1 /* $Id: CoinPresolveDupcol.cpp 2083 2019-01-06 19:38:09Z unxusr $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <math.h>
9 //#define PRESOLVE_DEBUG 1
10 // Debugging macros/functions
11 //#define PRESOLVE_DETAIL 1
12 #include "CoinPresolveMatrix.hpp"
13 #include "CoinPresolveFixed.hpp"
14 #include "CoinPresolveDupcol.hpp"
15 #include "CoinSort.hpp"
16 #include "CoinFinite.hpp"
17 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
18 #include "CoinPresolveUseless.hpp"
19 #include "CoinMessage.hpp"
21 #include "CoinPresolvePsdebug.hpp"
22 #endif
24 #define DSEED2 2147483647.0
25 // Can be used from anywhere
coin_init_random_vec(double * work,int n)26 void coin_init_random_vec(double *work, int n)
27 {
28   double deseed = 12345678.0;
30   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
31     deseed *= 16807.;
32     int jseed = static_cast< int >(deseed / DSEED2);
33     deseed -= static_cast< double >(jseed) * DSEED2;
34     double random = deseed / DSEED2;
36     work[i] = random;
37   }
38 }
40 namespace { // begin unnamed file-local namespace
42 /*
43   For each candidate major-dimension vector in majcands, calculate the sum
44   over the vector, with each minor dimension weighted by a random amount.
45   (E.g., calculate column sums with each row weighted by a random amount.)
46   The sums are returned in the corresponding entries of majsums.
47 */
compute_sums(int,const int * majlens,const CoinBigIndex * majstrts,int * minndxs,double * elems,const double * minmuls,int * majcands,double * majsums,int nlook)49 void compute_sums(int /*n*/, const int *majlens, const CoinBigIndex *majstrts,
50   int *minndxs, double *elems, const double *minmuls,
51   int *majcands, double *majsums, int nlook)
53 {
54   for (int cndx = 0; cndx < nlook; ++cndx) {
55     int i = majcands[cndx];
56     PRESOLVEASSERT(majlens[i] > 0);
58     CoinBigIndex kcs = majstrts[i];
59     CoinBigIndex kce = kcs + majlens[i];
61     double value = 0.0;
63     for (CoinBigIndex k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
64       int irow = minndxs[k];
65       value += minmuls[irow] * elems[k];
66     }
68     majsums[cndx] = value;
69   }
71   return;
72 }
create_col(int col,int n,double * els,CoinBigIndex * mcstrt,double * colels,int * hrow,CoinBigIndex * link,CoinBigIndex * free_listp)74 void create_col(int col, int n, double *els,
75   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt, double *colels, int *hrow, CoinBigIndex *link,
76   CoinBigIndex *free_listp)
77 {
78   int *rows = reinterpret_cast< int * >(els + n);
79   CoinBigIndex free_list = *free_listp;
80   CoinBigIndex xstart = NO_LINK;
81   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
82     CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
83     assert(k >= 0);
84     free_list = link[free_list];
85     hrow[k] = rows[i];
86     colels[k] = els[i];
87     link[k] = xstart;
88     xstart = k;
89   }
90   mcstrt[col] = xstart;
91   *free_listp = free_list;
92 }
94 } // end unnamed file-local namespace
name() const96 const char *dupcol_action::name() const
97 {
98   return ("dupcol_action");
99 }
101 /*
102   Original comment: This is just ekkredc5, adapted into the new framework.
103 	The datasets scorpion.mps and allgrade.mps have duplicate columns.
105   In case you don't have your OSL manual handy, a somewhat more informative
106   explanation: We're looking for an easy-to-detect special case of linearly
107   dependent columns, where the coefficients of the duplicate columns are
108   exactly equal. The idea for locating such columns is to generate pseudo-
109   random weights for each row and then calculate the weighted sum of
110   coefficients of each column. Columns with equal sums are checked more
111   thoroughly.
113   Analysis of the situation says there are two major cases:
114     * If the columns have equal objective coefficients, we can combine
115       them.
116     * If the columns have unequal objective coefficients, we may be able to
117       fix one at bound. If the required bound doesn't exist, we have dual
118       infeasibility (hence one of primal infeasibility or unboundedness).
120   In the comments below are a few fragments of code from the original
121   routine. I don't think they make sense, but I've left them for the nonce in
122   case someone else recognises the purpose.   -- lh, 040909 --
123 */
125 const CoinPresolveAction
126   *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)127   dupcol_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
128     const CoinPresolveAction *next)
129 {
131 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
132   std::cout
133     << "Entering dupcol_action::presolve." << std::endl;
134 #endif
135   presolve_consistent(prob);
136   presolve_links_ok(prob);
137   presolve_check_sol(prob);
138   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
139 #endif
142   int startEmptyRows = 0;
143   int startEmptyColumns = 0;
144   startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
145   startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
147   double startTime = 0.0;
148   if (prob->tuning_)
149     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
150 #endif
151 #endif
153   double maxmin = prob->maxmin_;
155   double *colels = prob->colels_;
156   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
157   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
158   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
159   int ncols = prob->ncols_;
160   int nrows = prob->nrows_;
162   double *clo = prob->clo_;
163   double *cup = prob->cup_;
164   double *sol = prob->sol_;
165   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
166   double *rup = prob->rup_;
168   // If all coefficients positive do more simply
169   bool allPositive = true;
170   double *rhs = prob->usefulRowDouble_; //new double[nrows];
171   CoinMemcpyN(rup, nrows, rhs);
172   /*
173   Scan the columns for candidates, and write the indices into sort. We're not
174   interested in columns that are empty, prohibited, or integral.
176   Question: Should we exclude singletons, which are useful in other transforms?
177   Question: Why are we excluding integral columns?
178 */
179   // allow integral columns if asked for
180   bool allowIntegers = ((prob->presolveOptions_ & 0x01) != 0);
181   int *sort = prob->usefulColumnInt_; //new int[ncols] ;
182   int nlook = 0;
183   for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
184     if (hincol[j] == 0)
185       continue;
186     // sort
187     CoinSort_2(hrow + mcstrt[j], hrow + mcstrt[j] + hincol[j],
188       colels + mcstrt[j]);
189     // check all positive and adjust rhs
190     if (allPositive) {
191       double lower = clo[j];
192       if (lower < cup[j]) {
193         for (CoinBigIndex k = mcstrt[j]; k < mcstrt[j] + hincol[j]; k++) {
194           double value = colels[k];
195           if (value < 0.0)
196             allPositive = false;
197           else
198             rhs[hrow[k]] -= lower * value;
199         }
200       } else {
201         for (CoinBigIndex k = mcstrt[j]; k < mcstrt[j] + hincol[j]; k++) {
202           double value = colels[k];
203           rhs[hrow[k]] -= lower * value;
204         }
205       }
206     }
207     if (prob->colProhibited2(j))
208       continue;
209       //#define PRESOLVE_INTEGER_DUPCOL
211     if (prob->isInteger(j) && !allowIntegers)
212       continue;
213 #endif
214     sort[nlook++] = j;
215   }
216   if (nlook == 0) { //delete[] sort ;
217     //delete [] rhs;
218     return (next);
219   }
220   /*
221   Prep: add the coefficients of each candidate column. To reduce false
222   positives, multiply each row by a `random' multiplier when forming the
223   sums.  On return from compute_sums, sort and colsum are loaded with the
224   indices and column sums, respectively, of candidate columns.  The pair of
225   arrays are then sorted by sum so that equal sums are adjacent.
226 */
227   double *colsum = prob->usefulColumnDouble_; //new double[ncols] ;
228   double *rowmul;
229   if (!prob->randomNumber_) {
230     rowmul = new double[nrows];
231     coin_init_random_vec(rowmul, nrows);
232   } else {
233     rowmul = prob->randomNumber_;
234   }
235   compute_sums(ncols, hincol, mcstrt, hrow, colels, rowmul, sort, colsum, nlook);
236 #define USE_LBS 0
237 #define SWAP_SIGNS 0
238 #if SWAP_SIGNS
239   int nPiece = 0;
240   // array to chain piecewise linear
241   int *piece = new int[ncols];
242   for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
243     piece[i] = -1;
244   if (!allPositive) {
245     // swap signs
246     memcpy(sort + nlook, sort, nlook * sizeof(int));
247     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
248       rowmul[i] = -rowmul[i];
249     compute_sums(ncols, hincol, mcstrt, hrow, colels, rowmul, sort + nlook, colsum + nlook, nlook);
250     nlook += nlook;
251   }
252 #endif
253   CoinSort_2(colsum, colsum + nlook, sort);
254   /*
255   General prep --- unpack the various vectors we'll need, and allocate arrays
256   to record the results.
257 */
258   presolvehlink *clink = prob->clink_;
260   double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
261   int *hcol = prob->hcol_;
262   const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
263   int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
265   double *dcost = prob->cost_;
267   action *actions = new action[nlook];
268   int nactions = 0;
269 #ifdef ZEROFAULT
270   memset(actions, 0, nlook * sizeof(action));
271 #endif
273   int *fixed_down = new int[nlook];
274   int nfixed_down = 0;
275   int *fixed_up = new int[nlook];
276   int nfixed_up = 0;
278 #if 0
279   // Excluded in the original routine. I'm guessing it's excluded because
280   // it's just not cost effective to worry about this. -- lh, 040908 --
282   // It may be the case that several columns are duplicate.
283   // If not all have the same cost, then we have to make sure
284   // that we set the most expensive one to its minimum
285   // now sort in each class by cost
286   {
287     double dval = colsum[0] ;
288     int first = 0 ;
289     for (int jj = 1; jj < nlook; jj++) {
290       while (colsum[jj]==dval)
291 	jj++ ;
293       if (first + 1 < jj) {
294 	double buf[jj - first] ;
295 	for (int i=first; i<jj; ++i)
296 	  buf[i-first] = dcost[sort[i]]*maxmin ;
298 	CoinSort_2(buf,buf+jj-first,sort+first) ;
299 	//ekk_sortonDouble(buf,&sort[first],jj-first) ;
300       }
301     }
302   }
303 #endif
304   // We will get all min/max but only if needed
305   bool gotStuff = false;
306   /*
307   Original comment: It appears to be the case that this loop is finished,
308 	there may still be duplicate cols left. I haven't done anything
309 	about that yet.
311   Open the main loop to compare column pairs. We'll compare sort[jj] to
312   sort[tgt]. This allows us to accumulate multiple columns into one. But
313   we don't manage all-pairs comparison when we can't combine columns.
315   We can quickly dismiss pairs which have unequal sums or lengths.
316 */
317   int isorted = -1;
318   int tgt = 0;
319   for (int jj = 1; jj < nlook; jj++) {
320     if (colsum[jj] != colsum[jj - 1]) {
321       tgt = jj; // Must update before continuing
322       continue;
323     }
325     int j2 = sort[jj];
326     int j1 = sort[tgt];
327     int len2 = hincol[j2];
328     int len1 = hincol[j1];
330     if (len2 != len1) {
331       tgt = jj;
332       continue;
333     }
334     /*
335   The final test: sort the columns by row index and compare each index and
336   coefficient.
337 */
338     CoinBigIndex kcs = mcstrt[j2];
339     CoinBigIndex kce = kcs + hincol[j2];
340     CoinBigIndex ishift = mcstrt[j1] - kcs;
342     if (len1 > 1 && isorted < j1) {
343       CoinSort_2(hrow + mcstrt[j1], hrow + mcstrt[j1] + len1,
344         colels + mcstrt[j1]);
345       isorted = j1;
346     }
347     if (len2 > 1 && isorted < j2) {
348       CoinSort_2(hrow + kcs, hrow + kcs + len2, colels + kcs);
349       isorted = j2;
350     }
352     CoinBigIndex k;
353     for (k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
354       if (hrow[k] != hrow[k + ishift] || colels[k] != colels[k + ishift]) {
355         break;
356       }
357     }
358 #if SWAP_SIGNS
359     if (k != kce) {
360       if (allPositive) {
361         tgt = jj;
362         continue;
363       } else {
364         // try negative
365         for (k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
366           if (hrow[k] != hrow[k + ishift] || colels[k] != -colels[k + ishift]) {
367             break;
368           }
369         }
370         if (k == kce) {
371           nPiece++;
372           if (piece[j1] < 0 && piece[j2] < 0) {
373             piece[j1] = j2;
374             piece[j2] = j1;
375           } else if (piece[j1] < 0) {
376             int j3 = piece[j2];
377             piece[j2] = j1;
378             piece[j1] = j3;
379           }
380         }
381         tgt = jj;
382         continue;
383       }
384     }
385 #else
386     if (k != kce) {
387       tgt = jj;
388       continue;
389     }
390 #endif
391     // check both continuous or both integer
392     if (prob->isInteger(j1) != prob->isInteger(j2))
393       continue;
394     /*
395   These really are duplicate columns. Grab values for convenient reference.
396   Convert the objective coefficients for minimization.
397 */
398     double clo1 = clo[j1];
399     double cup1 = cup[j1];
400     double clo2 = clo[j2];
401     double cup2 = cup[j2];
402     double c1 = dcost[j1] * maxmin;
403     double c2 = dcost[j2] * maxmin;
404     PRESOLVEASSERT(!(clo1 == cup1 || clo2 == cup2));
405     // Get reasonable bounds on sum of two variables
406     double lowerBound = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
407     double upperBound = COIN_DBL_MAX;
408 #if USE_LBS == 0
409     // For now only if lower bounds are zero
410     bool takeColumn = (!clo1 && !clo2);
411 #else
412     bool takeColumn = true;
413     if (clo1 || clo2)
414       printf("DUPCOL %d and %d have nonzero lbs %g %g\n",
415         j1, j2, clo1, clo2);
416 #endif
417     if (takeColumn) {
418       // Only need bounds if c1 != c2
419       if (c1 != c2) {
420         if (!allPositive) {
421 #if 0
423 	  for (k=kcs;k<kce;k++) {
424 	    int iRow = hrow[k];
425 	    bool posinf = false;
426 	    bool neginf = false;
427 	    double maxup = 0.0;
428 	    double maxdown = 0.0;
430 	    // compute sum of all bounds except for j1,j2
431 	    CoinBigIndex kk;
432 	    CoinBigIndex kre = mrstrt[iRow]+hinrow[iRow];
433 	    double value1=0.0;
434 	    for (kk=mrstrt[iRow]; kk<kre; kk++) {
435 	      int col = hcol[kk];
436 	      if (col == j1||col==j2) {
437 		value1=rowels[kk];
438 		continue;
439 	      }
440 	      double coeff = rowels[kk];
441 	      double lb = clo[col];
442 	      double ub = cup[col];
444 	      if (coeff > 0.0) {
445 		if (PRESOLVE_INF <= ub) {
446 		  posinf = true;
447 		  if (neginf)
448 		    break;	// pointless
449 		} else {
450 		  maxup += ub * coeff;
451 		}
452 		if (lb <= -PRESOLVE_INF) {
453 		  neginf = true;
454 		  if (posinf)
455 		    break;	// pointless
456 		} else {
457 		  maxdown += lb * coeff;
458 		}
459 	      } else {
460 		if (PRESOLVE_INF <= ub) {
461 		  neginf = true;
462 		  if (posinf)
463 		    break;	// pointless
464 		} else {
465 		  maxdown += ub * coeff;
466 		}
467 		if (lb <= -PRESOLVE_INF) {
468 		  posinf = true;
469 		  if (neginf)
470 		    break;	// pointless
471 		} else {
472 		  maxup += lb * coeff;
473 		}
474 	      }
475 	    }
477 	    if (kk==kre) {
478 	      assert (value1);
479 	      if (value1>1.0e-5) {
480 		if (!neginf&&rup[iRow]<1.0e10)
481 		  if (upperBound*value1>rup[iRow]-maxdown)
482 		    upperBound = (rup[iRow]-maxdown)/value1;
483 		if (!posinf&&rlo[iRow]>-1.0e10)
484 		  if (lowerBound*value1<rlo[iRow]-maxup)
485 		    lowerBound = (rlo[iRow]-maxup)/value1;
486 	      } else if (value1<-1.0e-5) {
487 		if (!neginf&&rup[iRow]<1.0e10)
488 		  if (lowerBound*value1>rup[iRow]-maxdown) {
489 #ifndef NDEBUG
490 		    double x=lowerBound;
491 #endif
492 		    lowerBound = (rup[iRow]-maxdown)/value1;
493 		    assert (lowerBound == CoinMax(x,(rup[iRow]-maxdown)/value1));
494 		  }
495 		if (!posinf&&rlo[iRow]>-1.0e10)
496 		  if (upperBound*value1<rlo[iRow]-maxup) {
497 #ifndef NDEBUG
498 		    double x=upperBound;
499 #endif
500 		    upperBound = (rlo[iRow]-maxup)/value1;
501 		    assert(upperBound == CoinMin(x,(rlo[iRow]-maxup)/value1));
502 		  }
503 	      }
504 	    }
505 	  }
506 	  double l=lowerBound;
507 	  double u=upperBound;
508 #endif
509           if (!gotStuff) {
510             prob->recomputeSums(-1); // get min max
511             gotStuff = true;
512           }
513           int positiveInf = 0;
514           int negativeInf = 0;
515           double lo = 0;
516           double up = 0.0;
517           if (clo1 < -PRESOLVE_INF)
518             negativeInf++;
519           else
520             lo += clo1;
521           if (clo2 < -PRESOLVE_INF)
522             negativeInf++;
523           else
524             lo += clo2;
525           if (cup1 > PRESOLVE_INF)
526             positiveInf++;
527           else
528             up += cup1;
529           if (cup2 > PRESOLVE_INF)
530             positiveInf++;
531           else
532             up += cup2;
533           for (k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
534             int iRow = hrow[k];
535             double value = colels[k];
536             int pInf = (value > 0.0) ? positiveInf : negativeInf;
537             int nInf = (value > 0.0) ? negativeInf : positiveInf;
538             int posinf = prob->infiniteUp_[iRow] - pInf;
539             int neginf = prob->infiniteDown_[iRow] - nInf;
540             if (posinf > 0 && neginf > 0)
541               continue; // this row can't bound
542             double maxup = prob->sumUp_[iRow];
543             double maxdown = prob->sumDown_[iRow];
545             if (value > 0.0) {
546               maxdown -= value * lo;
547               maxup -= value * up;
548             } else {
549               maxdown -= value * up;
550               maxup -= value * lo;
551             }
552             if (value > 1.0e-5) {
553               if (!neginf && rup[iRow] < 1.0e10)
554                 if (upperBound * value > rup[iRow] - maxdown)
555                   upperBound = (rup[iRow] - maxdown) / value;
556               if (!posinf && rlo[iRow] > -1.0e10)
557                 if (lowerBound * value < rlo[iRow] - maxup)
558                   lowerBound = (rlo[iRow] - maxup) / value;
559             } else if (value < -1.0e-5) {
560               if (!neginf && rup[iRow] < 1.0e10)
561                 if (lowerBound * value > rup[iRow] - maxdown) {
562                   lowerBound = (rup[iRow] - maxdown) / value;
563                 }
564               if (!posinf && rlo[iRow] > -1.0e10)
565                 if (upperBound * value < rlo[iRow] - maxup) {
566                   upperBound = (rlo[iRow] - maxup) / value;
567                 }
568             }
569           }
570           //assert (fabs(l-lowerBound)<1.0e-5&&fabs(u-upperBound)<1.0e-5);
571         } else {
572           // can do faster
573           lowerBound = 0.0;
574           for (k = kcs; k < kce; k++) {
575             int iRow = hrow[k];
576             double value = colels[k];
577             if (upperBound * value > rhs[iRow])
578               upperBound = rhs[iRow] / value;
579           }
580         }
581       }
582       // relax a bit
583       upperBound -= 1.0e-9;
584     } else {
585       // Not sure what to do so give up
586       continue;
587     }
588     /*
589   There are two main cases: The objective coefficients are equal or unequal.
591   For equal objective coefficients c1 == c2, we can combine the columns by
592   making the substitution x<j1> = x'<j1> - x<j2>. This will eliminate column
593   sort[jj] = j2 and leave the new variable x' in column sort[tgt] = j1. tgt
594   doesn't move.
595 */
596     if (c1 == c2) {
598       if (!allowIntegers) {
599         if (prob->isInteger(j1)) {
600           if (!prob->isInteger(j2)) {
601             if (cup2 < upperBound) //if (!prob->colInfinite(j2))
602               continue;
603             else
604               cup2 = COIN_DBL_MAX;
605           }
606         } else if (prob->isInteger(j2)) {
607           if (cup1 < upperBound) //if (!prob->colInfinite(j1))
608             continue;
609           else
610             cup1 = COIN_DBL_MAX;
611         }
612         //printf("TakingINTeq\n");
613       }
614 #endif
615       /*
616   As far as the presolved lp, there's no difference between columns. But we
617   need this relation to hold in order to guarantee that we can split the
618   value of the combined column during postsolve without damaging the basis.
619   (The relevant case is when the combined column is basic --- we need to be
620   able to retain column j1 in the basis and make column j2 nonbasic.)
621 */
622       if (!(clo2 + cup1 <= clo1 + cup2)) {
623         CoinSwap(j1, j2);
624         CoinSwap(clo1, clo2);
625         CoinSwap(cup1, cup2);
626         tgt = jj;
627       }
628 /*
629   Create the postsolve action before we start to modify the columns.
630 */
631 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
632       PRESOLVE_STMT(printf("DUPCOL: (%d,%d) %d += %d\n", j1, j2, j1, j2));
633       PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_dupcol %dC %dC E\n", j2, j1));
634 #endif
636       action *s = &actions[nactions++];
637       s->thislo = clo[j2];
638       s->thisup = cup[j2];
639       s->lastlo = clo[j1];
640       s->lastup = cup[j1];
641       s->ithis = j2;
642       s->ilast = j1;
643       s->nincol = hincol[j2];
644       s->colels = presolve_dupmajor(colels, hrow, hincol[j2], mcstrt[j2]);
645       /*
646   Combine the columns into column j1. Upper and lower bounds and solution
647   simply add, and the coefficients are unchanged.
649   I'm skeptical of pushing a bound to infinity like this, but leave it for now.
650   -- lh, 040908 --
651 */
652       clo1 += clo2;
653       if (clo1 < -1.0e20) {
654         clo1 = -PRESOLVE_INF;
655       }
656       clo[j1] = clo1;
657       cup1 += cup2;
658       if (cup1 > 1.0e20) {
659         cup1 = PRESOLVE_INF;
660       }
661       cup[j1] = cup1;
662       if (sol) {
663         sol[j1] += sol[j2];
664       }
665       if (prob->colstat_) {
666         if (prob->getColumnStatus(j1) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic || prob->getColumnStatus(j2) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic) {
667           prob->setColumnStatus(j1, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
668         }
669       }
670       /*
671   Empty column j2.
672 */
673       dcost[j2] = 0.0;
674       if (sol) {
675         sol[j2] = clo2;
676       }
677       CoinBigIndex k2cs = mcstrt[j2];
678       CoinBigIndex k2ce = k2cs + hincol[j2];
679       for (CoinBigIndex k = k2cs; k < k2ce; ++k) {
680         presolve_delete_from_row(hrow[k], j2, mrstrt, hinrow, hcol, rowels);
681       }
682       hincol[j2] = 0;
683       PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(clink, j2);
684       continue;
685     }
686     /*
687   Unequal reduced costs. In this case, we may be able to fix one of the columns
688   or prove dual infeasibility. Given column a_k, duals y, objective
689   coefficient c_k, the reduced cost cbar_k = c_k - dot(y,a_k). Given
690   a_1 = a_2, substitute for dot(y,a_1) in the relation for cbar_2 to get
691     cbar_2 = (c_2 - c_1) + cbar_1
692   Independent elements here are variable bounds l_k, u_k, and difference
693   (c_2 - c_1). Infinite bounds for l_k, u_k will constrain the sign of cbar_k.
694   Assume minimization. If you do the case analysis, you find these cases of
695   interest:
697         l_1	u_1	l_2	u_2	cbar_1	c_2-c_1	cbar_2	result
699     A    any	finite	-inf	any	<= 0	  > 0	  <= 0	x_1 -> NBUB
700     B   -inf	 any	 any	finite	<= 0	  < 0	  < 0	x_2 -> NBUB
702     C   finite	 any	 any	+inf	>= 0	  < 0	  >= 0	x_1 -> NBLB
703     D    any	+inf	finite	 any	>= 0	  > 0	  >= 0	x_2 -> NBLB
705     E   -inf	any	 any	+inf	<= 0	  < 0	  >= 0	dual infeas
706     F    any	inf	-inf	 any	>= 0	  > 0	  <= 0  dual infeas
708     G    any	finite	finite	 any		  > 0		no inference
709     H   finite	 any	 any	finite		  < 0		no inference
711   The cases labelled dual infeasible are primal unbounded.
713   To keep the code compact, we'll always aim to take x_2 to bound. In the cases
714   where x_1 should go to bound, we'll swap. The implementation is boolean
715   algebra. Define bits for infinite bounds and (c_2 > c_1), then look for the
716   correct patterns.
717 */
718     else {
719       int minterm = 0;
721       if (!allowIntegers) {
722         if (c2 > c1) {
723           if (cup1 < upperBound /*!prob->colInfinite(j1)*/ && (prob->isInteger(j1) || prob->isInteger(j2)))
724             continue;
725         } else {
726           if (cup2 < upperBound /*!prob->colInfinite(j2)*/ && (prob->isInteger(j1) || prob->isInteger(j2)))
727             continue;
728         }
729         //printf("TakingINTne\n");
730       }
731 #endif
732       bool swapped = false;
733 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
734       printf("bounds %g %g\n", lowerBound, upperBound);
735 #endif
736       if (c2 > c1)
737         minterm |= 1 << 0;
738       if (cup2 >= PRESOLVE_INF /*prob->colInfinite(j2)*/)
739         minterm |= 1 << 1;
740       if (clo2 <= -PRESOLVE_INF)
741         minterm |= 1 << 2;
742       if (cup1 >= PRESOLVE_INF /*prob->colInfinite(j1)*/)
743         minterm |= 1 << 3;
744       if (clo1 <= -PRESOLVE_INF)
745         minterm |= 1 << 4;
746       // for now be careful - just one special case
747       if (!clo1 && !clo2) {
748         if (c2 > c1 && cup1 >= upperBound)
749           minterm |= 1 << 3;
750         else if (c2 < c1 && cup2 >= upperBound)
751           minterm |= 1 << 1;
752       }
753       /*
754   The most common case in a well-formed system should be no inference. We're
755   looking for x00x1 (case G) and 0xx00 (case H). This is where we have the
756   potential to miss inferences: If there are three or more columns with the
757   same sum, sort[tgt] == j1 will only be compared to the second in the
758   group.
759 */
760       if ((minterm & 0x0d) == 0x1 || (minterm & 0x13) == 0) {
761         tgt = jj;
762         continue;
763       }
764       /*
765   Next remove the unbounded cases, 1xx10 and x11x1.
766 */
767       if ((minterm & 0x13) == 0x12 || (minterm & 0x0d) == 0x0d) {
768         prob->setStatus(2);
769 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
770         PRESOLVE_STMT(printf("DUPCOL: (%d,%d) Unbounded\n", j1, j2));
771 #endif
772         break;
773       }
774       /*
775   With the no inference and unbounded cases removed, all that's left are the
776   cases where we can push a variable to bound. Swap if necessary (x01x1 or
777   0xx10) so that we're always fixing index j2.  This means that column
778   sort[tgt] = j1 will be fixed. Unswapped, we fix column sort[jj] = j2.
779 */
780       if ((minterm & 0x0d) == 0x05 || (minterm & 0x13) == 0x02) {
781         CoinSwap(j1, j2);
782         CoinSwap(clo1, clo2);
783         CoinSwap(cup1, cup2);
784         CoinSwap(c1, c2);
785         int tmp1 = minterm & 0x18;
786         int tmp2 = minterm & 0x06;
787         int tmp3 = minterm & 0x01;
788         minterm = (tmp1 >> 2) | (tmp2 << 2) | (tmp3 ^ 0x01);
789         swapped = true;
790       }
791       /*
792   Force x_2 to upper bound? (Case B, boolean 1X100, where X == don't care.)
793 */
794       if ((minterm & 0x13) == 0x10) {
795         fixed_up[nfixed_up++] = j2;
796 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
797         PRESOLVE_STMT(printf("DUPCOL: (%d,%d) %d -> NBUB\n", j1, j2, j2));
798 #endif
799         if (prob->colstat_) {
800           if (prob->getColumnStatus(j1) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic || prob->getColumnStatus(j2) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic) {
801             prob->setColumnStatus(j1, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
802           }
803           prob->setColumnStatus(j2, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
804         }
805         if (sol) {
806           double delta2 = cup2 - sol[j2];
807           sol[j2] = cup2;
808           sol[j1] -= delta2;
809         }
810         if (swapped) {
811           tgt = jj;
812         }
813         continue;
814       }
815       /*
816   Force x_2 to lower bound? (Case C, boolean X1011.)
817 */
818       if ((minterm & 0x0d) == 0x09) {
819         fixed_down[nfixed_down++] = j2;
820 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
821         PRESOLVE_STMT(printf("DUPCOL: (%d,%d) %d -> NBLB\n", j1, j2, j2));
822 #endif
823         if (prob->colstat_) {
824           if (prob->getColumnStatus(j1) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic || prob->getColumnStatus(j2) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic) {
825             prob->setColumnStatus(j1, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
826           }
827           prob->setColumnStatus(j2, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
828         }
829         if (sol) {
830           double delta2 = clo2 - sol[j2];
831           sol[j2] = clo2;
832           sol[j1] -= delta2;
833         }
834         if (swapped) {
835           tgt = jj;
836         }
837         continue;
838       }
839     }
840     /*
841   We should never reach this point in the loop --- all cases force a new
842   iteration or loop termination. If we get here, something happened that we
843   didn't anticipate.
844 */
845     PRESOLVE_STMT(printf("DUPCOL: (%d,%d) UNEXPECTED!\n", j1, j2));
846   }
847   /*
848   What's left? Deallocate vectors, and call make_fixed_action to handle any
849   variables that were fixed to bound.
850 */
851   if (rowmul != prob->randomNumber_)
852     delete[] rowmul;
853 #if SWAP_SIGNS
854   if (nPiece) {
855     nPiece = 0;
856     int nTotal = 0;
857     for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
858       if ((piece[i] & 0x80000000) == 0) {
859         int j2 = i;
860         int number = 1;
861         while (piece[j2] != i) {
862           int jNext = piece[j2];
863           assert(jNext != -1);
864           if (jNext < i) {
865             // already done
866             number = 0;
867             break;
868           }
869           if ((jNext & 0x80000000) != 0 || clo[jNext] == cup[jNext]) {
870             // no good
871             piece[j2] |= 0x80000000;
872             jNext &= 0x7fffffff;
873             while (jNext != j2) {
874               piece[jNext] |= 0x80000000;
875               jNext = piece[jNext] & 0x7fffffff;
876             }
877             piece[j2] |= 0x80000000;
878             number = -1;
879             break;
880           } else {
881             j2 = jNext;
882             number++;
883           }
884         }
885         if (number > 0) {
886           nPiece++;
887           nTotal += number;
888         }
889       }
890     }
891     printf("%d odd duplicates in %d groups\n", nTotal, nPiece);
892     // now build real structures
893     // to test fix and adjust
894     nPiece = 0;
895     nTotal = 0;
896     for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
897       if ((piece[i] & 0x80000000) == 0) {
898         int number = 1;
899         double lo = CoinMax(clo[i], -1.0e100);
900         double up = CoinMin(cup[i], 1.0e100);
901         // get first
902         double value = colels[mcstrt[i]];
903         int iNext = piece[i];
904         piece[i] |= 0x80000000;
905         while (iNext != i) {
906           number++;
907           if (value == colels[mcstrt[iNext]]) {
908             lo += CoinMax(clo[iNext], -1.0e100);
909             up += CoinMin(cup[iNext], 1.0e100);
910           } else {
911             lo -= CoinMin(cup[iNext], 1.0e100);
912             up -= CoinMax(clo[iNext], -1.0e100);
913           }
914           clo[iNext] = 0.0;
915           cup[iNext] = 0.0;
916           fixed_down[nfixed_down++] = iNext;
917           piece[iNext] |= 0x80000000;
918           iNext = piece[iNext] & 0x7fffffff;
919         }
920         if (lo < -1.0e50)
921           lo = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
922         if (up > 1.0e50)
923           up = COIN_DBL_MAX;
924         if (lo == -COIN_DBL_MAX && up == COIN_DBL_MAX) {
925           printf("Help - free variable %d\n", i);
926         }
927         nPiece++;
928         nTotal += number;
929       }
930     }
931     printf("Pass two %d odd duplicates in %d groups\n", nTotal, nPiece);
932   }
933   delete[] piece;
934 #endif
935   //delete[] colsum ;
936   //delete[] sort ;
937   //delete [] rhs;
940   if (nactions + nfixed_down + nfixed_up > 0) {
941     printf("DUPLICATE COLS: %d combined, %d lb, %d ub\n",
942       nactions, nfixed_down, nfixed_up);
943   }
944 #endif
945   if (nactions) {
946     next = new dupcol_action(nactions, CoinCopyOfArray(actions, nactions), next);
947     // we can't go round again in integer
948     prob->presolveOptions_ |= 0x80000000;
949   }
950   deleteAction(actions, action *);
952   if (nfixed_down) {
953     next = make_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fixed_down, nfixed_down, true, next);
954   }
955   delete[] fixed_down;
957   if (nfixed_up) {
958     next = make_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fixed_up, nfixed_up, false, next);
959   }
960   delete[] fixed_up;
963   double thisTime = 0.0;
964   if (prob->tuning_)
965     thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
966 #endif
968   presolve_check_sol(prob);
969 #endif
971   int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows;
972   int droppedColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
973   std::cout
974     << "Leaving dupcol_action::presolve, "
975     << droppedRows << " rows, " << droppedColumns << " columns dropped";
977   std::cout << " in " << thisTime - startTime << "s";
978 #endif
979   std::cout << "." << std::endl;
980 #endif
982   return (next);
983 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const985 void dupcol_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
986 {
987   const action *const actions = actions_;
988   const int nactions = nactions_;
990   double *clo = prob->clo_;
991   double *cup = prob->cup_;
993   double *sol = prob->sol_;
994   double *dcost = prob->cost_;
996   double *colels = prob->colels_;
997   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
998   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
999   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
1000   CoinBigIndex *link = prob->link_;
1002   double *rcosts = prob->rcosts_;
1003   double tolerance = prob->ztolzb_;
1005   for (const action *f = &actions[nactions - 1]; actions <= f; f--) {
1006     int icol = f->ithis; // was fixed
1007     int icol2 = f->ilast; // was kept
1009     dcost[icol] = dcost[icol2];
1010     clo[icol] = f->thislo;
1011     cup[icol] = f->thisup;
1012     clo[icol2] = f->lastlo;
1013     cup[icol2] = f->lastup;
1015     create_col(icol, f->nincol, f->colels, mcstrt, colels, hrow, link,
1016       &prob->free_list_);
1018     presolve_check_free_list(prob);
1019 #endif
1020     // hincol[icol] = hincol[icol2]; // right? - no - has to match number in create_col
1021     hincol[icol] = f->nincol;
1023     double l_j = f->thislo;
1024     double u_j = f->thisup;
1025     double l_k = f->lastlo;
1026     double u_k = f->lastup;
1027     double x_k_sol = sol[icol2];
1028     PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("post icol %d %g %g %g icol2 %d %g %g %g\n",
1029       icol, clo[icol], sol[icol], cup[icol],
1030       icol2, clo[icol2], sol[icol2], cup[icol2]));
1031     if (l_j > -PRESOLVE_INF && x_k_sol - l_j >= l_k - tolerance && x_k_sol - l_j <= u_k + tolerance) {
1032       // j at lb, leave k
1033       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
1034       sol[icol] = l_j;
1035       sol[icol2] = x_k_sol - sol[icol];
1036     } else if (u_j < PRESOLVE_INF && x_k_sol - u_j >= l_k - tolerance && x_k_sol - u_j <= u_k + tolerance) {
1037       // j at ub, leave k
1038       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
1039       sol[icol] = u_j;
1040       sol[icol2] = x_k_sol - sol[icol];
1041     } else if (l_k > -PRESOLVE_INF && x_k_sol - l_k >= l_j - tolerance && x_k_sol - l_k <= u_j + tolerance) {
1042       // k at lb make j basic
1043       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, prob->getColumnStatus(icol2));
1044       sol[icol2] = l_k;
1045       sol[icol] = x_k_sol - l_k;
1046       prob->setColumnStatus(icol2, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
1047     } else if (u_k < PRESOLVE_INF && x_k_sol - u_k >= l_j - tolerance && x_k_sol - u_k <= u_j + tolerance) {
1048       // k at ub make j basic
1049       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, prob->getColumnStatus(icol2));
1050       sol[icol2] = u_k;
1051       sol[icol] = x_k_sol - u_k;
1052       prob->setColumnStatus(icol2, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
1053     } else {
1054       // both free!  superbasic time
1055       sol[icol] = 0.0; // doesn't matter
1056       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::isFree);
1057     }
1058     PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("post2 icol %d %g icol2 %d %g\n",
1059       icol, sol[icol],
1060       icol2, sol[icol2]));
1061     // row activity doesn't change
1062     // dj of both variables is the same
1063     rcosts[icol] = rcosts[icol2];
1064     // leave until destructor
1065     //    deleteAction(f->colels,double *);
1067 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1068     const double ztolzb = prob->ztolzb_;
1069     if (!(clo[icol] - ztolzb <= sol[icol] && sol[icol] <= cup[icol] + ztolzb))
1070       printf("BAD DUPCOL BOUNDS:  %g %g %g\n", clo[icol], sol[icol], cup[icol]);
1071     if (!(clo[icol2] - ztolzb <= sol[icol2] && sol[icol2] <= cup[icol2] + ztolzb))
1072       printf("BAD DUPCOL BOUNDS:  %g %g %g\n", clo[icol2], sol[icol2], cup[icol2]);
1073 #endif
1074   }
1075   // leave until destructor
1076   //  deleteAction(actions_,action *);
1077 }
~dupcol_action()1079 dupcol_action::~dupcol_action()
1080 {
1081   for (int i = nactions_ - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1082     deleteAction(actions_[i].colels, double *);
1083   }
1084   deleteAction(actions_, action *);
1085 }
1087 /*
1088   Routines for duplicate rows. This is definitely unfinished --- there's no
1089   postsolve action.
1090 */
name() const1092 const char *duprow_action::name() const
1093 {
1094   return ("duprow_action");
1095 }
1097 // This is just ekkredc4, adapted into the new framework.
1098 /*
1099   I've made minimal changes for compatibility with dupcol: An initial scan to
1100   accumulate rows of interest in sort.
1101   -- lh, 040909 --
1102 */
1103 const CoinPresolveAction
1104   *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)1105   duprow_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
1106     const CoinPresolveAction *next)
1107 {
1108   double startTime = 0.0;
1109   int startEmptyRows = 0;
1110   int startEmptyColumns = 0;
1111   if (prob->tuning_) {
1112     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
1113     startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
1114     startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
1115   }
1116   double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
1117   int *hcol = prob->hcol_;
1118   CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
1119   int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
1120   int ncols = prob->ncols_;
1121   int nrows = prob->nrows_;
1123   /*
1124   Scan the rows for candidates, and write the indices into sort. We're not
1125   interested in rows that are empty or prohibited.
1127   Question: Should we exclude singletons, which are useful in other transforms?
1128   Question: Why are we excluding integral columns?
1129 */
1130   int *sort = new int[nrows];
1131   int nlook = 0;
1132   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
1133     if (hinrow[i] == 0)
1134       continue;
1135     if (prob->rowProhibited2(i))
1136       continue;
1137     // sort
1138     CoinSort_2(hcol + mrstrt[i], hcol + mrstrt[i] + hinrow[i],
1139       rowels + mrstrt[i]);
1140     sort[nlook++] = i;
1141   }
1142   if (nlook == 0) {
1143     delete[] sort;
1144     return (next);
1145   }
1147   double *workrow = new double[nrows + 1];
1149   double *workcol;
1150   if (!prob->randomNumber_) {
1151     workcol = new double[ncols + 1];
1152     coin_init_random_vec(workcol, ncols);
1153   } else {
1154     workcol = prob->randomNumber_;
1155   }
1156   compute_sums(nrows, hinrow, mrstrt, hcol, rowels, workcol, sort, workrow, nlook);
1157   CoinSort_2(workrow, workrow + nlook, sort);
1159   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
1160   double *rup = prob->rup_;
1162   int nuseless_rows = 0;
1163   bool fixInfeasibility = ((prob->presolveOptions_ & 0x4000) != 0);
1164   bool allowIntersection = ((prob->presolveOptions_ & 0x10) != 0);
1165   double tolerance = prob->feasibilityTolerance_;
1167   if (0) {
1168     static int xxxxxx = 0;
1169     int n = 0;
1170     double dval = workrow[0];
1171     int ilastX = 0;
1172     xxxxxx++;
1173     for (int jj = 1; jj < nlook; jj++) {
1174       if (workrow[jj] != dval) {
1175         n += jj - ilastX - 1;
1176         //if (jj>ilastX+2)
1177         //printf("%d matches\n",jj-ilastX);
1178         ilastX = jj;
1179         dval = workrow[jj];
1180       }
1181     }
1182     printf("may be able to delete %d rows - pass %d\n", n, xxxxxx);
1183   }
1184   double dval = workrow[0];
1185   for (int jj = 1; jj < nlook; jj++) {
1186     if (workrow[jj] == dval) {
1187       int ithis = sort[jj];
1188       int ilast = sort[jj - 1];
1189       CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[ithis];
1190       CoinBigIndex kre = krs + hinrow[ithis];
1191       if (hinrow[ithis] == hinrow[ilast]) {
1192         CoinBigIndex ishift = mrstrt[ilast] - krs;
1193         CoinBigIndex k;
1194         for (k = krs; k < kre; k++) {
1195           if (hcol[k] != hcol[k + ishift] || fabs(rowels[k] - rowels[k + ishift]) > 1.0e-14) {
1196             break;
1197           }
1198         }
1199         if (k != kre && false) {
1200           int rows[2];
1201           rows[0] = ithis;
1202           rows[1] = ilast;
1203           for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
1204             int kRow = rows[k];
1205             CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[kRow];
1206             CoinBigIndex kre = krs + hinrow[kRow];
1207             printf("%g <=", rlo[kRow]);
1208             for (CoinBigIndex k1 = krs; k1 < kre; k1++)
1209               printf(" (%d,%g)", hcol[k1], rowels[k1]);
1210             printf(" <= %g\n", rup[kRow]);
1211           }
1212         }
1213         if (k == kre) {
1214           /* now check rhs to see what is what */
1215           double rlo1 = rlo[ilast];
1216           double rup1 = rup[ilast];
1217           double rlo2 = rlo[ithis];
1218           double rup2 = rup[ithis];
1220           int idelete = -1;
1221           if (rlo1 <= rlo2) {
1222             if (rup2 <= rup1) {
1223               /* this is strictly tighter than last */
1224               idelete = ilast;
1225               PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_duprow %dR %dR E\n", ilast, ithis));
1226             } else if (fabs(rlo1 - rlo2) < 1.0e-12) {
1227               /* last is strictly tighter than this */
1228               idelete = ithis;
1229               PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_duprow %dR %dR E\n", ithis, ilast));
1230               // swap so can carry on deleting
1231               sort[jj - 1] = ithis;
1232               sort[jj] = ilast;
1233             } else {
1234               if (rup1 < rlo2 - tolerance && !fixInfeasibility) {
1235                 // infeasible
1236                 prob->status_ |= 1;
1237                 // wrong message - correct if works
1238                 prob->messageHandler()->message(COIN_PRESOLVE_ROWINFEAS,
1239                   prob->messages())
1240                   << ithis
1241                   << rlo[ithis]
1242                   << rup[ithis]
1243                   << CoinMessageEol;
1244                 break;
1245               } else if (allowIntersection /*||fabs(rup1-rlo2)<tolerance*/) {
1246                 /* overlapping - could merge */
1247 #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE7
1248                 printf("overlapping duplicate row %g %g, %g %g\n",
1249                   rlo1, rup1, rlo2, rup2);
1250 #endif
1251                 // pretend this is stricter than last
1252                 idelete = ilast;
1253                 PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_duprow %dR %dR E\n", ilast, ithis));
1254                 rup[ithis] = rup1;
1255               }
1256             }
1257           } else {
1258             // rlo1>rlo2
1259             if (rup1 <= rup2) {
1260               /* last is strictly tighter than this */
1261               idelete = ithis;
1262               PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_duprow %dR %dR E\n", ithis, ilast));
1263               // swap so can carry on deleting
1264               sort[jj - 1] = ithis;
1265               sort[jj] = ilast;
1266             } else {
1267               /* overlapping - could merge */
1268               // rlo1>rlo2
1269               // rup1>rup2
1270               if (rup2 < rlo1 - tolerance && !fixInfeasibility) {
1271                 // infeasible
1272                 prob->status_ |= 1;
1273                 // wrong message - correct if works
1274                 prob->messageHandler()->message(COIN_PRESOLVE_ROWINFEAS,
1275                   prob->messages())
1276                   << ithis
1277                   << rlo[ithis]
1278                   << rup[ithis]
1279                   << CoinMessageEol;
1280                 break;
1281               } else if (allowIntersection /*||fabs(rup2-rlo1)<tolerance*/) {
1282 #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE7
1283                 printf("overlapping duplicate row %g %g, %g %g\n",
1284                   rlo1, rup1, rlo2, rup2);
1285 #endif
1286                 // pretend this is stricter than last
1287                 idelete = ilast;
1288                 PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_duprow %dR %dR E\n", ilast, ithis));
1289                 rlo[ithis] = rlo1;
1290               }
1291             }
1292           }
1293           if (idelete >= 0)
1294             sort[nuseless_rows++] = idelete;
1295         }
1296       }
1297     }
1298     dval = workrow[jj];
1299   }
1301   delete[] workrow;
1302   if (workcol != prob->randomNumber_)
1303     delete[] workcol;
1305   if (nuseless_rows) {
1307     printf("DUPLICATE ROWS:  %d\n", nuseless_rows);
1308 #endif
1309     next = useless_constraint_action::presolve(prob,
1310       sort, nuseless_rows,
1311       next);
1312   }
1313   delete[] sort;
1315   if (prob->tuning_) {
1316     double thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
1317     int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows;
1318     int droppedColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
1319     printf("CoinPresolveDuprow(256) - %d rows, %d columns dropped in time %g, total %g\n",
1320       droppedRows, droppedColumns, thisTime - startTime, thisTime - prob->startTime_);
1321   }
1322   return (next);
1323 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *) const1325 void duprow_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *) const
1326 {
1327   printf("STILL NO POSTSOLVE FOR DUPROW!\n");
1328   abort();
1329 }
1331 #include "CoinFactorization.hpp"
name() const1333 const char *duprow3_action::name() const
1334 {
1335   return ("duprow3_action");
1336 }
1338 // This is just ekkredc4, adapted into the new framework.
1339 /*
1340   I've made minimal changes for compatibility with dupcol: An initial scan to
1341   accumulate rows of interest in sort.
1342   -- lh, 040909 --
1343 */
1344 const CoinPresolveAction
1345   *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)1346   duprow3_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
1347     const CoinPresolveAction *next)
1348 {
1349   double startTime = 0.0;
1350   if (prob->tuning_) {
1351     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
1352   }
1353   //double *rowels	= prob->rowels_;
1354   //int *hcol		= prob->hcol_;
1355   //CoinBigIndex *mrstrt	= prob->mrstrt_;
1356   int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
1357   double *colels = prob->colels_;
1358   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
1359   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
1360   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
1361   double *rowLower = prob->rlo_;
1362   double *rowUpper = prob->rup_;
1363   double *columnLower = prob->clo_;
1364   double *columnUpper = prob->cup_;
1365   int ncols = prob->ncols_;
1366   int nrows = prob->nrows_;
1367   int numberDropped = 0;
1368   int numberRows = 0;
1369   int *columnMap = prob->usefulColumnInt_; //new int[ncols] ;
1370   int *columnBack = columnMap + ncols;
1371   int *rowMap = new int[2 * nrows];
1372   int *rowBack = rowMap + nrows;
1373 #define SKIP_RHS
1374   int numberRhs = 0;
1375   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
1376     if (rowLower[i] == rowUpper[i] && hinrow[i] > 1) {
1377       if (rowLower[i]) {
1378         numberRhs++;
1379 #ifdef SKIP_RHS
1380         rowBack[i] = -1;
1381         continue;
1382 #endif
1383       }
1384       rowBack[i] = numberRows;
1385       rowMap[numberRows++] = i;
1386     } else {
1387       rowBack[i] = -1;
1388     }
1389   }
1390   if (numberRows < CoinMax(100, nrows / 4)) {
1391     //printf("equality rows %d - %d with rhs - unlikely to help much\n",numberRows,numberRhs);
1392     //numberRows=0;
1393   } else {
1394     //printf("equality rows %d - %d with rhs\n",numberRows,numberRhs);
1395   }
1396 #ifdef SKIP_RHS
1397   numberRhs = 0;
1398 #endif
1399   if (numberRows) {
1400     CoinIndexedVector one;
1401     one.reserve(numberRows);
1402     double *minValue = one.denseVector();
1403     CoinIndexedVector two;
1404     two.reserve(numberRows);
1405     double *maxValue = two.denseVector();
1406     for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
1407       minValue[i] = COIN_DBL_MAX;
1408       maxValue[i] = 0.0;
1409     }
1410     CoinBigIndex nElements = 0;
1411     int numberColumns = 0;
1412     for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
1413       if (columnLower[i] < columnUpper[i]) {
1414         int n = 0;
1415         for (CoinBigIndex j = mcstrt[i]; j < mcstrt[i] + hincol[i]; j++) {
1416           int iRow = hrow[j];
1417           iRow = rowBack[iRow];
1418           if (iRow >= 0) {
1419             n++;
1420             double value = fabs(colels[j]);
1421             minValue[iRow] = CoinMin(minValue[iRow], value);
1422             maxValue[iRow] = CoinMax(maxValue[iRow], value);
1423           }
1424         }
1425         if (n) {
1426           nElements += n;
1427           columnBack[i] = numberColumns;
1428           columnMap[numberColumns++] = i;
1429         } else {
1430           columnBack[i] = -1;
1431         }
1432       }
1433     }
1434     //printf("%d columns %d elements\n",numberColumns,nElements);
1435     CoinFactorization factorization;
1436     factorization.setDenseThreshold(0);
1437     CoinPackedMatrix matrix(true, 0.0, 0.0);
1438     matrix.reserve(numberColumns, nElements);
1439     int maxDimension = CoinMax(numberRows, numberColumns);
1440     matrix.setDimensions(maxDimension, numberColumns);
1441     double *element = matrix.getMutableElements();
1442     int *row = matrix.getMutableIndices();
1443     CoinBigIndex *columnStart = matrix.getMutableVectorStarts();
1444     int *columnLength = matrix.getMutableVectorLengths();
1445     // scale rows
1446     for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
1447       minValue[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(minValue[i] * maxValue[i]);
1448     }
1449     nElements = 0;
1450     columnStart[0] = 0;
1451     for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
1452       int iColumn = columnMap[i];
1453       for (CoinBigIndex j = mcstrt[iColumn]; j < mcstrt[iColumn] + hincol[iColumn]; j++) {
1454         int iRow = hrow[j];
1455         iRow = rowBack[iRow];
1456         if (iRow >= 0) {
1457           row[nElements] = iRow;
1458           element[nElements++] = minValue[iRow] * colels[j];
1459         }
1460       }
1461       columnLength[i] = static_cast< int >(nElements - columnStart[i]);
1462       columnStart[i + 1] = nElements;
1463     }
1464     matrix.setNumElements(nElements);
1465     int *rowIsBasic = new int[maxDimension];
1466     int *columnIsBasic = new int[maxDimension];
1467     //int numberBasic=0;
1468     for (int i = 0; i < maxDimension; i++) {
1469       rowIsBasic[i] = -1;
1470     }
1471     for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
1472       columnIsBasic[i] = 1;
1473     }
1474     //returns 0 -okay, -1 singular, -2 too many in basis, -99 memory */
1475     int status = factorization.factorize(matrix, rowIsBasic, columnIsBasic, 5.0);
1476     //printf("factorization status %d\n",status);
1477     if (status == -1) {
1478       const int *permute = factorization.permute();
1479       const int *pivotColumn = factorization.pivotColumn();
1480       int numberBasic = factorization.numberGoodColumns();
1481       //printf("%d good columns out of %d - %d rows\n",numberBasic,
1482       //     numberColumns,numberRows);
1483       if (numberBasic < numberRows - CoinMax(20, nrows / 10)) {
1484         // get list of real rows which are dependent (maybe infeasible)
1485         int *badRow = new int[numberRows - numberBasic];
1486         int nBad = 0;
1487         numberBasic = 0;
1488         for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
1489           //printf("%d permute %d pivotColumn %d\n",
1490           //	 i,permute[i],pivotColumn[i]);
1491           if (pivotColumn[i] < 0)
1492             columnIsBasic[i] = -1;
1493           else
1494             numberBasic++;
1495         }
1496         for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
1497           if (permute[i] < 0) {
1498             badRow[nBad++] = rowMap[i];
1499             rowIsBasic[i] = 1;
1500           }
1501         }
1502         assert(numberBasic + nBad == numberRows);
1503         // factorize again
1504         if (numberRows < maxDimension) {
1505           int nDelete = maxDimension - numberRows;
1506           int *del = new int[nDelete];
1507           for (int i = 0; i < nDelete; i++)
1508             del[i] = i + numberRows;
1509           matrix.deleteRows(nDelete, del);
1510           delete[] del;
1511         }
1512         if (numberRhs) {
1513           status = factorization.factorize(matrix, rowIsBasic, columnIsBasic, 5.0);
1514           //printf("second factorization status %d\n",status);
1515         } else {
1516           //printf("skipping second factorization as zero Rhs\n");
1517           status = 0;
1518         }
1519         if (status == 0) {
1520           // check feasible
1521           numberDropped = 0;
1522           if (numberRhs) {
1523             memset(minValue, 0, numberRows * sizeof(double));
1524             memset(maxValue, 0, numberRows * sizeof(double));
1525             int *index = one.getIndices();
1526             for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
1527               int iRow = rowMap[i];
1528               double rhs = rowLower[iRow];
1529               minValue[i] = rhs;
1530             }
1531             for (int i = 0; i < nBad; i++) {
1532               int iRow = badRow[i];
1533               iRow = rowBack[iRow];
1534               minValue[iRow] = 0.0;
1535             }
1536             int n = 0;
1537             for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
1538               if (minValue[i])
1539                 index[n++] = i;
1540             }
1541             one.setNumElements(n);
1542             factorization.updateColumn(&two, &one);
1543             for (int i = 0; i < nBad; i++) {
1544               int iRealRow = badRow[i];
1545               int iRow = rowBack[iRealRow];
1546               if (fabs(rowLower[iRealRow] - minValue[iRow]) > 1.0e-7) {
1547                 //printf("bad %d %d real row %d rhs %g - computed %g\n",
1548                 //     i,iRow,iRealRow,rowLower[iRealRow],minValue[iRow]);
1549               } else {
1550                 badRow[numberDropped++] = iRealRow;
1551               }
1552             }
1553           } else {
1554             for (int i = 0; i < nBad; i++) {
1555               int iRealRow = badRow[i];
1556               badRow[numberDropped++] = iRealRow;
1557             }
1558           }
1559           if (numberDropped) {
1560             next = useless_constraint_action::presolve(prob,
1561               badRow, numberDropped,
1562               next);
1564             printf("Dependency checking dropped %d rows\n", numberDropped);
1565 #endif
1566           }
1567         }
1568         delete[] badRow;
1569       }
1570     }
1571     delete[] rowIsBasic;
1572     delete[] columnIsBasic;
1573   }
1574   delete[] rowMap;
1575   if (prob->tuning_) {
1576     double thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
1577     printf("CoinPresolveDuprow3 - %d rows dropped in time %g, total %g\n",
1578       numberDropped, thisTime - startTime, thisTime - prob->startTime_);
1579   }
1581   printf("CoinPresolveDuprow3 - %d rows dropped\n", numberDropped);
1582 #endif
1583   return (next);
1584 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *) const1586 void duprow3_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *) const
1587 {
1588   printf("STILL NO POSTSOLVE FOR DUPROW3!\n");
1589   abort();
1590 }
1592 /*
1593   Routines for gub rows. This is definitely unfinished --- there's no
1594   postsolve action.
1596   This is potentially called from ClpPresolve and OsiPresolve. Unclear that
1597   it can be backed out --- there's no postsolve.
1598 */
name() const1600 const char *gubrow_action::name() const
1601 {
1602   return ("gubrow_action");
1603 }
1605 const CoinPresolveAction
1606   *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)1607   gubrow_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
1608     const CoinPresolveAction *next)
1609 {
1610   double startTime = 0.0;
1611   int droppedElements = 0;
1612   int affectedRows = 0;
1613   if (prob->tuning_) {
1614     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
1615   }
1616   double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
1617   int *hcol = prob->hcol_;
1618   CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
1619   int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
1620   double *colels = prob->colels_;
1621   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
1622   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
1623   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
1624   int ncols = prob->ncols_;
1625   int nrows = prob->nrows_;
1626   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
1627   double *rup = prob->rup_;
1629   // maximum number of records
1630   action *actions = new action[nrows];
1631   int nactions = 0;
1632   /*
1633   Scan the rows.  We're not
1634   interested in rows that are empty or prohibited.
1636 */
1637   int *which = prob->usefulRowInt_;
1638   int *number = which + nrows;
1639   double *els = prob->usefulRowDouble_;
1640   char *markCol = reinterpret_cast< char * >(prob->usefulColumnInt_);
1641   memset(markCol, 0, ncols);
1642   CoinZeroN(els, nrows);
1643   for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
1644     int nInRow = hinrow[i];
1645     if (nInRow > 1 && !prob->rowProhibited2(i) && rlo[i] == rup[i]) {
1646       CoinBigIndex rStart = mrstrt[i];
1647       CoinBigIndex k = rStart;
1648       CoinBigIndex rEnd = rStart + nInRow;
1649       double value1 = rowels[k];
1650       k++;
1651       for (; k < rEnd; k++) {
1652         if (rowels[k] != value1)
1653           break;
1654       }
1655       if (k == rEnd) {
1656         // Gub row
1657         int nLook = 0;
1658         for (k = rStart; k < rEnd; k++) {
1659           int iColumn = hcol[k];
1660           markCol[iColumn] = 1;
1661           CoinBigIndex kk = mcstrt[iColumn];
1662           CoinBigIndex cEnd = kk + hincol[iColumn];
1663           for (; kk < cEnd; kk++) {
1664             int iRow = hrow[kk];
1665             double value = colels[kk];
1666             if (iRow != i) {
1667               double value2 = els[iRow];
1668               if (value2) {
1669                 if (value == value2)
1670                   number[iRow]++;
1671               } else {
1672                 // first
1673                 els[iRow] = value;
1674                 number[iRow] = 1;
1675                 which[nLook++] = iRow;
1676               }
1677             }
1678           }
1679         }
1680         // Now see if any promising
1681         int nDrop = 0;
1682         for (int j = 0; j < nLook; j++) {
1683           int iRow = which[j];
1684           if (number[iRow] == nInRow) {
1685             // can delete elements and adjust rhs
1686             for (CoinBigIndex kk = rStart; kk < rEnd; kk++)
1687               presolve_delete_from_col(iRow, hcol[kk], mcstrt, hincol, hrow, colels);
1688             int nInRow2 = hinrow[iRow];
1689             CoinBigIndex rStart2 = mrstrt[iRow];
1690             CoinBigIndex rEnd2 = rStart2 + nInRow2;
1691             for (CoinBigIndex kk = rStart2; kk < rEnd2; kk++) {
1692               int iColumn = hcol[kk];
1693               if (markCol[iColumn] == 0) {
1694                 hcol[rStart2] = iColumn;
1695                 rowels[rStart2++] = rowels[kk];
1696               }
1697             }
1698             hinrow[iRow] = nInRow2 - nInRow;
1699             nDrop++;
1700             if (!hinrow[iRow])
1701               PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(prob->rlink_, iRow);
1702             double value = (rlo[i] / value1) * els[iRow];
1703             // correct rhs
1704             if (rlo[iRow] > -1.0e20)
1705               rlo[iRow] -= value;
1706             if (rup[iRow] < 1.0e20)
1707               rup[iRow] -= value;
1708           } else {
1709             number[iRow] = 0;
1710           }
1711         }
1712         if (nDrop) {
1713           affectedRows += nDrop;
1714           droppedElements += nDrop * nInRow;
1715           action &thisAction = actions[nactions];
1716           int *deletedRow = new int[nDrop + 1];
1717           int *indices = CoinCopyOfArray(hcol + rStart, nInRow);
1718           thisAction.indices = indices;
1719           double *rowels = new double[nDrop + 1];
1720           thisAction.rhs = rlo[i];
1721           deletedRow[nDrop] = i;
1722           rowels[nDrop] = value1;
1723           nDrop = 0;
1724           for (int j = 0; j < nLook; j++) {
1725             int iRow = which[j];
1726             if (number[iRow]) {
1727               deletedRow[nDrop] = iRow;
1728               rowels[nDrop++] = els[iRow];
1729             }
1730           }
1731           thisAction.nDrop = nDrop;
1732           thisAction.ninrow = nInRow;
1733           thisAction.deletedRow = deletedRow;
1734           thisAction.rowels = rowels;
1735           nactions++;
1736         }
1737         for (int j = 0; j < nLook; j++) {
1738           int iRow = which[j];
1739           els[iRow] = 0.0;
1740         }
1741         for (k = rStart; k < rEnd; k++) {
1742           int iColumn = hcol[k];
1743           markCol[iColumn] = 0;
1744         }
1745       }
1746     }
1747   }
1748   if (nactions) {
1749     next = new gubrow_action(nactions,
1750       CoinCopyOfArray(actions, nactions), next);
1751   }
1752   deleteAction(actions, action *);
1753   if (prob->tuning_) {
1754     double thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
1755     printf("CoinPresolveGubrow(1024) - %d elements dropped (%d rows) in time %g, total %g\n",
1756       droppedElements, affectedRows, thisTime - startTime, thisTime - prob->startTime_);
1757   } else if (droppedElements) {
1759     printf("CoinPresolveGubrow(1024) - %d elements dropped (%d rows)\n",
1760       droppedElements, affectedRows);
1761 #endif
1762   }
1763   return (next);
1764 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const1766 void gubrow_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
1767 {
1769 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1770   std::cout
1771     << "Entering gubrow_action::postsolve, "
1772     << nactions_ << " constraints to process." << std::endl;
1773 #endif
1774   //int ncols = prob->ncols_ ;
1775   //char *cdone = prob->cdone_ ;
1776   //char *rdone = prob->rdone_ ;
1777   //const double ztolzb = prob->ztolzb_ ;
1779   presolve_check_threads(prob);
1780   presolve_check_free_list(prob);
1781   presolve_check_reduced_costs(prob);
1782   presolve_check_duals(prob);
1783   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 2, 2);
1784   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
1785 #endif
1787   /*
1788   Unpack the column-major representation.
1789 */
1790   CoinBigIndex *colStarts = prob->mcstrt_;
1791   int *colLengths = prob->hincol_;
1792   int *rowIndices = prob->hrow_;
1793   double *colCoeffs = prob->colels_;
1794   /*
1795   Rim vectors, solution, reduced costs, duals, row activity.
1796 */
1797   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
1798   double *rup = prob->rup_;
1799   //double *cost = prob->cost_ ;
1800   //double *sol = prob->sol_ ;
1801   //double *rcosts = prob->rcosts_ ;
1802   double *acts = prob->acts_;
1803   double *rowduals = prob->rowduals_;
1805   CoinBigIndex *link = prob->link_;
1806   CoinBigIndex &free_list = prob->free_list_;
1808   //const double maxmin = prob->maxmin_ ;
1810   const action *const actions = actions_;
1811   const int nactions = nactions_;
1813   /*
1814   Open the main loop to step through the postsolve objects.
1816 */
1817   for (const action *f = &actions[nactions - 1]; actions <= f; f--) {
1818     int *deletedRow = f->deletedRow;
1819     double *els = f->rowels;
1820     int *indices = f->indices;
1821     int nDrop = f->nDrop;
1822     int ninrow = f->ninrow;
1823     double rhs = f->rhs;
1824     double coeff = els[nDrop];
1825     int iRow = deletedRow[nDrop];
1826     for (int i = 0; i < nDrop; i++) {
1827       int tgtrow = deletedRow[i];
1828       double coeffy = els[i];
1829       double dualValue = rowduals[tgtrow];
1830 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
1831       std::cout << "    restoring row " << tgtrow << " coeff " << coeffy
1832                 << " dual " << dualValue
1833                 << " dual on " << iRow << " goes from "
1834                 << rowduals[iRow] << " to "
1835                 << rowduals[iRow] - (coeffy * dualValue) / coeff
1836                 << std::endl;
1837 #endif
1838       // adjust dual on iRow
1839       rowduals[iRow] -= (coeffy * dualValue) / coeff;
1840 #if 0 //PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
1841       int * rowStart;
1842       int * column;
1843       double * element;
1844       postsolve_get_rowcopy(prob,rowStart,column,element);
1845       for (int k=rowStart[tgtrow];k<rowStart[tgtrow+1];k++) {
1846 	printf("(%d, %g, %s - rcost %g) ",column[k],element[k],
1847 	       statusName(prob->getColumnStatus(column[k])),rcosts[column[k]]);
1848 	if ((k-rowStart[tgtrow])%10==9)
1849 	  printf("\n");
1850       }
1851       printf("\n");
1852 #endif
1854       for (int rndx = 0; rndx < ninrow; ++rndx) {
1855         int j = indices[rndx];
1856 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
1857         std::cout << " a(" << j << " rcost " << rcosts[j]
1858                   << " -> " << rcosts[j] - dualValue * coeffy << " " << statusName(prob->getColumnStatus(j)) << ")";
1859 #endif
1860         CoinBigIndex kk = free_list;
1861         assert(kk >= 0 && kk < prob->bulk0_);
1862         free_list = link[free_list];
1863         link[kk] = colStarts[j];
1864         colStarts[j] = kk;
1865         colCoeffs[kk] = coeffy;
1866         rowIndices[kk] = tgtrow;
1867         ++colLengths[j];
1868       }
1869       double value = (rhs / coeff) * coeffy;
1870       acts[tgtrow] += value;
1871       ;
1872       // correct rhs
1873       if (rlo[tgtrow] > -1.0e20)
1874         rlo[tgtrow] += value;
1875       if (rup[tgtrow] < 1.0e20)
1876         rup[tgtrow] += value;
1877 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
1878       std::cout << std::endl;
1879 #endif
1882       presolve_check_threads(prob);
1883       presolve_check_free_list(prob);
1884 #endif
1885     }
1886   }
1889   presolve_check_threads(prob);
1890   presolve_check_free_list(prob);
1891   presolve_check_reduced_costs(prob);
1892   presolve_check_duals(prob);
1893   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 2, 2);
1894   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
1895 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
1896   std::cout << "Leaving gubrow_action::postsolve." << std::endl;
1897 #endif
1898 #endif
1900   return;
1901 }
~gubrow_action()1903 gubrow_action::~gubrow_action()
1904 {
1905   const action *actions = actions_;
1907   for (int i = 0; i < nactions_; ++i) {
1908     delete[] actions[i].rowels;
1909     delete[] actions[i].deletedRow;
1910     delete[] actions[i].indices;
1911   }
1913   // Must add cast to placate MS compiler
1914   deleteAction(actions_, gubrow_action::action *);
1915 }
1917 /*
1918   Routines for two by two blocks. This is definitely unfinished --- there's no
1919   postsolve action.
1920 */
name() const1922 const char *twoxtwo_action::name() const
1923 {
1924   return ("twoxtwo_action");
1925 }
1927 const CoinPresolveAction
1928   *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)1929   twoxtwo_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
1930     const CoinPresolveAction *next)
1931 {
1932   double startTime = 0.0;
1933   int startEmptyRows = 0;
1934   int startEmptyColumns = 0;
1935   if (prob->tuning_) {
1936     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
1937     startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
1938     startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
1939   }
1940   // maximum number of records
1941   action *boundRecords = new action[(prob->nrows_ + 1) >> 1];
1942   int nactions = 0;
1943   // column-major representation
1944   const int ncols = prob->ncols_;
1945   const CoinBigIndex *const mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
1946   const int *const hincol = prob->hincol_;
1947   const int *const hrow = prob->hrow_;
1948   const double *colels = prob->colels_;
1949   double *cost = prob->cost_;
1951   // column type, bounds, solution, and status
1952   const unsigned char *const integerType = prob->integerType_;
1953   double *clo = prob->clo_;
1954   double *cup = prob->cup_;
1955   // row-major representation
1956   //const int nrows = prob->nrows_ ;
1957   const CoinBigIndex *const mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
1958   const int *const hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
1959   const int *const hcol = prob->hcol_;
1960   const double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
1962   // row bounds
1963   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
1964   double *rup = prob->rup_;
1966   // tolerances
1967   //const double ekkinf2 = PRESOLVE_SMALL_INF ;
1968   //const double ekkinf = ekkinf2*1.0e8 ;
1969   //const double ztolcbarj = prob->ztoldj_ ;
1970   //const CoinRelFltEq relEq(prob->ztolzb_) ;
1971   double bound[2];
1972   double alpha[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
1973   double offset = 0.0;
1975   for (int icol = 0; icol < ncols; icol++) {
1976     if (hincol[icol] == 2) {
1977       CoinBigIndex start = mcstrt[icol];
1978       int row0 = hrow[start];
1979       if (hinrow[row0] != 2)
1980         continue;
1981       int row1 = hrow[start + 1];
1982       if (hinrow[row1] != 2)
1983         continue;
1984       double element0 = colels[start];
1985       double rowUpper0 = rup[row0];
1986       bool swapSigns0 = false;
1987       if (rlo[row0] > -1.0e30) {
1988         if (rup[row0] > 1.0e30) {
1989           swapSigns0 = true;
1990           rowUpper0 = -rlo[row0];
1991           element0 = -element0;
1992         } else {
1993           // range or equality
1994           continue;
1995         }
1996       } else if (rup[row0] > 1.0e30) {
1997         // free
1998         continue;
1999       }
2000 #if 0
2001       // skip here for speed
2002       // skip if no cost (should be able to get rid of)
2003       if (!cost[icol]) {
2004 	PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("should be able to get rid of %d with no cost\n",icol));
2005 	continue;
2006       }
2007       // skip if negative cost for now
2008       if (cost[icol]<0.0) {
2009 	PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("code for negative cost\n"));
2010 	continue;
2011       }
2012 #endif
2013       double element1 = colels[start + 1];
2014       double rowUpper1 = rup[row1];
2015       bool swapSigns1 = false;
2016       if (rlo[row1] > -1.0e30) {
2017         if (rup[row1] > 1.0e30) {
2018           swapSigns1 = true;
2019           rowUpper1 = -rlo[row1];
2020           element1 = -element1;
2021         } else {
2022           // range or equality
2023           continue;
2024         }
2025       } else if (rup[row1] > 1.0e30) {
2026         // free
2027         continue;
2028       }
2029       double lowerX = clo[icol];
2030       double upperX = cup[icol];
2031       int otherCol = -1;
2032       CoinBigIndex startRow = mrstrt[row0];
2033       for (CoinBigIndex j = startRow; j < startRow + 2; j++) {
2034         int jcol = hcol[j];
2035         if (jcol != icol) {
2036           alpha[0] = swapSigns0 ? -rowels[j] : rowels[j];
2037           otherCol = jcol;
2038         }
2039       }
2040       startRow = mrstrt[row1];
2041       bool possible = true;
2042       for (CoinBigIndex j = startRow; j < startRow + 2; j++) {
2043         int jcol = hcol[j];
2044         if (jcol != icol) {
2045           if (jcol == otherCol) {
2046             alpha[1] = swapSigns1 ? -rowels[j] : rowels[j];
2047           } else {
2048             possible = false;
2049           }
2050         }
2051       }
2052       if (possible) {
2053         // skip if no cost (should be able to get rid of)
2054         if (!cost[icol]) {
2055           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("should be able to get rid of %d with no cost\n", icol));
2056           continue;
2057         }
2058         // skip if negative cost for now
2059         if (cost[icol] < 0.0) {
2060           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("code for negative cost\n"));
2061           continue;
2062         }
2063         bound[0] = clo[otherCol];
2064         bound[1] = cup[otherCol];
2065         double lowestLowest = COIN_DBL_MAX;
2066         double highestLowest = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
2067         double lowestHighest = COIN_DBL_MAX;
2068         double highestHighest = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
2069         int binding0 = 0;
2070         int binding1 = 0;
2071         for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
2072           bool infLow0 = false;
2073           bool infLow1 = false;
2074           double sum0 = 0.0;
2075           double sum1 = 0.0;
2076           double value = bound[k];
2077           if (fabs(value) < 1.0e30) {
2078             sum0 += alpha[0] * value;
2079             sum1 += alpha[1] * value;
2080           } else {
2081             if (alpha[0] > 0.0) {
2082               if (value < 0.0)
2083                 infLow0 = true;
2084             } else if (alpha[0] < 0.0) {
2085               if (value > 0.0)
2086                 infLow0 = true;
2087             }
2088             if (alpha[1] > 0.0) {
2089               if (value < 0.0)
2090                 infLow1 = true;
2091             } else if (alpha[1] < 0.0) {
2092               if (value > 0.0)
2093                 infLow1 = true;
2094             }
2095           }
2096           /* Got sums
2097 	   */
2098           double thisLowest0 = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
2099           double thisHighest0 = COIN_DBL_MAX;
2100           if (element0 > 0.0) {
2101             // upper bound unless inf&2 !=0
2102             if (!infLow0)
2103               thisHighest0 = (rowUpper0 - sum0) / element0;
2104           } else {
2105             // lower bound unless inf&2 !=0
2106             if (!infLow0)
2107               thisLowest0 = (rowUpper0 - sum0) / element0;
2108           }
2109           double thisLowest1 = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
2110           double thisHighest1 = COIN_DBL_MAX;
2111           if (element1 > 0.0) {
2112             // upper bound unless inf&2 !=0
2113             if (!infLow1)
2114               thisHighest1 = (rowUpper1 - sum1) / element1;
2115           } else {
2116             // lower bound unless inf&2 !=0
2117             if (!infLow1)
2118               thisLowest1 = (rowUpper1 - sum1) / element1;
2119           }
2120           if (thisLowest0 > thisLowest1 + 1.0e-12) {
2121             if (thisLowest0 > lowerX + 1.0e-12)
2122               binding0 |= 1 << k;
2123           } else if (thisLowest1 > thisLowest0 + 1.0e-12) {
2124             if (thisLowest1 > lowerX + 1.0e-12)
2125               binding1 |= 1 << k;
2126             thisLowest0 = thisLowest1;
2127           }
2128           if (thisHighest0 < thisHighest1 - 1.0e-12) {
2129             if (thisHighest0 < upperX - 1.0e-12)
2130               binding0 |= 1 << k;
2131           } else if (thisHighest1 < thisHighest0 - 1.0e-12) {
2132             if (thisHighest1 < upperX - 1.0e-12)
2133               binding1 |= 1 << k;
2134             thisHighest0 = thisHighest1;
2135           }
2136           lowestLowest = CoinMin(lowestLowest, thisLowest0);
2137           highestHighest = CoinMax(highestHighest, thisHighest0);
2138           lowestHighest = CoinMin(lowestHighest, thisHighest0);
2139           highestLowest = CoinMax(highestLowest, thisLowest0);
2140         }
2141         // see if any good
2142         //#define PRINT_VALUES
2143         if (!binding0 || !binding1) {
2144           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Row redundant for column %d\n", icol));
2145         } else {
2146           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Column %d bounds %g,%g lowest %g,%g highest %g,%g\n",
2147             icol, lowerX, upperX, lowestLowest, lowestHighest,
2148             highestLowest, highestHighest));
2149           // if integer adjust
2150           if (integerType[icol]) {
2151             lowestLowest = ceil(lowestLowest - 1.0e-5);
2152             highestLowest = ceil(highestLowest - 1.0e-5);
2153             lowestHighest = floor(lowestHighest + 1.0e-5);
2154             highestHighest = floor(highestHighest + 1.0e-5);
2155           }
2156           // if costed may be able to adjust
2157           if (cost[icol] >= 0.0) {
2158             if (highestLowest < upperX && highestLowest >= lowerX && highestHighest < 1.0e30) {
2159               highestHighest = CoinMin(highestHighest, highestLowest);
2160             }
2161           }
2162           if (cost[icol] <= 0.0) {
2163             if (lowestHighest > lowerX && lowestHighest <= upperX && lowestHighest > -1.0e30) {
2164               lowestLowest = CoinMax(lowestLowest, lowestHighest);
2165             }
2166           }
2167 #if 1
2168           if (lowestLowest > lowerX + 1.0e-8) {
2169             PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Can increase lower bound on %d from %g to %g\n",
2170               icol, lowerX, lowestLowest));
2171             lowerX = lowestLowest;
2172           }
2173           if (highestHighest < upperX - 1.0e-8) {
2174             PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Can decrease upper bound on %d from %g to %g\n",
2175               icol, upperX, highestHighest));
2176             upperX = highestHighest;
2177           }
2178 #endif
2179           // see if we can move costs
2180           double xValue;
2181           double yValue0;
2182           double yValue1;
2183           double newLower = COIN_DBL_MAX;
2184           double newUpper = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
2185           double costEqual;
2186           double slope[2];
2187           assert(binding0 + binding1 == 3);
2188           // get where equal
2189           xValue = (rowUpper0 * element1 - rowUpper1 * element0) / (alpha[0] * element1 - alpha[1] * element0);
2190           yValue0 = (rowUpper0 - xValue * alpha[0]) / element0;
2191           yValue1 = (rowUpper1 - xValue * alpha[1]) / element1;
2192           newLower = CoinMin(newLower, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1));
2193           newUpper = CoinMax(newUpper, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1));
2194           double xValueEqual = xValue;
2195           double yValueEqual = yValue0;
2196           costEqual = xValue * cost[otherCol] + yValueEqual * cost[icol];
2197           if (binding0 == 1) {
2198             // take x 1.0 down
2199             double x = xValue - 1.0;
2200             double y = (rowUpper0 - x * alpha[0]) / element0;
2201             double costTotal = x * cost[otherCol] + y * cost[icol];
2202             slope[0] = costEqual - costTotal;
2203             // take x 1.0 up
2204             x = xValue + 1.0;
2205             y = (rowUpper1 - x * alpha[1]) / element0;
2206             costTotal = x * cost[otherCol] + y * cost[icol];
2207             slope[1] = costTotal - costEqual;
2208           } else {
2209             // take x 1.0 down
2210             double x = xValue - 1.0;
2211             double y = (rowUpper1 - x * alpha[1]) / element0;
2212             double costTotal = x * cost[otherCol] + y * cost[icol];
2213             slope[1] = costEqual - costTotal;
2214             // take x 1.0 up
2215             x = xValue + 1.0;
2216             y = (rowUpper0 - x * alpha[0]) / element0;
2217             costTotal = x * cost[otherCol] + y * cost[icol];
2218             slope[0] = costTotal - costEqual;
2219           }
2220           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("equal value of %d is %g, value of %d is max(%g,%g) - %g\n",
2221             otherCol, xValue, icol, yValue0, yValue1, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1)));
2222           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Cost at equality %g for constraint 0 slope %g for constraint 1 slope %g\n",
2223             costEqual, slope[0], slope[1]));
2224           xValue = bound[0];
2225           yValue0 = (rowUpper0 - xValue * alpha[0]) / element0;
2226           yValue1 = (rowUpper1 - xValue * alpha[1]) / element1;
2227           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("value of %d is %g, value of %d is max(%g,%g) - %g\n",
2228             otherCol, xValue, icol, yValue0, yValue1, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1)));
2229           newLower = CoinMin(newLower, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1));
2230           // cost>0 so will be at lower
2231           //double yValueAtBound0=newLower;
2232           newUpper = CoinMax(newUpper, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1));
2233           xValue = bound[1];
2234           yValue0 = (rowUpper0 - xValue * alpha[0]) / element0;
2235           yValue1 = (rowUpper1 - xValue * alpha[1]) / element1;
2236           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("value of %d is %g, value of %d is max(%g,%g) - %g\n",
2237             otherCol, xValue, icol, yValue0, yValue1, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1)));
2238           newLower = CoinMin(newLower, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1));
2239           // cost>0 so will be at lower
2240           //double yValueAtBound1=newLower;
2241           newUpper = CoinMax(newUpper, CoinMax(yValue0, yValue1));
2242           lowerX = CoinMax(lowerX, newLower - 1.0e-12 * fabs(newLower));
2243           upperX = CoinMin(upperX, newUpper + 1.0e-12 * fabs(newUpper));
2244           // Now make duplicate row
2245           // keep row 0 so need to adjust costs so same
2246           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Costs for x %g,%g,%g are %g,%g,%g\n",
2247             xValueEqual - 1.0, xValueEqual, xValueEqual + 1.0,
2248             costEqual - slope[0], costEqual, costEqual + slope[1]));
2249           double costOther = cost[otherCol] + slope[1];
2250           double costThis = cost[icol] + slope[1] * (element0 / alpha[0]);
2251           xValue = xValueEqual;
2252           yValue0 = CoinMax((rowUpper0 - xValue * alpha[0]) / element0, lowerX);
2253           double thisOffset = costEqual - (costOther * xValue + costThis * yValue0);
2254           offset += thisOffset;
2255           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("new cost at equal %g\n", costOther * xValue + costThis * yValue0 + thisOffset));
2256           xValue = xValueEqual - 1.0;
2257           yValue0 = CoinMax((rowUpper0 - xValue * alpha[0]) / element0, lowerX);
2258           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("new cost at -1 %g\n", costOther * xValue + costThis * yValue0 + thisOffset));
2259           assert(fabs((costOther * xValue + costThis * yValue0 + thisOffset) - (costEqual - slope[0])) < 1.0e-5);
2260           xValue = xValueEqual + 1.0;
2261           yValue0 = CoinMax((rowUpper0 - xValue * alpha[0]) / element0, lowerX);
2262           PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("new cost at +1 %g\n", costOther * xValue + costThis * yValue0 + thisOffset));
2263           assert(fabs((costOther * xValue + costThis * yValue0 + thisOffset) - (costEqual + slope[1])) < 1.0e-5);
2264           action &boundRecord = boundRecords[nactions++];
2265           boundRecord.row = row1;
2266           boundRecord.col = icol;
2267           boundRecord.othercol = otherCol;
2268           boundRecord.lbound_row = rlo[row1];
2269           boundRecord.ubound_row = rup[row1];
2270           boundRecord.lbound_col = clo[icol];
2271           boundRecord.ubound_col = cup[icol];
2272           boundRecord.cost_col = cost[icol];
2273           boundRecord.cost_othercol = cost[otherCol];
2274           cost[otherCol] = costOther;
2275           cost[icol] = costThis;
2276           clo[icol] = lowerX;
2277           cup[icol] = upperX;
2278           // make row useless
2279           rlo[row1] = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
2280           rup[row1] = COIN_DBL_MAX;
2281         }
2282       }
2283     }
2284   }
2285   if (nactions) {
2287     printf("Cost offset %g - from %d blocks\n", offset, nactions);
2288     printf("TWO by TWO blocks:  %d - offset %g\n", nactions, offset);
2289 #endif
2290     action *actions = new action[nactions];
2291     memcpy(actions, boundRecords, nactions * sizeof(action));
2292     next = new twoxtwo_action(nactions, actions, next);
2293     int *sort = prob->usefulColumnInt_;
2294     for (int i = 0; i < nactions; i++)
2295       sort[i] = boundRecords[i].row;
2296     next = useless_constraint_action::presolve(prob,
2297       sort, nactions,
2298       next);
2299     // adjust offset
2300     prob->change_bias(offset);
2301   }
2302   delete[] boundRecords;
2303   if (prob->tuning_) {
2304     double thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
2305     int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows;
2306     int droppedColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
2307     printf("CoinPresolveTwoxtwo(2048) - %d rows, %d columns dropped in time %g, total %g\n",
2308       droppedRows, droppedColumns, thisTime - startTime, thisTime - prob->startTime_);
2309   }
2310   return (next);
2311 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const2312 void twoxtwo_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
2313 {
2314   const CoinBigIndex *const mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
2315   const int *const hincol = prob->hincol_;
2316   const int *const hrow = prob->hrow_;
2317   const double *colels = prob->colels_;
2318   CoinBigIndex *link = prob->link_;
2319   double *cost = prob->cost_;
2321   // column type, bounds, solution, and status
2322   //const unsigned char *const integerType = prob->integerType_ ;
2323   double *clo = prob->clo_;
2324   double *cup = prob->cup_;
2326   // row bounds
2327   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
2328   double *rup = prob->rup_;
2329   double *sol = prob->sol_;
2330   double *rcosts = prob->rcosts_;
2331   double *rowacts = prob->acts_;
2332   double *dual = prob->rowduals_;
2333   double tolerance = prob->ztolzb_;
2334   const double maxmin = prob->maxmin_;
2335   for (int iAction = 0; iAction < nactions_; iAction++) {
2336     const action &boundRecord = actions_[iAction];
2337     int row1 = boundRecord.row;
2338     int icol = boundRecord.col;
2339     int otherCol = boundRecord.othercol;
2340     CoinBigIndex start = mcstrt[icol];
2341     CoinBigIndex nextEl = link[start];
2342     int row0;
2343     // first is otherCol
2344     double els0[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
2345     double els1[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
2346     if (hrow[start] == row1) {
2347       row0 = hrow[nextEl];
2348       els0[1] = colels[nextEl];
2349       els1[1] = colels[start];
2350     } else {
2351       row0 = hrow[start];
2352       els0[1] = colels[start];
2353       els1[1] = colels[nextEl];
2354     }
2355     nextEl = mcstrt[otherCol];
2356     for (CoinBigIndex j = 0; j < hincol[otherCol]; j++) {
2357       if (hrow[nextEl] == row0)
2358         els0[0] = colels[nextEl];
2359       else if (hrow[nextEl] == row1)
2360         els1[0] = colels[nextEl];
2361       nextEl = link[nextEl];
2362     }
2363     prob->setRowStatus(row1, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
2364     // put stuff back
2365     rlo[row1] = boundRecord.lbound_row;
2366     rup[row1] = boundRecord.ubound_row;
2367     clo[icol] = boundRecord.lbound_col;
2368     cup[icol] = boundRecord.ubound_col;
2369     double oldCost = cost[icol];
2370     //double oldOtherCost=cost[otherCol];
2371     cost[icol] = boundRecord.cost_col;
2372     cost[otherCol] = boundRecord.cost_othercol;
2373     double els0real[2];
2374     double els1real[2];
2375     els0real[0] = els0[0];
2376     els0real[1] = els0[1];
2377     els1real[0] = els1[0];
2378     els1real[1] = els1[1];
2379     // make <= rows
2380     double rowUpper0 = rup[row0];
2381     if (rlo[row0] > -1.0e30) {
2382       rowUpper0 = -rlo[row0];
2383       els0[0] = -els0[0];
2384       els0[1] = -els0[1];
2385     }
2386     double rowUpper1 = rup[row1];
2387     bool swapSigns1 = false;
2388     if (rlo[row1] > -1.0e30) {
2389       swapSigns1 = true;
2390       rowUpper1 = -rlo[row1];
2391       els1[0] = -els1[0];
2392       els1[1] = -els1[1];
2393     }
2394     // compute feasible value for icol
2395     double valueOther = sol[otherCol];
2396     double value;
2397     // first see if at bound is OK
2398     bool lowerBoundPossible = clo[icol] > -1.0e30;
2399     value = clo[icol];
2400     if (lowerBoundPossible) {
2401       double value0 = els0[0] * valueOther + els0[1] * value;
2402       if (value0 > rowUpper0 + tolerance)
2403         lowerBoundPossible = false;
2404       double value1 = els1[0] * valueOther + els1[1] * value;
2405       if (value1 > rowUpper1 + tolerance)
2406         lowerBoundPossible = false;
2407     }
2408     bool upperBoundPossible = cup[icol] < 1.0e30;
2409     value = cup[icol];
2410     if (upperBoundPossible) {
2411       double value0 = els0[0] * valueOther + els0[1] * value;
2412       if (value0 > rowUpper0 + tolerance)
2413         upperBoundPossible = false;
2414       double value1 = els1[0] * valueOther + els1[1] * value;
2415       if (value1 > rowUpper1 + tolerance)
2416         upperBoundPossible = false;
2417     }
2418     if (lowerBoundPossible && cost[icol] >= 0.0) {
2419       // set to lower bound
2420       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
2421       sol[icol] = clo[icol];
2422       rcosts[icol] = maxmin * cost[icol] - dual[row0] * els0real[1];
2423     } else if (upperBoundPossible && cost[icol] <= 0.0) {
2424       // set to upper bound
2425       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
2426       sol[icol] = cup[icol];
2427       rcosts[icol] = maxmin * cost[icol] - dual[row0] * els0real[1];
2428     } else {
2429       // need to make basic
2430       // we shouldn't get here (at present) if zero cost
2431       assert(cost[icol]);
2432       double value0 = (rowUpper0 - els0[0] * valueOther) / els0[1];
2433       double value1 = (rowUpper1 - els1[0] * valueOther) / els1[1];
2434       //bool binding0=true;
2435       double value;
2436       if (cost[icol] > 0) {
2437         if (value0 > value1) {
2438           value = value0;
2439         } else {
2440           value = value1;
2441           //binding0=false;
2442         }
2443       } else {
2444         if (value0 < value1) {
2445           value = value0;
2446         } else {
2447           value = value1;
2448           //binding0=false;
2449         }
2450       }
2451       sol[icol] = value;
2452 #if 0
2453       printf("row %d status %d, row %d status %d, col %d status %d, col %d status %d - binding0 %c\n",
2454 	     row0,prob->getRowStatus(row0),
2455 	     row1,prob->getRowStatus(row1),
2456 	     otherCol,prob->getColumnStatus(otherCol),
2457 	     icol,prob->getColumnStatus(icol),binding0 ? 'T' : 'F');
2458 #endif
2459       if (prob->getColumnStatus(icol) == CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic) {
2460         //printf("col %d above was basic\n",icol);
2461         if (prob->getRowStatus(row0) != CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic) {
2462           // adjust dual
2463           dual[row0] = maxmin * ((cost[icol] - oldCost) / els0real[1]);
2464         }
2465         continue;
2466       }
2467       //if (binding0)
2468       //printf("Says row0 %d binding?\n",row0);
2469       prob->setColumnStatus(icol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
2470       rcosts[icol] = 0.0;
2471       //printf("row1 %d taken out of basis\n",row1);
2472       if (!swapSigns1) {
2473         prob->setRowStatus(row1, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
2474         rowacts[row1] = rup[row1];
2475       } else {
2476         prob->setRowStatus(row1, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
2477         rowacts[row1] = rlo[row1];
2478       }
2479       dual[row1] = maxmin * ((cost[icol] - oldCost) / els1real[1]);
2480       if (iAction == -1)
2481         abort();
2482     }
2483   }
2484 }
2486 /* vi: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2
2487 */