1)abbrev domain PERMGRP PermutationGroup
2++ Authors: G. Schneider, H. Gollan, J. Grabmeier
3++ Date Created: 13 February 1987
4++ Basic Operations:
5++ Related Constructors: PermutationGroupExamples, Permutation
6++ Also See: RepresentationTheoryPackage1
7++ AMS Classifications:
8++ Keywords: permutation, permutation group, group operation, word problem
9++ References:
10++   C. Sims: Determining the conjugacy classes of a permutation group,
11++   in Computers in Algebra and Number Theory, SIAM-AMS Proc., Vol. 4,
12++    Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I., 1971, pp. 191-195
13++ Description:
14++  PermutationGroup implements permutation groups acting
15++  on a set S, i.e. all subgroups of the symmetric group of S,
16++  represented as a list of permutations (generators). Note that
17++  therefore the objects are not members of the \Language category
18++  \spadtype{Group}.
19++  Using the idea of base and strong generators by Sims,
20++  basic routines and algorithms
21++  are implemented so that the word problem for
22++  permutation groups can be solved.
23--++  Note: we plan to implement lattice operations on the subgroup
24--++  lattice in a later release
26PermutationGroup(S : SetCategory) : public == private where
28  L    ==> List
29  PERM ==> Permutation
30  FSET ==> Set
31  I    ==> Integer
32  NNI  ==> NonNegativeInteger
33  V    ==> Vector
34  B    ==> Boolean
35  OUT   ==> OutputForm
36  SYM  ==> Symbol
37  REC  ==> Record ( orb : L NNI, svc : V I )
38  REC2 ==> Record(order : NNI, sgset : L V NNI, _
39             gpbase : L NNI, orbs : V REC, mp : L S, wd : L L NNI)
40  REC3 ==> Record(elt : V NNI, lst : L NNI)
41  REC4 ==> Record(bool : B, lst : L NNI)
43  public ==> SetCategory with
45    coerce           : %         -> L PERM S
46      ++ coerce(gp) returns the generators of the group {\em gp}.
47    generators           : %         -> L PERM S
48      ++ generators(gp) returns the generators of the group {\em gp}.
49    elt              : (%, NNI)   -> PERM S
50      ++ elt(gp, i) returns the i-th generator of the group {\em gp}.
51    random           : (%, I)     -> PERM S
52      ++ random(gp, i) returns a random product of maximal i generators
53      ++ of the group {\em gp}.
54    random           : %         -> PERM S
55      ++ random(gp) returns a random product of maximal 20 generators
56      ++ of the group {\em gp}.
57      ++ Note: {\em random(gp)=random(gp, 20)}.
58    order            : %         -> NNI
59      ++ order(gp) returns the order of the group {\em gp}.
60    degree           : %         -> NNI
61      ++ degree(gp) returns the number of points moved by all permutations
62      ++ of the group {\em gp}.
63    base             : %         -> L S
64      ++ base(gp) returns a base for the group {\em gp}.
65    strongGenerators : %         -> L PERM S
66      ++ strongGenerators(gp) returns strong generators for
67      ++ the group {\em gp}.
68    wordsForStrongGenerators      : %         -> L L NNI
69      ++ wordsForStrongGenerators(gp) returns the words for the strong
70      ++ generators of the group {\em gp} in the original generators of
71      ++ {\em gp}, represented by their indices in the list, given by
72      ++ {\em generators}.
73    coerce           : L PERM S  -> %
74      ++ coerce(ls) coerces a list of permutations {\em ls} to the group
75      ++ generated by this list.
76    permutationGroup          : L PERM S  -> %
77      ++ permutationGroup(ls) coerces a list of permutations {\em ls} to
78      ++ the group generated by this list.
79    orbit            : (%, S)     -> FSET S
80      ++ orbit(gp, el) returns the orbit of the element {\em el} under the
81      ++ group {\em gp}, i.e. the set of all points gained by applying
82      ++ each group element to {\em el}.
83    orbits           : %         -> FSET FSET S
84      ++ orbits(gp) returns the orbits of the group {\em gp}, i.e.
85      ++ it partitions the (finite) of all moved points.
86    orbit            : (%, FSET S)-> FSET FSET S
87      ++ orbit(gp, els) returns the orbit of the unordered
88      ++ set {\em els} under the group {\em gp}.
89    orbit            : (%, L S)   -> FSET L S
90      ++ orbit(gp, ls) returns the orbit of the ordered
91      ++ list {\em ls} under the group {\em gp}.
92      ++ Note: return type is L L S temporarily because FSET L S has an error.
93      -- (GILT DAS NOCH?)
94    member?          : (PERM S, %)-> B
95      ++ member?(pp, gp) answers the question, whether the
96      ++ permutation {\em pp} is in the group {\em gp} or not.
97    wordInStrongGenerators : (PERM S, %)-> L NNI
98      ++ wordInStrongGenerators(p, gp) returns the word for the
99      ++ permutation p in the strong generators of the group {\em gp},
100      ++ represented by the indices of the list, given by
101      ++ {\em strongGenerators}.
102    wordInGenerators : (PERM S, %)-> L NNI
103      ++ wordInGenerators(p, gp) returns the word for the permutation p
104      ++ in the original generators of the group {\em gp},
105      ++ represented by the indices of the list, given by {\em generators}.
106    movedPoints      : %         -> FSET S
107      ++ movedPoints(gp) returns the points moved by the group {\em gp}.
108    "<"              : (%,%)     -> B
109      ++ gp1 < gp2 returns true if and only if {\em gp1}
110      ++ is a proper subgroup of {\em gp2}.
111    "<="             : (%,%)     -> B
112      ++ gp1 <= gp2 returns true if and only if {\em gp1}
113      ++ is a subgroup of {\em gp2}.
114      ++ Note: because of a bug in the parser you have to call this
115      ++ function explicitly by {\em gp1 <=$(PERMGRP S) gp2}.
116      -- (GILT DAS NOCH?)
117    initializeGroupForWordProblem : %   -> Void
118      ++ initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp) initializes the group {\em gp}
119      ++ for the word problem.
120      ++ Notes: it calls the other function of this name with parameters
121      ++ 0 and 1: {\em initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp, 0, 1)}.
122      ++ Notes: (1) be careful: invoking this routine will destroy the
123      ++ possibly information about your group (but will recompute it again)
124      ++ (2) users need not call this function normally for the soultion of
125      ++ the word problem.
126    initializeGroupForWordProblem : (%, I, I) -> Void
127      ++ initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp, m, n) initializes the group
128      ++ {\em gp} for the word problem.
129      ++ Notes: (1) with a small integer you get shorter words, but the
130      ++ routine takes longer than the standard routine for longer words.
131      ++ (2) be careful: invoking this routine will destroy the possibly stored
132      ++ information about your group (but will recompute it again).
133      ++ (3) users need not call this function normally for the soultion of
134      ++ the word problem.
135    relationsInStrongGenerators : % -> L(L(I))
136      ++ relationsInStrongGenerators(gp) computes relations between
137      ++ strong generators.
138    relationsInGenerators : % -> L(L(I))
139      ++ relationsInGenerators(gp) computes relations between
140      ++ generators.
141    pointList : % -> L S
142      ++ pointList(gp) should be local but conditional
143    perm_to_vec : (L S, PERM S, NNI) -> V NNI
144      ++ perm_to_vec(supp, p, degree) should be local but conditional
145  private ==> add
147    -- representation of the object:
149    Rep  := Record(gens : L PERM S, information : REC2)
151    -- import of domains and packages
153    import from Permutation S
154    import from OutputForm
155    import from Symbol
156    import from Void
158  --local functions first, signatures:
160    shortenWord : (L NNI, %)->L NNI
161    times : (V NNI, V NNI)->V NNI
162    orbitInternal : (%, L S )->L L S
163    inv : V NNI->V NNI
164    ranelt : (L V NNI, L L NNI, I)->REC3
165    testIdentity : V NNI->B
166    orbitWithSvc : (L V NNI, NNI )->REC
167    bsgs1 : (L V NNI, NNI, L L NNI, I, %, I)->NNI
168    initialize : %->FSET PERM S
169    knownGroup? : %->Void
170    subgroup : (%, %)->B
171    memberInternal : (PERM S, %, B)->REC4
173  --local functions first, implementations:
175    shortenWord ( lw : L NNI, gp : % ) : L NNI ==
176        -- tries to shorten a word in the generators by removing identities
177        gpgens : L PERM S := coerce gp
178        orderList : L NNI := [ order gen for gen in gpgens ]
179        newlw : L NNI := copy lw
180        for i in 1.. maxIndex orderList repeat
181            if orderList.i = 1 then
182                while member?(i, newlw) repeat
183                    -- removing the trivial element
184                    pos := position(i, newlw)
185                    newlw := delete(newlw, pos)
186        #newlw < 2 => newlw
187        test := first(newlw)
188        anzahl : NNI := 0
189        flag1 : B := true
190        do_res : B := false
191        res : L NNI
192        while flag1 repeat
193            test := first(newlw)
194            anzahl := 1
195            if do_res then res := [test]
196            flag2 : B := true
197            for el in newlw while flag2 repeat
198                if do_res then res := cons(el, res)
199                anzahl := anzahl + 1
200                anzahl = 1 => test := el
201                test ~= el =>
202                    test := el
203                    anzahl := 1
204                anzahl = orderList.test =>
205                    if do_res then
206                        res := rest(res, anzahl)
207                    else
208                        flag2 := false
209                    anzahl := 0
210            if do_res then
211                newlw := reverse!(res)
212            flag1 := do_res
213            do_res := not(flag2)
214        newlw
216    -- internal multiplication of permutations
217    times!(res : V NNI, p : V NNI, q : V NNI) : Void ==
218        degree := #p
219        for i in 1..degree repeat
220            qsetelt!(res, i, qelt(p, qelt(q, i)))
222    times ( p : V NNI, q : V NNI ) : V NNI ==
223        degree := #p
224        res : V NNI := new(degree, 0)
225        times!(res, p, q)
226        res
228    -- internal inverse of a permutation
229    inv ( p : V NNI ) : V NNI ==
230        degree := #p
231        q : V NNI := new(degree, 0)$(V NNI)
232        for i in 1..degree repeat qsetelt!(q, (qelt(p, i)), i)
233        q
235    -- internal test for identity
236    testIdentity ( p : V NNI ) : B ==
237        degree := #p
238        for i in 1..degree repeat qelt(p, i) ~= i => return false
239        true
241    cosetRep1(ppt : NNI, do_words : Boolean, o : REC, grpv : V V NNI,
242              wordv : V L NNI) : REC3 ==
243        #grpv = 0 => error "cosetRep needs nonempty group"
244        degree := #(grpv(1))
245        xelt : V NNI := [ n for n in 1..degree ]
246        word         := []$(L NNI)
247        oorb         := o.orb
248        osvc         := o.svc
249        p := qelt(osvc, ppt)
250        p < 0 => return [xelt, word]
251        tmpv : V NNI := new(degree, 0)
252        repeat
253            x    := qelt(grpv, p)
254            times!(tmpv, x, xelt)
255            (tmpv, xelt) := (xelt, tmpv)
256            if do_words then word := append(wordv.p, word)
257            ppt  := qelt(x, ppt)
258            p := qelt(osvc, ppt)
259            p < 0 => return [xelt, word]
261    strip1(element : V NNI, orbit : REC, group : L V NNI, words : L L NNI
262          ) : REC3 ==
263        grpv := vector(group)$Vector(V NNI)
264        wordv : V L NNI := empty()
265        do_words := not(empty?(words))
266        if do_words then
267            wordv := vector(words)
268        point := qelt(element, qelt(orbit.orb, 1))
269        cr := cosetRep1(point, do_words, orbit, grpv, wordv)
270        [times(cr.elt, element), reverse(cr.lst)]$REC3
272    strip(z : V NNI, i : I, do_words : Boolean,
273            orbs : V REC, grpv : V V NNI, wordv : V L NNI) : REC3 ==
274        degree := #z
275        word := []$(L NNI)
276        tmpv : V NNI := new(degree, 0)
277        noresult : Boolean := true
278        for j in i..1 by -1 while noresult repeat
279            orbj := qelt(orbs, j)
280            s := orbj.svc
281            p := first(orbj.orb)
282            while noresult repeat
283                entry := qelt(s, qelt(z, p))
284                if entry < 0 then
285                    if entry = -1 then break
286                    noresult := false
287                else
288                    ee := qelt(grpv, entry)
289                    times!(tmpv, ee, z)
290                    (z, tmpv) := (tmpv, z)
291                    if do_words then word := append(wordv.entry, word)
292        [z, word]
294    orbitInternal(gp : %, startList : L S) : L L S ==
295        orbitList : L L S := [ startList ]
296        pos  : I := 1
297        while not zero? pos  repeat
298            gpset : L PERM S := gp.gens
299            for gen in gpset repeat
300                newList  := []$(L S)
301                workList := orbitList.pos
302                for j in #workList..1 by -1 repeat
303                    newList := cons(eval(gen, workList.j), newList)
304                if not member?( newList, orbitList ) then
305                    orbitList := cons(newList, orbitList)
306                    pos  := pos + 1
307            pos := pos - 1
308        reverse orbitList
310    ranelt(group : L V NNI, word : L L NNI, maxLoops : I) : REC3 ==
311        -- generate a "random" element
312        numberOfGenerators    := # group
313        randomInteger : I     := 1 + random(numberOfGenerators)$Integer
314        randomElement : V NNI := group.randomInteger
315        words                 := []$(L NNI)
316        do_words : Boolean := not(empty?(word))
317        if do_words then words := word.(randomInteger::NNI)
318        if maxLoops > 0 then
319            numberOfLoops : I  := 1 + random(maxLoops)$Integer
320        else
321            numberOfLoops : I := maxLoops
322        while numberOfLoops > 0 repeat
323            randomInteger : I := 1 + random(numberOfGenerators)$Integer
324            randomElement := times(group.randomInteger, randomElement)
325            if do_words then words := append(word.(randomInteger::NNI), words)
326            numberOfLoops := numberOfLoops - 1
327        [randomElement, words]
329    if S has OrderedSet then
330        pointList(group : %) : L S ==
331            not(empty?(group.information.mp)) => group.information.mp
332            support : L S := []
333            for perm in group.gens repeat
334                support := merge(sort((listRepresentation perm).preimage),
335                                 support)
336            res :  L S := []
337            empty?(support) => res
338            p0 := first(support)
339            res := [p0]
340            for p in rest(support) repeat
341                p = p0 => "iterate"
342                p0 := p
343                res := cons(p, res)
344            group.information.mp := reverse!(res)
345    else
346        pointList(group : %) : L S ==
347            not(empty?(group.information.mp)) => group.information.mp
348            support : FSET S := empty()
349            for perm in group.gens repeat
350                support := union(support, movedPoints perm)
351            group.information.mp := parts support
353    if S has OrderedSet then
354        REC5 ==> Record(preimage : NNI, image : S)
355        ls_to_lnni(ls : L S, supp : L S) : L NNI ==
356            empty?(ls) => []
357            ls2 := [[i, p]$REC5 for p in ls for i in 1..]
358            ls2 := sort((x : REC5, y : REC5) : Boolean +->
359                           x.image <= y.image,
360                        ls2)
361            pel := first(ls2)
362            p1 := pel.image
363            ls2 := rest(ls2)
364            rp2 : L L NNI := []
365            flag : Boolean := true
366            for p2 in supp for i in 1.. while flag repeat
367                if p1 = p2 then
368                    rp2 := cons([pel.preimage, i], rp2)
369                    empty?(ls2) => flag := false
370                    pel := first(ls2)
371                    p1 := pel.image
372                    ls2 := rest(ls2)
373            rp2 := sort((x : L NNI, y : L NNI) : Boolean +->
374                           first(x) <= first(y),
375                        rp2)
376            [second(pp) for pp in rp2]
378        perm_to_vec(supp : L S, p : PERM S, degree : NNI) : V NNI ==
379            pr := listRepresentation p
380            q := new(degree, 0)$(V NNI)
381            for i in 1..degree repeat
382                q(i) := i
383            pl := ls_to_lnni(pr.preimage, supp)
384            il := ls_to_lnni(pr.image, supp)
385            for pp in pl for ip in il repeat
386                q(pp) := ip
387            q
388    else
389        perm_to_vec(supp : L S, p : PERM S, degree : NNI) : V NNI ==
390            q := new(degree, 0)$(V NNI)
391            for i in 1..degree repeat
392                newEl := eval(p, supp.i)
393                pos2  := position(newEl, supp)
394                q.i   := qcoerce(pos2)
395            q
397    orbitWithSvc1(group : L V NNI, grpinv : L V NNI, point : NNI) : REC ==
398        -- compute orbit with Schreier vector, "-2" means not in the orbit,
399        -- "-1" means starting point, the PI correspond to generators
400        degree := #(first(group))
401        orbit          : L NNI := [ point ]
402        orbitv         : V NNI := new(degree, 0)
403        orbitv(1) := point
404        orbit_size : NNI := 1
405        schreierVector : V I   := new ( degree, -2 )
406        schreierVector.point   := -1
407        position : I := 1
408        while not zero? position repeat
409            for i in 1..#grpinv for grv in grpinv repeat
410                newPoint := qelt(orbitv, orbit_size - position + 1)
411                newPoint := qelt(grv, newPoint)
412                if qelt(schreierVector, newPoint) = -2 then
413                    orbit                   := cons ( newPoint, orbit )
414                    orbit_size := orbit_size + 1
415                    orbitv(orbit_size) := newPoint
416                    position                := position + 1
417                    schreierVector.newPoint := i
418            position := position - 1
419        [reverse!(orbit), schreierVector ]
421    orbitWithSvc(group : L V NNI, point : NNI) : REC ==
422        grpinv := []$(L V NNI)
423        for el in group repeat
424            grpinv := cons(inv el, grpinv)
425        grpinv := reverse grpinv
426        orbitWithSvc1(group, grpinv, point)
428    bsgs1(group : L V NNI, number1 : NNI, words : L L NNI, maxLoops : I,
429          gp : %, diff : I, out : Reference(L L V NNI),
430          outword : Reference(L L L NNI)) : NNI ==
431        -- try to get a good approximation for the strong generators and base
432        degree := #(first(group))
433        gp_info := gp.information
434        wordProblem : Boolean := not(empty?(words))
435        -- i := find moved point
436        for i in number1..degree repeat
437            ort := orbitWithSvc(group, i)
438            k   := ort.orb
439            k1  := # k
440            if k1 ~= 1 then break
441        gpsgs := []$(L V NNI)
442        words2 := []$(L L NNI)
443        gplength : NNI := #group
444        -- j := nontrivial element
445        for jj in 1..gplength repeat if (group.jj).i ~= i then break
446        for k in 1..gplength repeat
447            el2 := group.k
448            if el2.i ~= i then
449                gpsgs := cons(el2, gpsgs)
450                if wordProblem then words2 := cons(words.k, words2)
451            else
452                gpsgs := cons(times(group.jj, el2), gpsgs)
453                if wordProblem then
454                      words2 := cons(append(words.jj, words.k), words2)
455        group2 := []$(L V NNI)
456        words3 := []$(L L NNI)
457        j : I  := 15
458        while j > 0 repeat
459            -- find generators for the stabilizer
460            ran := ranelt(group, words, maxLoops)
461            str := strip1(ran.elt, ort, group, words)
462            el2 := str.elt
463            if not testIdentity el2 then
464                if not member?(el2, group2) then
465                    group2 := cons ( el2, group2 )
466                    if wordProblem then
467                        help : L NNI := append(reverse str.lst, ran.lst)
468                        help         := shortenWord(help, gp)
469                        words3       := cons(help, words3)
470                    j := j - 2
471            j := j - 1
472        -- this is for word length control
473        if wordProblem then maxLoops    := maxLoops - diff
474        if empty?(group2) or (maxLoops < 0) then
475            gp_info.gpbase := [i]
476            setref(out, [gpsgs])
477            setref(outword, [words2])
478            return k1
479        k2 := bsgs1(group2, i + 1, words3, maxLoops, gp, diff,
480                    out, outword)
481        sizeOfGroup : NNI := k1 * k2
482        setref(out, append(deref(out), [gpsgs]))
483        setref(outword, append(deref(outword), [words2]))
484        gp_info.gpbase := cons(i, gp_info.gpbase)
485        sizeOfGroup
487    reduceGenerators(kkk : I, do_words : Boolean, gp_info : REC2,
488                     outl : L L V NNI, outword : L L L NNI) : L V NNI ==
489        -- try to reduce number of strong generators
490        base_lst := gp_info.gpbase
491        orbv := gp_info.orbs
492        sgs : L V NNI := []
493        res : L V NNI := []
494        grpinv := []$(L V NNI)
495        for i in 1..kkk repeat
496            sgs := append(sgs, outl(i))
497            grpinv := append(grpinv, map(inv, outl(i)))
498        removedGenerator : Boolean := false
499        baseLength : NNI := #base_lst
500        pt  := baseLength - kkk + 1
501        obs := orbitWithSvc1(sgs, grpinv, base_lst(pt))
502        orbv(kkk) := obs
503        obs_len := # obs.orb
504        if obs_len = 1 then
505            removedGenerator := true
506            outl(kkk) := []
507        i   := 1
508        outlk := outl(kkk)
509        while not (i > # outlk) and # outlk > 1 repeat
510            pos  := position(outlk(i), sgs)
511            sgs2 := delete(sgs, pos)
512            grpinv2 := delete(grpinv, pos)
513            obs2 := orbitWithSvc1(sgs2, grpinv2, base_lst(pt))
514            if # obs2.orb = obs_len then
515                res := cons(outlk(i), res)
516                sgs := sgs2
517                grpinv := grpinv2
518                outlk := delete(outlk, i)
519                outl(kkk) := outlk
520                orbv(kkk) := obs2
521                if do_words then _
522                    outword(kkk) := delete(outword(kkk), i)
523             else
524                i := i + 1
525        res
528    bsgs(group : %, wordProblem : Boolean, maxLoops : I, diff : I) : NNI ==
529        -- the MOST IMPORTANT part of the package
530        basePoint    : NNI           := 0
531        newBasePoint : B := false
532        baseOfGroup  : L NNI         := []
533        out               : L L V NNI     := []
534        outword           : L L L NNI     := []
535        outr              : Reference(L L V NNI) := ref([])
536        outwordr          : Reference(L L L NNI) := ref([])
537        supp   := pointList group
538        degree := # supp
539        gp_info := [1, [], [], [], [], []]$REC2
540        if degree = 0 then
541            group.information := gp_info
542            return 1
543        newGroup := []$(L V NNI)
544        tmpv : V NNI := new(degree, 0)
545        gp       : L PERM S := group.gens
546        words := []$(L L NNI)
547        for ggg in 1..#gp for ggp in gp repeat
548            q := perm_to_vec(supp, ggp, degree)
549            newGroup := cons(q, newGroup )
550            if wordProblem then words := cons(list ggg, words)
551        if maxLoops < 1 then
552            -- try to get the (approximate) base length
553            if zero? (# ((group.information).gpbase)) then
554                k := bsgs1(newGroup, 1, []$(L L NNI), 20, group, 0,
555                                 outr, outwordr)
556            maxLoops := #((group.information).gpbase) - 1
557        k := bsgs1(newGroup, 1, words, maxLoops, group, diff, outr, outwordr)
558        out := deref(outr)
559        outword := deref(outwordr)
560        kkk : I := 1
561        newGroup := reverse newGroup
562        noAnswer : B := true
563        z : V NNI
564        add_cnt : I := 0
565        wordlist : L L NNI
566        dummy_rec : REC := [[], empty()]
567        baseOfGroup := (group.information).gpbase
568        gp_info.gpbase := baseOfGroup
569        orbv : V REC := new(# baseOfGroup, dummy_rec)$(V REC)
570        while noAnswer repeat
571            gp_info.gpbase := baseOfGroup
572            gp_info.orbs := orbv
573            -- test whether we have a base and a strong generating set
574            sgs : L V NNI := []
575            wordlist := []
576            for i in 1..(kkk-1) repeat
577                sgs := append(sgs, out.i)
578                if wordProblem then wordlist := append (wordlist, outword.i)
579            noresult : B := true
580            z := new(degree, 0)
581            for i in kkk..#baseOfGroup while noresult repeat
582                rejects := reduceGenerators(i, wordProblem, gp_info,
583                                            out, outword)
584                sgs := append(sgs, out.i)
585                sgsv := vector(sgs)$V(V NNI)
586                wordv : V L NNI := empty()
587                if wordProblem then
588                    wordlist := append(wordlist, outword.i)
589                    wordv := vector(wordlist)
590                gporbi := orbv(i)
591                for z0 in rejects while noresult repeat
592                    z := copy(z0)
593                    ppp := strip(z, i, false, orbv, sgsv, wordv)
594                    noresult := testIdentity ppp.elt
595                    if not(noresult) then
596                        if wordProblem then
597                            z := copy(z0)
598                            ppp := strip(z, i, true, orbv, sgsv, wordv)
599                        z := ppp.elt
600                        word := ppp.lst
601                for pt in gporbi.orb while noresult repeat
602                    ppp   := cosetRep1(pt, wordProblem, gporbi, sgsv, wordv)
603                    y1    := inv ppp.elt
604                    word3 := ppp.lst
605                    for jjj in 1..#sgs while noresult repeat
606                        word         := []$(L NNI)
607                        times!(z, qelt(sgsv, jjj), y1)
608                        if wordProblem then word := qelt(wordv, jjj)
609                        ppp := strip(z, i, false, orbv, sgsv, wordv)
610                        z := ppp.elt
611                        noresult := testIdentity z
612                        if not(noresult) and wordProblem then
613                            z := times (qelt(sgsv, jjj), y1)
614                            ppp := strip(z, i, true, orbv, sgsv, wordv)
615                            z := ppp.elt
616                            word := append(ppp.lst, word)
617                if not(noresult) then
618                    for p in baseOfGroup for ii in 1.. repeat
619                        basePoint    := 1
620                        newBasePoint := true
621                        if qelt(z, p) ~= p then
622                            newBasePoint := false
623                            basePoint    := (#baseOfGroup - ii + 1)::NNI
624                            break
625            noAnswer := not (testIdentity z)
626            if noAnswer then
627                add_cnt := add_cnt + 1
628                -- we have missed something
629                word2 := []$(L NNI)
630                if wordProblem then
631                    for wdi in word3 repeat
632                        ttt := newGroup.wdi
633                        while not (testIdentity ttt) repeat
634                            word2 := cons(wdi, word2)
635                            ttt   := times(ttt, newGroup.wdi)
636                    word := append(word, word2)
637                    word := shortenWord(word, group)
638                if newBasePoint then
639                    for i in 1..degree repeat
640                        if z.i ~= i then
641                            baseOfGroup := append(baseOfGroup, [ i ])
642                            break
643                    orbv := new(# baseOfGroup, dummy_rec)$(V REC)
644                    out := cons(list  z, out)
645                    if wordProblem then outword := cons(list word, outword)
646                else
647                    out.basePoint := cons(z, out.basePoint)
648                    if wordProblem then
649                        outword.basePoint := cons(word, outword.basePoint)
650                kkk := basePoint
651        sizeOfGroup : NNI := 1
652        for j in 1..#baseOfGroup repeat
653            sizeOfGroup := sizeOfGroup * # orbv(j).orb
654        group.information := [sizeOfGroup, sgs, baseOfGroup, orbv, supp,
655                              wordlist]$REC2
656        sizeOfGroup
659    initialize(group : %) : FSET PERM S ==
660        group2 := empty()$(FSET PERM S)
661        gp : L PERM S := group.gens
662        for gen in gp repeat
663            if degree gen > 0 then insert!(gen, group2)
664        group2
666    knownGroup?(gp : %) : Void ==
667        -- do we know the group already?
668        if gp.information.order = 0 then
669            bsgs(gp, false, 20, 0)
670        void
672    subgroup(gp1 : %, gp2 : %) : B ==
673        gpset1 := initialize gp1
674        gpset2 := initialize gp2
675        empty? difference(gpset1, gpset2) => true
676        for el in parts gpset1 repeat
677            not member?(el, gp2) => return false
678        true
680    memberInternal(p : PERM S, gp : %, do_words : B) : REC4 ==
681        -- internal membership testing
682        gr_supp     := pointList gp
683        mP : L S := parts movedPoints p
684        gp_info : REC2
685        for x in mP repeat
686            not member?(x, gr_supp) =>
687                return [false, []$(L NNI)]
688        if not(do_words) then
689            member?(p, gp.gens) => return [true, []$(L NNI)]
690        knownGroup? gp
691        gp_info := gp.information
692        sgsl := gp_info.sgset
693        orbv := gp_info.orbs
694        base_lst := gp_info.gpbase
695        degree : NNI := #gr_supp
697        pp := perm_to_vec(gr_supp, p, degree)
699        wordv : V L NNI := empty()
700        if do_words then
701            wordv := new(#sgsl, [])
702            for i in 1..#sgsl repeat
703                wordv(i) := [i]
704        grpv : V V NNI := vector(sgsl)
705        str := strip(pp, #base_lst, do_words, orbv, grpv, wordv)
706        [testIdentity str.elt, str.lst]
708    orbit_words1(p0 : NNI, p : NNI, grp : L V NNI, acc : L NNI, res : V L NNI
709                ) : Void ==
710        for g in grp for i in 1.. repeat
711            q := qelt(g, p)
712            p0 = q => "skip"
713            not(empty?(qelt(res, q))) => "skip"
714            acc1 := cons(qcoerce(i)@NNI, acc)
715            res(q) := acc1
716            orbit_words1(p0, q, grp, acc1, res)
718    orbit_words(p : NNI, grp : L V NNI) : V L NNI ==
719        n := #first(grp)
720        res := new(n, [])$(V L NNI)
721        orbit_words1(p, p, grp, [], res)
722        res
724    relations_for_orbit(p : NNI, m : NNI, orbd : V REC,
725                        grpv : V V NNI) : L L I ==
726        -- print("relations_for_orbit"::OutputForm)
727        -- print(p::OutputForm)
728        res : L L I := []
729        grpl := first(members(grpv), m)
730        ww := orbit_words(p, grpl)
731        -- print(ww::OutputForm)
732        n0 := #(orbd(1).svc)
733        wv := new(n0, empty()$Vector(NNI))$(V V NNI)
734        wvi := new(n0, empty()$Vector(NNI))$(V V NNI)
735        wordv := new(n0, empty())$(V L NNI)
736        for i in 1..n0 repeat
737            wordv(i) := [i]
738            wi_l := qelt(ww, i)
739            empty?(wi_l) => "skip"
740            wi := new(n0, 0)$Vector(NNI)
741            for j in 1..n0 repeat
742                qsetelt!(wi, j, j)
743            for j in reverse(wi_l) repeat
744                times!(wi, qelt(grpv, j), wi)
745            qsetelt!(wv, i, wi)
746            qsetelt!(wvi, i, inv(wi))
747        for i in 1..n0 repeat
748            wi_l := qelt(ww, i)
749            empty?(wi_l) => "skip"
750            -- print("wi_l = "::OutputForm)
751            -- print(wi_l::OutputForm)
752            wi := qelt(wv, i)
753            for j in 1..m repeat
754                -- print("doing"::OutputForm)
755                -- print(j::OutputForm)
756                nw := times(grpv(j), wi)
757                p1 := qelt(nw, p)
758                iw : L NNI := []
759                if p1 ~= p then
760                    nw := times(wvi(p1), nw)
761                    iw := ww(p1)
762                cons(j, wi_l) = iw => "skip"
763                nw := inv(nw)
764                rhr := strip(nw, #orbd, true, orbd, grpv, wordv)
765                rh := concat(iw, rhr.lst)
766                -- print(rh::OutputForm)
767                rl : L I := []
768                for k in rh repeat
769                    rl := cons(-k, rl)
770                ll : L I := []
771                for k in qelt(ww, i) repeat
772                    ll := cons(k, ll)
773                ll := reverse!(ll)
774                rl := concat(ll, rl)
775                rl := cons(j, rl)
776                -- print(rl::OutputForm)
777                res := cons(rl, res)
778        res
780    relations_in_strong_generators(orbd : V REC, grpv : V V NNI
781                                  ) : L L I ==
782        k := #orbd
783        m := #grpv
784        res : L L I := []
785        bl : L NNI := []
786        for i in 1..k repeat
787            orbi := qelt(orbd, i)
788            bl := cons(first(orbi.orb), bl)
789        gri_l : L NNI := [m]
790        blp := bl
791        -- print(blp::OutputForm)
792        p1 := first(blp)
793        blp := rest(blp)
794        for j in m..1 by -1 repeat
795            gv := qelt(grpv, j)
796            p2 := qelt(gv, p1)
797            -- print(p2::OutputForm)
798            if p1 = p2 then
799                gri_l := cons(j, gri_l)
800                empty?(blp) => break
801                p1 := first(blp)
802                blp := rest(blp)
803        -- print(gri_l :: OutputForm)
804        for p0 in reverse(bl) for m1 in gri_l repeat
805            res := concat(relations_for_orbit(p0, m1, orbd, grpv), res)
806        res
808  --now the exported functions
810    relationsInStrongGenerators(gp : %) : L(L(I)) ==
811        knownGroup?(gp)
812        gi := gp.information
813        grpv := vector(gi.sgset)$V(V(NNI))
814        relations_in_strong_generators(gi.orbs, grpv)
816    relationsInGenerators(gp : %) : L(L(I)) ==
817        gi := gp.information
818        if #(gi.wd) = 0 then
819            initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp)
820            gi := gp.information
821        grpv := vector(gi.sgset)$V(V(NNI))
822        orbd := gi.orbs
823        srels := relations_in_strong_generators(orbd, grpv)
824        words := new(#(gi.wd), empty())$V(L(I))
825        iwords := new(#words, empty())$V(L(I))
826        for i in 1..#words for wli in gi.wd repeat
827           words(i) := [j for j in wli]
828           iwd := []$L(I)
829           for j in wli repeat
830               iwd := cons(-j, iwd)
831           iwords(i) := iwd
832        res : L(L(I)) := []
833        for srel in srels repeat
834            nrel : L(I) := []
835            for i in srel repeat
836                cw :=
837                    i > 0 => qelt(words, i)
838                    qelt(iwords, -i)
839                for j in cw repeat
840                    nrel := cons(j, nrel)
841            res := cons(reverse!(nrel), res)
842        supp := pointList(gp)
843        nn := #supp
844        n0 := #grpv
845        wordv := new(n0, empty())$(V L NNI)
846        for i in 1..n0 repeat
847            wordv(i) := [i]
848        for i in 1..#words for ggp in gp.gens repeat
849            q := perm_to_vec(supp, ggp, nn)
850            rhr := strip(q, #orbd, true, orbd, grpv, wordv)
851            nrel : L(I) := []
852            for j in rhr.lst repeat
853                cw := words(j)
854                for k in cw repeat
855                    nrel := cons(k, nrel)
856            nrel := reverse!(nrel)
857            nrel := cons(i, nrel)
858            res := cons(nrel, res)
859        res
861    coerce(gp : %) : L PERM S == gp.gens
862    generators(gp : %) : L PERM S == gp.gens
864    strongGenerators(group) ==
865        knownGroup? group
866        gr_supp := group.information.mp
867        gr_sgs := group.information.sgset
868        degree := # gr_supp
869        strongGens := []$(L PERM S)
870        for i in gr_sgs repeat
871            pairs := []$(L L S)
872            for j in 1..degree repeat
873                pairs := cons([ gr_supp.j, gr_supp.(i.j)], pairs)
874            strongGens := cons(coerceListOfPairs pairs, strongGens)
875        reverse strongGens
877    elt(gp, i) == (gp.gens).i
879    movedPoints(gp) == set(pointList(gp))
881    random(group, maximalNumberOfFactors) ==
882        maximalNumberOfFactors < 1 => 1$(PERM S)
883        gp : L PERM S := group.gens
884        numberOfGenerators := # gp
885        randomInteger : I  := 1 + random(numberOfGenerators)$Integer
886        randomElement      := gp.randomInteger
887        numberOfLoops : I  := 1 + random(maximalNumberOfFactors)$Integer
888        while numberOfLoops > 0 repeat
889            randomInteger : I  := 1 + random(numberOfGenerators)$Integer
890            randomElement := gp.randomInteger * randomElement
891            numberOfLoops := numberOfLoops - 1
892        randomElement
894    random(group) == random(group, 20)
896    order(group) ==
897        knownGroup? group
898        group.information.order
900    degree(group) == # pointList group
902    base(group) ==
903        knownGroup? group
904        gr_base := group.information.gpbase
905        gr_supp := group.information.mp
906        groupBase := []$(L S)
907        for i in gr_base repeat
908            groupBase := cons(gr_supp.i, groupBase)
909        reverse groupBase
911    wordsForStrongGenerators(group) ==
912        gi := group.information
913        if #(gi.wd) = 0 then
914            initializeGroupForWordProblem(group)
915            gi := group.information
916        gi.wd
918    coerce (gp : L PERM S) : % ==
919        result : REC2 := [0, [], [], [], [], []]
920        group         := [gp, result]
922    permutationGroup (gp : L PERM S) : % ==
923        result : REC2 := [0, [], [], [], [], []]
924        group         := [gp, result]
926    coerce(group : %) : OUT ==
927        outList := []$(L OUT)
928        gp : L PERM S := group.gens
929        for i in (maxIndex gp)..1 by -1 repeat
930            outList := cons(coerce gp.i, outList)
931        postfix(outputForm(">"::SYM),
932                postfix(commaSeparate outList, outputForm("<"::SYM)))
934    orbit(gp : %, el : S) : FSET S ==
935        elList : L S := [el]
936        outList      := orbitInternal(gp, elList)
937        outSet       := empty()$(FSET S)
938        for i in 1..#outList repeat
939            insert!(outList.i.1, outSet )
940        outSet
942    orbits(gp) ==
943        spp    := movedPoints(gp)
944        orbits := []$(L FSET S)
945        while cardinality spp > 0 repeat
946            el       := extract! spp
947            orbitSet := orbit(gp, el)
948            orbits   := cons(orbitSet, orbits)
949            spp      := difference(spp, orbitSet)
950        set(orbits)
952    member? (p, gp) ==
953        mi := memberInternal(p, gp, false)
954        mi.bool
956    wordInStrongGenerators (p, gp) ==
957        mi := memberInternal(inv p, gp, true)
958        not mi.bool => error "p is not an element of gp"
959        mi.lst
961    wordInGenerators(p, gp) ==
962        gp_info := gp.information
963        if #(gp_info.wd) = 0 then
964            initializeGroupForWordProblem gp
965            gp_info := gp.information
966        lll : L NNI := wordInStrongGenerators(p, gp)
967        outlist := []$(L NNI)
968        words := gp.information.wd
969        for n in lll repeat
970            outlist := append (outlist, words(n))
971        shortenWord(outlist, gp)
973    gp1 < gp2 ==
974        not empty? difference(movedPoints gp1, movedPoints gp2) => false
975        not subgroup(gp1, gp2) => false
976        order(gp1) = order(gp2) => false
977        true
979    gp1 <= gp2 ==
980        not empty? difference(movedPoints gp1, movedPoints gp2) => false
981        subgroup(gp1, gp2)
983    gp1 = gp2 ==
984        movedPoints gp1 ~= movedPoints gp2 => false
985        if #(gp1.gens) <= #(gp2.gens) then
986            not subgroup(gp1, gp2) => return false
987        else
988            not subgroup(gp2, gp1) => return false
989        order(gp1) = order(gp2) => true
990        false
992    orbit(gp : %, startSet : FSET S) : FSET FSET S ==
993        startList : L S := parts startSet
994        outList         := orbitInternal (gp, startList)
995        outSet          := empty()$(FSET FSET S)
996        for i in 1..#outList repeat
997            newSet : FSET S := set(outList.i)
998            insert!(newSet, outSet)
999        outSet
1001    orbit(gp : %, startList : L S) : FSET L S ==
1002        set(orbitInternal(gp, startList))
1004    initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp, maxLoops, diff) ==
1005        bsgs(gp, true, maxLoops, diff)
1006        void
1008    initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp) ==
1009        initializeGroupForWordProblem(gp, 0, 1)
1011)abbrev package PGE PermutationGroupExamples
1012++ Authors: M. Weller, G. Schneider, J. Grabmeier
1013++ Date Created: 20 February 1990
1014++ Basic Operations:
1015++ Related Constructors:
1016++ Also See:
1017++ AMS Classifications:
1018++ Keywords:
1019++ References:
1020++  J. Conway, R. Curtis, S. Norton, R. Parker, R. Wilson:
1021++   Atlas of Finite Groups, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987
1022++ Description:
1023++   PermutationGroupExamples provides permutation groups for
1024++   some classes of groups: symmetric, alternating, dihedral, cyclic,
1025++   direct products of cyclic, which are in fact the finite abelian groups
1026++   of symmetric groups called Young subgroups.
1027++   Furthermore, Rubik's group as permutation group of 48 integers and a list
1028++   of sporadic simple groups derived from the atlas of finite groups.
1030PermutationGroupExamples() : public == private where
1032    L          ==> List
1033    I          ==> Integer
1034    PI         ==> PositiveInteger
1035    NNI        ==> NonNegativeInteger
1036    PERM       ==> Permutation
1037    PERMGRP   ==> PermutationGroup
1039    public ==> with
1041      symmetricGroup :       PI        -> PERMGRP I
1042        ++ symmetricGroup(n) constructs the symmetric group {\em Sn}
1043        ++ acting on the integers 1, ..., n, generators are the
1044        ++ {\em n}-cycle {\em (1, ..., n)} and the 2-cycle {\em (1, 2)}.
1045      symmetricGroup :       L I       -> PERMGRP I
1046        ++ symmetricGroup(li) constructs the symmetric group acting on
1047        ++ the integers in the list {\em li}, generators are the
1048        ++ cycle given by {\em li} and the 2-cycle {\em (li.1, li.2)}.
1049        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1050      alternatingGroup :     PI        -> PERMGRP I
1051        ++ alternatingGroup(n) constructs the alternating group {\em An}
1052        ++ acting on the integers 1, ..., n,  generators are in general the
1053        ++ {\em n-2}-cycle {\em (3, ..., n)} and the 3-cycle {\em (1, 2, 3)}
1054        ++ if n is odd and the product of the 2-cycle {\em (1, 2)} with
1055        ++ {\em n-2}-cycle {\em (3, ..., n)} and the 3-cycle {\em (1, 2, 3)}
1056        ++ if n is even.
1057      alternatingGroup :     L I       -> PERMGRP I
1058        ++ alternatingGroup(li) constructs the alternating group acting
1059        ++ on the integers in the list {\em li}, generators are in general the
1060        ++ {\em n-2}-cycle {\em (li.3, ..., li.n)} and the 3-cycle
1061        ++ {\em (li.1, li.2, li.3)}, if n is odd and
1062        ++ product of the 2-cycle {\em (li.1, li.2)} with
1063        ++ {\em n-2}-cycle {\em (li.3, ..., li.n)} and the 3-cycle
1064        ++ {\em (li.1, li.2, li.3)}, if n is even.
1065        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1066      abelianGroup :         L PI      -> PERMGRP I
1067        ++ abelianGroup([n1, ..., nk]) constructs the abelian group that
1068        ++ is the direct product of cyclic groups with order {\em ni}.
1069      cyclicGroup :          PI        -> PERMGRP I
1070        ++ cyclicGroup(n) constructs the cyclic group of order n acting
1071        ++ on the integers 1, ..., n.
1072      cyclicGroup :          L I       -> PERMGRP I
1073        ++ cyclicGroup([i1, ..., ik]) constructs the cyclic group of
1074        ++ order k acting on the integers {\em i1}, ..., {\em ik}.
1075        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1076      dihedralGroup :        PI        -> PERMGRP I
1077        ++ dihedralGroup(n) constructs the dihedral group of order 2n
1078        ++ acting on integers 1, ..., N.
1079      dihedralGroup :        L I       -> PERMGRP I
1080        ++ dihedralGroup([i1, ..., ik]) constructs the dihedral group of
1081        ++ order 2k acting on the integers out of {\em i1}, ..., {\em ik}.
1082        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1083      mathieu11 :            L I       -> PERMGRP I
1084        ++ mathieu11(li) constructs the mathieu group acting on the 11
1085        ++ integers given in the list {\em li}.
1086        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1087        ++ error, if {\em li} has less or more than 11 different entries.
1088      mathieu11 :            ()        -> PERMGRP I
1089        ++ mathieu11 constructs the mathieu group acting on the
1090        ++ integers 1, ..., 11.
1091      mathieu12 :            L I       -> PERMGRP I
1092        ++ mathieu12(li) constructs the mathieu group acting on the 12
1093        ++ integers given in the list {\em li}.
1094        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed
1095        ++ Error: if {\em li} has less or more than 12 different entries.
1096      mathieu12 :            ()        -> PERMGRP I
1097        ++ mathieu12 constructs the mathieu group acting on the
1098        ++ integers 1, ..., 12.
1099      mathieu22 :            L I       -> PERMGRP I
1100        ++ mathieu22(li) constructs the mathieu group acting on the 22
1101        ++ integers given in the list {\em li}.
1102        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1103        ++ Error: if {\em li} has less or more than 22 different entries.
1104      mathieu22 :            ()        -> PERMGRP I
1105        ++ mathieu22 constructs the mathieu group acting on the
1106        ++ integers 1, ..., 22.
1107      mathieu23 :            L I       -> PERMGRP I
1108        ++ mathieu23(li) constructs the mathieu group acting on the 23
1109        ++ integers given in the list {\em li}.
1110        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1111        ++ Error: if {\em li} has less or more than 23 different entries.
1112      mathieu23 :            ()        -> PERMGRP I
1113        ++ mathieu23 constructs the mathieu group acting on the
1114        ++ integers 1, ..., 23.
1115      mathieu24 :            L I       -> PERMGRP I
1116        ++ mathieu24(li) constructs the mathieu group acting on the 24
1117        ++ integers given in the list {\em li}.
1118        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1119        ++ Error: if {\em li} has less or more than 24 different entries.
1120      mathieu24 :            ()        -> PERMGRP I
1121        ++ mathieu24 constructs the mathieu group acting on the
1122        ++ integers 1, ..., 24.
1123      janko2 :               L I       -> PERMGRP I
1124        ++ janko2(li) constructs the janko group acting on the 100
1125        ++ integers given in the list {\em li}.
1126        ++ Note: duplicates in the list will be removed.
1127        ++ Error: if {\em li} has less or more than 100 different entries
1128      janko2 :               ()        -> PERMGRP I
1129        ++ janko2 constructs the janko group acting on the
1130        ++ integers 1, ..., 100.
1131      rubiksGroup :          ()        -> PERMGRP I
1132        ++ rubiksGroup constructs the permutation group representing
1133        ++ Rubic's Cube acting on integers {\em 10*i+j} for
1134        ++ {\em 1 <= i <= 6}, {\em 1 <= j <= 8}.
1135        ++ The faces of Rubik's Cube are labelled in the obvious way
1136        ++ Front, Right, Up, Down, Left, Back and numbered from 1 to 6
1137        ++ in this given ordering, the pieces on each face
1138        ++ (except the unmoveable center piece) are clockwise numbered
1139        ++ from 1 to 8 starting with the piece in the upper left
1140        ++ corner. The moves of the cube are represented as permutations
1141        ++ on these pieces, represented as a two digit
1142        ++ integer {\em ij} where i is the numer of theface (1 to 6)
1143        ++ and j is the number of the piece on this face.
1144        ++ The remaining ambiguities are resolved by looking
1145        ++ at the 6 generators, which represent a 90 degree turns of the
1146        ++ faces, or from the following pictorial description.
1147        ++ Permutation group representing Rubic's Cube acting on integers
1148        ++ 10*i+j for 1 <= i <= 6, 1 <= j <=8.
1149        ++
1150        ++ \begin{verbatim}
1151        ++ Rubik's Cube:   +-----+ +-- B   where: marks Side # :
1152        ++                / U   /|/
1153        ++               /     / |         F(ront)    <->    1
1154        ++       L -->  +-----+ R|         R(ight)    <->    2
1155        ++              |     |  +         U(p)       <->    3
1156        ++              |  F  | /          D(own)     <->    4
1157        ++              |     |/           L(eft)     <->    5
1158        ++              +-----+            B(ack)     <->    6
1159        ++                 ^
1160        ++                 |
1161        ++                 D
1162        ++
1163        ++ The Cube's surface:
1164        ++                                The pieces on each side
1165        ++             +---+              (except the unmoveable center
1166        ++             |567|              piece) are clockwise numbered
1167        ++             |4U8|              from 1 to 8 starting with the
1168        ++             |321|              piece in the upper left
1169        ++         +---+---+---+          corner (see figure on the
1170        ++         |781|123|345|          left).  The moves of the cube
1171        ++         |6L2|8F4|2R6|          are represented as
1172        ++         |543|765|187|          permutations on these pieces.
1173        ++         +---+---+---+          Each of the pieces is
1174        ++             |123|              represented as a two digit
1175        ++             |8D4|              integer ij where i is the
1176        ++             |765|              # of the side ( 1 to 6 for
1177        ++             +---+              F to B (see table above ))
1178        ++             |567|              and j is the # of the piece.
1179        ++             |4B8|
1180        ++             |321|
1181        ++             +---+
1182        ++ \end{verbatim}
1183      youngGroup :           L I      -> PERMGRP I
1184        ++ youngGroup([n1, ..., nk]) constructs the direct product of the
1185        ++ symmetric groups {\em Sn1}, ..., {\em Snk}.
1186      youngGroup :    Partition        -> PERMGRP I
1187        ++ youngGroup(lambda) constructs the direct product of the symmetric
1188        ++ groups given by the parts of the partition {\em lambda}.
1190    private ==> add
1192      -- import the permutation and permutation group domains:
1194      import from PERM I
1195      import from PERMGRP I
1197      -- import the needed map function:
1199      import from ListFunctions2(L L I, PERM I)
1200      -- the internal functions:
1202      llli2gp(l : L L L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1203        --++ Converts an list of permutations each represented by a list
1204        --++ of cycles ( each of them represented as a list of Integers )
1205        --++ to the permutation group generated by these permutations.
1206        (map(cycles, l))::PERMGRP I
1208      li1n(n : I) : L I ==
1209        --++ constructs the list of integers from 1 to n
1210        [i for i in 1..n]
1212      -- definition of the exported functions:
1213      youngGroup(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1214        gens := []$(L L L I)
1215        element : I := 1
1216        for n in l | n > 1 repeat
1217          gens := cons(list [i for i in element..(element+n-1)], gens)
1218          if n >= 3 then gens := cons([[element, element+1]], gens)
1219          element := element+n
1220        llli2gp
1221          #gens = 0 => [[[1]]]
1222          gens
1224      youngGroup(lambda : Partition) : PERMGRP I ==
1225        youngGroup(convert(lambda)$Partition)
1227      rubiksGroup() : PERMGRP I ==
1228        -- each generator represents a 90 degree turn of the appropriate
1229        -- side.
1230        f : L L I :=
1231         [[11, 13, 15, 17], [12, 14, 16, 18], [51, 31, 21, 41], [53, 33, 23, 43], [52, 32, 22, 42]]
1232        r : L L I :=
1233         [[21, 23, 25, 27], [22, 24, 26, 28], [13, 37, 67, 43], [15, 31, 61, 45], [14, 38, 68, 44]]
1234        u : L L I :=
1235         [[31, 33, 35, 37], [32, 34, 36, 38], [13, 51, 63, 25], [11, 57, 61, 23], [12, 58, 62, 24]]
1236        d : L L I :=
1237         [[41, 43, 45, 47], [42, 44, 46, 48], [17, 21, 67, 55], [15, 27, 65, 53], [16, 28, 66, 54]]
1238        l : L L I :=
1239         [[51, 53, 55, 57], [52, 54, 56, 58], [11, 41, 65, 35], [17, 47, 63, 33], [18, 48, 64, 34]]
1240        b : L L I :=
1241         [[61, 63, 65, 67], [62, 64, 66, 68], [45, 25, 35, 55], [47, 27, 37, 57], [46, 26, 36, 56]]
1242        llli2gp [f, r, u, d, l, b]
1244      mathieu11(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1245      -- permutations derived from the ATLAS
1246        l := removeDuplicates l
1247        #l ~= 11 => error "Exactly 11 integers for mathieu11 needed !"
1248        a : L L I := [[l.1, l.10], [l.2, l.8], [l.3, l.11], [l.5, l.7]]
1249        llli2gp [a, [[l.1, l.4, l.7, l.6], [l.2, l.11, l.10, l.9]]]
1251      mathieu11() : PERMGRP I == mathieu11 li1n 11
1253      mathieu12(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1254      -- permutations derived from the ATLAS
1255        l := removeDuplicates l
1256        #l ~= 12 => error "Exactly 12 integers for mathieu12 needed !"
1257        a : L L I :=
1258          [[l.1, l.2, l.3, l.4, l.5, l.6, l.7, l.8, l.9, l.10, l.11]]
1259        llli2gp [a, [[l.1, l.6, l.5, l.8, l.3, l.7, l.4, l.2, l.9, l.10], [l.11, l.12]]]
1261      mathieu12() : PERMGRP I == mathieu12 li1n 12
1263      mathieu22(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1264      -- permutations derived from the ATLAS
1265        l := removeDuplicates l
1266        #l ~= 22 => error "Exactly 22 integers for mathieu22 needed !"
1267        a : L L I := [[l.1, l.2, l.4, l.8, l.16, l.9, l.18, l.13, l.3, l.6, l.12],   _
1268          [l.5, l.10, l.20, l.17, l.11, l.22, l.21, l.19, l.15, l.7, l.14]]
1269        b : L L I := [[l.1, l.2, l.6, l.18], [l.3, l.15], [l.5, l.8, l.21, l.13],   _
1270          [l.7, l.9, l.20, l.12], [l.10, l.16], [l.11, l.19, l.14, l.22]]
1271        llli2gp [a, b]
1273      mathieu22() : PERMGRP I == mathieu22 li1n 22
1275      mathieu23(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1276      -- permutations derived from the ATLAS
1277        l := removeDuplicates l
1278        #l ~= 23 => error "Exactly 23 integers for mathieu23 needed !"
1279        a : L L I := [[l.1, l.2, l.3, l.4, l.5, l.6, l.7, l.8, l.9, l.10, l.11, l.12, l.13, l.14, _
1280                   l.15, l.16, l.17, l.18, l.19, l.20, l.21, l.22, l.23]]
1281        b : L L I := [[l.2, l.16, l.9, l.6, l.8], [l.3, l.12, l.13, l.18, l.4],              _
1282                   [l.7, l.17, l.10, l.11, l.22], [l.14, l.19, l.21, l.20, l.15]]
1283        llli2gp [a, b]
1285      mathieu23() : PERMGRP I == mathieu23 li1n 23
1287      mathieu24(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1288      -- permutations derived from the ATLAS
1289        l := removeDuplicates l
1290        #l ~= 24 => error "Exactly 24 integers for mathieu24 needed !"
1291        a : L L I := [[l.1, l.16, l.10, l.22, l.24], [l.2, l.12, l.18, l.21, l.7],          _
1292                   [l.4, l.5, l.8, l.6, l.17], [l.9, l.11, l.13, l.19, l.15]]
1293        b : L L I := [[l.1, l.22, l.13, l.14, l.6, l.20, l.3, l.21, l.8, l.11], [l.2, l.10],  _
1294                   [l.4, l.15, l.18, l.17, l.16, l.5, l.9, l.19, l.12, l.7], [l.23, l.24]]
1295        llli2gp [a, b]
1297      mathieu24() : PERMGRP I == mathieu24 li1n 24
1299      janko2(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1300      -- permutations derived from the ATLAS
1301        l := removeDuplicates l
1302        #l ~= 100 => error "Exactly 100 integers for janko2 needed !"
1303        a : L L I := [                                                            _
1304                 [l.2, l.3, l.4, l.5, l.6, l.7, l.8],                               _
1305                 [l.9, l.10, l.11, l.12, l.13, l.14, l.15],                         _
1306                 [l.16, l.17, l.18, l.19, l.20, l.21, l.22],                        _
1307                 [l.23, l.24, l.25, l.26, l.27, l.28, l.29],                        _
1308                 [l.30, l.31, l.32, l.33, l.34, l.35, l.36],                        _
1309                 [l.37, l.38, l.39, l.40, l.41, l.42, l.43],                        _
1310                 [l.44, l.45, l.46, l.47, l.48, l.49, l.50],                        _
1311                 [l.51, l.52, l.53, l.54, l.55, l.56, l.57],                        _
1312                 [l.58, l.59, l.60, l.61, l.62, l.63, l.64],                        _
1313                 [l.65, l.66, l.67, l.68, l.69, l.70, l.71],                        _
1314                 [l.72, l.73, l.74, l.75, l.76, l.77, l.78],                        _
1315                 [l.79, l.80, l.81, l.82, l.83, l.84, l.85],                        _
1316                 [l.86, l.87, l.88, l.89, l.90, l.91, l.92],                        _
1317                 [l.93, l.94, l.95, l.96, l.97, l.98, l.99] ]
1318        b : L L I := [
1319                [l.1, l.74, l.83, l.21, l.36, l.77, l.44, l.80, l.64, l.2, l.34, l.75, l.48, l.17, l.100], _
1320                [l.3, l.15, l.31, l.52, l.19, l.11, l.73, l.79, l.26, l.56, l.41, l.99, l.39, l.84, l.90], _
1321                [l.4, l.57, l.86, l.63, l.85, l.95, l.82, l.97, l.98, l.81, l.8, l.69, l.38, l.43, l.58], _
1322                [l.5, l.66, l.49, l.59, l.61], _
1323                [l.6, l.68, l.89, l.94, l.92, l.20, l.13, l.54, l.24, l.51, l.87, l.27, l.76, l.23, l.67], _
1324                [l.7, l.72, l.22, l.35, l.30, l.70, l.47, l.62, l.45, l.46, l.40, l.28, l.65, l.93, l.42], _
1325                [l.9, l.71, l.37, l.91, l.18, l.55, l.96, l.60, l.16, l.53, l.50, l.25, l.32, l.14, l.33], _
1326                [l.10, l.78, l.88, l.29, l.12] ]
1327        llli2gp [a, b]
1329      janko2() : PERMGRP I == janko2 li1n 100
1331      abelianGroup(l : L PI) : PERMGRP I ==
1332        gens := []$(L L L I)
1333        element : I := 1
1334        for n in l | n > 1 repeat
1335          gens := cons( list [i for i in element..(element+n-1) ], gens )
1336          element := element+n
1337        llli2gp
1338          #gens = 0 => [[[1]]]
1339          gens
1341      alternatingGroup(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1342        l := removeDuplicates l
1343        #l = 0 =>
1344          error "Cannot construct alternating group on empty set"
1345        #l < 3 => llli2gp [[[l.1]]]
1346        #l = 3 => llli2gp [[[l.1, l.2, l.3]]]
1347        tmp := [l.i for i in 3..(#l)]
1348        gens : L L L I := [[tmp], [[l.1, l.2, l.3]]]
1349        odd?(#l) => llli2gp gens
1350        gens.1 := cons([l.1, l.2], gens.1)
1351        llli2gp gens
1353      alternatingGroup(n : PI) : PERMGRP I == alternatingGroup li1n n
1355      symmetricGroup(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1356        l := removeDuplicates l
1357        #l = 0 => error "Cannot construct symmetric group on empty set !"
1358        #l < 3 => llli2gp [[l]]
1359        llli2gp [[l], [[l.1, l.2]]]
1361      symmetricGroup(n : PI) : PERMGRP I == symmetricGroup li1n n
1363      cyclicGroup(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1364        l := removeDuplicates l
1365        #l = 0 => error "Cannot construct cyclic group on empty set"
1366        llli2gp [[l]]
1368      cyclicGroup(n : PI) : PERMGRP I == cyclicGroup li1n n
1370      dihedralGroup(l : L I) : PERMGRP I ==
1371        l := removeDuplicates l
1372        #l < 3 => error "in dihedralGroup: Minimum of 3 elements needed !"
1373        tmp := [[l.i, l.(#l-i+1) ] for i in 1..(#l quo 2)]
1374        llli2gp [ [ l ], tmp ]
1376      dihedralGroup(n : PI) : PERMGRP I ==
1377        n = 1 => symmetricGroup (2::PI)
1378        n = 2 => llli2gp [[[1, 2]], [[3, 4]]]
1379        dihedralGroup li1n n
1381--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
1382--All rights reserved.
1384--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1385--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
1388--    - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
1389--      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
1391--    - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
1392--      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
1393--      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
1394--      distribution.
1396--    - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
1397--      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
1398--      derived from this software without specific prior written permission.