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README.mdH A D03-May-2022399 107

array_access.gH A D03-May-202224 32

array_access.g.outH A D03-May-202295 76

at-exit.gH A D03-May-2022283 75

at-exit.g.outH A D03-May-2022366 1211

backtrace.gH A D03-May-20221.7 KiB10782

backtrace.g.outH A D03-May-202210.2 KiB355354

bad-add.gH A D03-May-202248 54

bad-add.g.outH A D03-May-2022412 1312

bad-array-double-1.gH A D03-May-202249 54

bad-array-double-1.g.outH A D03-May-2022425 1312

bad-array-int-0.gH A D03-May-202269 76

bad-array-int-0.g.outH A D03-May-2022441 1514

bad-array-int-1.gH A D03-May-202243 54

bad-array-int-1.g.outH A D03-May-2022302 1211

bad-array-string.gH A D03-May-202247 54

bad-array-string.g.outH A D03-May-2022419 1312

bad-array-undef-0.gH A D03-May-202256 65

bad-array-undef-0.g.outH A D03-May-2022303 1312

bad-array-undef-1.gH A D03-May-202271 76

bad-array-undef-1.g.outH A D03-May-2022320 1413

bad-minus.gH A D03-May-202248 54

bad-minus.g.outH A D03-May-2022556 1514

break-loop-loop.gH A D03-May-2022155 87

break-loop-loop.g.outH A D03-May-2022387 1716

broken-test-2.tstH A D03-May-202244 76

broken-test-3.tstH A D03-May-202244 76

broken-test-4.tstH A D03-May-202248 76

broken-test-5.tstH A D03-May-202260 1110

broken-test-6.tstH A D03-May-2022148 87

broken-test.gH A D03-May-2022393 1514

broken-test.g.outH A D03-May-20222.9 KiB5554

bugfix-2019-09-27-LastPV.gH A D03-May-2022405 1918

bugfix-2019-09-27-LastPV.g.outH A D03-May-2022746 3433

debug-var.gH A D03-May-2022783 5850

debug-var.g.outH A D03-May-20224.1 KiB152151

func-and-proc-call-trace.gH A D03-May-20221.5 KiB113112

func-and-proc-call-trace.g.outH A D03-May-20227.4 KiB242209

funccall-ReadEvalError.gH A D03-May-202241 43

funccall-ReadEvalError.g.outH A D03-May-2022228 109

good.gH A D03-May-202224 21

good.g.outH A D03-May-202252 43

help.gH A D03-May-2022257 96

help.g.outH A D03-May-2022383 1110

invalidtestfile.tstH A D03-May-2022253 87

last-access.gH A D03-May-202266 43

last-access.g.outH A D03-May-2022256 1716

line-continuation.gH A D03-May-2022224 98

line-continuation.g.outH A D03-May-2022883 2625

mem-overflow.gH A D03-May-2022195 65

mem-overflow.g.outH A D03-May-2022510 1413

method-not-found.gH A D03-May-202276 43

method-not-found.g.outH A D03-May-2022469 1211

regenerate_tests.shH A D03-May-2022280 136

run_all.shH A D03-May-2022459 2214

run_gap.shH A D03-May-2022657 218

stack-depth-func.gH A D03-May-202231 32

stack-depth-func.g.outH A D03-May-2022342 1413

stack-depth-func2.gH A D03-May-202260 32

stack-depth-func2.g.outH A D03-May-2022365 1413

stack-depth-rec.gH A D03-May-202278 43

stack-depth-rec.g.outH A D03-May-20222 MiB1,8711,870

tinytest.tstH A D03-May-20229 21

top-level-error.gH A D03-May-202214 21

top-level-error.g.outH A D03-May-2022158 76

trace.gH A D03-May-20221.9 KiB9080

trace.g.outH A D03-May-20224 KiB157156

up-down-env.gH A D03-May-2022238 1817

up-down-env.g.outH A D03-May-2022978 4746


1These tests are designed to check GAP's output in the break loop.
3Most of the cleverness is in `./run_gap.sh`, where we make sure we capture
4all of GAP's output, stop GAP attaching to the terminal, and rewrite any
5filenames which occur in output.
7`./run_gap.sh` : This runs GAP, capturing it's input/output
8`./run_all.sh` : This runs all the tests
9`./regenerate_tests.sh` : Regenerate all outputs