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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


An.mtxH A D07-Dec-20202.4 KiB8075

As.mtxH A D07-Dec-20202 KiB7065

Az.mtxH A D07-Dec-20202.5 KiB8075

B.mtxH A D07-Dec-20201.2 KiB6358

Bz.mtxH A D07-Dec-20201.3 KiB6358

Makefile.amH A D07-Dec-2020557 2619

READMEH A D07-Dec-20201.5 KiB4034

arpackSolver.hppH A D07-Dec-202043 KiB1,120798

arpackSolver.pc.inH A D07-Dec-2020256 119

arpackmm.cppH A D07-Dec-202031.3 KiB977895

arpackmm.shH A D07-Dec-20203.9 KiB9986


1arpackmm: utility to test arpack with matrix market files.
3This is meant to run arpack with different options to find
4what are the ones that are the best for your particular
7Typically: computing small eigen values may breakdown and/or
8be slow (arpack is good at finding large eigen values only).
9To compute small eigen values, it may be a better choice
10to look for large eigen values with invert or shift+invert.
12How to use this utility ?
13Start simple, then, increase complexity if/when needed:
14- defaults to: standard real symmetric eigen problem to be
15  solved accurately (double precision).
16- list all possible options with --help.
17- add --verbose or --debug to get more informations.
18- if solve breaks down, you may:
19  - play with --nbCV (increase workspace size).
20  - play with --shiftReal/Imag and/or --invert.
21  - if arpack mode > 1, change solver with --slv.
22  - if arpack mode > 1, change solver parameters with --slv
23    (typically: pivoting threshold, solver tolerance, ...).
24  - try --restart (restart from previous eigen basis
25    approximation computed by previous run).
26  - etc...
28Note: using openblas/mkl/atlas instead of netlib blas/lapack
29may impact results. In some cases, it may also fail checks.
30Use --noCheck to skip checks.
32To build this utility, you need:
33- to use a fortran compiler which supports iso_c_binding.
34- to have installed eigen3 (to deal with the RCI).
35- to configure arpack-ng this way:
36  - autotools:
37    ~arpack-ng> ./configure --enable-icb-exmm; make all check
38  - cmake:
39    ~arpack-ng/build> cmake -D ICBEXMM=ON ..; make all test