1 /* $Id: CoinPresolveDual.cpp 2083 2019-01-06 19:38:09Z unxusr $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <math.h>
9 #include "CoinPresolveMatrix.hpp"
10 #include "CoinPresolveFixed.hpp"
11 #include "CoinPresolveDual.hpp"
12 #include "CoinMessage.hpp"
13 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
14 #include "CoinFloatEqual.hpp"
16 /*
17   Define PRESOLVE_DEBUG and PRESOLVE_CONSISTENCY as compile flags! If not
18   uniformly on across all uses of presolve code you'll get something between
19   garbage and a core dump. See comments in CoinPresolvePsdebug.hpp
20 */
22 #include "CoinPresolvePsdebug.hpp"
23 #endif
25 /*
26   Set to > 0 to enable bound propagation on dual variables? This has been
27   disabled for a good while. See notes in code.
30 */
31 /*
32   Guards incorrect code that attempts to adjust a column solution. See
33   comments with the code. Could possibly be fixed, which is why it hasn't
34   been chopped out.
37 */
39 /*
40   In this transform we're looking to prove bounds on the duals y<i> and
41   reduced costs cbar<j>. We can use this in two ways.
43   First, if we can prove a bound on the reduced cost cbar<j> with strict
44   inequality,
45     * cbar<j> > 0 ==> x<j> NBLB at optimality
46     * cbar<j> < 0 ==> x<j> NBUB at optimality
47   If the required bound is not finite, the problem is unbounded.  Andersen &
48   Andersen call this a dominated column.
50   Second, suppose we can show that cbar<i> = -y<i> is strictly nonzero
51   for the logical s<i> associated with some inequality i. (There must be
52   exactly one finite row bound, so that the logical has exactly one finite
53   bound which is 0).  If cbar<i> demands the logical be nonbasic at bound,
54   it's zero, and we can convert the inequality to an equality.
56   Not based on duals and reduced costs, but in the same vein, if we can
57   identify an architectural x<j> that'll accomplish the same goal (bring
58   one constraint tight when moved in a favourable direction), we can make
59   that constraint an equality. The conditions are different, however:
60     * Moving x<j> in the favourable direction tightens exactly one
61       constraint.
62     * The bound (l<j> or u<j>) in the favourable direction is infinite.
63     * If x<j> is entangled in any other constraints, moving x<j> in the
64       favourable direction loosens those constraints.
65   A bit of thought and linear algebra is required to convince yourself that in
66   the circumstances, cbar<j> = c<j>, hence we need only look at c<j> to
67   determine the favourable direction.
70   To get from bounds on the duals to bounds on the reduced costs, note that
71     cbar<j> = c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>y<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>y<i>)
72   for P = {a<ij> > 0} and M = {a<ij> < 0}. Then
73     cbarmin<j> = c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>ymax<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>ymin<i>)
74     cbarmax<j> = c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>ymin<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>ymax<i>)
76   As A&A note, the reverse implication also holds:
77     * if l<j> = -infty, cbar<j> <= 0 at optimality
78     * if u<j> =  infty, cbar<j> >= 0 at optimality
80   We can use this to run bound propagation on the duals in an attempt to
81   tighten bounds and force more reduced costs to strict inequality. Suppose
82   u<j> = infty. Then cbar<j> >= 0. It must be possible to achieve this, so
83   cbarmax<j> >= 0:
84     0 <= c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>ymin<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>ymax<i>)
85   Solve for y<t>, a<tj> > 0:
86     y<t> <= 1/a<tj>[c<j> - (SUM{P\t}a<ij>ymin<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>ymax<i>)]
87   If a<tj> < 0,
88     y<t> >= 1/a<tj>[c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>ymin<i> + SUM{M\t}a<ij>ymax<i>)]
89   For l<j> = -infty, cbar<j> <= 0, hence cbarmin <= 0:
90     0 >= c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>ymax<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>ymin<i>)
91   Solve for y<t>, a<tj> > 0:
92     y<t> >= 1/a<tj>[c<j> - (SUM{P\t}a<ij>ymax<i> + SUM{M}a<ij>ymin<i>)]
93   If a<tj> < 0,
94     y<t> <= 1/a<tj>[c<j> - (SUM{P}a<ij>ymax<i> + SUM{M\t}a<ij>ymin<i>)]
96   We can get initial bounds on ymin<i> and ymax<i> from column singletons
97   x<j>, where
98     cbar<j> = c<j> - a<ij>y<i>
99   If u<j> = infty, then at optimality
100     0 <= cbar<j> = c<j> - a<ij>y<i>
101   For a<ij> > 0 we have
102     y<i> <= c<j>/a<ij>
103   and for a<ij> < 0 we have
104     y<i> >= c<j>/a<ij>
105   We can do a similar calculation for l<j> = -infty, so that
106     0 >= cbar<j> = c<j> - a<ij>y<i>
107   For a<ij> > 0 we have
108     y<i> >= c<j>/a<ij>
109   and for a<ij> < 0 we have
110     y<i> <= c<j>/a<ij>
111   A logical is a column singleton with c<j> = 0.0 and |a<ij>| = 1.0. One or
112   both bounds can be finite, depending on constraint representation.
114   This code is hardwired for minimisation.
116   Extensive rework of the second part of the routine Fall 2011 to add a
117   postsolve transform to fix bug #67, incorrect status for logicals.
118   -- lh, 111208 --
119 */
120 /*
121   Original comments from 040916:
123   This routine looks to be something of a work in progress.  Down in the
124   bound propagation loop, why do we only work with variables with u_j =
125   infty? The corresponding section of code for l_j = -infty is ifdef'd away.
126   l<j> = -infty is uncommon; perhaps it's not worth the effort?
128   Why exclude the code protected by PRESOLVE_TIGHTEN_DUALS? Why are we
129   using ekkinf instead of PRESOLVE_INF?
130 */
131 const CoinPresolveAction
132   *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)133   remove_dual_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
134     const CoinPresolveAction *next)
135 {
136 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
137   std::cout
138     << "Entering remove_dual_action::presolve, " << prob->nrows_
139     << "x" << prob->ncols_ << "." << std::endl;
140 #endif
142   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 1, 1);
143   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
144 #endif
146   int startEmptyRows = 0;
147   int startEmptyColumns = 0;
148   startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
149   startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
151   double startTime = 0.0;
152   if (prob->tuning_)
153     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
154 #endif
155 #endif
157   // column-major representation
158   const int ncols = prob->ncols_;
159   const CoinBigIndex *const mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
160   const int *const hincol = prob->hincol_;
161   const int *const hrow = prob->hrow_;
162   const double *const colels = prob->colels_;
163   const double *const cost = prob->cost_;
165   // column type, bounds, solution, and status
166   const unsigned char *const integerType = prob->integerType_;
167   const double *const clo = prob->clo_;
168   const double *const cup = prob->cup_;
169   double *const csol = prob->sol_;
170   unsigned char *&colstat = prob->colstat_;
172   // row-major representation
173   const int nrows = prob->nrows_;
174   const CoinBigIndex *const mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
175   const int *const hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
176   const int *const hcol = prob->hcol_;
178   const double *const rowels = prob->rowels_;
179 #endif
181   // row bounds
182   double *const rlo = prob->rlo_;
183   double *const rup = prob->rup_;
185   // tolerances
186   const double ekkinf2 = PRESOLVE_SMALL_INF;
187   const double ekkinf = ekkinf2 * 1.0e8;
188   const double ztolcbarj = prob->ztoldj_;
189   const CoinRelFltEq relEq(prob->ztolzb_);
191   /*
192   Grab one of the preallocated scratch arrays to hold min and max values of
193   row duals.
194 */
195   double *ymin = prob->usefulRowDouble_;
196   double *ymax = ymin + nrows;
197   /* use arrays to say which bound active
198      1 - lower
199      2 - upper
200      4 - fixed
201      8 - don't touch
202   */
203   char *active = reinterpret_cast< char * >(prob->usefulColumnInt_);
204   memset(active, 0, ncols);
205   int nOneBound = 0;
206   int numberLook = prob->numberColsToDo_;
207   int *look = prob->colsToDo_;
208   for (int iLook = 0; iLook < numberLook; iLook++) {
209     int j = look[iLook];
210     char type;
211     if (cup[j] >= ekkinf) {
212       if (clo[j] <= -ekkinf)
213         type = 0;
214       else
215         type = 1;
216     } else {
217       if (clo[j] <= -ekkinf)
218         type = 2;
219       else if (clo[j] < cup[j])
220         type = 3;
221       else
222         type = 4;
223     }
224     if (type == 1 || type == 2)
225       nOneBound++;
226     active[j] = type;
227   }
228   int nFreed = 0;
229 #define USE_ACTIVE 1
230   //#define PRESOLVE_DEBUG 2
231   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
232     const CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[i];
233     const CoinBigIndex kre = krs + hinrow[i];
234     int positive = 0;
235     int negative = 0;
236     CoinBigIndex onlyPositive = -1;
237     CoinBigIndex onlyNegative = -1;
238     for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
239       const double coeff = rowels[k];
240       const int icol = hcol[k];
241       char type = active[icol];
242       //const double lb = clo[icol] ;
243       //const double ub = cup[icol] ;
244       if (type == 0 || (type & 8) != 0) {
245         // free or already used
246         positive = 2;
247         negative = 2;
248         break;
249       } else if (type == 1) {
250         // lower bound active
251         if (coeff > 0.0) {
252           positive++;
253         } else {
254           negative++;
255         }
256       } else if (type == 2) {
257         // upper bound active
258         if (coeff < 0.0) {
259           positive++;
260         } else {
261           negative++;
262         }
263       } else if (type == 3) {
264         // both bounds active
265         if (coeff > 0.0) {
266           onlyPositive = k;
267           positive++;
268         } else {
269           onlyNegative = k;
270           negative++;
271         }
272       } else {
273         // fixed
274       }
275     }
276     bool doneSomething = false;
277     if (onlyPositive >= 0 && positive == 1) {
278       const double coeff = rowels[onlyPositive];
279       const int icol = hcol[onlyPositive];
280       const double lb = clo[icol];
281       const double ub = cup[icol];
282       // Get possible without icol
283       double maxUp = 0.0;
284       double maxDown = 0.0;
285 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
286       printf("%d pos coeff %g bounds %g,%g rhs %g,%g - %d negative",
287         icol, coeff, lb, ub, rlo[i], rup[i], negative);
288       printf(", row is %g <= ", rlo[i]);
289 #endif
290       for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
291         const int icol2 = hcol[k];
292 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
293         printf("(%d,%g - bounds %g,%g) ", icol2, rowels[k],
294           clo[icol2], cup[icol2]);
295 #endif
296         if (icol2 == icol)
297           continue;
298         const double coeff2 = rowels[k];
299         const double lb2 = clo[icol2];
300         const double ub2 = cup[icol2];
301         if (coeff2 > 0.0) {
302           if (ub2 > 1.0e30)
303             maxUp = COIN_DBL_MAX;
304           else
305             maxUp += coeff2 * ub2;
306           if (lb2 < -1.0e30)
307             maxDown = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
308           else
309             maxDown += coeff2 * lb2;
310         } else {
311           if (lb2 < -1.0e30)
312             maxUp = COIN_DBL_MAX;
313           else
314             maxUp += coeff2 * lb2;
315           if (ub2 > 1.0e30)
316             maxDown = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
317           else
318             maxDown += coeff2 * ub2;
319         }
320       }
321       double impliedLower = (rlo[i] - maxUp) / coeff;
322       double impliedUpper = (rup[i] - maxDown) / coeff;
323 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
324       printf("<= %g - implied l,u %g,%g\n", rup[i], impliedLower, impliedUpper);
325 #endif
326       if (impliedLower > lb - 1.0e-7) {
327 #if USE_ACTIVE == 2
328         printf("%d pos coeff %g bounds %g,%g maxDown %g rhs %g,%g - %d negative\n",
329           icol, coeff, lb, ub, maxDown, rlo[i], rup[i], negative);
330 #endif
331 #if USE_ACTIVE > 1
332         printf("can take off lb as implied lower %g > %g\n", impliedLower, lb);
333 #endif
334         doneSomething = true;
335         active[icol] = 2 + 8;
336         nFreed++;
337 #define TRY_UPPER 3
338 #if TRY_UPPER > 1
339       } else if (impliedUpper < ub + 1.0e-7) {
340 #if 0
341 	printf("%d pos coeff %g bounds %g,%g maxDown %g, maxUp %g rhs %g,%g\n",
342 	       icol,coeff,lb,ub,maxDown,maxUp,rlo[i],rup[i]);
343 	printf("row is %g <= ",rlo[i]);
344 	for (CoinBigIndex k = krs ; k < kre ; k++) {
345 	  const int icol2 = hcol[k] ;
346 	  printf("(%d,%g - bounds %g,%g) ",icol2,rowels[k],
347 		 clo[icol2],cup[icol2]);
348 	}
349 	printf("<= %g - implied l,u %g,%g\n",rup[i],impliedLower,impliedUpper);
350 	printf("can take off ub as implied upper %g < %g\n",impliedUpper,ub);
351 #endif
352 #if TRY_UPPER > 2
353         doneSomething = true;
354         active[icol] = 1 + 8;
355         nFreed++;
356 #endif
357 #endif
358       } else {
359 #if 0
360 	printf("cant take off lb as implied lower %g - ",impliedLower);
361 	printf("row is %g <= ",rlo[i]);
362 	for (CoinBigIndex k = krs ; k < kre ; k++) {
363 	  const double coeff = rowels[k] ;
364 	  const int icol = hcol[k] ;
365 	  printf("(%d,%g) ",icol,coeff);
366 	}
367 	printf("<= %g\n",rup[i]);
368 #endif
369       }
370     }
371     if (onlyNegative >= 0 && negative == 1 && !doneSomething) {
372       const double coeff = rowels[onlyNegative];
373       const int icol = hcol[onlyNegative];
374       const double lb = clo[icol];
375       const double ub = cup[icol];
376       // Get possible without icol
377       double maxUp = 0.0;
378       double maxDown = 0.0;
379 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
380       printf("%d neg coeff %g bounds %g,%g rhs %g,%g - %d positive",
381         icol, coeff, lb, ub, rlo[i], rup[i], positive);
382       printf(", row is %g <= ", rlo[i]);
383 #endif
384       for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
385         const int icol2 = hcol[k];
386 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
387         printf("(%d,%g - bounds %g,%g) ", icol2, rowels[k],
388           clo[icol2], cup[icol2]);
389 #endif
390         if (icol2 == icol)
391           continue;
392         const double coeff2 = rowels[k];
393         const double lb2 = clo[icol2];
394         const double ub2 = cup[icol2];
395         if (coeff2 > 0.0) {
396           if (ub2 > 1.0e30)
397             maxUp = COIN_DBL_MAX;
398           else
399             maxUp += coeff2 * ub2;
400           if (lb2 < -1.0e30)
401             maxDown = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
402           else
403             maxDown += coeff2 * lb2;
404         } else {
405           if (lb2 < -1.0e30)
406             maxUp = COIN_DBL_MAX;
407           else
408             maxUp += coeff2 * lb2;
409           if (ub2 > 1.0e30)
410             maxDown = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
411           else
412             maxDown += coeff2 * ub2;
413         }
414       }
415       double impliedLower = (rup[i] - maxDown) / coeff;
416       double impliedUpper = (rlo[i] - maxUp) / coeff;
417 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
418       printf("<= %g - implied l,u %g,%g\n", rup[i], impliedLower, impliedUpper);
419 #endif
420       int nOne = 0;
421       for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
422         const double coeff = rowels[k];
423         const int icol = hcol[k];
424         if (hincol[icol] == 1 && coeff > 0.0)
425           nOne++;
426       }
427       if (nOne >= hinrow[i] - 1) {
428         for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
429           const int icol = hcol[k];
430           const double coeff = rowels[k];
431           if (hincol[icol] == 1 && coeff > 0.0) {
432 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
433             printf("(%d has one entry) ", icol);
434 #endif
435             if (active[icol] == 3 || clo[icol] < -1.0e30)
436               nOne = 0; // no good
437           }
438         }
439 #if USE_ACTIVE > 2
440         printf("\n");
441 #endif
442       }
443       if (impliedLower > lb - 1.0e-7 /*&& nOne*/) {
444 #if USE_ACTIVE > 1
445         printf("second type can take off lb of %g on column %d as implied lower %g - effective upper %g, coeff %g on row %d\n", lb, icol, impliedLower, maxUp, coeff, i);
446 #endif
447         active[icol] = 2 + 8;
448         nFreed++;
449 #if 0 //TRY_UPPER
450       } else if (impliedLower>lb-1.0e-7 ) {
451 	printf("second type can't take off lb of %g on column %d as implied lower %g - effective upper %g, coeff %g on row %d\n",lb,icol,impliedLower,maxUp,coeff,i);
452 #endif
453 #if TRY_UPPER > 1
454       } else if (impliedUpper < ub + 1.0e-7) {
455 #if 0
456 	printf("%d neg coeff %g bounds %g,%g maxDown %g, maxUp %g rhs %g,%g\n",
457 	       icol,coeff,lb,ub,maxDown,maxUp,rlo[i],rup[i]);
458 	printf("row is %g <= ",rlo[i]);
459 	for (CoinBigIndex k = krs ; k < kre ; k++) {
460 	  const int icol2 = hcol[k] ;
461 	  printf("(%d,%g - bounds %g,%g) ",icol2,rowels[k],
462 		 clo[icol2],cup[icol2]);
463 	}
464 	printf("<= %g - implied l,u %g,%g\n",rup[i],impliedLower,impliedUpper);
465 	printf("can take off ub as implied upper %g < %g\n",impliedUpper,ub);
466 #endif
467 #if TRY_UPPER > 2
468         doneSomething = true;
469         active[icol] = 1 + 8;
470         nFreed++;
471 #endif
472 #endif
473       }
474     } else if (!positive && false) {
475       printf("all negative %g <= ", rlo[i]);
476       for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
477         const double coeff = rowels[k];
478         const int icol = hcol[k];
479         printf("(%d,%g) ", icol, coeff);
480       }
481       printf("<= %g\n", rup[i]);
482     } else if (!negative && false) {
483       printf("all positive %g <= ", rlo[i]);
484       for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
485         const double coeff = rowels[k];
486         const int icol = hcol[k];
487         printf("(%d,%g) ", icol, coeff);
488       }
489       printf("<= %g\n", rup[i]);
490     }
491   }
492   //printf("%d had only one bound - %d added\n",nOneBound,nFreed);
493   /*
494   Initialise row dual min/max. The defaults are +/- infty, but if we know
495   that the logical has no upper (lower) bound, it can only be nonbasic at
496   the other bound. Given minimisation, we can conclude:
497     * <= constraint ==> [0,infty] ==> NBLB ==> cbar<i> > 0 ==> y<i> < 0
498     * >= constraint ==> [-infty,0] ==> NBUB ==> cbar<i> < 0 ==> y<i> > 0
499   Range constraints are not helpful here, the dual can be either sign. There's
500   no calculation because we assume the objective coefficient c<i> = 0  and the
501   coefficient a<ii> = 1.0, hence cbar<i> = -y<i>.
502 */
503   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
504     const bool no_lb = (rup[i] >= ekkinf);
505     const bool no_ub = (rlo[i] <= -ekkinf);
507     ymin[i] = ((no_lb && !no_ub) ? 0.0 : (-PRESOLVE_INF));
508     ymax[i] = ((no_ub && !no_lb) ? 0.0 : PRESOLVE_INF);
509   }
510   /*
511   We can do a similar calculation with singleton columns where the variable
512   has only one finite bound, but we have to work a bit harder, as the cost
513   coefficient c<j> is not necessarily 0.0 and a<ij> is not necessarily 1.0.
515   cbar<j> = c<j> - y<i>a<ij>, hence y<i> = c<j>/a<ij> at cbar<j> = 0. The
516   question is whether this is an upper or lower bound on y<i>.
517     * x<j> NBLB ==> cbar<j> >= 0
518       a<ij> > 0 ==> increasing y<i> decreases cbar<j> ==> upper bound
519       a<ij> < 0 ==> increasing y<i> increases cbar<j> ==> lower bound
520     * x<j> NBUB ==> cbar<j> <= 0
521       a<ij> > 0 ==> increasing y<i> decreases cbar<j> ==> lower bound
522       a<ij> < 0 ==> increasing y<i> increases cbar<j> ==> upper bound
523   The condition below (simple test for equality to choose the bound) looks
524   a bit odd, but a bit of boolean algebra should convince you it's correct.
525   We have a bound; the only question is whether it's upper or lower.
527   Skip integer variables; it's far too likely that we'll tighten infinite
528   bounds elsewhere in presolve.
530   NOTE: If bound propagation is applied to continuous variables, the same
531   	hazard will apply.  -- lh, 110611 --
532 */
533   for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
534     if (integerType[j])
535       continue;
536     if (hincol[j] != 1)
537       continue;
538 #ifndef USE_ACTIVE
539     const bool no_ub = (cup[j] >= ekkinf);
540     const bool no_lb = (clo[j] <= -ekkinf);
541 #else
542     const bool no_ub = (active[j] & 6) == 0;
543     const bool no_lb = (active[j] & 5) == 0;
544 #endif
545     if (no_ub != no_lb) {
546       const int &i = hrow[mcstrt[j]];
547       double aij = colels[mcstrt[j]];
548       PRESOLVEASSERT(fabs(aij) > ZTOLDP);
549       const double yzero = cost[j] / aij;
550       if ((aij > 0.0) == no_ub) {
551         if (ymax[i] > yzero)
552           ymax[i] = yzero;
553       } else {
554         if (ymin[i] < yzero)
555           ymin[i] = yzero;
556       }
557     }
558   }
559   int nfixup_cols = 0;
560   int nfixdown_cols = ncols;
561   // Grab another work array, sized to ncols_
562   int *fix_cols = prob->usefulColumnInt_;
564   double *cbarmin = new double[ncols];
565   double *cbarmax = new double[ncols];
566 #endif
567   /*
568   Now we have (admittedly weak) bounds on the dual for each row. We can use
569   these to calculate upper and lower bounds on cbar<j>. Open loops to
570   take multiple passes over all columns.
571 */
572   int nPass = 0;
573   while (nPass++ < 100) {
574     int tightened = 0;
575     for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
576       if (hincol[j] <= 0)
577         continue;
578       /*
579   Calculate min cbar<j> and max cbar<j> for the column by calculating the
580   contribution to c<j>-ya<j> using ymin<i> and ymax<i> from above.
581 */
582       const CoinBigIndex &kcs = mcstrt[j];
583       const CoinBigIndex kce = kcs + hincol[j];
584       // Number of infinite rows
585       int nflagu = 0;
586       int nflagl = 0;
587       // Number of ordinary rows
588       int nordu = 0;
589       int nordl = 0;
590       double cbarjmin = cost[j];
591       double cbarjmax = cbarjmin;
592       for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
593         const int &i = hrow[k];
594         const double &aij = colels[k];
595         const double mindelta = aij * ymin[i];
596         const double maxdelta = aij * ymax[i];
598         if (aij > 0.0) {
599           if (ymin[i] >= -ekkinf2) {
600             cbarjmax -= mindelta;
601             nordu++;
602           } else {
603             nflagu++;
604           }
605           if (ymax[i] <= ekkinf2) {
606             cbarjmin -= maxdelta;
607             nordl++;
608           } else {
609             nflagl++;
610           }
611         } else {
612           if (ymax[i] <= ekkinf2) {
613             cbarjmax -= maxdelta;
614             nordu++;
615           } else {
616             nflagu++;
617           }
618           if (ymin[i] >= -ekkinf2) {
619             cbarjmin -= mindelta;
620             nordl++;
621           } else {
622             nflagl++;
623           }
624         }
625       }
626       /*
627   See if we can tighten bounds on a dual y<t>. See the comments at the head of
628   the file for the linear algebra.
630   At this point, I don't understand the restrictions on propagation. Neither
631   are necessary. The net effect is to severely restrict the circumstances
632   where we'll propagate. Requiring nflagu == 1 excludes the case where all
633   duals have finite bounds (unlikely?). And why cbarjmax < -ztolcbarj?
635   In any event, we're looking for the row that's contributing the infinity. If
636   a<tj> > 0, the contribution is due to ymin<t> and we tighten ymax<t>;
637   a<tj> < 0, ymax<t> and ymin<t>, respectively.
639   The requirement cbarjmax < (ymax[i]*aij-ztolcbarj) ensures we don't propagate
640   tiny changes. If we make a change, it will affect cbarjmin. Make the
641   adjustment immediately.
643   Continuous variables only.
644 */
645       if (!integerType[j]) {
646 #ifndef USE_ACTIVE
647         const bool no_cub = (cup[j] >= ekkinf);
648         //const bool no_clb = (clo[j] <= -ekkinf) ;
649 #else
650         const bool no_cub = (active[j] & 6) == 0;
651         //const bool no_clb = (active[j]&5)==0 ;
652 #endif
653         if (no_cub) {
654           if (nflagu == 1 && cbarjmax < -ztolcbarj) {
655             for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
656               const int i = hrow[k];
657               const double aij = colels[k];
658               if (aij > 0.0 && ymin[i] < -ekkinf2) {
659                 if (cbarjmax < (ymax[i] * aij - ztolcbarj)) {
660                   const double newValue = cbarjmax / aij;
661                   if (ymax[i] > ekkinf2 && newValue <= ekkinf2) {
662                     nflagl--;
663                     cbarjmin -= aij * newValue;
664                   } else if (ymax[i] <= ekkinf2) {
665                     cbarjmin -= aij * (newValue - ymax[i]);
666                   }
667 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
668                   std::cout
669                     << "NDUAL(infu/inf): u(" << j << ") = " << cup[j]
670                     << ": max y(" << i << ") was " << ymax[i]
671                     << " now " << newValue << "." << std::endl;
672 #endif
673                   ymax[i] = newValue;
674                   tightened++;
675                 }
676               } else if (aij < 0.0 && ymax[i] > ekkinf2) {
677                 if (cbarjmax < (ymin[i] * aij - ztolcbarj)) {
678                   const double newValue = cbarjmax / aij;
679                   if (ymin[i] < -ekkinf2 && newValue >= -ekkinf2) {
680                     nflagl--;
681                     cbarjmin -= aij * newValue;
682                   } else if (ymin[i] >= -ekkinf2) {
683                     cbarjmin -= aij * (newValue - ymin[i]);
684                   }
685 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
686                   std::cout
687                     << "NDUAL(infu/inf): u(" << j << ") = " << cup[j]
688                     << ": min y(" << i << ") was " << ymin[i]
689                     << " now " << newValue << "." << std::endl;
690 #endif
691                   ymin[i] = newValue;
692                   tightened++;
693                   // Huh? asymmetric
694                   // cbarjmin = 0.0 ;
695                 }
696               }
697             }
698           } else if (nflagl == 0 && nordl == 1 && cbarjmin < -ztolcbarj) {
699             /*
700   This is a column singleton. Why are we doing this? It's not like changes
701   to other y will affect this.
702 */
703             /* In fact a bug as ymax/min changed - but as I don't
704 	       wish to totally understand coding will let it abort
705 	       if not a singleton */
706             if (kce != kcs + 1)
707               abort();
708 #if 0
709 	    for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
710 	      const int i = hrow[k] ;
711 	      const double aij = colels[k] ;
712 	      if (aij > 0.0) {
713 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
714 		std::cout
715 		  << "NDUAL(infu/sing): u(" << j << ") = " << cup[j]
716 		  << ": max y(" << i << ") was " << ymax[i]
717 		  << " now " << ymax[i]+cbarjmin/aij << "." << std::endl ;
718 #endif
719 		ymax[i] += cbarjmin/aij ;
720 		cbarjmin = 0.0 ;
721 		tightened++ ;
722 	      } else if (aij < 0.0 ) {
723 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
724 		std::cout
725 		  << "NDUAL(infu/sing): u(" << j << ") = " << cup[j]
726 		  << ": min y(" << i << ") was " << ymin[i]
727 		  << " now " << ymin[i]+cbarjmin/aij << "." << std::endl ;
728 #endif
729 		ymin[i] += cbarjmin/aij ;
730 		cbarjmin = 0.0 ;
731 		tightened++ ;
732 	      }
733 	    }
734 #endif
735           }
736         } // end u<j> = infty
738         /*
739   Unclear why this section is commented out, except for the possibility that
740   bounds of -infty < x < something are rare and it likely suffered fromm the
741   same errors. Consider the likelihood that this whole block needs to be
742   edited to sway min/max, & similar.
743 */
744         if (no_clb) {
745           // cbarj can not be positive
746           if (cbarjmin > ztolcbarj && nflagl == 1) {
747             // We can make bound finite one way
748             for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
749               const int i = hrow[k];
750               const double coeff = colels[k];
752               if (coeff < 0.0 && ymin[i] < -ekkinf2) {
753                 // ymax[i] has upper bound
754                 if (cbarjmin > ymax[i] * coeff + ztolcbarj) {
755                   const double newValue = cbarjmin / coeff;
756                   // re-compute hi
757                   if (ymax[i] > ekkinf2 && newValue <= ekkinf2) {
758                     nflagu--;
759                     cbarjmax -= coeff * newValue;
760                   } else if (ymax[i] <= ekkinf2) {
761                     cbarjmax -= coeff * (newValue - ymax[i]);
762                   }
763                   ymax[i] = newValue;
764                   tightened++;
765 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
766                   printf("Col %d, row %d max pi now %g\n", j, i, ymax[i]);
767 #endif
768                 }
769               } else if (coeff > 0.0 && ymax[i] > ekkinf2) {
770                 // ymin[i] has lower bound
771                 if (cbarjmin > ymin[i] * coeff + ztolcbarj) {
772                   const double newValue = cbarjmin / coeff;
773                   // re-compute lo
774                   if (ymin[i] < -ekkinf2 && newValue >= -ekkinf2) {
775                     nflagu--;
776                     cbarjmax -= coeff * newValue;
777                   } else if (ymin[i] >= -ekkinf2) {
778                     cbarjmax -= coeff * (newValue - ymin[i]);
779                   }
780                   ymin[i] = newValue;
781                   tightened++;
782 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
783                   printf("Col %d, row %d min pi now %g\n", j, i, ymin[i]);
784 #endif
785                 }
786               }
787             }
788           } else if (nflagu == 0 && nordu == 1 && cbarjmax > ztolcbarj) {
789             // We may be able to tighten
790             for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
791               const int i = hrow[k];
792               const double coeff = colels[k];
794               if (coeff < 0.0) {
795                 ymax[i] += cbarjmax / coeff;
796                 cbarjmax = 0.0;
797                 tightened++;
798 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
799                 printf("Col %d, row %d max pi now %g\n", j, i, ymax[i]);
800 #endif
801               } else if (coeff > 0.0) {
802                 ymin[i] += cbarjmax / coeff;
803                 cbarjmax = 0.0;
804                 tightened++;
805 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
806                 printf("Col %d, row %d min pi now %g\n", j, i, ymin[i]);
807 #endif
808               }
809             }
810           }
811         } // end l<j> < -infty
813       }
814 /*
815   That's the end of propagation of bounds for dual variables.
816 */
818       cbarmin[j] = (nflagl ? (-PRESOLVE_INF) : cbarjmin);
819       cbarmax[j] = (nflagu ? PRESOLVE_INF : cbarjmax);
820 #endif
821       /*
822   If cbarmin<j> > 0 (strict inequality) then x<j> NBLB at optimality. If l<j>
823   is -infinity, notify the user and set the status to unbounded.
824 */
825       if (cbarjmin > ztolcbarj && nflagl == 0 && !prob->colProhibited2(j)) {
826         if (clo[j] <= -ekkinf) {
827           CoinMessageHandler *msghdlr = prob->messageHandler();
828           msghdlr->message(COIN_PRESOLVE_COLUMNBOUNDB, prob->messages())
829             << j << CoinMessageEol;
830           prob->status_ |= 2;
831           break;
832         } else {
833           fix_cols[--nfixdown_cols] = j;
834 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
835           std::cout << "NDUAL(fix l): fix x(" << j << ")";
836           if (csol)
837             std::cout << " = " << csol[j];
838           std::cout
839             << " at l(" << j << ") = " << clo[j] << "; cbar("
840             << j << ") > " << cbarjmin << "." << std::endl;
841 #endif
842           if (csol) {
844             /*
845   Original comment: User may have given us feasible solution - move if simple
847   Except it's not simple. The net result is that we end up with an excess of
848   basic variables. Mark x<j> NBLB and let the client recalculate the solution
849   after establishing the basis.
850 */
851             if (csol[j] - clo[j] > 1.0e-7 && hincol[j] == 1) {
852               double value_j = colels[mcstrt[j]];
853               double distance_j = csol[j] - clo[j];
854               int row = hrow[mcstrt[j]];
855               // See if another column can take value
856               for (CoinBigIndex kk = mrstrt[row]; kk < mrstrt[row] + hinrow[row]; kk++) {
857                 const int k = hcol[kk];
858                 if (colstat[k] == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::superBasic)
859                   continue;
861                 if (hincol[k] == 1 && k != j) {
862                   const double value_k = rowels[kk];
863                   double movement;
864                   if (value_k * value_j > 0.0) {
865                     // k needs to increase
866                     double distance_k = cup[k] - csol[k];
867                     movement = CoinMin((distance_j * value_j) / value_k, distance_k);
868                   } else {
869                     // k needs to decrease
870                     double distance_k = clo[k] - csol[k];
871                     movement = CoinMax((distance_j * value_j) / value_k, distance_k);
872                   }
873                   if (relEq(movement, 0))
874                     continue;
876                   csol[k] += movement;
877                   if (relEq(csol[k], clo[k])) {
878                     colstat[k] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound;
879                   } else if (relEq(csol[k], cup[k])) {
880                     colstat[k] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound;
881                   } else if (colstat[k] != CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::isFree) {
882                     colstat[k] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic;
883                   }
884                   printf("NDUAL: x<%d> moved %g to %g; ",
885                     k, movement, csol[k]);
886                   printf("lb = %g, ub = %g, status now %s.\n",
887                     clo[k], cup[k], columnStatusString(k));
888                   distance_j -= (movement * value_k) / value_j;
889                   csol[j] -= (movement * value_k) / value_j;
890                   if (distance_j < 1.0e-7)
891                     break;
892                 }
893               }
894             }
895 #endif // repair solution.
897             csol[j] = clo[j];
898             colstat[j] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound;
899           }
900         }
901       } else if (cbarjmax < -ztolcbarj && nflagu == 0 && !prob->colProhibited2(j)) {
902         /*
903   If cbarmax<j> < 0 (strict inequality) then x<j> NBUB at optimality. If u<j>
904   is infinity, notify the user and set the status to unbounded.
905 */
906         if (cup[j] >= ekkinf) {
907           CoinMessageHandler *msghdlr = prob->messageHandler();
908           msghdlr->message(COIN_PRESOLVE_COLUMNBOUNDA, prob->messages())
909             << j << CoinMessageEol;
910           prob->status_ |= 2;
911           break;
912         } else {
913           fix_cols[nfixup_cols++] = j;
914 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
915           std::cout << "NDUAL(fix u): fix x(" << j << ")";
916           if (csol)
917             std::cout << " = " << csol[j];
918           std::cout
919             << " at u(" << j << ") = " << cup[j] << "; cbar("
920             << j << ") < " << cbarjmax << "." << std::endl;
921 #endif
922           if (csol) {
923 #if 0
924 	    // See comments above for 'fix at lb'.
925 	    if (cup[j]-csol[j] > 1.0e-7 && hincol[j] == 1) {
926 	      double value_j = colels[mcstrt[j]] ;
927 	      double distance_j = csol[j]-cup[j] ;
928 	      int row = hrow[mcstrt[j]] ;
929 	      // See if another column can take value
930 	      for (CoinBigIndex kk = mrstrt[row] ; kk < mrstrt[row]+hinrow[row] ; kk++) {
931 		const int k = hcol[kk] ;
932 		if (colstat[k] == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::superBasic)
933 		  continue ;
935 		if (hincol[k] == 1 && k != j) {
936 		  const double value_k = rowels[kk] ;
937 		  double movement ;
938 		  if (value_k*value_j<0.0) {
939 		    // k needs to increase
940 		    double distance_k = cup[k]-csol[k] ;
941 		    movement = CoinMin((distance_j*value_j)/value_k,distance_k) ;
942 		  } else {
943 		    // k needs to decrease
944 		    double distance_k = clo[k]-csol[k] ;
945 		    movement = CoinMax((distance_j*value_j)/value_k,distance_k) ;
946 		  }
947 		  if (relEq(movement,0)) continue ;
949 		  csol[k] += movement ;
950 		  if (relEq(csol[k],clo[k]))
951 		  { colstat[k] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound ; }
952 		  else
953 		  if (relEq(csol[k],cup[k]))
954 		  { colstat[k] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound ; }
955 		  else
956 		  if (colstat[k] != CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::isFree)
957 		  { colstat[k] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic ; }
958 		  printf("NDUAL: x<%d> moved %g to %g; ",
959 			 k,movement,csol[k]) ;
960 		  printf("lb = %g, ub = %g, status now %s.\n",
961 			 clo[k],cup[k],columnStatusString(k)) ;
962 		  distance_j -= (movement*value_k)/value_j ;
963 		  csol[j] -= (movement*value_k)/value_j ;
964 		  if (distance_j>-1.0e-7)
965 		    break ;
966 		}
967 	      }
968 	    }
969 #endif
970             csol[j] = cup[j];
971             colstat[j] = CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound;
972           }
973         }
974       } // end cbar<j> < 0
975     }
976     /*
977   That's the end of this walk through the columns.
978 */
979     // I don't know why I stopped doing this.
981     const double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
982     const int *hcol = prob->hcol_;
983     const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
984     int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
985     // tighten row dual bounds, as described on p. 229
986     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
987       const bool no_ub = (rup[i] >= ekkinf);
988       const bool no_lb = (rlo[i] <= -ekkinf);
990       if ((no_ub ^ no_lb) == true) {
991         const CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[i];
992         const CoinBigIndex kre = krs + hinrow[i];
993         const double rmax = ymax[i];
994         const double rmin = ymin[i];
996         // all row columns are non-empty
997         for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
998           const double coeff = rowels[k];
999           const int icol = hcol[k];
1000           const double cbarmax0 = cbarmax[icol];
1001           const double cbarmin0 = cbarmin[icol];
1003           if (no_ub) {
1004             // cbarj must not be negative
1005             if (coeff > ZTOLDP2 && cbarjmax0 < PRESOLVE_INF && cup[icol] >= ekkinf) {
1006               const double bnd = cbarjmax0 / coeff;
1007               if (rmax > bnd) {
1008 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1009                 printf("MAX TIGHT[%d,%d]: %g --> %g\n", i, hrow[k], ymax[i], bnd);
1010 #endif
1011                 ymax[i] = rmax = bnd;
1012                 tightened++;
1013                 ;
1014               }
1015             } else if (coeff < -ZTOLDP2 && cbarjmax0 < PRESOLVE_INF && cup[icol] >= ekkinf) {
1016               const double bnd = cbarjmax0 / coeff;
1017               if (rmin < bnd) {
1018 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1019                 printf("MIN TIGHT[%d,%d]: %g --> %g\n", i, hrow[k], ymin[i], bnd);
1020 #endif
1021                 ymin[i] = rmin = bnd;
1022                 tightened++;
1023                 ;
1024               }
1025             }
1026           } else { // no_lb
1027             // cbarj must not be positive
1028             if (coeff > ZTOLDP2 && cbarmin0 > -PRESOLVE_INF && clo[icol] <= -ekkinf) {
1029               const double bnd = cbarmin0 / coeff;
1030               if (rmin < bnd) {
1031 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1032                 printf("MIN1 TIGHT[%d,%d]: %g --> %g\n", i, hrow[k], ymin[i], bnd);
1033 #endif
1034                 ymin[i] = rmin = bnd;
1035                 tightened++;
1036                 ;
1037               }
1038             } else if (coeff < -ZTOLDP2 && cbarmin0 > -PRESOLVE_INF && clo[icol] <= -ekkinf) {
1039               const double bnd = cbarmin0 / coeff;
1040               if (rmax > bnd) {
1041 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1042                 printf("MAX TIGHT1[%d,%d]: %g --> %g\n", i, hrow[k], ymax[i], bnd);
1043 #endif
1044                 ymax[i] = rmax = bnd;
1045                 tightened++;
1046                 ;
1047               }
1048             }
1049           }
1050         }
1051       }
1052     }
1054 /*
1055   Is it productive to continue with another pass? Essentially, we need lots of
1056   tightening but no fixing. If we fixed any variables, break and process them.
1057 */
1058 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1059     std::cout
1060       << "NDUAL: pass " << nPass << ": fixed " << (ncols - nfixdown_cols)
1061       << " down, " << nfixup_cols << " up, tightened " << tightened
1062       << " duals." << std::endl;
1063 #endif
1064     if (tightened < 100 || nfixdown_cols < ncols || nfixup_cols)
1065       break;
1066   }
1067   assert(nfixup_cols <= nfixdown_cols);
1068   /*
1069   Process columns fixed at upper bound.
1070 */
1071   if (nfixup_cols) {
1072 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1073     std::cout << "NDUAL(upper):";
1074     for (int k = 0; k < nfixup_cols; k++)
1075       std::cout << " " << fix_cols[k];
1076     std::cout << "." << std::endl;
1077 #endif
1078     next = make_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fix_cols, nfixup_cols, false, next);
1079   }
1080   /*
1081   Process columns fixed at lower bound.
1082 */
1083   if (nfixdown_cols < ncols) {
1084     int *fixdown_cols = fix_cols + nfixdown_cols;
1085     nfixdown_cols = ncols - nfixdown_cols;
1086 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1087     std::cout << "NDUAL(lower):";
1088     for (int k = 0; k < nfixdown_cols; k++)
1089       std::cout << " " << fixdown_cols[k];
1090     std::cout << "." << std::endl;
1091 #endif
1092     next = make_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fixdown_cols,
1093       nfixdown_cols, true, next);
1094   }
1095   /*
1096   Now look for variables that, when moved in the favourable direction
1097   according to reduced cost, will naturally tighten an inequality to an
1098   equality. We can convert that inequality to an equality. See the comments
1099   at the head of the routine.
1101   Start with logicals. Open a loop and look for suitable rows. At the
1102   end of this loop, rows marked with +/-1 will be forced to equality by
1103   their logical. Rows marked with +/-2 are inequalities that (perhaps)
1104   can be forced to equality using architecturals. Rows marked with 0 are
1105   not suitable (range or nonbinding).
1107   Note that usefulRowInt_ is 3*nrows_; we'll use the second partition below.
1108 */
1109   int *canFix = prob->usefulRowInt_;
1110   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
1111     const bool no_rlb = (rlo[i] <= -ekkinf);
1112     const bool no_rub = (rup[i] >= ekkinf);
1113     canFix[i] = 0;
1114     if (no_rub && !no_rlb) {
1115       if (ymin[i] > 0.0)
1116         canFix[i] = -1;
1117       else
1118         canFix[i] = -2;
1119     } else if (no_rlb && !no_rub) {
1120       if (ymax[i] < 0.0)
1121         canFix[i] = 1;
1122       else
1123         canFix[i] = 2;
1124     }
1125 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1126     if (abs(canFix[i]) == 1) {
1127       std::cout
1128         << "NDUAL(eq): candidate row (" << i << ") (" << rlo[i]
1129         << "," << rup[i] << "), logical must be "
1130         << ((canFix[i] == -1) ? "NBUB" : "NBLB") << "." << std::endl;
1131     }
1132 #endif
1133   }
1134   /*
1135   Can we do a similar trick with architectural variables? Here, we're looking
1136   for x<j> such that
1137   (1) Exactly one of l<j> or u<j> is infinite.
1138   (2) Moving x<j> towards the infinite bound can tighten exactly one
1139       constraint i to equality.  If x<j> is entangled with other constraints,
1140       moving x<j> towards the infinite bound will loosen those constraints.
1141   (3) Moving x<j> towards the infinite bound is a good idea according to the
1142       cost c<j> (note we don't have to consider reduced cost here).
1143   If we can find a suitable x<j>, constraint i can become an equality.
1145   This is yet another instance of bound propagation, but we're looking for
1146   a very specific pattern: A variable that can be increased arbitrarily
1147   in all rows it's entangled with, except for one, which bounds it. And
1148   we're going to push the variable so as to make that row an equality.
1149   But note what we're *not* doing: No actual comparison of finite bound
1150   values to the amount necessary to force an equality. So no worries about
1151   accuracy, the bane of bound propagation.
1153   Open a loop to scan columns. bindingUp and bindingDown indicate the result
1154   of the analysis; -1 says `possible', -2 is ruled out. Test first for
1155   condition (1). Column singletons are presumably handled elsewhere. Integer
1156   variables need not apply. If both bounds are finite, no need to look
1157   further.
1158 */
1159   for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
1160     if (hincol[j] <= 1)
1161       continue;
1162     if (integerType[j])
1163       continue;
1164     int bindingUp = -1;
1165     int bindingDown = -1;
1166     if (cup[j] < ekkinf)
1167       bindingUp = -2;
1168     if (clo[j] > -ekkinf)
1169       bindingDown = -2;
1170     if (bindingUp == -2 && bindingDown == -2)
1171       continue;
1172     /*
1173   Open a loop to walk the column and check for condition (2).
1175   The test for |canFix[i]| != 2 is a non-interference check. We don't want to
1176   mess with constraints where we've already decided to use the logical to
1177   force equality. Nor do we want to deal with range or nonbinding constraints.
1178 */
1179     const CoinBigIndex &kcs = mcstrt[j];
1180     const CoinBigIndex kce = kcs + hincol[j];
1181     for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
1182       const int &i = hrow[k];
1183       if (abs(canFix[i]) != 2) {
1184         bindingUp = -2;
1185         bindingDown = -2;
1186         break;
1187       }
1188       double aij = colels[k];
1189       /*
1190   For a<ij> > 0 in a <= constraint (canFix = 2), the up direction is
1191   binding. For a >= constraint, it'll be the down direction. If the relevant
1192   binding code is still -1, set it to the index of the row. Similarly for
1193   a<ij> < 0.
1195   If this is the second or subsequent binding constraint in that direction,
1196   set binding[Up,Down] to -2 (we don't want to get into the business of
1197   calculating which constraint is actually binding).
1198 */
1199       if (aij > 0.0) {
1200         if (canFix[i] == 2) {
1201           if (bindingUp == -1)
1202             bindingUp = i;
1203           else
1204             bindingUp = -2;
1205         } else {
1206           if (bindingDown == -1)
1207             bindingDown = i;
1208           else
1209             bindingDown = -2;
1210         }
1211       } else {
1212         if (canFix[i] == 2) {
1213           if (bindingDown == -1)
1214             bindingDown = i;
1215           else
1216             bindingDown = -2;
1217         } else {
1218           if (bindingUp == -1)
1219             bindingUp = i;
1220           else
1221             bindingUp = -2;
1222         }
1223       }
1224     }
1225     if (bindingUp == -2 && bindingDown == -2)
1226       continue;
1227     /*
1228   If bindingUp > -2, then either no constraint provided a bound (-1) or
1229   there's a single constraint (0 <= i < m) that bounds x<j>.  If we have
1230   just one binding constraint, check that the reduced cost is favourable
1231   (c<j> <= 0 for x<j> NBUB at optimum for minimisation). If so, declare
1232   that we will force the row to equality (canFix[i] = +/-1). Note that we
1233   don't adjust the primal solution value for x<j>.
1235   If no constraint provided a bound, we might be headed for unboundedness,
1236   but leave that for some other code to determine.
1237 */
1238     double cj = cost[j];
1239     if (bindingUp > -2 && cj <= 0.0) {
1240       if (bindingUp >= 0) {
1241         canFix[bindingUp] /= 2;
1242 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1243         std::cout
1244           << "NDUAL(eq): candidate row (" << bindingUp << ") ("
1245           << rlo[bindingUp] << "," << rup[bindingUp] << "), "
1246           << " increasing x(" << j << "), cbar = " << cj << "."
1247           << std::endl;
1248       } else {
1249         std::cout
1250           << "NDUAL(eq): no binding upper bound for x(" << j
1251           << "), cbar = " << cj << "." << std::endl;
1252 #endif
1253       }
1254     } else if (bindingDown > -2 && cj >= 0.0) {
1255       if (bindingDown >= 0) {
1256         canFix[bindingDown] /= 2;
1257 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1258         std::cout
1259           << "NDUAL(eq): candidate row (" << bindingDown << ") ("
1260           << rlo[bindingDown] << "," << rup[bindingDown] << "), "
1261           << " decreasing x(" << j << "), cbar = " << cj << "."
1262           << std::endl;
1263       } else {
1264         std::cout
1265           << "NDUAL(eq): no binding lower bound for x(" << j
1266           << "), cbar = " << cj << "." << std::endl;
1267 #endif
1268       }
1269     }
1270   }
1271   /*
1272   We have candidate rows. We've avoided scanning full rows until now,
1273   but there's one remaining hazard: if the row contains unfixed integer
1274   variables then we don't want to just pin the row to a fixed rhs; that
1275   might prevent us from achieving integrality. Scan canFix, count and
1276   record suitable rows (use the second partition of usefulRowInt_).
1277 */
1278   // get min max stuff - we can re-use ymin/ymax
1279   int *infCount = prob->usefulRowInt_ + 2 * nrows;
1280   {
1281     // copied from CglProbing
1282     int i, j;
1283     CoinBigIndex k, krs, kre;
1284     int iflagu, iflagl;
1285     double dmaxup, dmaxdown;
1287     for (i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) {
1288       if (rlo[i] == rup[i]) {
1289         infCount[i] = 10 | (10 << 16);
1290       } else if (rlo[i] > -1.0e20 || rup[i] < 1.0e20) {
1291         iflagu = 0;
1292         iflagl = 0;
1293         dmaxup = 0.0;
1294         dmaxdown = 0.0;
1295         krs = mrstrt[i];
1296         kre = mrstrt[i] + hinrow[i];
1298         /* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
1299         /* Compute L(i) and U(i) */
1300         /* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
1301         for (k = krs; k < kre; ++k) {
1302           double value = rowels[k];
1303           j = hcol[k];
1304           if (value > 0.0) {
1305             if (cup[j] < 1.0e12)
1306               dmaxup += cup[j] * value;
1307             else
1308               ++iflagu;
1309             if (clo[j] > -1.0e12)
1310               dmaxdown += clo[j] * value;
1311             else
1312               ++iflagl;
1313           } else if (value < 0.0) {
1314             if (cup[j] < 1.0e12)
1315               dmaxdown += cup[j] * value;
1316             else
1317               ++iflagl;
1318             if (clo[j] > -1.0e12)
1319               dmaxup += clo[j] * value;
1320             else
1321               ++iflagu;
1322           }
1323         }
1324         iflagl = CoinMin(iflagl, 2);
1325         iflagu = CoinMin(iflagu, 2);
1326         infCount[i] = iflagl | (iflagu << 16);
1327         ymax[i] = dmaxup;
1328         ymin[i] = dmaxdown;
1329       } else {
1330         infCount[i] = 10 | (10 << 16);
1331       }
1332     }
1333   }
1334   for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
1335     if (hincol[j] == 1 && cost[j] > -1.0e10) {
1336       // can we make equality row
1337       double coeff = colels[mcstrt[j]];
1338       int irow = hrow[mcstrt[j]];
1339       int iflagl = infCount[irow] & 63;
1340       int iflagu = infCount[irow] >> 16;
1341       if (iflagu > 1 && iflagl > 1)
1342         continue;
1343       double dmaxdown = ymin[irow];
1344       double dmaxup = ymax[irow];
1345 #if USE_ACTIVE > 1
1346       printf("singleton col %d has %g on row %d - rhs %g,%g infs %d,%d maxes %g,%g\n",
1347         j, coeff, irow, rlo[irow], rup[irow],
1348         iflagl, iflagu,
1349         dmaxdown, dmaxup);
1350 #endif
1351       if (coeff > 0.0) {
1352         if (clo[j] > -1.0e12) {
1353           dmaxdown -= coeff * clo[j];
1354           if (iflagl)
1355             dmaxdown = -1.0e60;
1356         } else if (iflagl > 1) {
1357           dmaxdown = -1.0e60;
1358         }
1359         if (cup[j] < 1.0e12) {
1360           dmaxup -= coeff * cup[j];
1361           if (iflagu)
1362             dmaxup = 1.0e60;
1363         } else if (iflagu > 1) {
1364           dmaxup = 1.0e60;
1365         }
1366       } else {
1367       }
1368       double rhs;
1369       if (cost[j] > 0.0) {
1370         // we want as small as possible
1371         if (coeff > 0) {
1372           if (rlo[irow] > -1.0e12)
1373             rhs = rlo[irow] / coeff;
1374           else
1375             rhs = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
1376         } else {
1377           if (rup[irow] < 1.0e12)
1378             rhs = -rup[irow] / coeff;
1379           else
1380             rhs = COIN_DBL_MAX;
1381         }
1382       } else {
1383         // we want as large as possible
1384         if (coeff > 0) {
1385           if (rup[irow] < 1.0e12) {
1386             rhs = rup[irow];
1387             if (cup[j] * coeff + dmaxdown > rhs - 1.0e-7 && clo[j] * coeff + dmaxup < rhs + 1.0e-7) {
1388 #if 0 //USE_ACTIVE<2
1389       printf("singleton col %d has %g on row %d - rhs %g,%g infs %d,%d maxes %g,%g\n",
1390 	     j,coeff,irow,rlo[irow],rup[irow],
1391 	     iflagl,iflagu,
1392 	     dmaxdown,dmaxup);
1393 #endif
1394               //printf("making rup equality\n");
1395               canFix[irow] = 1;
1396               infCount[irow] = 10 | (10 << 16);
1397             }
1398             rhs /= coeff;
1399           } else {
1400             if (cup[j] * coeff + dmaxdown > 1.0e30) {
1401               //printf("unbounded?\n");
1402             }
1403           }
1404         } else {
1405           if (rlo[irow] > -1.0e12) {
1406             rhs = rlo[irow];
1407             if (cup[j] * coeff + dmaxdown < rhs + 1.0e-7
1408               && clo[j] * coeff + dmaxup > rhs - 1.0e-7) {
1409 #if USE_ACTIVE > 1
1410               printf("singleton col %d has %g on row %d - rhs %g,%g infs %d,%d maxes %g,%g\n",
1411                 j, coeff, irow, rlo[irow], rup[irow],
1412                 iflagl, iflagu,
1413                 dmaxdown, dmaxup);
1414               printf("making rlo equality\n");
1415 #endif
1416               canFix[irow] = -11;
1417               infCount[irow] = 10 | (10 << 16);
1418             }
1419             rhs /= coeff;
1420           } else {
1421             if (cup[j] * coeff + dmaxdown > 1.0e30) {
1422               //printf("unbounded?\n");
1423             }
1424           }
1425         }
1426       }
1427 #if USE_ACTIVE > 1
1428       printf("adjusted maxes %g,%g - rhs %g\n", dmaxdown, dmaxup, rhs);
1429 #endif
1430     }
1431   }
1432 #if 1 // PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1433   int makeEqCandCnt = 0;
1434   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
1435     if (abs(canFix[i]) == 1)
1436       makeEqCandCnt++;
1437   }
1438 #endif
1439   int makeEqCnt = nrows;
1440   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
1441     if (abs(canFix[i]) == 1 && hinrow[i] > 1) {
1442       const CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[i];
1443       const CoinBigIndex kre = krs + hinrow[i];
1444       int nBinary = 0;
1445       int nOther = 0;
1446       int nSameCoeff = 0;
1447       double rhs = canFix[i] == 1 ? rup[i] : rlo[i];
1448       double firstCoeff = 0.0;
1449       int j = -1;
1450       for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
1451         j = hcol[k];
1452         double coeff = rowels[k];
1453         if (cup[j] > clo[j]) {
1454           if (!firstCoeff) {
1455             firstCoeff = coeff;
1456             nSameCoeff = 1;
1457           } else {
1458             if (coeff == firstCoeff)
1459               nSameCoeff++;
1460             else if (coeff != -firstCoeff)
1461               nOther = 1;
1462           }
1463           if (prob->colProhibited2(j)) {
1464             nBinary = 1;
1465             nOther = 1;
1466             break;
1467           } else if (integerType[j]) {
1468             if (clo[j] == 0.0 && cup[j] == 1.0) {
1469               nBinary++;
1470             } else {
1471               nBinary = 1;
1472               nOther = 1;
1473               break;
1474             }
1475           } else {
1476             nOther++;
1477           }
1478         } else {
1479           rhs -= coeff * clo[j];
1480         }
1481       }
1482       bool canFixThis = true;
1483       if (nBinary) {
1484         if (nOther) {
1485           canFixThis = false;
1486 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1487           std::cout
1488             << "NDUAL(eq): cannot convert row " << i << " to equality; "
1489             << "unfixed integer variable x(" << j << ")." << std::endl;
1490 #endif
1491         } else {
1492           // may be able to if all easy integer
1493           if (!rhs) {
1494             // for now just two of opposite sign
1495             if (nSameCoeff == 1 && nBinary == 2) {
1496               // ok
1497 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1498               printf("int eq row is %g <= ", rlo[i]);
1499               for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
1500                 const double coeff = rowels[k];
1501                 const int icol = hcol[k];
1502                 printf("(%d,%g - bounds %g,%g) ", icol, coeff, clo[icol], cup[icol]);
1503               }
1504               printf("<= %g\n", rup[i]);
1505 #endif
1506             } else {
1507               canFixThis = false;
1508 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1509               std::cout
1510                 << "NDUAL(eq2): cannot convert row " << i << " to equality; "
1511                 << "unfixed integer variable x(" << j << ")." << std::endl;
1512 #endif
1513             }
1514           } else if (rhs == 1.0 && canFix[i] == 1 && nSameCoeff == nBinary && firstCoeff == 1.0) {
1515             // ok
1516 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1517             printf("int2 eq row is %g <= ", rlo[i]);
1518             for (CoinBigIndex k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
1519               const double coeff = rowels[k];
1520               const int icol = hcol[k];
1521               printf("(%d,%g - bounds %g,%g) ", icol, coeff, clo[icol], cup[icol]);
1522             }
1523             printf("<= %g\n", rup[i]);
1524 #endif
1525           } else {
1526             canFixThis = false;
1527 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1528             std::cout
1529               << "NDUAL(eq3): cannot convert row " << i << " to equality; "
1530               << "unfixed integer variable x(" << j << ")." << std::endl;
1531 #endif
1532           }
1533         }
1534       }
1535       if (canFixThis)
1536         canFix[makeEqCnt++] = i;
1537     }
1538   }
1539   makeEqCnt -= nrows;
1540 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1541   if ((makeEqCandCnt - makeEqCnt) > 0) {
1542     std::cout
1543       << "NDUAL(eq): rejected " << (makeEqCandCnt - makeEqCnt)
1544       << " rows due to unfixed integer variables." << std::endl;
1545   }
1546 #endif
1547   /*
1548   If we've identified inequalities to convert, do the conversion, record
1549   the information needed to restore bounds in postsolve, and finally create
1550   the postsolve object.
1551 */
1552   if (makeEqCnt > 0) {
1553     action *bndRecords = new action[makeEqCnt];
1554     for (int k = 0; k < makeEqCnt; k++) {
1555       const int i = canFix[k + nrows];
1556 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1557       std::cout << "NDUAL(eq): forcing row " << i << " to equality;";
1558       if (canFix[i] == -1)
1559         std::cout << " dropping b = " << rup[i] << " to " << rlo[i];
1560       else
1561         std::cout << " raising blow = " << rlo[i] << " to " << rup[i];
1562       std::cout << "." << std::endl;
1563 #endif
1564       action &bndRec = bndRecords[(k)];
1565       bndRec.rlo_ = rlo[i];
1566       bndRec.rup_ = rup[i];
1567       bndRec.ndx_ = i;
1568       if (canFix[i] == 1) {
1569         rlo[i] = rup[i];
1570         prob->addRow(i);
1571       } else if (canFix[i] == -1) {
1572         rup[i] = rlo[i];
1573         prob->addRow(i);
1574       }
1575     }
1576     next = new remove_dual_action(makeEqCnt, bndRecords, next);
1577   }
1580   delete[] cbarmin;
1581   delete[] cbarmax;
1582 #endif
1583 #undef PRESOLVE_DEBUG
1585   double thisTime = 0.0;
1586   if (prob->tuning_)
1587     thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
1588 #endif
1590   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 1, 1);
1591   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
1592 #endif
1594   int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows;
1595   int droppedColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
1596   std::cout
1597     << "Leaving remove_dual_action::presolve, dropped " << droppedRows
1598     << " rows, " << droppedColumns << " columns, forced "
1599     << makeEqCnt << " equalities";
1601   if (prob->tuning_)
1602     std::cout << " in " << (thisTime - prob->startTime_) << "s";
1603 #endif
1604   std::cout << "." << std::endl;
1605 #endif
1607   return (next);
1608 }
1610 /*
1611   Postsolve: replace the original row bounds.
1613   The catch here is that each constraint was an equality in the presolved
1614   problem, with a logical s<i> that had l<i> = u<i> = 0. We're about to
1615   convert the equality back to an inequality. One row bound will go to
1616   infinity, as will one of the bounds of the logical. We may need to patch the
1617   basis. The logical for a <= constraint cannot be NBUB, and the logical for a
1618   >= constraint cannot be NBLB.
1619 */
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const1620 void remove_dual_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
1621 {
1622   const action *const &bndRecords = actions_;
1623   const int &numRecs = nactions_;
1625   double *&rlo = prob->rlo_;
1626   double *&rup = prob->rup_;
1627   unsigned char *&rowstat = prob->rowstat_;
1630 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1631   std::cout
1632     << "Entering remove_dual_action::postsolve, " << numRecs
1633     << " bounds to restore." << std::endl;
1634 #endif
1635   presolve_check_threads(prob);
1636   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 2, 2);
1637   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
1638 #endif
1640   /*
1641   For each record, restore the row bounds. If we have status arrays, check
1642   the status of the logical and adjust if necessary.
1644   In spite of the fact that the status array is an unsigned char array,
1645   we still need to use getRowStatus to make sure we're only looking at the
1646   bottom three bits. Why is this an issue? Because the status array isn't
1647   necessarily cleared to zeros, and setRowStatus carefully changes only
1648   the bottom three bits!
1649 */
1650   for (int k = 0; k < numRecs; k++) {
1651     const action &bndRec = bndRecords[k];
1652     const int &i = bndRec.ndx_;
1653     const double &rloi = bndRec.rlo_;
1654     const double &rupi = bndRec.rup_;
1656 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1657     std::cout << "NDUAL(eq): row(" << i << ")";
1658     if (rlo[i] != rloi)
1659       std::cout << " LB " << rlo[i] << " -> " << rloi;
1660     if (rup[i] != rupi)
1661       std::cout << " UB " << rup[i] << " -> " << rupi;
1662 #endif
1664     rlo[i] = rloi;
1665     rup[i] = rupi;
1666     if (rowstat) {
1667       unsigned char stati = prob->getRowStatus(i);
1668       if (stati == CoinPresolveMatrix::atUpperBound) {
1669         if (rloi <= -PRESOLVE_INF) {
1670           rowstat[i] = CoinPresolveMatrix::atLowerBound;
1671 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1672           std::cout
1673             << ", status forced to "
1674             << statusName(static_cast< CoinPresolveMatrix::Status >(rowstat[i]));
1675 #endif
1676         }
1677       } else if (stati == CoinPresolveMatrix::atLowerBound) {
1678         if (rupi >= PRESOLVE_INF) {
1679           rowstat[i] = CoinPresolveMatrix::atUpperBound;
1680 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1681           std::cout
1682             << ", status forced to "
1683             << statusName(static_cast< CoinPresolveMatrix::Status >(rowstat[i]));
1684 #endif
1685         }
1686       }
1687 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
1688       else if (stati == CoinPresolveMatrix::basic) {
1689         std::cout << ", status is basic.";
1690       } else if (stati == CoinPresolveMatrix::isFree) {
1691         std::cout << ", status is free?!";
1692       } else {
1693         unsigned int tmp = static_cast< unsigned int >(stati);
1694         std::cout << ", status is invalid (" << tmp << ")!";
1695       }
1696 #endif
1697     }
1698 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
1699     std::cout << "." << std::endl;
1700 #endif
1701   }
1704   presolve_check_threads(prob);
1705   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 2, 2);
1706   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
1707 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1708   std::cout << "Leaving remove_dual_action::postsolve." << std::endl;
1709 #endif
1710 #endif
1712   return;
1713 }
1715 /*
1716   Destructor
1717 */
~remove_dual_action()1718 remove_dual_action::~remove_dual_action()
1719 {
1720   deleteAction(actions_, action *);
1721 }
1723 /* vi: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2
1724 */