1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /*!
3  * \file theory_bitvector.h
4  *
5  * Author: Vijay Ganesh
6  *
7  * Created: Wed May 05 18:34:55 PDT 2004
8  *
9  * <hr>
10  *
11  * License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
12  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
13  * royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
14  * LICENSE file provided with this distribution.
15  *
16  * <hr>
17  *
18  */
19 /*****************************************************************************/
21 #ifndef _cvc3__include__theory_bitvector_h_
22 #define _cvc3__include__theory_bitvector_h_
24 #include "theory_core.h"
25 #include "statistics.h"
27 namespace CVC3 {
29   class VCL;
30   class BitvectorProofRules;
32   typedef enum { //some new BV kinds
33     // New constants
34     BVCONST = 80,
36     BITVECTOR = 8000,
38     CONCAT,
39     EXTRACT,
45     BVSHL,
46     BVLSHR,
47     BVASHR,
48     SX,
49     BVREPEAT,
51     BVROTL,
52     BVROTR,
54     BVAND,
55     BVOR,
56     BVXOR,
57     BVXNOR,
58     BVNEG,
59     BVNAND,
60     BVNOR,
61     BVCOMP,
63     BVUMINUS,
64     BVPLUS,
65     BVSUB,
66     BVMULT,
67     BVUDIV,
68     BVSDIV,
69     BVUREM,
70     BVSREM,
71     BVSMOD,
73     BVLT,
74     BVLE,
75     BVGT,
76     BVGE,
77     BVSLT,
78     BVSLE,
79     BVSGT,
80     BVSGE,
82     INTTOBV, // Not implemented yet
83     BVTOINT, // Not implemented yet
84     // A wrapper for delaying the construction of type predicates
86   } BVKinds;
88 /*****************************************************************************/
89 /*!
90  *\class TheoryBitvector
91  *\ingroup Theories
92  *\brief Theory of bitvectors of known length \
93  * (operations include: @,[i:j],[i],+,.,BVAND,BVNEG)
94  *
95  * Author: Vijay Ganesh
96  *
97  * Created:Wed May  5 15:35:07 PDT 2004
98  */
99 /*****************************************************************************/
100 class TheoryBitvector :public Theory {
101   BitvectorProofRules* d_rules;
102   //! MemoryManager index for BVConstExpr subclass
103   size_t d_bvConstExprIndex;
104   size_t d_bvPlusExprIndex;
105   size_t d_bvParameterExprIndex;
106   size_t d_bvTypePredExprIndex;
108   //! counts delayed asserted equalities
109   StatCounter d_bvDelayEq;
110   //! counts asserted equalities
111   StatCounter d_bvAssertEq;
112   //! counts delayed asserted disequalities
113   StatCounter d_bvDelayDiseq;
114   //! counts asserted disequalities
115   StatCounter d_bvAssertDiseq;
116   //! counts type predicates
117   StatCounter d_bvTypePreds;
118   //! counts delayed type predicates
119   StatCounter d_bvDelayTypePreds;
120   //! counts bitblasted equalities
121   StatCounter d_bvBitBlastEq;
122   //! counts bitblasted disequalities
123   StatCounter d_bvBitBlastDiseq;
125   //! boolean on the fly rewrite flag
126   const bool* d_booleanRWFlag;
127   //! bool extract cache flag
128   const bool* d_boolExtractCacheFlag;
129   //! flag which indicates that all arithmetic is 32 bit with no overflow
130   const bool* d_bv32Flag;
132   //! Cache for storing the results of the bitBlastTerm function
133   CDMap<Expr,Theorem> d_bitvecCache;
135   //! Cache for pushNegation(). it is ok that this is cache is
136   //ExprMap. it is cleared for each call of pushNegation. Does not add
137   //value across calls of pushNegation
138   ExprMap<Theorem> d_pushNegCache;
140   //! Backtracking queue for equalities
141   CDList<Theorem> d_eq;
142   //! Backtracking queue for unsolved equalities
143   CDList<Theorem> d_eqPending;
144   //! Index to current position in d_eqPending
145   CDO<unsigned int> d_eq_index;
146   //! Backtracking queue for all other assertions
147   CDList<Theorem> d_bitblast;
148   //! Index to current position in d_bitblast
149   CDO<unsigned int> d_bb_index;
150   //! Backtracking database of subterms of shared terms
151   CDMap<Expr,Expr> d_sharedSubterms;
152   //! Backtracking database of subterms of shared terms
153   CDList<Expr> d_sharedSubtermsList;
155   //! Constant 1-bit bit-vector 0bin0
156   Expr d_bvZero;
157   //! Constant 1-bit bit-vector 0bin0
158   Expr d_bvOne;
159   //! Return cached constant 0bin0
bvZero()160   const Expr& bvZero() const { return d_bvZero; }
161   //! Return cached constant 0bin1
bvOne()162   const Expr& bvOne() const { return d_bvOne; }
164   //! Max size of any bitvector we've seen
165   int d_maxLength;
167   //! Used in checkSat
168   CDO<unsigned> d_index1;
169   CDO<unsigned> d_index2;
171   //! functions which implement the DP strategy for bitblasting
172   Theorem bitBlastEqn(const Expr& e);
173   //! bitblast disequation
174   Theorem bitBlastDisEqn(const Theorem& notE);
175   //! function which implements the DP strtagey to bitblast Inequations
176   Theorem bitBlastIneqn(const Expr& e);
177   //! functions which implement the DP strategy for bitblasting
178   Theorem bitBlastTerm(const Expr& t, int bitPosition);
180 //   //! strategy fucntions for BVPLUS NORMAL FORM
181 //   Theorem padBVPlus(const Expr& e);
182 //   //! strategy fucntions for BVPLUS NORMAL FORM
183 //   Theorem flattenBVPlus(const Expr& e);
185 //   //! Implementation of the concatenation normal form
186 //   Theorem normalizeConcat(const Expr& e, bool useFind);
187 //   //! Implementation of the n-bit arithmetic normal form
188 //   Theorem normalizeBVArith(const Expr& e, bool useFind);
189 //   //! Helper method for composing normalizations
190 //   Theorem normalizeConcat(const Theorem& t, bool useFind) {
191 //     return transitivityRule(t, normalizeConcat(t.getRHS(), useFind));
192 //   }
193 //   //! Helper method for composing normalizations
194 //   Theorem normalizeBVArith(const Theorem& t, bool useFind) {
195 //     return transitivityRule(t, normalizeBVArith(t.getRHS(), useFind));
196 //   }
198 //   Theorem signExtendBVLT(const Expr& e, int len, bool useFind);
200   public:
201   Theorem pushNegationRec(const Expr& e);
202   private:
203   Theorem pushNegation(const Expr& e);
205   //! Top down simplifier
206   virtual Theorem simplifyOp(const Expr& e);
208   //! Internal rewrite method for constants
209   //  Theorem rewriteConst(const Expr& e);
211   //! Main rewrite method (implements the actual rewrites)
212   Theorem rewriteBV(const Expr& e, ExprMap<Theorem>& cache, int n = 1);
214   //! Rewrite children 'n' levels down (n==1 means "only the top level")
215   Theorem rewriteBV(const Expr& e, int n = 1);
217   // Shortcuts for theorems
218   Theorem rewriteBV(const Theorem& t, ExprMap<Theorem>& cache, int n = 1) {
219      return transitivityRule(t, rewriteBV(t.getRHS(), cache, n));
220   }
221   Theorem rewriteBV(const Theorem& t, int n = 1) {
222     return transitivityRule(t, rewriteBV(t.getRHS(), n));
223   }
225   //! rewrite input boolean expression e to a simpler form
226   Theorem rewriteBoolean(const Expr& e);
228 /*Beginning of Lorenzo PLatania's methods*/
230   Expr multiply_coeff( Rational mult_inv, const Expr& e);
232   // extract the min value from a Rational list
233   int min(std::vector<Rational> list);
235   // evaluates the gcd of two integer coefficients
236   //  int gcd(int c1, int c2);
238   // converts a bv constant to an integer
239   //  int bv2int(const Expr& e);
241   // return the odd coefficient of a leaf for which we can solve the
242   // equation, or zero if no one has been found
243   Rational Odd_coeff( const Expr& e );
247   // returns 1 if e is a linear term
248   int check_linear( const Expr &e );
250   bool isTermIn(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2);
252   Theorem updateSubterms( const Expr& d );
254   // returns how many times "term" appears in "e"
255   int countTermIn( const Expr& term, const Expr& e);
257   Theorem simplifyPendingEq(const Theorem& thm, int maxEffort);
258   Theorem generalBitBlast( const Theorem& thm );
259 /*End of Lorenzo PLatania's methods*/
261   ExprStream& printSmtLibShared(ExprStream& os, const Expr& e);
263 public:
264   TheoryBitvector(TheoryCore* core);
265   ~TheoryBitvector();
267   ExprMap<Expr> d_bvPlusCarryCacheLeftBV;
268   ExprMap<Expr> d_bvPlusCarryCacheRightBV;
270   // Trusted method that creates the proof rules class (used in constructor).
271   // Implemented in bitvector_theorem_producer.cpp
272   BitvectorProofRules* createProofRules();
274   // Theory interface
275   void addSharedTerm(const Expr& e);
276   void assertFact(const Theorem& e);
277   void assertTypePred(const Expr& e, const Theorem& pred);
278   void checkSat(bool fullEffort);
279   Theorem rewrite(const Expr& e);
280   Theorem rewriteAtomic(const Expr& e);
281   void setup(const Expr& e);
282   void update(const Theorem& e, const Expr& d);
283   Theorem solve(const Theorem& e);
284   void checkType(const Expr& e);
285   Cardinality finiteTypeInfo(Expr& e, Unsigned& n,
286                              bool enumerate, bool computeSize);
287   void computeType(const Expr& e);
288   void computeModelTerm(const Expr& e, std::vector<Expr>& v);
289   void computeModel(const Expr& e, std::vector<Expr>& vars);
290   Expr computeTypePred(const Type& t, const Expr& e);
291   Expr computeTCC(const Expr& e);
292   ExprStream& print(ExprStream& os, const Expr& e);
293   Expr parseExprOp(const Expr& e);
295   //helper functions
297   //! Return the number of bits in the bitvector expression
298   int BVSize(const Expr& e);
rat(const Rational & r)300   Expr rat(const Rational& r) { return getEM()->newRatExpr(r); }
301   //!pads e to be of length len
302   Expr pad(int len, const Expr& e);
304   bool comparebv(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2);
306   //helper functions: functions to construct exprs
newBitvectorType(int i)307   Type newBitvectorType(int i)
308     { return newBitvectorTypeExpr(i); }
309   Expr newBitvectorTypePred(const Type& t, const Expr& e);
310   Expr newBitvectorTypeExpr(int i);
312   Expr newBVAndExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
313   Expr newBVAndExpr(const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
315   Expr newBVOrExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
316   Expr newBVOrExpr(const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
318   Expr newBVXorExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
319   Expr newBVXorExpr(const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
321   Expr newBVXnorExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
322   Expr newBVXnorExpr(const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
324   Expr newBVNandExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
325   Expr newBVNorExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
326   Expr newBVCompExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
328   Expr newBVLTExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
329   Expr newBVLEExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
330   Expr newSXExpr(const Expr& t1, int len);
331   Expr newBVIndexExpr(int kind, const Expr& t1, int len);
332   Expr newBVSLTExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
333   Expr newBVSLEExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
335   Expr newBVNegExpr(const Expr& t1);
336   Expr newBVUminusExpr(const Expr& t1);
337   Expr newBoolExtractExpr(const Expr& t1, int r);
338   Expr newFixedLeftShiftExpr(const Expr& t1, int r);
339   Expr newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(const Expr& t1, int r);
340   Expr newFixedRightShiftExpr(const Expr& t1, int r);
341   Expr newConcatExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
342   Expr newConcatExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2, const Expr& t3);
343   Expr newConcatExpr(const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
344   Expr newBVConstExpr(const std::string& s, int base = 2);
345   Expr newBVConstExpr(const std::vector<bool>& bits);
346   // Lorenzo's wrapper
347   // as computeBVConst can not give the BV expr of a negative rational,
348   // I use this wrapper to do that
349   Expr signed_newBVConstExpr( Rational c, int bv_size);
350   // end of Lorenzo's wrapper
352   // Construct BVCONST of length 'len', or the min. needed length when len=0.
353   Expr newBVConstExpr(const Rational& r, int len = 0);
354   Expr newBVZeroString(int r);
355   Expr newBVOneString(int r);
356   //! hi and low are bit indices
357   Expr newBVExtractExpr(const Expr& e,
358 			int hi, int low);
359   Expr newBVSubExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
360   //! 'numbits' is the number of bits in the result
361   Expr newBVPlusExpr(int numbits, const Expr& k1, const Expr& k2);
362   //! 'numbits' is the number of bits in the result
363   Expr newBVPlusExpr(int numbits, const std::vector<Expr>& k);
364   //! pads children and then builds plus expr
365   Expr newBVPlusPadExpr(int bvLength, const std::vector<Expr>& k);
366   Expr newBVMultExpr(int bvLength,
367 		     const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
368   Expr newBVMultExpr(int bvLength, const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
369   Expr newBVMultPadExpr(int bvLength,
370                         const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
371   Expr newBVMultPadExpr(int bvLength, const std::vector<Expr>& kids);
372   Expr newBVUDivExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
373   Expr newBVURemExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
374   Expr newBVSDivExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
375   Expr newBVSRemExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
376   Expr newBVSModExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2);
378   // Accessors for expression parameters
379   int getBitvectorTypeParam(const Expr& e);
getBitvectorTypeParam(const Type & t)380   int getBitvectorTypeParam(const Type& t)
381     { return getBitvectorTypeParam(t.getExpr()); }
382   Type getTypePredType(const Expr& tp);
383   const Expr& getTypePredExpr(const Expr& tp);
384   int getSXIndex(const Expr& e);
385   int getBVIndex(const Expr& e);
386   int getBoolExtractIndex(const Expr& e);
387   int getFixedLeftShiftParam(const Expr& e);
388   int getFixedRightShiftParam(const Expr& e);
389   int getExtractHi(const Expr& e);
390   int getExtractLow(const Expr& e);
391   int getBVPlusParam(const Expr& e);
392   int getBVMultParam(const Expr& e);
394   unsigned getBVConstSize(const Expr& e);
395   bool getBVConstValue(const Expr& e, int i);
396   //!computes the integer value of a bitvector constant
397   Rational computeBVConst(const Expr& e);
398   //!computes the integer value of ~c+1 or BVUMINUS(c)
399   Rational computeNegBVConst(const Expr& e);
getMaxSize()401   int getMaxSize() { return d_maxLength; }
403 /*Beginning of Lorenzo PLatania's public methods*/
405   bool isLinearTerm( const Expr& e );
406   void extract_vars( const Expr& e, std::vector<Expr>& vars );
407   // checks whether e can be solved in term
408   bool canSolveFor( const Expr& term, const Expr& e );
410   // evaluates the multipicative inverse
411   Rational multiplicative_inverse(Rational r, int n_bits);
414   /*End of Lorenzo PLatania's public methods*/
416   std::vector<Theorem> additionalRewriteConstraints;
418 }; //end of class TheoryBitvector
421 }//end of namespace CVC3
422 #endif