1)abbrev package PLEQN ParametricLinearEquations
2++ Author: William Sit, spring 89
3++ Description:
4++  This package completely solves a parametric linear system of equations
5++  by decomposing the set of all parametric values for which the linear
6++  system is consistent into a union of quasi-algebraic  sets (which need
7++  not be irredundant, but most of the time is). Each quasi-algebraic
8++  set is described by a list of polynomials that vanish on the set, and
9++  a list of polynomials that vanish at no point of the set.
10++  For each quasi-algebraic set, the solution of the linear system
11++  is given, as a particular solution and  a basis of the homogeneous
12++  system.
13++  The parametric linear system should be given in matrix form, with
14++  a coefficient matrix and a right hand side vector. The entries
15++  of the coefficient matrix and right hand side vector should be
16++  polynomials in the parametric variables, over a Euclidean domain
17++  of characteristic zero.
19++  If the system is homogeneous, the right hand side need not be given.
20++  The right hand side can also be  replaced by an indeterminate vector,
21++  in which case, the conditions required for consistency will also be
22++  given.
23-- MB: In order to allow the rhs to be indeterminate, while working
24-- mainly with the parametric variables on the lhs (less number of
25-- variables), certain conversions of internal representation from
26-- GR to Polynomial R and Fraction Polynomial R are done.  At the time
27-- of implementation, I thought that this may be more efficient.  I
28-- have not done any comparison since that requires rewriting the
29-- package.  My own application needs to call this package quite often,
30-- and most computations involves only polynomials in the parametric
31-- variables.
33-- The 12 modes of psolve are probably not all necessary.  Again, I
34-- was thinking that if there are many regimes and many ranks, then
35-- the output is quite big, and it may be nice to be able to save it
36-- and read the results in later to continue computing rather than
37-- recomputing.  Because of the combinatorial nature of the algorithm
38-- (computing all subdeterminants!), it does not take a very big matrix
39-- to get into many regimes.  But I now have second thoughts of this
40-- design, since most of the time, the results are just intermediate,
41-- passed to be further processed.  On the other hand, there is probably
42-- no penalty in leaving the options as is.
43ParametricLinearEquations(R, Var, Expon, GR):
44            Declaration == Definition where
46  R         :  Join(EuclideanDomain, PolynomialFactorizationExplicit,
47                    CharacteristicZero)
48  -- Warning: does not work if R is a field! because of Fraction R
49  Var       :  Join(OrderedSet, ConvertibleTo (Symbol))
50  Expon     :  OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
51  GR        :  PolynomialCategory(R, Expon, Var)
52  F        == Fraction R
53  FILE ==> FileCategory
54  FNAME ==> FileName
55  GB  ==> EuclideanGroebnerBasisPackage
56--  GBINTERN ==> GroebnerInternalPackage
57  I   ==> Integer
58  L   ==> List
59  M   ==> Matrix
60  NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
61  OUT ==> OutputForm
62  P   ==> Polynomial
63  PI  ==> PositiveInteger
64  SEG ==> Segment
65  SM  ==> SquareMatrix
66  S   ==> String
67  V   ==> Vector
68  mf    ==> MultivariateFactorize(Var, Expon, R, GR)
69  rp    ==> GB(R, Expon, Var, GR)
70  gb    ==> GB(R, Expon, Var, GR)
71  PR    ==> P R
72  GF    ==> Fraction PR
73  plift ==> PolynomialCategoryLifting(Expon, Var, R, GR, GF)
74  Inputmode ==> Integer
75  groebner ==> euclideanGroebner
76  redPol  ==> euclideanNormalForm
78-- MB: The following macros are data structures to store mostly
79-- intermediate results
80-- Rec stores a subdeterminant with corresponding row and column indices
81-- Fgb is a Groebner basis for the ideal generated by the subdeterminants
82--     of a given rank.
83-- Linsys specifies a linearly independent system of a given system
84--     assuming a given rank, using given row and column indices
85-- Linsoln stores the solution to the parametric linear system as a basis
86--     and a particular solution (for a given regime)
87-- Rec2 stores the rank, and a list of subdeterminants of that rank,
88--     and a Groebner basis for the ideal they generate.
89-- Rec3 stores a regime and the corresponding solution; the regime is
90--     given by a list of equations (eqzro) and one inequation (neqzro)
91--     describing the quasi-algebraic set which is the regime; the
92--     additional consistency conditions due to the rhs is given by wcond.
93-- Ranksolns stores a list of regimes and their solutions, and the number
94--     of regimes all together.
95-- Rec8 (temporary) stores a quasi-algebraic set with an indication
96-- whether it is empty (sysok = false) or not (sysok = true).
98-- I think psolve should be renamed parametricSolve, or even
99-- parametricLinearSolve.  On the other hand, may be just solve will do.
100-- Please feel free to change it to conform with system conventions.
101-- Most psolve routines return a list of regimes and solutions,
102-- except those that output to file when the number of regimes is
103-- returned instead.
104-- This version has been tested on the pc version 1.608 March 13, 1992
106  Rec   ==> Record(det : GR, rows : L I, cols : L I)
107  Eqns  ==> L Rec
108  Fgb   ==> L GR  -- groebner basis
109  Linsoln   ==> Record(partsol : V GF, basis : L V GF)
110  Linsys    ==> Record(mat : M GF, vec : L GF, rank : NNI, rows : L I, cols : L I)
111  Rec2  ==> Record(rank : NNI, eqns : Eqns, fgb : Fgb)
112  RankConds ==> L Rec2
113  Rec3  ==> Record(eqzro : L GR, neqzro : L GR, wcond : L PR, bsoln : Linsoln)
114  Ranksolns ==> Record(rgl : L Rec3, rgsz : I)
115  Rec8 ==> Record(sysok : Boolean, z0 : L GR, n0 : L GR)
118  Declaration == with
119      psolve : (M GR, L GR) -> L Rec3
120        ++ psolve(c, w) solves c z = w for all possible ranks
121        ++ of the matrix c and given right hand side vector w
122        -- this is mode 1
123      psolve : (M GR, L Symbol) -> L Rec3
124        ++ psolve(c, w) solves c z = w for all possible ranks
125        ++ of the matrix c and indeterminate right hand side w
126        -- this is mode 2
127      psolve :  M GR        -> L Rec3
128        ++ psolve(c) solves the homogeneous linear system
129        ++ c z = 0 for all possible ranks of the matrix c
130        -- this is mode 3
131      psolve : (M GR, L GR, PI) -> L Rec3
132        ++ psolve(c, w, k) solves c z = w for all possible ranks >= k
133        ++ of the matrix c and given right hand side vector w
134        -- this is mode 4
135      psolve : (M GR, L Symbol, PI) -> L Rec3
136        ++ psolve(c, w, k) solves c z = w for all possible ranks >= k
137        ++ of the matrix c and indeterminate right hand side w
138        -- this is mode 5
139      psolve : (M GR,       PI) -> L Rec3
140        ++ psolve(c) solves the homogeneous linear system
141        ++ c z = 0 for all possible ranks >= k of the matrix c
142        -- this is mode 6
143      psolve : (M GR, L GR, S) -> I
144        ++ psolve(c, w, s) solves c z = w for all possible ranks
145        ++ of the matrix c and given right hand side vector w,
146        ++ writes the results to a file named s, and returns the
147        ++ number of regimes
148        -- this is mode 7
149      psolve : (M GR, L Symbol, S) -> I
150        ++ psolve(c, w, s) solves c z = w for all possible ranks
151        ++ of the matrix c and indeterminate right hand side w,
152        ++ writes the results to a file named s, and returns the
153        ++ number of regimes
154        -- this is mode 8
155      psolve : (M GR,       S) -> I
156        ++ psolve(c, s) solves c z = 0 for all possible ranks
157        ++ of the matrix c and given right hand side vector w,
158        ++ writes the results to a file named s, and returns the
159        ++ number of regimes
160        -- this is mode 9
161      psolve : (M GR, L GR, PI, S) -> I
162        ++ psolve(c, w, k, s) solves c z = w for all possible ranks >= k
163        ++ of the matrix c and given right hand side w,
164        ++ writes the results to a file named s, and returns the
165        ++ number of regimes
166        -- this is mode 10
167      psolve : (M GR, L Symbol, PI, S) -> I
168        ++ psolve(c, w, k, s) solves c z = w for all possible ranks >= k
169        ++ of the matrix c and indeterminate right hand side w,
170        ++ writes the results to a file named s, and returns the
171        ++ number of regimes
172        -- this is mode 11
173      psolve : (M GR,       PI, S) -> I
174        ++ psolve(c, k, s) solves c z = 0 for all possible ranks >= k
175        ++ of the matrix c,
176        ++ writes the results to a file named s, and returns the
177        ++ number of regimes
178        -- this is mode 12
180      wrregime   : (L Rec3, S) -> I
181        ++ wrregime(l, s) writes a list of regimes to a file named s
182        ++ and returns the number of regimes written
183      rdregime   : S -> L Rec3
184        ++ rdregime(s) reads in a list from a file with name s
186        -- for internal use only --
187      -- these are exported so my other packages can use them
189      bsolve : (M GR, L GF, NNI, S, Inputmode) -> Ranksolns
190        ++ bsolve(c, w, r, s, m) returns a list of regimes and
191        ++ solutions of the system c z = w for ranks at least r;
192        ++ depending on the mode m chosen, it writes the output to
193        ++ a file given by the string s.
194      dmp2rfi : GR -> GF
195        ++ dmp2rfi(p) converts p to target domain
196      dmp2rfi : M GR -> M GF
197        ++ dmp2rfi(m) converts m to target domain
198      dmp2rfi : L GR -> L GF
199        ++ dmp2rfi(l) converts l to target domain
200      se2rfi :  L Symbol -> L GF
201        ++ se2rfi(l) converts l to target domain
202      pr2dmp : PR -> GR
203        ++ pr2dmp(p) converts p to target domain
204      hasoln : (Fgb, L GR) -> Rec8
205        ++ hasoln(g, l) tests whether the quasi-algebraic set
206        ++ defined by p = 0 for p in g and q ~= 0 for q in l
207        ++ is empty or not and returns a simplified definition
208        ++ of the quasi-algebraic set
209        -- this is now done in QALGSET package
210      ParCondList : (M GR, NNI) -> RankConds
211        ++ ParCondList(c, r) computes a list of subdeterminants of each
212        ++ rank >= r of the matrix c and returns
213        ++ a groebner basis for the
214        ++ ideal they generate
215      redpps : (Linsoln, Fgb) -> Linsoln
216        ++ redpps(s, g) returns the simplified form of s after reducing
217        ++ modulo a groebner basis g
221--               L O C A L    F U N C T I O N S
223      B1solve : Linsys -> Linsoln
224        ++ B1solve(s) solves the system (s.mat) z = s.vec
225        ++ for the variables given by the column indices of s.cols
226        ++ in terms of the other variables and the right hand side s.vec
227        ++ by assuming that the rank is s.rank,
228        ++ that the system is consistent, with the linearly
229        ++ independent equations indexed by the given row indices s.rows;
230        ++ the coefficients in s.mat involving parameters are treated as
231        ++ polynomials.  B1solve(s) returns a particular solution to the
232        ++ system and a basis of the homogeneous system (s.mat) z = 0.
233      factorset : GR -> L GR
234        ++ factorset(p) returns the set of irreducible factors of p.
235      maxrank : RankConds -> NNI
236        ++ maxrank(r) returns the maximum rank in the list r of regimes
237      minrank : RankConds -> NNI
238        ++ minrank(r) returns the minimum rank in the list r of regimes
239      minset : L L GR -> L L GR
240        ++ minset(sl) returns the sublist of sl consisting of the minimal
241        ++ lists (with respect to inclusion) in the list sl of lists
242      nextSublist : (I, I) -> L L I
243        ++ nextSublist(n, k) returns a list of k-subsets of {1, ..., n}.
244      overset? : (L GR, L L GR) -> Boolean
245        ++ overset?(s, sl) returns true if s properly a sublist of a member
246        ++ of sl; otherwise it returns false
247      ParCond    : (M GR, NNI) -> Eqns
248        ++ ParCond(m, k) returns the list of all k by k subdeterminants in
249        ++ the matrix m
250      redmat : (M GR, Fgb) -> M GR
251        ++ redmat(m, g) returns a matrix whose entries are those of m
252        ++ modulo the ideal generated by the groebner basis g
253      regime : (Rec, M GR, L GF, L L GR, NNI, NNI, Inputmode) -> Rec3
254        ++ regime(y, c, w, p, r, rm, m) returns a regime,
255        ++ a list of polynomials specifying the consistency conditions,
256        ++ a particular solution and basis representing the general
257        ++ solution of the parametric linear system c z = w
258        ++ on that regime. The regime returned depends on
259        ++ the subdeterminant y.det and the row and column indices.
260        ++ The solutions are simplified using the assumption that
261        ++ the system has rank r and maximum rank rm. The list p
262        ++ represents a list of list of factors of polynomials in
263        ++ a groebner basis of the ideal generated by higher order
264        ++ subdeterminants, and ius used for the simplification.
265        ++ The mode m
266        ++ distinguishes the cases when the system is homogeneous,
267        ++ or the right hand side is arbitrary, or when there is no
268        ++ new right hand side variables.
269      sqfree : GR -> GR
270        ++ sqfree(p) returns the product of square free factors of p
271      inconsistent? : L GR -> Boolean
272        ++ inconsistent?(pl) returns true if the system of equations
273        ++ p = 0 for p in pl is inconsistent.  It is assumed
274        ++ that pl is a groebner basis.
275        -- this is needed because of change to
276        -- EuclideanGroebnerBasisPackage
277      inconsistent? : L PR -> Boolean
278        ++ inconsistent?(pl) returns true if the system of equations
279        ++ p = 0 for p in pl is inconsistent.  It is assumed
280        ++ that pl is a groebner basis.
281        -- this is needed because of change to
282        -- EuclideanGroebnerBasisPackage
284  Definition == add
286    inconsistent?(pl : L GR) : Boolean ==
287      for p in pl repeat
288        ground? p => return true
289      false
290    inconsistent?(pl : L PR) : Boolean ==
291      for p in pl repeat
292        ground? p => return true
293      false
295    B1solve (sys : Linsys) : Linsoln ==
296      i, j, i1, j1 : I
297      rss : L I := sys.rows
298      nss : L I := sys.cols
299      k := sys.rank
300      cmat : M GF := sys.mat
301      n := ncols cmat
302      frcols : L I := setDifference$(L I) (expand$(SEG I) (1..n), nss)
303      w : L GF := sys.vec
304      p : V GF := new(n, 0)
305      pbas : L V GF := []
306      if k ~= 0 then
307        augmat : M GF := zero(k, n+1)
308        for i in rss for i1 in 1.. repeat
309          for j in nss for j1 in 1.. repeat
310            augmat(i1, j1) := cmat(i, j)
311          for j in frcols for j1 in k+1.. repeat
312            augmat(i1, j1) := -cmat(i, j)
313          augmat(i1, n+1) := w.i
314        augmat := rowEchelon$(M GF) augmat
315        for i in nss for i1 in 1.. repeat p.i := augmat(i1, n+1)
316        for j in frcols for j1 in k+1.. repeat
317          pb : V GF := new(n, 0)
318          pb.j := 1
319          for i in nss for i1 in 1.. repeat
320            pb.i := augmat(i1, j1)
321          pbas := cons(pb, pbas)
322      else
323        for j in frcols for j1 in k+1.. repeat
324          pb : V GF := new(n, 0)
325          pb.j := 1
326          pbas := cons(pb, pbas)
327      [p, pbas]
329    regime (y, coef, w, psbf, rk, rkmax, mode) ==
330      i, j : I
331      -- use the y.det nonzero to simplify the groebner basis
332      -- of ideal generated by higher order subdeterminants
333      ydetf : L GR := factorset y.det
334      yzero : L GR :=
335        rk = rkmax => []$(L GR)
336        psbf := [setDifference(x, ydetf) for x in psbf]
337        groebner$gb [*/x for x in psbf]
338      -- simplify coefficients by modulo ideal
339      nc : M GF := dmp2rfi redmat(coef, yzero)
340      -- solve the system
341      rss : L I := y.rows;  nss : L I := y.cols
342      sys : Linsys := [nc, w, rk, rss, nss]$Linsys
343      pps := B1solve(sys)
344      pp := pps.partsol
345      frows : L I := setDifference$(L I) (expand$(SEG I) (1..nrows coef), rss)
346      wcd : L PR := []
347      -- case homogeneous rhs
348      entry? (mode, [3, 6, 9, 12]$(L I)) =>
349               [yzero, ydetf, wcd, redpps(pps, yzero)]$Rec3
350      -- case arbitrary rhs, pps not reduced
351      for i in frows repeat
352          weqn : GF := +/[nc(i, j)*(pp.j) for j in nss]
353          wnum : PR := numer$GF (w.i - weqn)
354          wnum = 0 => "trivially satisfied"
355          ground? wnum => return [yzero, ydetf, [1$PR]$(L PR), pps]$Rec3
356          wcd := cons(wnum, wcd)
357      entry? (mode, [2, 5, 8, 11]$(L I)) => [yzero, ydetf, wcd, pps]$Rec3
358      -- case no new rhs variable
359      if not empty? wcd then _
360        yzero := removeDuplicates append(yzero, [pr2dmp pw for pw in wcd])
361      test : Rec8 := hasoln (yzero, ydetf)
362      not test.sysok => [test.z0, test.n0, [1$PR]$(L PR), pps]$Rec3
363      [test.z0, test.n0, [], redpps(pps, test.z0)]$Rec3
365    bsolve (coeff, w, h, outname, mode) ==
366      r := nrows coeff
367--    n := ncols coeff
368      r ~= #w => error "number of rows unequal on lhs and rhs"
369      newfile : FNAME
370      rksoln : File Rec3
371      count : I := 0
372      lrec3 : L Rec3 := []
373      filemode : Boolean := entry? (mode, [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]$(L I))
374      if filemode then
375        newfile := new$FNAME  ("",outname,"regime")
376        rksoln := open$(File Rec3) newfile
377      y : Rec
378      k : NNI
379      rrcl : RankConds :=
380        entry? (mode, [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9]$(L I)) => ParCondList (coeff, 0)
381        entry? (mode, [4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12]$(L I)) => ParCondList (coeff, h)
382      rkmax := maxrank rrcl
383      rkmin := minrank rrcl
384      for k in rkmax-rkmin+1..1 by -1 repeat
385        rk := rrcl.k.rank
386        pc : Eqns := rrcl.k.eqns
387        psb : Fgb := (if rk = rkmax then [] else rrcl.(k+1).fgb)
388        psbf : L L GR := [factorset x for x in psb]
389        psbf := minset(psbf)
390        for y in pc repeat
391          rec3 : Rec3 := regime (y, coeff, w, psbf, rk, rkmax, mode)
392          inconsistent? rec3.wcond => "incompatible system"
393          if filemode then write!(rksoln, rec3)
394          else lrec3 := cons(rec3, lrec3)
395          count := count+1
396      if filemode then close! rksoln
397      [lrec3, count]$Ranksolns
399    factorset y ==
400      ground? y => []
401      [j.factor for j in factorList(factor$mf y)]
403    ParCondList (mat, h) ==
404      rcl : RankConds := []
405      ps : L GR := []
406      pc : Eqns := []
407      npc : Eqns := []
408      psbf : Fgb := []
409      rc : Rec
410      done : Boolean := false
411      r := nrows mat
412      n := ncols mat
413      maxrk : I := min(r, n)
414      k : NNI
415      for k in min(r, n)..h by -1 until done repeat
416        pc := ParCond(mat, k)
417        npc := []
418        (empty? pc) and (k >= 1) => maxrk := k - 1
419        if ground? pc.1.det -- only one is sufficient (neqzro = {})
420        then (npc := pc; done := true; ps := [1$GR])
421        else
422          zro : L GR := (if k = maxrk then [] else rcl.1.fgb)
423          covered : Boolean := false
424          for rc in pc until covered repeat
425            p : GR := redPol$rp (rc.det, zro)
426            p = 0 => "incompatible or covered subdeterminant"
427            test := hasoln(zro, [rc.det])
428--          zroideal := ideal(zro)
429--          inRadical? (p, zroideal) => "incompatible or covered"
430            not test.sysok => "incompatible or covered"
431-- The next line is WRONG! cannot replace zro by test.z0
432--          zro := groebner$gb (cons(*/test.n0, test.z0))
433            zro := groebner$gb (cons(p, zro))
434            npc := cons(rc, npc)
435            done := covered := inconsistent? zro
436          ps := zro
437        pcl : Rec2 := construct(k, npc, ps)
438        rcl := cons(pcl, rcl)
439      rcl
441    redpps(pps, zz) ==
442      pv := pps.partsol
443      r := #pv
444      pb := pps.basis
445      n := #pb + 1
446      nummat : M GR := zero(r, n)
447      denmat : M GR := zero(r, n)
448      for i in  1..r repeat
449        nummat(i, 1) := pr2dmp numer$GF pv.i
450        denmat(i, 1) := pr2dmp denom$GF pv.i
451      for j in 2..n repeat
452        for i in 1..r  repeat
453          nummat(i, j) := pr2dmp numer$GF (pb.(j-1)).i
454          denmat(i, j) := pr2dmp denom$GF (pb.(j-1)).i
455      nummat := redmat(nummat, zz)
456      denmat := redmat(denmat, zz)
457      for i in 1..r repeat
458        pv.i := (dmp2rfi nummat(i, 1))/(dmp2rfi denmat(i, 1))
459      for j in 2..n repeat
460        pbj : V GF := new(r, 0)
461        for i in 1..r repeat
462          pbj.i := (dmp2rfi nummat(i, j))/(dmp2rfi  denmat(i, j))
463        pb.(j-1) := pbj
464      [pv, pb]
466    dmp2rfi (mat : M GR) : M GF ==
467      r := nrows mat
468      n := ncols mat
469      nmat : M GF := zero(r, n)
470      for i in 1..r repeat
471        for j in 1..n repeat
472          nmat(i, j) := dmp2rfi mat(i, j)
473      nmat
475    dmp2rfi (vl : L GR) : L GF ==
476      [dmp2rfi v for v in vl]
478    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L GR) : L Rec3 ==
479      bsolve(mat, dmp2rfi w, 1, "nofile", 1).rgl
480    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L Symbol) : L Rec3 ==
481      bsolve(mat,  se2rfi w, 1, "nofile", 2).rgl
482    psolve (mat : M GR) : L Rec3 ==
483      bsolve(mat, [0$GF for i in 1..nrows mat], 1, "nofile", 3).rgl
485    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L GR, h : PI) : L Rec3 ==
486      bsolve(mat, dmp2rfi w, h::NNI, "nofile", 4).rgl
487    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L Symbol, h : PI) : L Rec3 ==
488      bsolve(mat, se2rfi w, h::NNI, "nofile", 5).rgl
489    psolve (mat : M GR, h : PI) : L Rec3 ==
490      bsolve(mat, [0$GF for i in 1..nrows mat], h::NNI, "nofile", 6).rgl
492    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L GR, outname : S) : I ==
493      bsolve(mat, dmp2rfi w, 1, outname, 7).rgsz
494    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L Symbol, outname : S) : I ==
495      bsolve(mat, se2rfi w, 1, outname, 8).rgsz
496    psolve (mat : M GR, outname : S) : I ==
497      bsolve(mat, [0$GF for i in 1..nrows mat], 1, outname, 9).rgsz
499    nextSublist (n, k) ==
500      n <= 0 => []
501      k <= 0 => [ []$(List Integer) ]
502      k > n => []
503      n = 1 and k = 1 => [[1]]
504      mslist : L L I := []
505      for ms in nextSublist(n-1, k-1) repeat
506        mslist := cons(append(ms, [n]), mslist)
507      append(nextSublist(n-1, k), mslist)
509    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L GR, h : PI, outname : S) : I ==
510      bsolve(mat, dmp2rfi w, h::NNI, outname, 10).rgsz
511    psolve (mat : M GR, w : L Symbol, h : PI, outname : S) : I ==
512      bsolve(mat, se2rfi w, h::NNI, outname, 11).rgsz
513    psolve (mat : M GR, h : PI, outname : S) : I ==
514      bsolve(mat, [0$GF for i in 1..nrows mat], h::NNI, outname, 12).rgsz
516    hasoln (zro, nzro) ==
517      empty? zro => [true, zro, nzro]
518      zro := groebner$gb zro
519      inconsistent? zro => [false, zro, nzro]
520      empty? nzro =>[true, zro, nzro]
521      pnzro : GR := redPol$rp (*/nzro, zro)
522      pnzro = 0 => [false, zro, nzro]
523      nzro := factorset pnzro
524      psbf : L L GR := minset [factorset p for p in zro]
525      psbf := [setDifference(x, nzro) for x in psbf]
526      entry? ([], psbf) => [false, zro, nzro]
527      zro := groebner$gb [*/x for x in psbf]
528      inconsistent? zro => [false, zro, nzro]
529      nzro := [redPol$rp (p, zro) for p in nzro]
530      nzro := [p for p in nzro | not (ground? p)]
531      [true, zro, nzro]
535    se2rfi w == [coerce$GF monomial$PR (1$PR, wi, 1) for wi in w]
537    pr2dmp p ==
538      ground? p => (ground p)::GR
539      algCoerceInteractive(p, PR, GR)$(Lisp) pretend GR
541    wrregime (lrec3, outname) ==
542      newfile:FNAME := new$FNAME ("",outname,"regime")
543      rksoln : File Rec3 := open$(File Rec3) newfile
544      count : I := 0  -- number of distinct regimes
545--      rec3: Rec3
546      for rec3 in lrec3 repeat
547          write!(rksoln, rec3)
548          count := count+1
549      close!(rksoln)
550      count
552    dmp2rfi (p : GR) : GF ==
553      map$plift ((v1 : Var) : GF +-> (convert v1)@Symbol::GF, _
554                 (r1 : R) : GF +-> r1::PR::GF, p)
557    rdregime inname ==
558      infilename := filename$FNAME ("",inname, "regime")
559      infile : File Rec3 := open$(File Rec3) (infilename, "input")
560      rksoln : L Rec3 := []
561      rec3 : Union(Rec3, "failed") := readIfCan!$(File Rec3) (infile)
562      while rec3 case Rec3 repeat
563        rksoln := cons(rec3::Rec3, rksoln) -- replace : to :: for AIX
564        rec3 := readIfCan!$(File Rec3) (infile)
565      close!(infile)
566      rksoln
568    maxrank rcl ==
569      empty? rcl => 0
570      "max"/[j.rank for j in rcl]
572    minrank rcl ==
573      empty? rcl => 0
574      "min"/[j.rank for j in rcl]
576    minset lset ==
577      empty? lset => lset
578      [x for x in lset | not (overset?(x, lset))]
580    sqfree p == */[j.factor for j in factorList(squareFree p)]
583    ParCond (mat, k) ==
584      k = 0 => [[1, [], []]$Rec]
585      j : NNI := k::NNI
586      DetEqn : Eqns := []
587      r : I := nrows(mat)
588      n : I := ncols(mat)
589      k > min(r,n) => error "k exceeds maximum possible rank "
590      found : Boolean := false
591      for rss in nextSublist(r, k) until found repeat
592        for nss in nextSublist(n, k) until found repeat
593          matsub := mat(rss, nss) pretend SM(j, GR)
594          detmat := determinant(matsub)
595          if detmat ~= 0 then
596            found := (ground? detmat)
597            detmat := sqfree detmat
598            neweqn : Rec := construct(detmat, rss, nss)
599            DetEqn := cons(neweqn, DetEqn)
600      found => [first DetEqn]$Eqns
601      sort((z1 : Rec, z2 : Rec) : Boolean +-> degree z1.det < degree z2.det, DetEqn)
605    overset?(p, qlist) ==
606      empty? qlist => false
607      or/[(set$(Set GR) q) <$(Set GR) (set$(Set GR) p) _
608                                                for q in qlist]
611    redmat (mat, psb) ==
612      i, j : I
613      r := nrows(mat)
614      n := ncols(mat)
615      newmat : M GR := zero(r, n)
616      for i in 1..r repeat
617        for j in 1..n repeat
618          p : GR := mat(i, j)
619          ground? p => newmat(i, j) := p
620          newmat(i, j) := redPol$rp (p, psb)
621      newmat
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