3 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-20 Bradley M. Bell
6 CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
7              Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.
9 This Source Code may also be made available under the following
10 Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
11 in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
12       GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14 /*
15 $begin cppad_ipopt_nlp$$
16 $dollar @$$
17 $spell
18     libipopt
19     namespace
20     dir
21     cppad
22     bool
23     doesn't
24     nan
25     inf
26     naninf
27     std
28     maxiter
29     infeasibility
30     obj
31     const
32     optimizer
33     cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp
34     fg_info.eval
35     retape
36     CppAD
37     config
38     lipopt
40 $$
41 $section Nonlinear Programming Using the CppAD Interface to Ipopt$$
44 $head Deprecated 2012-11-28$$
45 This interface to Ipopt is deprecated, use $cref ipopt_solve$$ instead.
47 $head Syntax$$
48 $codei%# include "cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp"
49 %$$
50 $codei%cppad_ipopt_solution %solution%;
51 %$$
52 $codei%cppad_ipopt_nlp %cppad_nlp%(
53     %n%, %m%, %x_i%, %x_l%, %x_u%, %g_l%, %g_u%, &%fg_info%, &%solution%
54 )%$$
55 $codei%
56 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=@LD_LIBRARY_PATH:%ipopt_library_paths%$$
58 $head Purpose$$
59 The class $code cppad_ipopt_nlp$$ is used to solve nonlinear programming
60 problems of the form
61 $latex \[
62 \begin{array}{rll}
63 {\rm minimize}      & f(x)
64 \\
65 {\rm subject \; to} & g^l \leq g(x) \leq g^u
66 \\
67                     & x^l  \leq x   \leq x^u
68 \end{array}
69 \] $$
70 This is done using
71 $href%
72     http://www.coin-or.org/projects/Ipopt.xml%
73     Ipopt
74 %$$
75 optimizer and
76 $href%
77     http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/%
78     CppAD
79 %$$
80 Algorithmic Differentiation package.
82 $head cppad_ipopt namespace$$
83 All of the declarations for these routines
84 are in the $code cppad_ipopt$$ namespace
85 (not the $code CppAD$$ namespace).
86 For example; $cref/SizeVector/cppad_ipopt_nlp/SizeVector/$$ below
87 actually denotes the type $code cppad_ipopt::SizeVector$$.
89 $head ipopt_library_paths$$
90 If you are linking to a shared version of the Ipopt library,
91 you may have to add a path to the $code LD_LIBRARY_PATH$$.
92 You can determine the directory you need to add using the command
93 $code
94     pkg-config ipopt --libs
95 %$$
96 The output will have the following form
97 $codei%
98     -L%dir% -lipopt
99 %$$
100 You may need to add the directory %dir% to $code LD_LIBRARY_PATH%$$; e.g.,
101 $codei%
102     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%dir%:@LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
103 %$$
105 $head fg(x)$$
106 The function $latex fg : \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^{m+1}$$ is defined by
107 $latex \[
108 \begin{array}{rcl}
109     fg_0 (x)     & = & f(x)         \\
110     fg_1 (x)     & = & g_0 (x)      \\
111                  & \vdots &         \\
112     fg_m (x)     & = & g_{m-1} (x)
113     \end{array}
114 \] $$
116 $subhead Index Vector$$
117 We define an $icode index vector$$ as a vector of non-negative integers
118 for which none of the values are equal; i.e.,
119 it is both a vector and a set.
120 If $latex I$$ is an index vector $latex |I|$$ is used to denote the
121 number of elements in $latex I$$ and $latex \| I \|$$ is used
122 to denote the value of the maximum element in $latex I$$.
124 $subhead Projection$$
125 Given an index vector $latex J$$ and a positive integer $latex n$$
126 where $latex n > \| J \|$$, we use $latex J \otimes n $$ for
127 the mapping $latex ( J \otimes n ) : \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^{|J|}$$ defined by
128 $latex \[
129     [ J \otimes n ] (x)_j = x_{J(j)}
130 \] $$
131 for $latex j = 0 , \ldots |J| - 1$$.
133 $subhead Injection$$
134 Given an index vector $latex I$$ and a positive integer $latex m$$
135 where $latex m > \| I \|$$, we use $latex m \otimes I$$ for
136 the mapping $latex ( m \otimes I ): \B{R}^{|I|} \rightarrow \B{R}^m$$ defined by
137 $latex \[
138 [ m \otimes I ] (y)_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
139 y_k & {\rm if} \; i = I(k) \; {\rm for \; some} \;
140     k \in \{ 0 , \cdots, |I|-1 \}
141 \\
142 0   & {\rm otherwise}
143 \end{array} \right.
144 \] $$
146 $subhead Representation$$
147 In many applications, each of the component functions of $latex fg(x)$$
148 only depend on a few of the components of $latex x$$.
149 In this case, expressing $latex fg(x)$$ in terms of simpler functions
150 with fewer arguments can greatly reduce the amount of work required
151 to compute its derivatives.
152 $pre
154 $$
155 We use the functions
156 $latex r_k : \B{R}^{q(k)} \rightarrow \B{R}^{p(k)}$$
157 for $latex k = 0 , \ldots , K$$ to express our
158 representation of $latex fg(x)$$ in terms of simpler functions
159 as follows
160 $latex \[
161 fg(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \; \sum_{\ell=0}^{L(k) - 1}
162 [ (m+1) \otimes I_{k,\ell} ] \; \circ
163      \; r_k \; \circ \; [ J_{k,\ell} \otimes n ] \; (x)
164 \] $$
165 where $latex \circ$$ represents function composition,
166 for $latex k = 0 , \ldots , K - 1$$, and $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , L(k)$$,
167 $latex I_{k,\ell}$$ and  $latex J_{k,\ell}$$ are index vectors with
168 $latex | J_{k,\ell} | = q(k)$$,
169 $latex \| J_{k,\ell} \| < n$$,
170 $latex | I_{k,\ell} | = p(k)$$, and
171 $latex \| I_{k,\ell} \| \leq m$$.
173 $head Simple Representation$$
174 In the simple representation,
175 $latex r_0 (x) = fg(x)$$,
176 $latex K = 1$$,
177 $latex q(0) = n$$,
178 $latex p(0) = m+1$$,
179 $latex L(0) = 1$$,
180 $latex I_{0,0} = (0 , \ldots , m)$$,
181 and $latex J_{0,0} = (0 , \ldots , n-1)$$.
183 $head SizeVector$$
184 The type $codei SizeVector$$ is defined by the
185 $codei cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp$$ include file to be a
186 $cref SimpleVector$$ class with elements of type
187 $code size_t$$.
189 $head NumberVector$$
190 The type $codei NumberVector$$ is defined by the
191 $codei cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp$$ include file to be a
192 $cref SimpleVector$$ class with elements of type
193 $code Ipopt::Number$$.
195 $head ADNumber$$
196 The type $codei ADNumber$$ is defined by the
197 $codei cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp$$ include file to be a
198 an AD type that can be used to compute derivatives.
200 $head ADVector$$
201 The type $codei ADVector$$ is defined by the
202 $codei cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp$$ include file to be a
203 $cref SimpleVector$$ class with elements of type
204 $code ADNumber$$.
206 $head n$$
207 The argument $icode n$$ has prototype
208 $codei%
209     size_t %n%
210 %$$
211 It specifies the dimension of the argument space;
212 i.e., $latex x \in \B{R}^n$$.
214 $head m$$
215 The argument $icode m$$ has prototype
216 $codei%
217     size_t %m%
218 %$$
219 It specifies the dimension of the range space for $latex g$$;
220 i.e., $latex g : \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^m$$.
222 $head x_i$$
223 The argument $icode x_i$$ has prototype
224 $codei%
225     const NumberVector& %x_i%
226 %$$
227 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
228 It specifies the initial point where Ipopt starts the optimization process.
230 $head x_l$$
231 The argument $icode x_l$$ has prototype
232 $codei%
233     const NumberVector& %x_l%
234 %$$
235 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
236 It specifies the lower limits for the argument in the optimization problem;
237 i.e., $latex x^l$$.
239 $head x_u$$
240 The argument $icode x_u$$ has prototype
241 $codei%
242     const NumberVector& %x_u%
243 %$$
244 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
245 It specifies the upper limits for the argument in the optimization problem;
246 i.e., $latex x^u$$.
248 $head g_l$$
249 The argument $icode g_l$$ has prototype
250 $codei%
251     const NumberVector& %g_l%
252 %$$
253 and its size is equal to $latex m$$.
254 It specifies the lower limits for the constraints in the optimization problem;
255 i.e., $latex g^l$$.
257 $head g_u$$
258 The argument $icode g_u$$ has prototype
259 $codei%
260     const NumberVector& %g_u%
261 %$$
262 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
263 It specifies the upper limits for the constraints in the optimization problem;
264 i.e., $latex g^u$$.
266 $head fg_info$$
267 The argument $icode fg_info$$ has prototype
268 $codei%
269     %FG_info fg_info%
270 %$$
271 where the class $icode FG_info$$ is derived from the
272 base class $code cppad_ipopt_fg_info$$.
273 Certain virtual member functions of $icode fg_info$$ are used to
274 compute the value of $latex fg(x)$$.
275 The specifications for these member functions are given below:
277 $subhead fg_info.number_functions$$
278 This member function has prototype
279 $codei%
280     virtual size_t cppad_ipopt_fg_info::number_functions(void)
281 %$$
282 If $icode K$$ has type $code size_t$$, the syntax
283 $codei%
284     %K% = %fg_info%.number_functions()
285 %$$
286 sets $icode K$$ to the number of functions used in the
287 representation of $latex fg(x)$$; i.e., $latex K$$ in
288 the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$ above.
289 $pre
291 $$
292 The $code cppad_ipopt_fg_info$$ implementation of this function
293 corresponds to the simple representation mentioned above; i.e.
294 $icode%K% = 1%$$.
296 $subhead fg_info.eval_r$$
297 This member function has the prototype
298 $codei%
299 virtual ADVector cppad_ipopt_fg_info::eval_r(size_t %k%, const ADVector& %u%) = 0;
300 %$$
301 Thus it is a pure virtual function and must be defined in the
302 derived class $icode FG_info$$.
303 $pre
305 $$
306 This function computes the value of $latex r_k (u)$$
307 used in the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$
308 for $latex fg(x)$$.
309 If $icode k$$ in $latex \{0 , \ldots , K-1 \}$$ has type $code size_t$$,
310 $icode u$$ is an $code ADVector$$ of size $icode q(k)$$
311 and $icode r$$ is an $code ADVector$$ of size $icode p(k)$$
312 the syntax
313 $codei%
314     %r% = %fg_info%.eval_r(%k%, %u%)
315 %$$
316 set $icode r$$ to the vector $latex r_k (u)$$.
318 $subhead fg_info.retape$$
319 This member function has the prototype
320 $codei%
321     virtual bool cppad_ipopt_fg_info::retape(size_t %k%)
322 %$$
323 If $icode k$$ in $latex \{0 , \ldots , K-1 \}$$ has type $code size_t$$,
324 and $icode retape$$ has type $code bool$$,
325 the syntax
326 $codei%
327         %retape% = %fg_info%.retape(%k%)
328 %$$
329 sets $icode retape$$ to true or false.
330 If $icode retape$$ is true,
331 $code cppad_ipopt_nlp$$ will retape the operation sequence
332 corresponding to $latex r_k (u)$$ for
333 every value of $icode u$$.
334 An $code cppad_ipopt_nlp$$ object
335 should use much less memory and run faster if $icode retape$$ is false.
336 You can test both the true and false cases to make sure
337 the operation sequence does not depend on $icode u$$.
338 $pre
340 $$
341 The $code cppad_ipopt_fg_info$$ implementation of this function
342 sets $icode retape$$ to true
343 (while slower it is also safer to always retape).
345 $subhead fg_info.domain_size$$
346 This member function has prototype
347 $codei%
348     virtual size_t cppad_ipopt_fg_info::domain_size(size_t %k%)
349 %$$
350 If $icode k$$ in $latex \{0 , \ldots , K-1 \}$$ has type $code size_t$$,
351 and $icode q$$ has type $code size_t$$, the syntax
352 $codei%
353     %q% = %fg_info%.domain_size(%k%)
354 %$$
355 sets $icode q$$ to the dimension of the domain space for $latex r_k (u)$$;
356 i.e., $latex q(k)$$ in
357 the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$ above.
359 $pre
361 $$
362 The $code cppad_ipopt_h_base$$ implementation of this function
363 corresponds to the simple representation mentioned above; i.e.,
364 $latex q = n$$.
366 $subhead fg_info.range_size$$
367 This member function has prototype
368 $codei%
369     virtual size_t cppad_ipopt_fg_info::range_size(size_t %k%)
370 %$$
371 If $icode k$$ in $latex \{0 , \ldots , K-1 \}$$ has type $code size_t$$,
372 and $icode p$$ has type $code size_t$$, the syntax
373 $codei%
374     %p% = %fg_info%.range_size(%k%)
375 %$$
376 sets $icode p$$ to the dimension of the range space for $latex r_k (u)$$;
377 i.e., $latex p(k)$$ in
378 the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$ above.
379 $pre
381 $$
382 The $code cppad_ipopt_h_base$$ implementation of this function
383 corresponds to the simple representation mentioned above; i.e.,
384 $latex p = m+1$$.
386 $subhead fg_info.number_terms$$
387 This member function has prototype
388 $codei%
389     virtual size_t cppad_ipopt_fg_info::number_terms(size_t %k%)
390 %$$
391 If $icode k$$ in $latex \{0 , \ldots , K-1 \}$$ has type $code size_t$$,
392 and $icode L$$ has type $code size_t$$, the syntax
393 $codei%
394     %L% = %fg_info%.number_terms(%k%)
395 %$$
396 sets $icode L$$ to the number of terms in representation
397 for this value of $icode k$$;
398 i.e., $latex L(k)$$ in
399 the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$ above.
400 $pre
402 $$
403 The $code cppad_ipopt_h_base$$ implementation of this function
404 corresponds to the simple representation mentioned above; i.e.,
405 $latex L = 1$$.
407 $subhead fg_info.index$$
408 This member function has prototype
409 $codei%
410     virtual void cppad_ipopt_fg_info::index(
411         size_t %k%, size_t %ell%, SizeVector& %I%, SizeVector& %J%
412     )
413 %$$
414 The argument
415 $icode%
416     k
417 %$$
418 has type $codei size_t$$
419 and is a value between zero and $latex K-1$$ inclusive.
420 The argument
421 $icode%
422     ell
423 %$$
424 has type $codei size_t$$
425 and is a value between zero and $latex L(k)-1$$ inclusive.
426 The argument
427 $icode%
428     I
429 %$$ is a $cref SimpleVector$$ with elements
430 of type $code size_t$$ and size greater than or equal to $latex p(k)$$.
431 The input value of the elements of $icode I$$ does not matter.
432 The output value of
433 the first $latex p(k)$$ elements of $icode I$$
434 must be the corresponding elements of $latex I_{k,ell}$$
435 in the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$ above.
436 The argument
437 $icode%
438     J
439 %$$ is a $cref SimpleVector$$ with elements
440 of type $code size_t$$ and size greater than or equal to $latex q(k)$$.
441 The input value of the elements of $icode J$$ does not matter.
442 The output value of
443 the first $latex q(k)$$ elements of $icode J$$
444 must be the corresponding elements of $latex J_{k,ell}$$
445 in the $cref/representation/cppad_ipopt_nlp/fg(x)/Representation/$$ above.
446 $pre
448 $$
449 The $code cppad_ipopt_h_base$$ implementation of this function
450 corresponds to the simple representation mentioned above; i.e.,
451 for $latex i = 0 , \ldots , m$$,
452 $icode%I%[%i%] = %i%$$,
453 and  for $latex j = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$,
454 $icode%J%[%j%] = %j%$$.
456 $head solution$$
457 After the optimization process is completed, $icode solution$$ contains
458 the following information:
460 $subhead status$$
461 The $icode status$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
462 $codei%
463     cppad_ipopt_solution::solution_status %solution%.status
464 %$$
465 It is the final Ipopt status for the optimizer.
466 Here is a list of the possible values for the status:
468 $table
469 $icode status$$ $cnext Meaning
470 $rnext
471 not_defined $cnext
472 The optimizer did not return a final status to this $code cppad_ipopt_nlp$$
473 object.
474 $rnext
475 unknown $cnext
476 The status returned by the optimizer is not defined in the Ipopt
477 documentation for $code finalize_solution$$.
478 $rnext
479 success $cnext
480 Algorithm terminated successfully at a point satisfying the convergence
481 tolerances (see Ipopt options).
482 $rnext
483 maxiter_exceeded $cnext
484 The maximum number of iterations was exceeded (see Ipopt options).
485 $rnext
486 stop_at_tiny_step $cnext
487 Algorithm terminated because progress was very slow.
488 $rnext
489 stop_at_acceptable_point $cnext
490 Algorithm stopped at a point that was converged,
491 not to the 'desired' tolerances, but to 'acceptable' tolerances
492 (see Ipopt options).
493 $rnext
494 local_infeasibility $cnext
495 Algorithm converged to a non-feasible point
496 (problem may have no solution).
497 $rnext
498 user_requested_stop $cnext
499 This return value should not happen.
500 $rnext
501 diverging_iterates $cnext
502 It the iterates are diverging.
503 $rnext
504 restoration_failure $cnext
505 Restoration phase failed, algorithm doesn't know how to proceed.
506 $rnext
507 error_in_step_computation $cnext
508 An unrecoverable error occurred while Ipopt tried to
509 compute the search direction.
510 $rnext
511 invalid_number_detected $cnext
512 Algorithm received an invalid number (such as $code nan$$ or $code inf$$)
513 from the users function $icode%fg_info%.eval%$$ or from the CppAD evaluations
514 of its derivatives
515 (see the Ipopt option $code check_derivatives_for_naninf$$).
516 $rnext
517 internal_error $cnext
518 An unknown Ipopt internal error occurred.
519 Contact the Ipopt authors through the mailing list.
520 $tend
522 $subhead x$$
523 The $code x$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
524 $codei%
525     NumberVector %solution%.x
526 %$$
527 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
528 It is the final $latex x$$ value for the optimizer.
530 $subhead z_l$$
531 The $code z_l$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
532 $codei%
533     NumberVector %solution%.z_l
534 %$$
535 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
536 It is the final Lagrange multipliers for the
537 lower bounds on $latex x$$.
539 $subhead z_u$$
540 The $code z_u$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
541 $codei%
542     NumberVector %solution%.z_u
543 %$$
544 and its size is equal to $latex n$$.
545 It is the final Lagrange multipliers for the
546 upper bounds on $latex x$$.
548 $subhead g$$
549 The $code g$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
550 $codei%
551     NumberVector %solution%.g
552 %$$
553 and its size is equal to $latex m$$.
554 It is the final value for the constraint function $latex g(x)$$.
556 $subhead lambda$$
557 The $code lambda$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
558 $codei%
559     NumberVector %solution%.lambda
560 %$$
561 and its size is equal to $latex m$$.
562 It is the final value for the
563 Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the constraint function.
565 $subhead obj_value$$
566 The $code obj_value$$ field of $icode solution$$ has prototype
567 $codei%
568     Number %solution%.obj_value
569 %$$
570 It is the final value of the objective function $latex f(x)$$.
573 $end
574 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
575 */
576 # include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
577 # include <coin-or/IpIpoptApplication.hpp>
578 # include <coin-or/IpTNLP.hpp>
580 /*!
581 \file cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp
582 \brief CppAD interface to Ipopt
584 \ingroup cppad_ipopt_nlp_cpp
585 */
587 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
588 namespace cppad_ipopt {
589 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
591 /// A scalar value used to record operation sequence.
592 typedef CppAD::AD<Ipopt::Number>       ADNumber;
593 /// A simple vector of values used to record operation sequence
594 typedef CppAD::vector<ADNumber>        ADVector;
595 /// A simple vector of size_t values.
596 typedef CppAD::vector<size_t>          SizeVector;
597 /// A simple vector of values used by Ipopt
598 typedef CppAD::vector<Ipopt::Number>   NumberVector;
600 /*!
601 Abstract base class user derives from to define the funcitons in the problem.
602 */
603 class cppad_ipopt_fg_info
604 {
605     /// allow cppad_ipopt_nlp class complete access to this class
606     friend class cppad_ipopt_nlp;
607 private:
608     /// domain space dimension for the functions f(x), g(x)
609     size_t n_;
610     /// range space dimension for the function g(x)
611     size_t m_;
612     /// the cppad_ipopt_nlp constructor uses this method to set n_
set_n(size_t n)613     void set_n(size_t n)
614     {   n_ = n; }
615     /// the cppad_ipopt_nlp constructor uses this method to set m_
set_m(size_t m)616     void set_m(size_t m)
617     {   m_ = m; }
619 public:
620     /// destructor virtual so user derived class destructor gets called
~cppad_ipopt_fg_info(void)621     virtual ~cppad_ipopt_fg_info(void)
622     { }
623     /// number_functions; i.e. K (simple representation uses 1)
number_functions(void)624     virtual size_t number_functions(void)
625     {   return 1; }
626     /// function that evaluates the users representation for f(x) and
627     /// and g(x) is pure virtual so user must define it in derived class
628     virtual ADVector eval_r(size_t k, const ADVector& u) = 0;
629     /// should the function r_k (u) be retaped when ever the arguemnt
630     /// u changes (default is true which is safe but slow)
retape(size_t k)631     virtual bool retape(size_t k)
632     {   return true; }
633     /// domain_size q[k] for r_k (u) (simple representation uses n)
domain_size(size_t k)634     virtual size_t domain_size(size_t k)
635     {   return n_; }
636     /// range_size p[k] for r_k (u) (simple representation uses m+1)
range_size(size_t k)637     virtual size_t range_size(size_t k)
638     {   return m_ + 1; }
639     /// number_terms that use r_k (u) (simple represenation uses 1)
number_terms(size_t k)640     virtual size_t number_terms(size_t k)
641     {   return 1; }
642     /// return the index vectors I_{k,ell} and J_{k,ell}
643     /// (simple representation uses I[i] = i and J[j] = j)
index(size_t k,size_t ell,SizeVector & I,SizeVector & J)644     virtual void index(size_t k, size_t ell, SizeVector& I, SizeVector& J)
645     {   assert( I.size() >= m_ + 1 );
646         assert( J.size() >= n_ );
647         for(size_t i = 0; i <= m_; i++)
648             I[i] = i;
649         for(size_t j = 0; j < n_; j++)
650             J[j] = j;
651     }
652 };
654 /*!
655 Class that contains information about the problem solution
657 \section Nonlinear_Programming_Problem Nonlinear Programming Problem
658 We are give smooth functions
659 \f$ f : {\bf R}^n \rightarrow {\bf R} \f$
660 and
661 \f$ g : {\bf R}^n \rightarrow {\bf R}^m \f$
662 and wish to solve the problem
663 \f[
664 \begin{array}{rcl}
665 {\rm minimize} & f(x) & {\rm w.r.t.} \; x \in {\bf R}^n
666 \\
667 {\rm subject \; to} & g^l \leq g(x) \leq g^u
668 \\
669 & x^l \leq x \leq x^u
670 \end{array}
671 \f]
674 \section Users_Representation Users Representation
675 The functions
676 \f$ f : {\bf R}^n \rightarrow {\bf R} \f$ and
677 \f$ g : {\bf R}^n \rightarrow {\bf R}^m \f$ are defined by
678 \f[
679 \left( \begin{array}{c} f(x) \\ g(x) \end{array} \right)
680 =
681 \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \; \sum_{\ell=0}^{L(k) - 1}
682 [ (m+1) \otimes I_{k,\ell} ] \; \circ
683      \; r_k \; \circ \; [ J_{k,\ell} \otimes n ] \; (x)
684 \f]
685 where for \f$ k = 0 , \ldots , K-1\f$,
686 \f$ r_k : {\bf R}^{q(k)} \rightarrow {\bf R}^{p(k)} \f$.
688 \section Deprecated_Evaluation_Methods Evaluation Methods
689 The set of evaluation methods for this class is
690 \verbatim
691     { eval_f, eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g, eval_h }
692 \endverbatim
693 Note that the bool return flag for the evaluations methods
694 does not appear in the Ipopt documentation.
695 Looking at the code, it seems to be a flag telling Ipopt to abort
696 when the flag is false.
698 */
699 class cppad_ipopt_solution
700 {
701 public:
702     /// possible values for he solution status
703     enum solution_status {
704         not_defined,
705         success,
706         maxiter_exceeded,
707         stop_at_tiny_step,
708         stop_at_acceptable_point,
709         local_infeasibility,
710         user_requested_stop,
711         feasible_point_found,
712         diverging_iterates,
713         restoration_failure,
714         error_in_step_computation,
715         invalid_number_detected,
716         too_few_degrees_of_freedom,
717         internal_error,
718         unknown
719     }  status;
720     /// the approximation solution
721     NumberVector      x;
722     /// Lagrange multipliers corresponding to lower bounds on x
723     NumberVector      z_l;
724     /// Lagrange multipliers corresponding to upper bounds on x
725     NumberVector      z_u;
726     /// value of g(x)
727     NumberVector      g;
728     /// Lagrange multipliers correspondiing constraints on g(x)
729     NumberVector      lambda;
730     /// value of f(x)
731     Ipopt::Number     obj_value;
732     /// constructor initializes solution status as not yet defined
cppad_ipopt_solution(void)733     cppad_ipopt_solution(void)
734     {   status = not_defined; }
735 };
737 /*!
738 Class connects Ipopt to CppAD for derivative and sparsity pattern calculations.
739 */
740 class cppad_ipopt_nlp : public Ipopt::TNLP
741 {
742 private:
743     /// A Scalar value used by Ipopt
744     typedef Ipopt::Number                         Number;
745     /// An index value used by Ipopt
746     typedef Ipopt::Index                          Index;
747     /// Indexing style used in Ipopt sparsity structure
748     typedef Ipopt::TNLP::IndexStyleEnum           IndexStyleEnum;
749     /// A simple vector of boolean values
750     typedef CppAD::vectorBool                     BoolVector;
751     /// A simple vector of AD function objects
752     typedef CppAD::vector< CppAD::ADFun<Number> > ADFunVector;
753     /// A simple vector of simple vectors of boolean values
754     typedef CppAD::vector<BoolVector>             BoolVectorVector;
755     /// A mapping that is dense in i, sparse in j, and maps (i, j)
756     /// to the corresponding sparsity index in Ipopt.
757     typedef CppAD::vector< std::map<size_t,size_t> > IndexMap;
759     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
760     // Values directly passed in to constuctor
761     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
762     /// dimension of the domain space for f(x) and g(x)
763     /// (passed to ctor)
764     const size_t                    n_;
765     /// dimension of the range space for g(x)
766     /// (passed to ctor)
767     const size_t                    m_;
768     /// dimension of the range space for g(x)
769     /// (passed to ctor)
770     const NumberVector              x_i_;
771     /// lower limit for x
772     /// (size n_), (passed to ctor)
773     const NumberVector              x_l_;
774     /// upper limit for x
775     /// (size n_) (passed to ctor)
776     const NumberVector              x_u_;
777     /// lower limit for g(x)
778     /// (size m_) (passed to ctor)
779     const NumberVector              g_l_;
780     /// upper limit for g(x)
781     /// (size m_) (passed to ctor)
782     const NumberVector              g_u_;
783     /// pointer to base class version of derived class object used to get
784     /// information about the user's representation for f(x) and g(x)
785     /// (passed to ctor)
786     cppad_ipopt_fg_info* const      fg_info_;
787     /// pointer to object where final results are stored
788     /// (passed to ctor)
789     cppad_ipopt_solution* const     solution_;
790     /// plus infinity as a value of type Number
791     const Number                    infinity_;
793     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
794     // Effectively const values determined during constructor using calls
795     // to fg_info:
796     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
797     /// The value of \f$ K \f$ in the representation.
798     /// (effectively const)
799     size_t                 K_;
800     /// Does operation sequence for \f$ r_k (u) \f$ depend on \f$ u \f$.
801     /// (size K_) (effectively const)
802     BoolVector             retape_;
803     /// <tt>q_[k]</tt> is the domain space dimension for \f$ r_k (u) \f$
804     /// (size K_) (effectively const)
805     SizeVector             q_;
806     /// <tt>p_[k]</tt> is the range space dimension for \f$ r_k (u) \f$
807     /// (size K_) (effectively const)
808     SizeVector             p_;
809     /// <tt>L_[k]</tt> is number of times \f$ r_k (u) \f$ appears in
810     /// the representation summation
811     /// (size K_) (effectively const)
812     SizeVector             L_;
813     // -------------------------------------------------------------------
814     // Other effectively const values determined by the constructor:
815     // -------------------------------------------------------------------
816     /*!
817     CppAD sparsity patterns for \f$ \{ r_k^{(1)} (u) \} \f$ (set by ctor).
819     For <tt>k = 0 , ... , K_-1, pattern_jac_r_[k]</tt>
820     is a CppAD sparsity pattern for the Jacobian of \f$ r_k (u) \f$
821     and as such it has size <tt>p_[k]*q_[k]</tt>.
822     (effectively const)
823     */
824     BoolVectorVector                 pattern_jac_r_;
826     /*!
827     CppAD sparsity patterns for \f$ \{ r_k^{(2)} (u) \} \f$ (set by ctor).
829     For <tt>k = 0 , ... , K_-1, pattern_jac_r_[k]</tt>
830     is a CppAD sparsity pattern for the Hessian of
831     \f[
832         R(u) = \sum_{i=0}^{p[k]-1}  r_k (u)_i
833     \f]
834     and as such it has size <tt>q_[k]*q_[k]</tt>.
835     (effectively const)
836     */
837     BoolVectorVector                 pattern_hes_r_;
839     /// number non-zero is Ipopt sparsity structor for Jacobian of g(x)
840     /// (effectively const)
841     size_t                           nnz_jac_g_;
842     /// row indices in Ipopt sparsity structor for Jacobian of g(x)
843     /// (effectively const)
844     SizeVector                       iRow_jac_g_;
845     /// column indices in Ipopt sparsity structor for Jacobian of g(x)
846     /// (effectively const)
847     SizeVector                       jCol_jac_g_;
849     /// number non-zero is Ipopt sparsity structor for Hessian of Lagragian
850     /// (effectively const)
851     size_t                           nnz_h_lag_;
852     /// row indices in Ipopt sparsity structor for Hessian of Lagragian
853     /// (effectively const)
854     SizeVector                       iRow_h_lag_;
855     /// column indices in Ipopt sparsity structor for Hessian of Lagragian
856     /// (effectively const)
857     SizeVector                       jCol_h_lag_;
859     /*!
860     Mapping from (i, j) in Jacobian of g(x) to Ipopt sparsity structure
862     For <tt>i = 0 , ... , m_-1, index_jac_g_[i]</tt>
863     is a standard map from column index values j to the corresponding
864     index in the Ipopt sparsity structure for the Jacobian of g(x).
865     */
866     IndexMap                         index_jac_g_;
868     /*!
869     Mapping from (i, j) in Hessian of fg(x) to Ipopt sparsity structure
871     For <tt>i = 0 , ... , n_-1, index_hes_fg_[i]</tt>
872     is a standard map from column index values j to the corresponding
873     index in the Ipopt sparsity structure for the Hessian of the Lagragian.
874     */
875     IndexMap                         index_hes_fg_;
876     // -----------------------------------------------------------------
877     // Values that are changed by routine other than the constructor:
878     // -----------------------------------------------------------------
880     /// For <tt>k = 0 , ... , K_-1, r_fun_[k]</tt>
881     /// is a the CppAD function object corresponding to \f$ r_k (u) \f$.
882     ADFunVector                      r_fun_;
883     /*!
884     Is r_fun[k] OK for current x.
886     For <tt>k = 0 , ... , K_-1, tape_ok_[k]</tt>
887     is true if current operations sequence in <tt>r_fun_[k]</tt>
888     OK for this value of \f$ x \f$.
889     Note that \f$ u = [ J_{k,\ell} \otimes n ] (x) \f$ may depend on the
890     value of \f$ \ell \f$.
891     */
892     BoolVector             tape_ok_;
894     /// work space of size equal maximum of <tt>q[k]</tt> w.r.t k.
895     SizeVector             J_;
896     /// work space of size equal maximum of <tt>p[k]</tt> w.r.t k.
897     SizeVector             I_;
898     // ------------------------------------------------------------
899     // Private Methods
900     // ------------------------------------------------------------
901     /// block the default constructor from use
902     cppad_ipopt_nlp(const cppad_ipopt_nlp&);
903     /// blocks the assignment operator from use
904     cppad_ipopt_nlp& operator=(const cppad_ipopt_nlp&);
905 public:
906     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
907     // See cppad_ipopt_nlp.cpp for doxygen documentation of these methods
908     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
910     /// only constructor for cppad_ipopot_nlp
911     cppad_ipopt_nlp(
912         size_t n                         ,
913         size_t m                         ,
914         const NumberVector    &x_i       ,
915         const NumberVector    &x_l       ,
916         const NumberVector    &x_u       ,
917         const NumberVector    &g_l       ,
918         const NumberVector    &g_u       ,
919         cppad_ipopt_fg_info*   fg_info   ,
920         cppad_ipopt_solution*  solution
921     );
923     // use virtual so that derived class destructor gets called.
924     virtual ~cppad_ipopt_nlp();
926     // return info about the nlp
927     virtual bool get_nlp_info(
928         Index&          n           ,
929         Index&          m           ,
930         Index&          nnz_jac_g   ,
931         Index&          nnz_h_lag   ,
932         IndexStyleEnum& index_style
933     );
935     // return bounds for my problem
936     virtual bool get_bounds_info(
937         Index           n   ,
938         Number*         x_l ,
939         Number*         x_u ,
940         Index           m   ,
941         Number*         g_l ,
942         Number*         g_u
943     );
945     // return the starting point for the algorithm
946     virtual bool get_starting_point(
947         Index          n            ,
948         bool           init_x       ,
949         Number*        x            ,
950         bool           init_z       ,
951         Number*        z_L          ,
952         Number*        z_U          ,
953         Index          m            ,
954         bool           init_lambda  ,
955         Number*        lambda
956     );
958     // return the objective value
959     virtual bool eval_f(
960         Index          n           ,
961         const Number*  x           ,
962         bool           new_x       ,
963         Number&        obj_value
964     );
966     // Method to return the gradient of the objective
967     virtual bool eval_grad_f(
968         Index          n           ,
969         const Number*  x           ,
970         bool           new_x       ,
971         Number*        grad_f
972     );
974     // return the constraint residuals
975     virtual bool eval_g(
976         Index          n           ,
977         const Number*  x           ,
978         bool           new_x       ,
979         Index          m           ,
980         Number*        g
981     );
983     // Method to return:
984     // 1) The structure of the jacobian (if "values" is NULL)
985     // 2) The values of the jacobian (if "values" is not NULL)
986     virtual bool eval_jac_g(
987         Index          n           ,
988         const Number*  x           ,
989         bool           new_x       ,
990         Index          m           ,
991         Index          nele_jac    ,
992         Index*         iRow        ,
993         Index*         jCol        ,
994         Number*        values
995     );
997     // Method to return:
998     //  1) structure of hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is NULL)
999     //  2) values of hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is not NULL)
1000     virtual bool eval_h(
1001         Index          n           ,
1002         const Number*  x           ,
1003         bool           new_x       ,
1004         Number         obj_factor  ,
1005         Index          m           ,
1006         const Number*  lambda      ,
1007         bool           new_lambda  ,
1008         Index          nele_hess   ,
1009         Index*         iRow        ,
1010         Index*         jCol        ,
1011         Number*        values
1012     );
1014     // called when the algorithm is completed so the TNLP can
1015     // store/write the solution
1016     virtual void finalize_solution(
1017         Ipopt::SolverReturn       status      ,
1018         Index                      n          ,
1019         const Number*              x          ,
1020         const Number*              z_L        ,
1021         const Number*              z_U        ,
1022         Index                      m          ,
1023         const Number*              g          ,
1024         const Number*              lambda     ,
1025         Number                     obj_value  ,
1026         const Ipopt::IpoptData*           ip_data    ,
1027         Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq
1028     );
1030     virtual bool intermediate_callback(
1031         Ipopt::AlgorithmMode              mode,
1032         Index                             iter,
1033         Number                            obj_value,
1034         Number                            inf_pr,
1035         Number                            inf_du,
1036         Number                            mu,
1037         Number                            d_norm,
1038         Number                            regularization_size,
1039         Number                            alpha_du,
1040         Number                            alpha_pr,
1041         Index                             ls_trials,
1042         const Ipopt::IpoptData*           ip_data,
1043         Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities* ip_cq
1044     );
1046 };
1049 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1050 } // end namespace cppad_ipopt
1051 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1053 # endif