1 // points.cc:  implementations for Point class for points on elliptic curves
2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 //
4 // Copyright 1990-2012 John Cremona
5 //
6 // This file is part of the eclib package.
7 //
8 // eclib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
11 // option) any later version.
12 //
13 // eclib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16 // for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 // along with eclib; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
20 // Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
21 //
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 // originally adapted from Elliptic.cc by Oisin McGuiness
26 #include <eclib/points.h>  // which includes curve.h
27 #include <eclib/cperiods.h>
28 #include <NTL/RR.h>   // for the realify_point() function
30 //#define DEBUG_TORSION
32 //
33 // Point member functions
34 //
36 // Shifts P via T = (u, r, s, t) on to newc.
37 // N.B. Assumes that (1) T(P.E) = newc
38 //                   (2) T(P) is on newc
39 // "back" means use reverse transform
transform(const Point & P,Curvedata * newc,const bigint & u,const bigint & r,const bigint & s,const bigint & t,int back)41 Point transform(const Point& P, Curvedata* newc,
42 		const bigint& u,
43 		const bigint& r, const bigint& s, const bigint& t,
44 		int back)
45 {
46   if(P.is_zero()) return Point(newc);
47   if(!P.isvalid())
48     cout << "Attempting to trabsform the point " << P
49 	 << "which is not a valid point on its curve " << P.getcurve() << "!\n";
50   Point Q(newc,transform(P,u,r,s,t,back));
51   if(!Q.isvalid())
52     {
53       cout << "Result of transforming the point " << P << " on curve "<<(Curve)*(P.E) << " via [u,r,s,t]=["<<u<<","<<r<<","<<s<<","<<t<<"]";
54       if(back) cout<<" (inverse) ";
55       cout << " is " << Q << " which is not a valid point on its curve "
56 	   << (Curve)(*newc) << "!\n";
57     }
58   return Q;
59 }
61 // Genuine elliptic curve point functions:
63 // addition and subtraction
operator +=(const Point & Q)64 void Point::operator+=(const Point& Q)  // P += Q;
65 {
66   Point sum = (*this) + Q ;
67   E = sum.E; X = sum.X; Y = sum.Y; Z = sum.Z; reduce();
68   ord = 0; height = -1;
69 }
operator -=(const Point & Q)71 void Point::operator-=(const Point& Q)  // P -= Q ;
72 {
73   Point sum = -Q;  sum+=(*this);
74   E = sum.E; X = sum.X; Y = sum.Y; Z = sum.Z; reduce();
75   ord = 0; height = -1;
76 }
operator +(const Point & Q) const78 Point Point::operator+(const Point& Q) const // P + Q
79 {
80   Point ans(E);
81   // make sure that both points are on the same curve
82   if(E != Q.E){
83     cerr << "## Can't add points on different curves!" << endl;
84     return ans;
85   }
86   // NOTE: we don't do any reductions here, but rely on assignment to do it
87   // check special cases first
88   if(Z==0) return Q ;
89   if(Q.is_zero()) return *this ;
90   if(eq(*this , Q))      {return Q.twice();}
91   Point minusQ=-Q;
92   if(eq(*this , minusQ)) {return ans;}       // zero
94   // we now have genuine work to do
95   // let's set up some local variables to avoid repeated references
96   // coefficients
97   bigint A1,A2,A3,A4,A6;  E->getai(A1,A2,A3,A4,A6);
98   // coordinates of P
99   const bigint& X1 = X ;
100   const bigint& Y1 = Y ;
101   const bigint& Z1 = Z ;
102   // coordinates of Q
103   const bigint& X2 = Q.X ;
104   const bigint& Y2 = Q.Y ;
105   const bigint& Z2 = Q.Z ;
106   const bigint& Z12 = Z1 * Z2 ;
108   const bigint& L = - Y2 * Z1 + Y1 * Z2 ;    /* lambda */
109   const bigint& M = - X2 * Z1 + X1 * Z2 ;    /* mu    */
110   const bigint& N = - Y1 * X2 + Y2 * X1 ;    /* nu   */
112   const bigint& Mz =  M * M * Z12  ;
114   const bigint& t = L * L * Z12 + M * ( A1 * L * Z12 - M * (A2 * Z12
115                                         + X1 * Z2 + X2 * Z1 ) )  ;
116   const bigint& newX =  M * t ;
117   const bigint& newY = - (  t * (L + A1 * M) +   Mz * (N + A3 * M )) ;
118   const bigint& newZ = M * Mz ;
119   ans.init(E, newX, newY, newZ);
120   return ans;
121 }
operator -(const Point & Q) const123 Point Point::operator-(const Point& Q) const // P - Q
124 {
125   Point ans = (-Q) ;
126   ans += (*this);
127   return ans;
128 }
twice(void) const130 Point Point::twice(void) const // doubles P
131 {
132   // do trivial cases
133   Point ans(E);
134   if( Z==0) return ans;
135   bigint A1,A2,A3,A4,A6;  E->getai(A1,A2,A3,A4,A6);
136   Point minusthis = -(*this);
137   if(eq(*this,minusthis)) return ans;   // order 2
139   const bigint& Zsq = Z * Z ;
141   const bigint& L = 3 * X * X  +  2 * A2 * X * Z  +
142                                      A4 * Zsq  -  A1 * Y * Z ;
143   const bigint& M = 2 * Y  +  A1 * X  +  A3 * Z ;
145   const bigint& Mz = M * Z ;
146   const bigint& N =  - X * X * X -A3 * Y * Zsq  + A4 * X *Zsq  +
147     2 * A6 * Z *Zsq ;
149   const bigint& t  = L * L  +  Mz * ( A1 * L  -  M * ( A2 * Z  + 2 * X ) );
151   const bigint& newX = t * Mz ;
152   const bigint& newY = - ( L * t +  Mz * ( A1 * t+ M * ( N  + A3 * Mz * Z) ) );
153   const bigint& newZ = Mz * Mz * Mz;
155   ans.init(E, newX, newY, newZ) ;
156   return ans;
157 }
operator -(void) const159 Point Point::operator-(void) const // -Q
160 {
161   Point negation(*this);
162   negation.Y = -Y - (E->a3)*Z - (E->a1)*X;
163   return negation;
164 }
166 // calculates nP
operator *(int n,const Point & P)167 Point operator*(int n, const Point& P)
168 {
169   Point ans(*(P.E));
170   if(P.is_zero() || n == 0) return ans;
171   int negative = (n < 0) ;
172   if(negative) n = - n ;
173   if(n == 1) {
174     ans = P;
175     if(negative) ans =  -P;
176     return ans ;
177   }
178   // now n >= 2
179   if(n == 2){
180     ans = P.twice() ;
181     if(negative) ans =  -ans;
182     return ans ;
183   }
184   // now n >= 3
185   if(n&1) ans = P ;    // else ans is ZERO
186   Point  Q = P ;
187   while(n > 1){
188     Q = Q.twice() ; // 2^k P
189     n /= 2 ;
190     if(n&1) ans = ans + Q ;
191   }
192   if(negative) ans = -ans ;
193   return ans ;
194 }
order(Point & p)196 int order(Point& p)
197 {
198   // ASSUME that point is valid; check before calling if unknown
199   if (p.ord) {return p.ord;}
200   bigint eight, z=p.getZ(); eight=8;
201   if (is_zero(z))  {p.ord = 1; return 1; }
202   if (z>eight)     {p.ord =-1; return -1;}
203   Point q = p;  long ord=1;
204   while ( (sign(z)!=0) && (z<=eight) ) // (worst denom of a torsion point)
205     {ord++;   q+=p;  z = q.getZ(); }
206   if (sign(z)!=0) ord = -1;
207   p.ord = ord;
208   return ord;
209 }
order(Point & p,vector<Point> & multiples)211 int order(Point& p, vector<Point>& multiples)
212 {
213 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
214   cout<<"In order() with p = "<<p<<endl;
215 #endif
216   // ASSUME that point is valid; check before calling if unknown
217   multiples.clear(); multiples.reserve(13);
218   multiples.push_back(Point(*(p.E)));
219   if (p.is_zero()) {p.ord=1; return 1; }
220   multiples.push_back(p);
221   Point q = p;
222   bigint eight; eight=8;
223   while ( (!q.is_zero()) && (q.getZ()<=eight)
224 	                 && (multiples.size()<13) ) // 12 is max poss order
225   {
226     q+=p;
227     if (!q.is_zero()) multiples.push_back(q);
228   }
229   if (q.is_zero())
230     p.ord = multiples.size();
231   else
232     p.ord = -1;
233 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
234   cout<<"Returning ord="<<p.ord<<", multiples = "<<multiples<<endl;
235 #endif
236   return p.ord;
237 }
isvalid() const239 int Point::isvalid() const // P on its curve ?
240 {
241   if(E == 0){
242     cerr << "## Bad point: null curve pointer!"<<endl;
243     return 0 ;
244   }
245 // Null point, useful for terminating input:
246   if((sign(X)==0)&&(sign(Y)==0)&&(sign(Z)==0)) return 0;
247 // Point at infinity is on a curve
248   if((sign(X)==0)&&(sign(Z)==0)) return 1 ;
249   else{
250     // should calculate
251     //                       y^2 +a1 x y + a3 y
252     //  and
253     //                       x^3 + a2 x^2 + a4 x + a6
254     // where
255     //          x = X/Z, y = Y/Z
256     // and verify equality.
257     //
258     // In homogeneous coordinates:
259     //
260     // Lhs = Y^2 Z + a1 XYZ + a3 YZ^2 = (YZ) *(Y + a1 X + a3 Z)
261     //
262     //
263     // Rhs = X^3 +a2 X^2 Z + a4 X Z^2 + a6 Z^3
264     //
265     bigint A1,A2,A3,A4,A6;    E->getai(A1,A2,A3,A4,A6);
266     const bigint& Lhs = Y*Z*(Y + A1*X + A3*Z) ;
267     const bigint& Rhs = A6*pow(Z,3) + X*(A4*Z*Z + X*(A2*Z + X)) ;
268     return Lhs == Rhs ;
269   }
270 }
272 // Find all points with a given rational x-coordinate:
points_from_x(Curvedata & E,const bigrational & x)273 vector<Point> points_from_x(Curvedata &E, const bigrational& x)
274 {
275   //  cout<<"Trying to construct points with x="<<x<<endl;
276   bigint a1,a2,a3,a4,a6,b2,b4,b6,b8;
277   E.getai(a1,a2,a3,a4,a6);
278   E.getbi(b2,b4,b6,b8);
279   vector<Point> ans;
280   bigint xn = num(x), xd2=den(x), xd, xd4, s, t, yn;
281   //  cout<<"xd2 = "<<xd2<<endl;
282   if(isqrt(xd2,xd)) // xd2=xd^2
283     {
284       //      cout<<"xd = "<<xd<<endl;
285       xd4 = xd2*xd2;
286       s = ((4*xn+b2*xd2)*xn+(2*b4*xd4))*xn+b6*xd4*xd2;
287       //      cout<<"s = "<<s<<endl;
288       if(isqrt(s,t)) // s=t^2
289         {
290           //          cout<<"t = "<<t<<endl;
291           yn = t - (a1*xn+a3*xd2)*xd;
292           divide_exact(yn,BIGINT(2),yn);
293           //          cout<<"yn = "<<yn<<endl;
294           Point P(E,xn*xd,yn,xd2*xd);
295           //          cout<<"point="<<P<<endl;
296           ans.push_back(P);
297           if (!is_zero(t)) ans.push_back(-P);
298         }
299     }
300   return ans;
301 }
get_ntorsion()303 long Curvedata::get_ntorsion()
304 {
305   if(ntorsion==0)
306     {
307 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
308       cout<<"Calling torsion_points() on "<<(Curve)(*this)<<endl;
309 #endif
310       vector<Point> ans = torsion_points(*this);
311       ntorsion = ans.size();
312 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
313       cout<<"torsion_points() returns "<<ans<<" of size "<<ntorsion<<endl;
314 #endif
315     }
316 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
317       cout<<"Curvedata::get_ntorsion() returns "<<ntorsion<<endl;
318 #endif
319   return ntorsion;
320 }
322 // Cperiods is a class containing a basis for the period lattice L;
323 // it knows how to compute points from z mod L; so this function
324 // effectively does the same as PARI's pointell() (called ellzto point
325 // in the next PARI release)
326 //
make_tor_pt(Curvedata & E,Cperiods & per,const bigfloat & ra1,const bigfloat & ra2,const bigfloat & ra3,const bigcomplex & z)327 Point make_tor_pt(Curvedata& E, Cperiods& per,
328 		  const bigfloat& ra1, const bigfloat& ra2, const bigfloat& ra3,
329 		  const bigcomplex& z)
330 {
331   bigcomplex cx,cy;
332 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
333   cout<<"In make_tor_pt() with z = " << z << endl;
334 #endif
335   per.XY_coords(cx,cy,z);
336   cx = cx-(ra1*ra1+4*ra2)/to_bigfloat(12);
337   cy = (cy - ra1*cx - ra3)/to_bigfloat(2);
338 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
339   cout<<"(x,y) = ("<<(cx)<<","<<(cy)<<")\n";
340 #endif
341   bigint x=Iround(real(cx)), y=Iround(real(cy));
342   Point P(E, x, y);
343   return P;
344 }
two_torsion(Curvedata & E)347 vector<Point> two_torsion(Curvedata& E)
348 {
349 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
350   cout<<"\nIn two_torsion() with curve "<<(Curve)E<<"\n";
351 #endif
352   bigint a1, a2, a3, a4, a6, b2, b4, b6, b8;
353   E.getai(a1,a2,a3,a4,a6);
354   E.getbi(b2,b4,b6,b8);
355   int scaled=0;
356   if (odd(a1) || odd(a3))
357     {
358       b4*=BIGINT(8);
359       b6*=BIGINT(16);
360       scaled=1;
361     }
362   else
363     {
364       b2=a2; b4=a4; b6=a6;
365     }
366   vector<bigint> xlist = Introotscubic(b2,b4,b6);
367   int n, n2tors = xlist.size();
369   // If there are 3 points of order 2, we order them for consistency:
370   if(n2tors==3)  sort(xlist.begin(),xlist.end());
372   vector<Point> two_tors;
373   two_tors.push_back(Point(E)) ;     // zero point
374   for(n=0; n<n2tors; n++)
375     {
376       bigint ei = xlist[n];
377       if(scaled)
378 	two_tors.push_back(Point(E,2*ei,-a1*ei-4*a3,BIGINT(8)));
379       else
380 	two_tors.push_back(Point(E,ei,BIGINT(0),BIGINT(1)));
381     }
382 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
383   cout<<"\ntwo_torsion() returning "<<two_tors<<"\n";
384 #endif
385   return two_tors;
386 }
388 // Returns vector of x values such that x/3 is the rational x-coord of
389 // a point in E[3], possibly with y not rational.  If y is rational
390 // then these x will in fact be multiples of 3 since rational
391 // 3-torsion is integral
three_torsion_x(Curvedata & E)392 vector<bigint> three_torsion_x(Curvedata& E)
393 {
394 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
395   cout<<"\nIn three_torsion_x() with curve "<<(Curve)E<<"\n";
396 #endif
397   bigint b2, b4, b6, b8;
398   E.getbi(b2,b4,b6,b8);
399   vector<bigint> xlist = Introotsquartic(b2,9*b4,27*b6,27*b8);
400   // NB The implementation of Introosquartic() in marith.cc does not
401   // fix the order of the roots, which depends on the order of the
402   // factors in NTL's Z[X] factorization routine.  HENCE the order of
403   // the 3-torsion point x-coordinates (when there are two) is not
404   // well-defined without the sorting done here.
405 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
406   cout<<"\nthree_torsion_x() finds unsorted xlist =  "<<xlist<<"\n";
407 #endif
408   if(xlist.size()==2)
409     {
410       sort(xlist.begin(),xlist.end());
411 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
412       cout<<"\nthree_torsion_x() returns sorted xlist =  "<<xlist<<"\n";
413 #endif
414     }
415   return xlist;
416 }
three_torsion(Curvedata & E)418 vector<Point> three_torsion(Curvedata& E)
419 {
420 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
421   cout<<"\nIn three_torsion() with curve "<<(Curve)E<<"\n";
422 #endif
423   bigint a1, a2, a3, a4, a6, b2, b4, b6, b8, xi, d, rd;
424   E.getai(a1,a2,a3,a4,a6);
425   E.getbi(b2,b4,b6,b8);
426   vector<bigint> xlist = three_torsion_x(E);
427   vector<Point> three_tors;
428   three_tors.push_back(Point(E)) ;     // zero point
429   for(unsigned int n=0; n<xlist.size(); n++)
430     {
431       xi = xlist[n];
432       if(xi%3==0) // 3-torsion must be integral
433 	{
434 	  xi/=3;
435 	  d = ((4*xi+b2)*xi+(2*b4))*xi+b6;
436 	  if(isqrt(d,rd))
437 	    {
438 	      Point P(E,2*xi,rd-(a1*xi+a3),BIGINT(2));
439 	      three_tors.push_back(P);
440 	      three_tors.push_back(-P);
441 	    }
442 	}
443     }
444 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
445   cout<<"\nthree_torsion() returning "<<three_tors<<"\n";
446 #endif
447   return three_tors;
448 }
450 // New torsion point routine using Mazur's theorem to limit possibilities
451 // and computing possible real torsion from the period lattice.  Suggestion
452 // of Darrin Doud.
453 //
torsion_points(Curvedata & E)454 vector<Point> torsion_points(Curvedata& E)  // After Darrin Doud, adapted by JC
455 {
456   if ( E.isnull() ) return vector<Point>(0);
457 //
458 // table[i][] contains a list of possible maximal orders for a point,
459 // given that the 2-torsion subgroup has order i
460 //
461   static long table[5][5] = {{},{5,7,9,3},{12,6,8,4,10},{},{8,6,4}};
462   static long nt[5] = {0,4,5,0,3};
463 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
464   cout<<"\nIn torsion_points() with curve "<<(Curve)E<<"\n";
465 #endif
466   bigint a1,a2,a3,a4,a6,sa2,sa4,sa6, x, y ;
467   E.getai(a1,a2,a3,a4,a6);
468   bigfloat ra1=I2bigfloat(a1), ra2=I2bigfloat(a2), ra3=I2bigfloat(a3);
469   long i,j,ntp=1,nt2;
470   vector<Point> points;
471   vector<Point> cycle;
472   Cperiods per(E);  bigcomplex w1,w2,z,z2;
473   per.getwRI(w1,w2); z2=w2/to_bigfloat(2);
474   int ncc = getconncomp(E);
475   int found;
476 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
477   cout<<"Periods: "<<per<<"\nReal Period = "<<w1<<endl;
478   cout<<ncc<<" real component(s)"<<endl;
479 #endif
480   points.push_back(Point(E)) ;       // zero point
481   Point p, q;
483   // We find the two-torsion algebraically
485   vector<Point> two_tors = two_torsion(E);
486   nt2=two_tors.size();
487 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
488   cout<<"Size of 2-torsion subgroup = " << nt2 << endl;
489   cout << two_tors << endl;
490 #endif
492   for(i=0, found=0; (i<nt[nt2])&&(!found); i++)
493     {
494       long ni=table[nt2][i];
495 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
496       cout<<"Looking for a point of order " << ni << "\n";
497 #endif
498       if(ni==3)
499 	{
500 	  p=Point(E);
501 	  vector<Point> p3 = three_torsion(E);
502 	  if(p3.size()>1) {p=p3[1];}
503 	}
504       else
505 	{
506 	  z=w1/to_bigfloat(ni);
507 	  p = make_tor_pt(E,per,ra1,ra2,ra3,z);
508 	}
509 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
510       cout<<"p = " << p <<"?\n";
511 #endif
512       found=(p.isvalid())&&(order(p,cycle)==ni);
513       if(!found&&(ncc==2)&&even(ni))
514 	{
515 	  p = make_tor_pt(E,per,ra1,ra2,ra3,z+z2);
516 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
517 	  cout<<"p = " << p <<"?\n";
518 #endif
519 	  found=(p.isvalid())&&(order(p,cycle)==ni);
520 	  if(!found&&((ni%4)==2))
521 	    {
522 	      p = make_tor_pt(E,per,ra1,ra2,ra3,z+z+z2);
523 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
524 	      cout<<"p = " << p <<"?\n";
525 #endif
526 	      found=(p.isvalid())&&(order(p,cycle)==ni);
527 	    }
528 	}
529       if(found)
530 	{
531 	  ntp=ni;
532 	  points=cycle;
533 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
534 	  cout<<"Found a point " << p << " of order " << ni << endl;
535 	  cout<<"generating subgroup "<<cycle<<endl;
536 #endif
537 	}
538 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
539       else
540 	{
541 	  cout<<"none\n";
542 	}
543 #endif
544     }
546 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
547   cout<<"Number of points in cyclic part = " << ntp << endl;
548   cout<<points<<endl;
549 #endif
551   if(ntp==1) {return two_tors;}                   // C1, C2 or C2xC2
552   if(nt2==4)
553   // non-cyclic case, C2xC4, C2xC6 or C2xC8
554   // Find a point of order 2 not in the second factor and add it in
555     {
556       for(i=1; i<4; i++) // 0 is first point in two_tors !
557 	{
558 	  p=two_tors[i];
559 	  if(find(points.begin(),points.end(),p)==points.end())
560 	    {
561 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
562 	      cout<<"Using 2-torsion point "<<p<<" as coset rep\n";
563 #endif
564 	      for(j=0; j<ntp; j++)
565 		{
566 		  points.push_back(points[j]+p);
567 		}
568 	      ntp*=2;
569 	      break;
570 	    }
571 #ifdef DEBUG_TORSION
572 	  cout<<"2-torsion point "<<p<<" is in subgroup\n";
573 #endif
574 	}
575     }
576   return points;
577 }
division_points(int m)580 vector<Point> Point::division_points(int m) // list of Q s.t. n*Q=this
581 {
582   vector<Point> ans;
583   vector<Point> Qs;
584   Point Q;
585   if (is_torsion())
586     {
587       Qs = torsion_points(*E);
588       for (vector<Point>::iterator Qi = Qs.begin(); Qi!=Qs.end(); Qi++)
589         {
590           Q = *Qi;
591           if (m * Q == *this)
592             ans.push_back(Q);
593         }
594       return ans;
595     }
596   ZPoly pol = division_points_X_pol(E->a1,E->a2,E->a3,E->a4,E->a6, m, X, Z);
598   cout << "division poly = " << pol << endl;
599 #endif
601   vector<bigrational> xQs = roots(pol);
603   cout << " with roots " << xQs << endl;
604 #endif
605   for(vector<bigrational>::iterator xQi = xQs.begin(); xQi!=xQs.end(); xQi++)
606     {
607       Qs = points_from_x(*E, *xQi);
608       // will have length 0 or 2 since non-torsion, and we only want
609       // exctly one when there two so, must check which works
610       if (Qs.size()>0)
611         {
612           Q = Qs[0];
613           if (m*Q == *this)
614             {
615               ans.push_back(Q);
616             }
617           else
618             {
619               ans.push_back(-Q);
620             }
621         }
622     }
623   return ans;
624 }
626 // end of file: points.cc