1 /****************************************************************
2 Copyright 1990 - 1997 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore.
4 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
5 and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
6 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
7 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
8 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
9 documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories,
10 Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in
11 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
12 software without specific, written prior permission.
14 AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to
15 this software, including all implied warranties of
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22 ****************************************************************/
24 #include <f2c_config.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <ctype.h>
28 #include "f2c.h"
29 #include "fio.h"
30 #include "arith.h"
32 #include "fmt.h"
33 #include "fp.h"
wrt_E(ufloat * p,int w,int d,int e,ftnlen len)35 int wrt_E(ufloat *p, int w, int d, int e, ftnlen len)
36 {
37 	char buf[FMAX+EXPMAXDIGS+4], *s, *se;
38 	int d1, delta, e1, i, sign, signspace;
39 	double dd;
40 #ifdef WANT_LEAD_0
41 	int insert0 = 0;
42 #endif
43 	int e0 = e;
45 	if(e <= 0)
46 		e = 2;
47 	if(f__scale) {
48 		if(f__scale >= d + 2 || f__scale <= -d)
49 			goto nogood;
50 		}
51 	if(f__scale <= 0)
52 		--d;
53 	if (len == sizeof(real))
54 		dd = p->pf;
55 	else
56 		dd = p->pd;
57 	if (dd < 0.) {
58 		signspace = sign = 1;
59 		dd = -dd;
60 		}
61 	else {
62 		sign = 0;
63 		signspace = (int)f__cplus;
64 		if (!dd) {
65 #ifdef SIGNED_ZEROS
66 			if (signbit(dd))
67 				signspace = sign = 1;
68 #endif
69 			dd = 0.;	/* avoid -0 */
70 		}
71 	}
72 	delta = w - (2 /* for the . and the d adjustment above */
73 			+ 2 /* for the E+ */ + signspace + d + e);
74 #ifdef WANT_LEAD_0
75 	if (f__scale <= 0 && delta > 0) {
76 		delta--;
77 		insert0 = 1;
78 		}
79 	else
80 #endif
81 	if (delta < 0) {
82 nogood:
83 		while(--w >= 0)
84 			PUT('*');
85 		return(0);
86 		}
87 	if (f__scale < 0)
88 		d += f__scale;
89 	if (d > FMAX) {
90 		d1 = d - FMAX;
91 		d = FMAX;
92 		}
93 	else
94 		d1 = 0;
95 	sprintf(buf,"%#.*E", d, dd);
96 	/* check for NaN, Infinity */
97 	if (!isdigit(buf[0])) {
98 		switch(buf[0]) {
99 			case 'n':
100 			case 'N':
101 				signspace = 0;	/* no sign for NaNs */
102 		}
103 		delta = w - strlen(buf) - signspace;
104 		if (delta < 0)
105 			goto nogood;
106 		while(--delta >= 0)
107 			PUT(' ');
108 		if (signspace)
109 			PUT(sign ? '-' : '+');
110 		for(s = buf; *s; s++)
111 			PUT(*s);
112 		return 0;
113 	}
114 	se = buf + d + 3;
115 #ifdef GOOD_SPRINTF_EXPONENT /* When possible, exponent has 2 digits. */
116 	if (f__scale != 1 && dd)
117 		sprintf(se, "%+.2d", atoi(se) + 1 - f__scale);
118 #else
119 	if (dd)
120 		sprintf(se, "%+.2d", atoi(se) + 1 - f__scale);
121 	else
122 		strcpy(se, "+00");
123 #endif
124 	s = ++se;
125 	if (e < 2) {
126 		if (*s != '0')
127 			goto nogood;
128 		}
129 	/* accommodate 3 significant digits in exponent */
130 	if (s[2]) {
131 #ifdef Pedantic
132 		if (!e0 && !s[3])
133 			for(s -= 2, e1 = 2; s[0] = s[1]; s++);
135 	/* Pedantic gives the behavior that Fortran 77 specifies,	*/
136 	/* i.e., requires that E be specified for exponent fields	*/
137 	/* of more than 3 digits.  With Pedantic undefined, we get	*/
138 	/* the behavior that Cray displays -- you get a bigger		*/
139 	/* exponent field if it fits.	*/
140 #else
141 		if (!e0) {
142 			for(s -= 2, e1 = 2; s[0] = s[1]; s++)
143 #ifdef CRAY
144 				delta--;
145 			if ((delta += 4) < 0)
146 				goto nogood
147 #endif
148 				;
149 			}
150 #endif
151 		else if (e0 >= 0)
152 			goto shift;
153 		else
154 			e1 = e;
155 		}
156 	else
157  shift:
158 		for(s += 2, e1 = 2; *s; ++e1, ++s)
159 			if (e1 >= e)
160 				goto nogood;
161 	while(--delta >= 0)
162 		PUT(' ');
163 	if (signspace)
164 		PUT(sign ? '-' : '+');
165 	s = buf;
166 	i = f__scale;
167 	if (f__scale <= 0) {
168 #ifdef WANT_LEAD_0
169 		if (insert0)
170 			PUT('0');
171 #endif
172 		PUT('.');
173 		for(; i < 0; ++i)
174 			PUT('0');
175 		PUT(*s);
176 		s += 2;
177 		}
178 	else if (f__scale > 1) {
179 		PUT(*s);
180 		s += 2;
181 		while(--i > 0)
182 			PUT(*s++);
183 		PUT('.');
184 		}
185 	if (d1) {
186 		se -= 2;
187 		while(s < se) PUT(*s++);
188 		se += 2;
189 		do PUT('0'); while(--d1 > 0);
190 		}
191 	while(s < se)
192 		PUT(*s++);
193 	if (e < 2)
194 		PUT(s[1]);
195 	else {
196 		while(++e1 <= e)
197 			PUT('0');
198 		while(*s)
199 			PUT(*s++);
200 		}
201 	return 0;
202 }
wrt_F(ufloat * p,int w,int d,ftnlen len)204 int wrt_F(ufloat *p, int w, int d, ftnlen len)
205 {
206 	int d1, sign, n;
207 	double x;
208 	char *b, buf[MAXINTDIGS+MAXFRACDIGS+4], *s;
210 	x= (len==sizeof(real)?p->pf:p->pd);
211 	if (d < MAXFRACDIGS)
212 		d1 = 0;
213 	else {
214 		d1 = d - MAXFRACDIGS;
215 		d = MAXFRACDIGS;
216 		}
217 	if (x < 0.)
218 		{ x = -x; sign = 1; }
219 	else {
220 		sign = 0;
221 		if (!x) {
222 #ifdef SIGNED_ZEROS
223 			if (signbit(x))
224 				sign = 2;
225 #endif
226 			x = 0.;
227 			}
228 	}
230 	if (n = f__scale)
231 		if (n > 0)
232 			do x *= 10.; while(--n > 0);
233 		else
234 			do x *= 0.1; while(++n < 0);
236 	n = sprintf(b = buf, "%#.*f", d, x) + d1;
238 #ifndef WANT_LEAD_0
239 	if (buf[0] == '0' && d)
240 		{ ++b; --n; }
241 #endif
242 	if (sign == 1) {
243 		/* check for all zeros */
244 		for(s = b;;) {
245 			while(*s == '0') s++;
246 			switch(*s) {
247 				case '.':
248 					s++; continue;
249 				case 0:
250 					sign = 0;
251 				}
252 			break;
253 			}
254 		}
255 	if (sign || f__cplus)
256 		++n;
257 	if (n > w) {
258 #ifdef WANT_LEAD_0
259 		if (buf[0] == '0' && --n == w)
260 			++b;
261 		else
262 #endif
263 		{
264 			while(--w >= 0)
265 				PUT('*');
266 			return 0;
267 			}
268 		}
269 	for(w -= n; --w >= 0; )
270 		PUT(' ');
271 	if (sign)
272 		PUT('-');
273 	else if (f__cplus)
274 		PUT('+');
275 	while(n = *b++)
276 		PUT(n);
277 	while(--d1 >= 0)
278 		PUT('0');
279 	return 0;
280 }