1 #include "parser.h"
2 #include "printer.h"
3 #include "polynomial.h"
4 #include "wallideal.h"
5 #include "lp.h"
6 #include "polyhedralcone.h"
7 #include "gfanapplication.h"
8 #include "polyhedralfan.h"
9 #include "halfopencone.h"
10 #include "linalg.h"
11 #include "log.h"
13 class GroebnerConeApplication : public GFanApplication
14 {
15   SimpleOption optionRestrict;
16   SimpleOption optionPair;
17   SimpleOption optionAsFan;
18   SimpleOption optionVectorInput;
19 public:
helpText()20   const char *helpText()
21   {
22     return "This program computes a Groebner cone. Three different cases are handled. The input may be a marked reduced Groebner basis in which case its Groebner cone is computed. The input may be just a marked minimal basis in which case the cone computed is not a Groebner cone in the usual sense but smaller. (These cones are described in [Fukuda, Jensen, Lauritzen, Thomas]). The third possible case is that the Groebner cone is possibly lower dimensional and given by a pair of Groebner bases as it is useful to do for tropical varieties, see option --pair. The facets of the cone can be read off in section FACETS and the equations in section IMPLIED_EQUATIONS.\n";
23   }
GroebnerConeApplication()24   GroebnerConeApplication():
25     optionRestrict("--restrict","Add an inequality for each coordinate, so that the the cone is restricted to the non-negative orthant."),
26     optionPair("--pair","The Groebner cone is given by a pair of compatible Groebner bases. The first basis is for the initial ideal and the second for the ideal itself. See the tropical section of the manual."),
27     optionAsFan("--asfan","Writes the cone as a polyhedral fan with all its faces instead. In this way the extreme rays of the cone are also computed."),
28     optionVectorInput("--vectorinput","Compute a cone given list of inequalities rather than a Groebner cone. The input is an integer which specifies the dimension of the ambient space, a list of inequalities given as vectors and a list of equations.")
29   {
30     registerOptions();
31   }
name()33   const char *name()
34   {
35     return "_groebnercone";
36   }
main()38   int main()
39   {
40     IntegerVectorList equalities;
41     IntegerVectorList normals;
42     int n;
44     if(optionVectorInput.getValue())
45       {
46     	FileParser P(Stdin);
47     	n=P.parseInt();
48     	normals=P.parseIntegerVectorList();
49     	equalities=P.parseIntegerVectorList();
50       }
51     else
52     {
53       PolynomialSet m=FileParser(Stdin).parsePolynomialSetWithRing();
54       PolynomialSet g(m.getRing());
55       if(optionPair.getValue())
56       {
57     	  g=FileParser(Stdin).parsePolynomialSet(m.getRing());
58       }
59       else
60       {
61     	  g=m;
62     	  m=g.markedTermIdeal();
63       }
65       {
66     	  //Check that markings are consistent
67     	  PolynomialSet M1=g.markedTermIdeal();
68     	  PolynomialSet M2=m.markedTermIdeal();
69     	  assert(M1.size()==M2.size());
70     	  PolynomialSet::const_iterator i1=M1.begin();
71     	  for(PolynomialSet::const_iterator i2=M2.begin();i2!=M2.end();i1++,i2++)
72     	  {
73     		  assert((*i1-*i2).isZero());
74     	  }
75       }
77       n=g.getRing().getNumberOfVariables();
79       equalities=wallInequalities(m);
80       normals=(wallInequalities(g));
81       if(optionRestrict.getValue())
82       {
83     	  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
84     		  normals.push_back(IntegerVector::standardVector(n,i));
85       }
86     }
90     {
91       FieldMatrix A=integerMatrixToFieldMatrix(rowsToIntegerMatrix(equalities,n),Q);
92       A.reduce();
93       A.removeZeroRows();
94       equalities=IntegerVectorList();
95       for(int i=0;i<A.getHeight();i++)
96 	equalities.push_back(A[i].primitive());
98       set<IntegerVector> newInequalities;
99       for(IntegerVectorList::const_iterator i=normals.begin();i!=normals.end();i++)
100 	newInequalities.insert(A.canonicalize(integerVectorToFieldVector(*i,Q)).primitive());
102       normals=IntegerVectorList();
103       for(set<IntegerVector>::const_iterator i=newInequalities.begin();i!=newInequalities.end();i++)
104 	normals.push_back(*i);
105     }
108     log1 fprintf(Stderr,"Inequalities");
109     log1 AsciiPrinter(Stderr).printVectorList(normals);
110     log1 fprintf(Stderr,"Equations");
111     log1 AsciiPrinter(Stderr).printVectorList(equalities);
113     PolyhedralCone c(normals,equalities,n);
114     c.canonicalize();
115     if(!optionAsFan.getValue())
116       AsciiPrinter(Stdout).printPolyhedralCone(c);
117     else
118       {
119 	AsciiPrinter P(Stdout);
120 	IntegerVectorList empty;
121 	HalfOpenCone C(n,c.getEquations(),c.getHalfSpaces(),empty,true);
122 	//	PolyhedralFan F=faceComplexOfCone(C);
123 	PolyhedralCone C2=C.closure();
124 	C2.canonicalize();
125 	PolyhedralFan F(n);F.insert(C2);
126 	F.printWithIndices(&P,FPF_default);
127 	//	F.printWithIndices(&P,false,0,false,false,optionXml.getValue());
128       }
130     return 0;
131   }
132 };
134 static GroebnerConeApplication theApplication;