1 /*! \file   MetisSplitter.cpp
2     \brief  to call grpah decomposer : METIS
3     \author Xavier Juvigny, ONERA
4     \date   Jul.  2nd 2012
5     \date   Nov. 30th 2016
6     \date   Oct. 15th 2017
7 */
9 // This file is part of Dissection
10 //
11 // Dissection is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 // (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // Linking Dissection statically or dynamically with other modules is making
17 // a combined work based on Disssection. Thus, the terms and conditions of
18 // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
19 //
20 // As a special exception, the copyright holders of Dissection give you
21 // permission to combine Dissection program with free software programs or
22 // libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with independent modules
23 // that communicate with Dissection solely through the Dissection-fortran
24 // interface. You may copy and distribute such a system following the terms of
25 // the GNU GPL for Dissection and the licenses of the other code concerned,
26 // provided that you include the source code of that other code when and as
27 // the GNU GPL requires distribution of source code and provided that you do
28 // not modify the Dissection-fortran interface.
29 //
30 // Note that people who make modified versions of Dissection are not obligated
31 // to grant this special exception for their modified versions; it is their
32 // choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License gives permission to
33 // release a modified version without this exception; this exception also makes
34 // it possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
35 // exception. If you modify the Dissection-fortran interface, this exception
36 // does not apply to your modified version of Dissection, and you must remove
37 // this exception when you distribute your modified version.
38 //
39 // This exception is an additional permission under section 7 of the GNU
40 // General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3")
41 //
42 // Dissection is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
43 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
45 // GNU General Public License for more details.
46 //
47 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
48 // along with Dissection.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
49 //
51 // ============================================================
52 // ==     Implementation of splitter using Metis library     ==
53 // ============================================================
54 #include <stdexcept>
55 #include <cstdio>
56 #include <cstring>
57 #include <algorithm>
58 #ifndef NO_METIS
59 #include "metis.h"
60 #endif
62 #include "Compiler/DebugUtils.hpp"
63 #include "Splitters/BitManipulations.hpp"
64 #include "Splitters/MetisSplitter.hpp"
compBegOfDomains(unsigned invLevel,unsigned & begDom,unsigned indDom,const int * sizeOfDomains,int * ptOnDomains)66 static unsigned compBegOfDomains(unsigned invLevel,
67 		 	         unsigned&begDom,
68 			         unsigned indDom,
69 			         const int* sizeOfDomains,
70 			         int* ptOnDomains)
71 {
72     if (invLevel==1) {
73       ptOnDomains[indDom-1] = begDom;
74       return sizeOfDomains[indDom-1];
75     }
76     else {
77 	begDom += compBegOfDomains(invLevel-1, begDom,
78 				   2*indDom, sizeOfDomains,
79 				   ptOnDomains);
80 	begDom += compBegOfDomains(invLevel-1, begDom,
81 				   2*indDom+1, sizeOfDomains,
82 				   ptOnDomains);
83 	ptOnDomains[indDom-1] = begDom;
84 	return sizeOfDomains[indDom-1];
85     }
86 }
89 bool
MetisSplitter(unsigned dim,const int * ptRows,const int * indCols,unsigned & nbMaxLevels,unsigned minSize,int * loc2glob,int * glob2loc,int & nbDoms,int * & ptOnDomains,int * & sizeOfDomains,bool checkData,const bool verbose,FILE * fp)90 MetisSplitter(unsigned dim,
91 	      const int* ptRows, const int* indCols,
92 	      unsigned& nbMaxLevels, unsigned minSize,
93 	      int* loc2glob, int* glob2loc, int& nbDoms,
94 	      int*& ptOnDomains, int*& sizeOfDomains,
95 	      bool checkData, const bool verbose, FILE *fp)
96 {
97 #ifdef NO_METIS
98   if (verbose) {
99     fprintf(stderr, "%s %d : Metis is not linked\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
100   }
101   return false;
102 #else
103   /** Check inputs */
104   CHECK(ptRows  !=NULL, "Null pointer for ptRows  !");
105   CHECK(indCols !=NULL, "Null pointer for indCols !");
106   CHECK(loc2glob!=NULL, "Null pointer for loc2glob!");
107   CHECK(glob2loc!=NULL, "Null pointer for glob2loc!");
108   int ierr;
109   // Compute nbMaxLevels according to the minSize parameter
110   int maxBlocks = dim/minSize;
111   unsigned nbLevels = highestbit(maxBlocks)-1;
112   nbMaxLevels = (nbMaxLevels<nbLevels ? nbMaxLevels : nbLevels);
113   nbDoms = 1<<(nbMaxLevels-1);
114   if (dim==0) return true;
115   idx_t options[METIS_NOPTIONS];
116   METIS_SetDefaultOptions(options);
122   options[METIS_OPTION_NSEPS    ] = 1;/*Default value */
123   options[METIS_OPTION_NITER    ] = 10;/* Default value */
124   options[METIS_OPTION_UFACTOR  ] = 1;
125   options[METIS_OPTION_COMPRESS ] = 0;/* No compress */
126   options[METIS_OPTION_CCORDER  ] = 0;/* No connect component detection */
127   options[METIS_OPTION_SEED     ] = -1;/* Seed of random algo */
128   options[METIS_OPTION_PFACTOR  ] = 0;/* No dense nodes removal */
129   options[METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING] = (idx_t)0; //offset;
130 # ifdef DEBUG
131   options[METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL   ] = 255;/* Full debug */
132 # else
133   if(verbose) {
134     options[METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL   ] = METIS_DBG_TIME; /* only time profiling */
135   }
136   else{
137     options[METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL   ] = 0;
138   }
139 # endif
140 //  Opt [0] = 0 ;	/* use defaults */
141 //  Opt [1] = 3 ;	/* matching type */
142 //  Opt [2] = 1 ;	/* init. partitioning algo*/
143 //  Opt [3] = 2 ;	/* refinement algorithm */
144 //  Opt [4] = 0 ;	/* no debug */
145 //  Opt [5] = 0 ;	/* unused */
146 //  Opt [6] = 0 ;	/* unused */
147 //  Opt [7] = -1 ;	/* random seed */
148   //
149   idx_t nvtxs = dim;
150   idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *perm, *iperm;
151   if (sizeof(idx_t)==sizeof(int)) {// Ok, simple pointer may be ok
152       xadj    = (idx_t*)ptRows;
153       adjncy  = (idx_t*)indCols;
154       perm    = (idx_t*)loc2glob;
155       iperm   = (idx_t*)glob2loc;
156   }
157   else {// Arf, some copy to do :(
158       xadj = new idx_t[dim+1];
159       for (unsigned ix = 0; ix <= dim; ix++)
160 	  xadj[ix] = ptRows[ix];
161       adjncy = new idx_t[ptRows[dim]];
162       for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < ptRows[dim]; ++ix)
163 	  adjncy[ix] = indCols[ix];
164       perm  = new idx_t[dim];
165       iperm = new idx_t[dim];
166   }
167   if (verbose) {
168     fprintf(fp, "%s %d : nbDoms = %d\n",
169 	    __FILE__, __LINE__, nbDoms);
170   }
171   idx_t* sizes = new idx_t[2*nbDoms-1];
172   /** This metis subroutine make dissection with some history
173       in sizes array
174   */
175   int err = METIS_NodeNDP(nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, NULL,
176 			  idx_t(nbDoms), options,
177 			  iperm, perm, sizes);
178   if (verbose && (err != METIS_OK)) {
179       fprintf(fp, "Failed to complete Metis bisection !\n");
180       if (err == METIS_ERROR_INPUT)
181 	fprintf(fp, "\t Wrong arguments given to Metis\n");
182       else if (err == METIS_ERROR_MEMORY)
183 	fprintf(fp, "\t Metis fails allocate some memory\n");
184       else
185 	fprintf(fp, "\t Other error in Metis\n");
186   }
187   //  TRACE("Finish to split ;)\n");
189   nbDoms = nbDoms*2-1;
190   // Compute where start each domain per bisection level
191   // and compute the size of each subdomain
192   ptOnDomains   = new int[nbDoms+1];
193   sizeOfDomains = new int[nbDoms];
194   unsigned ptSize = 0;
195   unsigned begDom = 0;
196   // Metis store size of each domains and interface
197   // per level of tree, beginning with the leaves of the tree
198   for (unsigned iLvl = nbMaxLevels; iLvl > 0; iLvl --)
199   {
200     for (unsigned iDom = (1<<(iLvl-1)); iDom < (1<<iLvl);
201 	 ++iDom)
202     {
203       assert(ptSize < nbDoms);
204       sizeOfDomains[iDom-1] = sizes[ptSize];
205       ptSize++;
206     }
207   }
208   delete [] sizes;
209   // But renumbering is done as left child - right child - father
210   // way !
211   compBegOfDomains(nbMaxLevels, begDom, 1, sizeOfDomains,ptOnDomains);
212   ptOnDomains[nbDoms] = dim;
213   //assert(begDom==dim);
214   assert(ptOnDomains[0]+sizeOfDomains[0]==dim);
215   if (sizeof(idx_t)!=sizeof(int)) {
216       for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; i++)
217       {
218 	loc2glob[i] =  perm[i];
219 	glob2loc[i] = iperm[i];
220       }
221       delete [] iperm;
222       delete [] perm;
223       delete [] adjncy;
224       delete [] xadj;
225   }
226   return true;
227 #endif
228 }