1 // -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=2 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <dune/pdelab/common/intersectiontype.hh>
7 #include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/blockdiagonalwrapper.hh>
8 namespace Dune {
9   namespace PDELab {
11     namespace impl {
13       // This can be used to get a vector view that returns a zero coefficient.
14       template <typename View>
15       class ZeroViewWrapper
16       {
17       public:
18         using Container = typename View::Container;
19         using ElementType = typename View::value_type;
20         using SizeType = typename View::size_type;
22         // If zero is set to false this class will forward all container
23         // accesses to the vector view that is passed as first argument. This
24         // means it will basically behave the same way as the view itself.
25         //
26         // If you set zero to false it will return 0.0 when it is asked for a
27         // coefficient.
28         //
29         // Use case: The methods in the localoperator interface sometimes get
30         // multiple coefficient views that need to have the same type (e.g. x_s
31         // and x_n for the ansatz function in skeleton terms). This can be used
32         // to 'null' one of those vectors without actually changing any values
33         // in memory.
ZeroViewWrapper(const View & view,bool zero)34         ZeroViewWrapper(const View& view, bool zero)
35           : _view(view), _zero(zero), _zeroCoefficient(0.0)
36         {}
38         template <typename LFS>
operator ()(const LFS & lfs,SizeType i) const39         const ElementType& operator()(const LFS& lfs, SizeType i) const
40         {
41           if (_zero)
42             return _zeroCoefficient;
43           else
44             return _view.container()(lfs, i);
45         }
47       private:
48         const View& _view;
49         bool _zero;
50         ElementType _zeroCoefficient;
51       };
53       // Interfaces look different in the fast-DG case
54       template <typename Container, typename LocalFunctionSpaceCache>
55       class ZeroViewWrapper<AliasedVectorView<Container, LocalFunctionSpaceCache>>
56       {
57       public:
58         using View = ConstAliasedVectorView<Container, LocalFunctionSpaceCache>;
59         using ElementType = typename View::ElementType;
60         using SizeType = typename View::size_type;
ZeroViewWrapper(const View & view,bool zero)62         ZeroViewWrapper(const View& view, bool zero)
63           : _view(view), _zero(zero), _zeroCoefficient(0.0)
64         {}
66         template <typename LFS>
operator ()(const LFS & lfs,SizeType i) const67         const ElementType& operator()(const LFS& lfs, SizeType i) const
68         {
69           if (_zero)
70             return _zeroCoefficient;
71           else
72             return _view(lfs, i);
73         }
data() const75         const ElementType* data() const
76         {
77           // Note: There is no principal problem in implementing this. Create
78           // an array of ElementType that has the correct size and contains
79           // only zeros. This was not implemted since there was no way of
80           // testing the implementation. Better to have a clear error message
81           // than a delicate implementation bug.
82           DUNE_THROW(Dune::Exception, "So far the ZeroViewWrapper does not support fast DG local operators using the data() method to access coefficients. .");
83         }
85       private:
86         const View& _view;
87         bool _zero;
88         ElementType _zeroCoefficient;
89       };
92     } // namespace impl
94     /** \brief A local operator that accumulates the off block diagonal
95      *
96      * This makes only sense for methods that have a block structure like
97      * Discontinuous Galerking methods or Finite Vvolume methods. For those the
98      * resulting operator assembles only the off diagonal blocks when the
99      * jacobian methods are called.
100      *
101      * Note: This operator does skeletons in a one sided fashion. This means
102      * that every skeleton-intersection is visited twice for assembling the
103      * whole block diagonal. Once from one side and once from the other. This
104      * behavior is needed for the implementation of matrix-free block
105      * preconditioners.
106      *
107      * \tparam[in] LocalOperator Type of the local operator that gets wrapped
108      */
109     template <typename LocalOperator>
110     class BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper
111       : public Dune::PDELab::LocalOperatorDefaultFlags
112     {
113     public:
114       // We only want to assemble the off-diagonal blocks so we only need
115       // skeleton pattern
116       static constexpr bool doPatternSkeleton = true;
118       // For assembling the off-diagonal blocks we only need alpha skeleton
119       static constexpr bool doAlphaSkeleton = LocalOperator::doAlphaSkeleton;
121       // If the underlying lop is linear, this one will be linear too
122       static constexpr bool isLinear = LocalOperator::isLinear;
124       // This wrapper is designed to use two sided assembly. If it was just
125       // about assembling the whole diagonal block matrix one sided assembly
126       // would be more efficient. For the implementation of matrix-free
127       // preconditioner we need to assemble a diagonal block locally for a
128       // given cell so we need to assemble in a two sided fashion.
129       static constexpr bool doSkeletonTwoSided = true;
131       /** \brief Construct new instance of class
132        *
133        * \param[in] _localOperator Wrapped local operator instance
134        */
BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper(const LocalOperator & localOperator)135       BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper(const LocalOperator& localOperator)
136         : _localOperator(localOperator)
137       {}
139       /** \brief Copy constructor */
BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper(const BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper & other)140       BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper(const BlockOffDiagonalLocalOperatorWrapper& other)
141         : _localOperator(other._localOperator)
142       {}
144       // define sparsity pattern connecting self and neighbor dofs
145       template<typename LFSU, typename LFSV, typename LocalPattern>
pattern_skeleton(const LFSU & lfsu_s,const LFSV & lfsv_s,const LFSU & lfsu_n,const LFSV & lfsv_n,LocalPattern & pattern_sn,LocalPattern & pattern_ns) const146       void pattern_skeleton (const LFSU& lfsu_s, const LFSV& lfsv_s, const LFSU& lfsu_n, const LFSV& lfsv_n,
147                              LocalPattern& pattern_sn,
148                              LocalPattern& pattern_ns) const
149       {
150         _localOperator.pattern_skeleton (lfsu_s, lfsv_s, lfsu_n, lfsv_n, pattern_sn, pattern_ns);
151       }
153       template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename MAT>
jacobian_skeleton(const IG & ig,const LFSU & lfsu_s,const X & x_s,const LFSV & lfsv_s,const LFSU & lfsu_n,const X & x_n,const LFSV & lfsv_n,MAT & mat_ss,MAT & mat_sn,MAT & mat_ns,MAT & mat_nn) const154       void jacobian_skeleton (const IG& ig,
155                               const LFSU& lfsu_s, const X& x_s, const LFSV& lfsv_s,
156                               const LFSU& lfsu_n, const X& x_n, const LFSV& lfsv_n,
157                               MAT& mat_ss, MAT& mat_sn,
158                               MAT& mat_ns, MAT& mat_nn) const
159       {
160         // Since we do two sided assembly (visiting each intersection twice) we
161         // have options. We could assemble either mat_sn or mat_ns. Both lead
162         // to the same solution. In order to be consistent with the choice for
163         // jacobian_apply_skeleton we will assemble m_ns.
164         impl::BlockDiagonalAccumulationViewWrapper<MAT> view_ns(mat_ns, true);
165         impl::BlockDiagonalAccumulationViewWrapper<MAT> view_other(mat_ns, false);
166         _localOperator.jacobian_skeleton(ig, lfsu_s, x_s, lfsv_s, lfsu_n, x_n, lfsv_n, view_other, view_other, view_ns, view_other);
167       }
169       template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename Z, typename LFSV, typename Y>
jacobian_apply_skeleton(const IG & ig,const LFSU & lfsu_s,const Z & z_s,const LFSV & lfsv_s,const LFSU & lfsu_n,const Z & z_n,const LFSV & lfsv_n,Y & y_s,Y & y_n) const170       void jacobian_apply_skeleton(const IG& ig,
171                                    const LFSU& lfsu_s, const Z& z_s, const LFSV& lfsv_s,
172                                    const LFSU& lfsu_n, const Z& z_n, const LFSV& lfsv_n,
173                                    Y& y_s, Y& y_n) const
174       {
175         // This is more tricky. For a full Jacobian apply you would do:
176         //
177         // y_s = A_ss z_s + A_ns z_n
178         // y_n = A_sn z_s + A_nn z_n
179         //
180         // Instead we want:
181         //
182         // (1) y_s = A_ns z_n
183         // (2) y_n = A_sn z_s
184         //
185         // Since we do two sided assembly we only need to assemble one of these
186         // two. For the matrix free preconditioner we need to apply the
187         // jacobian locally for one block so we need to implement equation (1)
188         // to get all contributions of other cell on the current one.
190         // Set input coefficients z_s to zero
191         impl::ZeroViewWrapper<Z> z_zero(z_s, true);
192         impl::ZeroViewWrapper<Z> z_neigh(z_n, false);
194         // Only accumulate in y_s
195         impl::BlockDiagonalAccumulationViewWrapper<Y> view_s_on(y_s, true);
196         impl::BlockDiagonalAccumulationViewWrapper<Y> view_n_off(y_n, false);
198         // Apply Jacobian
199         Dune::PDELab::impl::jacobianApplySkeleton(_localOperator, ig, lfsu_s, z_zero, lfsv_s, lfsu_n, z_neigh, lfsv_n, view_s_on, view_n_off);
200       }
202       template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename Z, typename LFSV, typename Y>
jacobian_apply_skeleton(const IG & ig,const LFSU & lfsu_s,const X & x_s,const Z & z_s,const LFSV & lfsv_s,const LFSU & lfsu_n,const X & x_n,const Z & z_n,const LFSV & lfsv_n,Y & y_s,Y & y_n) const203       void jacobian_apply_skeleton(const IG& ig,
204                                    const LFSU& lfsu_s, const X& x_s, const Z& z_s, const LFSV& lfsv_s,
205                                    const LFSU& lfsu_n, const X& x_n, const Z& z_n, const LFSV& lfsv_n,
206                                     Y& y_s, Y& y_n) const
207       {
208         // This is more tricky. For a full Jacobian apply you would do:
209         //
210         // y_s = A_ss z_s + A_ns z_n
211         // y_n = A_sn z_s + A_nn z_n
212         //
213         // Instead we want:
214         //
215         // (1) y_s = A_ns z_n
216         // (2) y_n = A_sn z_s
217         //
218         // Since we do two sided assembly we only need to assemble one of these
219         // two. For the matrix free preconditioner we need to apply the
220         // jacobian locally for one block so we need to implement equation (1)
221         // to get all contributions of other cell on the current one.
223         // Set input coefficients z_s to zero
224         impl::ZeroViewWrapper<Z> z_zero(z_s, true);
225         impl::ZeroViewWrapper<Z> z_neigh(z_n, false);
227         // Only accumulate in y_s
228         impl::BlockDiagonalAccumulationViewWrapper<Y> view_s_on(y_s, true);
229         impl::BlockDiagonalAccumulationViewWrapper<Y> view_n_off(y_n, false);
231         // Apply Jacobian
232         Dune::PDELab::impl::jacobianApplySkeleton(_localOperator, ig, lfsu_s, x_s, z_zero, lfsv_s, lfsu_n, x_n, z_neigh, lfsv_n, view_s_on, view_n_off);
233       }
235     private:
236       /** \brief Wrapped original local operator */
237       const LocalOperator& _localOperator;
238     };
240   } // namespace PDELab
241 } // namespace Dune
243 #endif