4 // C++ includes
5 #include <cassert>
6 #include <cstddef>
7 #include <memory>
8 #include <type_traits>
9 #include <utility>
11 // dune-geometry includes
12 #include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
13 #include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
15 #include <dune/fem/space/shapefunctionset/caching.hh>
17 // dune-fem includes
18 #include <dune/fem/space/basisfunctionset/functor.hh>
19 #include <dune/fem/space/basisfunctionset/transformation.hh>
20 #include <dune/fem/space/shapefunctionset/caching.hh>
21 #include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingpointlist.hh>
22 #include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
23 #include <dune/fem/version.hh>
25 #include <dune/fem/space/basisfunctionset/codegen.hh>
26 #include <dune/fem/space/basisfunctionset/evaluatecaller.hh>
28 namespace Dune
29 {
31   namespace Fem
32   {
34     // DefaultBasisFunctionSet
35     // -----------------------
37     /**
38      * \brief implementation of a basis function set for given entity
39      *
40      * \tparam  Entity            entity type
41      * \tparam  ShapeFunctionSet  shape function set
42      *
43      * \note ShapeFunctionSet must be a copyable object. For most
44      *       non-trivial implementations, you may want to use a
45      *       proxy, see file
46 \code
47     <dune/fem/space/shapefunctionset/proxy.hh>
48 \endcode
49      */
50     template< class Entity, class ShapeFunctionSet >
51     class DefaultBasisFunctionSet
52     {
53       typedef DefaultBasisFunctionSet< Entity, ShapeFunctionSet > ThisType;
55     public:
56       //! \brief entity type
57       typedef Entity EntityType;
58       //! \brief shape function set type
59       typedef ShapeFunctionSet ShapeFunctionSetType;
61       // if underlying shape function set was created with storage CodegenStorage
62       // then this value should be true (see selectcaching.hh)
63       static constexpr bool codegenShapeFunctionSet = detail::IsCodegenShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSetType >::value;
65     protected:
66       typedef typename ShapeFunctionSetType::FunctionSpaceType   LocalFunctionSpaceType;
67       typedef typename LocalFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType LocalJacobianRangeType;
68       typedef typename LocalFunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType  LocalHessianRangeType;
70       typedef typename LocalFunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
72       typedef typename EntityType::Geometry Geometry ;
74       typedef typename Geometry::ctype ctype;
75     public:
76       //  slight misuse of struct ToLocalFunctionSpace!!!
77       //! \brief type of function space
78       typedef typename ToNewDimDomainFunctionSpace< LocalFunctionSpaceType, Geometry::coorddimension > :: Type  FunctionSpaceType;
80       //! \brief range type
81       typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType;
82       //! \brief domain type
83       typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
84       //! \brief jacobian range type
85       typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
86       //! \brief hessian range type
87       typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType;
89       typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType ScalarFunctionSpaceType;
91       typedef typename ScalarFunctionSpaceType::RangeType         ScalarRangeType;
92       typedef typename ScalarFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType ScalarJacobianRangeType;
94       //! \brief type of reference element
95       typedef std::decay_t< decltype( Dune::ReferenceElements< ctype, Geometry::coorddimension >::general( std::declval< const Dune::GeometryType & >() ) ) > ReferenceElementType;
97       static const int pointSetId = detail::SelectPointSetId< ShapeFunctionSetType >::value;
99       //! \brief constructor
DefaultBasisFunctionSet()100       DefaultBasisFunctionSet () {}
102       //! \brief constructor
DefaultBasisFunctionSet(const EntityType & entity,const ShapeFunctionSet & shapeFunctionSet=ShapeFunctionSet ())103       explicit DefaultBasisFunctionSet ( const EntityType &entity, const ShapeFunctionSet &shapeFunctionSet = ShapeFunctionSet() )
104         : entity_( &entity ),
105           shapeFunctionSet_( shapeFunctionSet )
106       {
107         // Note that this should be geometry_ = entity.geometry()
108         // But Dune::Geometries are not assignable ...
109         geometry_.reset();
110         geometry_.emplace( entity.geometry() );
111       }
DefaultBasisFunctionSet(const DefaultBasisFunctionSet & other)113       DefaultBasisFunctionSet ( const DefaultBasisFunctionSet &other )
114         : entity_( other.entity_ ),
115           shapeFunctionSet_( other.shapeFunctionSet_ )
116       {
117         // Note that this should be geometry_ = entity.geometry()
118         // But Dune::Geometries are not assignable ...
119         geometry_.reset();
120         if( other.geometry_ )
121           geometry_.emplace( other.geometry_.value() );
122       }
operator =(const DefaultBasisFunctionSet & other)124       DefaultBasisFunctionSet &operator= ( const DefaultBasisFunctionSet &other )
125       {
126         entity_ = other.entity_;
127         shapeFunctionSet_ = other.shapeFunctionSet_;
129         // Note that this should be geometry_ = entity.geometry()
130         // But Dune::Geometries are not assignable ...
131         geometry_.reset();
132         if( other.geometry_ )
133           geometry_.emplace( other.geometry_.value() );
134         return *this;
135       }
137       // Basis Function Set Interface Methods
138       // ------------------------------------
140       //! \brief return order of basis function set
order() const141       int order () const { return shapeFunctionSet().order(); }
143       //! \brief return size of basis function set
size() const144       std::size_t size () const { return shapeFunctionSet().size(); }
146       //! \brief return reference element
referenceElement() const147       auto referenceElement () const
148         -> decltype( Dune::ReferenceElements< ctype, Geometry::coorddimension >::general( std::declval< const Dune::GeometryType & >() ) )
149       {
150         return Dune::ReferenceElements< ctype, Geometry::coorddimension >::general( type() );
151       }
153       /** \brief evaluate all basis function and multiply with given
154        *         values and add to dofs
155        */
156       template< class QuadratureType, class Vector, class DofVector >
axpy(const QuadratureType & quad,const Vector & values,DofVector & dofs) const157       void axpy ( const QuadratureType &quad, const Vector &values, DofVector &dofs ) const
158       {
159         axpyImpl( quad, values, dofs, values[ 0 ] );
160       }
162       /** \brief evaluate all basis function and multiply with given
163        *         values and add to dofs
164        *
165        *  \note valuesA and valuesB can be vectors of RangeType or
166        *        JacobianRangeType
167        */
168       template< class QuadratureType, class VectorA, class VectorB, class DofVector >
axpy(const QuadratureType & quad,const VectorA & valuesA,const VectorB & valuesB,DofVector & dofs) const169       void axpy ( const QuadratureType &quad, const VectorA &valuesA, const VectorB &valuesB, DofVector &dofs ) const
170       {
171         assert( valuesA.size() > 0 );
172         assert( valuesB.size() > 0 );
174         axpyImpl( quad, valuesA, dofs, valuesA[ 0 ] );
175         axpyImpl( quad, valuesB, dofs, valuesB[ 0 ] );
176       }
178       /** \brief evaluate all basis function and multiply with given
179        *         values and add to dofs
180        */
181       template< class Point, class DofVector >
axpy(const Point & x,const RangeType & valueFactor,DofVector & dofs) const182       void axpy ( const Point &x, const RangeType &valueFactor, DofVector &dofs ) const
183       {
184         FunctionalAxpyFunctor< RangeType, DofVector > f( valueFactor, dofs );
185         shapeFunctionSet().evaluateEach( x, f );
186       }
188       /** \brief evaluate all derivatives of all basis function and multiply with given
189        *         values and add to dofs
190        */
191       template< class Point, class DofVector >
axpy(const Point & x,const JacobianRangeType & jacobianFactor,DofVector & dofs) const192       void axpy ( const Point &x, const JacobianRangeType &jacobianFactor, DofVector &dofs ) const
193       {
194         typedef typename Geometry::JacobianInverseTransposed GeometryJacobianInverseTransposedType;
195         const Geometry &geo = geometry();
196         const GeometryJacobianInverseTransposedType &gjit = geo.jacobianInverseTransposed( coordinate( x ) );
197         LocalJacobianRangeType tmpJacobianFactor;
198         for( int r = 0; r < FunctionSpaceType::dimRange; ++r )
199           gjit.mtv( jacobianFactor[ r ], tmpJacobianFactor[ r ] );
201         FunctionalAxpyFunctor< LocalJacobianRangeType, DofVector > f( tmpJacobianFactor, dofs );
202         shapeFunctionSet().jacobianEach( x, f );
203       }
205       /** \brief evaluate all basis function and derivatives and multiply with given
206        *         values and add to dofs
207        */
208       template< class Point, class DofVector >
axpy(const Point & x,const RangeType & valueFactor,const JacobianRangeType & jacobianFactor,DofVector & dofs) const209       void axpy ( const Point &x, const RangeType &valueFactor, const JacobianRangeType &jacobianFactor,
210                   DofVector &dofs ) const
211       {
212         axpy( x, valueFactor, dofs );
213         axpy( x, jacobianFactor, dofs );
214       }
216       /** \brief Add H:D^2phi to each dof
217        */
218       template< class Point, class DofVector >
axpy(const Point & x,const HessianRangeType & hessianFactor,DofVector & dofs) const219       void axpy ( const Point &x, const HessianRangeType &hessianFactor, DofVector &dofs ) const
220       {
221         typedef typename Geometry::JacobianInverseTransposed GeometryJacobianInverseTransposedType;
222         const Geometry &geo = geometry();
223         const GeometryJacobianInverseTransposedType &gjit = geo.jacobianInverseTransposed( coordinate( x ) );
224         LocalHessianRangeType tmpHessianFactor( RangeFieldType(0) );
225         // don't know how to work directly with the DiagonalMatrix
226         // returned from YaspGrid since gjit[k][l] is not correctly
227         // implemented for k!=l so convert first into a dense matrix...
228         Dune::FieldMatrix<double,DomainType::dimension,DomainType::dimension>
229            G = gjit;
230         DomainType Hg;
231         for( int r = 0; r < FunctionSpaceType::dimRange; ++r )
232           for( int j = 0; j < gjit.cols; ++j )
233             for( int k = 0; k < gjit.cols; ++k )
234             {
235               hessianFactor[r].mv(G[k],Hg);
236               tmpHessianFactor[r][j][k] += Hg * G[j];
237             }
238         FunctionalAxpyFunctor< LocalHessianRangeType, DofVector > f( tmpHessianFactor, dofs );
239         shapeFunctionSet().hessianEach( x, f );
240       }
243       /** \copydoc BasisFunctionSet::evaluateAll( quad, dofs, ranges ) */
244       template< class QuadratureType, class DofVector, class RangeArray >
evaluateAll(const QuadratureType & quad,const DofVector & dofs,RangeArray & ranges) const245       void evaluateAll ( const QuadratureType &quad, const DofVector &dofs, RangeArray &ranges ) const
246       {
247         assert( ranges.size() >= quad.nop() );
249         // if shape function set supports codegen and quadrature supports caching
250         if constexpr ( codegenShapeFunctionSet && std::is_base_of< CachingInterface, QuadratureType > :: value)
251         {
252           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterfaceTraits< QuadratureType, RangeArray, DofVector > Traits;
253           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterface< Traits > BaseEvaluationType;
255           // get base function evaluate caller
256           const auto& baseEval = BaseEvaluationType::storage( *this, rangeCache( quad ), quad );
258           // true if implementation exists, otherwise this is a nullptr
259           if( baseEval )
260           {
261             baseEval->evaluateRanges( quad, dofs, ranges );
262             return ;
263           }
264         }
266         {
267           // call axpy method for each entry of the given vector, e.g. rangeVector or jacobianVector
268           const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
269           for( unsigned int qp = 0; qp < nop; ++qp )
270           {
271             evaluateAll( quad[ qp ], dofs, ranges[ qp ] );
272           }
273         }
274       }
276       //! \todo please doc me
277       template< class Point, class DofVector >
evaluateAll(const Point & x,const DofVector & dofs,RangeType & value) const278       void evaluateAll ( const Point &x, const DofVector &dofs, RangeType &value ) const
279       {
280         value = RangeType( 0 );
281         AxpyFunctor< DofVector, RangeType > f( dofs, value );
282         shapeFunctionSet().evaluateEach( x, f );
283       }
285       //! \todo please doc me
286       template< class Point, class RangeArray >
evaluateAll(const Point & x,RangeArray & values) const287       void evaluateAll ( const Point &x, RangeArray &values ) const
288       {
289         assert( values.size() >= size() );
290         std::fill( values.begin(), values.end(), RangeType(0) );
291         AssignFunctor< RangeArray > f( values );
292         shapeFunctionSet().evaluateEach( x, f );
293       }
295       /** \copydoc BasisFunctionSet::jacobianAll( quad, dofs, jacobians ) */
296       template< class QuadratureType, class DofVector, class JacobianArray >
jacobianAll(const QuadratureType & quad,const DofVector & dofs,JacobianArray & jacobians) const297       void jacobianAll ( const QuadratureType &quad, const DofVector &dofs, JacobianArray &jacobians ) const
298       {
299         assert( jacobians.size() >= quad.nop() );
301         // if shape function set supports codegen and quadrature supports caching
302         if constexpr ( codegenShapeFunctionSet && std::is_base_of< CachingInterface, QuadratureType > :: value)
303         {
304           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterfaceTraits< QuadratureType, JacobianArray, DofVector, Geometry >  Traits;
305           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterface< Traits > BaseEvaluationType;
307           // get base function evaluate caller (calls axpyRanges)
308           const auto& baseEval = BaseEvaluationType::storage( *this, jacobianCache( quad ), quad );
310           // true if implementation exists
311           if( baseEval )
312           {
313             // call appropriate axpyJacobian method
314             const Geometry &geo = geometry();
315             baseEval->evaluateJacobians( quad, geo, dofs, jacobians );
316             return ;
317           }
318         }
320         {
321           // call axpy method for each entry of the given vector, e.g. rangeVector or jacobianVector
322           const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
323           for( unsigned int qp = 0; qp < nop; ++qp )
324           {
325             jacobianAll( quad[ qp ], dofs, jacobians[ qp ] );
326           }
327         }
328       }
330       //! \todo please doc me
331       template< class Point, class DofVector >
jacobianAll(const Point & x,const DofVector & dofs,JacobianRangeType & jacobian) const332       void jacobianAll ( const Point &x, const DofVector &dofs, JacobianRangeType &jacobian ) const
333       {
334         LocalJacobianRangeType localJacobian( RangeFieldType( 0 ) );
335         AxpyFunctor< DofVector, LocalJacobianRangeType > f( dofs, localJacobian );
336         shapeFunctionSet().jacobianEach( x, f );
338         typedef JacobianTransformation< Geometry > Transformation;
339         const Geometry &geo = geometry();
340         Transformation transformation( geo, coordinate( x ) );
341         transformation( localJacobian, jacobian );
342       }
344       //! \todo please doc me
345       template< class Point, class JacobianRangeArray >
jacobianAll(const Point & x,JacobianRangeArray & jacobians) const346       void jacobianAll ( const Point &x, JacobianRangeArray &jacobians ) const
347       {
348         assert( jacobians.size() >= size() );
349         typedef JacobianTransformation< Geometry > Transformation;
350         const Geometry &geo = geometry();
352         Transformation transformation( geo, coordinate( x ) );
353         AssignFunctor< JacobianRangeArray, Transformation > f( jacobians, transformation );
354         shapeFunctionSet().jacobianEach( x, f );
355       }
357       //! \todo please doc me
358       template< class QuadratureType, class DofVector, class HessianArray >
hessianAll(const QuadratureType & quad,const DofVector & dofs,HessianArray & hessians) const359       void hessianAll ( const QuadratureType &quad, const DofVector &dofs, HessianArray &hessians ) const
360       {
361         assert( hessians.size() >= quad.nop() );
362         // call axpy method for each entry of the given vector, e.g. rangeVector or jacobianVector
363         const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
364         for( unsigned int qp = 0; qp < nop; ++qp )
365         {
366           hessianAll( quad[ qp ], dofs, hessians[ qp ] );
367         }
368       }
370       //! \todo please doc me
371       template< class Point, class DofVector >
hessianAll(const Point & x,const DofVector & dofs,HessianRangeType & hessian) const372       void hessianAll ( const Point &x, const DofVector &dofs, HessianRangeType &hessian ) const
373       {
374         LocalHessianRangeType localHessian( typename LocalHessianRangeType::value_type( RangeFieldType( 0 ) ) );
375         AxpyFunctor< DofVector, LocalHessianRangeType > f( dofs, localHessian );
376         shapeFunctionSet().hessianEach( x, f );
378         typedef HessianTransformation< Geometry > Transformation;
379         const Geometry &geo = geometry();
380         Transformation transformation( geo, coordinate( x ) );
381         transformation( localHessian, hessian );
382       }
384       //! \todo please doc me
385       template< class Point, class HessianRangeArray >
hessianAll(const Point & x,HessianRangeArray & hessians) const386       void hessianAll ( const Point &x, HessianRangeArray &hessians ) const
387       {
388         assert( hessians.size() >= size() );
389         typedef HessianTransformation< Geometry > Transformation;
390         const Geometry &geo = geometry();
391         Transformation transformation( geo, coordinate( x ) );
392         AssignFunctor< HessianRangeArray, Transformation > f( hessians, transformation );
393         shapeFunctionSet().hessianEach( x, f );
394       }
396       //! \brief return entity
entity() const397       const Entity &entity () const
398       {
399         assert( valid() );
400         return *entity_;
401       }
403       //! \brief return true if entity pointer is set
valid() const404       bool valid () const { return bool(entity_); }
406       //! \brief return geometry type
type() const407       Dune::GeometryType type () const { return entity().type(); }
409       // Non-interface methods
410       // ---------------------
412       //! \brief return shape function set
shapeFunctionSet() const413       const ShapeFunctionSetType &shapeFunctionSet () const { return shapeFunctionSet_; }
415     protected:
416       //! \brief evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
417       template< class QuadratureType, class RangeArray, class DofVector >
axpyImpl(const QuadratureType & quad,const RangeArray & rangeFactors,DofVector & dofs,const RangeType &) const418       void axpyImpl ( const QuadratureType &quad, const RangeArray &rangeFactors, DofVector &dofs, const RangeType& ) const
419       {
420         assert( rangeFactors.size() >= quad.nop() );
422         // if shape function set supports codegen and quadrature supports caching
423         if constexpr ( codegenShapeFunctionSet && std::is_base_of< CachingInterface, QuadratureType > :: value)
424         {
425           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterfaceTraits< QuadratureType, RangeArray, DofVector > Traits;
426           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterface< Traits > BaseEvaluationType;
428           // get base function evaluate caller (calls axpyRanges)
429           const auto& baseEval = BaseEvaluationType::storage( *this, rangeCache( quad ), quad );
431           // true if implementation exists
432           if( baseEval )
433           {
434             baseEval->axpyRanges( quad, rangeFactors, dofs );
435             return ;
436           }
437         }
439         {
440           // call axpy method for each entry of the given vector, e.g. rangeVector or jacobianVector
441           const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
442           for( unsigned int qp = 0; qp < nop; ++qp )
443           {
444             axpy( quad[ qp ], rangeFactors[ qp ], dofs );
445           }
446         }
447       }
449       //! \brief evaluate all basis function and multiply with given values and add to dofs
450       template< class QuadratureType, class JacobianArray, class DofVector >
axpyImpl(const QuadratureType & quad,const JacobianArray & jacobianFactors,DofVector & dofs,const JacobianRangeType &) const451       void axpyImpl ( const QuadratureType &quad, const JacobianArray &jacobianFactors, DofVector &dofs, const JacobianRangeType& ) const
452       {
453         assert( jacobianFactors.size() >= quad.nop() );
454         // if shape function set supports codegen and quadrature supports caching
455         if constexpr ( codegenShapeFunctionSet && std::is_base_of< CachingInterface, QuadratureType > :: value)
456         {
457           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterfaceTraits< QuadratureType, JacobianArray, DofVector, Geometry >  Traits;
458           typedef Codegen :: EvaluateCallerInterface< Traits > BaseEvaluationType;
460           // get base function evaluate caller (calls axpyRanges)
461           const auto& baseEval = BaseEvaluationType::storage( *this, jacobianCache( quad ), quad );
463           // true if implementation exists
464           if( baseEval )
465           {
466             // call appropriate axpyRanges method
467             const Geometry &geo = geometry();
468             baseEval->axpyJacobians( quad, geo, jacobianFactors, dofs );
469             return ;
470           }
471         }
473         {
474           // call axpy method for each entry of the given vector, e.g. rangeVector or jacobianVector
475           const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
476           for( unsigned int qp = 0; qp < nop; ++qp )
477           {
478             axpy( quad[ qp ], jacobianFactors[ qp ], dofs );
479           }
480         }
481       }
483       template <class QuadratureType>
rangeCache(const QuadratureType & quad) const484       const auto& rangeCache( const QuadratureType& quad ) const
485       {
486         return shapeFunctionSet().scalarShapeFunctionSet().impl().rangeCache( quad );
487       }
489       template <class QuadratureType>
jacobianCache(const QuadratureType & quad) const490       const auto& jacobianCache( const QuadratureType& quad ) const
491       {
492         return shapeFunctionSet().scalarShapeFunctionSet().impl().jacobianCache( quad );
493       }
495     protected:
geometry() const496       Geometry geometry () const { return geometry_.value(); }
498       const EntityType *entity_ = nullptr;
499       ShapeFunctionSetType shapeFunctionSet_;
500       std::optional< Geometry > geometry_;
501     };
503   } // namespace Fem
505 } // namespace Dune