1 // mrank2.cc: implementation of class rank2 for descent via 2-isogeny
2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 //
4 // Copyright 1990-2012 John Cremona
5 //
6 // This file is part of the eclib package.
7 //
8 // eclib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
11 // option) any later version.
12 //
13 // eclib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16 // for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 // along with eclib; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
20 // Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
21 //
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 #include <iomanip> // for setbase(), used for hex output of codes
26 #include <eclib/bitspace.h>
27 #include <eclib/mlocsol.h>
28 #include <eclib/mglobsol.h>
29 #include <eclib/mrank2.h>
30 #include <eclib/sqfdiv.h>
31 #include <eclib/desc2.h>
33 #ifndef QSIEVE_OPT
34 #define QSIEVE_OPT 0 // uses Stoll's sieve
35 #endif
37 //#define DEBUG_ROOTS
38 //#define DEBUG_SQF
39 //#define DEBUG_ELS
40 //#define DEBUG_GLS
42 // bound on first descent search when a second descent is going to be done
45 #define MAX_R 5   // will not attempt to list all coset reps
46                   // for 2E(Q) in E(Q) if rank is more than this
makepoint(const bigint & c,const bigint & d1,const bigint & d2,const bigint & x,const bigint & y,const bigint & z,int which)48 void rank2::makepoint(const bigint& c,const bigint& d1,const bigint& d2,
49 	       const bigint& x, const bigint& y, const bigint& z,
50 	       int which)
51 {
52   Point P(ee);
53   if (verbose) cout<<" (x:y:z) = ("<<x<<":"<<y<<":"<<z<<")\n";
54   if(which==0)
55     {
56       if(sign(z)!=0)	P.init(ee, d1*x*x*z, d1*x*y, pow(z,3));
57       if(verbose)
58 	{
59 	  cout<<"\tCurve E " /* <<(Curve)ee */ <<"\tPoint "<< P;
60 	  bigfloat h = height(P);
61 	  cout << ", height = " << h;
62 	  if(!P.isvalid()) {cout << " --warning: NOT on curve! " ;}
63 	  cout << endl;
64 	}
65     }
66   else
67     {
68       if(verbose) // display point on isogenous curve too
69 	{
70 	  Point Q(eedash);
71 	  if(sign(z)!=0) Q.init(eedash, d1*x*x*z, d1*x*y, pow(z,3));
72 	  cout<<"\tCurve E' " /* <<(Curve)eedash */ <<"\tPoint "<< Q;
73 	  bigfloat h = height(Q);
74 	  cout << ", height = " << h;
75 	  if(!Q.isvalid()) {cout << " --warning: NOT on curve! " ;}
76 	  cout << endl;
77 	}
78       const bigint& xz=x*z, x2=x*x, z2=z*z;
79       if(sign(xz)!=0) P.init(ee,2*y*y*xz,y*(d1*x2*x2-d2*z2*z2),pow(2*xz,3));
80       if(verbose)
81 	{
82 	  cout<<"\tCurve E " /* <<(Curve)ee */ <<"\tPoint "<< P;
83 	  bigfloat h = height(P);
84 	  cout << ", height = " << h;
85 	  if(!P.isvalid()) {cout << " --warning: NOT on curve! " ;}
86 	  cout << endl;
87 	}
88     }
89   if(order(P)<0)  {pointlist.push_back(P); npoints++;} // else torsion so ignore
90 }
testquartic(const bigint & c,const bigint & d1,const bigint & d2,int which)92 int rank2::testquartic(const bigint& c,const bigint& d1,const bigint& d2,int which)
93 {
94   // creates quartic (d1,0,c,0,d2), assumed els, and tries to find a rational point
95   // returns +1 if rational point found (handled my makepoint())
96   //          0 if undecided
97   static const bigint zero = BIGINT(0);
98   static const bigint one  = BIGINT(1);
99   quartic q(d1,  zero, c,  zero, d2);
100   if (verbose) cout<<q<<": ";
102   bigint x,y,z;
104   // First a quick search for a small point:
105   if (ratpoint(q,one,BIGINT(lim1),x,y,z))
106     {
107       makepoint(c,d1,d2,x,y,z,which);
108       return 1;
109     }
111   // Next a more serious search using a sieve,
112   // but not too far if we are going to use second descent
113   quartic_sieve qs(&q,QSIEVE_OPT,0);
114   long lim3=lim2;
115   if(do_second_descent)    // save the long search till later...
117   if(qs.search(lim3, 1, 1)) // maxnpoints, pos-x-only
118     {
119       qs.getpoint(x,y,z);
120       makepoint(c,d1,d2,x,y,z,which);
121       return 1;
122     }
123   if (verbose)
124     cout<<" no rational point found (hlim="<<lim3<<")\n";
125   return 0;
126 }  /* end of testquartic*/
second_descent(const bigint & c,const bigint & d1,const bigint & d2,int which)128 int rank2::second_descent(const bigint& c, const bigint& d1, const bigint& d2, int which)
129   // creates quartic (d1,0,c,0,d2), assumed els, and tries to find a rational point
130   // by second descent (after testquartic() has failed using direct search)
131   // returns +1 if rational point found (handled by makepoint())
132   //          0 if undecided
133   //         -1 if no rational point exists (proved by second descent)
134 {
135   int res, verb=verbose; if(verb) verb--;  // reduced verbosity level within desc2()
136   bigint x,y,z;
137   if(verbose) cout<<"d1="<<d1<<": "<<flush;
138   if(which)
139     res = desc2(c,d1,d2,badprimes, supp0, elsgens0, mask0,  lim2,x,y,z,verb);
140   else
141     res = desc2(c,d1,d2,badprimes, supp1, elsgens1, mask1,  lim2,x,y,z,verb);
143   if(verbose==1) cout<<endl;
145   switch(res)
146     {
147     case 1: // Positive success, point found
148       makepoint(c,d1,d2,x,y,z,which);
149       if(verbose)
150 	cout<<"Second descent successfully found rational point for d1="<<d1<<"\n"<<endl;
151       break;
152     case -1: // Negative success, no point exists
153       if(verbose)
154 	cout<<"Second descent shows that no rational point exists for d1="<<d1<<"\n"<<endl;
155       break;
156     case 0: // Undecided
157       if (verbose)
158 	cout<<"Second descent inconclusive for d1="<<d1<<": ELS descendents exist but no rational point found\n"<<endl;
159     }
160   return res;
161 }
163 // First local descent: determine
164 // S^(phi)(E')   if which==0
165 // S^(phi')(E)   if which==1
find_elsgens(int which,const bigint & c,const bigint & d)167 void rank2::find_elsgens(int which, const bigint& c, const bigint& d)
168 {
169   static const bigint zero = BIGINT(0);
170   if (verbose>1)
171     {
172       if(which) cout<<"\n";
173       cout<<"Finding els gens for E"; if(which) cout<<"'";
174       cout<<" (c"; if(which) cout<<"'";
175       cout<<"= "<<c<<", d"; if(which) cout<<"'";
176       cout<<"= "<<d<<")"<<endl;
177     }
178   bigint ddash = c*c-4*d;
179   int posd1, istep=1;
180   if (sign(ddash)< 0)
181     posd1=1;
182   else
183     posd1= (c+sqrt(ddash)< 0);
184   if(posd1) istep=2;  // this will skip negative d1
186   int extra2torsion=0;
187   bigint ee2, ee3;
188   if(which)
189     {
190       if(d_is_sq)
191 	{
192 	  extra2torsion=1;
193 	  ee2 = e2dash;
194 	  ee3 = e3dash;
195 	}
196     }
197   else
198     {
199       if(ddash_is_sq)
200 	{
201 	  extra2torsion=1;
202 	  ee2 = e2;
203 	  ee3 = e3;
204 	}
205     }
207   bigint d1, d2, badp;
208   const vector<bigint>& supp = (which? supp1 : supp0);
209   long ns = supp.size();
210   if(verbose>1)
211     {
212       cout<<"Support (length "<<ns<<"): "<<supp<<endl;
213     }
214   if(ns>=NTL_BITS_PER_LONG)
215     {
216       cerr<<"Too many primes dividing discriminant!\n";
217       cerr<<"mwrank cannot handle supports of more than "<<NTL_BITS_PER_LONG<< "primes"<<endl;
218       cerr<<"Failure in find_elsgens"<<endl;
219       success = 0;
220       return;
221     }
223   long mask=0, maxn=1<<ns, index, j, nelsgens=0;
224   vector<bigint> elsgens;
226 // use all torsion: added 24/6/02
227 // Find and process torsion
229   vector<Point> torsion;
230   if(which)
231     torsion=torsion_points(eedash);
232   else
233     torsion=torsion_points(ee);
234   long it,ntorsion=torsion.size();
235 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
236   cout<<"Number of torsion points = "<<ntorsion<<endl;
237   cout<<"Torsion subgroup is ";
238   if(extra2torsion) cout<<"not ";
239   cout<<"cyclic"<<endl;
240 #endif
242   // find generators of torsion mod 2*torsion
244   Point T1,T2; long orderT1=1;
245   for(it=0; it<ntorsion; it++)
246     {
247       Point T = torsion[it];
248       long orderT = order(T);
249       if(orderT>orderT1) {T1=T; orderT1=orderT;}
250     }
251 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
252   cout<<"Generator of maximal order = "<<T1<<" of order "<<orderT1<<endl;
253 #endif
254   if(extra2torsion)
255 // then we need a second generator, for which we can take either of
256 // the 2-torsion points which is not the multiple of T1
257     {
258       T2=(ntorsion/4)*T1;
259       bigint xT2=T2.getX();
260       if(xT2==zero)
261 	T2.init(ee,ee2,zero);
262       else
263 	T2.init(ee,zero,zero);
264 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
265   cout<<"Second generator = "<<T2<<" of order 2"<<endl;
266 #endif
267       ntorsion=2;
268       torsion[0]=T1;
269       torsion[1]=T2;
270     }
271   else
272     {
273       ntorsion=1;
274       torsion[0]=T1;
275     }
276 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
277   cout<<"Processing generating torsion points"<<endl;
278 #endif
280   bigint d1x;
281   for(it=0; it<ntorsion; it++)
282     {
283       Point T = torsion[it];
284       if(T.is_zero()) continue;
285       d1=T.getX();
286       if(d1==zero) d1=d;
287 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
288       if(verbose>1) cout<<"Processing torsion d1 = " << d1 << endl;
289 #endif
290       index=makeindex(supp, d1, d1x);
291       d1=d1x;  // the square-free part, = d1/square
292 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
293       if(verbose>1) cout<<"Squarefree part of d1 = " << d1 << endl;
294 #endif
295       if(mask&index) continue;
296       if(index)
297 	{
298 	  elsgens.push_back(d1); nelsgens++;
299 	  if(verbose>1)
300 	    cout<<"Adding (torsion) els generator #"<<nelsgens<<": d1 = " << d1;
301 	  for(j=ns-1; j>=0; j--)
302 //	    if(testbit(index,j)) {setbit(mask,j); break;}
303 	    if(index&(1<<j)) {mask|=(1<<j); break;}
304 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
305 	  if(verbose>1) cout<<" (pivot = "<<j<<": "<<supp[j]<<")";
306 #endif
307 	  if(verbose>1) cout<<endl;
308 	}
309     }
311 // Record that the first 0, 1 or 2 elsgens come from known torsion points,
312 // so can be ingored in the gls step later:
313   if(which)
314     {
315       nt2gens1=nelsgens;
316     }
317   else
318     {
319       nt2gens0=nelsgens;
320     }
322 // Now systematically go through square-free divisors d1 of d, always modulo
323 // the subgroup of those which we know are els
325   int res;
326   for(index=istep; index<maxn; index+=istep)
327     {
328       if(mask&index) continue;
329       d1 = makenum(supp,index);
330       d2 = d/d1;
331 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
332       if(verbose>1) cout<<"Testing d1 = "<<d1<<":\t";
333 #endif
334       res = locallysoluble(d1,c,d2,badprimes,badp);
335       if(res)
336 	{
337 	  elsgens.push_back(d1); nelsgens++;
338 	  if(verbose>1)
339 	    cout<<"Adding els generator #"<<nelsgens<<": d1 = " << d1;
340 	  for(j=ns-1; j>=0; j--)
341 //	    if(testbit(index,j)) {setbit(mask,j); break;}
342 	    if(index&(1<<j)) {mask|=(1<<j); break;}
343 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
344 	  if(verbose>1) cout<<" (pivot = "<<j<<": "<<supp[j]<<")";
345 #endif
346 	  if(verbose>1) cout<<endl;
347 	}
348       else
349 	{
350 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
351 	  if(verbose>1) cout<<"not locally soluble at p = "<<badp<<endl;
352 #endif
353 	}
354     }
355   if(verbose>1)
356     {
357       cout<<"After els sieving, nelsgens = " << nelsgens;
358       cout << endl;
360       cout<<"2-rank of S^{phi";      if(which) cout<<"'";
361       cout<<"}(E";                   if(!which) cout<<"'";
362       cout<<") = "<<nelsgens<<endl;
364       if(nelsgens>0) cout<<"(els)gens: "<<elsgens<<endl;
365       //      cout<<"mask = "<<mask<<endl;
366     }
367   if(which)
368     {
369       elsgens1=elsgens; mask1=mask; els1=nelsgens;
370     }
371   else
372     {
373       elsgens0=elsgens; mask0=mask; els0=nelsgens;
374     }
375 }
377 // Second local descent: determine
378 // phi'(S^2(E)) in S^(phi)(E')   if which==0
379 // phi(S^2(E')) in S^(phi')(E)   if which==1
find_els2gens(int which,const bigint & c,const bigint & d)381 void rank2::find_els2gens(int which, const bigint& c, const bigint& d)
382 {
383   if (verbose>1)
384     {
385       if(which) cout<<"\n";
386       cout<<"Finding els2 gens for E"; if(which) cout<<"'";
387       cout<<" (c"; if(which) cout<<"'";
388       cout<<"= "<<c<<", d"; if(which) cout<<"'";
389       cout<<"= "<<d<<") which lift to S^2(E";
390       if(which) cout<<"'"; cout<<")"<<endl;
391     }
393   vector<bigint>& elsgens = (which? elsgens1: elsgens0);
394   long nelsgens        = (which? els1: els0);
395   long nt2gens         = (which? nt2gens1: nt2gens0);
397   bigint d1, d2, badp, x,y,z;
398   unsigned long els2mask; long index;
399   long maxn=1<<nelsgens, nels2gens=0, els2piv;
400   vector<bigint> els2gens;
401   bitspace els2_space(nelsgens);
403 // first record the torsion contribution:
405   for(index=0; index<nt2gens; index++)
406     {
407 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
408       d1=elsgens[index];
409       if(verbose>1) cout<<"Processing torsion d1 = " << d1 << ":"<<endl;
410 #endif
411       els2mask=(1<<index);
412       if(els2_space.mask(els2mask)) continue;  // we work mod the els2 subgp
413       els2piv=els2_space.reduce(els2mask);
414       if(els2piv<0) continue; // means we're in the subgp; won't happen
415 #ifndef DEBUG_ELS // else done earlier
416       d1=elsgens[index];
417 #endif
418       els2gens.push_back(d1); nels2gens++;
419       els2_space.augment(els2mask,els2piv);
420       if(verbose>1) cout<<"Adding (torsion) els2 generator #"<<(nels2gens)
421 			<<": d1 = " << d1 <<endl;
422 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
423       else
424 	cout<<"Just incremented nels2gens  to "<<nels2gens<<endl;
425       cout<<"now bitmask = "<<els2_space.getbitmask()<<endl;
426 #endif
427     } // end of torsion loop
429   int res, verb=0; if(verbose>2)verb=verbose-2;
430   // reduced verbosity level within desc2()
432   for(index=1; (index<maxn)&&(nels2gens<nelsgens); index++)
433     {
434 // First mask against known els2 subgroup:
435       if(els2_space.mask(index)) continue;  // we work mod the els2 subgp
436       els2mask=index;
437       els2piv=els2_space.reduce(els2mask);
438 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
439       cout<<"index = "<<index<<endl;
440       cout<<"els2mask = "<<els2mask<<endl;
441       cout<<"els2piv  = "<<els2piv <<endl;
442 #endif
443       if(els2piv<0) continue; // means w're in the els2 subgp; won't happen
444       d1 = makenum(elsgens,index);
445       d2 = d/d1;
446 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
447       if(verbose>1) cout<<"Processing d1 = " << d1 << ":\t";
448 #endif
449       if(which)
450 	res = 1+desc2(c,d1,d2,badprimes,supp0,elsgens0,mask0,lim2,x,y,z,verb,1);
451       else
452 	res = 1+desc2(c,d1,d2,badprimes,supp1,elsgens1,mask1,lim2,x,y,z,verb,1);
453 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
454       if(verbose>1) cout<<"res = " << res << endl;
455 #endif
456       if(res)
457 	{
458 	  els2gens.push_back(d1); nels2gens++;
459 	  els2_space.augment(els2mask,els2piv);
460 #ifdef DEBUG_ELS
461 	  cout<<"now bitmask = "<<els2_space.getbitmask()<<endl;
462 #endif
463 	  if(verbose>1)
464 	    cout<<"Adding els2 generator #"<<nels2gens<<": d1 = " << d1<<endl;
465 	}
466     }
468   if(verbose>1)
469     {
470       cout<<"After els2 sieving, nels2gens = " << nels2gens;
471       cout << endl;
473       cout<<"2-rank of phi";if(!which) cout<<"'";
474       cout<<"(S^2(E";       if(which) cout<<"'";
475       cout<<")) = "<<nels2gens<<endl;
477       if(nels2gens>0) cout<<"(els2)gens: "<<els2gens<<endl;
478     }
479   if(which)
480     {
481       els2gens1=els2gens; els21=nels2gens;
482     }
483   else
484     {
485       els2gens0=els2gens; els20=nels2gens;
486     }
487 }
find_glsgens(int which,const bigint & c,const bigint & d)489 void rank2::find_glsgens(int which, const bigint& c, const bigint& d)
490 {
491   vector<bigint>& elsgens = (which? els2gens1: els2gens0);
492   long nelsgens        = (which? els21: els20);
493   long nt2gens         = (which? nt2gens1: nt2gens0);
494   vector<bigint> gls_gens;
495   bitspace gls_space(nelsgens);
496   long glspiv, maxn = 1<<nelsgens;
497   long nglsgens=0;
498   unsigned long glsmask;
499   long index, stage, nstages=1; if(do_second_descent) nstages=2;
500   long shortfall1, shortfall2;
501   bigint d1, d2;
502   int res;
504 // first record the torsion contribution:
506   for(index=0; index<nt2gens; index++)
507     {
508       glsmask=(1<<index);
509       d1=elsgens[index];
510       glspiv=gls_space.reduce(glsmask);
511       if(glspiv<0)
512 	{
513 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
514 	  cout<<"d1="<<d1<<": known gls (torsion)"<<endl;
515 #endif
516 	  continue; // as we are certainly in the gls subgroup
517 	}
518       if(verbose>1)
519 	{
520 	  cout<<"Adding (torsion) gls generator #"<<(nglsgens+1)
521 	      <<": d1 = " << d1 <<endl;
522 	}
523       gls_gens.push_back(d1); nglsgens++;
524       gls_space.augment(glsmask,glspiv);
525 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
526       cout<<"Just incremented nglsgens to "<<nglsgens<<endl;
527 #endif
528     } // end of torsion loop
530 // Next test all first descent curves for global solubility (stage 1)
531 // and (optionally) do a second descent (stage 2) on unsuccessful ones.
533 // The next lines are in case torsion accounts for everything,
534 // as then the following loop is not executed at all:
535   shortfall1 = 0;  shortfall2 = 0;
536   if(which)
537     {gls1=gls21=nglsgens;}
538   else
539     {gls0=gls20=nglsgens;}
541   if((nglsgens==nelsgens)&&verbose)
542     cout<<"This component of the rank is 0\n";
544   for(stage=1; (stage<=nstages)&&(nglsgens<nelsgens); stage++)
545     {
546       if(verbose&&do_second_descent)
547 	{
548 	  if(stage==1)
549 	    cout << "First stage (no second descent yet)..."<<endl;
550 	  else
551 	    cout << "Second stage (using second descent)..."<<endl;
552 	}
553       for(index=1; (index<maxn)&&(nglsgens<nelsgens); index++)
554 	{
555 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
556 	  d1 = makenum(elsgens,index);  // do it now for output purposes
557 	  cout<<"index="<<setbase(16)<<index<<setbase(10);
558 	  cout<<"\td1 = "<<d1<<":\t";
559 #endif
560 // First mask against gls subgroup:
561 	  glsmask=index;
562 	  glspiv=gls_space.reduce(glsmask);
563 	  if(glspiv<0)
564 	    {
565 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
566 	      cout<<"known to be gls"<<endl;
567 #endif
568 	      continue; // as we are certainly in the gls subgroup
569 	    }
570 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
571 	  cout<<"not known gls"
572 	      <<", mask="<<setbase(16)<<glsmask<<setbase(10)
573 	      <<endl;
574 	  cout<<"Keeping j="<<glspiv
575 	      <<" with mask "<<setbase(16)<<glsmask<<setbase(10)
576 	      <<" for possible use as pivot"<<endl;
577 #else
578 	  d1 = makenum(elsgens,index);  // else we did it earlier
579 #endif
580 	  d2 = d/d1;
581 	  if(stage==1) res = testquartic(c,d1,d2,which);
582 	  else         res = second_descent(c,d1,d2,which);
583 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
584 	  cout<<"result = "<<res<<endl;
585 #endif
586 	  switch(res){
587 	  case -1: // should not happen
588 	    {
589 	      cout<<"Problem in 2nd descent!" <<endl;
590               success=0;
591               return;
592 	    }
593 	  case 0: // no point found, nothing to do
594 	    {
595 	      break;
596 	    }
597 	  case 1:
598 	    {
599 	      gls_space.augment(glsmask, glspiv);
600 	      gls_gens.push_back(d1);
601 	      nglsgens++;
602 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
603 	      cout<<"Just incremented nglsgens to "<<nglsgens<<endl;
604 #endif
605 	      if(verbose>1)
606 		{
607 		  cout<<"Adding gls generator #"<<(nglsgens)
608 		      <<": d1 = " << d1;
609 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
610 		  cout<<" (g_pos = "<<glspiv<<", g_gen = "
611 		      <<setbase(16)<<glsmask<<setbase(10)<<")";
612 #endif
613 		  cout<<endl;
614 		}
615 	      break;
616 	    }
617 	  } // end of switch(res)
618 	}   // end of index loop
619 #ifdef DEBUG_GLS
620       cout<<"At bottom of index loop\n";
621       cout<<"nglsgens = "<<nglsgens<<"\tgls_gens = ";
622       cout << gls_gens << endl;
623 #endif
624       if(stage==1) // finished stage 1, i.e. first descent
625 	{
626 	  shortfall1 = nelsgens-nglsgens;
627 	  if(verbose)
628 	    {
629 	      cout << "After first global descent, this component of the rank";
630 	      if(shortfall1)
631 		{
632 		  cout << "\n\thas lower bound " << nglsgens-nt2gens
633 		       << "\n\tand upper bound " << nelsgens-nt2gens
634 		       << "\n\t(difference =   " << shortfall1 << ")\n";
635 		  if(nstages==2)
636 		    cout<<"Second descent will attempt to reduce this"<<endl;
637 		}
638 	      else
639 		cout << " = " << nelsgens <<endl;
640 	      if(verbose>1) cout<<endl;
641 	    }
642 	  if(which)
643 	      gls1=gls21=nglsgens;
644 	  else
645 	      gls0=gls20=nglsgens;
646 	}
647       else // finished stage==2, i.e. 2nd descent
648 	{
649 	  shortfall2 = nelsgens-nglsgens;
650 	  if(verbose)
651 	    {
652 	      cout << "After second global descent, this component of the rank";
653 	      if(shortfall2)
654 		{
655 		  cout << "\n\thas lower bound " << nglsgens-nt2gens
656 		       << "\n\tand upper bound " << nelsgens-nt2gens
657 		       << "\n\t(difference =   " << shortfall2 << ")\n";
658 		}
659 	      else
660 		cout << " = " << nelsgens <<endl;
661 	      if(verbose>1) cout<<endl;
662 	    }
663 	  if(which)
664 	    gls21=nglsgens;
665 	  else
666 	    gls20=nglsgens;
667 	}
669     }  // end of stage loop
671   if(which)
672       glsgens1=gls_gens;
673   else
674       glsgens0=gls_gens;
676   if(verbose>1)
677     {
678       cout<<"After gls sieving, nglsgens = " << nglsgens << endl;
679       cout<< "shortfall in rank from first  descent = "<<shortfall1<<endl;
680       if(do_second_descent)
681 	cout<< "shortfall in rank from second descent = "<<shortfall2<<endl;
682       if(nglsgens>0) cout<<"(gls)gens: "<<gls_gens<<endl;
683     }
684 }
local_descent(const bigint & x0)686 void rank2::local_descent(const bigint& x0)
687 {
688   bigint c,d,cdash,ddash,disc,rootd;
689   const bigint zero = BIGINT(0), two=BIGINT(2), minusone=BIGINT(-1);
691   c =  3 * x0 + s2;
692   d = x0*(c+s2) + s4;
693   cdash = - 2 * c;
694   ddash = c*c -  4*d;
695   disc = 2*d*ddash;
696   if (is_zero(disc)) // this should have been caught by the calling program!
697     {
698       cerr << "Curve is singular"<<endl;
699       success = 0;
700       return;
701     }
703   if(verbose>1)
704     {
705       cout<<"(c,d)  =("<<c<<","<<d<<")"<<endl;
706       cout<<"(c',d')=("<<cdash<<","<<ddash<<")"<<endl;
707     }
709   ee     = Curvedata(zero,  c,  zero,  d,  zero);
710   eedash = Curvedata(zero,cdash,zero,ddash,zero);
711   Eprime = Curvedata(eedash,1); // minimal model
712   if(verbose)
713     {
714     cout<<"Using 2-isogenous curve "<<(Curve)(eedash);
715     if (eedash!=Eprime)
716       cout<<" (minimal model "<<(Curve)(Eprime)<<")";
717     cout<<endl;
718     }
719   supp0 = pdivs(d);
720   supp1 = pdivs(ddash);
721   badprimes.clear();
722   set_union(supp0.begin(),supp0.end(),supp1.begin(),supp1.end(),back_inserter(badprimes));
723   if(find(badprimes.begin(),badprimes.end(),two)==badprimes.end())
724     badprimes.insert(badprimes.begin(),two);
725   //  cout<<"supp0="<<supp0<<", supp1="<<supp1<<endl;
726   //   cout<<"badprimes="<<badprimes<<endl;
727   // NB -1 MUST be the first entry in the supports!
728   supp0.insert(supp0.begin(),minusone);
729   supp1.insert(supp1.begin(),minusone);
730   //   cout<<"supp0="<<supp0<<", supp1="<<supp1<<endl;
732   d_is_sq = ddash_is_sq = 0;
733   if(isqrt(ddash,rootd))
734   {
735     ddash_is_sq=1;
736     e2 = (-c-rootd)/2;
737     e3 = (-c+rootd)/2;
738   }
739   if(isqrt(d,rootd))
740   {
741     d_is_sq=1;
742     e2dash = c-2*rootd;
743     e3dash = c+2*rootd;
744   }
746   if(verbose)
747     {
748       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
749       cout<<"First step, determining 1st descent Selmer groups\n";
750       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
751     }
752   //  cout<<"Calling find_elsgens(0,...)"<<endl;
753   find_elsgens(0,c,d);
754   if (!success) return;
755   //  cout<<"Calling find_elsgens(1,...)"<<endl;
756   find_elsgens(1,cdash,ddash);
757   if (!success) return;
758   selmer_rank_phi_Eprime = els0;
759   selmer_rank_phiprime_E = els1;
760   rank_bound = els0+els1-2;
762   if(verbose)
763     {
764       cout<<"After first local descent, rank bound = "<<rank_bound<<"\n";
765       cout<<"rk(S^{phi}(E'))=\t"<<selmer_rank_phi_Eprime<<endl;
766       cout<<"rk(S^{phi'}(E))=\t"<<selmer_rank_phiprime_E<<endl;
767       cout<<endl;
768       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
769       cout<<"Second step, determining 2nd descent Selmer groups\n";
770       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
771     }
773   if((rank_bound==0)||(!do_second_descent))
774     {
775       els20=els0; els21=els1;
776       els2gens0=elsgens0; els2gens1=elsgens1;
777       if(verbose)
778 	{
779 	  if(do_second_descent)
780 	    cout<<"...skipping since we already know rank=0"<<endl;
781 	  else
782 	    cout<<"...skipping -- no second descent requested"<<endl;
783 	}
784     }
785   else
786     {
787       find_els2gens(0,c,d);
788       find_els2gens(1,cdash,ddash);
789       rank_bound = els20+els21-2;
790     }
791 // NB these are only upper bounds if !do_second_descent
792   selmer_rank = els1+els20-1+ddash_is_sq;
793   selmer_rank_Eprime = els0+els21-1+d_is_sq;
794   if(verbose)
795     {
796       if(do_second_descent)
797 	{
798 	  cout<<"After second local descent, rank bound = "<<rank_bound<<"\n";
799 	  cout<<"rk(phi'(S^{2}(E)))=\t"<<els20<<endl;
800 	  cout<<"rk(phi(S^{2}(E')))=\t"<<els21<<endl;
801 	  cout<<"rk(S^{2}(E))=\t"<<selmer_rank<<endl;
802 	  cout<<"rk(S^{2}(E'))=\t"<<selmer_rank_Eprime<<endl;
803 	  cout<<endl;
804 	}
805       else
806 	{
807 	  cout<<"No second local descent done, rank bound = "<<rank_bound<<"\n";
808 	  cout<<"rk(phi'(S^{2}(E)))<=\t"<<els20<<endl;
809 	  cout<<"rk(phi(S^{2}(E')))<=\t"<<els21<<endl;
810 	  cout<<"rk(S^{2}(E))<=\t"<<selmer_rank<<endl;
811 	  cout<<"rk(S^{2}(E'))<=\t"<<selmer_rank_Eprime<<endl;
812 	  cout<<endl;
813 	}
814     }
815 }
rank2(Curvedata * ec,int verb,int sel,long l1,long l2,int second)817 rank2::rank2(Curvedata* ec, int verb, int sel, long l1, long l2, int second)
818   : rank12(ec,verb,sel,l1,l2,0,second)
819 {
820   bigint a1, a2, a3, a4, a6;
821   ec->getai(a1,a2,a3,a4,a6);
822   fullnpoints = npoints = 0;
823   rank = 0;            // default value if failure occurs
824   int best_isogeny=0, best_rank_bound=999999;
826   success = 1;
827   int n, scaled=0;
828   if (odd(a1) || odd(a3))
829     { s2= a1*a1+ 4*a2;
830       s4=  8*(a1*a3+ 2*a4);
831       s6= 16*(a3*a3+ 4*a6);
832       scaled=1;
833     }
834   else
835     { s2=a2; s4=a4; s6=a6;
836     }
838   vector<bigint> xlist = Introotscubic(s2,s4,s6);
839   ntwo_torsion = xlist.size();
840   if (ntwo_torsion==0)
841     {
842       success=0;
843       if (verbose) cerr << "No points of order 2, cannot create rank2 class"<<endl;
844       return;
845     }
847   if(verbose) cout << "\n" << ntwo_torsion << " points of order 2:\n";
849   // If there are 3 points of order 2, we order them (for consistency:
850   // otherwise the order can be machine dependent)
851   if(ntwo_torsion==3) sort(xlist.begin(),xlist.end());
853   two_torsion.resize(ntwo_torsion);
854   for(n=0; n<ntwo_torsion; n++)
855     {
856       bigint ei = xlist[n];
857       if(scaled) two_torsion[n].init(the_curve,2*ei,-a1*ei-4*a3,BIGINT(8));
858       else two_torsion[n].init(the_curve,ei,BIGINT(0),BIGINT(1));
859       if(verbose)
860 	{ if(n>0) cout<<", "; cout<<two_torsion[n];}
861     }
862   if(verbose)cout<<endl<<endl;
864   long mw0,mw1,sel0,sel1,sha0,sha1,sel20,sel21,sha20,sha21,lindex;
866  // we loop over the different 2-isogenies (if there are 3), doing the
867  // local descent 3 times to get the best rank bound (or stopping if
868  // that bound is 0).
870   // Fudge: we have to repeat the best one if it was not the last in
871   // order to get the class-global variables right for the global
872   // descent.  This should obviously be fixed.
874   // The relevant variables are:
875   // ee,eedash,supp0,supp1,badprimes,d_is_sq,ddash_is_sq,
876   // e2,e3,e2dash,e3dash,els20,els21,elsgens0,elsgens1
878   for(n=0; n<ntwo_torsion; n++)
879     {
880       if(verbose&&(ntwo_torsion>1))
881 	{
882 	  cout<<"****************************"<<endl;
883 	  cout<<"* Using 2-isogeny number "<<(n+1)<<" *"<<endl;
884 	  cout<<"****************************\n"<<endl;
885 	}
886       local_descent(xlist[n]);
887       if (!success)
888         {
889           if (verbose) cout << "Failure in local descent"<<endl;
890         return;
891         }
892       if((n==0)||(rank_bound<=best_rank_bound))
893 	{
894 	  best_rank_bound=rank_bound;
895 	  best_isogeny=n;
896 	}
897       if(best_rank_bound==0) break;
898     }
900   int rerun_needed=(rank_bound>best_rank_bound);
901   rank_bound=best_rank_bound;
903   if(verbose&&best_isogeny>0)
904     {
905       cout<<"After second local descent, combined upper bound on rank = "
906 	  <<rank_bound<<"\n";
907     }
909   if(selmer_only) // Nothing more to do in this case
910     {
911       rank=0;
912       certain=(rank_bound==0);
913     }
914   else // do the global stages...
915     {
917       // Redo the best local descent if necessary
918       bigint x0=xlist[best_isogeny];
919       if(rerun_needed)
920 	{
921 	  if(verbose) cout<<"Rerunning the local descent for isogeny number "
922 			  <<(best_isogeny+1)
923 			  << ", which gave the best upper bound on the rank"
924 			  <<endl;
925 	  local_descent(x0);
926 	}
928   bigint c =  3 * x0 + s2;
929   bigint d = x0*(c+s2) + s4;
930   bigint cdash = - 2 * c;
931   bigint ddash = c*c -  4*d;
933   if(verbose)
934     {
935       cout<<"Third step, determining E(Q)/phi(E'(Q)) and E'(Q)/phi'(E(Q))\n";
936       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
937       cout<<"1. E(Q)/phi(E'(Q))\n";
938       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
939     }
941   if(verbose)
942     {
943       cout<<"(c,d)  =("<<c<<","<<d<<")"<<endl;
944       cout<<"(c',d')=("<<cdash<<","<<ddash<<")"<<endl;
945     }
947   find_glsgens(0,c,d);
948   if (!success)
949     {
950       if (verbose) cout << "Failure in global descent with c,d="<<c<<","<<d<<endl;
951       return;
952     }
954   npoints1=npoints;
955   if(verbose)
956     {
957       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
958       cout<<"2. E'(Q)/phi'(E(Q))\n";
959       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
960     }
961   find_glsgens(1,cdash,ddash);
962   if (!success)
963     {
964       if (verbose) cout << "Failure in global descent with c',d'="<<cdash<<","<<ddash<<endl;
965       return;
966     }
968 //Debug only:
969 /*
970 cout<<"gls20 = "<<gls20<<endl;
971 cout<<"gls21 = "<<gls21<<endl;
972 cout<<"els0 = "<<els0<<endl;
973 cout<<"els1 = "<<els1<<endl;
974 cout<<"els20 = "<<els20<<endl;
975 cout<<"els21 = "<<els21<<endl;
976 */
978   rank        = gls20+gls21-2; // lower bound for rank
979 //rank_bound  = els20+els21-2; // upper bound for rank, from above
981   mw0 = 1<<gls20;
982   sel0 = 1<<els0;    sha0=sel0/mw0;
983   sel20 = 1<<els20;  sha20=sel20/mw0;
985 // gls20  is the 2-rank of E/phi(E')                    (lower bound)
986 // els0   is the 2-rank of S^(phi)(E')                  (exact)
987 // els20  is the 2-rank of its subgroup phi'(S^(2)(E))  (exact if 2nd descent)
988 // els0-gls20  is the 2-rank of III(E')[phi)                 (upper bound)
989 // els20-gls20 is the 2-rank of its subgroup phi'(III(E)[2]) (upper bound)
991   mw1 = 1<<gls21;
992   sel1 = 1<<els1;  sha1=sel1/mw1;
993   sel21 = 1<<els21;  sha21=sel21/mw1;
995 // gls21   is the 2-rank of E'/phi'(E)                   (lower bound)
996 // els1    is the 2-rank of S^(phi')(E)                  (exact)
997 // els21   is the 2-rank of its subgroup phi(S^(2)(E'))  (exact if 2nd descent)
998 // els1-gls21  is the 2-rank of III(E)[phi']                 (upper bound)
999 // els21-gls21 is the 2-rank of its subgroup phi(III(E')[2]) (upper bound)
1001   index2=mw0*mw1;
1002   lindex=gls20+gls21;
1003   if(!ddash_is_sq) {index2/=2; lindex-=1;}
1005   int certain0 = (els20==gls20); // i.e. descent was conclusive
1006   int certain1 = (els21==gls21); //
1007   certain = certain0&&certain1;
1009   if (verbose)
1010     {
1011       cout<<"\n";
1012       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
1013       cout<<"Summary of results:\n";
1014       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
1016       if(certain) cout << "\trank(E) " << "= " << rank;
1017       else        cout << "\t"<<rank<< " <= rank(E) <= " << rank_bound;
1018       cout<<"\n";
1019       cout << "\t#E(Q)/2E(Q) ";
1020       if(!certain) cout<<">";
1021       cout<<"= " << index2 << "\n\n";
1023       long lb, ub; int lb1, eq;
1025       if(do_second_descent)
1026 	{
1027       cout<<"Information on III(E/Q):\n";
1029       lb = 1; lb1=1; ub = sha1; eq=(lb==ub);
1030       cout<<"\t#III(E/Q)[phi']    ";
1031       if(eq) cout<<"= "<<ub<<"\n";
1032       else
1033 	{
1034 	  if(lb1) cout<<"<= "<<ub<<"\n";
1035 	  else    cout<<"is between "<<lb<<" and "<<ub<<"\n";
1036 	}
1038       lb = sel1/sel21; lb1=(lb==1); ub = sha1*sha20; eq=(lb==ub);
1039       cout<<"\t#III(E/Q)[2]       ";
1040       if(eq) cout<<"= "<<ub<<"\n";
1041       else
1042 	{
1043 	  if(lb1) cout<<"<= "<<ub<<"\n";
1044 	  else    cout<<"is between "<<lb<<" and "<<ub<<"\n";
1045 	}
1046       cout<<endl;
1048       cout<<"Information on III(E'/Q):\n";
1050       lb = 1; lb1=1; ub = sha20; eq = (lb==ub);
1051       cout<<"\t#phi'(III(E/Q)[2]) ";
1052       if(!eq) cout<<"<";
1053       cout<<"= " << ub << "\n";
1055       lb = sel0/sel20; lb1=(lb==1); ub = sha0; eq=(lb==ub);
1056       cout<<"\t#III(E'/Q)[phi]    ";
1057       if(eq) cout<<"= "<<ub<<"\n";
1058       else
1059 	{
1060 	  if(lb1) cout<<"<= "<<ub<<"\n";
1061 	  else    cout<<"is between "<<lb<<" and "<<ub<<"\n";
1062 	}
1064       lb = sel0/sel20; lb1=(lb==1); ub = sha0*sha21; eq=(lb==ub);
1065       cout<<"\t#III(E'/Q)[2]      ";
1066       if(eq) cout<<"= "<<ub<<"\n";
1067       else
1068 	{
1069 	  if(lb1) cout<<"<= "<<ub<<"\n";
1070 	  else    cout<<"is between "<<lb<<" and "<<ub<<"\n";
1071 	}
1072       cout<<endl;
1073 	}  // end of do_second_descent branch
1074       else
1075 	{
1076       cout<<"Information on III(E/Q):\n";
1078       ub = sha1;
1079       if(ub==1) cout<<"\t III(E/Q)[phi'] is trivial\n";
1080       else cout<<"\t#III(E/Q)[phi'] <= " << ub << "\n";
1082       ub = sha0*sha1;
1083       if(ub==1) cout<<"\t III(E/Q)[2]    is trivial\n";
1084       else cout<<"\t#III(E/Q)[2]    <= " << ub << "\n";
1086       cout<<"Information on III(E'/Q):\n";
1088       ub = sha0;
1089       if(ub==1) cout<<"\t III(E'/Q)[phi] is trivial\n";
1090       else cout<<"\t#III(E'/Q)[phi] <= " << ub << "\n";
1092       ub = sha0*sha1;
1093       if(ub==1) cout<<"\t III(E'/Q)[2]   is trivial\n";
1094       else cout<<"\t#III(E'/Q)[2]   <= " << ub << "\n";
1096       cout<<endl;
1097 	}  // end of no_second_descent branch
1099     }
1101   if(npoints>0) makegens();
1102   if(rank<=MAX_R)makepoints();
1103     }  // end of "else" clause after if(selmer_only)
1104 }
makegens()1106 void rank2::makegens()
1107 {
1108   Curvedata ee_min;
1109   bigint u, r, s, t, x, y, z; int i;
1110   ee_min=ee.minimalize(u,r,s,t);
1111   if(verbose)
1112     {
1113       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
1114       cout << "\nList of points on E = " << (Curve)ee_min << ":\n";
1115       cout<<"\nI.  Points on E mod phi(E')\n";
1116       if(npoints1==0) cout << "--none (modulo torsion).\n\n";
1117     }
1118   for(i=0; i<npoints; i++)
1119     {
1120       if(verbose&&(i==npoints1)) {cout<<"\nII. Points on phi(E') mod 2E\n";}
1121       Point q = transform(pointlist[i],the_curve,u,r,s,t);
1122       bigfloat h = height(q);
1123       int valid = q.isvalid();
1124       if(verbose||!valid) cout << "Point " << q << ", height = " << h;
1125       if(!valid) cout << " --warning: NOT on curve!";
1126       if(verbose||!valid) cout << "\n";
1127       pointlist[i]=q;
1128     }
1129   if(verbose&&(npoints1==npoints))
1130     {
1131       cout<<"\nII.  Points on phi(E') mod 2E\n";
1132       cout << "--none (modulo torsion).\n\n";
1133     }
1134 }
listgens()1136 void rank2::listgens()
1137 {
1138   long i;
1139   cout << "List of generators of E(Q)/2E(Q) for E = "
1140        << (Curve)(*the_curve) << ": \n";
1141   for(i=0; i<npoints; i++)
1142     {
1143       Point p = pointlist[i];
1144       cout << "Point " <<
1145 	//	    "on " <<  (Curve)(*CD_orig) << ": " <<
1146 	p;
1147       bigfloat h = height(p);
1148       cout << ", height = " << h;
1149       if(!p.isvalid()) cout << " --warning: NOT on curve!";
1150       cout << "\n";
1151     }
1152 }
listgens(Curvedata * CD_orig,const bigint & u,const bigint & r,const bigint & s,const bigint & t)1154 void rank2::listgens(Curvedata* CD_orig, const bigint& u, const bigint& r,
1155 		     const bigint& s, const bigint& t)
1156 {
1157   long i;
1158   cout << "List of generators of E(Q)/2E(Q) (mod torsion) for E = "
1159        << (Curve)(*CD_orig) << ": \n";
1160   for(i=0; i<npoints; i++)
1161     {
1162       Point p = transform(pointlist[i],CD_orig,u,r,s,t,1);
1163       cout << "Point " << (i+1) <<
1164 	//	    "on " <<  (Curve)(*CD_orig) <<
1165 	": " << p;
1166       bigfloat h = height(p);
1167       cout << ", height = " << h;
1168       if(!p.isvalid()) cout << " --warning: NOT on curve!";
1169       cout << "\n";
1170     }
1171 }
makepoints()1173 void rank2::makepoints()
1174 {
1175   if(fullnpoints>0) return;   // avoids calling this twice
1176   int i, j;
1177   long smallindex = index2/(1+ntwo_torsion);
1178   fullnpoints=1;         // will be smallindex
1179   fullpointlist.resize(smallindex);
1180   fullpointlist[0]=Point(the_curve);
1182   if(verbose&&(rank>0))
1183     {
1184       cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------\n";
1185       cout << "Computing full set of "<<smallindex<<" coset representatives for\n";
1186       cout << "2E(Q) in E(Q) (modulo torsion), and sorting into height order...." << flush;
1187     }
1188   for(i=0; i<rank; i++)
1189     {
1190       for(j=0; j<fullnpoints; j++)
1191 	fullpointlist[j+fullnpoints] = fullpointlist[j]+pointlist[i];
1192       fullnpoints*=2;
1193     }
1194   if(fullnpoints!=smallindex)
1195     {
1196       cout << "Problem: index = " << index2 << " but " <<fullnpoints<<" cosets\n";
1197     }
1198 //
1199 // Now reorder points into increasing height order:
1200 //
1201   for(i=0; i<fullnpoints; i++)
1202     for(j=i+1; j<fullnpoints; j++)
1203       if(height(fullpointlist[j])<height(fullpointlist[i]))
1204 	{
1205 	  Point temp = fullpointlist[i];
1206 	  fullpointlist[i]=fullpointlist[j];
1207 	  fullpointlist[j]=temp;
1208 	}
1209   if(verbose&&(rank>0))  cout << "done.\n" << endl;
1210 }
listpoints()1212 void rank2::listpoints()
1213 {
1214   makepoints();
1215   cout << "Points on curve E = " << (Curve)(*the_curve)
1216        << " covering E(Q)/2E(Q), modulo torsion:";
1217   if(rank==0) cout<<" none.";
1218   else
1219     if(rank>MAX_R)
1220       cout << "Too many to list ("<<fullnpoints<<" mod torsion)\n";
1221     else
1222     {
1223       cout<<"\n"<<fullnpoints<<" points, [0:1:0] and:\n";
1224       for (long i=1; i<fullnpoints; i++)
1225 	{
1226 	  Point p = fullpointlist[i];
1227 	  cout << "Point " << p;
1228 	  bigfloat h = height(p);
1229 	  cout << ", height = " << h;
1230 	  if(!p.isvalid()) {cout << " --warning: NOT on curve! " ;}
1231 	  cout << "\n";
1232 	}
1233     }
1234   cout<<"\n\n";
1235 }
listpoints(Curvedata * CD_orig,const bigint & u,const bigint & r,const bigint & s,const bigint & t)1237 void rank2::listpoints(Curvedata* CD_orig, const bigint& u, const bigint& r,
1238 		                           const bigint& s, const bigint& t)
1239 {
1240   makepoints();
1241   cout << "Points on original curve E = " << (Curve)(*CD_orig)
1242        << " covering E(Q)/2E(Q), modulo torsion:";
1243   if(rank==0) cout<<" none.";
1244   else if(rank>MAX_R)
1245     cout << "Too many to list ("<<fullnpoints<<" mod torsion)\n";
1246   else
1247     {
1248       cout<<"\n"<<fullnpoints<<" points:"<<endl;
1249       for (long i=1; i<fullnpoints; i++)
1250 	{
1251 	  Point p0 = fullpointlist[i];
1252 //	  cout << "Point on " <<  (Curve)(*the_curve) << ": " << p0;
1253 //	  if(!p0.isvalid()) cout << " --warning: NOT on curve!";
1254 //	  cout << "\n";
1255 	  Point p = transform(p0,CD_orig,u,r,s,t,1);
1256 	  cout << "Point " <<
1257 	    //	    "on " <<  (Curve)(*CD_orig) << ": " <<
1258 	    p;
1259 	  bigfloat h = height(p);
1260 	  cout << ", height = " << h;
1261 	  if(!p.isvalid()) cout << " --warning: NOT on curve!";
1262 	  cout << "\n";
1263 	}
1264     }
1265   cout<<"\n\n";
1266 }