1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2002 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_sparse_decomposition_h
17 #define dealii_sparse_decomposition_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
23 #include <cmath>
27 /*! @addtogroup Preconditioners
28  *@{
29  */
31 /**
32  * Abstract base class for incomplete decompositions of a sparse matrix into
33  * sparse factors. This class can't be used by itself, but only as the base
34  * class of derived classes that actually implement particular decompositions
35  * such as SparseILU or SparseMIC.
36  *
37  * The decomposition is stored as a sparse matrix which is why this class is
38  * derived from the SparseMatrix. Since it is not a matrix in the usual sense
39  * (the stored entries are not those of a matrix, but of the two factors of
40  * the original matrix), the derivation is <tt>protected</tt> rather than
41  * <tt>public</tt>.
42  *
43  *
44  * <h3>Fill-in</h3>
45  *
46  * Sparse decompositions are frequently used with additional fill-in, i.e.,
47  * the sparsity structure of the decomposition is denser than that of the
48  * matrix to be decomposed. The initialize() function of this class allows
49  * this fill-in via the AdditionalData object as long as all entries present
50  * in the original matrix are present in the decomposition also, i.e. the
51  * sparsity pattern of the decomposition is a superset of the sparsity pattern
52  * in the original matrix.
53  *
54  * Such fill-in can be accomplished by various ways, one of which is the copy-
55  * constructor of the SparsityPattern class that allows the addition of side-
56  * diagonals to a given sparsity structure.
57  *
58  *
59  * <h3>Unified use of preconditioners</h3>
60  *
61  * While objects of this class can not be used directly (this class is only a
62  * base class for others implementing actual decompositions), derived classes
63  * such as SparseILU and SparseMIC can be used in the usual form as
64  * preconditioners. For example, this works:
65  * @code
66  * SparseILU<double> ilu;
67  * ilu.initialize(matrix, SparseILU<double>::AdditionalData(...));
68  *
69  * somesolver.solve (A, x, f, ilu);
70  * @endcode
71  *
72  * Through the AdditionalData object it is possible to specify additional
73  * parameters of the LU decomposition.
74  *
75  * 1/ The matrix diagonal can be strengthened by adding
76  * <code>strengthen_diagonal</code> times the sum of the absolute row entries
77  * of each row to the respective diagonal entries. By default no strengthening
78  * is performed.
79  *
80  * 2/ By default, each initialize() function call creates its own sparsity.
81  * For that, it copies the sparsity of <code>matrix</code> and adds a specific
82  * number of extra off diagonal entries specified by
83  * <code>extra_off_diagonals</code>.
84  *
85  * 3/ By setting <code>use_previous_sparsity=true</code> the sparsity is not
86  * recreated but the sparsity of the previous initialize() call is reused
87  * (recycled). This might be useful when several linear problems on the same
88  * sparsity need to solved, as for example several Newton iteration steps on
89  * the same triangulation. The default is <code>false</code>.
90  *
91  * 4/ It is possible to give a user defined sparsity to
92  * <code>use_this_sparsity</code>. Then, no sparsity is created but
93  * <code>*use_this_sparsity</code> is used to store the decomposed matrix. For
94  * restrictions on the sparsity see section `Fill-in' above).
95  *
96  *
97  * <h3>Particular implementations</h3>
98  *
99  * It is enough to override the initialize() and vmult() methods to implement
100  * particular LU decompositions, like the true LU, or the Cholesky
101  * decomposition. Additionally, if that decomposition needs fine tuned
102  * diagonal strengthening on a per row basis, it may override the
103  * get_strengthen_diagonal() method.
104  */
105 template <typename number>
106 class SparseLUDecomposition : protected SparseMatrix<number>,
107                               public virtual Subscriptor
108 {
109 protected:
110   /**
111    * Constructor. Does nothing.
112    *
113    * Call the initialize() function before using this object as preconditioner
114    * (vmult()).
115    */
116   SparseLUDecomposition();
118 public:
119   /**
120    * Declare type for container size.
121    */
122   using size_type = typename SparseMatrix<number>::size_type;
124   /**
125    * Destruction. Mark the destructor pure to ensure that this class isn't
126    * used directly, but only its derived classes.
127    */
128   virtual ~SparseLUDecomposition() override = 0;
130   /**
131    * Deletes all member variables. Leaves the class in the state that it had
132    * directly after calling the constructor
133    */
134   virtual void
135   clear() override;
137   /**
138    * Parameters for SparseDecomposition.
139    */
140   class AdditionalData
141   {
142   public:
143     /**
144      * Constructor. For the parameters' description, see below.
145      */
146     AdditionalData(const double           strengthen_diagonal   = 0,
147                    const unsigned int     extra_off_diagonals   = 0,
148                    const bool             use_previous_sparsity = false,
149                    const SparsityPattern *use_this_sparsity     = nullptr);
151     /**
152      * <code>strengthen_diag</code> times the sum of absolute row entries is
153      * added to the diagonal entries.
154      *
155      * Per default, this value is zero, i.e. the diagonal is not strengthened.
156      */
157     double strengthen_diagonal;
159     /**
160      * By default, the <code>initialize(matrix, data)</code> function creates
161      * its own sparsity. This sparsity has the same SparsityPattern as
162      * <code>matrix</code> with some extra off diagonals the number of which
163      * is specified by <code>extra_off_diagonals</code>.
164      *
165      * The user can give a SparsityPattern to <code>use_this_sparsity</code>.
166      * Then this sparsity is used and the <code>extra_off_diagonals</code>
167      * argument is ignored.
168      */
169     unsigned int extra_off_diagonals;
171     /**
172      * If this flag is true the initialize() function uses the same sparsity
173      * that was used during the previous initialize() call.
174      *
175      * This might be useful when several linear problems on the same sparsity
176      * need to solved, as for example several Newton iteration steps on the
177      * same triangulation.
178      */
179     bool use_previous_sparsity;
181     /**
182      * When a SparsityPattern is given to this argument, the initialize()
183      * function calls <code>reinit(*use_this_sparsity)</code> causing this
184      * sparsity to be used.
185      *
186      * Note that the sparsity structures of <code>*use_this_sparsity</code>
187      * and the matrix passed to the initialize function need not be equal.
188      * Fill-in is allowed, as well as filtering out some elements in the
189      * matrix.
190      */
191     const SparsityPattern *use_this_sparsity;
192   };
194   /**
195    * This function needs to be called before an object of this class is used
196    * as preconditioner.
197    *
198    * For more detail about possible parameters, see the class documentation
199    * and the documentation of the SparseLUDecomposition::AdditionalData class.
200    *
201    * According to the <code>parameters</code>, this function creates a new
202    * SparsityPattern or keeps the previous sparsity or takes the sparsity
203    * given by the user to <code>data</code>. Then, this function performs the
204    * LU decomposition.
205    *
206    * After this function is called the preconditioner is ready to be used
207    * (using the <code>vmult</code> function of derived classes).
208    */
209   template <typename somenumber>
210   void
211   initialize(const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix,
212              const AdditionalData            parameters);
214   /**
215    * Return whether the object is empty. It calls the inherited
216    * SparseMatrix::empty() function.
217    */
218   bool
219   empty() const;
221   /**
222    * Return the dimension of the codomain (or range) space. It calls the
223    * inherited SparseMatrix::m() function. Note that the matrix is of
224    * dimension $m \times n$.
225    */
226   size_type
227   m() const;
229   /**
230    * Return the dimension of the domain space. It calls the  inherited
231    * SparseMatrix::n() function. Note that the matrix is of dimension $m
232    * \times n$.
233    */
234   size_type
235   n() const;
237   /**
238    * Adding Matrix-vector multiplication. Add <i>M*src</i> on <i>dst</i> with
239    * <i>M</i> being this matrix.
240    *
241    * Source and destination must not be the same vector.
242    */
243   template <class OutVector, class InVector>
244   void
245   vmult_add(OutVector &dst, const InVector &src) const;
247   /**
248    * Adding Matrix-vector multiplication. Add <i>M<sup>T</sup>*src</i> to
249    * <i>dst</i> with <i>M</i> being this matrix. This function does the same
250    * as vmult_add() but takes the transposed matrix.
251    *
252    * Source and destination must not be the same vector.
253    */
254   template <class OutVector, class InVector>
255   void
256   Tvmult_add(OutVector &dst, const InVector &src) const;
258   /**
259    * Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this
260    * object.
261    */
262   virtual std::size_t
263   memory_consumption() const;
265   /**
266    * @addtogroup Exceptions
267    * @{
268    */
270   /**
271    * Exception
272    */
273   DeclException1(ExcInvalidStrengthening,
274                  double,
275                  << "The strengthening parameter " << arg1
276                  << " is not greater or equal than zero!");
277   //@}
278 protected:
279   /**
280    * Copies the passed SparseMatrix onto this object. This object's sparsity
281    * pattern remains unchanged.
282    */
283   template <typename somenumber>
284   void
285   copy_from(const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix);
287   /**
288    * Performs the strengthening loop. For each row calculates the sum of
289    * absolute values of its elements, determines the strengthening factor
290    * (through get_strengthen_diagonal()) sf and multiplies the diagonal entry
291    * with <code>sf+1</code>.
292    */
293   virtual void
294   strengthen_diagonal_impl();
296   /**
297    * In the decomposition phase, computes a strengthening factor for the
298    * diagonal entry in row <code>row</code> with sum of absolute values of its
299    * elements <code>rowsum</code>.
300    *
301    * @note The default implementation in SparseLUDecomposition returns
302    * <code>strengthen_diagonal</code>'s value. This variable is set to
303    * a nonzero value in several of the derived classes.
304    */
305   virtual number
306   get_strengthen_diagonal(const number rowsum, const size_type row) const;
308   /**
309    * The default strengthening value, returned by get_strengthen_diagonal().
310    */
311   double strengthen_diagonal;
313   /**
314    * For every row in the underlying SparsityPattern, this array contains a
315    * pointer to the row's first afterdiagonal entry. Becomes available after
316    * invocation of prebuild_lower_bound().
317    */
318   std::vector<const size_type *> prebuilt_lower_bound;
320   /**
321    * Fills the #prebuilt_lower_bound array.
322    */
323   void
324   prebuild_lower_bound();
326 private:
327   /**
328    * In general this pointer is zero except for the case that no
329    * SparsityPattern is given to this class. Then, a SparsityPattern is
330    * created and is passed down to the SparseMatrix base class.
331    *
332    * Nevertheless, the SparseLUDecomposition needs to keep ownership of this
333    * sparsity. It keeps this pointer to it enabling it to delete this sparsity
334    * at destruction time.
335    */
336   SparsityPattern *own_sparsity;
337 };
339 /*@}*/
340 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 #ifndef DOXYGEN
344 template <typename number>
345 inline number
get_strengthen_diagonal(const number,const size_type)346 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::get_strengthen_diagonal(
347   const number /*rowsum*/,
348   const size_type /*row*/) const
349 {
350   return strengthen_diagonal;
351 }
355 template <typename number>
356 inline bool
empty()357 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::empty() const
358 {
359   return SparseMatrix<number>::empty();
360 }
363 template <typename number>
364 inline typename SparseLUDecomposition<number>::size_type
m()365 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::m() const
366 {
367   return SparseMatrix<number>::m();
368 }
371 template <typename number>
372 inline typename SparseLUDecomposition<number>::size_type
n()373 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::n() const
374 {
375   return SparseMatrix<number>::n();
376 }
378 // Note: This function is required for full compatibility with
379 // the LinearOperator class. ::MatrixInterfaceWithVmultAdd
380 // picks up the vmult_add function in the protected SparseMatrix
381 // base class.
382 template <typename number>
383 template <class OutVector, class InVector>
384 inline void
vmult_add(OutVector & dst,const InVector & src)385 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::vmult_add(OutVector &     dst,
386                                          const InVector &src) const
387 {
388   OutVector tmp;
389   tmp.reinit(dst);
390   this->vmult(tmp, src);
391   dst += tmp;
392 }
394 // Note: This function is required for full compatibility with
395 // the LinearOperator class. ::MatrixInterfaceWithVmultAdd
396 // picks up the vmult_add function in the protected SparseMatrix
397 // base class.
398 template <typename number>
399 template <class OutVector, class InVector>
400 inline void
Tvmult_add(OutVector & dst,const InVector & src)401 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::Tvmult_add(OutVector &     dst,
402                                           const InVector &src) const
403 {
404   OutVector tmp;
405   tmp.reinit(dst);
406   this->Tvmult(tmp, src);
407   dst += tmp;
408 }
410 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 template <typename number>
AdditionalData(const double strengthen_diag,const unsigned int extra_off_diag,const bool use_prev_sparsity,const SparsityPattern * use_this_spars)414 SparseLUDecomposition<number>::AdditionalData::AdditionalData(
415   const double           strengthen_diag,
416   const unsigned int     extra_off_diag,
417   const bool             use_prev_sparsity,
418   const SparsityPattern *use_this_spars)
419   : strengthen_diagonal(strengthen_diag)
420   , extra_off_diagonals(extra_off_diag)
421   , use_previous_sparsity(use_prev_sparsity)
422   , use_this_sparsity(use_this_spars)
423 {}
426 #endif // DOXYGEN
430 #endif // dealii_sparse_decomposition_h