1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Benjamin Kaufmann
3 //
4 // This file is part of Clasp. See http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/clasp/
5 //
6 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7 // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
8 // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
9 // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
10 // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11 // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 //
13 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15 //
23 //
26 #ifdef _MSC_VER
27 #pragma once
28 #endif
30 #include <clasp/config.h>
31 #include <clasp/program_builder.h>
32 #include <clasp/parser.h>
33 #include <clasp/logic_program.h>
34 #include <clasp/shared_context.h>
35 #include <clasp/enumerator.h>
36 #include <clasp/solver_types.h>
37 #include <clasp/solve_algorithms.h>
39 #include <clasp/mt/parallel_solve.h>
40 namespace Clasp {
41 	//! Options for controlling enumeration and solving.
42 	struct SolveOptions : Clasp::mt::ParallelSolveOptions, EnumOptions {};
43 }
44 #else
45 namespace Clasp {
46 	struct SolveOptions : Clasp::BasicSolveOptions, EnumOptions {};
47 }
48 #endif
50 /*!
51  * \file
52  * \brief High-level API
53  *
54  * This file provides a facade around the clasp library.
55  * I.e. a simplified interface for (multishot) solving a problem using
56  * some configuration (set of parameters).
57  * \ingroup facade
58  */
59 namespace Clasp {
60 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 // Configuration
62 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 /*!
64  * \defgroup facade Facade
65  * \brief Simplified interface for (multishot) solving.
66  *
67  * @{
68  */
69 //! Configuration object for configuring solving via the ClaspFacade.
70 class ClaspConfig : public BasicSatConfig {
71 public:
72 	//! Interface for injecting user-provided configurations.
73 	class Configurator {
74 	public:
75 		virtual ~Configurator();
76 		virtual void prepare(SharedContext&);
77 		virtual bool applyConfig(Solver& s) = 0;
78 		virtual void unfreeze(SharedContext&);
79 	};
80 	typedef BasicSatConfig UserConfig;
81 	typedef Solver**       SolverIt;
82 	typedef Asp::LogicProgram::AspOptions AspOptions;
83 	ClaspConfig();
84 	~ClaspConfig();
85 	// Base interface
86 	void           prepare(SharedContext&);
87 	void           reset();
88 	Configuration* config(const char*);
89 	//! Adds an unfounded set checker to the given solver if necessary.
90 	/*!
91 	 * If asp.suppMod is false and the problem in s is a non-tight asp-problem,
92 	 * the function adds an unfounded set checker to s.
93 	 */
94 	bool           addPost(Solver& s) const;
95 	// own interface
testerConfig()96 	UserConfig*    testerConfig() const { return tester_; }
97 	UserConfig*    addTesterConfig();
98 	//! Registers c as additional callback for when addPost() is called.
99 	/*!
100 	 * \param c         Additional configuration to apply.
101 	 * \param ownership If Ownership_t::Acquire, ownership of c is transferred to the configuration object.
102 	 * \param once      Whether c should be called once in the first step or also in each subsequent step.
103 	 */
104 	void           addConfigurator(Configurator* c, Ownership_t::Type ownership = Ownership_t::Retain, bool once = true);
105 	void           unfreeze(SharedContext&);
106 	SolveOptions   solve; /*!< Options for solve algorithm and enumerator. */
107 	AspOptions     asp;   /*!< Options for asp preprocessing.      */
108 	ParserOptions  parse; /*!< Options for input parser. */
109 private:
110 	struct Impl;
111 	ClaspConfig(const ClaspConfig&);
112 	ClaspConfig& operator=(const ClaspConfig&);
113 	UserConfig* tester_;
114 	Impl*       impl_;
115 };
116 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 // ClaspFacade
118 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119 //! Result of a solving step.
120 struct SolveResult {
121 	//! Possible solving results.
122 	enum Base {
123 		UNKNOWN  = 0, //!< Satisfiability unknown - a given solve limit was hit.
124 		SAT      = 1, //!< Problem is satisfiable (a model was found).
125 		UNSAT    = 2, //!< Problem is unsatisfiable.
126 	};
127 	//! Additional flags applicable to a solve result.
128 	enum Ext {
129 		EXT_EXHAUST  = 4, //!< Search space is exhausted.
130 		EXT_INTERRUPT= 8, //!< The run was interrupted from outside.
131 	};
satSolveResult132 	bool sat()        const { return *this == SAT; }
unsatSolveResult133 	bool unsat()      const { return *this == UNSAT; }
unknownSolveResult134 	bool unknown()    const { return *this == UNKNOWN; }
exhaustedSolveResult135 	bool exhausted()  const { return (flags & EXT_EXHAUST)   != 0; }
interruptedSolveResult136 	bool interrupted()const { return (flags & EXT_INTERRUPT) != 0; }
BaseSolveResult137 	operator Base()   const { return static_cast<Base>(flags & 3u);}
138 	uint8 flags;  //!< Set of Base and Ext flags.
139 	uint8 signal; //!< Term signal or 0.
140 };
142 //! A bitmask type for representing supported solve modes.
143 struct SolveMode_t {
144 	//! Named constants.
146 		Default = 0, /**< Solve synchronously in current thread. */
147 		Async   = 1, /**< Solve asynchronously in worker thread. */
148 		Yield   = 2, /**< Yield models one by one via handle.    */
149 		AsyncYield);
150 	friend inline SolveMode_t operator|(SolveMode_t::E x, SolveMode_t::E y) { return SolveMode_t(static_cast<uint32>(x)|static_cast<uint32>(y)); }
151 	friend inline SolveMode_t operator|(SolveMode_t x, SolveMode_t::E y)    { return SolveMode_t(static_cast<uint32>(x)|static_cast<uint32>(y)); }
152 	friend inline SolveMode_t operator|(SolveMode_t::E x, SolveMode_t y)    { return SolveMode_t(static_cast<uint32>(x)|static_cast<uint32>(y)); }
153 };
154 //! Provides a simplified interface to the services of the clasp library.
155 class ClaspFacade : public ModelHandler {
156 	struct SolveData;
157 	struct SolveStrategy;
158 public:
159 	//! A handle to a possibly asynchronously computed SolveResult.
160 	class SolveHandle {
161 	public:
162 		typedef SolveResult   Result;
163 		typedef const Model*  ModelRef;
164 		typedef const LitVec* CoreRef;
165 		explicit SolveHandle(SolveStrategy*);
166 		SolveHandle(const SolveHandle&);
167 		~SolveHandle();
168 		SolveHandle& operator=(SolveHandle temp)             { swap(*this, temp); return *this; }
swap(SolveHandle & lhs,SolveHandle & rhs)169 		friend void swap(SolveHandle& lhs, SolveHandle& rhs) { std::swap(lhs.strat_, rhs.strat_); }
170 		/*!
171 		 * \name Blocking functions
172 		 * @{ */
173 		//! Waits until a result is ready and returns it.
174 		Result   get()              const;
175 		//! Returns an unsat core if get() returned unsat under assumptions.
176 		CoreRef  unsatCore()        const;
177 		//! Waits until a result is ready and returns it if it is a model.
178 		/*!
179 		 * \note If the corresponding solve operation was not started with
180 		 * SolveMode_t::Yield, the function always returns 0.
181 		 * \note A call to resume() invalidates the returned model and starts
182 		 * the search for the next model.
183 		 */
184 		ModelRef model()            const;
185 		//! Waits until a result is ready.
186 		void     wait()             const;
187 		//! Waits for a result but for at most sec seconds.
188 		bool     waitFor(double sec)const;
189 		//! Tries to cancel the active operation.
190 		void     cancel()           const;
191 		//! Behaves like resume() followed by return model() != 0.
192 		bool     next()             const;
193 		//@}
194 		/*!
195 		 * \name Non-blocking functions
196 		 * @{ */
197 		//! Tests whether a result is ready.
198 		bool     ready()            const;
199 		//! Tests whether the operation was interrupted and if so returns the interruption signal.
200 		int      interrupted()      const;
201 		//! Tests whether a result is ready and has a stored exception.
202 		bool     error()            const;
203 		//! Tests whether the operation is still active.
204 		bool     running()          const;
205 		//! Releases ownership of the active model and schedules search for the next model.
206 		void     resume()           const;
207 		//@}
208 	private:
209 		SolveStrategy* strat_;
210 	};
211 	typedef SolveResult Result;
212 	typedef Potassco::AbstractStatistics AbstractStatistics;
213 	//! Type summarizing one or more solving steps.
214 	struct Summary {
215 		typedef const ClaspFacade* FacadePtr;
216 		void init(ClaspFacade& f);
217 		//! Logic program elements added in the current step or 0 if not an asp problem.
218 		const Asp::LpStats*  lpStep()       const;
219 		//! Logic program stats or 0 if not an asp problem.
220 		const Asp::LpStats*  lpStats()      const;
221 		//! Active problem.
ctxSummary222 		const SharedContext& ctx()          const { return facade->ctx; }
223 		/*!
224 		 * \name Result functions
225 		 * Solve and enumeration result - not accumulated.
226 		 * @{
227 		 */
satSummary228 		bool                 sat()          const { return result.sat(); }
unsatSummary229 		bool                 unsat()        const { return result.unsat(); }
completeSummary230 		bool                 complete()     const { return result.exhausted(); }
optimumSummary231 		bool                 optimum()      const { return costs() && (complete() || model()->opt); }
232 		const Model*         model()        const;
233 		const LitVec*        unsatCore()    const;
234 		const char*          consequences() const; /**< Cautious/brave reasoning active? */
235 		bool                 optimize()     const; /**< Optimization active? */
236 		const SumVec*        costs()        const; /**< Models have associated costs? */
237 		uint64               optimal()      const; /**< Number of optimal models found. */
238 		bool                 hasLower()     const;
239 		SumVec               lower()        const;
240 		//@}
241 		//! Visits this summary object.
242 		void accept(StatsVisitor& out) const;
243 		FacadePtr facade;    //!< Facade object of this run.
244 		double    totalTime; //!< Total wall clock time.
245 		double    cpuTime;   //!< Total cpu time.
246 		double    solveTime; //!< Wall clock time for solving.
247 		double    unsatTime; //!< Wall clock time to prove unsat.
248 		double    satTime;   //!< Wall clock time to first model.
249 		uint64    numEnum;   //!< Total models enumerated.
250 		uint64    numOptimal;//!< Optimal models enumerated.
251 		uint32    step;      //!< Step number (multishot solving).
252 		Result    result;    //!< Result of step.
253 	};
254 	ClaspFacade();
255 	~ClaspFacade();
257 	/*!
258 	 * \name Query functions
259 	 * Functions for checking the state of this object.
260 	 * @{ */
261 	//! Returns whether the problem is still valid.
ok()262 	bool               ok()                  const { return program() ? program()->ok() : ctx.ok(); }
263 	//! Returns whether the active step is ready for solving.
264 	bool               prepared()            const;
265 	//! Returns whether the active step is currently being solved.
266 	bool               solving()             const;
267 	//! Returns whether the active step has been solved, i.e., has a result.
268 	bool               solved()              const;
269 	//! Returns whether solving of the active step was interrupted.
270 	bool               interrupted()         const;
271 	//! Returns the summary of the active step.
summary()272 	const Summary&     summary()             const { return step_; }
273 	//! Returns the summary of the active (accu = false) or all steps.
274 	const Summary&     summary(bool accu)    const;
275 	//! Returns solving statistics or throws std::logic_error if solving() is true.
276 	AbstractStatistics*getStats()            const;
277 	//! Returns the active configuration.
config()278 	const ClaspConfig* config()              const { return config_;}
279 	//! Returns the current solving step (starts at 0).
step()280 	int                step()                const { return (int)step_.step;}
281 	//! Returns the result of the active step (unknown if run is not yet completed).
result()282 	Result             result()              const { return step_.result; }
283 	//! Returns the active program or 0 if it was already released.
program()284 	ProgramBuilder*    program()             const { return builder_.get(); }
285 	//! Returns whether program updates are enabled.
286 	bool               incremental()         const;
287 	//! Returns the active enumerator or 0 if there is none.
288 	Enumerator*        enumerator()          const;
289 	//@}
291 	//! Event type used to signal that a new step has started.
292 	struct StepStart : Event_t<StepStart> {
StepStartStepStart293 		explicit StepStart(const ClaspFacade& f) : Event_t<StepStart>(subsystem_facade, verbosity_quiet), facade(&f) {}
294 		const ClaspFacade* facade;
295 	};
296 	//! Event type used to signal that a solve step has terminated.
297 	struct StepReady : Event_t<StepReady> {
StepReadyStepReady298 		explicit StepReady(const Summary& x) : Event_t<StepReady>(subsystem_facade, verbosity_quiet), summary(&x) {}
299 		const Summary* summary;
300 	};
302 	SharedContext ctx; //!< Context-object used to store problem.
304 	/*!
305 	 * \name Start functions
306 	 * Functions for defining a problem.
307 	 * Calling one of the start functions discards any previous problem
308 	 * and emits a StepStart event.
309 	 * @{ */
310 	//! Starts definition of an ASP-problem.
311 	Asp::LogicProgram& startAsp(ClaspConfig& config, bool enableProgramUpdates = false);
312 	//! Starts definition of a SAT-problem.
313 	SatBuilder&        startSat(ClaspConfig& config);
314 	//! Starts definition of a PB-problem.
315 	PBBuilder&         startPB(ClaspConfig& config);
316 	//! Starts definition of a problem of type t.
317 	ProgramBuilder&    start(ClaspConfig& config, ProblemType t);
318 	//! Starts definition of a problem given in stream.
319 	ProgramBuilder&    start(ClaspConfig& config, std::istream& stream);
320 	//! Enables support for program updates if supported by the program.
321 	/*!
322 	 * \pre program() != 0 and not prepared().
323 	 * \return true if program updates are supported. Otherwise, false.
324 	 */
325 	bool               enableProgramUpdates();
326 	//! Enables support for (asynchronous) solve interrupts.
327 	void               enableSolveInterrupts();
328 	//! Disables program disposal in non-incremental mode after problem has been prepared for solving.
329 	/*!
330 	 * \pre program() != 0 and not prepared().
331 	 */
332 	void               keepProgram();
333 	//! Tries to detect the problem type from the given input stream.
334 	static ProblemType detectProblemType(std::istream& str);
335 	//! Tries to read the next program part from the stream passed to start().
336 	/*!
337 	 * \return false if nothing was read because the stream is exhausted, solving was interrupted,
338 	 * or the problem is unconditionally unsat.
339 	 */
340 	bool               read();
342 	//@}
344 	/*!
345 	 * \name Solve functions
346 	 * Functions for solving a problem.
347 	 * @{ */
349 	enum EnumMode  { enum_volatile, enum_static };
351 	//! Finishes the definition of a problem and prepares it for solving.
352 	/*!
353 	 * \pre !solving()
354 	 * \post prepared() || !ok()
355 	 * \param m Mode to be used for handling enumeration-related knowledge.
356 	 *          If m is enum_volatile, enumeration knowledge is learnt under an
357 	 *          assumption that is retracted on program update. Otherwise,
358 	 *          no special assumption is used and enumeration-related knowledge
359 	 *          might become unretractable.
360 	 * \note If solved() is true, prepare() first starts a new solving step.
361 	 */
362 	void               prepare(EnumMode m = enum_volatile);
364 	//! Solves the current problem.
365 	/*!
366 	 * If prepared() is false, the function first calls prepare() to prepare the problem for solving.
367 	 * \pre !solving()
368 	 * \post solved()
369 	 * \param a A list of unit-assumptions under which solving should operate.
370 	 * \param eh An optional event handler that is notified on each model and
371 	 *           once the solve operation has completed.
372 	 */
373 	Result             solve(const LitVec& a = LitVec(), EventHandler* eh = 0);
solve(EventHandler * eh)374 	Result             solve(EventHandler* eh) { return solve(LitVec(), eh); }
376 	//! Solves the current problem using the given solve mode.
377 	/*!
378 	 * If prepared() is false, the function first calls prepare() to prepare the problem for solving.
379 	 * \pre !solving()
380 	 * \param mode The solve mode to use.
381 	 * \param a A list of unit-assumptions under which solving should operate.
382 	 * \param eh An optional event handler that is notified on each model and
383 	 *           once the solve operation has completed.
384 	 * \throws std::logic_error   if mode contains SolveMode_t::Async but thread support is disabled.
385 	 * \throws std::runtime_error if mode contains SolveMode_t::Async but solve is unable to start a thread.
386 	 *
387 	 * \note If mode contains SolveMode_t::Async, the optional event handler is notified in the
388 	 *       context of the asynchronous thread.
389 	 *
390 	 * \note If mode contains SolveMode_t::Yield, models are signaled one by one via the
391 	 *       returned handle object.
392 	 *       It is the caller's responsibility to finish the solve operation,
393 	 *       either by extracting models until SolveHandle::model() returns 0, or
394 	 *       by calling SolveHandle::cancel().
395 	 *
396 	 * To iterate over models one by one use a loop like:
397 	 * \code
398 	 * SolveMode_t p = ...
399 	 * for (auto it = facade.solve(p|SolveMode_t::Yield); it.model(); it.resume()) {
400 	 *   printModel(*it.model());
401 	 * }
402 	 * \endcode
403 	 */
404 	SolveHandle        solve(SolveMode_t mode, const LitVec& a = LitVec(), EventHandler* eh = 0);
406 	//! Tries to interrupt the active solve operation.
407 	/*!
408 	 * The function sends the given signal to the active solve operation.
409 	 * If no solve operation is active (i.e. solving() is false), the signal
410 	 * is queued and applied to the next solve operation.
411 	 *
412 	 * \param sig The signal to raise or 0, to re-raises a previously queued signal.
413 	 * \return false if no operation was interrupted, because
414 	 *         there is no active solve operation,
415 	 *         or the operation does not support interrupts,
416 	 *         or sig was 0 and there was no queued signal.
417 	 *
418 	 * \see enableSolveInterrupts()
419 	 */
420 	bool               interrupt(int sig);
422 	//! Forces termination of the current solving step.
423 	/*!
424 	 * \post solved()
425 	 * \return summary(true)
426 	 */
427 	const Summary&     shutdown();
429 	//! Starts update of the active problem.
430 	/*!
431 	 * \pre solving() is false and program updates are enabled (incremental() is true).
432 	 * \post !solved()
433 	 * \param updateConfig If true, the function applies any configuration changes.
434 	 * \param sigQ An action to be performed for any queued signal.
435 	 *        The default is to apply the signal to the next solve operation, while
436 	 *        SIGN_IGN can be used to discard queued signals.
437 	 */
438 	ProgramBuilder&    update(bool updateConfig, void (*sigQ)(int));
439 	ProgramBuilder&    update(bool updateConfig = false);
440 	//@}
441 private:
442 	struct Statistics;
443 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<ProgramBuilder> BuilderPtr;
444 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<SolveData>      SolvePtr;
445 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<Summary>        SummaryPtr;
446 	typedef SingleOwnerPtr<Statistics>     StatsPtr;
447 	void   init(ClaspConfig& cfg, bool discardProblem);
448 	void   initBuilder(ProgramBuilder* in);
isAsp()449 	bool   isAsp() const { return program() && type_ == Problem_t::Asp; }
450 	void   discardProblem();
451 	void   startStep(uint32 num);
452 	Result stopStep(int signal, bool complete);
453 	void   updateStats();
454 	bool   onModel(const Solver& s, const Model& m);
455 	void   doUpdate(ProgramBuilder* p, bool updateConfig, void (*sig)(int));
456 	ProblemType  type_;
457 	Summary      step_;
458 	LitVec       assume_;
459 	ClaspConfig* config_;
460 	BuilderPtr   builder_;
461 	SummaryPtr   accu_;
462 	StatsPtr     stats_; // statistics: only if requested
463 	SolvePtr     solve_; // NOTE: last so that it is destroyed first;
464 };
466 /**
467  * \example example2.cpp
468  * This is an example of how to use the ClaspFacade class for basic solving.
469  *
470  * \example example3.cpp
471  * This is an example of how to use the ClaspFacade class for generator-based solving.
472  */
474 //!@}
476 }
477 #endif