1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file symmetry_breaker.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Morgan Deters, Liana Hadarean, Tim King
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Implementation of algorithm suggested by Deharbe, Fontaine,
13  ** Merz, and Paleo, "Exploiting symmetry in SMT problems," CADE 2011
14  **
15  ** Implementation of algorithm suggested by Deharbe, Fontaine, Merz,
16  ** and Paleo, "Exploiting symmetry in SMT problems," CADE 2011.
17  **
18  ** From the paper:
19  **
20  ** <pre>
21  **   \f$ P := guess\_permutations(\phi) \f$
22  **   foreach \f$ {c_0, ..., c_n} \in P \f$ do
23  **     if \f$ invariant\_by\_permutations(\phi, {c_0, ..., c_n}) \f$ then
24  **       T := \f$ select\_terms(\phi, {c_0, ..., c_n}) \f$
25  **       cts := \f$ \emptyset \f$
26  **       while T != \f$ \empty \wedge |cts| <= n \f$ do
27  **         \f$ t := select\_most\_promising\_term(T, \phi) \f$
28  **         \f$ T := T \setminus {t} \f$
29  **         cts := cts \f$ \cup used\_in(t, {c_0, ..., c_n}) \f$
30  **         let \f$ c \in {c_0, ..., c_n} \setminus cts \f$
31  **         cts := cts \f$ \cup {c} \f$
32  **         if cts != \f$ {c_0, ..., c_n} \f$ then
33  **           \f$ \phi := \phi \wedge ( \vee_{c_i \in cts} t = c_i ) \f$
34  **         end
35  **       end
36  **     end
37  **   end
38  **   return \f$ \phi \f$
39  ** </pre>
40  **/
42 #include "theory/uf/symmetry_breaker.h"
43 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
44 #include "util/hash.h"
46 #include <iterator>
47 #include <queue>
49 using namespace std;
51 namespace CVC4 {
52 namespace theory {
53 namespace uf {
55 using namespace ::CVC4::context;
Template()57 SymmetryBreaker::Template::Template() :
58   d_template(),
59   d_sets(),
60   d_reps() {
61 }
find(TNode n)63 TNode SymmetryBreaker::Template::find(TNode n) {
64   unordered_map<TNode, TNode, TNodeHashFunction>::iterator i = d_reps.find(n);
65   if(i == d_reps.end()) {
66     return n;
67   } else {
68     return d_reps[n] = find((*i).second);
69   }
70 }
matchRecursive(TNode t,TNode n)72 bool SymmetryBreaker::Template::matchRecursive(TNode t, TNode n) {
73   IndentedScope scope(Debug("ufsymm:match"));
75   Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM matching " << t << endl
76                         << "UFSYMM       to " << n << endl;
78   if(t.getKind() != n.getKind() || t.getNumChildren() != n.getNumChildren()) {
79     Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM BAD MATCH on kind, #children" << endl;
80     return false;
81   }
83   if(t.getNumChildren() == 0) {
84     if(t.isConst()) {
85       Assert(n.isConst());
86       Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM we have constants, failing match" << endl;
87       return false;
88     }
89     Assert(t.isVar() &&
90            n.isVar());
91     t = find(t);
92     n = find(n);
93     Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM variable match " << t << " , " << n << endl;
94     Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM sets: " << t << " =>";
95     if(d_sets.find(t) != d_sets.end()) {
96       for(set<TNode>::iterator i = d_sets[t].begin(); i != d_sets[t].end(); ++i) {
97         Debug("ufsymm:match") << " " << *i;
98       }
99     }
100     Debug("ufsymm:match") << endl;
101     if(t != n) {
102       Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM sets: " << n << " =>";
103       if(d_sets.find(n) != d_sets.end()) {
104         for(set<TNode>::iterator i = d_sets[n].begin(); i != d_sets[n].end(); ++i) {
105           Debug("ufsymm:match") << " " << *i;
106         }
107       }
108       Debug("ufsymm:match") << endl;
110       if(d_sets.find(t) == d_sets.end()) {
111         Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM inserting " << t << " in with " << n << endl;
112         d_reps[t] = n;
113         d_sets[n].insert(t);
114       } else {
115         if(d_sets.find(n) != d_sets.end()) {
116           Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM merging " << n << " and " << t << " in with " << n << endl;
117           d_sets[n].insert(d_sets[t].begin(), d_sets[t].end());
118           d_sets[n].insert(t);
119           d_reps[t] = n;
120           d_sets.erase(t);
121         } else {
122           Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM inserting " << n << " in with " << t << endl;
123           d_sets[t].insert(n);
124           d_reps[n] = t;
125         }
126       }
127     }
128     return true;
129   }
131   if(t.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
132     if(t.getOperator() != n.getOperator()) {
133       Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM BAD MATCH on operators: " << t.getOperator() << " != " << n.getOperator() << endl;
134       return false;
135     }
136   }
137   TNode::iterator ti = t.begin();
138   TNode::iterator ni = n.begin();
139   while(ti != t.end()) {
140     if(*ti != *ni) { // nothing to do if equal
141       if(!matchRecursive(*ti, *ni)) {
142         Debug("ufsymm:match") << "UFSYMM BAD MATCH, withdrawing.." << endl;
143         return false;
144       }
145     }
146     ++ti;
147     ++ni;
148   }
150   return true;
151 }
match(TNode n)153 bool SymmetryBreaker::Template::match(TNode n) {
154   // try to "match" n and d_template
155   if(d_template.isNull()) {
156     Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM setting template " << n << endl;
157     d_template = n;
158     return true;
159   } else {
160     return matchRecursive(d_template, n);
161   }
162 }
reset()164 void SymmetryBreaker::Template::reset() {
165   d_template = Node::null();
166   d_sets.clear();
167   d_reps.clear();
168 }
SymmetryBreaker(context::Context * context,std::string name)170 SymmetryBreaker::SymmetryBreaker(context::Context* context,
171                                  std::string name) :
172   ContextNotifyObj(context),
173   d_assertionsToRerun(context),
174   d_rerunningAssertions(false),
175   d_phi(),
176   d_phiSet(),
177   d_permutations(),
178   d_terms(),
179   d_template(),
180   d_normalizationCache(),
181   d_termEqs(),
182   d_termEqsOnly(),
183   d_name(name),
184   d_stats(d_name)
185 {
186 }
188 class SBGuard {
189   bool& d_ref;
190   bool d_old;
191 public:
SBGuard(bool & b)192   SBGuard(bool& b) : d_ref(b), d_old(b) {}
~SBGuard()193   ~SBGuard() { Debug("uf") << "reset to " << d_old << std::endl; d_ref = d_old; }
194 };/* class SBGuard */
rerunAssertionsIfNecessary()196 void SymmetryBreaker::rerunAssertionsIfNecessary() {
197   if(d_rerunningAssertions || !d_phi.empty() || d_assertionsToRerun.empty()) {
198     return;
199   }
201   SBGuard g(d_rerunningAssertions);
202   d_rerunningAssertions = true;
204   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM: rerunning assertions..." << std::endl;
205   for(CDList<Node>::const_iterator i = d_assertionsToRerun.begin();
206       i != d_assertionsToRerun.end();
207       ++i) {
208     assertFormula(*i);
209   }
210   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM: DONE rerunning assertions..." << std::endl;
211 }
norm(TNode phi)213 Node SymmetryBreaker::norm(TNode phi) {
214   Node n = Rewriter::rewrite(phi);
215   return normInternal(n, 0);
216 }
normInternal(TNode n,size_t level)218 Node SymmetryBreaker::normInternal(TNode n, size_t level) {
219   Node& result = d_normalizationCache[n];
220   if(!result.isNull()) {
221     return result;
222   }
224   switch(Kind k = n.getKind()) {
226   case kind::DISTINCT: {
227     // commutative N-ary operator handling
228     vector<TNode> kids(n.begin(), n.end());
229     sort(kids.begin(), kids.end());
230     return result = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(k, kids);
231   }
233   case kind::AND: {
234     // commutative+associative N-ary operator handling
235     vector<Node> kids;
236     kids.reserve(n.getNumChildren());
237     queue<TNode> work;
238     work.push(n);
239     Debug("ufsymm:norm") << "UFSYMM processing " << n << endl;
240     do {
241       TNode m = work.front();
242       work.pop();
243       for(TNode::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) {
244         if((*i).getKind() == k) {
245           work.push(*i);
246         } else {
247           if( (*i).getKind() == kind::OR ) {
248             kids.push_back(normInternal(*i, level));
249           } else if((*i).getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
250             kids.push_back(normInternal(*i, level));
251             if((*i)[0].isVar() ||
252                (*i)[1].isVar()) {
253               d_termEqs[(*i)[0]].insert((*i)[1]);
254               d_termEqs[(*i)[1]].insert((*i)[0]);
255               if(level == 0) {
256                 d_termEqsOnly[(*i)[0]].insert((*i)[1]);
257                 d_termEqsOnly[(*i)[1]].insert((*i)[0]);
258                 Debug("ufsymm:eq") << "UFSYMM " << (*i)[0] << " <==> " << (*i)[1] << endl;
259               }
260             }
261           } else {
262             kids.push_back(*i);
263           }
264         }
265       }
266     } while(!work.empty());
267     Debug("ufsymm:norm") << "UFSYMM got " << kids.size() << " kids for the " << k << "-kinded Node" << endl;
268     sort(kids.begin(), kids.end());
269     return result = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(k, kids);
270   }
272   case kind::OR: {
273     // commutative+associative N-ary operator handling
274     vector<Node> kids;
275     kids.reserve(n.getNumChildren());
276     queue<TNode> work;
277     work.push(n);
278     Debug("ufsymm:norm") << "UFSYMM processing " << n << endl;
279     TNode matchingTerm = TNode::null();
280     vector<TNode> matchingTermEquals;
281     bool first = true, matchedVar = false;
282     do {
283       TNode m = work.front();
284       work.pop();
285       for(TNode::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) {
286         if((*i).getKind() == k) {
287           work.push(*i);
288         } else {
289           if( (*i).getKind() == kind::AND ) {
290             first = false;
291             matchingTerm = TNode::null();
292             kids.push_back(normInternal(*i, level + 1));
293           } else if((*i).getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
294             kids.push_back(normInternal(*i, level + 1));
295             if((*i)[0].isVar() ||
296                (*i)[1].isVar()) {
297               d_termEqs[(*i)[0]].insert((*i)[1]);
298               d_termEqs[(*i)[1]].insert((*i)[0]);
299               if(level == 0) {
300                 if(first) {
301                   matchingTerm = *i;
302                 } else if(!matchingTerm.isNull()) {
303                   if(matchedVar) {
304                     if(matchingTerm == (*i)[0]) {
305                       matchingTermEquals.push_back((*i)[1]);
306                     } else if(matchingTerm == (*i)[1]) {
307                       matchingTermEquals.push_back((*i)[0]);
308                     } else {
309                       matchingTerm = TNode::null();
310                     }
311                   } else if((*i)[0] == matchingTerm[0]) {
312                     matchingTermEquals.push_back(matchingTerm[1]);
313                     matchingTermEquals.push_back((*i)[1]);
314                     matchingTerm = matchingTerm[0];
315                     matchedVar = true;
316                   } else if((*i)[1] == matchingTerm[0]) {
317                     matchingTermEquals.push_back(matchingTerm[1]);
318                     matchingTermEquals.push_back((*i)[0]);
319                     matchingTerm = matchingTerm[0];
320                     matchedVar = true;
321                   } else if((*i)[0] == matchingTerm[1]) {
322                     matchingTermEquals.push_back(matchingTerm[0]);
323                     matchingTermEquals.push_back((*i)[1]);
324                     matchingTerm = matchingTerm[1];
325                     matchedVar = true;
326                   } else if((*i)[1] == matchingTerm[1]) {
327                     matchingTermEquals.push_back(matchingTerm[0]);
328                     matchingTermEquals.push_back((*i)[0]);
329                     matchingTerm = matchingTerm[1];
330                     matchedVar = true;
331                   } else {
332                     matchingTerm = TNode::null();
333                   }
334                 }
335               }
336             } else {
337               matchingTerm = TNode::null();
338             }
339             first = false;
340           } else {
341             first = false;
342             matchingTerm = TNode::null();
343             kids.push_back(*i);
344           }
345         }
346       }
347     } while(!work.empty());
348     if(!matchingTerm.isNull()) {
349       if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm:eq")) {
350         Debug("ufsymm:eq") << "UFSYMM here we can conclude that " << matchingTerm << " is one of {";
351         for(vector<TNode>::const_iterator i = matchingTermEquals.begin(); i != matchingTermEquals.end(); ++i) {
352           Debug("ufsymm:eq") << " " << *i;
353         }
354         Debug("ufsymm:eq") << " }" << endl;
355       }
356       d_termEqsOnly[matchingTerm].insert(matchingTermEquals.begin(), matchingTermEquals.end());
357     }
358     Debug("ufsymm:norm") << "UFSYMM got " << kids.size() << " kids for the " << k << "-kinded Node" << endl;
359     sort(kids.begin(), kids.end());
360     return result = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(k, kids);
361   }
363   case kind::EQUAL:
364     if(n[0].isVar() ||
365        n[1].isVar()) {
366       d_termEqs[n[0]].insert(n[1]);
367       d_termEqs[n[1]].insert(n[0]);
368       if(level == 0) {
369         d_termEqsOnly[n[0]].insert(n[1]);
370         d_termEqsOnly[n[1]].insert(n[0]);
371         Debug("ufsymm:eq") << "UFSYMM " << n[0] << " <==> " << n[1] << endl;
372       }
373     }
374     /* intentional fall-through! */
375   case kind::XOR:
376     // commutative binary operator handling
377     return n[1] < n[0] ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(k, n[1], n[0]) : Node(n);
379   default:
380     // Normally T-rewriting is enough; only special cases (like
381     // Boolean-layer stuff) has to go above.
382     return n;
383   }
384 }
assertFormula(TNode phi)386 void SymmetryBreaker::assertFormula(TNode phi) {
387   rerunAssertionsIfNecessary();
388   if(!d_rerunningAssertions) {
389     d_assertionsToRerun.push_back(phi);
390   }
391   // use d_phi, put into d_permutations
392   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM assertFormula(): phi is " << phi << endl;
393   d_phi.push_back(phi);
394   if(phi.getKind() == kind::OR) {
395     Template t;
396     Node::iterator i = phi.begin();
397     t.match(*i++);
398     while(i != phi.end()) {
399       if(!t.match(*i++)) {
400         break;
401       }
402     }
403     unordered_map<TNode, set<TNode>, TNodeHashFunction>& ps = t.partitions();
404     for(unordered_map<TNode, set<TNode>, TNodeHashFunction>::iterator i = ps.begin();
405         i != ps.end();
406         ++i) {
407       Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM partition*: " << (*i).first;
408       set<TNode>& p = (*i).second;
409       for(set<TNode>::iterator j = p.begin();
410           j != p.end();
411           ++j) {
412         Debug("ufsymm") << " " << *j;
413       }
414       Debug("ufsymm") << endl;
415       p.insert((*i).first);
416       Permutations::iterator pi = d_permutations.find(p);
417       if(pi == d_permutations.end()) {
418         d_permutations.insert(p);
419       }
420     }
421   }
422   if(!d_template.match(phi)) {
423     // we hit a bad match, extract the partitions and reset the template
424     unordered_map<TNode, set<TNode>, TNodeHashFunction>& ps = d_template.partitions();
425     Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM hit a bad match---have " << ps.size() << " partitions:" << endl;
426     for(unordered_map<TNode, set<TNode>, TNodeHashFunction>::iterator i = ps.begin();
427         i != ps.end();
428         ++i) {
429       Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM partition: " << (*i).first;
430       set<TNode>& p = (*i).second;
431       if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm")) {
432         for(set<TNode>::iterator j = p.begin();
433             j != p.end();
434             ++j) {
435           Debug("ufsymm") << " " << *j;
436         }
437       }
438       Debug("ufsymm") << endl;
439       p.insert((*i).first);
440       d_permutations.insert(p);
441     }
442     d_template.reset();
443     bool good CVC4_UNUSED = d_template.match(phi);
444     Assert(good);
445   }
446 }
clear()448 void SymmetryBreaker::clear() {
449   d_phi.clear();
450   d_phiSet.clear();
451   d_permutations.clear();
452   d_terms.clear();
453   d_template.reset();
454   d_normalizationCache.clear();
455   d_termEqs.clear();
456   d_termEqsOnly.clear();
457 }
apply(std::vector<Node> & newClauses)459 void SymmetryBreaker::apply(std::vector<Node>& newClauses) {
460   rerunAssertionsIfNecessary();
461   guessPermutations();
462   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM =====================================================" << endl
463                   << "UFSYMM have " << d_permutations.size() << " permutation sets" << endl;
464   if(!d_permutations.empty()) {
465     { TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_stats.d_initNormalizationTimer);
466       // normalize d_phi
468       for(vector<Node>::iterator i = d_phi.begin(); i != d_phi.end(); ++i) {
469         Node n = *i;
470         *i = norm(n);
471         d_phiSet.insert(*i);
472         Debug("ufsymm:norm") << "UFSYMM init-norm-rewrite " << n << endl
473                              << "UFSYMM                to " << *i << endl;
474       }
475     }
477     for(Permutations::iterator i = d_permutations.begin();
478         i != d_permutations.end();
479         ++i) {
480       ++(d_stats.d_permutationSetsConsidered);
481       const Permutation& p = *i;
482       Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM looking at permutation: " << p << endl;
483       size_t n = p.size() - 1;
484       if(invariantByPermutations(p)) {
485         ++(d_stats.d_permutationSetsInvariant);
486         selectTerms(p);
487         set<Node> cts;
488         while(!d_terms.empty() && cts.size() <= n) {
489           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM ==== top of loop, d_terms.size() == " << d_terms.size() << " , cts.size() == " << cts.size() << " , n == " << n << endl;
490           Terms::iterator ti = selectMostPromisingTerm(d_terms);
491           Node t = *ti;
492           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM promising term is " << t << endl;
493           d_terms.erase(ti);
494           insertUsedIn(t, p, cts);
495           if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm")) {
496             if(cts.empty()) {
497               Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM cts is empty" << endl;
498             } else {
499               for(set<Node>::iterator ctsi = cts.begin(); ctsi != cts.end(); ++ctsi) {
500                 Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM cts: " << *ctsi << endl;
501               }
502             }
503           }
504           TNode c;
505           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM looking for c \\in " << p << " \\ cts" << endl;
506           set<TNode>::const_iterator i;
507           for(i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) {
508             if(cts.find(*i) == cts.end()) {
509               if(c.isNull()) {
510                 c = *i;
511                 Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM found first: " << c << endl;
512               } else {
513                 Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM found second: " << *i << endl;
514                 break;
515               }
516             }
517           }
518           if(c.isNull()) {
519             Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM can't find a c, restart outer loop" << endl;
520             break;
521           }
522           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM inserting into cts: " << c << endl;
523           cts.insert(c);
524           // This tests cts != p: if "i == p.end()", we got all the way
525           // through p without seeing two elements not in cts (on the
526           // second one, we break from the above loop).  We know we
527           // found at least one (and subsequently added it to cts).  So
528           // now cts == p.
529           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM p == " << p << endl;
530           if(i != p.end() || p.size() != cts.size()) {
531             Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM cts != p" << endl;
532             NodeBuilder<> disj(kind::OR);
533             for(set<Node>::const_iterator i = cts.begin();
534                 i != cts.end();
535                 ++i) {
536               if(t != *i) {
537                 disj << NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, t, *i);
538               }
539             }
540             Node d;
541             if(disj.getNumChildren() > 1) {
542               d = disj;
543               ++(d_stats.d_clauses);
544             } else {
545               d = disj[0];
546               disj.clear();
547               ++(d_stats.d_units);
548             }
549             if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm")) {
550               Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM symmetry-breaking clause: " << d << endl;
551             } else {
552               Debug("ufsymm:clauses") << "UFSYMM symmetry-breaking clause: " << d << endl;
553             }
554             newClauses.push_back(d);
555           } else {
556             Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM cts == p" << endl;
557           }
558           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM ==== end of loop, d_terms.size() == " << d_terms.size() << " , cts.size() == " << cts.size() << " , n == " << n << endl;
559         }
560       }
561     }
562   }
564   clear();
565 }
guessPermutations()567 void SymmetryBreaker::guessPermutations() {
568   // use d_phi, put into d_permutations
569   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM guessPermutations()" << endl;
570 }
invariantByPermutations(const Permutation & p)572 bool SymmetryBreaker::invariantByPermutations(const Permutation& p) {
573   TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_stats.d_invariantByPermutationsTimer);
575   // use d_phi
576   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM invariantByPermutations()? " << p << endl;
578   Assert(p.size() > 1);
580   // check that the types match
581   Permutation::iterator permIt = p.begin();
582   TypeNode type = (*permIt++).getType();
583   do {
584     if(type != (*permIt++).getType()) {
585       Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM types don't match, aborting.." << endl;
586       return false;
587     }
588   } while(permIt != p.end());
590   // check P_swap
591   vector<Node> subs;
592   vector<Node> repls;
593   Permutation::iterator i = p.begin();
594   TNode p0 = *i++;
595   TNode p1 = *i;
596   subs.push_back(p0);
597   subs.push_back(p1);
598   repls.push_back(p1);
599   repls.push_back(p0);
600   for(vector<Node>::iterator i = d_phi.begin(); i != d_phi.end(); ++i) {
601     Node s = (*i).substitute(subs.begin(), subs.end(), repls.begin(), repls.end());
602     Node n = norm(s);
603     if(*i != n && d_phiSet.find(n) == d_phiSet.end()) {
604       Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM P_swap is NOT an inv perm op for " << p << endl
605                       << "UFSYMM because this node: " << *i << endl
606                       << "UFSYMM rewrite-norms to : " << n << endl
607                       << "UFSYMM which is not in our set of normalized assertions" << endl;
608       return false;
609     } else if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm:p")) {
610       if(*i == s) {
611         Debug("ufsymm:p") << "UFSYMM P_swap passes trivially: " << *i << endl;
612       } else {
613         Debug("ufsymm:p") << "UFSYMM P_swap passes: " << *i << endl
614                           << "UFSYMM      rewrites: " << s << endl
615                           << "UFSYMM         norms: " << n << endl;
616       }
617     }
618   }
619   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM P_swap is an inv perm op for " << p << endl;
621   // check P_circ, unless size == 2 in which case P_circ == P_swap
622   if(p.size() > 2) {
623     subs.clear();
624     repls.clear();
625     bool first = true;
626     for(Permutation::const_iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) {
627       subs.push_back(*i);
628       if(!first) {
629         repls.push_back(*i);
630       } else {
631         first = false;
632       }
633     }
634     repls.push_back(*p.begin());
635     Assert(subs.size() == repls.size());
636     for(vector<Node>::iterator i = d_phi.begin(); i != d_phi.end(); ++i) {
637       Node s = (*i).substitute(subs.begin(), subs.end(), repls.begin(), repls.end());
638       Node n = norm(s);
639       if(*i != n && d_phiSet.find(n) == d_phiSet.end()) {
640         Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM P_circ is NOT an inv perm op for " << p << endl
641                         << "UFSYMM because this node: " << *i << endl
642                         << "UFSYMM rewrite-norms to : " << n << endl
643                         << "UFSYMM which is not in our set of normalized assertions" << endl;
644         return false;
645       } else if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm:p")) {
646         if(*i == s) {
647           Debug("ufsymm:p") << "UFSYMM P_circ passes trivially: " << *i << endl;
648         } else {
649           Debug("ufsymm:p") << "UFSYMM P_circ passes: " << *i << endl
650                             << "UFSYMM      rewrites: " << s << endl
651                             << "UFSYMM         norms: " << n << endl;
652         }
653       }
654     }
655     Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM P_circ is an inv perm op for " << p << endl;
656   } else {
657     Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM no need to check P_circ, since P_circ == P_swap for perm sets of size 2" << endl;
658   }
660   return true;
661 }
663 // debug-assertion-only function
664 template <class T1, class T2>
isSubset(const T1 & s,const T2 & t)665 static bool isSubset(const T1& s, const T2& t) {
666   if(s.size() > t.size()) {
667     //Debug("ufsymm") << "DEBUG ASSERTION FAIL: s not a subset of t "
668     //                << "because size(s) > size(t)" << endl;
669     return false;
670   }
671   for(typename T1::const_iterator si = s.begin(); si != s.end(); ++si) {
672     if(t.find(*si) == t.end()) {
673       //Debug("ufsymm") << "DEBUG ASSERTION FAIL: s not a subset of t "
674       //                << "because s element \"" << *si << "\" not in t" << endl;
675       return false;
676     }
677   }
679   // At this point, didn't find any elements from s not in t, so
680   // conclude that s \subseteq t
681   return true;
682 }
selectTerms(const Permutation & p)684 void SymmetryBreaker::selectTerms(const Permutation& p) {
685   TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_stats.d_selectTermsTimer);
687   // use d_phi, put into d_terms
688   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM selectTerms(): " << p << endl;
689   d_terms.clear();
690   set<Node> terms;
691   for(Permutation::iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) {
692     const TermEq& teq = d_termEqs[*i];
693     for(TermEq::const_iterator j = teq.begin(); j != teq.end(); ++j) {
694       Debug("ufsymm") << "selectTerms: insert in terms " << *j << std::endl;
695     }
696     terms.insert(teq.begin(), teq.end());
697   }
698   for(set<Node>::iterator i = terms.begin(); i != terms.end(); ++i) {
699     if(d_termEqsOnly.find(*i) != d_termEqsOnly.end()) {
700       const TermEq& teq = d_termEqsOnly[*i];
701       if(isSubset(teq, p)) {
702         Debug("ufsymm") << "selectTerms: teq = {";
703         for(TermEq::const_iterator j = teq.begin(); j != teq.end(); ++j) {
704           Debug("ufsymm") << " " << *j << std::endl;
705         }
706         Debug("ufsymm") << " } is subset of p " << p << std::endl;
707         d_terms.insert(d_terms.end(), *i);
708       } else {
709         if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm")) {
710           Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM selectTerms() threw away candidate: " << *i << endl;
711           Debug("ufsymm:eq") << "UFSYMM selectTerms() #teq == " << teq.size() << " #p == " << p.size() << endl;
712           TermEq::iterator j;
713           for(j = teq.begin(); j != teq.end(); ++j) {
714             Debug("ufsymm:eq") << "UFSYMM              -- teq " << *j << " in " << p << " ?" << endl;
715             if(p.find(*j) == p.end()) {
716               Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM              -- because its teq " << *j
717                               << " isn't in " << p << endl;
718               break;
719             } else {
720               Debug("ufsymm:eq") << "UFSYMM              -- yep" << endl;
721             }
722           }
723           Assert(j != teq.end(), "failed to find a difference between p and teq ?!");
724         }
725       }
726     } else {
727       Debug("ufsymm") << "selectTerms: don't have data for " << *i << " so can't conclude anything" << endl;
728     }
729   }
730   if(Debug.isOn("ufsymm")) {
731     for(list<Term>::iterator i = d_terms.begin(); i != d_terms.end(); ++i) {
732       Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM selectTerms() returning: " << *i << endl;
733     }
734   }
735 }
Statistics(std::string name)737 SymmetryBreaker::Statistics::Statistics(std::string name)
738   : d_clauses(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::clauses", 0)
739   , d_units(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::units", 0)
740   , d_permutationSetsConsidered(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::permutationSetsConsidered", 0)
741   , d_permutationSetsInvariant(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::permutationSetsInvariant", 0)
742   , d_invariantByPermutationsTimer(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::timers::invariantByPermutations")
743   , d_selectTermsTimer(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::timers::selectTerms")
744   , d_initNormalizationTimer(name + "theory::uf::symmetry_breaker::timers::initNormalization")
745 {
746   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_clauses);
747   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_units);
748   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_permutationSetsConsidered);
749   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_permutationSetsInvariant);
750   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_invariantByPermutationsTimer);
751   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_selectTermsTimer);
752   smtStatisticsRegistry()->registerStat(&d_initNormalizationTimer);
753 }
~Statistics()755 SymmetryBreaker::Statistics::~Statistics()
756 {
757   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_clauses);
758   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_units);
759   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_permutationSetsConsidered);
760   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_permutationSetsInvariant);
761   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_invariantByPermutationsTimer);
762   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_selectTermsTimer);
763   smtStatisticsRegistry()->unregisterStat(&d_initNormalizationTimer);
764 }
766 SymmetryBreaker::Terms::iterator
selectMostPromisingTerm(Terms & terms)767 SymmetryBreaker::selectMostPromisingTerm(Terms& terms) {
768   // use d_phi
769   Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM selectMostPromisingTerm()" << endl;
770   return terms.begin();
771 }
insertUsedIn(Term term,const Permutation & p,set<Node> & cts)773 void SymmetryBreaker::insertUsedIn(Term term, const Permutation& p, set<Node>& cts) {
774   // insert terms from p used in term into cts
775   //Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM usedIn(): " << term << " , " << p << endl;
776   if (p.find(term) != p.end()) {
777     cts.insert(term);
778   } else {
779     for(TNode::iterator i = term.begin(); i != term.end(); ++i) {
780       insertUsedIn(*i, p, cts);
781     }
782   }
783 }
785 }/* CVC4::theory::uf namespace */
786 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
operator <<(std::ostream & out,const theory::uf::SymmetryBreaker::Permutation & p)788 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const theory::uf::SymmetryBreaker::Permutation& p) {
789   out << "{";
790   set<TNode>::const_iterator i = p.begin();
791   while(i != p.end()) {
792     out << *i;
793     if(++i != p.end()) {
794       out << ",";
795     }
796   }
797   out << "}";
798   return out;
799 }
801 }/* CVC4 namespace */