1 // cos().
3 // General includes.
4 #include "base/cl_sysdep.h"
6 // Specification.
7 #include "cln/float.h"
10 // Implementation.
12 #include "float/transcendental/cl_F_tran.h"
13 #include "float/cl_F.h"
14 #include "cln/integer.h"
15 #include "cln/lfloat.h"
16 #include "float/lfloat/cl_LF.h"
18 namespace cln {
cos(const cl_F & x)20 const cl_F cos (const cl_F& x)
21 {
22 // Methode:
23 // Genauigkeit erhöhen,
24 // (q,r) := (round x (float pi x)), so daß |r|<=pi/2.
25 // e := Exponent aus (decode-float r), d := (float-digits r)
26 // Bei r=0.0 oder e<=-d/2 liefere 1.0
27 //   (denn bei e<=-d/2 ist r^2/2 < 2^(-d)/2 = 2^(-d-1), also
28 //   1 >= cos(r) > 1-r^2/2 > 1-2^(-d-1),
29 //   also ist cos(r), auf d Bits gerundet, gleich 1.0).
30 // Sonst s := r/2 = (scale-float r -1),
31 //   (sin(s)/s)^2 errechnen, cos(r) = 1-r*s*(sin(s)/s)^2 errechnen.
32 // Falls q ungerade: Vorzeichenwechsel.
34 	// Rechengenauigkeit erhöhen und durch pi dividieren:
35 	var cl_F cos_r;
36 	if (longfloatp(x)) {
37 		DeclareType(cl_LF,x);
38 		if (TheLfloat(x)->len >= 2850) {
39 			var cl_F_div_t q_r = cl_round_pi2(extend(x,TheLfloat(x)->len+1));
40 			var cl_I& q = q_r.quotient;
41 			var cl_LF r = The(cl_LF)(q_r.remainder);
42 			var cl_LF_cos_sin_t trig = cl_cossin_ratseries(r);
43 			switch (cl_I_to_UL(logand(q,3))) { // q mod 4
44 				case 0: return cl_float(trig.cos,x);
45 				case 1: return -cl_float(trig.sin,x);
46 				case 2: return -cl_float(trig.cos,x);
47 				case 3: return cl_float(trig.sin,x);
48 				default: NOTREACHED
49 			}
50 		} else {
51 			var cl_F_div_t q_r = cl_round_pi(cl_F_extendsqrt(x));
52 			var cl_I& q = q_r.quotient;
53 			var cl_LF r = The(cl_LF)(q_r.remainder);
54 			if (zerop(r) || (float_exponent(r) <= (-(sintC)float_digits(r))>>1))
55 				cos_r = cl_float(1,x); // (cos r) = 1.0
56 			else {
57 				var cl_LF s = scale_float(r,-1); // s := r/2
58 				cos_r = cl_float(1-scale_float(sinx_naive(s),1),x); // cos(2s) = 1-2*sin(s)^2
59 			}
60 			if (oddp(q))
61 				return -cos_r; // q ungerade -> mal -1
62 			else
63 				return cos_r;
64 		}
65 	} else {
66 		var cl_F_div_t q_r = cl_round_pi(cl_F_extendsqrt(x));
67 		var cl_I& q = q_r.quotient;
68 		var cl_F& r = q_r.remainder;
69 		if (zerop(r) || (float_exponent(r) <= (-(sintC)float_digits(r))>>1))
70 			cos_r = cl_float(1,x); // (cos r) = 1.0
71 		else {
72 			var cl_F s = scale_float(r,-1); // s := r/2
73 			cos_r = cl_float(1 - r * s * sinxbyx_naive(s),x);
74 		}
75 		if (oddp(q))
76 			return -cos_r; // q ungerade -> mal -1
77 		else
78 			return cos_r;
79 	}
80 }
82 // Timings of the two algorithms, on an i486 33 MHz, running Linux,
83 // applied to x = sqrt(2)-1 = 0.414...
84 //   N      naive  ratseries
85 //   10     0.009   0.049
86 //   25     0.033   0.137
87 //   50     0.11    0.37
88 //  100     0.41    1.15
89 //  250     2.7     5.5
90 //  500    11.1    19.4
91 // 1000    46      64
92 // 2500   239     260
93 // ==> ratseries faster for N >= 2850.
95 }  // namespace cln