1 /* $Id$ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2008, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
7 // Turn off compiler warning about long names
8 #pragma warning(disable : 4786)
9 #endif
11 #include "CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch.hpp"
12 #include "CbcStrategy.hpp"
14 // Default Constructor
CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch()15 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch()
16   : CbcHeuristicDive()
17 {
18 }
20 // Constructor from model
CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch(CbcModel & model)21 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch(CbcModel &model)
22   : CbcHeuristicDive(model)
23 {
24 }
26 // Destructor
~CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch()27 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::~CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch()
28 {
29 }
31 // Clone
32 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch *
clone() const33 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::clone() const
34 {
35   return new CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch(*this);
36 }
38 // Create C++ lines to get to current state
generateCpp(FILE * fp)39 void CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::generateCpp(FILE *fp)
40 {
41   CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch other;
42   fprintf(fp, "0#include \"CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch.hpp\"\n");
43   fprintf(fp, "3  CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch heuristicDiveLineSearch(*cbcModel);\n");
44   CbcHeuristic::generateCpp(fp, "heuristicDiveLineSearch");
45   fprintf(fp, "3  cbcModel->addHeuristic(&heuristicDiveLineSearch);\n");
46 }
48 // Copy constructor
CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch(const CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch & rhs)49 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch(const CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch &rhs)
50   : CbcHeuristicDive(rhs)
51 {
52 }
54 // Assignment operator
55 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch &
operator =(const CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch & rhs)56 CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::operator=(const CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch &rhs)
57 {
58   if (this != &rhs) {
59     CbcHeuristicDive::operator=(rhs);
60   }
61   return *this;
62 }
selectVariableToBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver,const double * newSolution,int & bestColumn,int & bestRound)64 bool CbcHeuristicDiveLineSearch::selectVariableToBranch(OsiSolverInterface *solver,
65   const double *newSolution,
66   int &bestColumn,
67   int &bestRound)
68 {
69   int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
70   const int *integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();
71   double integerTolerance = model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcIntegerTolerance);
73   // get the LP relaxation solution at the root node
74   double *rootNodeLPSol = model_->continuousSolution();
76   bestColumn = -1;
77   bestRound = -1; // -1 rounds down, +1 rounds up
78   double bestRelDistance = COIN_DBL_MAX;
79   bool allTriviallyRoundableSoFar = true;
80   int bestPriority = COIN_INT_MAX;
81   for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
82     int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
83     if (!isHeuristicInteger(solver, iColumn))
84       continue;
85     double rootValue = rootNodeLPSol[iColumn];
86     double value = newSolution[iColumn];
87     double fraction = value - floor(value);
88     int round = 0;
89     if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) {
90       if (allTriviallyRoundableSoFar || (downLocks_[i] > 0 && upLocks_[i] > 0)) {
92         if (allTriviallyRoundableSoFar && downLocks_[i] > 0 && upLocks_[i] > 0) {
93           allTriviallyRoundableSoFar = false;
94           bestRelDistance = COIN_DBL_MAX;
95         }
97         double relDistance;
98         if (value < rootValue) {
99           round = -1;
100           relDistance = fraction / (rootValue - value);
101         } else if (value > rootValue) {
102           round = 1;
103           relDistance = (1.0 - fraction) / (value - rootValue);
104         } else {
105           round = -1;
106           relDistance = COIN_DBL_MAX;
107         }
109         // if variable is not binary, penalize it
110         if (!solver->isBinary(iColumn))
111           relDistance *= 1000.0;
113         // if priorities then use
114         if (priority_) {
115           int thisRound = static_cast< int >(priority_[i].direction);
116           if ((thisRound & 1) != 0)
117             round = ((thisRound & 2) == 0) ? -1 : +1;
118           if (priority_[i].priority > bestPriority) {
119             relDistance = COIN_DBL_MAX;
120           } else if (priority_[i].priority < bestPriority) {
121             bestPriority = static_cast< int >(priority_[i].priority);
122             bestRelDistance = COIN_DBL_MAX;
123           }
124         }
125         if (relDistance < bestRelDistance) {
126           bestColumn = iColumn;
127           bestRelDistance = relDistance;
128           bestRound = round;
129         }
130       }
131     }
132   }
133   return allTriviallyRoundableSoFar;
134 }
136 /* vi: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2
137 */