1 /* $Id: CoinPresolveSingleton.cpp 2083 2019-01-06 19:38:09Z unxusr $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <math.h>
9 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
10 #include "CoinPresolveMatrix.hpp"
12 #include "CoinPresolveEmpty.hpp" // for DROP_COL/DROP_ROW
13 #include "CoinPresolveFixed.hpp"
14 #include "CoinPresolveSingleton.hpp"
16 #include "CoinPresolvePsdebug.hpp"
17 #endif
18 #include "CoinMessage.hpp"
19 #include "CoinFinite.hpp"
21 /*
22  * Original comment:
23  *
24  * Transfers singleton row bound information to the corresponding column bounds.
25  * What I refer to as a row singleton would be called a doubleton
26  * in the paper, since my terminology doesn't refer to the slacks.
27  * In terms of the paper, we transfer the bounds of the slack onto
28  * the variable (vii) and then "substitute" the slack out of the problem
29  * (which is a noop).
30  */
31 /*
32   Given blow(i) <= a(ij)x(j) <= b(i), we can transfer the bounds enforced by
33   the constraint to the column bounds l(j) and u(j) on x(j) and delete the
34   row.
36   You can think of this as a specialised instance of doubleton_action, where
37   the target variable is the logical that transforms an inequality to an
38   equality. Since the system doesn't have logicals at this point, the row is a
39   singleton.
41   At some time in the past, the main loop was written to scan all rows but
42   was limited in the number of rows it could process in one call. The
43   notFinished parameter is the only remaining vestige of this behaviour and
44   should probably be removed. For now, make sure it's forced to false for the
45   benefit of code that looks at the returned value.  -- lh, 121015 --
46 */
47 const CoinPresolveAction *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next,bool & notFinished)48 slack_doubleton_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
49   const CoinPresolveAction *next,
50   bool &notFinished)
51 {
54   std::cout << "Entering slack_doubleton_action::presolve." << std::endl;
55 #endif
57   presolve_consistent(prob);
58   presolve_links_ok(prob);
59   presolve_check_sol(prob);
60   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
61 #endif
62 #endif
65   int startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
66   int startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
68   double startTime = 0.0;
69   if (prob->tuning_) {
70     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
71   }
72 #endif
73 #endif
75   notFinished = false;
77   /*
78   Unpack the problem representation.
79 */
80   double *colels = prob->colels_;
81   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
82   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
83   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
85   double *clo = prob->clo_;
86   double *cup = prob->cup_;
88   double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
89   const int *hcol = prob->hcol_;
90   const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
91   int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
93   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
94   double *rup = prob->rup_;
96   /*
97   Rowstat is used to decide if the solution is present.
98 */
99   unsigned char *rowstat = prob->rowstat_;
100   double *acts = prob->acts_;
101   double *sol = prob->sol_;
103   const unsigned char *integerType = prob->integerType_;
105   const double ztolzb = prob->ztolzb_;
107   int numberLook = prob->numberRowsToDo_;
108   int *look = prob->rowsToDo_;
109   bool fixInfeasibility = ((prob->presolveOptions_ & 0x4000) != 0);
111   action *actions = new action[numberLook];
112   int nactions = 0;
114   int *fixed_cols = prob->usefulColumnInt_;
115   int nfixed_cols = 0;
117   bool infeas = false;
119   /*
120   Walk the rows looking for singletons.
121 */
122   for (int iLook = 0; iLook < numberLook; iLook++) {
123     int i = look[iLook];
125     if (hinrow[i] != 1)
126       continue;
127     int j = hcol[mrstrt[i]];
128     double aij = rowels[mrstrt[i]];
129     double lo = rlo[i];
130     double up = rup[i];
131     double abs_aij = fabs(aij);
132     /*
133   A tiny value of a(ij) invites numerical error, since the new bound will be
134   (something)/a(ij). Columns that are already fixed are also uninteresting.
135 */
136     if (abs_aij < ZTOLDP2)
137       continue;
138     if (fabs(cup[j] - clo[j]) < ztolzb)
139       continue;
141     PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_singleton %dC %dR E\n", j, i));
143     /*
144   Get down to work. First create the postsolve action for row i / x(j).
145 */
146     action *s = &actions[nactions];
147     nactions++;
148     s->col = j;
149     s->clo = clo[j];
150     s->cup = cup[j];
151     s->row = i;
152     s->rlo = rlo[i];
153     s->rup = rup[i];
154     s->coeff = aij;
156 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
157     std::cout
158       << "  removing row " << i << ": " << rlo[i] << " <=  " << aij
159       << "*x(" << j << ") <= " << rup[i] << std::endl;
160 #endif
162     /*
163   Do the work of bounds transfer. Starting with
164     blow(i) <= a(ij)x(j) <= b(i),
165   we end up with
166     blow(i)/a(ij) <= x(j) <= b(i)/a(ij)		a(ij) > 0
167     blow(i)/a(ij) >= x(j) >= b(i)/a(ij)		a(ij) < 0
168   The code deals with a(ij) < 0 by swapping and negating the row bounds and
169   calculating with |a(ij)|. Be careful not to convert finite infinity to
170   finite, or vice versa.
171 */
172     if (aij < 0.0) {
173       CoinSwap(lo, up);
174       lo = -lo;
175       up = -up;
176     }
177     if (lo <= -PRESOLVE_INF)
178       lo = -PRESOLVE_INF;
179     else {
180       lo /= abs_aij;
181       if (lo <= -PRESOLVE_INF)
182         lo = -PRESOLVE_INF;
183     }
184     if (up > PRESOLVE_INF)
185       up = PRESOLVE_INF;
186     else {
187       up /= abs_aij;
188       if (up > PRESOLVE_INF)
189         up = PRESOLVE_INF;
190     }
191 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
192     std::cout
193       << "    l(" << j << ") = " << clo[j] << " ==> " << lo << ", delta "
194       << (lo - clo[j]) << std::endl;
195     std::cout
196       << "    u(" << j << ") = " << cup[j] << " ==> " << up << ", delta "
197       << (cup[j] - up) << std::endl;
198 #endif
199     /*
200   lo and up are now the new l(j) and u(j), respectively. If they're better than
201   the existing bounds, update. Have a care with integer variables --- don't let
202   numerical inaccuracy pull us off an integral bound.
203 */
204     if (clo[j] < lo && lo > -1.0e100) {
205       // If integer be careful
206       if (integerType[j]) {
207         if (fabs(lo - floor(lo + 0.5)) < 0.000001)
208           lo = floor(lo + 0.5);
209         if (clo[j] < lo)
210           clo[j] = lo;
211       } else {
212         clo[j] = lo;
213       }
214     }
215     if (cup[j] > up && up < 1.0e100) {
216       if (integerType[j]) {
217         if (fabs(up - floor(up + 0.5)) < 0.000001)
218           up = floor(up + 0.5);
219         if (cup[j] > up)
220           cup[j] = up;
221       } else {
222         cup[j] = up;
223       }
224     }
225     /*
226   Is x(j) now fixed? Remember it for later.
227 */
228     if (fabs(cup[j] - clo[j]) < ZTOLDP) {
229       fixed_cols[nfixed_cols++] = j;
230     }
231     /*
232   Is x(j) infeasible? Fix it if we're within the feasibility tolerance, or if
233   the user was so foolish as to request repair of infeasibility. Integer values
234   are preferred, if close enough.
236   If the infeasibility is too large to ignore, mark the problem infeasible and
237   head for the exit.
238 */
239     if (lo > up) {
240       if (lo <= up + prob->feasibilityTolerance_ || fixInfeasibility) {
241         double nearest = floor(lo + 0.5);
242         if (fabs(nearest - lo) < 2.0 * prob->feasibilityTolerance_) {
243           lo = nearest;
244           up = nearest;
245         } else {
246           lo = up;
247         }
248         clo[j] = lo;
249         cup[j] = up;
250       } else {
251         prob->status_ |= 1;
252         prob->messageHandler()->message(COIN_PRESOLVE_COLINFEAS,
253           prob->messages())
254           << j << lo << up << CoinMessageEol;
255         infeas = true;
256         break;
257       }
258     }
260 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
261     printf("SINGLETON R-%d C-%d\n", i, j);
262 #endif
264     /*
265   Remove the row from the row-major representation.
266 */
267     hinrow[i] = 0;
268     PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(prob->rlink_, i);
269     rlo[i] = 0.0;
270     rup[i] = 0.0;
271     /*
272   Remove the row from this col in the column-major representation. It can
273   happen that this will empty the column, in which case we can delink it.
274   If the column isn't empty, queue it for further processing.
275 */
276     presolve_delete_from_col(i, j, mcstrt, hincol, hrow, colels);
277     if (hincol[j] == 0) {
278       PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(prob->clink_, j);
279     } else {
280       prob->addCol(j);
281     }
282     /*
283   Update the solution, if it's present. The trick is maintaining the right
284   number of basic variables. We've deleted a row, so we need to reduce the
285   basis by one.
287   There's a corner case that doesn't seem to be covered. What happens if
288   both x(j) and s(i) are nonbasic? The number of basic variables will not
289   be reduced.  This is admittedly a pathological situation: It implies
290   that there's an existing bound l(j) or u(j) exactly equal to the bound
291   imposed by this constraint, so that x(j) can be nonbasic at bound and
292   the constraint can be simultaneously tight.   -- lh, 121115 --
293 */
294     if (rowstat) {
295       int basisChoice = 0;
296       int numberBasic = 0;
297       double movement = 0;
298       if (prob->columnIsBasic(j)) {
299         numberBasic++;
300         basisChoice = 2; // move to row to keep consistent
301       }
302       if (prob->rowIsBasic(i))
303         numberBasic++;
304       PRESOLVEASSERT(numberBasic > 0);
305       if (sol[j] <= clo[j] + ztolzb) {
306         movement = clo[j] - sol[j];
307         sol[j] = clo[j];
308         prob->setColumnStatus(j, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
309       } else if (sol[j] >= cup[j] - ztolzb) {
310         movement = cup[j] - sol[j];
311         sol[j] = cup[j];
312         prob->setColumnStatus(j, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
313       } else {
314         basisChoice = 1;
315       }
316       if (numberBasic > 1 || basisChoice == 1)
317         prob->setColumnStatus(j, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
318       else if (basisChoice == 2)
319         prob->setRowStatus(i, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
320       if (movement) {
321         const CoinBigIndex &kcs = mcstrt[j];
322         const CoinBigIndex kce = kcs + hincol[j];
323         for (CoinBigIndex kcol = kcs; kcol < kce; kcol++) {
324           int k = hrow[kcol];
325           PRESOLVEASSERT(hinrow[k] > 0);
326           acts[k] += movement * colels[kcol];
327         }
328       }
329     }
330   }
331   /*
332   Done with processing. Time to deal with the results. First add the postsolve
333   actions for the singletons to the postsolve list. Then call
334   remove_fixed_action to handle variables that were fixed during the loop.
335   (We've already adjusted the solution, so make_fixed_action is not needed.)
336 */
337   if (!infeas && nactions) {
339     std::cout
340       << "SINGLETON ROWS: " << nactions << std::endl;
341 #endif
342     action *save_actions = new action[nactions];
343     CoinMemcpyN(actions, nactions, save_actions);
344     next = new slack_doubleton_action(nactions, save_actions, next);
346     if (nfixed_cols)
347       next = remove_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fixed_cols, nfixed_cols, next);
348   }
349   delete[] actions;
352   double thisTime = 0.0;
353   if (prob->tuning_)
354     thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
355 #endif
357   presolve_consistent(prob);
358   presolve_links_ok(prob);
359   presolve_check_sol(prob);
360   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
361 #endif
363   int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows;
364   int droppedColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
365   std::cout
366     << "Leaving slack_doubleton_action::presolve, "
367     << droppedRows << " rows, " << droppedColumns
368     << " columns dropped";
370   std::cout
371     << " in " << (thisTime - startTime) << "s, total "
372     << (thisTime - prob->startTime_);
373 #endif
374   std::cout << "." << std::endl;
375 #endif
377   return (next);
378 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const380 void slack_doubleton_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
381 {
382   const action *const actions = actions_;
383   const int nactions = nactions_;
385   double *colels = prob->colels_;
386   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
387   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
388   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
389   CoinBigIndex *link = prob->link_;
391   double *clo = prob->clo_;
392   double *cup = prob->cup_;
393   double *sol = prob->sol_;
394   double *rcosts = prob->rcosts_;
395   unsigned char *colstat = prob->colstat_;
397   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
398   double *rup = prob->rup_;
399   double *acts = prob->acts_;
400   double *rowduals = prob->rowduals_;
403   char *rdone = prob->rdone_;
404   std::cout
405     << "Entering slack_doubleton_action::postsolve, "
406     << nactions << " constraints to process." << std::endl;
407   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 2, 2);
408   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
409 #endif
411   CoinBigIndex &free_list = prob->free_list_;
413   const double ztolzb = prob->ztolzb_;
415   for (const action *f = &actions[nactions - 1]; actions <= f; f--) {
416     int irow = f->row;
417     double lo0 = f->clo;
418     double up0 = f->cup;
419     double coeff = f->coeff;
420     int jcol = f->col;
422     rlo[irow] = f->rlo;
423     rup[irow] = f->rup;
425     clo[jcol] = lo0;
426     cup[jcol] = up0;
428     acts[irow] = coeff * sol[jcol];
429     /*
430       Create the row and restore the single coefficient, linking the new
431       coefficient at the start of the column.
432     */
433     {
434       CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
435       assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_);
436       free_list = link[free_list];
437       hrow[k] = irow;
438       colels[k] = coeff;
439       link[k] = mcstrt[jcol];
440       mcstrt[jcol] = k;
441       hincol[jcol]++;
442     }
444     /*
445       Since we are adding a row, we have to set the row status and dual
446       to satisfy complimentary slackness.  We may also have to modify
447       the column status and reduced cost if bounds have been relaxed.
448      */
449     if (!colstat) {
450       // ????
451       rowduals[irow] = 0.0;
452     } else {
453       if (prob->columnIsBasic(jcol)) {
454         /*
455 	  The variable is basic, hence the slack must be basic, hence the dual
456 	  for the row is zero.  Relaxing the bounds on a basic variable
457 	  doesn't change anything.
458 	*/
459         prob->setRowStatus(irow, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
460         rowduals[irow] = 0.0;
461       } else if ((fabs(sol[jcol] - lo0) <= ztolzb && rcosts[jcol] >= 0) || (fabs(sol[jcol] - up0) <= ztolzb && rcosts[jcol] <= 0)) {
462         /*
463 	  The variable is nonbasic and the sign of the reduced cost is correct
464 	  for the bound. Again, the slack will be basic and the dual zero.
465 	*/
466         prob->setRowStatus(irow, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
467         rowduals[irow] = 0.0;
468       } else if (!(fabs(sol[jcol] - lo0) <= ztolzb) && !(fabs(sol[jcol] - up0) <= ztolzb)) {
469         /*
470 	  The variable was not basic but transferring bounds back to the
471 	  constraint has relaxed the column bounds. The variable will need to
472 	  be made basic. The constraint must then be tight and the dual must
473 	  be set so that the reduced cost of the variable becomes zero.
474 	*/
475         prob->setColumnStatus(jcol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
476         prob->setRowStatusUsingValue(irow);
477         rowduals[irow] = rcosts[jcol] / coeff;
478         rcosts[jcol] = 0.0;
479       } else {
480         /*
481 	  The variable is at bound, but the reduced cost is wrong. Again
482 	  set the row dual to bring the reduced cost to zero. This implies
483 	  that the constraint is tight and the slack will be nonbasic.
484 	*/
485         prob->setColumnStatus(jcol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
486         prob->setRowStatusUsingValue(irow);
487         rowduals[irow] = rcosts[jcol] / coeff;
488         rcosts[jcol] = 0.0;
489       }
490     }
493     rdone[irow] = SLACK_DOUBLETON;
494 #endif
495   }
498   presolve_check_threads(prob);
499   presolve_check_sol(prob, 2, 2, 2);
500   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
501 #endif
502 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 0
503   std::cout << "Leaving slack_doubleton_action::postsolve." << std::endl;
504 #endif
506   return;
507 }
508 /*
509     If we have a variable with one entry and no cost then we can
510     transform the row from E to G etc.
511     If there is a row objective region then we may be able to do
512     this even with a cost.
513 */
514 const CoinPresolveAction *
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next,double * rowObjective)515 slack_singleton_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
516   const CoinPresolveAction *next,
517   double *rowObjective)
518 {
519   double startTime = 0.0;
520   int startEmptyRows = 0;
521   int startEmptyColumns = 0;
522   if (prob->tuning_) {
523     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
524     startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
525     startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
526   }
527   double *colels = prob->colels_;
528   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
529   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
530   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
531   //int ncols		= prob->ncols_ ;
533   double *clo = prob->clo_;
534   double *cup = prob->cup_;
536   double *rowels = prob->rowels_;
537   int *hcol = prob->hcol_;
538   CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_;
539   int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_;
540   int nrows = prob->nrows_;
542   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
543   double *rup = prob->rup_;
545   // Existence of
546   unsigned char *rowstat = prob->rowstat_;
547   double *acts = prob->acts_;
548   double *sol = prob->sol_;
550   const unsigned char *integerType = prob->integerType_;
552   const double ztolzb = prob->ztolzb_;
553   double *dcost = prob->cost_;
554   //const double maxmin	= prob->maxmin_ ;
557   std::cout << "Entering slack_singleton_action::presolve." << std::endl;
558   presolve_check_sol(prob);
559   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
560 #endif
562   int numberLook = prob->numberColsToDo_;
563   int iLook;
564   int *look = prob->colsToDo_;
565   // Make sure we allocate at least one action
566   int maxActions = CoinMin(numberLook, nrows / 10) + 1;
567   action *actions = new action[maxActions];
568   int nactions = 0;
569   int *fixed_cols = new int[numberLook];
570   int nfixed_cols = 0;
571   int nWithCosts = 0;
572   double costOffset = 0.0;
573   for (iLook = 0; iLook < numberLook; iLook++) {
574     int iCol = look[iLook];
575     if (dcost[iCol])
576       continue;
577     if (hincol[iCol] == 1) {
578       int iRow = hrow[mcstrt[iCol]];
579       double coeff = colels[mcstrt[iCol]];
580       double acoeff = fabs(coeff);
581       if (acoeff < ZTOLDP2)
582         continue;
583       // don't bother with fixed cols
584       if (fabs(cup[iCol] - clo[iCol]) < ztolzb)
585         continue;
586       if (integerType && integerType[iCol]) {
587         // only possible if everything else integer and unit coefficient
588         // check everything else a bit later
589         if (acoeff != 1.0)
590           continue;
591         double currentLower = rlo[iRow];
592         double currentUpper = rup[iRow];
593         if (coeff == 1.0 && currentLower == 1.0 && currentUpper == 1.0) {
594           // leave if integer slack on sum x == 1
595           bool allInt = true;
596           for (CoinBigIndex j = mrstrt[iRow];
597                j < mrstrt[iRow] + hinrow[iRow]; j++) {
598             int iColumn = hcol[j];
599             double value = fabs(rowels[j]);
600             if (!integerType[iColumn] || value != 1.0) {
601               allInt = false;
602               break;
603             }
604           }
605           if (allInt)
606             continue; // leave as may help search
607         }
608       }
609       if (!prob->colProhibited(iCol)) {
610         double currentLower = rlo[iRow];
611         double currentUpper = rup[iRow];
612         if (!rowObjective) {
613           if (dcost[iCol])
614             continue;
615         } else if ((dcost[iCol] && currentLower != currentUpper) || rowObjective[iRow]) {
616           continue;
617         }
618         double newLower = currentLower;
619         double newUpper = currentUpper;
620         if (coeff < 0.0) {
621           if (currentUpper > 1.0e20 || cup[iCol] > 1.0e20) {
622             newUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX;
623           } else {
624             newUpper -= coeff * cup[iCol];
625             if (newUpper > 1.0e20)
626               newUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX;
627           }
628           if (currentLower < -1.0e20 || clo[iCol] < -1.0e20) {
629             newLower = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
630           } else {
631             newLower -= coeff * clo[iCol];
632             if (newLower < -1.0e20)
633               newLower = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
634           }
635         } else {
636           if (currentUpper > 1.0e20 || clo[iCol] < -1.0e20) {
637             newUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX;
638           } else {
639             newUpper -= coeff * clo[iCol];
640             if (newUpper > 1.0e20)
641               newUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX;
642           }
643           if (currentLower < -1.0e20 || cup[iCol] > 1.0e20) {
644             newLower = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
645           } else {
646             newLower -= coeff * cup[iCol];
647             if (newLower < -1.0e20)
648               newLower = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
649           }
650         }
651         if (integerType && integerType[iCol]) {
652           // only possible if everything else integer
653           if (newLower > -1.0e30) {
654             if (newLower != floor(newLower + 0.5))
655               continue;
656           }
657           if (newUpper < 1.0e30) {
658             if (newUpper != floor(newUpper + 0.5))
659               continue;
660           }
661           bool allInt = true;
662           for (CoinBigIndex j = mrstrt[iRow];
663                j < mrstrt[iRow] + hinrow[iRow]; j++) {
664             int iColumn = hcol[j];
665             double value = fabs(rowels[j]);
666             if (!integerType[iColumn] || value != floor(value + 0.5)) {
667               allInt = false;
668               break;
669             }
670           }
671           if (!allInt)
672             continue; // no good
673         }
674         if (nactions >= maxActions) {
675           maxActions += CoinMin(numberLook - iLook, maxActions);
676           action *temp = new action[maxActions];
677           memcpy(temp, actions, nactions * sizeof(action));
678           // changed as 4.6 compiler bug! CoinMemcpyN(actions,nactions,temp) ;
679           delete[] actions;
680           actions = temp;
681         }
683         action *s = &actions[nactions];
684         nactions++;
686         s->col = iCol;
687         s->clo = clo[iCol];
688         s->cup = cup[iCol];
690         s->row = iRow;
691         s->rlo = rlo[iRow];
692         s->rup = rup[iRow];
694         s->coeff = coeff;
696         presolve_delete_from_row(iRow, iCol, mrstrt, hinrow, hcol, rowels);
697         if (!hinrow[iRow])
698           PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(prob->rlink_, iRow);
699         // put row on stack of things to do next time
700         prob->addRow(iRow);
701 #ifdef PRINTCOST
702         if (rowObjective && dcost[iCol]) {
703           printf("Singleton %d had coeff of %g in row %d - bounds %g %g - cost %g\n",
704             iCol, coeff, iRow, clo[iCol], cup[iCol], dcost[iCol]);
705           printf("Row bounds were %g %g now %g %g\n",
706             rlo[iRow], rup[iRow], newLower, newUpper);
707         }
708 #endif
709         // Row may be redundant but let someone else do that
710         rlo[iRow] = newLower;
711         rup[iRow] = newUpper;
712         if (rowstat && sol) {
713           // update solution and basis
714           if ((sol[iCol] < cup[iCol] - ztolzb && sol[iCol] > clo[iCol] + ztolzb) || prob->columnIsBasic(iCol))
715             prob->setRowStatus(iRow, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
716           prob->setColumnStatusUsingValue(iCol);
717         }
718         // Force column to zero
719         clo[iCol] = 0.0;
720         cup[iCol] = 0.0;
721         if (rowObjective && dcost[iCol]) {
722           rowObjective[iRow] = -dcost[iCol] / coeff;
723           nWithCosts++;
724           // adjust offset
725           costOffset += currentLower * rowObjective[iRow];
726           prob->dobias_ -= currentLower * rowObjective[iRow];
727         }
728         if (sol) {
729           double movement;
730           if (fabs(sol[iCol] - clo[iCol]) < fabs(sol[iCol] - cup[iCol])) {
731             movement = clo[iCol] - sol[iCol];
732             sol[iCol] = clo[iCol];
733           } else {
734             movement = cup[iCol] - sol[iCol];
735             sol[iCol] = cup[iCol];
736           }
737           if (movement)
738             acts[iRow] += movement * coeff;
739         }
740         /*
741           Remove the row from this col in the col rep.and delink it.
742         */
743         presolve_delete_from_col(iRow, iCol, mcstrt, hincol, hrow, colels);
744         assert(hincol[iCol] == 0);
745         PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(prob->clink_, iCol);
746         //clo[iCol] = 0.0 ;
747         //cup[iCol] = 0.0 ;
748         fixed_cols[nfixed_cols++] = iCol;
749         //presolve_consistent(prob) ;
750       }
751     }
752   }
754   if (nactions) {
756     printf("SINGLETON COLS:  %d\n", nactions);
757 #endif
758 #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP
759     printf("%d singletons, %d with costs - offset %g\n", nactions,
760       nWithCosts, costOffset);
761 #endif
762     action *save_actions = new action[nactions];
763     CoinMemcpyN(actions, nactions, save_actions);
764     next = new slack_singleton_action(nactions, save_actions, next);
766     if (nfixed_cols)
767       next = make_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fixed_cols, nfixed_cols,
768         true, // arbitrary
769         next);
770   }
771   delete[] actions;
772   delete[] fixed_cols;
773   if (prob->tuning_) {
774     double thisTime = CoinCpuTime();
775     int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows;
776     int droppedColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
777     printf("CoinPresolveSingleton(3) - %d rows, %d columns dropped in time %g, total %g\n",
778       droppedRows, droppedColumns, thisTime - startTime, thisTime - prob->startTime_);
779   }
782   presolve_check_sol(prob);
783   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
784   std::cout << "Leaving slack_singleton_action::presolve." << std::endl;
785 #endif
787   return (next);
788 }
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const790 void slack_singleton_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
791 {
792   const action *const actions = actions_;
793   const int nactions = nactions_;
795   double *colels = prob->colels_;
796   int *hrow = prob->hrow_;
797   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt = prob->mcstrt_;
798   int *hincol = prob->hincol_;
799   CoinBigIndex *link = prob->link_;
800   //  int ncols		= prob->ncols_ ;
802   //double *rowels	= prob->rowels_ ;
803   //int *hcol	= prob->hcol_ ;
804   //CoinBigIndex *mrstrt	= prob->mrstrt_ ;
805   //int *hinrow		= prob->hinrow_ ;
807   double *clo = prob->clo_;
808   double *cup = prob->cup_;
810   double *rlo = prob->rlo_;
811   double *rup = prob->rup_;
813   double *sol = prob->sol_;
814   double *rcosts = prob->rcosts_;
816   double *acts = prob->acts_;
817   double *rowduals = prob->rowduals_;
818   double *dcost = prob->cost_;
819   //const double maxmin	= prob->maxmin_ ;
821   unsigned char *colstat = prob->colstat_;
822   //  unsigned char *rowstat		= prob->rowstat_ ;
825   char *rdone = prob->rdone_;
827   std::cout << "Entering slack_singleton_action::postsolve." << std::endl;
828   presolve_check_sol(prob);
829   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
830 #endif
832   CoinBigIndex &free_list = prob->free_list_;
834   const double ztolzb = prob->ztolzb_;
835 #ifdef CHECK_ONE_ROW
836   {
837     double act = 0.0;
838     for (int i = 0; i < prob->ncols_; i++) {
839       double solV = sol[i];
840       assert(solV >= clo[i] - ztolzb && solV <= cup[i] + ztolzb);
841       int j = mcstrt[i];
842       for (int k = 0; k < hincol[i]; k++) {
843         if (hrow[j] == CHECK_ONE_ROW) {
844           act += colels[j] * solV;
845         }
846         j = link[j];
847       }
848     }
849     assert(act >= rlo[CHECK_ONE_ROW] - ztolzb && act <= rup[CHECK_ONE_ROW] + ztolzb);
850     printf("start %g %g %g %g\n", rlo[CHECK_ONE_ROW], act, acts[CHECK_ONE_ROW], rup[CHECK_ONE_ROW]);
851   }
852 #endif
853   for (const action *f = &actions[nactions - 1]; actions <= f; f--) {
854     int iRow = f->row;
855     double lo0 = f->clo;
856     double up0 = f->cup;
857     double coeff = f->coeff;
858     int iCol = f->col;
859     assert(!hincol[iCol]);
860 #ifdef CHECK_ONE_ROW
861     if (iRow == CHECK_ONE_ROW)
862       printf("Col %d coeff %g old bounds %g,%g new %g,%g - new rhs %g,%g - act %g\n",
863         iCol, coeff, clo[iCol], cup[iCol], lo0, up0, f->rlo, f->rup, acts[CHECK_ONE_ROW]);
864 #endif
865     rlo[iRow] = f->rlo;
866     rup[iRow] = f->rup;
868     clo[iCol] = lo0;
869     cup[iCol] = up0;
870     double movement = 0.0;
871     // acts was without coefficient - adjust
872     acts[iRow] += coeff * sol[iCol];
873     if (acts[iRow] < rlo[iRow] - ztolzb)
874       movement = rlo[iRow] - acts[iRow];
875     else if (acts[iRow] > rup[iRow] + ztolzb)
876       movement = rup[iRow] - acts[iRow];
877     double cMove = movement / coeff;
878     sol[iCol] += cMove;
879     acts[iRow] += movement;
880     if (!dcost[iCol]) {
881       // and to get column feasible
882       cMove = 0.0;
883       if (sol[iCol] > cup[iCol] + ztolzb)
884         cMove = cup[iCol] - sol[iCol];
885       else if (sol[iCol] < clo[iCol] - ztolzb)
886         cMove = clo[iCol] - sol[iCol];
887       sol[iCol] += cMove;
888       acts[iRow] += cMove * coeff;
889       /*
890        * Have to compute status.  At most one can be basic. It's possible that
891 	 both are nonbasic and nonbasic status must change.
892        */
893       if (colstat) {
894         int numberBasic = 0;
895         if (prob->columnIsBasic(iCol))
896           numberBasic++;
897         if (prob->rowIsBasic(iRow))
898           numberBasic++;
899 #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP
900         if (numberBasic > 1)
901           printf("odd in singleton\n");
902 #endif
903         if (sol[iCol] > clo[iCol] + ztolzb && sol[iCol] < cup[iCol] - ztolzb) {
904           prob->setColumnStatus(iCol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
905           prob->setRowStatusUsingValue(iRow);
906         } else if (acts[iRow] > rlo[iRow] + ztolzb && acts[iRow] < rup[iRow] - ztolzb) {
907           prob->setRowStatus(iRow, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
908           prob->setColumnStatusUsingValue(iCol);
909         } else if (numberBasic) {
910           prob->setRowStatus(iRow, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
911           prob->setColumnStatusUsingValue(iCol);
912         } else {
913           prob->setRowStatusUsingValue(iRow);
914           prob->setColumnStatusUsingValue(iCol);
915         }
916       }
917 #if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 1
918       printf("SLKSING: %d = %g restored %d lb = %g ub = %g.\n",
919         iCol, sol[iCol], prob->getColumnStatus(iCol), clo[iCol], cup[iCol]);
920 #endif
921     } else {
922       // must have been equality row
923       assert(rlo[iRow] == rup[iRow]);
924       double cost = rcosts[iCol];
925       // adjust for coefficient
926       cost -= rowduals[iRow] * coeff;
927       bool basic = true;
928       if (fabs(sol[iCol] - cup[iCol]) < ztolzb && cost < -1.0e-6)
929         basic = false;
930       else if (fabs(sol[iCol] - clo[iCol]) < ztolzb && cost > 1.0e-6)
931         basic = false;
932       //printf("Singleton %d had coeff of %g in row %d (dual %g) - bounds %g %g - cost %g, (dj %g)\n",
933       //     iCol,coeff,iRow,rowduals[iRow],clo[iCol],cup[iCol],dcost[iCol],rcosts[iCol]) ;
934       //if (prob->columnIsBasic(iCol))
935       //printf("column basic! ") ;
936       //if (prob->rowIsBasic(iRow))
937       //printf("row basic ") ;
938       //printf("- make column basic %s\n",basic ? "yes" : "no") ;
939       if (basic && !prob->rowIsBasic(iRow)) {
940 #ifdef PRINTCOST
941         printf("Singleton %d had coeff of %g in row %d (dual %g) - bounds %g %g - cost %g, (dj %g - new %g)\n",
942           iCol, coeff, iRow, rowduals[iRow], clo[iCol], cup[iCol], dcost[iCol], rcosts[iCol], cost);
943 #endif
944 #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP
945         if (prob->columnIsBasic(iCol))
946           printf("column basic!\n");
947 #endif
948         basic = false;
949       }
950       if (fabs(rowduals[iRow]) > 1.0e-6 && prob->rowIsBasic(iRow))
951         basic = true;
952       if (basic) {
953         // Make basic have zero reduced cost
954         rowduals[iRow] = rcosts[iCol] / coeff;
955         rcosts[iCol] = 0.0;
956       } else {
957         rcosts[iCol] = cost;
958         //rowduals[iRow]=0.0 ;
959       }
960       if (colstat) {
961         if (basic) {
962           if (!prob->rowIsBasic(iRow)) {
963 #if 0
964             // find column in row
965             int jCol=-1 ;
966             //for (CoinBigIndex j=mrstrt[iRow];j<mrstrt
967             for (int k=0;k<prob->ncols0_;k++) {
968               CoinBigIndex j=mcstrt[k] ;
969               for (int i=0;i<hincol[k];i++) {
970                 if (hrow[k]==iRow) {
971                   break ;
972                 }
973                 k=link[k] ;
974               }
975             }
976 #endif
977           } else {
978             prob->setColumnStatus(iCol, CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
979           }
980           prob->setRowStatusUsingValue(iRow);
981         } else {
982           //prob->setRowStatus(iRow,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic) ;
983           prob->setColumnStatusUsingValue(iCol);
984         }
985       }
986     }
987 #if 0
988     int nb=0 ;
989     int kk ;
990     for (kk=0;kk<prob->nrows_;kk++)
991       if (prob->rowIsBasic(kk))
992         nb++ ;
993     for (kk=0;kk<prob->ncols_;kk++)
994       if (prob->columnIsBasic(kk))
995         nb++ ;
996     assert (nb==prob->nrows_) ;
997 #endif
998     // add new element
999     {
1000       CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
1001       assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_);
1002       free_list = link[free_list];
1003       hrow[k] = iRow;
1004       colels[k] = coeff;
1005       link[k] = mcstrt[iCol];
1006       mcstrt[iCol] = k;
1007     }
1008     hincol[iCol]++; // right?
1009 #ifdef CHECK_ONE_ROW
1010     {
1011       double act = 0.0;
1012       for (int i = 0; i < prob->ncols_; i++) {
1013         double solV = sol[i];
1014         assert(solV >= clo[i] - ztolzb && solV <= cup[i] + ztolzb);
1015         int j = mcstrt[i];
1016         for (int k = 0; k < hincol[i]; k++) {
1017           if (hrow[j] == CHECK_ONE_ROW) {
1018             //printf("c %d el %g sol %g old act %g new %g\n",
1019             //   i,colels[j],solV,act, act+colels[j]*solV) ;
1020             act += colels[j] * solV;
1021           }
1022           j = link[j];
1023         }
1024       }
1025       assert(act >= rlo[CHECK_ONE_ROW] - ztolzb && act <= rup[CHECK_ONE_ROW] + ztolzb);
1026       printf("rhs now %g %g %g %g\n", rlo[CHECK_ONE_ROW], act, acts[CHECK_ONE_ROW], rup[CHECK_ONE_ROW]);
1027     }
1028 #endif
1031     rdone[iRow] = SLACK_SINGLETON;
1032 #endif
1033   }
1036   presolve_check_sol(prob);
1037   presolve_check_nbasic(prob);
1038   std::cout << "Leaving slack_singleton_action::postsolve." << std::endl;
1039 #endif
1041   return;
1042 }
1044 /* vi: softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2
1045 */