1 /*
2     Copyright (C) 2014 Abhinav Baid
4     This file is part of FLINT.
6     FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
8     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.  See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
10 */
12 #include "mpf_mat.h"
13 #include "ulong_extras.h"
15 int
main(void)16 main(void)
17 {
18     int i;
19     FLINT_TEST_INIT(state);
21     flint_printf("qr....");
22     fflush(stdout);
24     for (i = 0; i < 100 * flint_test_multiplier(); i++)
25     {
26         mpf_t dot, tmp;
27         int j, k, l;
28         mpf_mat_t A, Q, R, B;
29         flint_bitcnt_t prec;
31         slong m, n;
33         m = n_randint(state, 10);
34         n = n_randint(state, 10);
35         prec = n_randint(state, 200) + 3;
37         mpf_mat_init(A, m, n, prec);
38         mpf_mat_init(Q, m, n, prec);
39         mpf_mat_init(R, n, n, prec);
40         mpf_mat_init(B, m, n, prec);
41         mpf_init2(dot, prec);
42         mpf_init2(tmp, prec);
44         mpf_mat_randtest(A, state, prec);
46         mpf_mat_qr(Q, R, A);
48         mpf_mat_mul(B, Q, R);
50         flint_mpf_set_ui(tmp, 1);
51         mpf_div_2exp(tmp, tmp, prec - 2);
52         for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
53         {
54             for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
55             {
56                 mpf_sub(dot, mpf_mat_entry(A, j, k), mpf_mat_entry(B, j, k));
57                 mpf_abs(dot, dot);
58                 if (mpf_cmp(dot, tmp) > 0)
59                 {
60                     flint_printf("FAIL:\n");
61                     flint_printf("A:\n");
62                     mpf_mat_print(A);
63                     flint_printf("Q:\n");
64                     mpf_mat_print(Q);
65                     flint_printf("R:\n");
66                     mpf_mat_print(R);
67                     flint_printf("B:\n");
68                     mpf_mat_print(B);
69                     mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, dot);
70                     flint_printf("\n");
71                     flint_printf("%d\n", prec);
72                     abort();
73                 }
74             }
75         }
77         for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
78         {
79             mpf_t norm;
80             mpf_init2(norm, prec);
81             for (l = 0; l < m; l++)
82             {
83                 mpf_mul(tmp, mpf_mat_entry(Q, l, j), mpf_mat_entry(Q, l, j));
84                 mpf_add(norm, norm, tmp);
85             }
87             mpf_sub_ui(dot, norm, 1);
88             mpf_abs(dot, dot);
89             flint_mpf_set_ui(tmp, 1);
90             mpf_div_2exp(tmp, tmp, prec - 3);
91             if (flint_mpf_cmp_ui(norm, 0) != 0 && mpf_cmp(dot, tmp) > 0)
92             {
93                 flint_printf("FAIL:\n");
94                 flint_printf("Q:\n");
95                 mpf_mat_print(Q);
96                 mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, norm);
97                 flint_printf("\n");
98                 flint_printf("%d\n", j);
99                 abort();
100             }
101             mpf_clear(norm);
102             for (k = j + 1; k < n; k++)
103             {
104                 flint_mpf_set_ui(dot, 0);
105                 for (l = 0; l < m; l++)
106                 {
107                     mpf_mul(tmp, mpf_mat_entry(Q, l, j),
108                             mpf_mat_entry(Q, l, k));
109                     mpf_add(dot, dot, tmp);
110                 }
112                 flint_mpf_set_ui(tmp, 1);
113                 mpf_div_2exp(tmp, tmp, prec);
114                 mpf_abs(dot, dot);
115                 if (mpf_cmp(dot, tmp) > 0)
116                 {
117                     flint_printf("FAIL:\n");
118                     flint_printf("Q:\n");
119                     mpf_mat_print(Q);
120                     mpf_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, dot);
121                     flint_printf("\n");
122                     flint_printf("%d %d\n", j, k);
123                     abort();
124                 }
125             }
126         }
128         mpf_mat_clear(A);
129         mpf_mat_clear(Q);
130         mpf_mat_clear(R);
131         mpf_mat_clear(B);
132         mpf_clears(dot, tmp, NULL);
133     }
135     FLINT_TEST_CLEANUP(state);
137     flint_printf("PASS\n");
138     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
139 }