1 #include "defs.h"
2 #include "permfns.h"
4 # define SCP 100
5 extern char heqg,words,fullg,check,outf[],inf1[],inf2[],inf3[],outf0[];
6 extern short  perm[],sv[],cp[],actgen[],orb[],
7        base[],lorbc[],lorbg[],lorbh[],order[],pno[],
8        *pptr[],*svptr1[],*svptr2[],*svptr3[],scpf[],scps[],sadpt[],
9        mp,mb;
10 extern int psp,svsp;
11 short npt,mxp,sth,stcom,np2,nb,npt1,cps,cpf;
12 char hing,cthere,hsvth;
13 FILE *ip,*op;
15 int
optprog(void)16 optprog (void)
17 { short i,j,k,nperms,jobt,*ptr,*iptr;
18   int quot;
19   char c,err,opt[80];
21 /* This program stores up to three groups G,H and C. G must always have a s.g.
22    set and Schreier Vectors svptr1. H and C may have Schreier vectors
23    svptr2 and svptr3. C is not always defined.
24    heqg=1 means H=G. cthere=1 means C is defined.
25    Perms in G have nos. from 0 to sth-2.
26    Perms in H have nos. from sth to stcomm-2 (unless H=G, when H is not stored)
27    stcomm-2=np2 if C not defined.
28    If C defined, perms in C have nos from stcomm to np2.
29    First read inf1 = G
30 */
31   if ((ip=fopen(inf1,"r"))==0)
32   { printf("Cannot open %s.\n",inf1); return(-1);}
33   fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd%hd%hd",&npt,&nperms,&nb,&jobt);
34   if (jobt<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format for G.\n"); return(-1); }
35   npt1=npt+1;
36   quot=psp/npt1; if (quot>mp) quot=mp; mxp=quot;
37   np2=2*nperms-2;
38   if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
39   if (svsp/npt<3*nb) {fprintf(stderr,"Not enough sv space.\n"); return(-1); }
40   for (i=0;i<mxp;i++) pptr[i]=perm+i*(npt+1)-1;
41   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svptr1[i]=sv+(i-1)*npt-1;
42   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svptr2[i]=sv+(i+nb-1)*npt-1;
43   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svptr3[i]=sv+(i+2*nb-1)*npt-1;
44   readbaselo(nb,base,lorbg); readpsv(0,nb,nperms,svptr1);
45   sth = (heqg) ? 0 : 2*nperms;
46   fclose(ip);
47 /* if fullg read from gpname.inperm to determine minimal generating set for G */
48   if (fullg)
49   { if ((ip=fopen(inf3,"r"))==0)
50     { printf("Cannot open %s.\n",inf3); return(-1);}
51     fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd",&i,&k); fclose(ip);
52   }
53   else k=nperms;
54 /* actgen=1 means we have a genuine generator of G */
55   for (i=1;i<=k;i++) actgen[2*i-2]=1;
56   for (i=k+1;i<=nperms;i++) actgen[2*i-2]=2;
57   if (heqg==0)
58 /* Read inf2 = H */
59   { if ((ip=fopen(inf2,"r"))==0)
60     { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf2); return(-1);}
61     fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd%hd%hd",&i,&nperms,&j,&k); err=0;
62     np2+=2*nperms;
63     if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
64     if (i!=npt || (k>0 && j!=nb)) err=1;
65     if (err==0)
66     if (k>0)
67     { for (i=1;i<=nb;i++)
68       { fscanf(ip,"%hd",&j); if (j!=base[i]) {err=1; break;} }
69       if (err==0)
70       { for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) fscanf(ip,"%hd",lorbh+i);
71         readpsv(sth,nb,nperms,svptr2); hsvth=1;
72       }
73       for (i=1;i<=nperms;i++) actgen[2*i+sth-2]=1;
74     } else
75     { seeknln(); if (j!=0) seeknln(); if (k!=0) seeknln();
76       for (i=1;i<=nperms;i++)
77       { j=sth+2*i-2; ptr=pptr[j]; iptr=ptr+npt1; readvec(ptr,0); seeknln();
78         invert(ptr,iptr); actgen[j]=1;
79         for (k=1;k<=nb;k++) if (ptr[base[k]]!=base[k]) break;
80         ptr[npt1]=k;
81       }
82       hsvth=0;
83     }
84     if (err) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format for H.\n"); return(-1); }
85     fclose(ip);
87 /* Check whether H is a subgroup of G and express generators of H as words
88    in gens of G if required.
89 */
90     hing=1;
91     for (i=1;i<=nperms;i++)
92     { *cp=1; cp[1]=sth+2*i-2;
93       if (test(svptr1,words)==0) { hing=0; if (words==0) break; }
94     }
95   } else
96   { sth=0; hing=1; hsvth=1; for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) lorbh[i]=lorbg[i];}
97   if (hing)
98   { if (check) printf("true\n"); else printf ("H is a subgroup of G.\n");}
99   else
100   { if (check) printf("false\n"); else printf("H is not a subgroup of G.\n");}
101   if (check) return(0);
102   cthere=0; stcom=sth+2*nperms; np2=stcom-2;
104   while (1)
105 /* Now start processing according to chosen options. */
106   { printf("Choose option. ('l' for list options.)\n");
107    scanf("%s",opt);
108    if (strcmp(opt,"ex")==0) scanf("%hd",&k);
109    while ((c=getchar())!='\n');
110     if (strcmp(opt,"l")==0)
111     { printf("Options:\nnc    Put C=normal closure of H in G,\n");
112       printf("comm  Put C=[G,H],\nint   Put C=G ^ H,\njoin  Put C=<G,H>,\n");
113       printf("core  Replace H by its core w.r.t. G,\n");
114       printf("oph   Output H,\nopc   Output C,\n");
115       printf("hsv   Calculate s.g.set, Schreier vectors and order of H,\n");
116       printf("rgh   Replace G by H and set H=G,\n");
117       printf("rghc  Replace G by H and H by C,\n");
118       printf("rhc   Replace H by C,\n");
119       printf("ex n  Test if perm. no n of H lies in G. If so express it in gens of G,\n");
120       printf("q     Quit.\n");
121       printf("WARNING: core,hsv,rghc and rhc render C undefined.\n");
122     }
123     else if (strcmp(opt,"nc")==0)
124     { if (heqg) printf("H = G. Normal closure = G.\n");
125       else if (nc(0,0,sth-2)== -1) return(-1);
126     }
127     else if (strcmp(opt,"comm")==0) {if (comm()== -1) return(-1);}
128     else if (strcmp(opt,"int")==0)
129     { if (hing) printf("H <= G. Intersection = H.\n");
130       else if (hsvth==0) printf("hsv must be called first.\n");
131       else if (intsect(svptr1,svptr2,svptr3,stcom)== -1) return(-1);
132     }
133     else if (strcmp(opt,"core")==0)
134     { if (heqg) printf("H = G. Core = G.\n");
135       else if (hsvth==0) printf("hsv must be called first.\n");
136       else if (core()== -1) return(-1);
137     }
138     else if (strcmp(opt,"join")==0)
139     { if (hing) printf("H <= G. Join = G.\n"); else join(); }
140     else if (strcmp(opt,"oph")==0)
141     { if (hsvth==0) fprintf(stderr,"H has no sv. Output not done.\n");
142       else if (outp(0)== -1) return(-1);
143     }
144     else if (strcmp(opt,"opc")==0)
145     { if (cthere==0) fprintf(stderr,"No subgroup C to output.\n");
146       else if (outp(1)== -1) return(-1);
147     }
148     else if (strcmp(opt,"hsv")==0)
149     { if (hsvth) fprintf(stderr,"H has sv already.\n");
150       else
151       { cthere=0; np2=stcom-2; if (gp(sth,nb,lorbh,svptr2)== -1) return(-1);
152         hsvth=1; stcom=np2+2;
153       }
154     }
155     else if (strcmp(opt,"rhc")==0)
156     { if (cthere==0) fprintf(stderr,"No subgroup C.\n"); else rhc(); }
157     else if (strcmp(opt,"rgh")==0)
158     { if (heqg) fprintf(stderr,"H = G already.\n"); else rgh(0); }
159     else if (strcmp(opt,"rghc")==0)
160     { if (heqg) fprintf(stderr,"H = G already.\n");
161       else if (cthere==0) printf("No subgroup C.\n");
162       else rgh(1);
163     }
164     else if (strcmp(opt,"ex")==0)
165     { if (heqg) fprintf(stderr,"H=G, so this option is pointless.\n");
166       else if (abs(k)>nperms || k==0)
167            fprintf(stderr,"Inappropriate perm no.\n");
168       else
169       { j= (k>0) ? sth+2*(k-1) : sth+2*(-k-1)+1;
170         *cp=1; cp[1]=j;
171         if (test(svptr1,0)==0) printf("Perm is not in G.\n");
172         else
173         { printf("Perm is in G. It is:\n");
174           for (i= *cp;i>1;i--)
175           { j=cp[i]; k= (j%2==0) ? -j/2-1 : (j-1)/2+1; printf("%d",k);
176             if (i==2) printf("\n"); else printf(" * ");
177           }
178         }
179       }
180     }
181     else if (strcmp(opt,"q")==0) break;
182     else printf("Invalid option.\n");
183   } /* Main option choosing loop  */
184   return(0);
185 }
187 int
gp(int spno,int sbno,short * lorb,short ** svptr)188 gp (int spno, int sbno, short *lorb, short **svptr)
189 /* Compute s.g. set and group order of a group K (=H or C).
190    Similar to program gprun.
191    spno=no. of first perm in K; the last no. is the external np2.
192    lorb and svptr for placing orbit lengths and Schreier vectors of K.
193    sbno=no. of base points.
194    Warning: It is assumed that the given base really is a base for K,
195             and no new base points are added. This is the main difference
196             from gprun. The answer will be false if this assumption is false.
197             However, the call from intsect uses a deliberately smaller value
198             of sbno, to save time.
200 */
201 { short i,j,l,m,bno,u,v,w,x,y,z,lsv;
202   char trivrel,id;    float grporder;
203   bno=sbno;
204 loop:
205   *pno=0; z = (spno==0) ? sth-2 : np2;
206   for (i=spno;i<=z;i+=2)
207   { if (pptr[i][npt1]>=bno && actgen[i]<=bno)
208     { (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; }
209   }
210   lorb[bno]=orbitsv(base[bno],svptr[bno],0);
211   if (*pno!=0)
212   { np2+=2; y=np2+1;
213     if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
214     for (i=1;i<bno;i++)
215     { u=base[i]; pptr[np2][u]=u; pptr[y][u]=u; }
216     for (i=1;i<=lorb[bno];i++)
217     { *cp=0; addsv(orb[i],svptr[bno]);
218       for (w=1,x= *cp;w<=x;w++,x--)
219       { if (w==x) cp[w]-=1; else {u=cp[w]; cp[w]=cp[x]-1; cp[x]=u-1;}}
220       lsv= *cp;
221       for (j=1;j<=*pno;j++)
222       { *cp=lsv; u=pno[j]+1;
223         trivrel = (*cp>0) ? cp[*cp]==(u-1) : 0;
224         if (trivrel==0)
225         { (*cp)++; cp[*cp]=u; id=1;
226           for (l=bno;l<=nb;l++)
227           { v=base[l]; u=image(v); if (svptr[l][u]==0) {id=0; break;}
228             addsv(u,svptr[l]); pptr[np2][v]=v; pptr[y][v]=v;
229           }
230           if (id==0)
231           { pptr[np2][npt1]=l; actgen[np2]=bno+1;
232             for (m=1;m<=npt;m++) {u=image(m); pptr[np2][m]=u; pptr[y][u]=m;}
233             printf("New generator fixing first %d base pts is:\n", l-1);
234             for (m=1;m<=*cp;m++)
235             { z=cp[m]; y=z/2; x= (z==2*y) ? y+1 : -(y+1);
236               printf("%3d",x); if (m== *cp) printf("\n"); else printf("*");
237             }
238             bno=l; goto loop;
239           }
240         }
241       }
242     }
243     np2-=2;
244   }
245   bno--;
247   if (bno==0)
248   { if (spno!=0)
249     { printf("Present order of the group is:\n");
250       for (i=1;i<=nb;i++)
251       { printf("%3d",lorb[i]);
252         if (i==nb) printf(" =\n"); else printf("*");
253       }
254       grporder=1; for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) grporder *= lorb[i];
255       printf("%g\n",grporder);
256     }
257     return(0);
258   }
259   else goto loop;
260 }
262 int
test(short ** svp,int exp)263 test (short **svp, int exp)
264 /* Test whether the current perm (in cp) lies in the group G, using the
265    Schreier Vector svp. If exp is true, print out word for element in
266    generators of G.
267 */
268 { short i,k,l;
269   for (l=1;l<=nb;l++)
270   { k=image(base[l]);
271     if (svp[l][k]==0)
272     { if (exp) printf("Permutation is not in group.\n"); return(0);}
273     addsv(k,svp[l]);
274   }
275   if (exp) for (i=cp[0];i>1;i--)
276   { k=cp[i]; l= (k%2==0) ? -(k+2)/2 : (k+1)/2;
277     printf("%2d",l); if (i>2) printf(" *"); else printf("\n");
278   }
279   return(1);
280 }
282 int
nc(int th,int sno,int eno)283 nc (int th, int sno, int eno)
284 /* Compute normal closure of a group K under perms from sno to eno.
285    If th=0, first copy H to C, put th=stcomm and np2 the last one.
286    In any case, K is then generated by perms from th to np2.
287 */
288 { short i,j,l,m,n,*p,*q,*r;
289   if (th==0)
290 /* Copy H and its Schreier vector into C if necessary. */
291   { p=pptr[sth]; q=pptr[stcom]; r=q;
292     while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
293     np2=2*stcom-sth-2;
294     if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
295     p=actgen+sth-1; q=actgen+stcom-1; r=q; while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
296     if (hsvth)
297     { p=svptr2[1]; q=svptr3[1]; r=q; l=stcom-sth;
298       while (++p<=r) *(++q) = (*p<=0) ? *p : *p+l;
299       p=lorbh; q=lorbc; r=p+nb;
300       while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
301     }
302     else if (gp(stcom,nb,lorbc,svptr3)== -1) return(-1);
303     th=stcom;
304   }
305   for (i=th;i<=np2;i+=2) if (actgen[i]==1)
306   for (j=sno;j<=eno;j+=2) if (actgen[j]==1)
307   { *cp=3; cp[1]=j+1; cp[2]=i; cp[3]=j;
308     if (test(svptr3,0)==0)
309 /* Add new gen to C */
310     { np2+=2; p=pptr[np2]; q=pptr[np2+1]; *cp=3;
311       if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
312       for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) { m=image(n); p[n]=m; q[m]=n; }
313       actgen[np2]=1;
314       for (n=1;n<=nb;n++) if (p[base[n]]!=base[n]) break;
315       p[npt1]=n; if (gp(stcom,n,lorbc,svptr3)== -1) return(-1);
316     }
317   }
318   cthere=1;
319   return(0);
320 }
322 int
comm(void)323 comm (void)
324 /* Compute commutator subgroup C = [G,H] */
325 { short i,j,k,*p,*q,*r,m,n,gnext,hnext;
326   p=svptr3[1]; r=p+nb*npt;
327   while (++p<=r) *p=0; np2=stcom-2;
328   if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
329   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) {svptr3[i][base[i]]= -1; lorbc[i]=1; }
330   k= heqg ? stcom : sth;
331 /* First define C to be generated by commutators of generators */
332   for (i=0;i<k;i+=2) if (actgen[i]==1)
333   for (j=sth;j<stcom;j+=2) if (actgen[j]==1)
334   { *cp=4; cp[1]=i+1; cp[2]=j+1; cp[3]=i; cp[4]=j;
335     if (test(svptr3,0)==0)
336     { np2+=2; p=pptr[np2]; q=pptr[np2+1]; *cp=4;
337       if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
338       for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) { m=image(n); p[n]=m; q[m]=n; }
339       actgen[np2]=1;
340       for (n=1;n<=nb;n++) if (p[base[n]]!=base[n]) break;
341       p[npt1]=n; if (gp(stcom,n,lorbc,svptr3)== -1) return(-1);
342     }
343   }
344   if (np2<stcom) {printf("[G,H] is trivial.\n"); cthere=0; return(0); }
345   gnext=stcom; hnext=stcom;
346 /* Now take normal closure under G and H */
347   while(1)
348   { if (gnext>np2) break;
349     n= heqg ? stcom-2 : sth-2;
350     if (nc(gnext,0,n)== -1) return(-1); gnext=np2+2;
351     if (hing || hnext>np2) break;
352     if (nc(hnext,sth,stcom-2)== -1) return(-1);
353   }
354   return(0);
355 }
357 int
outp(int c)358 outp (int c)
359 /* Out put a group. H if c=0, C if c=1. */
360 { short nperms,i,s,e,**sv;  char sn[12];
361   printf("Input name of subgroup to be output:    ");
362   scanf("%s",sn); strcpy(outf,outf0); strcat(outf,sn);
363   op=fopen(outf,"w");
364   nperms = c ? (np2+2-stcom)/2 : (stcom-sth)/2;
365   fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,nperms,nb,1);
366   if (c) printbaselo(nb,base,lorbc); else printbaselo(nb,base,lorbh);
367   s= c ? stcom : sth;  e= c ? np2 : stcom-2;
368   *pno=0; for (i=s;i<=e;i+=2) pno[++(*pno)]=i;
369   sv= c ? svptr3 : heqg ? svptr1 : svptr2;
370   printpsv(nb,pno,sv); fclose(op);
371   return(0);
372 }
374 int
intsect(short ** sv1,short ** sv2,short ** sv3,int stint)375 intsect (short **sv1, short **sv2, short **sv3, int stint)
376 /* Compute intersection of groups with Schreier vectors sv1 and sv2.
377    This uses a becktrack search thro' the sv1 group.
378    The result has S. vector sv3, and s.g. set from stint to np2.
379    It is necessary for the current perm to expand in both directions, so
380    we start it at position SCP defined above. Chaos would result if this
381    should be too small. In general it goes from cps to cpf. in the array cp.
382 */
383 { short i,m,n,k,adno,adpt,bno,*p,*q,*r;
384   np2=stint-2; p=sv3[1]; r=p+nb*npt; while (++p<=r) *p=0;
385   if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
386   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) { sv3[i][base[i]]= -1; lorbc[i]=1;}
387   scps[1]=SCP; scpf[1]=scps[1]-1;
388   for (bno=nb;bno>=1;bno--)
389   { adno=bno; cps=scps[1]; cpf=scpf[1]; scps[bno]=cps; scpf[bno]=cpf;
390     adpt=0;
391     while(1)
392 /* First advance thro' search */
393     { adpt++; while (adpt<=npt && sv1[adno][adpt]==0) adpt++;
394       if (adpt>npt)
395       { if (adno==bno) break;
396         adno--; cps=scps[adno]; cpf=scpf[adno]; adpt=sadpt[adno];
397         continue;
398       }
399       if (adno==bno && (sv2[bno][adpt]==0 || sv3[bno][adpt]!=0)) continue;
400       addsvb(adpt,sv1[adno]);
401       k=im(base[adno]);
402       if (sv2[adno][k]==0) { cps=scps[adno]; continue;}
403       addsvf(k,sv2[adno]); sadpt[adno]=adpt;
404       if (adno==nb)
405 /* We have a new generator in the intersection. */
406       { np2+=2;
407         if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
408         p=pptr[np2]; q=pptr[np2+1]; p[npt1]=bno; actgen[np2]=1;
409         cps=scps[bno];
410         for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) {m=im(n); p[n]=m; q[m]=n; }
411         if (gp(stint,bno,lorbc,sv3)== -1) return(-1);
412         adno=bno; adpt=sadpt[bno]; cpf=scpf[bno]; continue;
413       }
414       adno++; scps[adno]=cps; scpf[adno]=cpf; adpt=0;
415     }
416   }
417   if (np2<stint)
418   {printf("Intersection is trivial.\n"); cthere=0; return(0); }
419    else cthere=1; return(1);
420 }
422 int
im(int pt)423 im (int pt)
424 /* Image under current perm used in intsect */
425 { short i;
426   for (i=cps;i<=cpf;i++) pt=pptr[cp[i]][pt];
427   return(pt);
428 }
430 int
addsvb(int pt,short * sv)431 addsvb (int pt, short *sv)
432 /* Similar to addsv in permfns.c, but goes backwards, using current perm
433    in intsect
434 */
435 { short pn;
436   pn=sv[pt]; while (pn!= -1)
437   { cps--; cp[cps]=pn-1; pt=pptr[pn][pt]; pn=sv[pt]; }
438 }
440 int
addsvf(int pt,short * sv)441 addsvf (int pt, short *sv)
442 /* Same but goes forwards */
443 { short pn;
444   pn=sv[pt]; while (pn!= -1)
445   { cpf++; cp[cpf]=pn; pt=pptr[pn][pt]; pn=sv[pt]; }
446 }
448 int
core(void)449 core (void)
450 /* Replace H by its core under G */
451 { short i,j,l,m,n,stint,*p,*q,*r;
452   np2=stcom-2;
453   if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
454 restart:
455   for (i=0;i<sth;i+=2) if (actgen[i]==1) for (j=sth;j<stcom;j+=2)
456   { *cp=3; cp[1]=i+1; cp[2]=j; cp[3]=i;
457     if (test(svptr2,0)==0)
458 /* The conjugate of the generator of H under the generator of G does not
459    lie in H, so we must take an intersection.
460    First compute g-1 H g and then its intersection with H
461 */
462     { for (j=sth;j<stcom;j+=2)
463       { *cp=3; cp[2]=j; np2+=2; p=pptr[np2]; q=pptr[np2+1];
464         for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) { m=image(n); p[n]=m; q[m]=n; }
465         actgen[np2]=1;
466         for (n=1;n<=nb;n++) if (p[base[n]]!=base[n]) break; p[npt1]=n;
467       }
468       if (gp(stcom,nb,lorbc,svptr3)== -1) return(-1);
469       stint=np2+2;
470       if ((n=intsect(svptr2,svptr3,svptr1,stint))==-1) return(-1);
471       if (n==0)
472 /* If core is trivial, we exit after putting heqg=1 for good measure. */
473       { printf("Core is trivial. Setting H=G.\n");
474         if (gp(0,nb,lorbg,svptr1)== -1) return(-1);
475         stcom=sth; np2=sth-2; sth=0;
476         hing=1; heqg=1; cthere=0; return(0);
477       }
478       l=stint-sth; p=svptr1[1]; q=svptr2[1]; r=p+nb*npt;
479       while (++p<=r) *(++q)= (*p<=0) ? *p : *p-l;
480       for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) lorbh[i]=lorbc[i];
481       p=pptr[stint]; q=pptr[sth]; r=pptr[np2]+2*npt1;
482       while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
483       np2=sth+np2-stint; stcom=np2+2;
484       for (i=sth;i<=np2;i++) actgen[i]=1; goto restart;
485     }
486   }
487 /* We have messed up svptr1 during this computation, so we recompute it */
488   cthere=0; gp(0,nb,lorbg,svptr1);
489   *cp=1; hing=1; for (i=sth;i<=np2;i+=2)
490   { cp[1]=i; if (test(svptr1,0)==0) { hing=0; break; } }
491   if (hing) printf ("H is a subgroup of G.\n");
492   else printf("H is not a subgroup of G.\n");
493   return(0);
494 }
496 int
rhc(void)497 rhc (void)
498 /* Replace H by C */
499 { short i,l,*p,*q,*r;
500   cthere=0;
501   if (heqg) { sth=stcom; heqg=0; }
502   l=stcom-sth; p=svptr3[1]; q=svptr2[1]; r=p+nb*npt;
503   while (++p<=r) *(++q)= (*p<=0) ? *p : *p-l;
504   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) lorbh[i]=lorbc[i];
505   if (heqg==0)
506   { p=pptr[stcom]; q=pptr[sth]; r=pptr[np2]+2*npt1;
507     while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
508     p=actgen+stcom-1; q=actgen+sth-1; r=actgen+np2+1;
509     while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
510   }
511   np2=sth+np2-stcom; stcom=np2+2; hsvth=1;
512   *cp=1; hing=1; for (i=sth;i<=np2;i+=2)
513   { cp[1]=i; if (test(svptr1,0)==0) { hing=0; break; } }
514   if (hing) printf ("H is a subgroup of G.\n");
515   else printf("H is not a subgroup of G.\n");
516 }
518 int
rgh(int c)519 rgh (int c)
520 /* Replace G by H, and is c=1 also H by C */
521 { short i,l,*p,*q,*r;
522   l=sth; p=svptr2[1]; q=svptr1[1]; r=p+nb*npt;
523   while (++p<=r) *(++q)= (*p<=0) ? *p : *p-l;
524   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) lorbg[i]=lorbh[i];
525   p=pptr[sth]; q=pptr[0]; r=pptr[stcom];
526   while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
527   p=actgen+sth-1; q=actgen-1; r=actgen+stcom-1;
528   while (++p<=r) *(++q)= *p;
529   if (c)
530   { sth=stcom-sth; rhc(); }  else
531   { stcom-=sth; np2=stcom-2; sth=0; cthere=0; hsvth=1; hing=1; heqg=1;}
532 }
534 int
join(void)535 join (void)
536 /* Compute C=<G,H> */
537 { short i,*p,*q,*r;
538   np2=stcom-2;
539   for (i=0;i<stcom;i+=2) if (actgen[i]==1)
540   { if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
541     np2+=2; p=pptr[i]; q=pptr[np2]; r=p+2*npt1;
542     if (spacecheck()== -1) return(-1);
543     while (++p<=r) *(++q) = *p; actgen[np2]=1;
544   }
545   gp(stcom,nb,lorbc,svptr3); cthere=1;
546   return(0);
547 }
549 int
spacecheck(void)550 spacecheck (void)
551 { if (np2+1>=mxp)
552   { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n"); return(-1);}
553   return(0);
554 }