2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-14 Matteo Frigo
4 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19 *
20 *)
22(* Here, we take a schedule (produced by schedule.ml) ordering a
23   sequence of instructions, and produce an annotated schedule.  The
24   annotated schedule has the same ordering as the original schedule,
25   but is additionally partitioned into nested blocks of temporary
26   variables.  The partitioning is computed via a heuristic algorithm.
28   The blocking allows the C code that we generate to consist of
29   nested blocks that help communicate variable lifetimes to the
30   compiler. *)
32open Schedule
33open Expr
34open Variable
36type annotated_schedule =
37    Annotate of variable list * variable list * variable list * int * aschedule
38and aschedule =
39    ADone
40  | AInstr of assignment
41  | ASeq of (annotated_schedule * annotated_schedule)
43let addelem a set = if not (List.memq a set) then a :: set else set
44let union l =
45  let f x = addelem x   (* let is source of polymorphism *)
46  in List.fold_right f l
48(* set difference a - b *)
49let diff a b = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.memq x b)) a
51let rec minimize f = function
52    [] -> failwith "minimize"
53  | [n] -> n
54  | n :: rest ->
55      let x = minimize f rest in
56      if (f x) >= (f n) then n else x
58(* find all variables used inside a scheduling unit *)
59let rec find_block_vars = function
60    Done -> []
61  | (Instr (Assign (v, x))) -> v :: (find_vars x)
62  | Par a -> List.flatten (List.map find_block_vars a)
63  | Seq (a, b) -> (find_block_vars a) @ (find_block_vars b)
65let uniq l =
66  List.fold_right (fun a b -> if List.memq a b then b else a :: b) l []
68let has_related x = List.exists (Variable.same_class x)
70let rec overlap a b = Util.count (fun y -> has_related y b) a
72(* reorder a list of schedules so as to maximize overlap of variables *)
73let reorder l =
74  let rec loop = function
75      [] -> []
76    | (a, va) :: b ->
77	let c =
78	  List.map
79	    (fun (a, x) -> ((a, x), (overlap va x, List.length x))) b in
80	let c' =
81	  List.sort
82	    (fun (_, (a, la)) (_, (b, lb)) ->
83              if la < lb || a > b then -1 else 1)
84	    c in
85	let b' = List.map (fun (a, _) -> a) c' in
86	a :: (loop b') in
87  let l' = List.map (fun x -> x, uniq (find_block_vars x)) l in
88  (* start with smallest block --- does this matter ? *)
89  match l' with
90    [] -> []
91  | _ ->
92      let m = minimize (fun (_, x) -> (List.length x)) l' in
93      let l'' = Util.remove m l' in
94      loop (m :: l'')
96(* remove Par blocks *)
97let rec linearize = function
98  | Seq (a, Done) -> linearize a
99  | Seq (Done, a) -> linearize a
100  | Seq (a, b) -> Seq (linearize a, linearize b)
102  (* try to balance nested Par blocks *)
103  | Par [a] -> linearize a
104  | Par l ->
105      let n2 = (List.length l) / 2 in
106      let rec loop n a b =
107	if n = 0 then
108	  (List.rev b, a)
109	else
110	  match a with
111	    [] -> failwith "loop"
112	  | x :: y -> loop (n - 1) y (x :: b)
113      in let (a, b) = loop n2 (reorder l) []
114      in linearize (Seq (Par a, Par b))
116  | x -> x
118let subset a b =
119  List.for_all (fun x -> List.exists (fun y -> x == y) b) a
121let use_same_vars (Assign (av, ax)) (Assign (bv, bx)) =
122  is_temporary av &&
123  is_temporary bv &&
124  (let va = Expr.find_vars ax and vb = Expr.find_vars bx in
125   subset va vb && subset vb va)
127let store_to_same_class (Assign (av, ax)) (Assign (bv, bx)) =
128  is_locative av &&
129  is_locative bv &&
130  Variable.same_class av bv
132let loads_from_same_class (Assign (av, ax)) (Assign (bv, bx)) =
133  match (ax, bx) with
134    | (Load a), (Load b) when
135	Variable.is_locative a && Variable.is_locative b
136	-> Variable.same_class a b
137    | _ -> false
139(* extract instructions from schedule *)
140let rec sched_to_ilist = function
141  | Done -> []
142  | Instr a -> [a]
143  | Seq (a, b) -> (sched_to_ilist a) @ (sched_to_ilist b)
144  | _ -> failwith "sched_to_ilist" (* Par blocks removed by linearize *)
146let rec find_friends friendp insn friends foes = function
147  | [] -> (friends, foes)
148  | a :: b ->
149      if (a == insn) || (friendp a insn) then
150	find_friends friendp insn (a :: friends) foes b
151      else
152	find_friends friendp insn friends (a :: foes) b
154(* schedule all instructions in the equivalence class determined
155   by friendp at the point where the last one
156   is executed *)
157let rec delay_friends friendp sched =
158  let rec recur insns = function
159    | Done -> (Done, insns)
160    | Instr a ->
161	let (friends, foes) = find_friends friendp a [] [] insns in
162	(Schedule.sequentially friends), foes
163    | Seq (a, b) ->
164	let (b', insnsb) = recur insns b in
165	let (a', insnsa) = recur insnsb a in
166	(Seq (a', b')), insnsa
167    | _ -> failwith "delay_friends"
168  in match recur (sched_to_ilist sched) sched with
169  | (s, []) -> s (* assert that all insns have been used *)
170  | _ -> failwith "delay_friends"
172(* schedule all instructions in the equivalence class determined
173   by friendp at the point where the first one
174   is executed *)
175let rec anticipate_friends friendp sched =
176  let rec recur insns = function
177    | Done -> (Done, insns)
178    | Instr a ->
179	let (friends, foes) = find_friends friendp a [] [] insns in
180	(Schedule.sequentially friends), foes
181    | Seq (a, b) ->
182	let (a', insnsa) = recur insns a in
183	let (b', insnsb) = recur insnsa b in
184	(Seq (a', b')), insnsb
185    | _ -> failwith "anticipate_friends"
186  in match recur (sched_to_ilist sched) sched with
187  | (s, []) -> s (* assert that all insns have been used *)
188  | _ -> failwith "anticipate_friends"
190let collect_buddy_stores buddy_list sched =
191  let rec recur sched delayed_stores = match sched with
192    | Done -> (sched, delayed_stores)
193    | Instr (Assign (v, x)) ->
194	begin
195	  try
196	    let buddies = List.find (List.memq v) buddy_list in
197	    let tmp = Variable.make_temporary () in
198	    let i = Seq(Instr (Assign (tmp, x)),
199			Instr (Assign (v, Times (NaN MULTI_A, Load tmp))))
200	    and delayed_stores = (v, Load tmp) :: delayed_stores in
201	      try
202		(Seq (i,
203		      Instr (Assign
204			       (List.hd buddies,
205				Times (NaN MULTI_B,
206				       Plus (List.map
207					       (fun buddy ->
208						  List.assq buddy
209						    delayed_stores)
210					       buddies))) )))
211		  , delayed_stores
212	      with Not_found -> (i, delayed_stores)
213	  with Not_found -> (sched, delayed_stores)
214	end
215    | Seq (a, b) ->
216	let (newa, delayed_stores) = recur a delayed_stores in
217	let (newb, delayed_stores) = recur b delayed_stores in
218	  (Seq (newa, newb), delayed_stores)
219    | _ -> failwith "collect_buddy_stores"
220  in let (sched, _) = recur sched [] in
221    sched
223let schedule_for_pipeline sched =
224  let update_readytimes t (Assign (v, _)) ready_times =
225    (v, (t + !Magic.pipeline_latency)) :: ready_times
226  and readyp t ready_times (Assign (_, x)) =
227    List.for_all
228      (fun var ->
229	 try
230	   (List.assq var ready_times) <= t
231	 with Not_found -> false)
232      (List.filter Variable.is_temporary (Expr.find_vars x))
233  in
234  let rec recur sched t ready_times delayed_instructions =
235    let (ready, not_ready) =
236      List.partition (readyp t ready_times) delayed_instructions
237    in match ready with
238      | a :: b ->
239	  let (sched, t, ready_times, delayed_instructions) =
240	    recur sched (t+1) (update_readytimes t a ready_times)
241	      (b @ not_ready)
242	  in
243	    (Seq (Instr a, sched)), t, ready_times, delayed_instructions
244      | _ -> (match sched with
245		| Done -> (sched, t, ready_times, delayed_instructions)
246		| Instr a ->
247		    if (readyp t ready_times a) then
248		      (sched, (t+1), (update_readytimes t a ready_times),
249		       delayed_instructions)
250		    else
251		      (Done, t, ready_times, (a :: delayed_instructions))
252		| Seq (a, b) ->
253		    let (a, t, ready_times, delayed_instructions) =
254		      recur a t ready_times delayed_instructions
255		    in
256		    let (b, t, ready_times, delayed_instructions) =
257		      recur b t ready_times delayed_instructions
258		    in (Seq (a, b)), t, ready_times, delayed_instructions
259	        | _ -> failwith "schedule_for_pipeline")
260  in let rec recur_until_done sched t ready_times delayed_instructions =
261      let (sched, t, ready_times, delayed_instructions) =
262	recur sched t ready_times delayed_instructions
263      in match delayed_instructions with
264	| [] -> sched
265	| _ ->
266	    (Seq (sched,
267		  (recur_until_done Done (t+1) ready_times
268		     delayed_instructions)))
269  in recur_until_done sched 0 [] []
271let rec rewrite_declarations force_declarations
272    (Annotate (_, _, declared, _, what)) =
273  let m = !Magic.number_of_variables in
275  let declare_it declared =
276    if (force_declarations || List.length declared >= m) then
277      ([], declared)
278    else
279      (declared, [])
281  in match what with
282    ADone -> Annotate ([], [], [], 0, what)
283  | AInstr i ->
284      let (u, d) = declare_it declared
285      in Annotate ([], u, d, 0, what)
286  | ASeq (a, b) ->
287      let ma = rewrite_declarations false a
288      and mb = rewrite_declarations false b
289      in let Annotate (_, ua, _, _, _) = ma
290      and Annotate (_, ub, _, _, _) = mb
291      in let (u, d) = declare_it (declared @ ua @ ub)
292      in Annotate ([], u, d, 0, ASeq (ma, mb))
294let annotate list_of_buddy_stores schedule =
295  let rec analyze live_at_end = function
296      Done -> Annotate (live_at_end, [], [], 0, ADone)
297    | Instr i -> (match i with
298	Assign (v, x) ->
299	  let vars = (find_vars x) in
300	  Annotate (Util.remove v (union live_at_end vars), [v], [],
301		    0, AInstr i))
302    | Seq (a, b) ->
303	let ab = analyze live_at_end b in
304	let Annotate (live_at_begin_b, defined_b, _, depth_a, _) = ab in
305	let aa = analyze live_at_begin_b a in
306	let Annotate (live_at_begin_a, defined_a, _, depth_b, _) = aa in
307	let defined = List.filter is_temporary (defined_a @ defined_b) in
308	let declarable = diff defined live_at_end in
309	let undeclarable = diff defined declarable
310	and maxdepth = max depth_a depth_b in
311	Annotate (live_at_begin_a, undeclarable, declarable,
312		  List.length declarable + maxdepth,
313		  ASeq (aa, ab))
314    | _ -> failwith "really_analyze"
316  in
317  let () = Util.info "begin annotate" in
318  let x = linearize schedule in
320  let x =
321    if (!Magic.schedule_for_pipeline && !Magic.pipeline_latency > 0) then
322      schedule_for_pipeline x
323    else
324      x
325  in
327  let x =
328    if !Magic.reorder_insns then
329      linearize(anticipate_friends use_same_vars x)
330    else
331      x
332  in
334  (* delay stores to the real and imaginary parts of the same number *)
335  let x =
336    if !Magic.reorder_stores then
337      linearize(delay_friends store_to_same_class x)
338    else
339      x
340  in
342  (* move loads of the real and imaginary parts of the same number *)
343  let x =
344    if !Magic.reorder_loads then
345      linearize(anticipate_friends loads_from_same_class x)
346    else
347      x
348  in
350  let x = collect_buddy_stores list_of_buddy_stores x in
351  let x = analyze [] x in
352  let res = rewrite_declarations true x in
353  let () = Util.info "end annotate" in
354  res
356let rec dump print (Annotate (_, _, _, _, code)) =
357  dump_code print code
358and dump_code print = function
359  | ADone -> ()
360  | AInstr x -> print ((assignment_to_string x) ^ "\n")
361  | ASeq (a, b) -> dump print a; dump print b