1 /* checks6.c; May 2005 */
3 #define USAGE "checks6 [-p#:#w] [infile [outfile]]"
5 #define HELPTEXT \
6 "  Check a file of graphs, optionally write corrected version\n\
7 \n\
8      -p# -p#:#  \n\
9          Specify range of input lines (first is 1)\n\
10 \n\
11      -w  Write corrected graphs (default is not to write)\n\
12          A header is written if there is one in the input.\n"
14 /***********************************************************************/
16 #include "gtools.h"
18 /***********************************************************************/
20 static boolean
seemsbad(char * s)21 seemsbad(char *s)
22 /* Check graph string for apparent problem, if so, correct it */
23 {
24         int i,j,k,m,n;
25         char *p,x,pq;
26 	set *gj;
27 	long ii;
28 	int r,rr,topbit,nb,lastj;
29 	graph g[16];
31 	if (s[0] != ':') return FALSE;  /* not sparse6 */
33 	n = graphsize(s);
34 	if (n != 2 && n != 4 && n != 8 && n != 16) return FALSE;
35 	m = 1;
37 	stringtograph(s,g,m);
38 	if (g[n-1] != bit[n-1]) return FALSE;
39 	if (g[n-2] == 0) return FALSE;
41 	g[n-1] = 0;
42 	p = s+2;
44 	for (i = n-1, nb = 0; i != 0 ; i >>= 1, ++nb) {}
45 	topbit = 1 << (nb-1);
46 	k = 6;
47 	x = 0;
49 	lastj = 0;
50 	for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
51 	{
52 	    gj = GRAPHROW(g,j,m);
53 	    for (i = 0; i <= j; ++i)
54 	    {
55 		if (ISELEMENT(gj,i))
56 		{
57 		    if (j == lastj)
58 		    {
59 		        x <<= 1;
60 		        if (--k == 0)
61 		        {
62 		            p++;
63 		            k = 6;
64 		            x = 0;
65 		        }
66 		    }
67 		    else
68 		    {
69 			x = (x << 1) | 1;
70 			if (--k == 0)
71 			{
72 		            p++;
73 			    k = 6;
74 			    x = 0;
75 			}
76 			if (j > lastj+1)
77 			{
78 			    for (r = 0, rr = j; r < nb; ++r, rr <<= 1)
79 			    {
80 			        if (rr & topbit) x = (x << 1) | 1;
81 			        else             x <<= 1;
82 			        if (--k == 0)
83 			        {
84 				    p++;
85 				    k = 6;
86 				    x = 0;
87 			        }
88 			    }
89 			    x <<= 1;
90 			    if (--k == 0)
91 			    {
92 				p++;
93 				k = 6;
94 				x = 0;
95 			    }
96 			}
97 			lastj = j;
98 		    }
99 		    for (r = 0, rr = i; r < nb; ++r, rr <<= 1)
100 		    {
101 			if (rr & topbit) x = (x << 1) | 1;
102 			else             x <<= 1;
103 			if (--k == 0)
104 			{
105 			    p++;
106 			    k = 6;
107 			    x = 0;
108 			}
109 		    }
110 		}
111 	    }
112 	}
114         if (k != 6)
115         {
116             if (k >= nb+1 && lastj == n-2 && n == (1<<nb))
117 	    {
118                 *p++ = BIAS6 + ((x << k) | ((1 << (k-1)) - 1));
119 	    	return TRUE;
120 	    }
121             else
122                 return FALSE;
123         }
124 }
126 /***********************************************************************/
main(argc,argv)128 main(argc,argv)
129 int argc;
130 char *argv[];
131 {
132 	int m,n,codetype;
133 	char *infilename,*outfilename;
134 	FILE *infile,*outfile;
135 	int outcode;
136 	long nin,nerr;
137 	int argnum,j;
138 	char *arg,sw,*s;
139 	boolean pswitch;
140 	boolean wswitch;
141 	boolean badargs;
142 	long pval1,pval2,maxin;
144 	HELP;
146 	wswitch = pswitch = FALSE;
147 	infilename = outfilename = NULL;
149 	argnum = 0;
150 	badargs = FALSE;
151 	for (j = 1; !badargs && j < argc; ++j)
152 	{
153 	    arg = argv[j];
154 	    if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] != '\0')
155 	    {
156 		++arg;
157 		while (*arg != '\0')
158 		{
159 		    sw = *arg++;
160 		         SWBOOLEAN('w',wswitch)
161 		    else SWRANGE('p',":-",pswitch,pval1,pval2,"checks6 -p")
162 		    else badargs = TRUE;
163 		}
164 	    }
165 	    else
166 	    {
167 		++argnum;
168 		if      (argnum == 1) infilename = arg;
169 	        else if (argnum == 2) outfilename = arg;
170 		else                  badargs = TRUE;
171 	    }
172 	}
174 	if (badargs || argnum > 2)
175 	{
176 	    fprintf(stderr,">E Usage: %s\n",USAGE);
177 	    GETHELP;
178 	    exit(1);
179 	}
181 	if (infilename && infilename[0] == '-') infilename = NULL;
182 	infile = opengraphfile(infilename,&codetype,FALSE,
183 			       pswitch ? pval1 : 1);
184 	if (!infile) exit(1);
185 	if (!infilename) infilename = "stdin";
187 	if (!outfilename || outfilename[0] == '-')
188 	{
189 	    outfilename = "stdout";
190 	    outfile = stdout;
191 	}
192 	else if ((outfile = fopen(outfilename,"w")) == NULL)
193 	{
194 	    fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output file %s\n",outfilename);
195 	    gt_abort(NULL);
196 	}
198 	if (codetype&SPARSE6) outcode = SPARSE6;
199 	else                  outcode = GRAPH6;
201 	if (wswitch && (codetype&HAS_HEADER))
202 	{
203 	    if (outcode == SPARSE6) writeline(outfile,SPARSE6_HEADER);
204 	    else    		    writeline(outfile,GRAPH6_HEADER);
205 	}
207 	nerr = nin = 0;
208 	if (!pswitch || pval2 == NOLIMIT)
209 	    maxin = NOLIMIT;
210 	else if (pval1 < 1) maxin = pval2;
211 	else                maxin = pval2 - pval1 + 1;
212 	while (nin < maxin || maxin == NOLIMIT)
213 	{
214 	    if ((s = getline(infile)) == NULL) break;
215 	    ++nin;
217 	    if (seemsbad(s)) ++nerr;
218 	    if (wswitch) writeline(outfile,s);
219 	}
221 	fprintf(stderr,">Z  %ld graphs read",nin);
222 	if (nerr > 0) fprintf(stderr,"; %ld probable errors",nerr);
223 	else          fprintf(stderr,"; NO PROBLEMS");
224 	if (wswitch) fprintf(stderr,"; %ld graphs written",nin);
225 	fprintf(stderr,"\n");
227 	exit(0);
228 }