1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2015 - 2019 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_constrained_linear_operator_h
17 #define dealii_constrained_linear_operator_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
22 #include <deal.II/lac/linear_operator.h>
23 #include <deal.II/lac/packaged_operation.h>
29 /**
30  * @name Indirectly applying constraints to LinearOperator
31  */
32 //@{
35 /**
36  * This function takes an AffineConstraints object @p constraints and
37  * an operator exemplar @p exemplar (this exemplar is usually a linear
38  * operator that describes the system matrix - it is only used to create
39  * domain and range vectors of appropriate sizes, its action <tt>vmult</tt>
40  * is never used). A LinearOperator object associated with the "homogeneous
41  * action" of the underlying AffineConstraints object is returned:
42  *
43  * Applying the LinearOperator object on a vector <code>u</code> results in a
44  * vector <code>v</code> that stores the result of calling
45  * AffineConstraints::distribute() on <code>u</code> - with one important
46  * difference: inhomogeneities are not applied, but always treated as 0
47  * instead.
48  *
49  * The LinearOperator object created by this function is primarily used
50  * internally in constrained_linear_operator() to build up a modified system
51  * of linear equations. How to solve a linear system of equations with this
52  * approach is explained in detail in the
53  * @ref constraints
54  * module.
55  *
56  *
57  * @note Currently, this function may not work correctly for distributed data
58  * structures.
59  *
60  * @relatesalso LinearOperator
61  * @ingroup constraints
62  */
63 template <typename Range, typename Domain, typename Payload>
64 LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload>
distribute_constraints_linear_operator(const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> & constraints,const LinearOperator<Range,Domain,Payload> & exemplar)65 distribute_constraints_linear_operator(
66   const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> &constraints,
67   const LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload> &       exemplar)
68 {
69   LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload> return_op = exemplar;
71   return_op.vmult_add = [&constraints](Range &v, const Domain &u) {
72     Assert(!dealii::PointerComparison::equal(&v, &u),
73            dealii::ExcMessage("The domain and range vectors must be different "
74                               "storage locations"));
76     // First, add vector u to v unconditionally and clean up constrained
77     // degrees of freedom later.
78     v += u;
80     const auto &locally_owned_elements = v.locally_owned_elements();
81     for (const auto &line : constraints.get_lines())
82       {
83         const auto i = line.index;
84         if (locally_owned_elements.is_element(i))
85           {
86             v(i) -= u(i);
87             const auto &entries = line.entries;
88             for (types::global_dof_index j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j)
89               {
90                 const auto pos = entries[j].first;
91                 v(i) += u(pos) * entries[j].second;
92               }
93           }
94       }
96     v.compress(VectorOperation::add);
97   };
99   return_op.Tvmult_add = [&constraints](Domain &v, const Range &u) {
100     Assert(!dealii::PointerComparison::equal(&v, &u),
101            dealii::ExcMessage("The domain and range vectors must be different "
102                               "storage locations"));
104     // First, add vector u to v unconditionally and clean up constrained
105     // degrees of freedom later.
106     v += u;
108     const auto &locally_owned_elements = v.locally_owned_elements();
109     for (const auto &line : constraints.get_lines())
110       {
111         const auto i = line.index;
113         if (locally_owned_elements.is_element(i))
114           {
115             v(i) -= u(i);
116           }
118         const auto &entries = line.entries;
119         for (types::global_dof_index j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j)
120           {
121             const auto pos = entries[j].first;
122             if (locally_owned_elements.is_element(pos))
123               v(pos) += u(i) * entries[j].second;
124           }
125       }
127     v.compress(VectorOperation::add);
128   };
130   return_op.vmult = [vmult_add = return_op.vmult_add](Range &       v,
131                                                       const Domain &u) {
132     v = 0.;
133     vmult_add(v, u);
134   };
136   return_op.Tvmult = [Tvmult_add = return_op.Tvmult_add](Domain &     v,
137                                                          const Range &u) {
138     v = 0.;
139     Tvmult_add(v, u);
140   };
142   return return_op;
143 }
146 /**
147  * Given a AffineConstraints @p constraints and an operator exemplar @p
148  * exemplar, return a LinearOperator that is the projection to the subspace of
149  * constrained degrees of freedom, i.e. all entries of the result vector that
150  * correspond to unconstrained degrees of freedom are set to zero.
151  *
152  *
153  * @relatesalso LinearOperator
154  * @ingroup constraints
155  */
156 template <typename Range, typename Domain, typename Payload>
157 LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload>
project_to_constrained_linear_operator(const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> & constraints,const LinearOperator<Range,Domain,Payload> & exemplar)158 project_to_constrained_linear_operator(
159   const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> &constraints,
160   const LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload> &       exemplar)
161 {
162   LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload> return_op = exemplar;
164   return_op.vmult_add = [&constraints](Range &v, const Domain &u) {
165     const auto &locally_owned_elements = v.locally_owned_elements();
166     for (const auto &line : constraints.get_lines())
167       {
168         const auto i = line.index;
169         if (locally_owned_elements.is_element(i))
170           {
171             v(i) += u(i);
172           }
173       }
175     v.compress(VectorOperation::add);
176   };
178   return_op.Tvmult_add = [&constraints](Domain &v, const Range &u) {
179     const auto &locally_owned_elements = v.locally_owned_elements();
180     for (const auto &line : constraints.get_lines())
181       {
182         const auto i = line.index;
183         if (locally_owned_elements.is_element(i))
184           {
185             v(i) += u(i);
186           }
187       }
189     v.compress(VectorOperation::add);
190   };
192   return_op.vmult = [vmult_add = return_op.vmult_add](Range &       v,
193                                                       const Domain &u) {
194     v = 0.;
195     vmult_add(v, u);
196   };
198   return_op.Tvmult = [Tvmult_add = return_op.Tvmult_add](Domain &     v,
199                                                          const Range &u) {
200     v = 0.;
201     Tvmult_add(v, u);
202   };
204   return return_op;
205 }
208 /**
209  * Given a AffineConstraints object @p constraints and a LinearOperator
210  * @p linop, this function creates a LinearOperator object consisting of the
211  * composition of three operations and a regularization:
212  * @code
213  *   Ct * linop * C + Id_c;
214  * @endcode
215  * with
216  * @code
217  *   C = distribute_constraints_linear_operator(constraints, linop);
218  *   Ct = transpose_operator(C);
219  *   Id_c = project_to_constrained_linear_operator(constraints, linop);
220  * @endcode
221  * and <code>Id_c</code> is the projection to the subspace consisting of all
222  * vector entries associated with constrained degrees of freedom.
223  *
224  * This LinearOperator object is used together with
225  * constrained_right_hand_side() to build up the following modified system of
226  * linear equations:
227  * @f[
228  *   (C^T A C + Id_c) x = C^T (b - A\,k)
229  * @f]
230  * with a given (unconstrained) system matrix $A$, right hand side $b$, and
231  * linear constraints $C$ with inhomogeneities $k$.
232  *
233  * A detailed explanation of this approach is given in the
234  * @ref constraints
235  * module.
236  *
237  *
238  * @note Currently, this function may not work correctly for distributed data
239  * structures.
240  *
241  * @relatesalso LinearOperator
242  * @ingroup constraints
243  */
244 template <typename Range, typename Domain, typename Payload>
245 LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload>
constrained_linear_operator(const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> & constraints,const LinearOperator<Range,Domain,Payload> & linop)246 constrained_linear_operator(
247   const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> &constraints,
248   const LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload> &       linop)
249 {
250   const auto C    = distribute_constraints_linear_operator(constraints, linop);
251   const auto Ct   = transpose_operator(C);
252   const auto Id_c = project_to_constrained_linear_operator(constraints, linop);
253   return Ct * linop * C + Id_c;
254 }
257 /**
258  * Given a AffineConstraints object @p constraints, a LinearOperator @p
259  * linop and a right-hand side @p right_hand_side, this function creates a
260  * PackagedOperation that stores the following computation:
261  * @code
262  *   Ct * (right_hand_side - linop * k)
263  * @endcode
264  * with
265  * @code
266  *   C = distribute_constraints_linear_operator(constraints, linop);
267  *   Ct = transpose_operator(C);
268  * @endcode
269  *
270  * This LinearOperator object is used together with
271  * constrained_right_hand_side() to build up the following modified system of
272  * linear equations:
273  * @f[
274  *   (C^T A C + Id_c) x = C^T (b - A\,k)
275  * @f]
276  * with a given (unconstrained) system matrix $A$, right hand side $b$, and
277  * linear constraints $C$ with inhomogeneities $k$.
278  *
279  * A detailed explanation of this approach is given in the
280  * @ref constraints
281  * module.
282  *
283  *
284  * @note Currently, this function may not work correctly for distributed data
285  * structures.
286  *
287  * @relatesalso LinearOperator
288  * @ingroup constraints
289  */
290 template <typename Range, typename Domain, typename Payload>
291 PackagedOperation<Range>
constrained_right_hand_side(const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> & constraints,const LinearOperator<Range,Domain,Payload> & linop,const Range & right_hand_side)292 constrained_right_hand_side(
293   const AffineConstraints<typename Range::value_type> &constraints,
294   const LinearOperator<Range, Domain, Payload> &       linop,
295   const Range &                                        right_hand_side)
296 {
297   PackagedOperation<Range> return_comp;
299   return_comp.reinit_vector = linop.reinit_range_vector;
301   return_comp.apply_add = [&constraints, &linop, &right_hand_side](Range &v) {
302     const auto C  = distribute_constraints_linear_operator(constraints, linop);
303     const auto Ct = transpose_operator(C);
305     GrowingVectorMemory<Domain>            vector_memory;
306     typename VectorMemory<Domain>::Pointer k(vector_memory);
307     linop.reinit_domain_vector(*k, /*bool fast=*/false);
308     constraints.distribute(*k);
310     v += Ct * (right_hand_side - linop * *k);
311   };
313   return_comp.apply = [apply_add = return_comp.apply_add](Range &v) {
314     v = 0.;
315     apply_add(v);
316   };
318   return return_comp;
319 }
321 //@}
325 #endif