1 /*
2     Copyright (C) 2010 Sebastian Pancratz
3     Copyright (C) 2010, 2020 William Hart
5     This file is part of FLINT.
7     FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
9     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.  See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
11 */
13 #ifdef T
15 #include "templates.h"
17 void
_TEMPLATE(T,poly_pow_trunc_binexp)18 _TEMPLATE(T, poly_pow_trunc_binexp) (TEMPLATE(T, struct) * res,
19                               const TEMPLATE(T, struct) * poly, ulong e,
20                                      slong trunc, const TEMPLATE(T, ctx_t) ctx)
21 {
22     ulong bit = ~((~UWORD(0)) >> 1);
23     TEMPLATE(T, struct) * v = _TEMPLATE(T, vec_init) (trunc, ctx);
24     TEMPLATE(T, struct) * R, * S, * T;
26     /*
27        Set bits to the bitmask with a 1 one place `lower than the msb of e
28      */
30     while ((bit & e) == UWORD(0))
31         bit >>= 1;
33     bit >>= 1;
35     /*
36        Trial run without any polynomial arithmetic to determine the parity
37        of the number of swaps;  then set R and S accordingly
38      */
40     {
41         unsigned int swaps = 0U;
42         ulong bit2 = bit;
43         if ((bit2 & e))
44             swaps = ~swaps;
45         while (bit2 >>= 1)
46             if ((bit2 & e) == UWORD(0))
47                 swaps = ~swaps;
49         if (swaps == 0U)
50         {
51             R = res;
52             S = v;
53         }
54         else
55         {
56             R = v;
57             S = res;
58         }
59     }
61     /*
62        We unroll the first step of the loop, referring to {poly, len}
63      */
65     _TEMPLATE(T, poly_mullow) (R, poly, trunc, poly, trunc, trunc, ctx);
66     if ((bit & e))
67     {
68         _TEMPLATE(T, poly_mullow) (S, R, trunc, poly, trunc, trunc, ctx);
69         T = R;
70         R = S;
71         S = T;
72     }
74     while ((bit >>= 1))
75     {
76         if ((bit & e))
77         {
78             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_mullow) (S, R, trunc, R, trunc, trunc, ctx);
79             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_mullow) (R, S, trunc, poly, trunc, trunc, ctx);
80         }
81         else
82         {
83             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_mullow) (S, R, trunc, R, trunc, trunc, ctx);
84             T = R;
85             R = S;
86             S = T;
87         }
88     }
90     _TEMPLATE(T, vec_clear) (v, trunc, ctx);
91 }
93 void
TEMPLATE(T,poly_pow_trunc_binexp)94 TEMPLATE(T, poly_pow_trunc_binexp) (TEMPLATE(T, poly_t) res,
95                                const TEMPLATE(T, poly_t) poly, ulong e,
96                                      slong trunc, const TEMPLATE(T, ctx_t) ctx)
97 {
98     const slong len = poly->length;
99     TEMPLATE(T, struct) * p;
100     int pcopy = 0;
102     if (len < 2 || e < UWORD(3) || trunc == 0)
103     {
104         if (len == 0 || trunc == 0)
105             TEMPLATE(T, poly_zero) (res, ctx);
106         else if (len == 1)
107         {
108             TEMPLATE(T, poly_fit_length) (res, 1, ctx);
109             TEMPLATE(T, pow_ui) (res->coeffs + 0, poly->coeffs + 0, e, ctx);
110             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_set_length) (res, 1, ctx);
111             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_normalise) (res, ctx);
112         }
113         else if (e == UWORD(0))
114         {
115             TEMPLATE(T, t) c;
116             TEMPLATE(T, init) (c, ctx);
117             TEMPLATE(T, set_ui) (c, 1, ctx);
118             TEMPLATE(T, poly_set_coeff) (res, 0, c, ctx);
119             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_set_length) (res, 1, ctx);
120             _TEMPLATE(T, poly_normalise) (res, ctx);
121             TEMPLATE(T, clear) (c, ctx);
122         }
123         else if (e == UWORD(1))
124         {
125             TEMPLATE(T, poly_set) (res, poly, ctx);
126             TEMPLATE(T, poly_truncate) (res, trunc, ctx);
127         }
128         else  /* e == UWORD(2) */
129             TEMPLATE(T, poly_mullow) (res, poly, poly, trunc, ctx);
131         return;
132     }
134     if (poly->length < trunc)
135     {
136         p = _TEMPLATE(T, vec_init) (trunc, ctx);
137         _TEMPLATE(T, vec_set) (p, poly->coeffs, poly->length, ctx);
138         _TEMPLATE(T, vec_zero) (p + poly->length, trunc - poly->length, ctx);
139         pcopy = 1;
140     } else
141         p = poly->coeffs;
143     if (res != poly || pcopy)
144     {
145         TEMPLATE(T, poly_fit_length) (res, trunc, ctx);
146         _TEMPLATE(T, poly_pow_trunc_binexp) (res->coeffs, p, e, trunc, ctx);
147     }
148     else
149     {
150         TEMPLATE(T, poly_t) t;
151         TEMPLATE(T, poly_init2) (t, trunc, ctx);
152         _TEMPLATE(T, poly_pow_trunc_binexp) (t->coeffs, p, e, trunc, ctx);
153         TEMPLATE(T, poly_swap) (res, t, ctx);
154         TEMPLATE(T, poly_clear) (t, ctx);
155     }
157     if (pcopy)
158         _TEMPLATE(T, vec_clear) (p, trunc, ctx);
160     res->length = trunc;
161     _TEMPLATE(T, poly_normalise) (res, ctx);
162 }
164 #endif