1 /*
2  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3  * $Revision: 4378 $
4  * $Date: 2015-02-19 10:55:14 -0800 (Thu, 19 Feb 2015) $
5  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
6  * Programmer(s): Radu Serban @ LLNL
7  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
8  * LLNS Copyright Start
9  * Copyright (c) 2014, Lawrence Livermore National Security
10  * This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department
11  * of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under
12  * Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
13  * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
14  * All rights reserved.
15  * For details, see the LICENSE file.
16  * LLNS Copyright End
17  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
18  * This is the common header file for the Scaled, Preconditioned
19  * Iterative Linear Solvers in CVODES.
20  *
21  * Part I contains type definitions and functions for using the
22  * iterative linear solvers on forward problems
23  * (IVP integration and/or FSA)
24  *
25  * Part II contains type definitions and functions for using the
26  * iterative linear solvers on adjoint (backward) problems
27  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
28  */
30 #ifndef _CVSSPILS_H
31 #define _CVSSPILS_H
33 #include <sundials/sundials_iterative.h>
34 #include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>
36 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
37 extern "C" {
38 #endif
40 /*
41  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
42  * CVSPILS return values
43  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
44  */
46 #define CVSPILS_SUCCESS          0
47 #define CVSPILS_MEM_NULL        -1
48 #define CVSPILS_LMEM_NULL       -2
49 #define CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT       -3
50 #define CVSPILS_MEM_FAIL        -4
51 #define CVSPILS_PMEM_NULL       -5
53 /* Return values for the adjoint module */
55 #define CVSPILS_NO_ADJ          -101
56 #define CVSPILS_LMEMB_NULL      -102
58 /*
59  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
60  * CVSPILS solver constants
61  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
62  * CVSPILS_MAXL   : default value for the maximum Krylov
63  *                  dimension
64  *
65  * CVSPILS_MSBPRE : maximum number of steps between
66  *                  preconditioner evaluations
67  *
68  * CVSPILS_DGMAX  : maximum change in gamma between
69  *                  preconditioner evaluations
70  *
71  * CVSPILS_EPLIN  : default value for factor by which the
72  *                  tolerance on the nonlinear iteration is
73  *                  multiplied to get a tolerance on the linear
74  *                  iteration
75  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
76  */
78 #define CVSPILS_MAXL   5
79 #define CVSPILS_MSBPRE 50
80 #define CVSPILS_DGMAX  RCONST(0.2)
81 #define CVSPILS_EPLIN  RCONST(0.05)
83 /*
84  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
85  * PART I - forward problems
86  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
87  */
89 /*
90  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
91  * Type : CVSpilsPrecSetupFn
92  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
93  * The user-supplied preconditioner setup function PrecSetup and
94  * the user-supplied preconditioner solve function PrecSolve
95  * together must define left and right preconditoner matrices
96  * P1 and P2 (either of which may be trivial), such that the
97  * product P1*P2 is an approximation to the Newton matrix
98  * M = I - gamma*J.  Here J is the system Jacobian J = df/dy,
99  * and gamma is a scalar proportional to the integration step
100  * size h.  The solution of systems P z = r, with P = P1 or P2,
101  * is to be carried out by the PrecSolve function, and PrecSetup
102  * is to do any necessary setup operations.
103  *
104  * The user-supplied preconditioner setup function PrecSetup
105  * is to evaluate and preprocess any Jacobian-related data
106  * needed by the preconditioner solve function PrecSolve.
107  * This might include forming a crude approximate Jacobian,
108  * and performing an LU factorization on the resulting
109  * approximation to M.  This function will not be called in
110  * advance of every call to PrecSolve, but instead will be called
111  * only as often as necessary to achieve convergence within the
112  * Newton iteration.  If the PrecSolve function needs no
113  * preparation, the PrecSetup function can be NULL.
114  *
115  * For greater efficiency, the PrecSetup function may save
116  * Jacobian-related data and reuse it, rather than generating it
117  * from scratch.  In this case, it should use the input flag jok
118  * to decide whether to recompute the data, and set the output
119  * flag *jcurPtr accordingly.
120  *
121  * Each call to the PrecSetup function is preceded by a call to
122  * the RhsFn f with the same (t,y) arguments.  Thus the PrecSetup
123  * function can use any auxiliary data that is computed and
124  * saved by the f function and made accessible to PrecSetup.
125  *
126  * A function PrecSetup must have the prototype given below.
127  * Its parameters are as follows:
128  *
129  * t       is the current value of the independent variable.
130  *
131  * y       is the current value of the dependent variable vector,
132  *          namely the predicted value of y(t).
133  *
134  * fy      is the vector f(t,y).
135  *
136  * jok     is an input flag indicating whether Jacobian-related
137  *         data needs to be recomputed, as follows:
138  *           jok == FALSE means recompute Jacobian-related data
139  *                  from scratch.
140  *           jok == TRUE  means that Jacobian data, if saved from
141  *                  the previous PrecSetup call, can be reused
142  *                  (with the current value of gamma).
143  *         A Precset call with jok == TRUE can only occur after
144  *         a call with jok == FALSE.
145  *
146  * jcurPtr is a pointer to an output integer flag which is
147  *         to be set by PrecSetup as follows:
148  *         Set *jcurPtr = TRUE if Jacobian data was recomputed.
149  *         Set *jcurPtr = FALSE if Jacobian data was not recomputed,
150  *                        but saved data was reused.
151  *
152  * gamma   is the scalar appearing in the Newton matrix.
153  *
154  * user_data  is a pointer to user data - the same as the user_data
155  *         parameter passed to the CVodeSetUserData function.
156  *
157  * tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated
158  *                      for N_Vectors which can be used by
159  *                      CVSpilsPrecSetupFn as temporary storage or
160  *                      work space.
161  *
162  * NOTE: If the user's preconditioner needs other quantities,
163  *       they are accessible as follows: hcur (the current stepsize)
164  *       and ewt (the error weight vector) are accessible through
165  *       CVodeGetCurrentStep and CVodeGetErrWeights, respectively).
166  *       The unit roundoff is available as UNIT_ROUNDOFF defined in
167  *       sundials_types.h.
168  *
169  * Returned value:
170  * The value to be returned by the PrecSetup function is a flag
171  * indicating whether it was successful.  This value should be
172  *   0   if successful,
173  *   > 0 for a recoverable error (step will be retried),
174  *   < 0 for an unrecoverable error (integration is halted).
175  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
176  */
178 typedef int (*CVSpilsPrecSetupFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
179 				  booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr,
180 				  realtype gamma, void *user_data,
181 				  N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2,
182 				  N_Vector tmp3);
184 /*
185  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
186  * Type : CVSpilsPrecSolveFn
187  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
188  * The user-supplied preconditioner solve function PrecSolve
189  * is to solve a linear system P z = r in which the matrix P is
190  * one of the preconditioner matrices P1 or P2, depending on the
191  * type of preconditioning chosen.
192  *
193  * A function PrecSolve must have the prototype given below.
194  * Its parameters are as follows:
195  *
196  * t      is the current value of the independent variable.
197  *
198  * y      is the current value of the dependent variable vector.
199  *
200  * fy     is the vector f(t,y).
201  *
202  * r      is the right-hand side vector of the linear system.
203  *
204  * z      is the output vector computed by PrecSolve.
205  *
206  * gamma  is the scalar appearing in the Newton matrix.
207  *
208  * delta  is an input tolerance for use by PSolve if it uses
209  *        an iterative method in its solution.  In that case,
210  *        the residual vector Res = r - P z of the system
211  *        should be made less than delta in weighted L2 norm,
212  *        i.e., sqrt [ Sum (Res[i]*ewt[i])^2 ] < delta.
213  *        Note: the error weight vector ewt can be obtained
214  *        through a call to the routine CVodeGetErrWeights.
215  *
216  * lr     is an input flag indicating whether PrecSolve is to use
217  *        the left preconditioner P1 or right preconditioner
218  *        P2: lr = 1 means use P1, and lr = 2 means use P2.
219  *
220  * user_data is a pointer to user data - the same as the user_data
221  *        parameter passed to the CVodeSetUserData function.
222  *
223  * tmp    is a pointer to memory allocated for an N_Vector
224  *        which can be used by PSolve for work space.
225  *
226  * Returned value:
227  * The value to be returned by the PrecSolve function is a flag
228  * indicating whether it was successful.  This value should be
229  *   0 if successful,
230  *   positive for a recoverable error (step will be retried),
231  *   negative for an unrecoverable error (integration is halted).
232  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
233  */
235 typedef int (*CVSpilsPrecSolveFn)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
236 				  N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
237 				  realtype gamma, realtype delta,
238 				  int lr, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp);
240 /*
241  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
242  * Type : CVSpilsJacTimesVecFn
243  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
244  * The user-supplied function jtimes is to generate the product
245  * J*v for given v, where J is the Jacobian df/dy, or an
246  * approximation to it, and v is a given vector. It should return
247  * 0 if successful a positive value for a recoverable error or
248  * a negative value for an unrecoverable failure.
249  *
250  * A function jtimes must have the prototype given below. Its
251  * parameters are as follows:
252  *
253  *   v        is the N_Vector to be multiplied by J.
254  *
255  *   Jv       is the output N_Vector containing J*v.
256  *
257  *   t        is the current value of the independent variable.
258  *
259  *   y        is the current value of the dependent variable
260  *            vector.
261  *
262  *   fy       is the vector f(t,y).
263  *
264  *   user_data   is a pointer to user data, the same as the user_data
265  *            parameter passed to the CVodeSetUserData function.
266  *
267  *   tmp      is a pointer to memory allocated for an N_Vector
268  *            which can be used by Jtimes for work space.
269  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
270  */
272 typedef int (*CVSpilsJacTimesVecFn)(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t,
273 				    N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
274 				    void *user_data, N_Vector tmp);
277 /*
278  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
279  * Optional inputs to the CVSPILS linear solver
280  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
281  *
282  * CVSpilsSetPrecType resets the type of preconditioner, pretype,
283  *                from the value previously set.
284  *                This must be one of PREC_NONE, PREC_LEFT,
285  *                PREC_RIGHT, or PREC_BOTH.
286  *
287  * CVSpilsSetGSType specifies the type of Gram-Schmidt
288  *                orthogonalization to be used. This must be one of
289  *                the two enumeration constants MODIFIED_GS or
290  *                CLASSICAL_GS defined in iterative.h. These correspond
291  *                to using modified Gram-Schmidt and classical
292  *                Gram-Schmidt, respectively.
293  *                Default value is MODIFIED_GS.
294  *
295  * CVSpilsSetMaxl resets the maximum Krylov subspace size, maxl,
296  *                from the value previously set.
297  *                An input value <= 0, gives the default value.
298  *
299  * CVSpilsSetEpsLin specifies the factor by which the tolerance on
300  *                the nonlinear iteration is multiplied to get a
301  *                tolerance on the linear iteration.
302  *                Default value is 0.05.
303  *
304  * CVSpilsSetPreconditioner specifies the PrecSetup and PrecSolve functions.
305  *                Default is NULL for both arguments (no preconditioning).
306  *
307  * CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn specifies the jtimes function. Default is to use
308  *                an internal finite difference approximation routine.
309  *
310  * The return value of CVSpilsSet* is one of:
311  *    CVSPILS_SUCCESS   if successful
312  *    CVSPILS_MEM_NULL  if the cvode memory was NULL
313  *    CVSPILS_LMEM_NULL if the linear solver memory was NULL
314  *    CVSPILS_ILL_INPUT if an input has an illegal value
315  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
316  */
318 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetPrecType(void *cvode_mem, int pretype);
319 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetGSType(void *cvode_mem, int gstype);
320 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetMaxl(void *cvode_mem, int maxl);
321 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetEpsLin(void *cvode_mem, realtype eplifac);
322 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(void *cvode_mem,
323                                              CVSpilsPrecSetupFn pset,
324 					     CVSpilsPrecSolveFn psolve);
325 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(void *cvode_mem,
326                                             CVSpilsJacTimesVecFn jtv);
328 /*
329  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
330  * Optional outputs from the CVSPILS linear solver
331  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
332  * CVSpilsGetWorkSpace returns the real and integer workspace used
333  *                by the SPILS module.
334  *
335  * CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals returns the number of preconditioner
336  *                 evaluations, i.e. the number of calls made
337  *                 to PrecSetup with jok==FALSE.
338  *
339  * CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves returns the number of calls made to
340  *                 PrecSolve.
341  *
342  * CVSpilsGetNumLinIters returns the number of linear iterations.
343  *
344  * CVSpilsGetNumConvFails returns the number of linear
345  *                 convergence failures.
346  *
347  * CVSpilsGetNumJtimesEvals returns the number of calls to jtimes.
348  *
349  * CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals returns the number of calls to the user
350  *                 f routine due to finite difference Jacobian
351  *                 times vector evaluation.
352  *
353  * CVSpilsGetLastFlag returns the last error flag set by any of
354  *                 the CVSPILS interface functions.
355  *
356  * The return value of CVSpilsGet* is one of:
357  *    CVSPILS_SUCCESS   if successful
358  *    CVSPILS_MEM_NULL  if the cvode memory was NULL
359  *    CVSPILS_LMEM_NULL if the linear solver memory was NULL
360  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
361  */
363 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetWorkSpace(void *cvode_mem, long int *lenrwLS, long int *leniwLS);
364 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetNumPrecEvals(void *cvode_mem, long int *npevals);
365 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetNumPrecSolves(void *cvode_mem, long int *npsolves);
366 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetNumLinIters(void *cvode_mem, long int *nliters);
367 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetNumConvFails(void *cvode_mem, long int *nlcfails);
368 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetNumJtimesEvals(void *cvode_mem, long int *njvevals);
369 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetNumRhsEvals(void *cvode_mem, long int *nfevalsLS);
370 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsGetLastFlag(void *cvode_mem, long int *flag);
372 /*
373  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
374  * The following function returns the name of the constant
375  * associated with a CVSPILS return flag
376  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
377  */
379 SUNDIALS_EXPORT char *CVSpilsGetReturnFlagName(long int flag);
382 /*
383  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
384  * PART II - backward problems
385  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
386  */
388 /*
389  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
390  * Type : CVSpilsPrecSetupFnB
391  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
392  * A function PrecSetupB for the adjoint (backward) problem must have
393  * the prototype given below.
394  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
395  */
397 typedef int (*CVSpilsPrecSetupFnB)(realtype t, N_Vector y,
398                                    N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
399                                    booleantype jokB,
400                                    booleantype *jcurPtrB, realtype gammaB,
401                                    void *user_dataB,
402                                    N_Vector tmp1B, N_Vector tmp2B,
403                                    N_Vector tmp3B);
406 /*
407  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
408  * Type : CVSpilsPrecSetupFnBS
409  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
410  * A function PrecSetupBS for the adjoint (backward) problem must have
411  * the prototype given below.
412  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
413  */
415 typedef int (*CVSpilsPrecSetupFnBS)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector *yS,
416                                     N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
417                                     booleantype jokB,
418                                     booleantype *jcurPtrB, realtype gammaB,
419                                     void *user_dataB,
420                                     N_Vector tmp1B, N_Vector tmp2B,
421                                     N_Vector tmp3B);
424 /*
425  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
426  * Type : CVSpilsPrecSolveFnB
427  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
428  * A function PrecSolveB for the adjoint (backward) problem  must
429  * have the prototype given below.
430  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
431  */
433 typedef int (*CVSpilsPrecSolveFnB)(realtype t, N_Vector y,
434                                    N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
435                                    N_Vector rB, N_Vector zB,
436                                    realtype gammaB, realtype deltaB,
437                                    int lrB, void *user_dataB, N_Vector tmpB);
439 /*
440  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
441  * Type : CVSpilsPrecSolveFnBS
442  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
443  * A function PrecSolveBS for the adjoint (backward) problem  must
444  * have the prototype given below.
445  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
446  */
448 typedef int (*CVSpilsPrecSolveFnBS)(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector *yS,
449                                     N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
450                                     N_Vector rB, N_Vector zB,
451                                     realtype gammaB, realtype deltaB,
452                                     int lrB, void *user_dataB, N_Vector tmpB);
454 /*
455  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
456  * Type : CVSpilsJacTimesVecFnB
457  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
458  * A function jtimesB for the adjoint (backward) problem must have
459  * the prototype given below.
460  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
461  */
463 typedef int (*CVSpilsJacTimesVecFnB)(N_Vector vB, N_Vector JvB, realtype t,
464                                      N_Vector y, N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
465                                      void *jac_dataB, N_Vector tmpB);
467 /*
468  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
469  * Type : CVSpilsJacTimesVecFnBS
470  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
471  * A function jtimesBS for the adjoint (backward) problem must have
472  * the prototype given below.
473  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
474  */
476 typedef int (*CVSpilsJacTimesVecFnBS)(N_Vector vB, N_Vector JvB,
477                                       realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector *yS,
478                                       N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
479                                       void *jac_dataB, N_Vector tmpB);
481 /*
482  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
483  * Functions
484  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
485  */
487 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetPrecTypeB(void *cvode_mem, int which, int pretypeB);
488 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetGSTypeB(void *cvode_mem, int which, int gstypeB);
489 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetEpsLinB(void *cvode_mem, int which, realtype eplifacB);
490 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetMaxlB(void *cvode_mem, int which, int maxlB);
492 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetPreconditionerB(void *cvode_mem, int which,
493                                               CVSpilsPrecSetupFnB psetB,
494 					      CVSpilsPrecSolveFnB psolveB);
495 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetPreconditionerBS(void *cvode_mem, int which,
496                                                CVSpilsPrecSetupFnBS psetBS,
497 					       CVSpilsPrecSolveFnBS psolveBS);
499 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFnB(void *cvode_mem, int which,
500                                              CVSpilsJacTimesVecFnB jtvB);
501 SUNDIALS_EXPORT int CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFnBS(void *cvode_mem, int which,
502                                               CVSpilsJacTimesVecFnBS jtvBS);
505 #ifdef __cplusplus
506 }
507 #endif
509 #endif