1 #include "defs.h"
2 #include "permfns.h"
4 extern char inf[],outf[];
5 extern short  mp,mxexp,mb,mnpt,
6        perm[],svp2[],svg2[],cp[],orb[],
7        expperm[],adpt[],expcp[],lorbg[],lorbp[],lorbdef[],
8        base[],ntfpt[],ntbpt[],start[],invbase[],pno[],
9        facord[],orno[],lporb[],deftime[],orbperm[],
10        genorb[],*pptr[],*svgptr[],*svpptr[],*expptr[];
11 extern int psp,expsp,svsp;
13 short npt,p,im,cb,adno,*tp;
14 char ok;
15 FILE *ip,*op;
16 /* This program and normrun involve backtrack searches. These can be speeded up
17    by storing the perms for each coset rep in the stabilizer chain, which can
18    be computed using Schreier vectors. As many such perms as space allows are
19    stored in this way, in array expperm, using perm pointer expptr, and expcp
20    corresponds to cp.
21 */
23 int
sylprog(void)24 sylprog (void)
25 { char nontriv,bt,seek,b,incadno;
26   short i,j,k,l,m,n,lnt,fnt,mxp,mnb,mexp,nperms,nb,ct,np2,bno,stp,
27         lexp,*z,*itp,*ap,*sva;
28   int quot;
29   if ((ip=fopen(inf,"r"))==0)
30   { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf); return(-1);}
31   printf("Input prime!    "); scanf("%hd",&p);
32   fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd%hd%hd",&npt,&nperms,&nb,&l);
33   if (npt>mnpt) {fprintf(stderr,"npt too big. Increase NPT.\n"); return(-1);}
34   if (nb>mb) {fprintf(stderr,"nb too big. Increase MB.\n"); return(-1);}
35   if (nb*npt>svsp)
36   { fprintf(stderr,"Not enough sv space.Increase SVSP.\n");return(-1);}
37   if (l<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format.\n"); return(-1); }
38   readbaselo(nb,base,lorbg);
39   for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) invbase[i]=0;
40   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) invbase[base[i]]=i;
41   lnt=0; fnt=0;
42 /* Determine order of sylp subgroup . Links ntfpt and ntbpt are used to bypass
43    trivial indices in the stab chain.
44 */
45   for (i=nb;i>=1;i--)
46   { j=lorbg[i]; lorbp[i]=1;
47     if (j>1)
48     { if (lnt==0) { lnt=i; k=i; ntfpt[lnt]=nb+1; }
49       else { ntbpt[k]=i; ntfpt[i]=k; k=i; }
50       while (j%p==0) {lorbp[i]*=p; j/=p; }
51       if (lorbp[i]>1) fnt=i;
52     }
53     else invbase[base[i]]=0;
54   }
55   ntbpt[fnt]=0;
56   if (fnt==0) {fprintf(stderr,"Sylp-group is trivial!\n"); return(-1); }
57   printf("Orbit lengths of Sylp-group:\n");
58   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) printf("%4d",lorbp[i]); printf(".\n");
60   quot=psp/(npt+1); if (quot>mp) quot=mp; mxp=quot;
61   quot=expsp/npt; if (quot>mxexp) quot=mxexp; mexp=quot;
62   np2=2*nperms-1;
63   if (np2>=mxp)
64   {fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n"); return(-1); }
65   for (i=0;i<mxp;i++) pptr[i]=perm+(npt+1)*i-1;
66   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svgptr[i]=svg2+npt*(i-1)-1;
67   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svpptr[i]=svp2+npt*(i-1)-1;
68   readpsv(0,nb,nperms,svgptr);
69   fclose(ip);
71 /* We now determine how much space we have to store cosetrep perms, and
72    calculate these with the function exprep
73 */
74   lexp=0; ct=0;
75   for (i=nb;i>fnt;i--)
76   { ct+=(lorbg[i]-1); if (ct+i>=mexp) {lexp=i; break; } }
77   if (lexp==nb)
78   {fprintf(stderr,"Not enough expanding space. Increase MXEXP.\n");return(-1);}
79   if (lexp==0) lexp=fnt;
80   z=expperm-1; i=0;
81   while (i!=lexp)
82   { i= (i==0) ? fnt : ntfpt[i]; expptr[i]=z;
83     z+=npt; start[i]=i-1;
84   }
85   printf("lexp=%d.\n",lexp);
86   start[lexp+1]=lexp; k=lexp;
87   for (i=lexp+1;i<=lnt;i++)
88   { l=lorbg[i]; start[i+1]=start[i]+l-1;
89     if (l>1) for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) if (svgptr[i][j]>0)
90     { k++; expptr[k]=z; z+=npt; exprep(j,k,svgptr[i]); }
91   }
92   nontriv=0; *pno=0; deftime[0]=0; stp=np2+1;
93   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++)
94   { for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) {svpptr[i][j]=0; svpptr[i][base[i]]= -1; }
95     lorbdef[i]=1;
96   }
98 /* Starting search. lorbdef records the length of the orbit ofthe Sylp group
99    found so far. tp is a perm that we are currently considering as a
100    possible new element of Sylp. nontriv is set true as soon as the first
101    element of Sylp has been found. adno is then number in the stabilizer chain
102    for which the coset reps are currently being advanced in the search.
103 */
104   for (bno=lnt;bno>=fnt;bno=ntbpt[bno])
105   { printf("bno=%d.\n",bno);
106     orb[1]=base[bno]; adno=bno;
107     while (lorbdef[bno]<lorbp[bno])
108     { *expcp=0; tp=pptr[np2+1]; itp=pptr[np2+2];
109       if (np2+2>=mxp)
110       { fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase PSP.\n"); return(-1); }
111       for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) tp[i]=i; tp[npt+1]=bno;
113 /* If nontriv, then we compute all orbits of Sylp. The new element must
114    permute these orbits.
115 */
116       if (nontriv)
117       { allorbs(lporb,orno); bt=0;
118         for (i=1;i<= *lporb;i++) {orbperm[i]=0; deftime[i]=0; }
119       }
120       seek=1;
121       while (seek)
122       { for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) itp[i]=0;
123         b=1; ok=1;
124         while(1)
125         { k=expcp[*expcp];
126 /* Advance to next element in search. ok is set false if this element is
127    eliminated from membership of Sylp, and we advance again.
128 */
129           if (b && (*expcp==0 || k<=start[adno]))
130           { (*expcp)++;
131             if (adno<=lexp) {adpt[adno]=0; expcp[*expcp]=adno;}
132             else expcp[*expcp]=start[adno];
133             b=0;
134           }
135           else
136           { if (adno<=lexp)
137             { sva=svgptr[adno]; ap=adpt+adno; (*ap)++;
138               while (sva[*ap]<=0 && *ap<=npt) (*ap)++;
139               if (*ap<=npt) { exprep(*ap,adno,sva); break; }
140             }
141             else if (k<start[adno+1]) {expcp[*expcp]++; break;}
142             if (*expcp==1)
143             { fprintf(stderr,
144                   "Premature end of search. Probably %d is not prime.\n",p);
145                return(-1);
146             }
147             (*expcp)--; bt=1; adno=ntbpt[adno]; b=1;
148             if (adno==bno && nontriv)
149             { im=expimage(base[adno]); l=orno[im];
150               if (lporb[l]>1) for (i=1;i<=npt;i++)
151               if (orno[i]==l) svpptr[adno][i]= -2;
152 /* Setting sv= -2 when bno=adno avoids testing more elements than necessary
153    which map the main orbit of base[bno] to another.
154 */
155             }
156           }
157         }
158         incadno=1;
159         while (incadno)
160         { cb=base[adno]; im=expimage(cb);
161           if (adno==bno && svpptr[adno][im]!=0) {ok=0;break;}
162           else
163           { j=im; k=invbase[j]; ct=1;
164             while (k>0 && k<adno)
165             { j=tp[j]; k=invbase[j]; ct++; }
166             if (k==adno && ppower(ct)==0) {ok=0;break;}
167 /* Because this element cannot be a p-element */
168           }
169           if (nontriv)
170           { if (bt) for (i=1;i<=*lporb;i++)
171             { j=orbperm[i]; if (deftime[j]>=adno) {orbperm[i]=0;deftime[j]=0;}}
172             bt=0; deforbperm();
173             if (ok==0) break;
174 /* This means that the element does not permute the orbits */
175           }
176           else tp[cb]=im;
177           if (adno==lnt)
178           { incadno=0;
179             for (cb=1;cb<=npt;cb++) if (invbase[cb]==0)
180             { im=expimage(cb);
181               if (nontriv)
182               { deforbperm(); if (ok==0) { bt=1; break; } }
183               else tp[cb]=im;
184             }
185           }
186           else adno=ntfpt[adno];
187         }
188         if (ok) for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) if (itp[i]==0)
189         { j=i; l=1; k=tp[j]; itp[k]=j;
190           while (k!=i) { l++; j=k;k=tp[j]; itp[k]=j; }
191           if (ppower(l)==0) { ok=0;bt=1;break;}
192         }
193 /* if ok then tp is a p-element permuting the orbits. The final test is to
194    check that it normalizes Sylp.
195 */
196         if (ok && nontriv) for (i=stp;i<np2 && ok;i+=2)
197         { *cp=0;
198           for (j=fnt;j<=lnt;j=ntfpt[j])
199           { k=image(tp[pptr[i][itp[base[j]]]]);
200             if (svpptr[j][k]!=0) addsv(k,svpptr[j]);
201             else {ok=0; bt=1; break; }
202           }
203         }
204 /* if ok then tp is the new element of Sylp */
205         if (ok)
206         { (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=np2+1; k=lorbdef[bno];
207           l=orbitsv(base[bno],svpptr[bno],k);
208           facord[np2+1]=l/k; lorbdef[bno]=l;
209           np2+=2; adno=bno; nontriv=1; seek=0;
210           printf("Found element in Sylp-group. Lorbdef=%d.\n",l);
211           for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) if (svpptr[bno][i]== -2) svpptr[bno][i]=0;
212         }
213       }
214     }
215     for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) if (svpptr[bno][i]== -2) svpptr[bno][i]=0;
216   }
217   op=fopen(outf,"w");
218   fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,*pno,nb,4);
219   printbaselo(nb,base,lorbp); printpsv(nb,pno,svpptr);
220   fprintf(op,"%3d",p);
221   for (i=stp;i<np2;i+=2) fprintf(op,"%4d",facord[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
222   return(0);
223 }
225 int
ppower(int x)226 ppower (int x)
227 /* This tests whether x is a power of p */
228 { while (x!=1)
229   { if (x%p==0) x /=p; else return(0); }
230   return(1);
231 }
233 int
deforbperm(void)234 deforbperm (void)
235 /* This tests whether the fact that tp sends cb (=base[adno]) to im
236    contradicts permutation of the orbits. If so then ok is set false.
237 */
238 { short i,j,k; i=orno[cb]; j=orno[im]; k=orbperm[i];
239   if (k==0)
240   { if (deftime[j]==0) if (lporb[i]==lporb[j])
241     { orbperm[i]=j; deftime[j]=adno; }
242     else ok=0; else ok=0;
243   }
244   else if (k!=j) ok=0;
245   if (ok) tp[cb]=im;
246   return(0);
247 }