3%W  strategies.tex      ACE documentation - strategies   Alexander Hulpke
4%W                                                      Joachim Neub"user
5%W                                                            Greg Gamble
7%Y  Copyright (C) 2000  Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing
8%Y                      Department of Information Tech. & Electrical Eng.
9%Y                      University of Queensland, Australia.
13\Chapter{Strategy Options for ACE}
15It can be difficult to select appropriate options when presented  with
16a new enumeration. The problem is  compounded  by  the  fact  that  no
17generally applicable rules exist to  predict,  given  a  presentation,
18which option settings are ``good''. To  help  overcome  this  problem,
19{\ACE} contains various commands which select  particular  enumeration
20strategies. One or other of these strategies may work and, if not, the
21results may indicate how  the  options  can  be  varied  to  obtain  a
22successful enumeration.
24If no strategy option is passed to {\ACE}, the `default'  strategy  is
25assumed, which starts out presuming that the enumeration will be easy,
26and if it turns out not to  be  so,  {\ACE}  switches  to  a  strategy
27designed for more difficult enumerations.  The  other  straightforward
28options for beginning users are `easy' and `hard'. Thus,  `easy'  will
29quickly succeed or fail (in  the  context  of  the  given  resources);
30`default' may succeed quickly, or if not will try the `hard' strategy;
31and `hard' will run more slowly, from the beginning trying to succeed.
33Strategy options are merely options that set a number of  the  options
34seen in Chapter~"Options for ACE", all at once;  they  are  parsed  in
35*exactly* the same way as other options; order *is* important.  It  is
36usual to specify one strategy option and possibly  follow  it  with  a
37number of options defined in Chapter~"Options for ACE", some of  which
38may over-ride those options set by the strategy option.  Please  refer
39to the introductory sections  of  Chapter~"Options  for  ACE",  paying
40particular attention to Sections "Warnings regarding  Options",  "What
41happens if no ACE Strategy Option or if  no  ACE  Option  is  passed",
42and~"Interpretation of ACE  Options",  which  give  various  warnings,
43hints and information on the interpretation of options.
45There are eight strategy options. Each is passed without a value  (see
46Section~"Interpretation of  ACE  Options")  except  for  `sims'  which
47expects one of the integer values: 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9; and, `felsch' can
48accept a value of 0 or 1, where 0  has  the  same  effect  as  passing
49`felsch' with  no  value.  Thus  the  eight  strategy  options  define
50thirteen standard strategies; these are listed  in  the  table  below,
51along with all but three of the options (of Chapter~"Options for ACE")
52that they set. Additionally, each strategy sets `path = 0',  `psize  =
53256', and `dsize = 1000'. Recall `mend', `look' and  `com'  abbreviate
54`mendelsohn'  (see~"option  mendelsohn"),   `lookahead'   (see~"option
55lookahead") and `compaction' (see~"option compaction"), respectively.
57% \begin{table}
58% \hrule
59% \caption{The Predefined Strategies}
60% \label{tab:pred}
61% \smallskip
62% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.875}
63% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lrrrrrrrrrrrrr}
64% \hline\hline
65%           & \multicolumn{13}{c}{parameter} \\
66% \cline{2-14}
67% strategy & path & row & mend & no & look & com & ct   & rt    & fill &
68% pmode & psize & dmode & dsize \\
69% \hline
70% default    & 0   & 1   & 0    & -1 & 0    & 10  & 0    & 0     & 0  & 3    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
71% easy   & 0   & 1   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 100 & 0    & 1000  & 1  & 0    & 256  & 0    & 1000 \\
72% felsch:0& 0   & 0   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 10  & 1000 & 0     & 1  & 0    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
73% felsch:1  & 0   & 0   & 0    & -1 & 0    & 10  & 1000 & 0     & 0  & 3    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
74% hard   & 0   & 1   & 0    & -1 & 0    & 10  & 1000 & 1     & 0  & 3    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
75% hlt    & 0   & 1   & 0    & 0  & 1    & 10  & 0    & 1000  & 1  & 0    & 256  & 0    & 1000 \\
76% purec & 0   & 0   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 100 & 1000 & 0     & 1  & 0    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
77% purer & 0   & 0   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 100 & 0    & 1000  & 1  & 0    & 256  & 0    & 1000 \\
78% sims:1 & 0   & 1   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 10  & 0    & 1000  & 1  & 0    & 256  & 0    & 1000 \\
79% sims:3 & 0   & 1   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 10  & 0    & -1000 & 1  & 0    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
80% sims:5 & 0   & 1   & 1    & 0  & 0    & 10  & 0    & 1000  & 1  & 0    & 256  & 0    & 1000 \\
81% sims:7 & 0   & 1   & 1    & 0  & 0    & 10  & 0    & -1000 & 1  & 0    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
82% sims:9 & 0   & 0   & 0    & 0  & 0    & 10  & 1000 & 0     & 1  & 0    & 256  & 4    & 1000 \\
83% \hline\hline
84% \end{tabular*}
85% \end{table}
88                               option
89            ---------------------------------------------------------
90strategy    row  mend  no  look  com    ct     rt  fill  pmode  dmode
92default       1     0  -1     0   10     0      0     0      3      4
93easy          1     0   0     0  100     0   1000     1      0      0
94felsch := 0   0     0   0     0   10  1000      0     1      0      4
95felsch := 1   0     0  -1     0   10  1000      0     0      3      4
96hard          1     0  -1     0   10  1000      1     0      3      4
97hlt           1     0   0     1   10     0   1000     1      0      0
98purec         0     0   0     0  100  1000      0     1      0      4
99purer         0     0   0     0  100     0   1000     1      0      0
100sims := 1     1     0   0     0   10     0   1000     1      0      0
101sims := 3     1     0   0     0   10     0  -1000     1      0      4
102sims := 5     1     1   0     0   10     0   1000     1      0      0
103sims := 7     1     1   0     0   10     0  -1000     1      0      4
104sims := 9     0     0   0     0   10  1000      0     1      0      4
108Note that we explicitly (re)set all of the listed  enumerator  options
109in all of the predefined strategies, even though some of them have  no
110effect. For example,  the  `fill'  value  is  irrelevant  in  HLT-type
111enumeration (see Section~"Enumeration Style"). The idea behind this is
112that,  if  you  later  change  some  options  individually,  then  the
113enumeration retains the ``flavour'' of the last selected  predefined
116Note also that other options which may effect an enumeration are  left
117untouched by setting one of the predefined  strategies;  for  example,
118the values of `max' (see~"option max") and `asis' (see~"option asis").
119These options have an effect which  is  independent  of  the  selected
122Note that, apart from the `felsch := 0' and `sims  :=  9'  strategies,
123all of the strategies are distinct, although some are very similar.
126\Section{The Strategies in Detail}
128\atindex{C style}{@C style}\atindex{Cr style}{@Cr style}
129\atindex{CR style}{@CR style}\atindex{R style}{@R style}
130\atindex{R\* style}{@R\* style}\atindex{Rc style}{@Rc style}
131\atindex{R/C style}{@R/C style}
132\atindex{Defaulted  R/C  style}{@Defaulted  R/C  style}
133\atindex{R/C (defaulted) style}{@R/C (defaulted) style}
134Please note that the strategies  are  based  on  various  *enumeration
135styles*: *C style*, *Cr style*, *CR style*, *R  style*,  *R\*  style*,
136*Rc style*, *R/C style* and *defaulted R/C style*, all  of  which  are
137described in detail in Section~"Enumeration Style".
141\>`default'{option default}@{option `default'}&
142Selects the default strategy. (Shortest abbreviation: `def'.)
144This  strategy  is  based  on   the   *defaulted   R/C   style*   (see
145Section~"Enumeration Style"). The idea here is that we assume that the
146enumeration is ``easy'' and start out in *R style*. If  it  turns  out
147not to be easy, then we regard it  as  ``hard'',  and  switch  to  *CR
148style*, after performing a `lookahead' (see~"option lookahead") on the
149entire table.
151\>`easy'{option easy}@{option `easy'}&
152Selects an ``easy'' R style strategy.
154If this strategy is selected, we follow a HLT-type enumeration  style,
155i.e. *R style* (see Section~"Enumeration Style"), but turn `lookahead'
156(see~"option lookahead") and  `compaction'  (see~"option  compaction")
157off. For small and/or easy enumerations, this strategy is likely to be
158the fastest.
160\>`felsch'{option felsch}@{option `felsch'}
161\>`felsch:=<val>'{option felsch}@{option `felsch'}&
162Selects a Felsch strategy; <val> should be 0 or 1.
163(Shortest abbreviation: `fel'.)
165Here a *C style*  (see  Section~"Enumeration  Style")  enumeration  is
166selected. Assigning `felsch' 0 or  no  value  selects  a  pure  Felsch
167strategy, and a value of 1 selects a Felsch strategy with all relators
168in  the  subgroup,  i.e.~`no'${}=-1$  (see~"option  no"),  and   turns
169gap-`fill'ing (see "option fill") on.
171\>`hard'{option hard}@{option `hard'}&
172Selects a mixed *R style* and *C style* strategy.
174In many ``hard'' enumerations, a mixture of *R style*  and  *C  style*
175(see Section~"Enumeration  Style")  definitions,  all  tested  in  all
176essentially different positions, is appropriate. This  option  selects
177such a mixed strategy. The idea here is that most of the work is  done
178C  style  (with  the  relators  in  the   subgroup,   i.e.~`no'${}=-1$
179(see~"option no"), and with gap-`fill'ing (see "option fill") on), but
180that every $1000$ C  style  definitions  a  further  coset  number  is
181applied to all relators.
183*Guru  Notes:*
184The $1000/1$ mix is not necessarily optimal, and some  experimentation
185may be needed  to  find  an  acceptable  balance  (see,  for  example,
186\cite{HR01}). Note also that, the  longer  the  total  length  of  the
187presentation, the more work needs to be done  for  each  coset  number
188application to the relators; one coset number application  can  result
189in more than $1000$ definitions, reversing the balance between R style
190and C style definitions.
192\>`hlt'{option hlt}@{option `hlt'}&
193Selects  {\ACE}'s   standard   HLT   strategy.
195Unlike  Sims'  \cite{Sim94}  default  HLT  strategy,  `hlt'  sets  the
196`lookahead'  option  (see~"option  lookahead").  However,  the  option
197sequence ```hlt, lookahead := 0''' easily achieves Sims'  default  HLT
198strategy  (recall,  the  ordering  of  options   is   respected;   see
199Section~"Honouring of the order in which ACE Options are passed").
201This is an *R style* (see Section~"Enumeration Style") strategy.
203\>`purec'{option purec}@{option `purec'}&
204Sets the strategy to basic *C style* (see Section~"Enumeration  Style").
206In this strategy there is no `compaction'  (see~"option  compaction"),
207no gap-`fill'ing (see "option fill")  and  no  relators  in  subgroup,
208i.e.~`no'${}=0$ (see~"option no").
210\>`purer'{option purer}@{option `purer'}&
211Sets the strategy  to basic *R style* (see Section~"Enumeration  Style").
213In this strategy there is no `mendelsohn' (see  "option  mendelsohn"),
214no `compaction' (see~"option compaction"), no `lookahead' (see~"option
215lookahead") and no `row'-filling (see "option row").
217\>`sims:=<val>'{option sims}@{option `sims'}&
218Sets a Sims strategy; <val> should be one of 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.
220In his book~\cite{Sim94}, Sims discusses (and lists  in  Table  5.5.1)
221ten  standard  enumeration  strategies.  The  Sims'   strategies   are
222effectively `hlt' (see~"option hlt") without `lookahead'  (see~"option
223lookahead"), with or without  `mendelsohn'  (see~"option  mendelsohn")
224set, in R (`rt' positive, `ct := 0') or R\* style (`rt' negative,  `ct
225:= 0'); and `felsch' (see~"option felsch"); all either with or without
226(`lenlex')   table   standardisation   (see    Section~"Coset    Table
227Standardisation  Schemes"  and~"ACEStandardCosetNumbering"  or~"option
228standard") as the enumeration  proceeds.  {\ACE}  does  not  implement
229table standardisation during an enumeration, and so only provides  the
230odd-numbered strategies of Sims  ({\ACE}'s  numbering  coincides  with
231that of Sims).
233With care, it is often possible  to  duplicate  the  statistics  given
234in~\cite{Sim94}  for  his  odd-numbered  strategies  and  it  is  also
235possible  (using  the  interactive  facilities)  to  approximate   his
236even-numbered strategies. Examples and a more detailed  exposition  of
237the Sims strategies are given in Section~"Emulating Sims".