3# Does the following operations on the files passed as arguments:
4#  - Remove trailing space from lines
5#  - Remove trailing blank lines
6#  - Remove/convert DOS-style line breaks
7#  - Expand tabs to spaces with a tabspace of 4
9# I once had an error where the conversion had an error (the computer
10# didn't have dos2unix), resulting in the converted files being empty.
11# The result was that every file got replaced by an empty file! That
12# was not so nice, so this script stops operation as soon as any error
13# occurs, and it also checks that only space has been changed before
14# it overwrites the original file with a space-fixed version.
16for f in $*; do echo $f;
18   tr -d '\r' < $f > __spaceTmp1;
19  if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error removing DOS-style line breaks."; exit 1; fi;
21  sed 's/[[:blank:]]*$//g' < __spaceTmp1 > __spaceTmp2;
22  if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error eliminating trailing space from lines."; exit 1; fi;
24  # Make completely sure that we only changed the spaces
25  diff -EbwB -q $f __spaceTmp2;
26  if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error. Conversion not confirmed correct."; exit 1; fi;
28  sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba' -e '}' < __spaceTmp2 > __spaceTmp3;
29  if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error eliminating trailing blank lines."; exit 1; fi;
31  # We have to do diff twice, because diff will not ignore trailing
32  # lines that consist only of spaces. It will ignore changes to space and removal of
33  # completely empty lines, so if we do it twice we get the right thing.
35  # Make completely sure that we only changed the spaces
36  diff -EbwB -q __spaceTmp2  __spaceTmp3;
37  if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error. Conversion not confirmed correct."; exit 1; fi;
39  diff -q $f __spaceTmp3 1>/dev/null;
40  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
41    mv -f __spaceTmp3 $f;
42    if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error moving fixed file into place."; exit 1; fi;
43    echo "Fixed space issue for $f."
44  fi
46  rm -f __spaceTmp1 __spaceTmp2 __spaceTmp3;
47  if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "There was an error removing temporary files."; exit 1; fi;