-profile     :       8408          -          -          -          -
423  gap              :      20568    0.98718    0.00000          8      20536
424  tree-weight      :      15531    0.97002    0.00008          8      15544
425  leaf-frequency   :      37500    0.47195    0.00002          8      34043
426  ssg              :      37998    0.56820   -0.00032          8      36546
427  open-nodes       :      20568  577.00000    0.02267          8      23382
428End of Report 24
430Report 25
431Time Elapsed: 12.38
432Estim. Tree Size   :      11425
433Estimation Tree    : 11347 nodes (10814 visited, 5673 inner, 5141 leaves, 533 open), weight: 0.9805 completed 0.5865
434Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
435  wbe              :      10486          -          -          -          -
436  tree-profile     :       8408          -          -          -          -
437  gap              :      21628    0.98718    0.00000          8      21598
438  tree-weight      :      11426    0.98047    0.00027          8      11494
439  leaf-frequency   :      18440    0.47536    0.00005          8      18393
440  ssg              :      26143    0.52543   -0.00053          8      55286
441  open-nodes       :      16432  533.00000   -1.38429          8      16669
442End of Report 25
444Report 26
445Time Elapsed: 12.73
446Estim. Tree Size   :      13710
447Estimation Tree    : 11673 nodes (11365 visited, 5836 inner, 5529 leaves, 308 open), weight: 0.9900 completed 0.8426
448Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
449  wbe              :      11169          -          -          -          -
450  tree-profile     :       8408          -          -          -          -
451  gap              :      16026    0.98990    0.00003          8      15956
452  tree-weight      :      13710    0.99001    0.00006          8      13706
453  leaf-frequency   :      13886    0.48645    0.00008          8      13915
454  ssg              :      13472    0.32036   -0.00212          8      14364
455  open-nodes       :      12516  308.00000   -3.37259          8      12526
456End of Report 26
458Report 27
459Time Elapsed: 13.00
460Estim. Tree Size   :      11781
461Estimation Tree    : 11781 nodes (11781 visited, 5890 inner, 5891 leaves, 0 open), weight: 1.0000 completed 1.0000
462Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
463  wbe              :      11781          -          -          -          -
464  tree-profile     :       8408          -          -          -          -
465  gap              :      11781    1.00000    0.00039          8      11966
466  tree-weight      :      11781    1.00000    0.00023          8      11773
467  leaf-frequency   :      11781    0.50000    0.00010          8      11808
468  ssg              :      11781   -0.00000   -0.01400          8      11820
469  open-nodes       :      11781    0.00000   -4.50156          8      11790
470End of Report 27
473SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
474Solving Time (sec) : 13.00
475Solving Nodes      : 11662
476Primal Bound       : -7.70000000000000e+01 (47 solutions)
477Dual Bound         : -7.70000000000000e+01
478Gap                : 0.00 %
480SCIP> display statistics
482SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
483Total Time         :      13.00
484  solving          :      13.00
485  presolving       :       0.86 (included in solving)
486  reading          :       0.00
487  copying          :       0.04 (18 #copies) (minimal 0.00, maximal 0.01, average 0.00)
488Original Problem   :
489  Problem name     : file
490  Variables        : 260 (130 binary, 0 integer, 0 implicit integer, 130 continuous)
491  Constraints      : 356 initial, 356 maximal
492  Objective        : minimize, 130 non-zeros (abs.min = 1, abs.max = 1)
493Presolved Problem  :
494  Problem name     : t_file
495  Variables        : 160 (80 binary, 0 integer, 0 implicit integer, 80 continuous)
496  Constraints      : 241 initial, 632 maximal
497  Objective        : minimize, 80 non-zeros (abs.min = 1, abs.max = 1)
498  Nonzeros         : 1245 constraint, 140 clique table
499Presolvers         :   ExecTime  SetupTime  Calls  FixedVars   AggrVars   ChgTypes  ChgBounds   AddHoles    DelCons    AddCons   ChgSides   ChgCoefs
500  boundshift       :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
501  convertinttobin  :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
502  domcol           :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
503  dualagg          :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
504  dualcomp         :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
505  dualinfer        :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
506  dualsparsify     :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
507  gateextraction   :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
508  implics          :       0.00       0.00      3          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
509  inttobinary      :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
510  qpkktref         :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
511  redvub           :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
512  sparsify         :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
513  stuffing         :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
514  trivial          :       0.00       0.00      4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
515  tworowbnd        :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
516  dualfix          :       0.00       0.00      4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
517  genvbounds       :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
518  probing          :       0.01       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
519  pseudoobj        :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
520  symmetry         :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
521  vbounds          :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
522  varbound         :       0.00       0.00      4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
523  setppc           :       0.00       0.00      6          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
524  linear           :       0.01       0.00      7          0         15          0        250          0         15          0         75         75
525  logicor          :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
526  bounddisjunction :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
527  benders          :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
528  components       :       0.84       0.00      1         85          0          0          0          0        100          0          0          0
529  root node        :          -          -      -          9          -          -         15          -          -          -          -          -
530Constraints        :     Number  MaxNumber  #Separate #Propagate    #EnfoLP    #EnfoRelax  #EnfoPS    #Check   #ResProp    Cutoffs    DomReds       Cuts    Applied      Conss   Children
531  benderslp        :          0          0          0          0       6231          0          0        743          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
532  integral         :          0          0          0          0       6231          0          0        743          0          0        911          0          0        383      11780
533  varbound         :         80         80         12      47920          2          0          0        737       6183         19      40105          0          0          0          0
534  setppc           :         45+        48         12      47875          2          0          0         56       6109        191      29130          0          0          0          0
535  linear           :        116+       184         12      47704          2          0          0         48        304        149      22649          0          0          0          0
536  logicor          :          0+       319          0      20280          0          0          0          0       1616        185      12689          0          0          0          0
537  bounddisjunction :          0+        27          0      10948          0          0          0          0         23          2        655          0          0          0          0
538  benders          :          0          0          0          0          2          0          0         48          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
539  countsols        :          0          0          0          0          2          0          0         48          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
540  components       :          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
541Constraint Timings :  TotalTime  SetupTime   Separate  Propagate     EnfoLP     EnfoPS     EnfoRelax   Check    ResProp    SB-Prop
542  benderslp        :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
543  integral         :       0.45       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.45       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
544  varbound         :       0.06       0.00       0.00       0.05       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.01
545  setppc           :       0.04       0.00       0.00       0.04       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
546  linear           :       0.15       0.00       0.00       0.15       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
547  logicor          :       0.09       0.00       0.00       0.09       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
548  bounddisjunction :       0.02       0.00       0.00       0.02       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
549  benders          :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
550  countsols        :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
551  components       :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
552Propagators        : #Propagate   #ResProp    Cutoffs    DomReds
553  dualfix          :          3          0          0          0
554  genvbounds       :          0          0          0          0
555  nlobbt           :          0          0          0          0
556  obbt             :          0          0          0          0
557  probing          :          0          0          0          0
558  pseudoobj        :      47684          0          0          0
559  redcost          :      13250          0          0          0
560  rootredcost      :          0          0          0          0
561  symmetry         :      11597          0          0          8
562  vbounds          :      53814          0          0          0
563Propagator Timings :  TotalTime  SetupTime   Presolve  Propagate    ResProp    SB-Prop
564  dualfix          :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
565  genvbounds       :       0.02       0.00       0.00       0.02       0.00       0.00
566  nlobbt           :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
567  obbt             :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
568  probing          :       0.01       0.00       0.01       0.00       0.00       0.00
569  pseudoobj        :       0.05       0.00       0.00       0.05       0.00       0.00
570  redcost          :       0.02       0.00       0.00       0.01       0.00       0.01
571  rootredcost      :       0.06       0.00       0.00       0.05       0.00       0.01
572  symmetry         :       0.09       0.00       0.00       0.09       0.00       0.00
573  vbounds          :       0.08       0.00       0.00       0.07       0.00       0.01
574Orbital fixing     :
575  vars fixed to 0  :          8
576  vars fixed to 1  :          0
577Conflict Analysis  :       Time      Calls    Success    DomReds  Conflicts   Literals    Reconvs ReconvLits   Dualrays   Nonzeros   LP Iters   (pool size: [10000,10000])
578  propagation      :       0.00        443        326          -       1027       12.5         38        6.6          -          -          -
579  infeasible LP    :       0.00          0          0          -          0        0.0          0        0.0          0        0.0          0
580  bound exceed. LP :       0.05        666        359          -       1761       15.8         43        5.7        204       17.3        636
581  strong branching :       0.00          0          0          -          0        0.0          0        0.0          -          -          0
582  pseudo solution  :       0.00          0          0          -          0        0.0          0        0.0          -          -          -
583  applied globally :       0.00          -          -          0        727        7.9          -          -        204          -          -
584  applied locally  :          -          -          -          0        250       14.0          -          -          0          -          -
585Separators         :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls    Cutoffs    DomReds       Cuts    Applied      Conss
586  cut pool         :       0.16                  1485          -          -      11295          -          -    (maximal pool size: 3528)
587  aggregation      :       0.58       0.00        424          0          0       9396          0          0
588  cgmip            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
589  clique           :       0.01       0.00         12          0          0          0          0          0
590  closecuts        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
591  cmir             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0       1516          0
592  convexproj       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
593  disjunctive      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
594  eccuts           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
595  flowcover        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0        241          0
596  gauge            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
597  gomory           :       0.19       0.00        419          0          0       9958        315          0
598  impliedbounds    :       0.01       0.00        424          0          0          0          0          0
599  intobj           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
600  mcf              :       0.00       0.00          9          0          0         38          0          0
601  oddcycle         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
602  rapidlearning    :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0
603  strongcg         :       0.08       0.00        399          0          0          3          1          0
604  zerohalf         :       0.03       0.00        421          0          0         12          4          0
605Pricers            :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls       Vars
606  problem variables:       0.00          -          0          0
607Branching Rules    :   ExecTime  SetupTime   BranchLP  BranchExt   BranchPS    Cutoffs    DomReds       Cuts      Conss   Children
608  allfullstrong    :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
609  cloud            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
610  distribution     :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
611  fullstrong       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
612  inference        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
613  leastinf         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
614  lookahead        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
615  mostinf          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
616  multaggr         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
617  nodereopt        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
618  pscost           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
619  random           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
620  relpscost        :       0.43       0.00       6229          0          0          0        911          0        388      11780
621  vanillafullstrong:       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
622Primal Heuristics  :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls      Found       Best
623  LP solutions     :       0.00          -          -          2          2
624  relax solutions  :       0.00          -          -          0          0
625  pseudo solutions :       0.00          -          -          0          0
626  strong branching :       0.00          -          -          0          0
627  actconsdiving    :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
628  adaptivediving   :       0.01       0.00         34          0          0
629  alns             :       1.22       0.00          6          0          0
630  bound            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
631  clique           :       0.00       0.00          1          1          1
632  coefdiving       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
633  completesol      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
634  conflictdiving   :       0.01       0.00         18          0          0
635  crossover        :       0.21       0.00          1          1          0
636  dins             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
637  distributiondivin:       0.04       0.00         17          0          0
638  dualval          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
639  farkasdiving     :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
640  feaspump         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
641  fixandinfer      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
642  fracdiving       :       0.02       0.00         17          0          0
643  gins             :       0.39       0.00          2          1          0
644  guideddiving     :       0.02       0.00         17          0          0
645  indicator        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
646  intdiving        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
647  intshifting      :       0.00       0.00         11          0          0
648  linesearchdiving :       0.04       0.00         17          0          0
649  localbranching   :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
650  locks            :       0.00       0.00          1          0          0
651  lpface           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
652  mpec             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
653  multistart       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
654  mutation         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
655  nlpdiving        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
656  objpscostdiving  :       0.03       0.00          9          9          0
657  octane           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
658  ofins            :       0.01       0.00          0          0          0
659  oneopt           :       0.00       0.00          4          0          0
660  padm             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
661  proximity        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
662  pscostdiving     :       0.01       0.00         17          0          0
663  randrounding     :       0.01       0.00        692          0          0
664  rens             :       0.24       0.00          1          1          1
665  reoptsols        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
666  repair           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
667  rins             :       1.64       0.00          8          8          0
668  rootsoldiving    :       0.00       0.00          9          9          0
669  rounding         :       0.01       0.00       1147          0          0
670  shiftandpropagate:       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
671  shifting         :       0.03       0.00       1282         10          1
672  simplerounding   :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
673  subnlp           :       0.04       0.00          0          0          0
674  trivial          :       0.01       0.00          2          4          2
675  trivialnegation  :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
676  trustregion      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
677  trysol           :       0.01       0.00          0          0          0
678  twoopt           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
679  undercover       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
680  vbounds          :       0.00       0.00          1          1          1
681  veclendiving     :       0.03       0.00         17          0          0
682  zeroobj          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
683  zirounding       :       0.01       0.00       1000          0          0
684  other solutions  :          -          -          -          0          -
685Diving (single)    :      Calls      Nodes   LP Iters Backtracks  Conflicts   MinDepth   MaxDepth   AvgDepth  RoundSols  NLeafSols  MinSolDpt  MaxSolDpt  AvgSolDpt
686  actconsdiving    :          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
687  coefdiving       :          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
688  conflictdiving   :         18         88        186         16         95         18         30       22.7          0          -          -          -          -
689  distributiondivin:         17         68        152         20         84         16         25       21.5          0          -          -          -          -
690  farkasdiving     :          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
691  fracdiving       :         17        101        239         14        107         17         31       22.0          0          -          -          -          -
692  guideddiving     :         17         97        170         16        126         15         29       22.1          0          -          -          -          -
693  linesearchdiving :         17         78        174         18        154         15         28       21.3          0          -          -          -          -
694  pscostdiving     :         17         76        228         20        115         14         26       20.4          0          -          -          -          -
695  veclendiving     :         17         89        185         14         87         14         27       22.2          0          -          -          -          -
696Diving (adaptive)  :      Calls      Nodes   LP Iters Backtracks  Conflicts   MinDepth   MaxDepth   AvgDepth  RoundSols  NLeafSols  MinSolDpt  MaxSolDpt  AvgSolDpt
697  actconsdiving    :          8         27         52          8         30         15         23       18.9          0          -          -          -          -
698  coefdiving       :         11         47         75          5         71         14         27       22.4          0          -          -          -          -
699  conflictdiving   :          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
700  distributiondivin:          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
701  farkasdiving     :          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
702  fracdiving       :          3         19         52          3         33         18         23       21.0          0          -          -          -          -
703  guideddiving     :          4         25         51          4         21         21         25       22.5          0          -          -          -          -
704  linesearchdiving :          4         15         15          0          9         23         28       26.0          0          -          -          -          -
705  pscostdiving     :          4         14         51          5         25         17         25       20.5          0          -          -          -          -
706  veclendiving     :          0          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -
707Neighborhoods      :      Calls  SetupTime  SolveTime SolveNodes       Sols       Best       Exp3  EpsGreedy        UCB TgtFixRate  Opt  Inf Node Stal  Sol  Usr Othr Actv
708  rens             :          1       0.20       0.01          3          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.700    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1
709  rins             :          1       0.20       0.00          1          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.700    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1
710  mutation         :          1       0.19       0.01          1          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.700    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1
711  localbranching   :          0       0.00       0.00          0          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.900    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1
712  crossover        :          1       0.19       0.00          0          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.700    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1
713  proximity        :          1       0.20       0.00          1          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.700    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1
714  zeroobjective    :          0       0.00       0.00          0          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.900    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1
715  dins             :          1       0.20       0.00          1          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.700    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1
716  trustregion      :          0       0.00       0.00          0          0          0    0.00000   -1.00000    1.00000      0.900    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
717LP                 :       Time      Calls Iterations  Iter/call   Iter/sec  Time-0-It Calls-0-It    ItLimit
718  primal LP        :       0.24        818          0       0.00       0.00       0.24        818
719  dual LP          :       3.15      12511      86985       6.96   27614.29       0.02          6
720  lex dual LP      :       0.00          0          0       0.00          -
721  barrier LP       :       0.00          0          0       0.00          -       0.00          0
722  resolve instable :       0.00          0          0       0.00          -
723  diving/probing LP:       0.11        372       2414       6.49   21945.45
724  strong branching :       0.23        754       7117       9.44   30943.48          -          -         39
725    (at root node) :          -         19        932      49.05          -
726  conflict analysis:       0.01         82        636       7.76   63600.00
727B&B Tree           :
728  number of runs   :          1
729  nodes            :      11662 (5890 internal, 5772 leaves)
730  feasible leaves  :          2
731  infeas. leaves   :        276
732  objective leaves :       5494
733  nodes (total)    :      11662 (5890 internal, 5772 leaves)
734  nodes left       :          0
735  max depth        :         27
736  max depth (total):         27
737  backtracks       :       3628 (31.1%)
738  early backtracks :        174 (4.8%)
739  nodes exc. ref.  :          2 (0.0%)
740  delayed cutoffs  :        117
741  repropagations   :       1190 (3836 domain reductions, 42 cutoffs)
742  avg switch length:       5.96
743  switching time   :       0.50
744Estim. Tree Size   :      11781
745Estimation Tree    : 11781 nodes (11781 visited, 5890 inner, 5891 leaves, 0 open), weight: 1.0000 completed 1.0000
746Estimations        :      estim      value      trend resolution     smooth
747  wbe              :      11781          -          -          -          -
748  tree-profile     :       8408          -          -          -          -
749  gap              :      11781    1.00000    0.00039          8      11966
750  tree-weight      :      11781    1.00000    0.00023          8      11773
751  leaf-frequency   :      11781    0.50000    0.00010          8      11808
752  ssg              :      11781   -0.00000   -0.01400          8      11820
753  open-nodes       :      11781    0.00000   -4.50156          8      11790
754Root Node          :
755  First LP value   : -7.80000000000000e+01
756  First LP Iters   :        108
757  First LP Time    :       0.00
758  Final Dual Bound : -7.80000000000000e+01
759  Final Root Iters :        268
760  Root LP Estimate : -7.75794675598145e+01
761Solution           :
762  Solutions found  :         47 (8 improvements)
763  First Solution   : +0.00000000000000e+00   (in run 1, after 0 nodes, 0.36 seconds, depth 0, found by <trivial>)
764  Gap First Sol.   :   infinite
765  Gap Last Sol.    :       1.30 %
766  Primal Bound     : -7.70000000000000e+01   (in run 1, after 16 nodes, 1.90 seconds, depth 10, found by <relaxation>)
767  Dual Bound       : -7.70000000000000e+01
768  Gap              :       0.00 %
769Integrals          :      Total       Avg%
770  primal-dual      :     151.60      11.66
771  primal-ref       :     136.81      10.52
772  dual-ref         :     137.68      10.59
774SCIP> checksol
776check best solution
777solution is feasible in original problem
778Violation          :    absolute    relative
779  bounds           : 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
780  integrality      : 0.00000e+00           -
781  LP rows          : 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
782  constraints      : 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
786SCIP> quit
788Read MPS: 1
789MIP has 260 vars and 356 constraints
790Read SOL: 1
791Objective value computed by solver: -77
793Integrality tolerance: 1/10000
794Linear tolerance: 1/10000
795Objective tolerance: 1/10000
797Check SOL: Integrality 1 Constraints 1 Objective 1
798Maximum violations: Integrality 0 Constraints 0 Objective 0
799@04 1579794109
801Do 23. Jan 16:41:49 CET 2020