1 #ifndef bliss_digraphs_C_H
2 #define bliss_digraphs_C_H
4 /*
5   Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Tommi Junttila
6   Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.
8   This file is part of bliss.
10   bliss is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12   the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
14   bliss is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with bliss.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 */
23 /**
24  * \file
25  * \brief The bliss C API.
26  *
27  * This is the C language API to
28  * <A href="http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/">bliss</A>.
29  * Note that this C API is only a subset of the C++ API;
30  * please consider using the C++ API whenever possible.
31  */
33 #include <stdlib.h>
34 #include <stdio.h>
37 /**
38  * \brief The true bliss graph is hiding behind this typedef.
39  */
40 typedef struct bliss_digraphs_graph_struct BlissGraph;
43 /**
44  * \brief The C API version of the statistics returned by
45  * the bliss search algorithm.
46  */
47 typedef struct bliss_digraphs_stats_struct
48 {
50   /* The true size of the group */
51   /* This is a list of integers of length group_size_len */
52   /* This is only used when BLISS_IN_GAP is defined */
53   int* group_size;
54   int group_size_len;
56   /**
57    * An approximation (due to possible rounding errors) of
58    * the size of the automorphism group.
59    */
60   long double group_size_approx;
61   /** The number of nodes in the search tree. */
62   long unsigned int nof_nodes;
63   /** The number of leaf nodes in the search tree. */
64   long unsigned int nof_leaf_nodes;
65   /** The number of bad nodes in the search tree. */
66   long unsigned int nof_bad_nodes;
67   /** The number of canonical representative updates. */
68   long unsigned int nof_canupdates;
69   /** The number of generator permutations. */
70   long unsigned int nof_generators;
71   /** The maximal depth of the search tree. */
72   unsigned long int max_level;
73 } BlissStats;
76 /**
77  * Create a new graph instance with \a N vertices and no edges.
78  * \a N can be zero and bliss_digraphs_add_vertex() called afterwards
79  * to add new vertices on-the-fly.
80  */
81 BlissGraph *bliss_digraphs_new(const unsigned int N);
84 /**
85  * Read an undirected graph from a file in the DIMACS format into a new bliss
86  * instance.
87  * Returns 0 if an error occurred.
88  * Note that in the DIMACS file the vertices are numbered from 1 to N while
89  * in the bliss C API they are from 0 to N-1.
90  * Thus the vertex n in the file corresponds to the vertex n-1 in the API.
91  */
92 BlissGraph *bliss_digraphs_read_dimacs(FILE *fp);
95 /**
96  * Output the graph in the file stream \a fp in the DIMACS format.
97  * See the User's Guide for the file format details.
98  * Note that in the DIMACS file the vertices are numbered from 1 to N while
99  * in bliss they are from 0 to N-1.
100  */
101 void bliss_digraphs_write_dimacs(BlissGraph *graph, FILE *fp);
104 /**
105  * Release the graph.
106  * Note that the memory pointed by the arguments of hook functions for
107  * bliss_digraphs_find_automorphisms() and bliss_digraphs_find_canonical_labeling()
108  * is deallocated and thus should not be accessed after calling this function.
109  */
110 void bliss_digraphs_release(BlissGraph *graph);
112 void bliss_digraphs_clear(BlissGraph *graph);
113 void bliss_digraphs_change_color(BlissGraph* graph, const unsigned int vertex, const unsigned int color);
115 /**
116  * Print the graph in graphviz dot format.
117  */
118 void bliss_digraphs_write_dot(BlissGraph *graph, FILE *fp);
121 /**
122  * Return the number of vertices in the graph.
123  */
124 unsigned int bliss_digraphs_get_nof_vertices(BlissGraph *graph);
127 /**
128  * Add a new vertex with color \a c in the graph \a graph and return its index.
129  * The vertex indices are always in the range
130  * [0,bliss::bliss_digraphs_get_nof_vertices(\a bliss)-1].
131  */
132 unsigned int bliss_digraphs_add_vertex(BlissGraph *graph, unsigned int c);
135 /**
136  * Add a new undirected edge in the graph.
137  * \a v1 and \a v2 are vertex indices returned by bliss_digraphs_add_vertex().
138  * If duplicate edges are added, they will be ignored (however, they are not
139  * necessarily physically ignored immediately but may consume memory for
140  * a while so please try to avoid adding duplicate edges whenever possible).
141  */
142 void bliss_digraphs_add_edge(BlissGraph *graph, unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2);
145 /**
146  * Compare two graphs according to a total order.
147  * Return -1, 0, or 1 if the first graph was smaller than, equal to,
148  * or greater than, resp., the other graph.
149  * If 0 is returned, then the graphs have the same number vertices,
150  * the vertices in them are colored in the same way, and they contain
151  * the same edges; that is, the graphs are equal.
152  */
153 int bliss_digraphs_cmp(BlissGraph *graph1, BlissGraph *graph2);
156 /**
157  * Get a hash value for the graph.
158  */
159 unsigned int bliss_digraphs_hash(BlissGraph *graph);
162 /**
163  * Permute the graph with the given permutation \a perm.
164  * Returns the permuted graph, the original graph is not modified.
165  * The argument \a perm should be an array of
166  * N=bliss::bliss_digraphs_get_nof_vertices(\a graph) elements describing
167  * a bijection on {0,...,N-1}.
168  */
169 BlissGraph *bliss_digraphs_permute(BlissGraph *graph, const unsigned int *perm);
172 /**
173  * Find a set of generators for the automorphism group of the graph.
174  * The hook function \a hook (if non-null) is called each time a new generator
175  * for the automorphism group is found.
176  * The first argument \a user_param for the hook function is
177  * the \a hook_user_param argument,
178  * the second argument \a N is the length of the automorphism (equal to
179  * bliss::bliss_digraphs_get_nof_vertices(\a graph)) and
180  * the third argument \a aut is the automorphism (a bijection on {0,...,N-1}).
181  * The memory for the automorphism \a aut will be invalidated immediately
182  * after the return from the hook;
183  * if you want to use the automorphism later, you have to take a copy of it.
184  * Do not call bliss_digraphs_* functions in the hook.
185  * If \a stats is non-null, then some search statistics are copied there.
186  */
187 void
188 bliss_digraphs_find_automorphisms(BlissGraph *graph,
189 			 void (*hook)(void *user_param,
190 				      unsigned int N,
191 				      const unsigned int *aut),
192 			 void *hook_user_param,
193 			 BlissStats *stats);
196 /**
197  * Otherwise the same as bliss_digraphs_find_automorphisms() except that
198  * a canonical labeling for the graph (a bijection on {0,...,N-1}) is returned.
199  * The returned canonical labeling will remain valid only until
200  * the next call to a bliss_digraphs_* function with the exception that
201  * bliss_digraphs_permute() can be called without invalidating the labeling.
202  * To compute the canonical version of a graph, call this function and
203  * then bliss_digraphs_permute() with the returned canonical labeling.
204  * Note that the computed canonical version may depend on the applied version
205  * of bliss.
206  */
207 const unsigned int *
208 bliss_digraphs_find_canonical_labeling(BlissGraph *graph,
209 			      void (*hook)(void *user_param,
210 					   unsigned int N,
211 					   const unsigned int *aut),
212 			      void *hook_user_param,
213 			      BlissStats *stats);
216 // Clean up memory allocated by a used BlissStats
217 void bliss_digraphs_free_blissstats(BlissStats *stats);
219 #endif