1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file theory_sep.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Dejan Jovanovic, Tim King
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Implementation of the theory of sep.
13  **
14  ** Implementation of the theory of sep.
15  **/
17 #include "theory/sep/theory_sep.h"
19 #include <map>
21 #include "base/map_util.h"
22 #include "expr/kind.h"
23 #include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
24 #include "options/sep_options.h"
25 #include "options/smt_options.h"
26 #include "smt/logic_exception.h"
27 #include "theory/quantifiers/quant_epr.h"
28 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_database.h"
29 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_util.h"
30 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
31 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
32 #include "theory/theory_model.h"
33 #include "theory/valuation.h"
35 using namespace std;
37 namespace CVC4 {
38 namespace theory {
39 namespace sep {
TheorySep(context::Context * c,context::UserContext * u,OutputChannel & out,Valuation valuation,const LogicInfo & logicInfo)41 TheorySep::TheorySep(context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, OutputChannel& out, Valuation valuation, const LogicInfo& logicInfo) :
42   Theory(THEORY_SEP, c, u, out, valuation, logicInfo),
43   d_lemmas_produced_c(u),
44   d_notify(*this),
45   d_equalityEngine(d_notify, c, "theory::sep::ee", true),
46   d_conflict(c, false),
47   d_reduce(u),
48   d_infer(c),
49   d_infer_exp(c),
50   d_spatial_assertions(c)
51 {
52   d_true = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst<bool>(true);
53   d_false = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst<bool>(false);
54   d_bounds_init = false;
56   // The kinds we are treating as function application in congruence
57   d_equalityEngine.addFunctionKind(kind::SEP_PTO);
58   //d_equalityEngine.addFunctionKind(kind::SEP_STAR);
59 }
~TheorySep()61 TheorySep::~TheorySep() {
62   for( std::map< Node, HeapAssertInfo * >::iterator it = d_eqc_info.begin(); it != d_eqc_info.end(); ++it ){
63     delete it->second;
64   }
65 }
setMasterEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine * eq)67 void TheorySep::setMasterEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* eq) {
68   d_equalityEngine.setMasterEqualityEngine(eq);
69 }
mkAnd(std::vector<TNode> & assumptions)71 Node TheorySep::mkAnd( std::vector< TNode >& assumptions ) {
72   if( assumptions.empty() ){
73     return d_true;
74   }else if( assumptions.size()==1 ){
75     return assumptions[0];
76   }else{
77     return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, assumptions );
78   }
79 }
81 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ppRewrite(TNode term)87 Node TheorySep::ppRewrite(TNode term) {
88   Trace("sep-pp") << "ppRewrite : " << term << std::endl;
89   return term;
90 }
ppAssert(TNode in,SubstitutionMap & outSubstitutions)92 Theory::PPAssertStatus TheorySep::ppAssert(TNode in, SubstitutionMap& outSubstitutions) {
95 }
98 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
propagate(TNode literal)103 bool TheorySep::propagate(TNode literal)
104 {
105   Debug("sep") << "TheorySep::propagate(" << literal  << ")" << std::endl;
106   // If already in conflict, no more propagation
107   if (d_conflict) {
108     Debug("sep") << "TheorySep::propagate(" << literal << "): already in conflict" << std::endl;
109     return false;
110   }
111   bool ok = d_out->propagate(literal);
112   if (!ok) {
113     d_conflict = true;
114   }
115   return ok;
116 }/* TheorySep::propagate(TNode) */
explain(TNode literal,std::vector<TNode> & assumptions)119 void TheorySep::explain(TNode literal, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions) {
120   if( literal.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL ||
121       ( literal.getKind()==kind::NOT && literal[0].getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL ) ){
122     //labelled assertions are never given to equality engine and should only come from the outside
123     assumptions.push_back( literal );
124   }else{
125     // Do the work
126     bool polarity = literal.getKind() != kind::NOT;
127     TNode atom = polarity ? literal : literal[0];
128     if (atom.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
129       d_equalityEngine.explainEquality( atom[0], atom[1], polarity, assumptions, NULL );
130     } else {
131       d_equalityEngine.explainPredicate( atom, polarity, assumptions );
132     }
133   }
134 }
propagate(Effort e)137 void TheorySep::propagate(Effort e){
139 }
explain(TNode literal)142 Node TheorySep::explain(TNode literal)
143 {
144   Debug("sep") << "TheorySep::explain(" << literal << ")" << std::endl;
145   std::vector<TNode> assumptions;
146   explain(literal, assumptions);
147   return mkAnd(assumptions);
148 }
151 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
152 // SHARING
153 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
addSharedTerm(TNode t)156 void TheorySep::addSharedTerm(TNode t) {
157   Debug("sep") << "TheorySep::addSharedTerm(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
158   d_equalityEngine.addTriggerTerm(t, THEORY_SEP);
159 }
getEqualityStatus(TNode a,TNode b)162 EqualityStatus TheorySep::getEqualityStatus(TNode a, TNode b) {
163   Assert(d_equalityEngine.hasTerm(a) && d_equalityEngine.hasTerm(b));
164   if (d_equalityEngine.areEqual(a, b)) {
165     // The terms are implied to be equal
166     return EQUALITY_TRUE;
167   }
168   else if (d_equalityEngine.areDisequal(a, b, false)) {
169     // The terms are implied to be dis-equal
170     return EQUALITY_FALSE;
171   }
173 }
computeCareGraph()176 void TheorySep::computeCareGraph() {
177   Debug("sharing") << "Theory::computeCareGraph<" << getId() << ">()" << endl;
178   for (unsigned i = 0; i < d_sharedTerms.size(); ++ i) {
179     TNode a = d_sharedTerms[i];
180     TypeNode aType = a.getType();
181     for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < d_sharedTerms.size(); ++ j) {
182       TNode b = d_sharedTerms[j];
183       if (b.getType() != aType) {
184         // We don't care about the terms of different types
185         continue;
186       }
187       switch (d_valuation.getEqualityStatus(a, b)) {
190         // If we know about it, we should have propagated it, so we can skip
191         break;
192       default:
193         // Let's split on it
194         addCarePair(a, b);
195         break;
196       }
197     }
198   }
199 }
202 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
collectModelInfo(TheoryModel * m)206 bool TheorySep::collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m)
207 {
208   set<Node> termSet;
210   // Compute terms appearing in assertions and shared terms
211   computeRelevantTerms(termSet);
213   // Send the equality engine information to the model
214   return m->assertEqualityEngine(&d_equalityEngine, &termSet);
215 }
postProcessModel(TheoryModel * m)217 void TheorySep::postProcessModel( TheoryModel* m ){
218   Trace("sep-model") << "Printing model for TheorySep..." << std::endl;
220   std::vector< Node > sep_children;
221   Node m_neq;
222   Node m_heap;
223   for( std::map< TypeNode, Node >::iterator it = d_base_label.begin(); it != d_base_label.end(); ++it ){
224     //should only be constructing for one heap type
225     Assert( m_heap.isNull() );
226     Assert( d_loc_to_data_type.find( it->first )!=d_loc_to_data_type.end() );
227     Trace("sep-model") << "Model for heap, type = " << it->first << " with data type " << d_loc_to_data_type[it->first] << " : " << std::endl;
228     TypeNode data_type = d_loc_to_data_type[it->first];
229     computeLabelModel( it->second );
230     if( d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model.empty() ){
231       Trace("sep-model") << "  [empty]" << std::endl;
232     }else{
233       for( unsigned j=0; j<d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model.size(); j++ ){
234         Assert( d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model[j].getKind()==kind::SINGLETON );
235         std::vector< Node > pto_children;
236         Node l = d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model[j][0];
237         Assert( l.isConst() );
238         pto_children.push_back( l );
239         Trace("sep-model") << " " << l << " -> ";
240         if( d_pto_model[l].isNull() ){
241           Trace("sep-model") << "_";
242           //m->d_comment_str << "_";
243           TypeEnumerator te_range( data_type );
244           if( data_type.isInterpretedFinite() ){
245             pto_children.push_back( *te_range );
246           }else{
247             //must enumerate until we find one that is not explicitly pointed to
248             bool success = false;
249             Node cv;
250             do{
251               cv = *te_range;
252               if( std::find( d_heap_locs_nptos[l].begin(), d_heap_locs_nptos[l].end(), cv )==d_heap_locs_nptos[l].end() ){
253                 success = true;
254               }else{
255                 ++te_range;
256               }
257             }while( !success );
258             pto_children.push_back( cv );
259           }
260         }else{
261           Trace("sep-model") << d_pto_model[l];
262           Node vpto = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( d_pto_model[l] );
263           Assert( vpto.isConst() );
264           pto_children.push_back( vpto );
265         }
266         Trace("sep-model") << std::endl;
267         sep_children.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_PTO, pto_children ) );
268       }
269     }
270     Node nil = getNilRef( it->first );
271     Node vnil = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( nil );
272     m_neq = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::EQUAL, nil, vnil );
273     Trace("sep-model") << "sep.nil = " << vnil << std::endl;
274     Trace("sep-model") << std::endl;
275     if( sep_children.empty() ){
276       TypeEnumerator te_domain( it->first );
277       TypeEnumerator te_range( d_loc_to_data_type[it->first] );
278       m_heap = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_EMP, *te_domain, *te_range );
279     }else if( sep_children.size()==1 ){
280       m_heap = sep_children[0];
281     }else{
282       m_heap = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_STAR, sep_children );
283     }
284     m->setHeapModel( m_heap, m_neq );
285   }
286   Trace("sep-model") << "Finished printing model for TheorySep." << std::endl;
287 }
289 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
291 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
presolve()294 void TheorySep::presolve() {
295   Trace("sep-pp") << "Presolving" << std::endl;
296   //TODO: cleanup if incremental?
297 }
300 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
302 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
check(Effort e)305 void TheorySep::check(Effort e) {
306   if (done() && !fullEffort(e) && e != EFFORT_LAST_CALL) {
307     return;
308   }
310   getOutputChannel().spendResource(options::theoryCheckStep());
312   TimerStat::CodeTimer checkTimer(d_checkTime);
313   Trace("sep-check") << "Sep::check(): " << e << endl;
314   NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
316   while( !done() && !d_conflict ){
317     // Get all the assertions
318     Assertion assertion = get();
319     TNode fact = assertion.assertion;
321     Trace("sep-assert") << "TheorySep::check(): processing " << fact << std::endl;
323     bool polarity = fact.getKind() != kind::NOT;
324     TNode atom = polarity ? fact : fact[0];
325     /*
326     if( atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP ){
327       TypeNode tn = atom[0].getType();
328       if( d_emp_arg.find( tn )==d_emp_arg.end() ){
329         d_emp_arg[tn] = atom[0];
330       }else{
331         //normalize argument TODO
332       }
333     }
334     */
335     TNode s_atom = atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL ? atom[0] : atom;
336     TNode s_lbl = atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL ? atom[1] : TNode::null();
337     bool is_spatial = s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR || s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND || s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO || s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP;
338     if( is_spatial && s_lbl.isNull() ){
339       if( d_reduce.find( fact )==d_reduce.end() ){
340         Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Reducing unlabelled assertion " << atom << std::endl;
341         d_reduce.insert( fact );
342         //introduce top-level label, add iff
343         TypeNode refType = getReferenceType( s_atom );
344         Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "...reference type is : " << refType << std::endl;
345         Node b_lbl = getBaseLabel( refType );
346         Node s_atom_new = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_LABEL, s_atom, b_lbl );
347         Node lem;
348         Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "...polarity is " << polarity << std::endl;
349         if( polarity ){
350           lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, s_atom.negate(), s_atom_new );
351         }else{
352           lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, s_atom, s_atom_new.negate() );
353         }
354         Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Sep::Lemma : base reduction : " << lem << std::endl;
355         d_out->lemma( lem );
356       }
357     }else{
358       //do reductions
359       if( is_spatial ){
360         if( d_reduce.find( fact )==d_reduce.end() ){
361           Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Reducing assertion " << fact << std::endl;
362           d_reduce.insert( fact );
363           Node conc;
364           if (Node* in_map = FindOrNull(d_red_conc[s_lbl], s_atom))
365           {
366             conc = *in_map;
367           }
368           else
369           {
370             //make conclusion based on type of assertion
371             if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR || s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ){
372               std::vector< Node > children;
373               std::vector< Node > c_lems;
374               TypeNode tn = getReferenceType( s_atom );
375               if( d_reference_bound_max.find( tn )!=d_reference_bound_max.end() ){
376                 c_lems.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SUBSET, s_lbl, d_reference_bound_max[tn] ) );
377               }
378               std::vector< Node > labels;
379               getLabelChildren( s_atom, s_lbl, children, labels );
380               Node empSet = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(s_lbl.getType().toType()));
381               Assert( children.size()>1 );
382               if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR ){
383                 //reduction for heap : union, pairwise disjoint
384                 Node ulem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, labels[0], labels[1] );
385                 for( unsigned i=2; i<labels.size(); i++ ){
386                   ulem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, ulem, labels[i] );
387                 }
388                 ulem = s_lbl.eqNode( ulem );
389                 Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Sep::Lemma : star reduction, union : " << ulem << std::endl;
390                 c_lems.push_back( ulem );
391                 for( unsigned i=0; i<labels.size(); i++ ){
392                   for( unsigned j=(i+1); j<labels.size(); j++ ){
393                     Node s = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::INTERSECTION, labels[i], labels[j] );
394                     Node ilem = s.eqNode( empSet );
395                     Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Sep::Lemma : star reduction, disjoint : " << ilem << std::endl;
396                     c_lems.push_back( ilem );
397                   }
398                 }
399               }else{
400                 Node ulem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, s_lbl, labels[0] );
401                 ulem = ulem.eqNode( labels[1] );
402                 Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Sep::Lemma : wand reduction, union : " << ulem << std::endl;
403                 c_lems.push_back( ulem );
404                 Node s = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::INTERSECTION, s_lbl, labels[0] );
405                 Node ilem = s.eqNode( empSet );
406                 Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Sep::Lemma : wand reduction, disjoint : " << ilem << std::endl;
407                 c_lems.push_back( ilem );
408                 //nil does not occur in labels[0]
409                 Node nr = getNilRef( tn );
410                 Node nrlem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::MEMBER, nr, labels[0] ).negate();
411                 Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma: sep.nil not in wand antecedant heap : " << nrlem << std::endl;
412                 d_out->lemma( nrlem );
413               }
414               //send out definitional lemmas for introduced sets
415               for( unsigned j=0; j<c_lems.size(); j++ ){
416                 Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma : definition : " << c_lems[j] << std::endl;
417                 d_out->lemma( c_lems[j] );
418               }
419               //children.insert( children.end(), c_lems.begin(), c_lems.end() );
420               conc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, children );
421             }else if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
422               Node ss = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, s_atom[0] );
423               if( s_lbl!=ss ){
424                 conc = s_lbl.eqNode( ss );
425               }
426               //not needed anymore: semantics of sep.nil is enforced globally
427               //Node ssn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::EQUAL, s_atom[0], getNilRef(s_atom[0].getType()) ).negate();
428               //conc = conc.isNull() ? ssn : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, conc, ssn );
430             }else if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP ){
431               //conc = s_lbl.eqNode( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(s_lbl.getType().toType())) );
432               Node lem;
433               Node emp_s = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(s_lbl.getType().toType()));
434               if( polarity ){
435                 lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, fact.negate(), s_lbl.eqNode( emp_s ) );
436               }else{
437                 Node kl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "loc", getReferenceType( s_atom ) );
438                 Node kd = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "data", getDataType( s_atom ) );
439                 Node econc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_LABEL,
440                                NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_STAR, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_PTO, kl, kd ), d_true ), s_lbl );
441                 //Node econc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, s_lbl.eqNode( emp_s ).negate(),
442                 lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, fact.negate(), econc );
443               }
444               Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma : emp : " << lem << std::endl;
445               d_out->lemma( lem );
447             }else{
448               //labeled emp should be rewritten
449               Assert( false );
450             }
451             d_red_conc[s_lbl][s_atom] = conc;
452           }
453           if( !conc.isNull() ){
454             bool use_polarity = s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ? !polarity : polarity;
455             if( !use_polarity ){
456               // introduce guard, assert positive version
457               Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Negated spatial constraint asserted to sep theory: " << fact << std::endl;
458               Node g = nm->mkSkolem("G", nm->booleanType());
459               d_neg_guard_strategy[g].reset(new DecisionStrategySingleton(
460                   "sep_neg_guard", g, getSatContext(), getValuation()));
461               DecisionStrategySingleton* ds = d_neg_guard_strategy[g].get();
462               getDecisionManager()->registerStrategy(
463                   DecisionManager::STRAT_SEP_NEG_GUARD, ds);
464               Node lit = ds->getLiteral(0);
465               d_neg_guard[s_lbl][s_atom] = lit;
466               Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Neg guard : " << s_lbl << " " << s_atom << " " << lit << std::endl;
467               AlwaysAssert( !lit.isNull() );
468               d_neg_guards.push_back( lit );
469               d_guard_to_assertion[lit] = s_atom;
470               //Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::EQUAL, lit, conc );
471               Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, lit.negate(), conc );
472               Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma : (neg) reduction : " << lem << std::endl;
473               d_out->lemma( lem );
474             }else{
475               //reduce based on implication
476               Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, fact.negate(), conc );
477               Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma : reduction : " << lem << std::endl;
478               d_out->lemma( lem );
479             }
480           }else{
481             Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Trivial conclusion, do not add lemma." << std::endl;
482           }
483         }
484       }
485       //assert to equality engine
486       if( !is_spatial ){
487         Trace("sep-assert") << "Asserting " << atom << ", pol = " << polarity << " to EE..." << std::endl;
488         if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::EQUAL ){
489           d_equalityEngine.assertEquality(atom, polarity, fact);
490         }else{
491           d_equalityEngine.assertPredicate(atom, polarity, fact);
492         }
493         Trace("sep-assert") << "Done asserting " << atom << " to EE." << std::endl;
494       }else if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
495         Node pto_lbl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, s_atom[0] );
496         Assert( s_lbl==pto_lbl );
497         Trace("sep-assert") << "Asserting " << s_atom << std::endl;
498         d_equalityEngine.assertPredicate(s_atom, polarity, fact);
499         //associate the equivalence class of the lhs with this pto
500         Node r = getRepresentative( s_lbl );
501         HeapAssertInfo * ei = getOrMakeEqcInfo( r, true );
502         addPto( ei, r, atom, polarity );
503       }
504       //maybe propagate
505       doPendingFacts();
506       //add to spatial assertions
507       if( !d_conflict && is_spatial ){
508         d_spatial_assertions.push_back( fact );
509       }
510     }
511   }
513   if( e == EFFORT_LAST_CALL && !d_conflict && !d_valuation.needCheck() ){
514     Trace("sep-process") << "Checking heap at full effort..." << std::endl;
515     d_label_model.clear();
516     d_tmodel.clear();
517     d_pto_model.clear();
518     Trace("sep-process") << "---Locations---" << std::endl;
519     std::map< Node, int > min_id;
520     for( std::map< TypeNode, std::vector< Node > >::iterator itt = d_type_references_all.begin(); itt != d_type_references_all.end(); ++itt ){
521       for( unsigned k=0; k<itt->second.size(); k++ ){
522         Node t = itt->second[k];
523         Trace("sep-process") << "  " << t << " = ";
524         if( d_valuation.getModel()->hasTerm( t ) ){
525           Node v = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( t );
526           Trace("sep-process") << v << std::endl;
527           //take minimal id
528           std::map< Node, unsigned >::iterator itrc = d_type_ref_card_id.find( t );
529           int tid = itrc==d_type_ref_card_id.end() ? -1 : (int)itrc->second;
530           bool set_term_model;
531           if( d_tmodel.find( v )==d_tmodel.end() ){
532             set_term_model = true;
533           }else{
534             set_term_model = min_id[v]>tid;
535           }
536           if( set_term_model ){
537             d_tmodel[v] = t;
538             min_id[v] = tid;
539           }
540         }else{
541           Trace("sep-process") << "?" << std::endl;
542         }
543       }
544     }
545     Trace("sep-process") << "---" << std::endl;
546     //build positive/negative assertion lists for labels
547     std::map< Node, bool > assert_active;
548     //get the inactive assertions
549     std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > lbl_to_assertions;
550     for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
551       Node fact = (*i);
552       bool polarity = fact.getKind() != kind::NOT;
553       TNode atom = polarity ? fact : fact[0];
554       Assert( atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL );
555       TNode s_atom = atom[0];
556       TNode s_lbl = atom[1];
557       lbl_to_assertions[s_lbl].push_back( fact );
558       //check whether assertion is active : either polarity=true, or guard is not asserted false
559       assert_active[fact] = true;
560       bool use_polarity = s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ? !polarity : polarity;
561       if( use_polarity ){
562         if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
563           Node vv = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( s_atom[0] );
564           if( d_pto_model.find( vv )==d_pto_model.end() ){
565             Trace("sep-process") << "Pto : " << s_atom[0] << " (" << vv << ") -> " << s_atom[1] << std::endl;
566             d_pto_model[vv] = s_atom[1];
568             //replace this on pto-model since this term is more relevant
569             TypeNode vtn = vv.getType();
570             if( std::find( d_type_references_all[vtn].begin(), d_type_references_all[vtn].end(), s_atom[0] )!=d_type_references_all[vtn].end() ){
571               d_tmodel[vv] = s_atom[0];
572             }
573           }
574         }
575       }else{
576         if( d_neg_guard[s_lbl].find( s_atom )!=d_neg_guard[s_lbl].end() ){
577           //check if the guard is asserted positively
578           Node guard = d_neg_guard[s_lbl][s_atom];
579           bool value;
580           if( getValuation().hasSatValue( guard, value ) ) {
581             assert_active[fact] = value;
582           }
583         }
584       }
585     }
586     //(recursively) set inactive sub-assertions
587     for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
588       Node fact = (*i);
589       if( !assert_active[fact] ){
590         setInactiveAssertionRec( fact, lbl_to_assertions, assert_active );
591       }
592     }
593     //set up model information based on active assertions
594     for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
595       Node fact = (*i);
596       bool polarity = fact.getKind() != kind::NOT;
597       TNode atom = polarity ? fact : fact[0];
598       TNode s_atom = atom[0];
599       TNode s_lbl = atom[1];
600       if( assert_active[fact] ){
601         computeLabelModel( s_lbl );
602       }
603     }
604     //debug print
605     if( Trace.isOn("sep-process") ){
606       Trace("sep-process") << "--- Current spatial assertions : " << std::endl;
607       for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
608         Node fact = (*i);
609         Trace("sep-process") << "  " << fact;
610         if( !assert_active[fact] ){
611           Trace("sep-process") << " [inactive]";
612         }
613         Trace("sep-process") << std::endl;
614       }
615       Trace("sep-process") << "---" << std::endl;
616     }
617     if(Trace.isOn("sep-eqc")) {
618       eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs2_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( &d_equalityEngine );
619       Trace("sep-eqc") << "EQC:" << std::endl;
620       while( !eqcs2_i.isFinished() ){
621         Node eqc = (*eqcs2_i);
622         eq::EqClassIterator eqc2_i = eq::EqClassIterator( eqc, &d_equalityEngine );
623         Trace("sep-eqc") << "Eqc( " << eqc << " ) : { ";
624         while( !eqc2_i.isFinished() ) {
625           if( (*eqc2_i)!=eqc ){
626             Trace("sep-eqc") << (*eqc2_i) << " ";
627           }
628           ++eqc2_i;
629         }
630         Trace("sep-eqc") << " } " << std::endl;
631         ++eqcs2_i;
632       }
633       Trace("sep-eqc") << std::endl;
634     }
636     bool addedLemma = false;
637     bool needAddLemma = false;
638     //check negated star / positive wand
639     if( options::sepCheckNeg() ){
640       //get active labels
641       std::map< Node, bool > active_lbl;
642       if( options::sepMinimalRefine() ){
643         for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
644           Node fact = (*i);
645           bool polarity = fact.getKind() != kind::NOT;
646           TNode atom = polarity ? fact : fact[0];
647           TNode s_atom = atom[0];
648           bool use_polarity = s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ? !polarity : polarity;
649           if( !use_polarity ){
650             Assert( assert_active.find( fact )!=assert_active.end() );
651             if( assert_active[fact] ){
652               Assert( atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL );
653               TNode s_lbl = atom[1];
654               std::map<Node, std::map<int, Node> >& lms = d_label_map[s_atom];
655               if (lms.find(s_lbl) != lms.end())
656               {
657                 Trace("sep-process-debug") << "Active lbl : " << s_lbl << std::endl;
658                 active_lbl[s_lbl] = true;
659               }
660             }
661           }
662         }
663       }
665       //process spatial assertions
666       for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
667         Node fact = (*i);
668         bool polarity = fact.getKind() != kind::NOT;
669         TNode atom = polarity ? fact : fact[0];
670         TNode s_atom = atom[0];
672         bool use_polarity = s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ? !polarity : polarity;
673         Trace("sep-process-debug") << "  check atom : " << s_atom << " use polarity " << use_polarity << std::endl;
674         if( !use_polarity ){
675           Assert( assert_active.find( fact )!=assert_active.end() );
676           if( assert_active[fact] ){
677             Assert( atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL );
678             TNode s_lbl = atom[1];
679             Trace("sep-process") << "--> Active negated atom : " << s_atom << ", lbl = " << s_lbl << std::endl;
680             //add refinement lemma
681             if (ContainsKey(d_label_map[s_atom], s_lbl))
682             {
683               needAddLemma = true;
684               TypeNode tn = getReferenceType( s_atom );
685               tn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(tn);
686               //tn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(NodeManager::currentNM()->mkRefType(tn));
687               Node o_b_lbl_mval = d_label_model[s_lbl].getValue( tn );
688               Trace("sep-process") << "    Model for " << s_lbl << " : " << o_b_lbl_mval << std::endl;
690               //get model values
691               std::map< int, Node > mvals;
692               for (const std::pair<int, Node>& sub_element :
693                    d_label_map[s_atom][s_lbl])
694               {
695                 int sub_index = sub_element.first;
696                 Node sub_lbl = sub_element.second;
697                 computeLabelModel( sub_lbl );
698                 Node lbl_mval = d_label_model[sub_lbl].getValue( tn );
699                 Trace("sep-process-debug") << "  child " << sub_index << " : " << sub_lbl << ", mval = " << lbl_mval << std::endl;
700                 mvals[sub_index] = lbl_mval;
701               }
703               // Now, assert model-instantiated implication based on the negation
704               Assert( d_label_model.find( s_lbl )!=d_label_model.end() );
705               std::vector< Node > conc;
706               bool inst_success = true;
707               //new refinement
708               //instantiate the label
709               std::map< Node, Node > visited;
710               Node inst = instantiateLabel( s_atom, s_lbl, s_lbl, o_b_lbl_mval, visited, d_pto_model, tn, active_lbl );
711               Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "    applied inst : " << inst << std::endl;
712               if( inst.isNull() ){
713                 inst_success = false;
714               }else{
715                 inst = Rewriter::rewrite( inst );
716                 if( inst==( polarity ? d_true : d_false ) ){
717                   inst_success = false;
718                 }
719                 conc.push_back( polarity ? inst : inst.negate() );
720               }
721               if( inst_success ){
722                 std::vector< Node > lemc;
723                 Node pol_atom = atom;
724                 if( polarity ){
725                   pol_atom = atom.negate();
726                 }
727                 lemc.push_back( pol_atom );
729                 //lemc.push_back( s_lbl.eqNode( o_b_lbl_mval ).negate() );
730                 //lemc.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SUBSET, o_b_lbl_mval, s_lbl ).negate() );
731                 lemc.insert( lemc.end(), conc.begin(), conc.end() );
732                 Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, lemc );
733                 if( std::find( d_refinement_lem[s_atom][s_lbl].begin(), d_refinement_lem[s_atom][s_lbl].end(), lem )==d_refinement_lem[s_atom][s_lbl].end() ){
734                   d_refinement_lem[s_atom][s_lbl].push_back( lem );
735                   Trace("sep-process") << "-----> refinement lemma (#" << d_refinement_lem[s_atom][s_lbl].size() << ") : " << lem << std::endl;
736                   Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma : negated star/wand refinement : " << lem << std::endl;
737                   d_out->lemma( lem );
738                   addedLemma = true;
739                 }else{
740                   //this typically should not happen, should never happen for complete base theories
741                   Trace("sep-process") << "*** repeated refinement lemma : " << lem << std::endl;
742                   Trace("sep-warn") << "TheorySep : WARNING : repeated refinement lemma : " << lem << "!!!" << std::endl;
743                 }
744               }
745             }
746             else
747             {
748               Trace("sep-process-debug") << "  no children." << std::endl;
749               Assert( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO || s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP );
750             }
751           }else{
752             Trace("sep-process-debug") << "--> inactive negated assertion " << s_atom << std::endl;
753           }
754         }
755       }
756       Trace("sep-process") << "...finished check of negated assertions, addedLemma=" << addedLemma << ", needAddLemma=" << needAddLemma << std::endl;
757     }
758     if( !addedLemma ){
759       //must witness finite data points-to
760       for( std::map< TypeNode, Node >::iterator it = d_base_label.begin(); it != d_base_label.end(); ++it ){
761         TypeNode data_type = d_loc_to_data_type[it->first];
762         //if the data type is finite
763         if( data_type.isInterpretedFinite() ){
764           computeLabelModel( it->second );
765           Trace("sep-process-debug") << "Check heap data for " << it->first << " -> " << data_type << std::endl;
766           for( unsigned j=0; j<d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model.size(); j++ ){
767             Assert( d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model[j].getKind()==kind::SINGLETON );
768             Node l = d_label_model[it->second].d_heap_locs_model[j][0];
769             Trace("sep-process-debug") << "  location : " << l << std::endl;
770             if( d_pto_model[l].isNull() ){
771               needAddLemma = true;
772               Node ll;
773               std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itm = d_tmodel.find( l );
774               if( itm!=d_tmodel.end() ) {
775                 ll = itm->second;
776               }else{
777                 //try to assign arbitrary skolem?
778               }
779               if( !ll.isNull() ){
780                 Trace("sep-process") << "Must witness label : " << ll << ", data type is " << data_type << std::endl;
781                 Node dsk = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "dsk", data_type, "pto-data for implicit location" );
782                 // if location is in the heap, then something must point to it
783                 Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::IMPLIES, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::MEMBER, ll, it->second ),
784                                                                             NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_STAR,
785                                                                               NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_PTO, ll, dsk ),
786                                                                               d_true ) );
787                 Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma : witness finite data-pto : " << lem << std::endl;
788                 d_out->lemma( lem );
789                 addedLemma = true;
790               }else{
791                 //This should only happen if we are in an unbounded fragment
792                 Trace("sep-warn") << "TheorySep : WARNING : no term corresponding to location " << l << " in heap!!!" << std::endl;
793               }
794             }else{
795               Trace("sep-process-debug") << "  points-to data witness : " << d_pto_model[l] << std::endl;
796             }
797           }
798         }
799       }
800       if( !addedLemma ){
801         //set up model
802         Trace("sep-process-debug") << "...preparing sep model..." << std::endl;
803         d_heap_locs_nptos.clear();
804         //collect data points that are not pointed to
805         for( context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator it = facts_begin(); it != facts_end(); ++ it) {
806           Node lit = (*it).assertion;
807           if( lit.getKind()==kind::NOT && lit[0].getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
808             Node s_atom = lit[0];
809             Node v1 = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( s_atom[0] );
810             Node v2 = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( s_atom[1] );
811             Trace("sep-process-debug") << v1 << " does not point-to " << v2 << std::endl;
812             d_heap_locs_nptos[v1].push_back( v2 );
813           }
814         }
816         if( needAddLemma ){
817           d_out->setIncomplete();
818         }
819       }
820     }
821   }
822   Trace("sep-check") << "Sep::check(): " << e << " done, conflict=" << d_conflict.get() << endl;
823 }
needsCheckLastEffort()826 bool TheorySep::needsCheckLastEffort() {
827   return hasFacts();
828 }
conflict(TNode a,TNode b)830 void TheorySep::conflict(TNode a, TNode b) {
831   Trace("sep-conflict") << "Sep::conflict : " << a << " " << b << std::endl;
832   Node conflictNode = explain(a.eqNode(b));
833   d_conflict = true;
834   d_out->conflict( conflictNode );
835 }
HeapAssertInfo(context::Context * c)838 TheorySep::HeapAssertInfo::HeapAssertInfo( context::Context* c ) : d_pto(c), d_has_neg_pto(c,false) {
840 }
getOrMakeEqcInfo(Node n,bool doMake)842 TheorySep::HeapAssertInfo * TheorySep::getOrMakeEqcInfo( Node n, bool doMake ) {
843   std::map< Node, HeapAssertInfo* >::iterator e_i = d_eqc_info.find( n );
844   if( e_i==d_eqc_info.end() ){
845     if( doMake ){
846       HeapAssertInfo* ei = new HeapAssertInfo( getSatContext() );
847       d_eqc_info[n] = ei;
848       return ei;
849     }else{
850       return NULL;
851     }
852   }else{
853     return (*e_i).second;
854   }
855 }
857 //for now, assume all constraints are for the same heap type (ensured by logic exceptions thrown in computeReferenceType2)
getReferenceType(Node n)858 TypeNode TheorySep::getReferenceType( Node n ) {
859   Assert( !d_type_ref.isNull() );
860   return d_type_ref;
861 }
getDataType(Node n)863 TypeNode TheorySep::getDataType( Node n ) {
864   Assert( !d_type_data.isNull() );
865   return d_type_data;
866 }
868 // Must process assertions at preprocess so that quantified assertions are
869 // processed properly.
ppNotifyAssertions(const std::vector<Node> & assertions)870 void TheorySep::ppNotifyAssertions(const std::vector<Node>& assertions) {
871   std::map<int, std::map<Node, int> > visited;
872   std::map<int, std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > > references;
873   std::map<int, std::map<Node, bool> > references_strict;
874   for (unsigned i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
875     Trace("sep-pp") << "Process assertion : " << assertions[i] << std::endl;
876     processAssertion(assertions[i], visited, references, references_strict,
877                      true, true, false);
878   }
879   // if data type is unconstrained, assume a fresh uninterpreted sort
880   if (!d_type_ref.isNull()) {
881     if (d_type_data.isNull()) {
882       d_type_data = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSort("_sep_U");
883       Trace("sep-type") << "Sep: assume data type " << d_type_data << std::endl;
884       d_loc_to_data_type[d_type_ref] = d_type_data;
885     }
886   }
887 }
889 //return cardinality
processAssertion(Node n,std::map<int,std::map<Node,int>> & visited,std::map<int,std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>>> & references,std::map<int,std::map<Node,bool>> & references_strict,bool pol,bool hasPol,bool underSpatial)890 int TheorySep::processAssertion( Node n, std::map< int, std::map< Node, int > >& visited,
891                                  std::map< int, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >& references, std::map< int, std::map< Node, bool > >& references_strict,
892                                  bool pol, bool hasPol, bool underSpatial ) {
893   int index = hasPol ? ( pol ? 1 : -1 ) : 0;
894   int card = 0;
895   std::map< Node, int >::iterator it = visited[index].find( n );
896   if( it==visited[index].end() ){
897     Trace("sep-pp-debug") << "process assertion : " << n << ", index = " << index << std::endl;
898     if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP ){
899       TypeNode tn = n[0].getType();
900       TypeNode tnd = n[1].getType();
901       registerRefDataTypes( tn, tnd, n );
902       if( hasPol && pol ){
903         references[index][n].clear();
904         references_strict[index][n] = true;
905       }else{
906         card = 1;
907       }
908     }else if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
909       TypeNode tn1 = n[0].getType();
910       TypeNode tn2 = n[1].getType();
911       registerRefDataTypes( tn1, tn2, n );
912       if( quantifiers::TermUtil::hasBoundVarAttr( n[0] ) ){
913         if( d_bound_kind[tn1]!=bound_strict && d_bound_kind[tn1]!=bound_invalid ){
914           if( options::quantEpr() && n[0].getKind()==kind::BOUND_VARIABLE ){
915             // still valid : bound on heap models will include Herbrand universe of n[0].getType()
916             d_bound_kind[tn1] = bound_herbrand;
917           }else{
918             d_bound_kind[tn1] = bound_invalid;
919             Trace("sep-bound") << "reference cannot be bound (due to quantified pto)." << std::endl;
920           }
921         }
922       }else{
923         references[index][n].push_back( n[0] );
924       }
925       if( hasPol && pol ){
926         references_strict[index][n] = true;
927       }else{
928         card = 1;
929       }
930     }else{
931       bool isSpatial = n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR;
932       bool newUnderSpatial = underSpatial || isSpatial;
933       bool refStrict = isSpatial;
934       for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
935         bool newHasPol, newPol;
936         QuantPhaseReq::getEntailPolarity( n, i, hasPol, pol, newHasPol, newPol );
937         int newIndex = newHasPol ? ( newPol ? 1 : -1 ) : 0;
938         int ccard = processAssertion( n[i], visited, references, references_strict, newPol, newHasPol, newUnderSpatial );
939         //update cardinality
940         if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR ){
941           card += ccard;
942         }else if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ){
943           if( i==1 ){
944             card = ccard;
945           }
946         }else if( ccard>card ){
947           card = ccard;
948         }
949         //track references if we are or below a spatial operator
950         if( newUnderSpatial ){
951           bool add = true;
952           if( references_strict[newIndex].find( n[i] )!=references_strict[newIndex].end() ){
953             if( !isSpatial ){
954               if( references_strict[index].find( n )==references_strict[index].end() ){
955                 references_strict[index][n] = true;
956               }else{
957                 add = false;
958                 //TODO: can derive static equality between sets
959               }
960             }
961           }else{
962             if( isSpatial ){
963               refStrict = false;
964             }
965           }
966           if( add ){
967             for( unsigned j=0; j<references[newIndex][n[i]].size(); j++ ){
968               if( std::find( references[index][n].begin(), references[index][n].end(), references[newIndex][n[i]][j] )==references[index][n].end() ){
969                 references[index][n].push_back( references[newIndex][n[i]][j] );
970               }
971             }
972           }
973         }
974       }
975       if( isSpatial && refStrict ){
976         if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ){
977           //TODO
978         }else{
979           Assert( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR && hasPol && pol );
980           references_strict[index][n] = true;
981         }
982       }
983     }
984     visited[index][n] = card;
985   }else{
986     card = it->second;
987   }
989   if( !underSpatial && ( !references[index][n].empty() || card>0 ) ){
990     TypeNode tn = getReferenceType( n );
991     Assert( !tn.isNull() );
992     // add references to overall type
993     unsigned bt = d_bound_kind[tn];
994     bool add = true;
995     if( references_strict[index].find( n )!=references_strict[index].end() ){
996       Trace("sep-bound") << "Strict bound found based on " << n << ", index = " << index << std::endl;
997       if( bt!=bound_strict ){
998         d_bound_kind[tn] = bound_strict;
999         //d_type_references[tn].clear();
1000         d_card_max[tn] = card;
1001       }else{
1002         //TODO: derive static equality
1003         add = false;
1004       }
1005     }else{
1006       add = bt!=bound_strict;
1007     }
1008     for( unsigned i=0; i<references[index][n].size(); i++ ){
1009       if( std::find( d_type_references[tn].begin(), d_type_references[tn].end(), references[index][n][i] )==d_type_references[tn].end() ){
1010         d_type_references[tn].push_back( references[index][n][i] );
1011       }
1012     }
1013     if( add ){
1014       //add max cardinality
1015       if( card>(int)d_card_max[tn] ){
1016         d_card_max[tn] = card;
1017       }
1018     }
1019   }
1020   return card;
1021 }
registerRefDataTypes(TypeNode tn1,TypeNode tn2,Node atom)1023 void TheorySep::registerRefDataTypes( TypeNode tn1, TypeNode tn2, Node atom ){
1024   //separation logic is effectively enabled when we find at least one spatial constraint occurs in the input
1025   if( options::incrementalSolving() ){
1026     std::stringstream ss;
1027     ss << "ERROR: cannot use separation logic in incremental mode." << std::endl;
1028     throw LogicException(ss.str());
1029   }
1030   std::map< TypeNode, TypeNode >::iterator itt = d_loc_to_data_type.find( tn1 );
1031   if( itt==d_loc_to_data_type.end() ){
1032     if( !d_loc_to_data_type.empty() ){
1033       TypeNode te1 = d_loc_to_data_type.begin()->first;
1034       std::stringstream ss;
1035       ss << "ERROR: specifying heap constraints for two different types : " << tn1 << " -> " << tn2 << " and " << te1 << " -> " << d_loc_to_data_type[te1] << std::endl;
1036       throw LogicException(ss.str());
1037       Assert( false );
1038     }
1039     if( tn2.isNull() ){
1040       Trace("sep-type") << "Sep: assume location type " << tn1 << " (from " << atom << ")" << std::endl;
1041     }else{
1042       Trace("sep-type") << "Sep: assume location type " << tn1 << " is associated with data type " << tn2 << " (from " << atom << ")" << std::endl;
1043     }
1044     d_loc_to_data_type[tn1] = tn2;
1045     //for now, we only allow heap constraints of one type
1046     d_type_ref = tn1;
1047     d_type_data = tn2;
1048     d_bound_kind[tn1] = bound_default;
1049   }else{
1050     if( !tn2.isNull() ){
1051       if( itt->second!=tn2 ){
1052         if( itt->second.isNull() ){
1053           Trace("sep-type") << "Sep: assume location type " << tn1 << " is associated with data type " << tn2 << " (from " << atom << ")" << std::endl;
1054           //now we know data type
1055           d_loc_to_data_type[tn1] = tn2;
1056           d_type_data = tn2;
1057         }else{
1058           std::stringstream ss;
1059           ss << "ERROR: location type " << tn1 << " is already associated with data type " << itt->second << ", offending atom is " << atom << " with data type " << tn2 << std::endl;
1060           throw LogicException(ss.str());
1061           Assert( false );
1062         }
1063       }
1064     }
1065   }
1066 }
initializeBounds()1068 void TheorySep::initializeBounds() {
1069   if( !d_bounds_init ){
1070     Trace("sep-bound")  << "Initialize sep bounds..." << std::endl;
1071     d_bounds_init = true;
1072     for( std::map< TypeNode, TypeNode >::iterator it = d_loc_to_data_type.begin(); it != d_loc_to_data_type.end(); ++it ){
1073       TypeNode tn = it->first;
1074       Trace("sep-bound")  << "Initialize bounds for " << tn << "..." << std::endl;
1075       quantifiers::QuantEPR* qepr = getLogicInfo().isQuantified()
1076                                         ? getQuantifiersEngine()->getQuantEPR()
1077                                         : NULL;
1078       //if pto had free variable reference
1079       if( d_bound_kind[tn]==bound_herbrand ){
1080         //include Herbrand universe of tn
1081         if( qepr && qepr->isEPR( tn ) ){
1082           for( unsigned j=0; j<qepr->d_consts[tn].size(); j++ ){
1083             Node k = qepr->d_consts[tn][j];
1084             if( std::find( d_type_references[tn].begin(), d_type_references[tn].end(), k )==d_type_references[tn].end() ){
1085               d_type_references[tn].push_back( k );
1086             }
1087           }
1088         }else{
1089           d_bound_kind[tn] = bound_invalid;
1090           Trace("sep-bound") << "reference cannot be bound (due to non-EPR variable)." << std::endl;
1091         }
1092       }
1093       unsigned n_emp = 0;
1094       if( d_bound_kind[tn] != bound_invalid ){
1095         n_emp = d_card_max[tn];
1096       }else if( d_type_references[tn].empty() ){
1097         //must include at least one constant TODO: remove?
1098         n_emp = 1;
1099       }
1100       Trace("sep-bound") << "Cardinality element size : " << d_card_max[tn] << std::endl;
1101       Trace("sep-bound") << "Type reference size : " << d_type_references[tn].size() << std::endl;
1102       Trace("sep-bound") << "Constructing " << n_emp << " cardinality constants." << std::endl;
1103       for( unsigned r=0; r<n_emp; r++ ){
1104         Node e = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "e", tn, "cardinality bound element for seplog" );
1105         d_type_references_card[tn].push_back( e );
1106         d_type_ref_card_id[e] = r;
1107         //must include this constant back into EPR handling
1108         if( qepr && qepr->isEPR( tn ) ){
1109           qepr->addEPRConstant( tn, e );
1110         }
1111       }
1112       //EPR must include nil ref
1113       if( qepr && qepr->isEPR( tn ) ){
1114         Node nr = getNilRef( tn );
1115         if( !qepr->isEPRConstant( tn, nr ) ){
1116           qepr->addEPRConstant( tn, nr );
1117         }
1118       }
1119     }
1120   }
1121 }
getBaseLabel(TypeNode tn)1123 Node TheorySep::getBaseLabel( TypeNode tn ) {
1124   std::map< TypeNode, Node >::iterator it = d_base_label.find( tn );
1125   if( it==d_base_label.end() ){
1126     initializeBounds();
1127     Trace("sep") << "Make base label for " << tn << std::endl;
1128     std::stringstream ss;
1129     ss << "__Lb";
1130     TypeNode ltn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(tn);
1131     //TypeNode ltn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(NodeManager::currentNM()->mkRefType(tn));
1132     Node n_lbl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), ltn, "base label" );
1133     d_base_label[tn] = n_lbl;
1134     //make reference bound
1135     Trace("sep") << "Make reference bound label for " << tn << std::endl;
1136     std::stringstream ss2;
1137     ss2 << "__Lu";
1138     d_reference_bound[tn] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss2.str(), ltn, "" );
1139     d_type_references_all[tn].insert( d_type_references_all[tn].end(), d_type_references[tn].begin(), d_type_references[tn].end() );
1141     //check whether monotonic (elements can be added to tn without effecting satisfiability)
1142     bool tn_is_monotonic = true;
1143     if( tn.isSort() ){
1144       //TODO: use monotonicity inference
1145       tn_is_monotonic = !getLogicInfo().isQuantified();
1146     }else{
1147       tn_is_monotonic = tn.getCardinality().isInfinite();
1148     }
1149     //add a reference type for maximum occurrences of empty in a constraint
1150     if( options::sepDisequalC() && tn_is_monotonic ){
1151       for( unsigned r=0; r<d_type_references_card[tn].size(); r++ ){
1152         Node e = d_type_references_card[tn][r];
1153         //ensure that it is distinct from all other references so far
1154         for( unsigned j=0; j<d_type_references_all[tn].size(); j++ ){
1155           Node eq = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::EQUAL, e, d_type_references_all[tn][j] );
1156           d_out->lemma( eq.negate() );
1157         }
1158         d_type_references_all[tn].push_back( e );
1159       }
1160     }else{
1161       //break symmetries TODO
1163       d_type_references_all[tn].insert( d_type_references_all[tn].end(), d_type_references_card[tn].begin(), d_type_references_card[tn].end() );
1164     }
1165     //Assert( !d_type_references_all[tn].empty() );
1167     if( d_bound_kind[tn]!=bound_invalid ){
1168       //construct bound
1169       d_reference_bound_max[tn] = mkUnion( tn, d_type_references_all[tn] );
1170       Trace("sep-bound") << "overall bound for " << d_base_label[tn] << " : " << d_reference_bound_max[tn] << std::endl;
1172       Node slem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SUBSET, d_base_label[tn], d_reference_bound_max[tn] );
1173       Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma: reference bound for " << tn << " : " << slem << std::endl;
1174       d_out->lemma( slem );
1175       //slem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SUBSET, d_base_label[tn], d_reference_bound_max[tn] );
1176       //Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma: base reference bound for " << tn << " : " << slem << std::endl;
1177       //d_out->lemma( slem );
1179       //symmetry breaking
1180       if( d_type_references_card[tn].size()>1 ){
1181         std::map< unsigned, Node > lit_mem_map;
1182         for( unsigned i=0; i<d_type_references_card[tn].size(); i++ ){
1183           lit_mem_map[i] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::MEMBER, d_type_references_card[tn][i], d_reference_bound_max[tn]);
1184         }
1185         for( unsigned i=0; i<(d_type_references_card[tn].size()-1); i++ ){
1186           std::vector< Node > children;
1187           for( unsigned j=(i+1); j<d_type_references_card[tn].size(); j++ ){
1188             children.push_back( lit_mem_map[j].negate() );
1189           }
1190           if( !children.empty() ){
1191             Node sym_lem = children.size()==1 ? children[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, children );
1192             sym_lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::IMPLIES, lit_mem_map[i].negate(), sym_lem );
1193             Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma: symmetry breaking lemma : " << sym_lem << std::endl;
1194             d_out->lemma( sym_lem );
1195           }
1196         }
1197       }
1198     }
1200     //assert that nil ref is not in base label
1201     Node nr = getNilRef( tn );
1202     Node nrlem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::MEMBER, nr, n_lbl ).negate();
1203     Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma: sep.nil not in base label " << tn << " : " << nrlem << std::endl;
1204     d_out->lemma( nrlem );
1206     return n_lbl;
1207   }else{
1208     return it->second;
1209   }
1210 }
getNilRef(TypeNode tn)1212 Node TheorySep::getNilRef( TypeNode tn ) {
1213   std::map< TypeNode, Node >::iterator it = d_nil_ref.find( tn );
1214   if( it==d_nil_ref.end() ){
1215     Node nil = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNullaryOperator( tn, kind::SEP_NIL );
1216     setNilRef( tn, nil );
1217     return nil;
1218   }else{
1219     return it->second;
1220   }
1221 }
setNilRef(TypeNode tn,Node n)1223 void TheorySep::setNilRef( TypeNode tn, Node n ) {
1224   Assert( n.getType()==tn );
1225   d_nil_ref[tn] = n;
1226 }
mkUnion(TypeNode tn,std::vector<Node> & locs)1228 Node TheorySep::mkUnion( TypeNode tn, std::vector< Node >& locs ) {
1229   Node u;
1230   if( locs.empty() ){
1231     TypeNode ltn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(tn);
1232     return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(ltn.toType()));
1233   }else{
1234     for( unsigned i=0; i<locs.size(); i++ ){
1235       Node s = locs[i];
1236       Assert( !s.isNull() );
1237       s = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, s );
1238       if( u.isNull() ){
1239         u = s;
1240       }else{
1241         u = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, s, u );
1242       }
1243     }
1244     return u;
1245   }
1246 }
getLabel(Node atom,int child,Node lbl)1248 Node TheorySep::getLabel( Node atom, int child, Node lbl ) {
1249   std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = d_label_map[atom][lbl].find( child );
1250   if( it==d_label_map[atom][lbl].end() ){
1251     TypeNode refType = getReferenceType( atom );
1252     std::stringstream ss;
1253     ss << "__Lc" << child;
1254     TypeNode ltn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(refType);
1255     //TypeNode ltn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSetType(NodeManager::currentNM()->mkRefType(refType));
1256     Node n_lbl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), ltn, "sep label" );
1257     d_label_map[atom][lbl][child] = n_lbl;
1258     d_label_map_parent[n_lbl] = lbl;
1259     return n_lbl;
1260   }else{
1261     return (*it).second;
1262   }
1263 }
applyLabel(Node n,Node lbl,std::map<Node,Node> & visited)1265 Node TheorySep::applyLabel( Node n, Node lbl, std::map< Node, Node >& visited ) {
1266   Assert( n.getKind()!=kind::SEP_LABEL );
1267   if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP ){
1268     return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_LABEL, n, lbl );
1269   }else if( !n.getType().isBoolean() || n.getNumChildren()==0 ){
1270     return n;
1271   }else{
1272     std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = visited.find( n );
1273     if( it==visited.end() ){
1274       std::vector< Node > children;
1275       if (n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
1276         children.push_back( n.getOperator() );
1277       }
1278       bool childChanged = false;
1279       for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
1280         Node aln = applyLabel( n[i], lbl, visited );
1281         children.push_back( aln );
1282         childChanged = childChanged || aln!=n[i];
1283       }
1284       Node ret = n;
1285       if( childChanged ){
1286         ret = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( n.getKind(), children );
1287       }
1288       visited[n] = ret;
1289       return ret;
1290     }else{
1291       return it->second;
1292     }
1293   }
1294 }
instantiateLabel(Node n,Node o_lbl,Node lbl,Node lbl_v,std::map<Node,Node> & visited,std::map<Node,Node> & pto_model,TypeNode rtn,std::map<Node,bool> & active_lbl,unsigned ind)1296 Node TheorySep::instantiateLabel( Node n, Node o_lbl, Node lbl, Node lbl_v, std::map< Node, Node >& visited, std::map< Node, Node >& pto_model,
1297                                   TypeNode rtn, std::map< Node, bool >& active_lbl, unsigned ind ) {
1298   Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "Instantiate label " << n << " " << lbl << " " << lbl_v << std::endl;
1299   if( options::sepMinimalRefine() && lbl!=o_lbl && active_lbl.find( lbl )!=active_lbl.end() ){
1300     Trace("sep-inst") << "...do not instantiate " << o_lbl << " since it has an active sublabel " << lbl << std::endl;
1301     return Node::null();
1302   }else{
1303     if( Trace.isOn("sep-inst") ){
1304       if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND  || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP ){
1305         for( unsigned j=0; j<ind; j++ ){ Trace("sep-inst") << "  "; }
1306         Trace("sep-inst") << n << "[" << lbl << "] :: " << lbl_v << std::endl;
1307       }
1308     }
1309     Assert( n.getKind()!=kind::SEP_LABEL );
1310     if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR || n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ){
1311       if( lbl==o_lbl ){
1312         std::vector< Node > children;
1313         children.resize( n.getNumChildren() );
1314         Assert( d_label_map[n].find( lbl )!=d_label_map[n].end() );
1315         std::map< int, Node > mvals;
1316         for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator itl = d_label_map[n][lbl].begin(); itl != d_label_map[n][lbl].end(); ++itl ){
1317           Node sub_lbl = itl->second;
1318           int sub_index = itl->first;
1319           Assert( sub_index>=0 && sub_index<(int)children.size() );
1320           Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "Sublabel " << sub_index << " is " << sub_lbl << std::endl;
1321           Node lbl_mval;
1322           if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND && sub_index==1 ){
1323             Assert( d_label_map[n][lbl].find( 0 )!=d_label_map[n][lbl].end() );
1324             Node sub_lbl_0 = d_label_map[n][lbl][0];
1325             computeLabelModel( sub_lbl_0 );
1326             Assert( d_label_model.find( sub_lbl_0 )!=d_label_model.end() );
1327             lbl_mval = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, lbl, d_label_model[sub_lbl_0].getValue( rtn ) );
1328           }else{
1329             computeLabelModel( sub_lbl );
1330             Assert( d_label_model.find( sub_lbl )!=d_label_model.end() );
1331             lbl_mval = d_label_model[sub_lbl].getValue( rtn );
1332           }
1333           Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "Sublabel value is " << lbl_mval  << std::endl;
1334           mvals[sub_index] = lbl_mval;
1335           children[sub_index] = instantiateLabel( n[sub_index], o_lbl, sub_lbl, lbl_mval, visited, pto_model, rtn, active_lbl, ind+1 );
1336           if( children[sub_index].isNull() ){
1337             return Node::null();
1338           }
1339         }
1340         Node empSet = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(rtn.toType()));
1341         if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR ){
1343           //disjoint contraints
1344           std::vector< Node > conj;
1345           std::vector< Node > bchildren;
1346           bchildren.insert( bchildren.end(), children.begin(), children.end() );
1347           Node vsu;
1348           std::vector< Node > vs;
1349           for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator itl = d_label_map[n][lbl].begin(); itl != d_label_map[n][lbl].end(); ++itl ){
1350             Node sub_lbl = itl->second;
1351             Node lbl_mval = d_label_model[sub_lbl].getValue( rtn );
1352             for( unsigned j=0; j<vs.size(); j++ ){
1353               bchildren.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::INTERSECTION, lbl_mval, vs[j] ).eqNode( empSet ) );
1354             }
1355             vs.push_back( lbl_mval );
1356             if( vsu.isNull() ){
1357               vsu = lbl_mval;
1358             }else{
1359               vsu = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, vsu, lbl_mval );
1360             }
1361           }
1362           bchildren.push_back( vsu.eqNode( lbl ) );
1364           Assert( bchildren.size()>1 );
1365           conj.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, bchildren ) );
1367           if( options::sepChildRefine() ){
1368             //child-specific refinements (TODO: use ?)
1369             for( unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); i++ ){
1370               std::vector< Node > tchildren;
1371               Node mval = mvals[i];
1372               tchildren.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SUBSET, mval, lbl ) );
1373               tchildren.push_back( children[i] );
1374               std::vector< Node > rem_children;
1375               for( unsigned j=0; j<children.size(); j++ ){
1376                 if( j!=i ){
1377                   rem_children.push_back( n[j] );
1378                 }
1379               }
1380               std::map< Node, Node > rvisited;
1381               Node rem = rem_children.size()==1 ? rem_children[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_STAR, rem_children );
1382               rem = applyLabel( rem, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SETMINUS, lbl, mval ), rvisited );
1383               tchildren.push_back( rem );
1384               conj.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, tchildren ) );
1385             }
1386           }
1387           return conj.size()==1 ? conj[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, conj );
1388         }else{
1389           std::vector< Node > wchildren;
1390           //disjoint constraints
1391           Node sub_lbl_0 = d_label_map[n][lbl][0];
1392           Node lbl_mval_0 = d_label_model[sub_lbl_0].getValue( rtn );
1393           wchildren.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::INTERSECTION, lbl_mval_0, lbl ).eqNode( empSet ).negate() );
1395           //return the lemma
1396           wchildren.push_back( children[0].negate() );
1397           wchildren.push_back( children[1] );
1398           return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, wchildren );
1399         }
1400       }else{
1401         //nested star/wand, label it and return
1402         return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_LABEL, n, lbl_v );
1403       }
1404     }else if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
1405       //check if this pto reference is in the base label, if not, then it does not need to be added as an assumption
1406       Assert( d_label_model.find( o_lbl )!=d_label_model.end() );
1407       Node vr = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( n[0] );
1408       Node svr = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, vr );
1409       bool inBaseHeap = std::find( d_label_model[o_lbl].d_heap_locs_model.begin(), d_label_model[o_lbl].d_heap_locs_model.end(), svr )!=d_label_model[o_lbl].d_heap_locs_model.end();
1410       Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "Is in base (non-instantiating) heap : " << inBaseHeap << " for value ref " << vr << " in " << o_lbl << std::endl;
1411       std::vector< Node > children;
1412       if( inBaseHeap ){
1413         Node s = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, n[0] );
1414         children.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_LABEL, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SEP_PTO, n[0], n[1] ), s ) );
1415       }else{
1416         //look up value of data
1417         std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = pto_model.find( vr );
1418         if( it!=pto_model.end() ){
1419           if( n[1]!=it->second ){
1420             children.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::EQUAL, n[1], it->second ) );
1421           }
1422         }else{
1423           Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "Data for " << vr << " was not specified, do not add condition." << std::endl;
1424         }
1425       }
1426       children.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::EQUAL, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, n[0] ), lbl_v ) );
1427       Node ret = children.empty() ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( true ) : ( children.size()==1 ? children[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, children ) );
1428       Trace("sep-inst-debug") << "Return " << ret << std::endl;
1429       return ret;
1430     }else if( n.getKind()==kind::SEP_EMP ){
1431       //return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( lbl_v.getKind()==kind::EMPTYSET );
1432       return lbl_v.eqNode( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(lbl_v.getType().toType())) );
1433     }else{
1434       std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = visited.find( n );
1435       if( it==visited.end() ){
1436         std::vector< Node > children;
1437         if (n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
1438           children.push_back( n.getOperator() );
1439         }
1440         bool childChanged = false;
1441         for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
1442           Node aln = instantiateLabel( n[i], o_lbl, lbl, lbl_v, visited, pto_model, rtn, active_lbl, ind );
1443           if( aln.isNull() ){
1444             return Node::null();
1445           }else{
1446             children.push_back( aln );
1447             childChanged = childChanged || aln!=n[i];
1448           }
1449         }
1450         Node ret = n;
1451         if( childChanged ){
1452           ret = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( n.getKind(), children );
1453         }
1454         //careful about caching
1455         //visited[n] = ret;
1456         return ret;
1457       }else{
1458         return it->second;
1459       }
1460     }
1461   }
1462 }
setInactiveAssertionRec(Node fact,std::map<Node,std::vector<Node>> & lbl_to_assertions,std::map<Node,bool> & assert_active)1464 void TheorySep::setInactiveAssertionRec( Node fact, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >& lbl_to_assertions, std::map< Node, bool >& assert_active ) {
1465   Trace("sep-process-debug") << "setInactiveAssertionRec::inactive : " << fact << std::endl;
1466   assert_active[fact] = false;
1467   bool polarity = fact.getKind() != kind::NOT;
1468   TNode atom = polarity ? fact : fact[0];
1469   TNode s_atom = atom[0];
1470   TNode s_lbl = atom[1];
1471   if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND || s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_STAR ){
1472     for( unsigned j=0; j<s_atom.getNumChildren(); j++ ){
1473       Node lblc = getLabel( s_atom, j, s_lbl );
1474       for( unsigned k=0; k<lbl_to_assertions[lblc].size(); k++ ){
1475         setInactiveAssertionRec( lbl_to_assertions[lblc][k], lbl_to_assertions, assert_active );
1476       }
1477     }
1478   }
1479 }
getLabelChildren(Node s_atom,Node lbl,std::vector<Node> & children,std::vector<Node> & labels)1481 void TheorySep::getLabelChildren( Node s_atom, Node lbl, std::vector< Node >& children, std::vector< Node >& labels ) {
1482   for( unsigned i=0; i<s_atom.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
1483     Node lblc = getLabel( s_atom, i, lbl );
1484     Assert( !lblc.isNull() );
1485     std::map< Node, Node > visited;
1486     Node lc = applyLabel( s_atom[i], lblc, visited );
1487     Assert( !lc.isNull() );
1488     if( i==1 && s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_WAND ){
1489       lc = lc.negate();
1490     }
1491     children.push_back( lc );
1492     labels.push_back( lblc );
1493   }
1494   Assert( children.size()>1 );
1495 }
computeLabelModel(Node lbl)1497 void TheorySep::computeLabelModel( Node lbl ) {
1498   if( !d_label_model[lbl].d_computed ){
1499     d_label_model[lbl].d_computed = true;
1501     //we must get the value of lbl from the model: this is being run at last call, after the model is constructed
1502     //Assert(...); TODO
1503     Node v_val = d_valuation.getModel()->getRepresentative( lbl );
1504     Trace("sep-process") << "Model value (from valuation) for " << lbl << " : " << v_val << std::endl;
1505     if( v_val.getKind()!=kind::EMPTYSET ){
1506       while( v_val.getKind()==kind::UNION ){
1507         Assert( v_val[1].getKind()==kind::SINGLETON );
1508         d_label_model[lbl].d_heap_locs_model.push_back( v_val[1] );
1509         v_val = v_val[0];
1510       }
1511       if( v_val.getKind()==kind::SINGLETON ){
1512         d_label_model[lbl].d_heap_locs_model.push_back( v_val );
1513       }else{
1514         throw Exception("Could not establish value of heap in model.");
1515         Assert( false );
1516       }
1517     }
1518     for( unsigned j=0; j<d_label_model[lbl].d_heap_locs_model.size(); j++ ){
1519       Node u = d_label_model[lbl].d_heap_locs_model[j];
1520       Assert( u.getKind()==kind::SINGLETON );
1521       u = u[0];
1522       Node tt;
1523       std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itm = d_tmodel.find( u );
1524       if( itm==d_tmodel.end() ) {
1525         //Trace("sep-process") << "WARNING: could not find symbolic term in model for " << u << std::endl;
1526         //Assert( false );
1527         //tt = u;
1528         //TypeNode tn = u.getType().getRefConstituentType();
1529         TypeNode tn = u.getType();
1530         Trace("sep-process") << "WARNING: could not find symbolic term in model for " << u << ", cref type " << tn << std::endl;
1531         Assert( d_type_references_all.find( tn )!=d_type_references_all.end() );
1532         Assert( !d_type_references_all[tn].empty() );
1533         tt = d_type_references_all[tn][0];
1534       }else{
1535         tt = itm->second;
1536       }
1537       Node stt = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::SINGLETON, tt );
1538       Trace("sep-process-debug") << "...model : add " << tt << " for " << u << " in lbl " << lbl << std::endl;
1539       d_label_model[lbl].d_heap_locs.push_back( stt );
1540     }
1541   }
1542 }
getRepresentative(Node t)1544 Node TheorySep::getRepresentative( Node t ) {
1545   if( d_equalityEngine.hasTerm( t ) ){
1546     return d_equalityEngine.getRepresentative( t );
1547   }else{
1548     return t;
1549   }
1550 }
hasTerm(Node a)1552 bool TheorySep::hasTerm( Node a ){
1553   return d_equalityEngine.hasTerm( a );
1554 }
areEqual(Node a,Node b)1556 bool TheorySep::areEqual( Node a, Node b ){
1557   if( a==b ){
1558     return true;
1559   }else if( hasTerm( a ) && hasTerm( b ) ){
1560     return d_equalityEngine.areEqual( a, b );
1561   }else{
1562     return false;
1563   }
1564 }
areDisequal(Node a,Node b)1566 bool TheorySep::areDisequal( Node a, Node b ){
1567   if( a==b ){
1568     return false;
1569   }else if( hasTerm( a ) && hasTerm( b ) ){
1570     if( d_equalityEngine.areDisequal( a, b, false ) ){
1571       return true;
1572     }
1573   }
1574   return false;
1575 }
eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)1578 void TheorySep::eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
1580 }
eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)1582 void TheorySep::eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) {
1583   HeapAssertInfo * e2 = getOrMakeEqcInfo( t2, false );
1584   if( e2 && ( !e2->d_pto.get().isNull() || e2->d_has_neg_pto.get() ) ){
1585     HeapAssertInfo * e1 = getOrMakeEqcInfo( t1, true );
1586     if( !e2->d_pto.get().isNull() ){
1587       if( !e1->d_pto.get().isNull() ){
1588         Trace("sep-pto-debug") << "While merging " << t1 << " " << t2 << ", merge pto." << std::endl;
1589         mergePto( e1->d_pto.get(), e2->d_pto.get() );
1590       }else{
1591         e1->d_pto.set( e2->d_pto.get() );
1592       }
1593     }
1594     e1->d_has_neg_pto.set( e1->d_has_neg_pto.get() || e2->d_has_neg_pto.get() );
1595     //validate
1596     validatePto( e1, t1 );
1597   }
1598 }
validatePto(HeapAssertInfo * ei,Node ei_n)1600 void TheorySep::validatePto( HeapAssertInfo * ei, Node ei_n ) {
1601   if( !ei->d_pto.get().isNull() && ei->d_has_neg_pto.get() ){
1602     for( NodeList::const_iterator i = d_spatial_assertions.begin(); i != d_spatial_assertions.end(); ++i ) {
1603       Node fact = (*i);
1604       if (fact.getKind() == kind::NOT)
1605       {
1606         TNode atom = fact[0];
1607         Assert( atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL );
1608         TNode s_atom = atom[0];
1609         if( s_atom.getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO ){
1610           if( areEqual( atom[1], ei_n ) ){
1611             addPto( ei, ei_n, atom, false );
1612           }
1613         }
1614       }
1615     }
1616     //we have now processed all pending negated pto
1617     ei->d_has_neg_pto.set( false );
1618   }
1619 }
addPto(HeapAssertInfo * ei,Node ei_n,Node p,bool polarity)1621 void TheorySep::addPto( HeapAssertInfo * ei, Node ei_n, Node p, bool polarity ) {
1622   Trace("sep-pto") << "Add pto " << p << ", pol = " << polarity << " to eqc " << ei_n << std::endl;
1623   if( !ei->d_pto.get().isNull() ){
1624     if( polarity ){
1625       Trace("sep-pto-debug") << "...eqc " << ei_n << " already has pto " << ei->d_pto.get() << ", merge." << std::endl;
1626       mergePto( ei->d_pto.get(), p );
1627     }else{
1628       Node pb = ei->d_pto.get();
1629       Trace("sep-pto") << "Process positive/negated pto " << " " << pb << " " << p << std::endl;
1630       Assert( pb.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL && pb[0].getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO );
1631       Assert( p.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL && p[0].getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO );
1632       Assert( areEqual( pb[1], p[1] ) );
1633       std::vector< Node > exp;
1634       if( pb[1]!=p[1] ){
1635         //if( pb[1].getKind()==kind::SINGLETON && p[1].getKind()==kind::SINGLETON ){
1636         //  exp.push_back( pb[1][0].eqNode( p[1][0] ) );
1637         //}else{
1638         exp.push_back( pb[1].eqNode( p[1] ) );
1639         //}
1640       }
1641       exp.push_back( pb );
1642       exp.push_back( p.negate() );
1643       std::vector< Node > conc;
1644       if( pb[0][1]!=p[0][1] ){
1645         conc.push_back( pb[0][1].eqNode( p[0][1] ).negate() );
1646       }
1647       //if( pb[1]!=p[1] ){
1648       //  conc.push_back( pb[1].eqNode( p[1] ).negate() );
1649       //}
1650       Node n_conc = conc.empty() ? d_false : ( conc.size()==1 ? conc[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::OR, conc ) );
1651       Trace("sep-pto")  << "Conclusion is " << n_conc << std::endl;
1652       // propagation for (pto x y) ^ ~(pto z w) ^ x = z => y != w
1653       sendLemma( exp, n_conc, "PTO_NEG_PROP" );
1654     }
1655   }else{
1656     if( polarity ){
1657       ei->d_pto.set( p );
1658       validatePto( ei, ei_n );
1659     }else{
1660       ei->d_has_neg_pto.set( true );
1661     }
1662   }
1663 }
mergePto(Node p1,Node p2)1665 void TheorySep::mergePto( Node p1, Node p2 ) {
1666   Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Merge pto " << p1 << " " << p2 << std::endl;
1667   Assert( p1.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL && p1[0].getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO );
1668   Assert( p2.getKind()==kind::SEP_LABEL && p2[0].getKind()==kind::SEP_PTO );
1669   if( !areEqual( p1[0][1], p2[0][1] ) ){
1670     std::vector< Node > exp;
1671     if( p1[1]!=p2[1] ){
1672       Assert( areEqual( p1[1], p2[1] ) );
1673       exp.push_back( p1[1].eqNode( p2[1] ) );
1674     }
1675     exp.push_back( p1 );
1676     exp.push_back( p2 );
1677     //enforces injectiveness of pto : (pto x y) ^ (pto y w) ^ x = y => y = w
1678     sendLemma( exp, p1[0][1].eqNode( p2[0][1] ), "PTO_PROP" );
1679   }
1680 }
sendLemma(std::vector<Node> & ant,Node conc,const char * c,bool infer)1682 void TheorySep::sendLemma( std::vector< Node >& ant, Node conc, const char * c, bool infer ) {
1683   Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Do rewrite on inference : " << conc << std::endl;
1684   conc = Rewriter::rewrite( conc );
1685   Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Got : " << conc << std::endl;
1686   if( conc!=d_true ){
1687     if( infer && conc!=d_false ){
1688       Node ant_n;
1689       if( ant.empty() ){
1690         ant_n = d_true;
1691       }else if( ant.size()==1 ){
1692         ant_n = ant[0];
1693       }else{
1694         ant_n = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, ant );
1695       }
1696       Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Infer: " << conc << " from " << ant_n << " by " << c << std::endl;
1697       d_pending_exp.push_back( ant_n );
1698       d_pending.push_back( conc );
1699       d_infer.push_back( ant_n );
1700       d_infer_exp.push_back( conc );
1701     }else{
1702       std::vector< TNode > ant_e;
1703       for( unsigned i=0; i<ant.size(); i++ ){
1704         Trace("sep-lemma-debug") << "Explain : " << ant[i] << std::endl;
1705         explain( ant[i], ant_e );
1706       }
1707       Node ant_n;
1708       if( ant_e.empty() ){
1709         ant_n = d_true;
1710       }else if( ant_e.size()==1 ){
1711         ant_n = ant_e[0];
1712       }else{
1713         ant_n = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, ant_e );
1714       }
1715       if( conc==d_false ){
1716         Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Conflict: " << ant_n << " by " << c << std::endl;
1717         d_out->conflict( ant_n );
1718         d_conflict = true;
1719       }else{
1720         Trace("sep-lemma") << "Sep::Lemma: " << conc << " from " << ant_n << " by " << c << std::endl;
1721         d_pending_exp.push_back( ant_n );
1722         d_pending.push_back( conc );
1723         d_pending_lem.push_back( d_pending.size()-1 );
1724       }
1725     }
1726   }
1727 }
doPendingFacts()1729 void TheorySep::doPendingFacts() {
1730   if( d_pending_lem.empty() ){
1731     for( unsigned i=0; i<d_pending.size(); i++ ){
1732       if( d_conflict ){
1733         break;
1734       }
1735       Node atom = d_pending[i].getKind()==kind::NOT ? d_pending[i][0] : d_pending[i];
1736       bool pol = d_pending[i].getKind()!=kind::NOT;
1737       Trace("sep-pending") << "Sep : Assert to EE : " << atom << ", pol = " << pol << std::endl;
1738       if( atom.getKind()==kind::EQUAL ){
1739         d_equalityEngine.assertEquality(atom, pol, d_pending_exp[i]);
1740       }else{
1741         d_equalityEngine.assertPredicate(atom, pol, d_pending_exp[i]);
1742       }
1743     }
1744   }else{
1745     for( unsigned i=0; i<d_pending_lem.size(); i++ ){
1746       if( d_conflict ){
1747         break;
1748       }
1749       int index = d_pending_lem[i];
1750       Node lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::IMPLIES, d_pending_exp[index], d_pending[index] );
1751       if( d_lemmas_produced_c.find( lem )==d_lemmas_produced_c.end() ){
1752         d_lemmas_produced_c.insert( lem );
1753         d_out->lemma( lem );
1754         Trace("sep-pending") << "Sep : Lemma : " << lem << std::endl;
1755       }
1756     }
1757   }
1758   d_pending_exp.clear();
1759   d_pending.clear();
1760   d_pending_lem.clear();
1761 }
debugPrintHeap(HeapInfo & heap,const char * c)1763 void TheorySep::debugPrintHeap( HeapInfo& heap, const char * c ) {
1764   Trace(c) << "[" << std::endl;
1765   Trace(c) << "  ";
1766   for( unsigned j=0; j<heap.d_heap_locs.size(); j++ ){
1767     Trace(c) << heap.d_heap_locs[j] << " ";
1768   }
1769   Trace(c) << std::endl;
1770   Trace(c) << "]" << std::endl;
1771 }
getValue(TypeNode tn)1773 Node TheorySep::HeapInfo::getValue( TypeNode tn ) {
1774   Assert( d_heap_locs.size()==d_heap_locs_model.size() );
1775   if( d_heap_locs.empty() ){
1776     return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(EmptySet(tn.toType()));
1777   }else if( d_heap_locs.size()==1 ){
1778     return d_heap_locs[0];
1779   }else{
1780     Node curr = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, d_heap_locs[0], d_heap_locs[1] );
1781     for( unsigned j=2; j<d_heap_locs.size(); j++ ){
1782       curr = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::UNION, curr, d_heap_locs[j] );
1783     }
1784     return curr;
1785   }
1786 }
1788 }/* CVC4::theory::sep namespace */
1789 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
1790 }/* CVC4 namespace */