1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        pairarr.h
3 // Purpose:     Sorted Key/Value pairs of wxArrays using a binary search lookup
4 // Author:      John Labenski
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created:     1/08/2004
7 // RCS-ID:      $Id$
8 // Copyright:   (c) John Labenski
9 // Licence:     wxWidgets licence
10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef __WX_PAIRARR_H__
13 #define __WX_PAIRARR_H__
15 // Note: there is no cpp file as all the code is contained in these macros.
17 #include "wx/dynarray.h"
19 // ============================================================================
20 // Provides macros for creating your own (key, value) pair arrays using a binary
21 // search to insert/retrieve values using a key. While this doesn't have the
22 // performance of a good hash table O(n), it is smaller and with a lookup speed
23 // O(log(n)) is suitable for some applications. You can use virtually any
24 // class for keys and values that can be put into wxArrays so long as they
25 // define the standard comparison operators ==, <, >, <=, >=.
26 //
27 // Implementation note: I've chosen to use two independent arrays instead of
28 // a single array of a data struct with (key, value) members to squeeze out the
29 // slightest increase in performance.
30 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 // DECLARE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(Tkey, TkeyArray, Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp)
32 // DEFINE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(Tkey, Tval, name)
33 //   Tkey must have the operators =, ==, <, >, <=, >=
34 //     They'll be sorted by using the <, >, <=, >= operators
35 //   Tval must have a default constructor and be able to be passed as const Tval& val
36 //   You must have created wx(Object)Arrays of Tkey with name TkeyArray
37 //     and of Tval named TvalArray, for example wxArrayInt and wxArrayString
38 //
39 // Creates a class named "name" that manages the TkeyArray, TvalArray data.
40 //   It keeps the pairs sorted in order of Tkey and uses a binary search
41 //   to retrieve and set the values.
42 //
43 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 // DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp)
46 //   Tkey is an int (wxArrayInt), Tval may be anything
47 //   UpdatePos(int pos, int num) is added for inserting if num > 0 and
48 //     deleting if num < 0. The keys above pos are shifted.
49 //
50 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 // name() - default constructor
52 // name(const Tval& defaultVal) - initialize the class with the default value,
53 //     see Get/SetDefaultValue to change it later.
54 // name(const name& other) - full copy constructor
55 // name(Tkey key, const Tval& val) - create with the first pair
56 // int GetCount() - get the number of pairs
57 // int FindIndex(Tkey) - find this key returning position in pair array or wxNOT_FOUND
58 // size_t FindInsertIndex(Tkey) - find array position to insert key at, returns
59 //     GetCount for append (check first in case count=0), the pos to insert
60 //     before, or the pos with existing key  (see SetValue for code)
61 // bool HasKey(Tkey) - does this key exist
62 // Tval& GetValue(Tkey) - get the value for this key or it it doesn't exist
63 //     the default value, see also Get/SetDefaultValue.
64 // Tval& GetOrCreateValue(Tkey key) - get or create a GetDefaultValue() value for this key
65 // void SetValue(Tkey, Tval) - set the Tval for this Tkey, replacing if exists
66 // bool RemoveValue(Tkey) - remove pair with this Tkey, returns if it existed
67 // void Clear() - clears the pair arrays
68 // const Tval& GetItemValue(index) const - get the Tval at this array index
69 // const Tkey& GetItemKey(index) const - get the Tkey at this array index
70 // Tval& GetItemValue(index) - get the Tval at this array index
71 // Tkey& GetItemKey(index) - get the Tkey at this array index
72 // void RemoveAt(index) - remove the key and value at this array index
73 // TvalArray& GetValues() - get the TvalArray
74 // TkeyArray& GetKeys() - get the TkeyArray (don't unsort them)
75 // const Tval& GetDefaultValue() const - get the default value to return for
76 //   GetValue(Tkey) when the key doesn't exist. (inits to Tval())
77 // void SetDefaultValue(const Tval& val) - set the default value to return for
78 //   GetValue(Tkey) when the key doesn't exist. If your values don't have a
79 //   default constructor (eg. ints) you'll want to set this.
80 // void Copy(const name& other) - make full copy of other
81 // void Sort() - sort the pairs by the keys (only necessary if you want to
82 //   quickly add unorderered pairs using GetKeys().Add(x); GetValues().Add(x);)
83 //   You MUST keep them sorted for the lookup mechanism to work.
84 // name& operator=(const name& other) - make full copy of other
85 //
86 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 // DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS - added functions
88 // bool UpdatePos(int pos, int numPos) -
89 //   if numPos > 0 - shifts keys greater than pos by numPos
90 //   if numPos < 0 - deletes keys between pos and pos-numPos,
91 //     shifts keys greater than by pos-numPos by -numPos
92 //
93 // ============================================================================
94 // Examples:
95 //
96 // 1.) For string arrays you'll write this in the header
97 // DECLARE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(wxString, wxArrayString, wxString, wxArrayString,
98 //                            wxPairArrayStringString, class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV)
99 // And this code in some cpp file.
100 // DEFINE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(wxString, wxString, wxPairArrayStringString)
101 //
102 // 2.) For int pairs and wxString values, write this in your header
103 // DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(wxString, wxArrayString,
104 //                                wxPairArrayIntSheetString, class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV)
105 //
106 // You can even make nested pair arrays, 2D arrays (wxSheetStringSparseTable)
107 // WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY_WITH_DECL(wxPairArrayIntSheetString,
108 //                               wxArrayPairArrayIntSheetString,
109 //                               class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV);
110 // DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(wxPairArrayIntSheetString, wxArrayPairArrayIntSheetString,
111 //                                wxPairArrayIntPairArraySheetStringBase, class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV)
112 //
113 // In your source file write this to get the code for the pair array
114 // DEFINE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(wxString, wxPairArrayIntSheetString)
115 // DEFINE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(wxPairArrayIntSheetString,
116 //                               wxPairArrayIntPairArraySheetStringBase)
117 //
118 // ============================================================================
120 #define DECLARE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS_BASE(Tkey, TkeyArray, Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp) \
121 \
122 classexp name                                                                \
123 {                                                                            \
124 public:                                                                      \
125     name() {}                                                                \
126     name(const Tval& defaultVal) : m_defaultValue(defaultVal) {}             \
127     name(const name& other) { Copy(other); }                                 \
128     name(const Tkey& key, const Tval& val) { m_keys.Add(key); m_values.Add(val); } \
129     int GetCount() const { return m_keys.GetCount(); }                       \
130     int FindIndex(const Tkey& key) const;                                    \
131     size_t FindInsertIndex(const Tkey& pos) const;                           \
132     bool HasKey(const Tkey& key) const { return FindIndex(key) != wxNOT_FOUND; } \
133     const Tval& GetValue(const Tkey& key) const;                             \
134     Tval& GetValue(const Tkey& key);                                         \
135     Tval& GetOrCreateValue(const Tkey& key);                                 \
136     void SetValue(const Tkey& key, const Tval& value);                       \
137     bool RemoveValue(const Tkey& key);                                       \
138     void Clear() { m_keys.Clear(); m_values.Clear(); }                       \
139     const Tval& GetItemValue(size_t index) const { return m_values[index]; } \
140     const Tkey& GetItemKey(size_t index)   const { return m_keys[index]; }   \
141     Tval& GetItemValue(size_t index) { return m_values[index]; }             \
142     Tkey& GetItemKey(size_t index)   { return m_keys[index]; }               \
143     void RemoveAt(size_t index) { m_keys.RemoveAt(index); m_values.RemoveAt(index); } \
144     const TvalArray& GetValues() const { return m_values; }                  \
145     const TkeyArray& GetKeys()   const { return m_keys; }                    \
146     TvalArray& GetValues() { return m_values; }                              \
147     TkeyArray& GetKeys()   { return m_keys; }                                \
148     const Tval& GetDefaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue; }           \
149     void SetDefaultValue(const Tval& val) { m_defaultValue = val; }          \
150     void Copy(const name& other);                                            \
151     void Sort() { if (GetCount() > 1) q_sort(0, GetCount()-1); }             \
152     name& operator=(const name& other) { Copy(other); return *this; }        \
153 protected :                                                                  \
154     void q_sort(int left, int right);                                        \
155     TkeyArray m_keys;                                                        \
156     TvalArray m_values;                                                      \
157     Tval m_defaultValue;
159 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 // Note: The above macros is incomplete to allow you to extend the class.
162 #define DECLARE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(Tkey, TkeyArray, Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp) \
163 DECLARE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS_BASE(Tkey, TkeyArray, Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp)    \
164 };
166 #define DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS_BASE(Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp)      \
167 DECLARE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS_BASE(int, wxArrayInt, Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp) \
168 public: \
169     bool UpdatePos( int pos, int numPos );
171 #define DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp) \
172 DECLARE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS_BASE(Tval, TvalArray, name, classexp)    \
173 };
175 // ============================================================================
176 #define DEFINE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(Tkey, Tval, name) \
177 \
178 const Tval& name::GetValue(const Tkey& key) const \
179 { \
180     const int n = FindIndex(key); \
181     if (n != wxNOT_FOUND) return m_values[n]; \
182     return m_defaultValue; \
183 } \
184 Tval& name::GetValue(const Tkey& key) \
185 { \
186     const int n = FindIndex(key); \
187     if (n != wxNOT_FOUND) return m_values[n]; \
188     return m_defaultValue; \
189 } \
190 Tval& name::GetOrCreateValue(const Tkey& key) \
191 { \
192     const size_t n = FindInsertIndex(key); \
193     if (n == m_keys.GetCount())  \
194         { m_keys.Add(key); m_values.Add(Tval(m_defaultValue)); } \
195     else if (key != m_keys[n])  \
196         { m_keys.Insert(key, n); m_values.Insert(Tval(m_defaultValue), n); } \
197     return m_values[n]; \
198 } \
199 void name::SetValue(const Tkey& key, const Tval& value) \
200 { \
201     const size_t n = FindInsertIndex(key); \
202     if (n == m_keys.GetCount())  \
203         { m_keys.Add(key); m_values.Add(value); } \
204     else if (key == m_keys[n])  \
205         m_values[n] = value; \
206     else \
207         { m_keys.Insert(key, n); m_values.Insert(value, n); } \
208 } \
209 bool name::RemoveValue(const Tkey& key) \
210 { \
211     const int n = FindIndex(key); \
212     if (n != wxNOT_FOUND) { RemoveAt(n); return true; } \
213     return false; \
214 } \
215 int name::FindIndex(const Tkey& key) const \
216 { \
217     size_t n, lo = 0, hi = m_keys.GetCount(); \
218     while ( lo < hi ) \
219     { \
220         n = (lo + hi)/2;             \
221         const Tkey &tmp = m_keys[n]; \
222         if (tmp == key) return n;    \
223         if (tmp  > key) hi = n;      \
224         else            lo = n + 1;  \
225     } \
226     return wxNOT_FOUND; \
227 } \
228 size_t name::FindInsertIndex(const Tkey& key) const \
229 { \
230     size_t n, lo = 0, hi = m_keys.GetCount(); \
231     while ( lo < hi ) \
232     { \
233         n = (lo + hi)/2;             \
234         const Tkey &tmp = m_keys[n]; \
235         if (tmp == key) return n;    \
236         if (tmp  > key) hi = n;      \
237         else            lo = n + 1;  \
238     } \
239     return lo; \
240 } \
241 void name::Copy(const name& other) \
242 { \
243     m_keys = other.GetKeys();                 \
244     m_values = other.GetValues();             \
245     m_defaultValue = other.GetDefaultValue(); \
246 } \
247 void name::q_sort(int left, int right) \
248 { \
249     int l_hold = left, r_hold = right; \
250     Tkey pivot = m_keys[left]; Tval pivotVal = m_values[left]; \
251     while (left < right) \
252     { \
253         while ((m_keys[right] >= pivot) && (left < right)) right--;       \
254         if (left != right) { m_keys[left]   = m_keys[right];              \
255                              m_values[left] = m_values[right]; left++; }  \
256         while ((m_keys[left] <= pivot) && (left < right)) left++;         \
257         if (left != right) { m_keys[right]   = m_keys[left];              \
258                              m_values[right] = m_values[left]; right--; } \
259     } \
260     m_keys[left] = pivot; m_values[left] = pivotVal; \
261     if (l_hold < left) q_sort(l_hold, left-1); \
262     if (r_hold > left) q_sort(left+1, r_hold); \
263 }
265 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 #define DEFINE_PAIRED_INT_DATA_ARRAYS(Tval, name) \
268 DEFINE_PAIRED_DATA_ARRAYS(int, Tval, name)  \
269 bool name::UpdatePos( int pos, int numPos ) \
270 { \
271     int n, count = m_keys.GetCount(), start_pos = FindInsertIndex(pos); \
272     if ((numPos == 0) || (start_pos >= count)) return false; \
273     if ( numPos > 0 ) \
274     { \
275         for (n=start_pos; n<count; n++) \
276             m_keys[n] += numPos; \
277     } \
278     else if ( numPos < 0 ) \
279     { \
280         int pos_right = pos-numPos;     \
281         for (n=start_pos; n<count; n++) \
282         { \
283             int &k = m_keys[n];                               \
284             if (k < pos_right) { RemoveAt(n); n--; count--; } \
285             else if (k >= pos_right) { k += numPos; }         \
286         } \
287     } \
288     return true; \
289 }
291 #endif  // __WX_PAIRARR_H__