1 #include "defs.h"
3 extern char inf[],outf[],temp[],temp2[],mspace[],*vec[],**mat[],
4      cvec[],pinv[],mstr[],full,intop,opt,aut;
5 extern short svec[],mdim,mv,mm,mpr,msl;
6 extern int space;
7 char prime;
8 short dim,maxnull;
10 FILE *ip,*op;
12 int
pkprog(void)13 pkprog (void)
14 { char ngens,neg,fac,there,saved,gottm,gotsgn,err,digexp,nc,provn,
15        trd,gotfac,heldc,len,**m0,**m1,*m01,irr;
16   short nvecs,i,j,rno1,rno2,nlty,fnz,adno,sdim,qdim,tdim;
17   int msp;
18   irr= opt ? 1 : 0;
19   if ((ip=fopen(inf,"r"))==0)
20   { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf); return(-1);}
21   fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd%hd",&rno1,&dim,&rno2);
22   prime=rno1; ngens=rno2;
23   if (prime>mpr)
24   { fprintf(stderr,"prime too big. Nothing to be done.\n"); return(-1);}
25   if (dim>mdim)
26   { fprintf(stderr,"dim too big. Increase MDIM.\n"); return(-1);}
27   if (ngens>=mm)
28   { fprintf(stderr,"Too many generators. Nothing to be done.\n"); return(-1);}
29   nvecs=dim*(ngens+1);
30   if (nvecs>mv)
31   { fprintf(stderr,"Too many vectors. Increase MV.\n"); return(-1);}
32   msp=nvecs*dim;
33   if (msp>space)
34   { fprintf(stderr,"Not enough space. Increase SPACE.\n"); return(-1);}
35   seeknln(); setpinv();
36 /* Set vector and matrix pointers, as usual.
37    We take care only to use ngens+1 matrices, thus saving as much storage as
38    possible. This means using temporary files to store matrices occasionally.
39 */
40   for (i=0;i<nvecs;i++) vec[i]= mspace-1+i*dim;
41   for (i=0;i<=ngens;i++) mat[i]=vec-1+i*dim;
42   for (i=1;i<=ngens;i++) readmat(mat[i]);
43   fclose(ip);
44   if (aut)
45   { printf("Enter maximum value of nullity that should be handled:   ");
46     scanf("%hd",&maxnull);
47   }
48   m0=mat[0]; m1=mat[1]; m01=m0[1];
49 /* The next section reads in the given expression in the generators, and
50    computes the corresponding matrix as m0. A temporary file is used to
51    remember the sum so far, whilst a product is being computed.
52 */
53   while (1)
54   { printf("Enter element of group algebra. End expression with $. Example:\n");
55     printf("Enter 3a[3]a[3]a[2] + a[2] - a[4]  as  3.3*3*2 + 2 - 4$\n");
56     fflush(stdout);
57     there=0; saved=0; heldc=0; err=0;
58     while (heldc!='$')
59     { gotfac=0; gotsgn=0; gottm=0; provn=0; digexp=0; len=0;
60       while (gottm==0)
61       { if (heldc) { nc=heldc; heldc=0;} else nc=findc();
62         if (gotsgn==0)
63         { if (nc=='-') { neg=1; gotsgn=1; digexp=1; continue;}
64           else if (nc=='+') { neg=0; gotsgn=1; digexp=1; continue;}
65           else if (there==0) { neg=0; gotsgn=1; digexp=1;}
66         }
67         if ((nc=='+' || nc=='-' || nc=='$') && digexp==0 && (len!=0 || provn!=0))
68         { heldc=nc; gottm=1;
69           if (gotfac==0)
70           { if (provn)
71             { fac= neg ? prime-1 : 1; len=1; mstr[1]=provn-'0';}
72           }
73         }
74         else if (nc=='.' && digexp==0 && provn!=0 && gotfac==0)
75         { gotfac=1; fac=provn-'0'; fac%=prime; provn=0;
76           if (neg) fac=prime-fac; digexp=1;
77         }
78         else if (nc=='*' && digexp==0 && (provn!=0 || len!=0))
79         { if (gotfac==0)
80           { gotfac=1; fac= neg ? prime-1 : 1; len=1; mstr[1]=provn-'0';}
81           digexp=1;
82         }
83         else if (digit(nc) && digexp)
84         { if (gotfac==0) provn=nc;
85           else { len++; mstr[len]= nc-'0';}
86           digexp=0;
87         }
88         else
89         { fprintf(stderr,"Format error; Try again.\n"); err=1;
90           while (getchar()!='\n');
91           break;
92         }
93       }
94       if (err) break;
95       if (len==1)
96       { if (there) sum(fac,mat[mstr[1]],m0); else ncopy(fac,mat[mstr[1]],m0);}
97       else
98       { if (there)
99 /* We have a partial sum, and now another product to compute, so we must
100    store the partial sum in a temporary file.
101 */
102         { op=fopen(temp,"w"); printmat(m0); saved=1; fclose(op);}
103         ncopy(fac,mat[mstr[1]],m0);
104         for (i=2;i<=len;i++) prod(m0,mat[mstr[i]],m0);
105         if (saved)
106         { ip=fopen(temp,"r");
107           for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) rvecsum(1,m0[i]);
108           fclose(ip); saved=0;
109         }
110       }
111       there=1;
112     }
113     if (err) continue;
114 /* err means the expression input was garbled */
115     if (intop) for (i=1;i<=dim;i++)
116     { for (j=1;j<=dim;j++) printf("%3d",m0[i][j]); printf("\n"); }
117 /* Store the matrix m0 in a temporary file temp. Then compute its nullity.
118    (nlty writes generators of the null space to another temporary file, temp)
119 */
120     op=fopen(temp2,"w"); printmat(m0); fclose(op);
121     op=fopen(temp,"w"); nlty=null(m0,m1); fclose(op);
122     ip=fopen(inf,"r"); seeknln(); readmat(m1); fclose(ip);
123     if (nlty==0 || (aut && nlty>maxnull)) continue;
124     if (aut) break;
125     printf("Shall we use this matrix (y/n)?  ");
126     nc=findc();
127     if (nc=='y') break;
128   }
129 /* Now we have chosen the matrix that we are going to use for the irreducibility
130    test. Next we arrange to consider the one-dimensional subspaces of the
131    null-space in order. cvec is used for this purpose.
132 */
133   for (i=1;i<=nlty;i++) cvec[i]=0;
134   fnz=nlty; adno=nlty; trd=0;
135   while (fnz!=0)
136   { cvec[adno]++;
137     for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) m01[i]=0;
138 /* Compute the current vector in the nullspace by reading from the file temp,
139    and store it in m01
140 */
141     ip=fopen(temp,"r");
142     for (i=1;i<=nlty;i++)
143     { if ((fac=cvec[i])==0) seeknln(); else {rvecsum(fac,m01); seeknln();}}
144     fclose(ip);
145     if (intop)
146     { for (j=1;j<=dim;j++) printf("%3d",m01[j]); printf("\n");
147       if (opt)
148       { printf("Shall we skip this one?   "); nc=findc();
149         if (nc=='y') goto next;
150       }
151     }
152 /* Now compute the subspace it generates */
153     sdim=spgen(m0,ngens);
154     if (intop)
155     { for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) printf("%3d",svec[i]); printf("\n");
156       for (i=1;i<=dim;i++)
157       { for (j=1;j<=dim;j++) printf("%3d",m0[i][j]); printf("\n");}
158     }
159     if (sdim<dim)
160 /* sdim<dim means the module is reducible */
161     if (opt==0) break;
162     else
163     { printf("Shall we compute (y/n)?  ");
164       nc=findc();
165       if (nc=='y') { opt=0; break;}
166       irr=0;
167     }
168 next:
169 /* The last vector generated the whole space, so go on to the next */
170     adno=nlty;
171     while (cvec[adno]==prime-1) { cvec[adno]=0; adno--;}
172     if (adno<=fnz) { if (adno==fnz) {cvec[adno]=0; adno--;} fnz--;}
173   }
174   if (opt || sdim==dim)
175 /* Each vector in the null-space generated the whole space. Finally we have to
176    transpose everything, and try just one vector in the null-space.
177 */
178   { printf("Transforming.\n"); fflush(stdout); trd=1;
179     ip=fopen(temp2,"r"); readmat(m0); fclose(ip);
180     trans(m0,m1); op=fopen(temp,"w"); null1(m1,m0); fclose(op);
181 /* That ruined m1 (the first generator), so we must re-read it */
182     ip=fopen(inf,"r"); seeknln(); readmat(m1); fclose(ip);
183     for (i=1;i<=ngens;i++) {trans(mat[i],m0); copy(m0,mat[i]);}
184     ip=fopen(temp,"r");
185     for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) {fscanf(ip,"%hd",&rno1); m01[i]=rno1;}
186     fclose(ip);
187     sdim=spgen(m0,ngens);
188     if (opt && sdim<dim)
189     { printf("Shall we compute (y/n)?  ");
190       nc=findc();
191       if (nc=='y') opt=0; else irr=0;
192     }
193     if (intop)
194     { for (i=1;i<=dim;i++) printf("%3d",svec[i]); printf("\n");
195       for (i=1;i<=dim;i++)
196       { for (j=1;j<=dim;j++) printf("%3d",m0[i][j]); printf("\n");}
197     }
198   }
200   if (opt && irr==0) { unlink(temp); unlink(temp2); return(0);}
201   if (sdim==dim)
202   { printf("Module is irreducible.\n");
203     unlink(temp); unlink(temp2);return(0);
204   }
205 /* Space is reducible. Finally, we compute the generators of the subspace
206    and quotient space
207 */
208   qdim=dim-sdim;
209   strcpy(outf,inf);
210   if (full) { strcat(outf,"f"); tdim=dim;}
211   else { strcat(outf,"s"); tdim=sdim;}
212 /* if we have transposed, then we first output to the temporary file,
213    and then later read it back in and transpose it back again.
214 */
215   if (trd) op=fopen(temp,"w");
216   else { op=fopen(outf,"w"); fprintf(op,"%3d%5d%3d\n",prime,tdim,ngens);}
217   opnmat(m0,ngens,tdim,1);
218   if (trd==0|| full) fclose(op);
219   if (full==0)
220   { strcpy(outf,inf); strcat(outf,"q");
221     if (trd==0)
222     { op=fopen(outf,"w"); fprintf(op,"%3d%5d%3d\n",prime,qdim,ngens);}
223     opnmat(m0,ngens,dim,sdim+1);
224     fclose(op);
225   }
226   if (trd)
227   { if (full==0) dim=sdim;
228 /* Retranspose */
229     ip=fopen(temp,"r"); op=fopen(outf,"w");
230     fprintf(op,"%3d%5d%3d\n",prime,dim,ngens);
231     for (i=1;i<=ngens;i++)
232     { readmat(m0); trans(m0,m1); printmat(m1);}
233     fclose(op);
234     if (full==0)
235     { dim=qdim; strcpy(outf,inf); strcat(outf,"s");
236       op=fopen(outf,"w"); fprintf(op,"%3d%5d%3d\n",prime,dim,ngens);
237       for (i=1;i<=ngens;i++)
238       { readmat(m0); trans(m0,m1); printmat(m1);}
239       fclose(ip); fclose(op);
240     }
241   }
242   unlink(temp); unlink(temp2); return(0);
243 }
seeknln(void)245 void seeknln (void) { while (getc(ip)!='\n');}
setpinv(void)247 void setpinv (void)
248 { int i,j;
249   for (i=0;i<prime;i++) pinv[i]=0;
250   for (i=1;i<prime;i++) if (pinv[i]==0) for (j=1;j<prime;j++)
251   if (i*j % prime ==1) { pinv[i]=j; pinv[j]=i; break; }
252 }
findc(void)254 int findc (void)
255 { char c; while ((c=getchar())==' ' || c=='\n'); return(c); }
digit(int c)257 int digit (int c)
258 { if (c>='1' && c<='9') return(1); else return(0);}