1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file theory_datatypes.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Tim King, Mathias Preiner
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Theory of datatypes.
13  **
14  ** Theory of datatypes.
15  **/
17 #include "cvc4_private.h"
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <map>
25 #include "context/cdlist.h"
26 #include "expr/attribute.h"
27 #include "expr/datatype.h"
28 #include "expr/node_trie.h"
29 #include "theory/datatypes/datatypes_sygus.h"
30 #include "theory/theory.h"
31 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
32 #include "util/hash.h"
34 namespace CVC4 {
35 namespace theory {
36 namespace datatypes {
38 class TheoryDatatypes : public Theory {
39  private:
40   typedef context::CDList<Node> NodeList;
41   /** maps nodes to an index in a vector */
42   typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, size_t, NodeHashFunction> NodeUIntMap;
43   typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction> BoolMap;
44   typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeMap;
46   /** inferences */
47   NodeList d_infer;
48   NodeList d_infer_exp;
49   Node d_true;
50   Node d_zero;
51   /** mkAnd */
52   Node mkAnd(std::vector<TNode>& assumptions);
54  private:
55   //notification class for equality engine
56   class NotifyClass : public eq::EqualityEngineNotify {
57     TheoryDatatypes& d_dt;
58   public:
NotifyClass(TheoryDatatypes & dt)59     NotifyClass(TheoryDatatypes& dt): d_dt(dt) {}
eqNotifyTriggerEquality(TNode equality,bool value)60     bool eqNotifyTriggerEquality(TNode equality, bool value) override
61     {
62       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerEquality(" << equality << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false" )<< ")" << std::endl;
63       if (value) {
64         return d_dt.propagate(equality);
65       } else {
66         // We use only literal triggers so taking not is safe
67         return d_dt.propagate(equality.notNode());
68       }
69     }
eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(TNode predicate,bool value)70     bool eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(TNode predicate, bool value) override
71     {
72       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(" << predicate << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl;
73       if (value) {
74         return d_dt.propagate(predicate);
75       } else {
76        return d_dt.propagate(predicate.notNode());
77       }
78     }
eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(TheoryId tag,TNode t1,TNode t2,bool value)79     bool eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(TheoryId tag,
80                                      TNode t1,
81                                      TNode t2,
82                                      bool value) override
83     {
84       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerTermMerge(" << tag << ", " << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
85       if (value) {
86         return d_dt.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2));
87       } else {
88         return d_dt.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2).notNode());
89       }
90     }
eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)91     void eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
92     {
93       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
94       d_dt.conflict(t1, t2);
95     }
eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t)96     void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t) override
97     {
98       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyNewClass(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
99       d_dt.eqNotifyNewClass(t);
100     }
eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)101     void eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
102     {
103       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyPreMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
104       d_dt.eqNotifyPreMerge(t1, t2);
105     }
eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)106     void eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
107     {
108       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyPostMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
109       d_dt.eqNotifyPostMerge(t1, t2);
110     }
eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1,TNode t2,TNode reason)111     void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason) override
112     {
113       Debug("dt") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyDisequal(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ", " << reason << ")" << std::endl;
114       d_dt.eqNotifyDisequal(t1, t2, reason);
115     }
116   };/* class TheoryDatatypes::NotifyClass */
117 private:
118   /** equivalence class info
119    * d_inst is whether the instantiate rule has been applied,
120    * d_constructor is a node of kind APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR (if any) in this equivalence class,
121    * d_selectors is whether a selector has been applied to this equivalence class.
122    */
123   class EqcInfo
124   {
125   public:
126     EqcInfo( context::Context* c );
~EqcInfo()127     ~EqcInfo(){}
128     //whether we have instantiatied this eqc
129     context::CDO< bool > d_inst;
130     //constructor equal to this eqc
131     context::CDO< Node > d_constructor;
132     //all selectors whose argument is this eqc
133     context::CDO< bool > d_selectors;
134   };
135   /** does eqc of n have a label (do we know its constructor)? */
136   bool hasLabel( EqcInfo* eqc, Node n );
137   /** get the label associated to n */
138   Node getLabel( Node n );
139   /** get the index of the label associated to n */
140   int getLabelIndex( EqcInfo* eqc, Node n );
141   /** does eqc of n have any testers? */
142   bool hasTester( Node n );
143   /** get the possible constructors for n */
144   void getPossibleCons( EqcInfo* eqc, Node n, std::vector< bool >& cons );
145   /** mkExpDefSkolem */
146   void mkExpDefSkolem( Node sel, TypeNode dt, TypeNode rt );
147   /** skolems for terms */
148   NodeMap d_term_sk;
149   Node getTermSkolemFor( Node n );
150 private:
151   /** The notify class */
152   NotifyClass d_notify;
153   /** Equaltity engine */
154   eq::EqualityEngine d_equalityEngine;
155   /** information necessary for equivalence classes */
156   std::map< Node, EqcInfo* > d_eqc_info;
157   /** map from nodes to their instantiated equivalent for each constructor type */
158   std::map< Node, std::map< int, Node > > d_inst_map;
159   //---------------------------------labels
160   /** labels for each equivalence class
161    *
162    * For each eqc r, d_labels[r] is testers that hold for this equivalence
163    * class, either:
164    * a list of equations of the form
165    *   NOT is_[constructor_1]( t1 )...NOT is_[constructor_n]( tn ), each of
166    *   which are unique testers, n is less than the number of possible
167    *   constructors for t minus one,
168    * or a list of equations of the form
169    *   NOT is_[constructor_1]( t1 )...NOT is_[constructor_n]( tn ) followed by
170    *   is_[constructor_(n+1)]( t{n+1} ), each of which is a unique tester.
171    * In both cases, t1, ..., tn, t{n+1} are terms in the equivalence class of r.
172    *
173    * We store this list in a context-dependent way, using the four data
174    * structures below. The three vectors d_labels_data, d_labels_args, and
175    * d_labels_tindex store the tester applications, their arguments and the
176    * tester index of the application. The map d_labels stores the number of
177    * values in these vectors that is valid in the current context (this is an
178    * optimization that ensures we don't need to pop data when changing SAT
179    * contexts).
180    */
181   NodeUIntMap d_labels;
182   /** the tester applications */
183   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_labels_data;
184   /** the argument of each node in d_labels_data */
185   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_labels_args;
186   /** the tester index of each node in d_labels_data */
187   std::map<Node, std::vector<unsigned> > d_labels_tindex;
188   //---------------------------------end labels
189   /** selector apps for eqch equivalence class */
190   NodeUIntMap d_selector_apps;
191   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_selector_apps_data;
192   /** Are we in conflict */
193   context::CDO<bool> d_conflict;
194   /** added lemma
195    *
196    * This flag is set to true during a full effort check if this theory
197    * called d_out->lemma(...).
198    */
199   bool d_addedLemma;
200   /** added fact
201    *
202    * This flag is set to true during a full effort check if this theory
203    * added an internal fact to its equality engine.
204    */
205   bool d_addedFact;
206   /** The conflict node */
207   Node d_conflictNode;
208   /** cache for which terms we have called collectTerms(...) on */
209   BoolMap d_collectTermsCache;
210   /** pending assertions/merges */
211   std::vector< Node > d_pending_lem;
212   std::vector< Node > d_pending;
213   std::map< Node, Node > d_pending_exp;
214   std::vector< Node > d_pending_merge;
215   /** All the function terms that the theory has seen */
216   context::CDList<TNode> d_functionTerms;
217   /** counter for forcing assignments (ensures fairness) */
218   unsigned d_dtfCounter;
219   /** expand definition skolem functions */
220   std::map< TypeNode, std::map< Node, Node > > d_exp_def_skolem;
221   /** uninterpreted constant to variable map */
222   std::map< Node, Node > d_uc_to_fresh_var;
223 private:
224   /** singleton lemmas (for degenerate co-datatype case) */
225   std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_singleton_lemma[2];
226   /** Cache for singleton equalities processed */
227   BoolMap d_singleton_eq;
228   /** list of all lemmas produced */
229   BoolMap d_lemmas_produced_c;
230 private:
231   /** assert fact */
232   void assertFact( Node fact, Node exp );
234   /** flush pending facts */
235   void flushPendingFacts();
237   /** do pending merged */
238   void doPendingMerges();
239   /** do send lemma */
240   bool doSendLemma( Node lem );
241   bool doSendLemmas( std::vector< Node >& lem );
242   /** get or make eqc info */
243   EqcInfo* getOrMakeEqcInfo( TNode n, bool doMake = false );
245   /** has eqc info */
hasEqcInfo(TNode n)246   bool hasEqcInfo( TNode n ) { return d_labels.find( n )!=d_labels.end(); }
248   /** get eqc constructor */
249   TNode getEqcConstructor( TNode r );
251  protected:
252   void addCarePairs(TNodeTrie* t1,
253                     TNodeTrie* t2,
254                     unsigned arity,
255                     unsigned depth,
256                     unsigned& n_pairs);
257   /** compute care graph */
258   void computeCareGraph() override;
260  public:
261   TheoryDatatypes(context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u,
262                   OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation,
263                   const LogicInfo& logicInfo);
264   ~TheoryDatatypes();
266   void setMasterEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* eq) override;
268   /** propagate */
269   void propagate(Effort effort) override;
270   /** propagate */
271   bool propagate(TNode literal);
272   /** explain */
273   void addAssumptions( std::vector<TNode>& assumptions, std::vector<TNode>& tassumptions );
274   void explainEquality( TNode a, TNode b, bool polarity, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions );
275   void explainPredicate( TNode p, bool polarity, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions );
276   void explain( TNode literal, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions );
277   Node explain(TNode literal) override;
278   Node explain( std::vector< Node >& lits );
279   /** Conflict when merging two constants */
280   void conflict(TNode a, TNode b);
281   /** called when a new equivalance class is created */
282   void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t);
283   /** called when two equivalance classes will merge */
284   void eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2);
285   /** called when two equivalance classes have merged */
286   void eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2);
287   /** called when two equivalence classes are made disequal */
288   void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason);
290   void check(Effort e) override;
291   bool needsCheckLastEffort() override;
292   void preRegisterTerm(TNode n) override;
293   void finishInit() override;
294   Node expandDefinition(LogicRequest& logicRequest, Node n) override;
295   Node ppRewrite(TNode n) override;
296   void presolve() override;
297   void addSharedTerm(TNode t) override;
298   EqualityStatus getEqualityStatus(TNode a, TNode b) override;
299   bool collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m) override;
shutdown()300   void shutdown() override {}
identify()301   std::string identify() const override
302   {
303     return std::string("TheoryDatatypes");
304   }
305   /** equality engine */
getEqualityEngine()306   eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine() override { return &d_equalityEngine; }
307   bool getCurrentSubstitution(int effort,
308                               std::vector<Node>& vars,
309                               std::vector<Node>& subs,
310                               std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >& exp) override;
311   /** debug print */
312   void printModelDebug( const char* c );
313   /** entailment check */
314   std::pair<bool, Node> entailmentCheck(
315       TNode lit,
316       const EntailmentCheckParameters* params = NULL,
317       EntailmentCheckSideEffects* out = NULL) override;
319  private:
320   /** add tester to equivalence class info */
321   void addTester(unsigned ttindex, Node t, EqcInfo* eqc, Node n, Node t_arg);
322   /** add selector to equivalence class info */
323   void addSelector( Node s, EqcInfo* eqc, Node n, bool assertFacts = true );
324   /** add constructor */
325   void addConstructor( Node c, EqcInfo* eqc, Node n );
326   /** merge the equivalence class info of t1 and t2 */
327   void merge( Node t1, Node t2 );
328   /** collapse selector, s is of the form sel( n ) where n = c */
329   void collapseSelector( Node s, Node c );
330   /** remove uninterpreted constants */
331   Node removeUninterpretedConstants( Node n, std::map< Node, Node >& visited );
332   /** for checking if cycles exist */
333   void checkCycles();
334   Node searchForCycle( TNode n, TNode on,
335                        std::map< TNode, bool >& visited, std::map< TNode, bool >& proc,
336                        std::vector< TNode >& explanation, bool firstTime = true );
337   /** for checking whether two codatatype terms must be equal */
338   void separateBisimilar( std::vector< Node >& part, std::vector< std::vector< Node > >& part_out,
339                           std::vector< TNode >& exp,
340                           std::map< Node, Node >& cn,
341                           std::map< Node, std::map< Node, int > >& dni, int dniLvl, bool mkExp );
342   /** build model */
343   Node getCodatatypesValue( Node n, std::map< Node, Node >& eqc_cons, std::map< Node, int >& vmap, int depth );
344   /** get singleton lemma */
345   Node getSingletonLemma( TypeNode tn, bool pol );
346   /** collect terms */
347   void collectTerms( Node n );
348   /** get instantiate cons */
349   Node getInstantiateCons( Node n, const Datatype& dt, int index );
350   /** check instantiate */
351   void instantiate( EqcInfo* eqc, Node n );
352   /** must communicate fact */
353   bool mustCommunicateFact( Node n, Node exp );
354   /** get relevant terms */
355   void getRelevantTerms( std::set<Node>& termSet );
356 private:
357   //equality queries
358   bool hasTerm( TNode a );
359   bool areEqual( TNode a, TNode b );
360   bool areDisequal( TNode a, TNode b );
361   bool areCareDisequal( TNode x, TNode y );
362   TNode getRepresentative( TNode a );
363 private:
364  /** sygus symmetry breaking utility */
365  SygusSymBreakNew* d_sygus_sym_break;
367 };/* class TheoryDatatypes */
369 }/* CVC4::theory::datatypes namespace */
370 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
371 }/* CVC4 namespace */