1 #include "dsdp5.h"
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <stdio.h>
4 #include <math.h>
5 #include <stdlib.h>
6 #include "pdsdp5scalapack.h"
8 /*! \file readsdpa.c
9   \brief Read SDPA data files, pass data into DSDP solver, and print solution.
10 */
12 /*
13 static char help[]="\n";
14 */
15 static char help[]="\
16 DSDP Usage: dsdp5 filename <sdpa format file> \n\
17                   -print <10> - print information at each k iteration\n\
18                   -save <Solution File in SDPA format> \n\
19                   -fout <filename> to print standard monitor to a file\n\
20                   -y0 <initial solution file> \n\
21                   -benchmark <file containing names of SDPA files> \n\
22                     -directory <directory containing benchmark SDPA files> \n\
23                     -suffix  <add to each benchmark problem name> \n\
24                   -dloginfo <0> - print more information for higher numbers \n\
25                   -dlogsummary <1> - print timing information \n\
26                   -help  for this help message\n";
28 static int qusort(int[],int[],int[],double[],int,int);
29 static int partition(int[],int[],int[],double[],int, int);
30 static int Parseline(char *,int *,int *,int *,int *,double *, int *);
31 static int ReadInitialPoint(char*, int, double[]);
32 static int TCheckArgs0(DSDP,SDPCone,int,int,char *[]);
33 static int TCheckArgs(DSDP,SDPCone,int,int,char *[]);
34 static int CheckForConstantMat(double[],int, int);
35 static int CountNonzeroMatrices(int, int[],int[], int*);
37 typedef struct{
38   char sformat;
39   int blocksize;
40 } DBlock;
42 typedef struct{
43   int *block,*constraint,*matind;
44   double*nnz;
45   char *sformat;
46   int totalnonzeros;
47   double *dobj,*y0;
48   char *conetypes;
49   int *blocksizes;
50   int m; int n; int nblocks;
51   int lpn,lpspot,lpblock,lpnnz;
52   int *lpi,*lui,*cmap;
53   double cnorm;
54   double fixedvari;
55   double fixedvard,xout;
56 } DSDPData;
58 static int ReadSDPA2(char*,DSDPData*);
59 static int GetMarkers(int, int, int*, int*, int*);
60 static int ComputeY0(DSDP,DSDPData);
61 static int rank=0;
62 int ReadSDPAFile(int argc,char *argv[]);
64 #define CHKDATA(a,b,c)  { if (c){ printf("Possible problem in variable %d, block %d. \n",a+1,b+1);} }
67 #undef __FUNCT__
68 #define __FUNCT__ "main"
main(int argc,char * argv[])69 int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
70   int info;
71   MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
72   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
73   DSDPSetRank(rank);
74   info=ReadSDPAFile(argc,argv);
75   MPI_Finalize( );
76   return info;
77 }
79 #undef __FUNCT__
80 #define __FUNCT__ "ReadSDPAFile"
81 /*!
82 \fn int ReadSDPAFile(int argc,char *argv[]);
83 \brief Read SDPA formatted file and solve the semidefinite program.
84 \param argc number of command line arguments
85 \param argv command line arguments
86 \ingroup Examples
87 */
ReadSDPAFile(int argc,char * argv[])88 int ReadSDPAFile(int argc,char *argv[]){
90   int      i,j,m,n,np,its,info;
91   int      spot,ijnnz,nzmats,sdpnmax,sdpn,stat1,printsummary=1;
92   int      runbenchmark=0,saveit=0,justone=1,fileout=0;
93   double   t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,dd,yhigh;
94   double   derr[6],dnorm[3];
95   double   ddobj,ppobj;
96   char     problemname[100],thisline[100], filename[300],savefile[100];
97   char     directory[100]="/home/benson/sdpexamples/sdplib/";
98   char     outputfile[50]="",suffix[20]=".dat-s", tablename[20]="results-dsdp-5.7";
99   char     success='f',sformat;
100   FILE     *fp1=0,*fp2=0,*fout;
101   DSDPData dddd;
102   DSDP     dsdp;
103   DSDPTerminationReason reason;
104   DSDPSolutionType pdfeasible;
105   SDPCone  sdpcone=0;
106   LPCone   lpcone=0;
107   int *ittt,sspot;
109   if (argc<2){ printf("%s",help); DSDPPrintOptions(); return(0); }
110   for (i=0; i<argc; i++){ if (strncmp(argv[i],"-help",5)==0){
111     printf("%s",help); DSDPPrintOptions(); return(0);}}
112   for (i=1; i<argc; i++){ printf("%s ",argv[i]); } printf("\n");
113   for (i=1; i<argc-1; i++){   /* Are we reading a file with a lot of problem names? */
114     if (strncmp(argv[i],"-benchmark",8)==0){
115       strncpy(thisline,argv[i+1],90); fp1=fopen(thisline,"r");runbenchmark=1; justone=0;
116     };
117     if (strncmp(argv[i],"-directory",8)==0){strncpy(directory,argv[i+1],90);}
118     if (strncmp(argv[i],"-table",4)==0){strncpy(tablename,argv[i+1],90);};
119     if (strncmp(argv[i],"-suffix",4)==0){strncpy(suffix,argv[i+1],20);};
120     if (strncmp(argv[i],"-save",5)==0){ strncpy(savefile,argv[i+1],40);saveit=1;};
121     if (strncmp(argv[i],"-dlogsummary",8)==0){printsummary=atoi(argv[i+1]);}
122     if (rank==0&&strncmp(argv[i],"-fout",5)==0){ strncpy(outputfile,argv[i+1],45);fileout=1;};
123   }
126   while ((runbenchmark && !feof(fp1)) || justone==1){
127     justone=0;
128     if (runbenchmark){ /* Get filename with the data */
129       fgets(thisline,100,fp1); if (sscanf(thisline,"%s",problemname)<1) break;
130       strncpy(filename,directory,90); strncat(filename,problemname,90);strncat(filename,suffix,90);
131       printf("%s\n",problemname);
132     } else {
133       strncpy(filename,argv[1],90);
134       strncpy(problemname,argv[1],90);
135     }
137     if (rank==0 && fileout){
138       dsdpoutputfile=fopen(outputfile,"a");
139       fprintf(dsdpoutputfile,"%s\n",problemname);
140     } else {dsdpoutputfile=0;fileout=0;}
141     DSDPTime(&t1);
143     info=ReadSDPA2(filename, &dddd);  m=dddd.m;
144     if (info){  printf("Problem reading SDPA file\n"); return 1;}
145     DSDPTime(&t2);
146     if (rank==0){
147       printf("\nVariables %d \n",dddd.m);
148       printf("Matrix Blocks: %d, ",dddd.nblocks);
149       printf("Total Number of Constraints: %d \n",dddd.n);
150       printf("Nonzeros in Constraints: %d\n\n",dddd.totalnonzeros);
151       printf("Read Data File into Buffer:      %4.3e seconds\n",t2-t1);
152     }
154     for (i=0; i<argc-1; i++){
155       if (strncmp(argv[i],"-dloginfo",8)==0){ info=DSDPLogInfoAllow(atoi(argv[i+1]),0);};
156     }
158     info = DSDPCreate(dddd.m,&dsdp);
159     info = DSDPCreateSDPCone(dsdp,dddd.nblocks,&sdpcone);
160     /* Set Dual objective vector */
161     for (i=0;i<m;i++){info = DSDPSetDualObjective(dsdp,i+1,dddd.dobj[i]);}
163     /* Set  initial point */
164     for (i=0; i<m; i++)
165       if (dddd.dobj[i]> 0.0) dddd.y0[i]=-0.0; else dddd.y0[i]=0.0;
166     for (i=0; i<m; i++){info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,i+1,dddd.y0[i]);}
167     info=ComputeY0(dsdp,dddd);
168     if (dddd.fixedvari){
169       info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,(int)dddd.fixedvari,dddd.fixedvard);
170       printf("Fixed: %2.0f %4.2f ?\n",dddd.fixedvari,dddd.fixedvard);
171       DSDPSetFixedVariables(dsdp,&dddd.fixedvari,&dddd.fixedvard,&dddd.xout,1);
172     }
174     spot=0;ijnnz=0;np=0;sdpnmax=1;sdpn=0;stat1=1;
175     /* Insert the SDP data */
176     for (j=0;j<dddd.nblocks; j++){
177       if (dddd.conetypes[j]=='S'){
178 	n=dddd.blocksizes[j];
179 	sformat=dddd.sformat[j];
180 	info=CountNonzeroMatrices(j+1,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&nzmats);
181 	info=SDPConeSetBlockSize(sdpcone,j,n); DSDPCHKERR(info);
182 	info=SDPConeSetSparsity(sdpcone,j,nzmats); DSDPCHKERR(info);
183 	info=SDPConeSetStorageFormat(sdpcone,j,sformat); DSDPCHKERR(info);
184 	np+=n; sdpn+=n;
185 	if (sdpnmax<n) sdpnmax=n;
186 	if (stat1<nzmats) stat1=nzmats;
187 	for (i=0; i<=m; i++){
188 	  info=GetMarkers(j+1,i,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
189 	  if (0==1){
190 	  } else if ( ijnnz==0 ){  /* info=DSDPSetZeroMat(dsdp,j,i,n); */
191 	  } else if (CheckForConstantMat(dddd.nnz+spot,ijnnz,n)){
192 	    info=SDPConeSetConstantMat(sdpcone,j,i,n,dddd.nnz[spot+1]);CHKDATA(i,j,info);
193 	    if(sformat=='P'){info=SDPConeSetXArray(sdpcone,j,n,dddd.nnz+spot,n*(n+1)/2);}
194 	  } else if (sformat=='P' && ijnnz==n*(n+1)/2 ){     /* check for dense matrix  */
195 	    info=SDPConeSetADenseVecMat(sdpcone,j,i,n,1.0,dddd.nnz+spot,ijnnz);CHKDATA(i,j,info);
196 	  } else {     /* sparse matrix  */
197 	    info=SDPConeSetASparseVecMat(sdpcone,j,i,n,1.0,0,dddd.matind+spot,dddd.nnz+spot,ijnnz);CHKDATA(i,j,info);
198 	  }
199 	  if (0==1){ info=SDPConeViewDataMatrix(sdpcone,j,i);}
200 	  spot+=ijnnz;
201 	  /*	  SDPConeScaleBarrier(sdpcone,j,j+1.0); */
202 	}
203 	if (0==1){info=SDPConeView2(sdpcone);}
204       }  else if (dddd.conetypes[j]=='L'){
205 	info=DSDPCreateLPCone(dsdp,&lpcone); sformat='P';
206 	info=SDPConeSetStorageFormat(sdpcone,j,sformat); DSDPCHKERR(info);
207 	n=dddd.blocksizes[j];
208 	np+=n;
209 	sspot=spot;
210 	DSDPCALLOC2(&ittt,int,(m+2),&info);
211 	for (i=0;i<=m;i++){ittt[i]=0;}
212 	for (i=0;i<=m;i++){
213 	  info=GetMarkers(j+1,i,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
214 	  ittt[i+1]=ijnnz; spot+=ijnnz;
215 	}
216 	for (i=1;i<=m;i++)ittt[i+1]+=ittt[i];
217 	info=LPConeSetData(lpcone,n,ittt,dddd.matind+sspot,dddd.nnz+sspot);CHKDATA(i,0,info);
218 	if (0==1){info=LPConeView(lpcone);}
219 	if (0==1){info=LPConeView2(lpcone);}
220 	/*	info=DSDPFree(&ittt); */
221       }
222     }
223     if (0==1){
224       BCone bcone;
225       info=DSDPCreateBCone(dsdp, &bcone);
226       info=BConeAllocateBounds(bcone,2*m);
227       for (i=0;i<m;i++){
228         info=BConeSetUpperBound(bcone,i+1,10);
229       }
230       for (i=0;i<m;i++){
231         info=BConeSetLowerBound(bcone,i+1,-10);
232       }
233     }
235     DSDPTime(&t3);
236     if (rank==0){printf("DSDP Set Data:                   %4.3e seconds\n",t3-t2);}
238     its=(m-2)/sdpnmax;
239     if (np<100 && its==0) its=1;
240     if (dddd.lpn>=m && its==0) its=1;
241     if (its>=1) its++;
242     its=its*its;
243     if (m<2000 && its>10) its=10;
244     if (its>12) its=12;
246     info=DSDPReuseMatrix(dsdp,its);
248     DSDPFREE(&dddd.blocksizes,&info);
249     DSDPFREE(&dddd.sformat,&info);
250     DSDPFREE(&dddd.dobj,&info);
251     DSDPFREE(&dddd.y0,&info);
252     DSDPFREE(&dddd.conetypes,&info);
253     DSDPFREE(&dddd.constraint,&info);
254     DSDPFREE(&dddd.block,&info);
256     info=DSDPGetDataNorms(dsdp, dnorm);
257     if (dnorm[0]==0){
258       info=DSDPSetR0(dsdp,np);
259       info=DSDPSetGapTolerance(dsdp,1e-3);
260       info=DSDPSetYBounds(dsdp,-1.0,1.0);
261     } else {
262     }
263     info = TCheckArgs0(dsdp,sdpcone,dddd.m,argc,argv);
264     info = TCheckArgs(dsdp,sdpcone,dddd.m,argc,argv);
266     info=PDSDPUseSCALAPACKLinearSolver(dsdp);
267     info = DSDPSetup(dsdp); if (info){ printf("\nProblem Setting problem.  Likely insufficient memory\n");  return 1;}
268     if (0==1){info=SDPConeCheckData(sdpcone);}
271     DSDPTime(&t4);
272     if (rank==0){
273       printf("DSDP Process Data:               %4.3e seconds\n\n",t4-t3);
274       printf("Data Norms: C: %4.2e, A: %4.2e, b: %4.2e\n",dnorm[0],dnorm[1],dnorm[2]);
275       info=DSDPGetScale(dsdp,&ddobj);
276       printf("Scale C: %4.2e\n\n",ddobj);
277       info=DSDPGetPotentialParameter(dsdp,&ddobj);
278       printf("Potential Parameter: %4.2f\n",ddobj);
279       info=DSDPGetReuseMatrix(dsdp,&its);
280       printf("Reapply Schur matrix: %d\n\n",its);
281     }
282     if (0==1){info=DSDPPrintData(dsdp,sdpcone,lpcone);}
284     info = DSDPSolve(dsdp);
285     if (info){ printf("\nNumerical errors encountered in DSDPSolve(). \n");}
287     info=DSDPStopReason(dsdp,&reason);
288     if (reason!=DSDP_INFEASIBLE_START){
289       info=DSDPComputeX(dsdp);DSDPCHKERR(info);
290     }
291     info=DSDPStopReason(dsdp,&reason);
292     info=DSDPGetSolutionType(dsdp,&pdfeasible);
294     DSDPTime(&t5);
296     if (rank==0){
298       if (reason == DSDP_CONVERGED){
299 	printf("DSDP Converged. \n");
300 	success='s';
301       } else if ( reason == DSDP_UPPERBOUND ){
302 	printf("DSDP Terminated Because Dual Objective Exceeded its Bound\n");
303 	success='s';
304       } else if ( reason == DSDP_SMALL_STEPS ){
305 	printf("DSDP Terminated Due to Small Steps\n");
306 	success='f';
307       } else if ( reason == DSDP_MAX_IT){
308 	printf("DSDP Terminated Due Maximum Number of Iterations\n");
309 	success='f';
310       } else if ( reason == DSDP_INFEASIBLE_START){
311 	printf("DSDP Terminated Due to Infeasible Starting Point\n");
312 	success='f';
313       } else if ( reason == DSDP_INDEFINITE_SCHUR_MATRIX){
314 	printf("DSDP Terminated Due to Indefinite Schur Complement\n");
315 	success='f';
316       } else {
317 	printf("DSDP Finished\n");
318 	success='f';
319       }
321       if (pdfeasible == DSDP_UNBOUNDED ){
322 	printf("DSDP Dual Unbounded, Primal Infeasible\n");
323       } else if ( pdfeasible == DSDP_INFEASIBLE ){
324 	printf("DSDP Primal Unbounded, Dual Infeasible\n");
325       }
328       info=DSDPGetDObjective(dsdp,&ddobj);
329       info=DSDPGetPObjective(dsdp,&ppobj);
330       printf("\nP Objective  : %16.8e \n",ppobj);
331       printf("DSDP Solution: %16.8e \n\n",ddobj);
332       printf("DSDP Solve Time:                     %4.3e seconds\n",t5-t4);
333       printf("DSDP Preparation and Solve Time:     %4.3e seconds\n\n",t5-t3);
335       info=DSDPGetFinalErrors(dsdp,derr);
336       info=DSDPGetIts(dsdp,&its);
337       if (1 || runbenchmark){
338 	fp2=fopen(tablename,"a");
339 	if (pdfeasible==DSDP_UNBOUNDED){
340 	  fprintf(fp2," %-18s & %4d & %4d &    infeasible &     unbounded & %4.0e & %c & %3d & %6.2f \\\\\n",problemname,m,np,derr[0],success,its,t5-t3);
341 	} else if (pdfeasible==DSDP_INFEASIBLE){
342 	  fprintf(fp2," %-18s & %4d & %4d &     unbounded &    infeasible & %4.0e & %c & %3d & %6.2f \\\\\n",problemname,m,np,derr[0],success,its,t5-t3);
343 	} else {
344 	  fprintf(fp2," %-18s & %4d & %4d & %13.7f & %13.7f & %4.0e & %c & %3d & %6.2f \\\\\n",problemname,m,np,-ppobj,-ddobj,derr[0],success,its,t5-t3);
345 	}
346 	fclose(fp2);
347       }
349       /*      info=DSDPComputeMinimumXEigenvalue(dsdp,&derr[1]); */
350       printf("\nP Infeasible: %8.2e \n",derr[0]);
351       printf("D Infeasible: %8.2e \n",derr[2]);
352       printf("Minimal P Eigenvalue: %6.2e \n",derr[1]);
353       printf("Minimal D Eigenvalue: 0.00 \n");
354       printf("Relative P - D Objective values: %4.2e \n",derr[4]);
355       printf("Relative X Dot S: %4.2e \n",derr[5]);
356       info=DSDPGetYBounds(dsdp,&dd,&yhigh);
357       info=DSDPGetYMaxNorm(dsdp,&dd);
358       printf("\nMax Y: %10.8e,  Bounded by %6.1e\n",dd,yhigh);
359       info=DSDPGetTraceX(dsdp,&dd);
360       printf("Trace X: %4.8e,   ",dd);
361       info=DSDPGetPenaltyParameter(dsdp,&dd);
362       printf("Bounded by Penalty Parameter: %4.1e \n\n",dd);
364       if (printsummary){ DSDPEventLogSummary();}
365       printf("--- DSDP Finished ---\n\n");
367       if (saveit){
368 	fout=fopen(savefile,"w");
369 	/*	fprintf(fout,"** %s \n",filename); Deleted */
370 	info= DSDPPrintSolution(fout,dsdp,sdpcone,lpcone);
371 	if (dddd.fixedvari){
372 	  sspot=dddd.nblocks+1,dd=dddd.xout;
373 	  fprintf(fout,"1 %d 1 1 1.0e-11\n1 %d 2 2 1.0e-11\n",sspot,sspot);
374 	  fprintf(fout,"2 %d 1 1 %12.8e\n",sspot,DSDPMax(1.0e-10,dd));
375 	  fprintf(fout,"2 %d 2 2 %12.8e\n",sspot,DSDPMax(1e-10,-dd));
376 	}
377 	fclose(fout);
378       }
379     }
381     info = DSDPDestroy(dsdp);
382     DSDPFREE(&dddd.matind,&info);
383     DSDPFREE(&dddd.nnz,&info);
385     if (fileout){fclose(dsdpoutputfile);}
386     if (0){ DSDPMemoryLog();}
388   }
389   if (runbenchmark){ fclose(fp1);}
391   return 0;
392 } /* main */
396 #define BUFFERSIZ 4000
397 #undef __FUNCT__
398 #define __FUNCT__ "ReadSDPA2"
ReadSDPA2(char * filename,DSDPData * ddd)399 static int ReadSDPA2(char *filename, DSDPData*ddd){
400   FILE*fp;
401   char ctmp,refline[BUFFERSIZ]="*",thisline[BUFFERSIZ]="*";
402   int info,tline,line=0;
403   int i,k,m,n;
404   /* int spot,nzmark, */
405   int bigint=1000000;
406   int i1,nblk,nmat,col,row;
407   int np=0,nblocks;
408   int nargs,nonzero;
409   double val;
411   fp=fopen(filename,"r");
412   if (!fp){
413     printf("Cannot open file %s !",filename); return(1);
414   }
416   /* Read comments */
417   while(!feof(fp) && (thisline[0] == '*' || thisline[0] == '"') ){
418     fgets(thisline,BUFFERSIZ,fp); line++;
419   }
420   /* Read number of constraints */
421   if (sscanf(thisline,"%d",&m)<1){
422     printf("Error: line %d.  Number of constraints not given.\n",line);
423     return(1);
424   }
425   /* Read number of blocks */
426   fgets(thisline,BUFFERSIZ,fp); line++;
427   if (sscanf(thisline,"%d",&nblocks)!=1){
428     printf("Error: line %d.  Number of blocks not given.\n",line);
429     return(1);
430   }
431   ddd->lpn=0;ddd->lpspot=0;ddd->lpblock=0;ddd->cnorm=0;
432   /* Read block sizes */
433   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->sformat,char, (nblocks+1),&info);
434   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->blocksizes,int, (nblocks+1),&info);
435   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->conetypes,char, (nblocks+1),&info );
436   line++;
437   for (i=0;i<nblocks; i++){
438     if (fscanf(fp,"{")==1 || fscanf(fp,"(")==1 || fscanf(fp,",")==1 ){
439       i--;
440     } else if (fscanf(fp,"%d",&col)==1){
441       if (col>0) {  ddd->blocksizes[i]=col;  np+=col; ddd->conetypes[i]='S';
442       } else if (col>0){ddd->blocksizes[i]=-col;  np+=-col; ddd->conetypes[i]='S';
443       } else if (col<0){ddd->blocksizes[i]=-col; np += -col; ddd->conetypes[i]='L';ddd->lpn=-col;ddd->lpblock=i;
444       } else { ddd->blocksizes[i]=0; ddd->conetypes[i]='N';}
445       if (ddd->blocksizes[i]<10){ddd->sformat[i]='U';} else {ddd->sformat[i]='P';}
446     }
447     else{ printf("Error block sizes, line %d",line); return(1);}
448   }
449   if (ddd->blocksizes[nblocks-1]==0) nblocks--;
450   fgets(thisline,BUFFERSIZ,fp);
452   /* Read objective vector */
453   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->y0,double,m,&info);
454   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->dobj,double,m,&info);
455   line++;
456   for (i=0;i<m;i++){
457     if (fscanf(fp,",")==1){
458       i--;
459       continue;
460     }
461     while (fscanf(fp,"%lg",&val)!=1){
462       fscanf(fp,"%c",&ctmp);
463       if (ctmp=='\n'){
464 	printf("Constraints: %d, Blocks: %d\n",m,nblocks);
465 	printf("Error reading objective, line %d, i=%d \n",line,i); return 1;
466       }
467     }
468     ddd->dobj[i]=val;
469   }
470   fgets(thisline,BUFFERSIZ,fp);
471   tline=line;
473   nargs=5;  nonzero=0;
474   while(!feof(fp)){
475     thisline[0]='\0';
476     nmat=-1; nblk=-1; row=-1; col=-1; val=0.0;
477     fgets(thisline,BUFFERSIZ,fp); line++;
478     info = Parseline(thisline,&nmat,&nblk,&row,&col,&val,&nargs);
479     if (!feof(fp)&&nargs!=5&&nargs>0){
480       printf("Error: line %d \n%s\n",line,thisline);return 1;}
481     if (nargs==5 && val!=0.0){
482       nonzero++;
483       i1=row*(row+1)/2 + col;
484       if (row >= ddd->blocksizes[nblk-1] || col >= ddd->blocksizes[nblk-1] ) {
485 	printf("Data Error in line: %d.  Row %d or col %d > blocksize %d\n%s",line,row+1,col+1,ddd->blocksizes[nblk-1],thisline);
486 	return 1;
487       }
488       if (row<0 || col<0){
489 	printf("Data Error in line: %d.  Row %d or col %d <= 0 \n%s",line,row+1,col+1,thisline);
490 	return 1;
491       }
492       if (nmat>m || nmat<0){
493 	printf("Data Error in line: %d.  Is Var  0 <= %d <= %d \n%s",line,nmat,m,thisline);
494 	return 1;
495       }
496       if (nblk>nblocks || nblk<0){
497 	printf("Data Error in line: %d.  Is Block  0 <= %d <= %d \n%s",line,nmat,m,thisline);
498 	return 1;
499       }
500     } else if (nargs==5 && val==0.0){
501     } else if (nargs==0){
502     } else {
503       printf("Problem Reading SDPA file at line %d:  %s\n",line, thisline);
504     }
505   }
507   /* Allocate memory for the data */
508   nonzero++;
509   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->matind,int,nonzero,&info);
510   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->nnz,double,nonzero,&info);
511   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->block,int,nonzero,&info);
512   DSDPCALLOC2(&ddd->constraint,int,nonzero,&info);
513   nonzero--;
515   fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);
516   line=0;
517   for (i=0;i<tline;i++){ctmp='*'; while (ctmp!='\n') fscanf(fp,"%c",&ctmp); line++;}
519   nargs=5;k=0;
520   while(!feof(fp) /* && nargs==5 */){
521     thisline[0]='\0';
522     fgets(thisline,BUFFERSIZ,fp);
523     if (k==0){strncpy(refline,thisline,BUFFERSIZ-1); }
524     info = Parseline(thisline,&nmat,&nblk,&row,&col,&val,&nargs);
525     if (!feof(fp)&&nargs!=5&&nargs<0){
526       /* if (k>=nonzero && !feof(fp) ){ */
527       printf("Problem Reading SDPA file at line %d:  %s\n",line, thisline);
528       printf("Problem could be earlier in file \n");
529       printf("The first recorded matix nonzero in the file occured at line %d: \n %s",tline,refline);
530       printf(" Please check data file\n");
531       return 1;
532     }
533     if (nargs==5 && val!=0.0){
534       if (row>col){
535 	printf("Warning: Line: %d Row < Column. %s \n",line,thisline);
536       }
537       i=row;row=col;col=i;
538       n=ddd->blocksizes[nblk-1];
539       if (nmat==0) {val=-val;}
540       if (ddd->conetypes[nblk-1]=='S'){
541 	/*	if (row==col) val/=2; */
542 	ddd->matind[k]=row*(row+1)/2 + col;
543 	if (ddd->sformat[nblk-1]=='U'){ddd->matind[k]=row*n + col;}
544       } else {
545 	ddd->matind[k]=col;
546       }
547       ddd->block[k]=nblk;
548       ddd->constraint[k]=nmat;
549       ddd->nnz[k]=val;
550       k++;
551     } else if (nargs==5 && val==0.0){
552     } else if (nargs==0){
553     } else {
554       printf("Problem Reading SDPA file at line %d:  %s\n",line, thisline);
555       printf("Problem could be earlier in file \n");
556       printf("The first recorded matix nonzero in the file occured at line %d: \n %s",tline,refline);
557       printf(" Please check data file\n");
558       return 1;
559     }
560   }
561   ddd->block[k]=nblocks+1;  ddd->constraint[k]=m+2;
562   ddd->matind[k]=10000000;  ddd->nnz[k]=0.0;
564   qusort(ddd->block,ddd->constraint,ddd->matind,ddd->nnz,0,nonzero-1);
566   for (i=0;i<nonzero-1; i++){
567     while (i<nonzero-1 && ddd->matind[i]==ddd->matind[i+1] &&
568 	   ddd->constraint[i]==ddd->constraint[i+1] &&
569 	   ddd->block[i]==ddd->block[i+1] ){
570       printf("DSDPError:   Reading Input File:\n");
571       printf("Possible problem with data input file: Double Entry: \n");
572       printf("   %d %d %d %2.10e\n",
573 	     ddd->constraint[i],ddd->block[i],ddd->matind[i]+1,ddd->nnz[i]);
574       printf("   %d %d %d %2.10e\n\n",
575 	     ddd->constraint[i+1],ddd->block[i+1],ddd->matind[i+1]+1,ddd->nnz[i+1]);
576       for (k=i+1;k<nonzero-1;k++){
577 	ddd->constraint[k]=ddd->constraint[k+1]; ddd->block[k]=ddd->block[k+1];
578 	ddd->matind[k]=ddd->matind[k+1];ddd->nnz[k]=ddd->nnz[k+1];
579       }
580       ddd->constraint[nonzero-1]=bigint;ddd->nnz[nonzero-1]=0;
581       nonzero--;
582     }
583   }
585   ddd->fixedvari=0;ddd->fixedvard=0;
586   if (ddd->lpblock>0){
587     int spot;
588     if (ddd->blocksizes[ddd->lpblock]==2){
589       i=0;k=0;
590       while (ddd->block[i]<=ddd->lpblock && i<nonzero){ i++;} spot=i;
591       while (ddd->block[i]==ddd->lpblock+1 && i<nonzero){ i++;k++;}
592       if (k==4){
593 	if (ddd->constraint[spot]==ddd->constraint[spot+1] &&
594 	    ddd->constraint[spot+2]==ddd->constraint[spot+3] &&
595 	    ddd->matind[spot]==ddd->matind[spot+2] &&
596 	    ddd->matind[spot+1]==ddd->matind[spot+3] &&
597 	    fabs(ddd->nnz[spot+2])==1.0 && fabs(ddd->nnz[spot+3])==1.0 &&
598 	    fabs(ddd->nnz[spot] + ddd->nnz[spot+1]) <=1e-6   ){
599 	  ddd->fixedvari=ddd->constraint[spot+2];
600 	  ddd->fixedvard=ddd->nnz[spot]/ddd->nnz[spot+2];
601 	  nblocks--;ddd->lpblock=0;
602 	}
603       }
604     }
605   }
607   ddd->totalnonzeros=nonzero;
608   for (ddd->n=0,i=0;i<nblocks;i++)  ddd->n += ddd->blocksizes[i];
609   ddd->m=m;
610   ddd->nblocks=nblocks;
611   fclose(fp);
612   return 0;
613 }
616 #undef __FUNCT__
617 #define __FUNCT__ "Parseline"
Parseline(char thisline[],int * nmat,int * nblk,int * row,int * col,double * value,int * nargs)618 static int Parseline(char thisline[],int *nmat,int *nblk,int *row,
619 		     int *col,double *value, int *nargs){
621   int temp;
622   int rtmp,coltmp;
624   *nmat=-1;*nblk=-1;rtmp=-1;coltmp=-1;*value=0.0;
625   temp=sscanf(thisline,"%d %d %d %d %lg",nmat,nblk,&rtmp,&coltmp,value);
626   if (temp==5) *nargs=5;
627   else *nargs=0;
628   *row=rtmp-1; *col=coltmp-1;
630   return(0);
631 }
partition(int list1[],int list2[],int list3[],double list5[],int lstart,int lend)634 static int partition(int list1[], int list2[], int list3[], double list5[], int lstart, int lend){
635   int k=lend;
636   int pivot1=list1[k],pivot2=list2[k],pivot3=list3[k];
637   double pivot5 = list5[k];
638   int bottom = lstart-1, top = lend;
639   int done = 0;
640   int ordered=1;
641   while (!done){
643     while (!done) {
644       bottom = bottom+1;
646       if (bottom == top){
647 	done = 1;
648 	break;
649       }
650       if ( list1[bottom] > pivot1 ||
651 	   (list1[bottom] == pivot1 && list2[bottom] > pivot2) ||
652 	   (list1[bottom] == pivot1 && list2[bottom] == pivot2 &&
653 	    list3[bottom] > pivot3) ){
654 	list1[top] = list1[bottom];
655 	list2[top] = list2[bottom];
656 	list3[top] = list3[bottom];
657 	list5[top] = list5[bottom];
658 	ordered=0;
659 	break;
660       }
661     }
662     while (!done){
663       top = top-1;
665       if (top == bottom){
666 	done = 1;
667 	break;
668       }
669       if ( list1[top] < pivot1 ||
670 	   (list1[top] == pivot1 && list2[top] < pivot2) ||
671 	   (list1[top] == pivot1 && list2[top] == pivot2 && list3[top] < pivot3)){
672 	list1[bottom] = list1[top];
673 	list2[bottom] = list2[top];
674 	list3[bottom] = list3[top];
675 	list5[bottom] = list5[top];
676 	ordered=0;
677 	break;
678       }
679     }
680   }
681   list1[top] = pivot1;
682   list2[top] = pivot2;
683   list3[top] = pivot3;
684   list5[top] = pivot5;
686   ordered=0;
688   if (bottom==lend){
689     ordered=1;
690     for (k=lstart;k<lend-1;k++){
691       if ( (list1[k] > list1[k+1]) ||
692 	   (list1[k] == list1[k+1] && list2[k] > list2[k+1]) ||
693 	   (list1[k] == list1[k+1] && list2[k] == list2[k+1] && list3[k] > list3[k+1]) ){
694 	ordered=0;
695 	break;
696       }
697     }
698   }
699   if (ordered && lend-lstart>2){
700     top=(lend+lstart)/2;
701   }
702   return top;
703 }
qusort(int list1[],int list2[],int list3[],double list5[],int lstart,int lend)707 static int qusort(int list1[], int list2[], int list3[], double list5[], int lstart, int lend){
708   int split;
709   if (lstart < lend){
710     split = partition(list1, list2, list3, list5,lstart, lend);
711     qusort(list1, list2, list3, list5, lstart, split-1);
712     qusort(list1, list2, list3, list5, split+1, lend);
713   }   else {
714     return 0;
715   }
716   return 0;
717 }
721 #undef __FUNCT__
722 #define __FUNCT__ "GetMarkers"
GetMarkers(int block,int constraint,int blockn[],int constraintn[],int * m3)723 static int GetMarkers(int block, int constraint, int blockn[], int constraintn[],
724 		       int*m3){
725   int i=0;
726   while (blockn[i]==block && constraintn[i]==constraint){ i++;}
727   *m3=i;
728   return 0;
729 }
731 #undef __FUNCT__
732 #define __FUNCT__ "CountNonzeroMatrices"
CountNonzeroMatrices(int block,int blockn[],int constraintn[],int * m3)733 static int CountNonzeroMatrices(int block, int blockn[], int constraintn[], int*m3){
734   int i=0,cvar=-1,nnzmats=0;
735   while (blockn[i]==block){
736     if (constraintn[i]>cvar){ cvar=constraintn[i];nnzmats++;}
737     i++;
738   }
739   *m3=nnzmats;
740   return 0;
741 }
743 #undef __FUNCT__
744 #define __FUNCT__ "CheckForConstantMat"
CheckForConstantMat(double v[],int nnz,int n)745 static int CheckForConstantMat(double v[],int nnz, int n){
746   int i; double vv;
747   if (n<=1){ return 0; }
748   if (nnz!=(n*n+n)/2){ return 0; }
749   for (vv=v[0],i=1;i<nnz;i++){
750     if (v[i]!=vv){ return 0;}
751   }
752   return 1;
753 }
ComputeY0(DSDP dsdp,DSDPData dddd)755 static int ComputeY0(DSDP dsdp,DSDPData dddd){
756   int i,ii,info,ijnnz=0,spot=0,ddiag=0,diag=0,n=dddd.blocksizes[0],m=dddd.m;
757   double aa,bb=0,ddmax=0,dd=0,cnorm=0;
758   char sformat=dddd.sformat[0];
759   if (dddd.nblocks>1) return 0;
760   if (dddd.fixedvari) return 0;
762   info=GetMarkers(1,0,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
763   for (i=0;i<ijnnz;i++){if (cnorm<fabs(dddd.nnz[i])) cnorm=fabs(dddd.nnz[i]);}
764   spot+=ijnnz;
766   for (i=1;i<=m;i++,spot+=ijnnz){
767     info=GetMarkers(1,i,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
768     ddiag=0;
769     if (ijnnz==n){
770       dd=dddd.nnz[spot]; ddiag=1;bb=dddd.dobj[i-1];
771       for (ii=0;ii<n;ii++){
772 	if (sformat=='U'){
773 	  if (dddd.matind[spot+ii] != ii*n+ii || dddd.nnz[spot+i]!=dd){ ddiag=0;}
774 	} else if (sformat=='P'){
775 	  if (dddd.matind[spot+ii] != ii*(ii+1)/2+ii || dddd.nnz[spot+i]!=dd){ ddiag=0;}
776 	}
777       }
778     }
779     if (ddiag){
780       info=DSDPSetY0(dsdp,i,-100*n*cnorm*dddd.dobj[i-1]);
781       info=DSDPSetR0(dsdp,0);
782       info=DSDPSetZBar(dsdp,100*dd/bb*cnorm);
783       info=DSDPSetPotentialParameter(dsdp,5.0);
784     }
785   }
787   if (m==n){
788     spot=0; info=GetMarkers(1,0,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz); spot+=ijnnz;
789     dd=dddd.nnz[spot]; bb=dddd.dobj[0];
790     for (diag=1,i=0;i<n;i++,spot+=ijnnz){
791       info=GetMarkers(1,i+1,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
792       dd=dddd.nnz[spot];bb=dddd.dobj[i];
793       if (ddmax<bb/dd) ddmax=bb/dd;
794       if (sformat=='P'){
795 	if (ijnnz!=1 || bb!=dddd.dobj[i] || dd!=dddd.nnz[spot] || dddd.matind[spot]!= ((i+1)*(i+2))/2-1) { diag=0; }
796       } else if (sformat=='U'){
797 	if (ijnnz!=1 || bb!=dddd.dobj[i] || dd!=dddd.nnz[spot] || dddd.matind[spot]!= ((i)*n)+i) { diag=0; }
798       }
799     }
800     if (diag && cnorm*sqrt(1.0*n)<1e6){
801       for (i=0;i<n;i++){info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,i+1,-10*sqrt(1.0*n)*cnorm);}
802       info=DSDPSetR0(dsdp,0); info=DSDPSetZBar(dsdp,100*ddmax*n*cnorm); info=DSDPSetPotentialParameter(dsdp,5.0); info=DSDPReuseMatrix(dsdp,0);
803     }
804   }
805   if (m==n+1){
806     spot=0; info=GetMarkers(1,0,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz); spot+=ijnnz;
807     dd=dddd.nnz[spot]; bb=dddd.dobj[0];diag=1;
808     info=GetMarkers(1,1,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
809     if (CheckForConstantMat(dddd.nnz+spot,ijnnz,n)){aa=dddd.nnz[0]; spot+=ijnnz;ii=2;} else {ii=1;}
810     for (i=0;i<n;i++,spot+=ijnnz){
811       info=GetMarkers(1,i+ii,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
812       dd=dddd.nnz[spot];bb=dddd.dobj[i+ii-1];
813       if (ddmax<bb/dd) ddmax=bb/dd;
814       if (sformat=='U'){
815 	if (ijnnz!=1 || bb!=dddd.dobj[ii-1] || dd!=dddd.nnz[spot] || dddd.matind[spot]!= ((i)*(n))+i ) { diag=0; }
816       } else if (sformat=='P'){
817 	if (ijnnz!=1 || bb!=dddd.dobj[ii-1] || dd!=dddd.nnz[spot] || dddd.matind[spot]!= ((i+1)*(i+2))/2-1) { diag=0; }
818       }
819     }
820     if (ii==1 && diag==1){
821       info=GetMarkers(1,m,dddd.block+spot,dddd.constraint+spot,&ijnnz);
822       if (CheckForConstantMat(dddd.nnz+spot,ijnnz,n)){aa=dddd.nnz[spot];} else {diag=0;}
823     }
824     if (diag && cnorm*sqrt(1.0*n)<1e5){
825       /*
826       if (ii=2){info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,1,-10000*aa);} else {info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,m,-10000*aa);}
827       for (i=0;i<n;i++){info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,i+ii,-100*sqrt(1.0*n)*cnorm);}
828       */
829       /* info=DSDPSetR0(dsdp,cnorm); info=DSDPSetZBar(dsdp,n*n*n*ddmax*cnorm); */ info=DSDPSetPotentialParameter(dsdp,5.0); info=DSDPReuseMatrix(dsdp,0);
830     }
831   }
832   return 0;
833 }
835 #undef __FUNCT__
836 #define __FUNCT__ "TCheckArgs0"
TCheckArgs0(DSDP dsdp,SDPCone sdpcone,int m,int nargs,char * runargs[])837 static int TCheckArgs0(DSDP dsdp,SDPCone sdpcone, int m,int nargs,char *runargs[]){
839   int kk,info,iloginfo=0;
840   for (kk=1; kk<nargs-1; kk++){
841     if (0){
842     } else if (strncmp(runargs[kk],"-dloginfo",8)==0){
843       iloginfo=atoi(runargs[kk+1]);
844     }
845   }
846   info=DSDPLogInfoAllow(iloginfo,0);
847   return 0;
848 }
850 #undef __FUNCT__
851 #define __FUNCT__ "TCheckArgs"
TCheckArgs(DSDP dsdp,SDPCone sdpcone,int m,int nargs,char * runargs[])852 static int TCheckArgs(DSDP dsdp,SDPCone sdpcone, int m,int nargs,char *runargs[]){
854   int i,kk, info;
855   int printlevel=10;
856   double *yy0;
858   for (kk=1; kk<nargs-1; kk++){
859     if (strncmp(runargs[kk],"-y0",7)==0){
860       DSDPCALLOC2(&yy0,double,m,&info);
861       for (i=0;i<m;i++) yy0[i]=0.0;
862       info = ReadInitialPoint(runargs[kk+1],m,yy0);
863       for (i=0;i<m;i++){info = DSDPSetY0(dsdp,i+1,yy0[i]);}
864       DSDPFREE(&yy0,&info);
865     } else if (strncmp(runargs[kk],"-params",6)==0){
866       info=DSDPReadOptions(dsdp,runargs[kk+1]);
867     } else if (strncmp(runargs[kk],"-print",6)==0){
868       printlevel=atoi(runargs[kk+1]);
869     }
870   }
872   info=DSDPSetOptions(dsdp,runargs,nargs);
873   /*  if (lpcone){info=LPConeScaleBarrier(lpcone,lpb); */
874   if (rank==0){info=DSDPSetStandardMonitor(dsdp,printlevel);}
875   if (rank==0){info=DSDPSetFileMonitor(dsdp,printlevel);}
876   return(0);
877 }
879 #undef __FUNCT__
880 #define __FUNCT__ "ReadInitialPoint"
ReadInitialPoint(char * filename,int m,double yy0[])881 static int ReadInitialPoint(char* filename, int m, double yy0[])
882 {
883   FILE   *fp;
884   int i,count;
886   fp = fopen(filename,"r");
887   if(!fp)
888   { printf("\n Cannot open file containing initial dual solution %s",filename);
889     return 0;
890   }
892   for(count=0,i=0;(i < m) &&(!feof(fp));i++){
893     if(fscanf(fp,"%lf",&yy0[i] ) ){ count++; }
894   }
896   if (count < m){
897     printf("Warning: reading initial y vector: \n");
898     printf("   Expecting %d entries but read only %d entries \n",m,count);
899   }
900   fclose(fp);
901   return 0;
902 } /* ReadUserY */