1 /*
2  * lpsolve.cc
3  *
4  * Copyright 2017 Luka Marohnić
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
20 #include "giacPCH.h"
21 #include "giac.h"
22 #include "lpsolve.h"
23 #include "optimization.h"
24 #include <ctime>
26 #ifndef DBL_MAX
27 #define DBL_MAX 1.79769313486e+308
28 #endif
30 using namespace std;
33 namespace giac {
34 #endif //ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
36 const gen inf=symbolic(at_plus,unsigned_inf);
37 const gen minf=symbolic(at_neg,unsigned_inf);
39 /*
40  * Convert double to exact gen.
41  */
double2fraction(double d,GIAC_CONTEXT)42 gen double2fraction(double d,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
43     return exact(double2gen(d),contextptr);
44 }
46 /*
47  * Convert gen to double.
48  */
gen2double(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)49 double gen2double(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
50     return _evalf(g,contextptr).DOUBLE_val();
51 }
53 /*
54  * Return number of digits of an unsigned integer.
55  */
numdigits(unsigned i)56 int numdigits(unsigned i) {
57     return 1+(i>0?(int)std::log10((double)i):0);
58 }
60 /*
61  * Return true iff g is a (vector of) real number or +infinity or -infinity.
62  */
is_realcons(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)63 bool is_realcons(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
64     if (g.type==_VECT) {
65         vecteur &v = *g._VECTptr;
66         for (const_iterateur it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it) {
67             if (!is_realcons(*it,contextptr))
68                 return false;
69         }
70         return true;
71     }
72     return (is_inf(g) || _evalf(g,contextptr).type==_DOUBLE_);
73 }
75 /*
76  * If g is an interval, store its bounds to pair p and return true. If g is not
77  * an interval, return false.
78  */
interval2pair(const gen & g,pair<gen,gen> & p,GIAC_CONTEXT)79 bool interval2pair(const gen &g,pair<gen,gen> &p,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
80     if (g.type!=_SYMB || !g.is_symb_of_sommet(at_interval))
81         return false;  //g is not an interval
82     vecteur &v=*g._SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
83     p=make_pair(v[0],v[1]);
84     return is_realcons(v,contextptr);
85 }
87 /*
88  * Make singleton vector (with one at position j and zeros at other positions).
89  */
singleton(int n,int j)90 vecteur singleton(int n,int j) {
91     vecteur v(n,gen(0));
92     v[j]=gen(1);
93     return v;
94 }
96 /*
97  * Insert column in matrix at position j.
98  */
insert_column(matrice & m,const vecteur & c,int j)99 void insert_column(matrice &m,const vecteur &c,int j) {
100     assert(m.size()==c.size());
101     for (int i=0;i<int(m.size());++i) {
102         m[i]._VECTptr->insert(j>=0?m[i]._VECTptr->begin()+j:m[i]._VECTptr->end()+j,c[i]);
103     }
104 }
106 /*
107  * Append column to matrix.
108  */
append_column(matrice & m,const vecteur & c)109 void append_column(matrice &m,const vecteur &c) {
110     assert(m.size()==c.size());
111     matrice mt=mtran(m);
112     mt.push_back(c);
113     m=mtran(mt);
114 }
116 /*
117  * Remove jth column from matrix. If j<0, count from last column towards the first.
118  */
remove_column(matrice & m,int j)119 void remove_column(matrice &m,int j) {
120     for (int i=0;i<int(m.size());++i) {
121         m[i]._VECTptr->erase(j+(j>=0?m[i]._VECTptr->begin():m.end()));
122     }
123 }
125 /*
126  * Get jth column from matrix. If j<0, count from last column towards the first.
127  */
jth_column(const matrice & m,int j)128 vecteur jth_column(const matrice &m,int j) {
129     int n=m.front()._VECTptr->size();
130     vecteur col(m.size());
131     for (int i=0;i<int(m.size());++i) {
132         col[i]=m[i][j>=0?j:n+j];
133     }
134     return col;
135 }
137 /*
138  * Multiply coefficients by LCM of denominators and then divide them by their
139  * GCD.
140  */
integralize(const vecteur & v_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT)141 vecteur integralize(const vecteur &v_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
142     vecteur v(v_orig),vd;
143     for (const_iterateur it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it) {
144         if (!is_zero(*it))
145             vd.push_back(_denom(*it,contextptr));
146     }
147     if (vd.empty())
148         return v;
149     v=multvecteur(abs(_lcm(vd,contextptr),contextptr),v);
150     return divvecteur(v,abs(_gcd(v,contextptr),contextptr));
151 }
153 /*
154  * LP variable constructor. By default, it is a nonnegative variable
155  * unrestricted from above.
156  */
lp_variable()157 lp_variable::lp_variable() {
158     is_integral=false;
159     sign_type=_LP_VARSIGN_POS;
160     range=lp_range();
161     range.lbound=gen(0);
162     fill_n(nbranch,2,0);
163 }
165 /*
166  * Update lower (dir=0) or upper (dir=1) pseudocost.
167  */
update_pseudocost(double delta,double fr,int dir)168 void lp_variable::update_pseudocost(double delta, double fr, int dir) {
169     double sigma=pseudocost[dir]*nbranch[dir];
170     sigma+=delta/(dir==0?fr:(1-fr));
171     pseudocost[dir]=sigma/(++nbranch[dir]);
172 }
174 /*
175  * Return score, a positive value based on pseudocost values. Variable with the
176  * best (highest) score is selected for branching.
177  */
score(double fr)178 double lp_variable::score(double fr) {
179     if (nbranch[0]==0 || nbranch[1]==0)
180         return 0;
181     double qlo=fr*pseudocost[0],qhi=(1-fr)*pseudocost[1];
182     return (1-LP_SCORE_FACTOR)*std::min(qlo,qhi)+LP_SCORE_FACTOR*std::max(qlo,qhi);
183 }
185 /*
186  * Range constructor: by default, it contains no restriction.
187  */
lp_range()188 lp_range::lp_range () {
189     lbound=minf;
190     ubound=inf;
191 }
193 /*
194  * Settings constructor loads some sensible defaults.
195  */
lp_settings()196 lp_settings::lp_settings() {
197     verbose=false;
198     status_report_freq=0.2;
199     solver=_LP_SIMPLEX;
200     precision=_LP_PROB_DEPENDENT;
201     presolve=false;
202     maximize=false;
203     relative_gap_tolerance=0.0;
204     has_binary_vars=false;
205     varselect=-1;
206     nodeselect=_LP_BEST_PROJECTION;
207     depth_limit=RAND_MAX;
208     node_limit=RAND_MAX;
209     iteration_limit=RAND_MAX;
210     time_limit=RAND_MAX;
211     max_cuts=5;
212 }
214 /*
215  * Stats constructor initializes the status container for the problem being
216  * solved. It is used to monitor the progress and to summarize when done.
217  */
lp_stats()218 lp_stats::lp_stats() {
219     subproblems_examined=0;
220     cuts_applied=0;
221     max_active_nodes=0;
222     mip_gap=-1; //negative means undefined
223 }
225 /*
226  * Pivot on element with coordinates I,J.
227  */
pivot_ij(matrice & m,int I,int J,bool negate=false)228 void pivot_ij(matrice &m,int I,int J,bool negate=false) {
229     int nr=m.size(),nc=m.front()._VECTptr->size();
230     gen a(m[I][J]),b;
231     m[I]=divvecteur(*m[I]._VECTptr,a);
232     vecteur col(jth_column(m,J)),&pv=*m[I]._VECTptr;
233     for (int i=0;i<nr;++i) {
234         m[i]._VECTptr->at(J)=(i==I?gen(negate?-1:1)/a:gen(0));
235     }
236     for (int i=0;i<nr;++i) {
237         b=col[i];
238         if (i==I || is_zero(b))
239             continue;
240         vecteur &v=*m[i]._VECTptr;
241         for (int j=0;j<nc;++j) {
242             v[j]-=b*pv[j];
243         }
244     }
245 }
247 /*
248  * Simplex algorithm that handles upper bounds of the variables. The solution x
249  * satisfies 0<=x<=u. An initial basis must be provided.
250  *
251  * Basis is a vector of integers B and B[i]=j means that jth variable is basic
252  * and appears in ith row (constraint). Basic columns are not kept in matrix,
253  * which contains only the columns of nonbasic variables. A nonbasic variable
254  * is assigned to the respective column with integer vector 'cols': cols[i]=j
255  * means that ith column of the matrix is associated with the jth variable. The
256  * algorithm uses upper-bounding technique when pivoting and uses an adaptation
257  * of Bland's rule to prevent cycling. ith element of 'is_slack' is true iff
258  * ith (nonbasic) variable is at its upper bound.
259  *
260  * If limit>0, simplex algorithm will terminate after that many iterations.
261  */
simplex_reduce_bounded(const matrice & m_orig,const vecteur & u,vector<bool> & is_slack,vecteur & bfs,gen & optimum,ints & basis,ints & cols,int limit,GIAC_CONTEXT)262 matrice simplex_reduce_bounded(const matrice &m_orig,const vecteur &u,vector<bool> &is_slack,vecteur &bfs,gen &optimum,
263                                ints &basis,ints &cols,int limit,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
264     matrice m(m_orig);
265     //ev, lv: indices of entering and leaving variables
266     //ec, lr: 'entering' column and 'leaving' row in matrix m, respectively
267     int nr=basis.size(),nc=cols.size(),nv=nr+nc,ec,ev,lr,lv,icount=0;
268     gen a,b,ratio,mincoeff,opt;
269     //iterate the simplex method
270     bool choose_first=false;
271     optimum=undef;
272     while ((icount++)<limit) {
273         opt=m.back()._VECTptr->back();
274         //determine which variable enters the basis
275         mincoeff=gen(0);
276         ev=-1;
277         m.back()=_eval(m.back(),contextptr);
278         vecteur &last=*m.back()._VECTptr;
279         for (int j=0;j<nc;++j) {
280             int k=cols[j];
281             if ((choose_first && is_strictly_positive(-last[j],contextptr) &&
282                  (ev<0 || k+(is_slack[k]?nv:0)<ev+(is_slack[ev]?nv:0))) ||
283                     (!choose_first && is_strictly_greater(mincoeff,last[j],contextptr))) {
284                 ec=j;
285                 ev=k;
286                 mincoeff=last[j];
287             }
288         }
289         if (ev<0) //the current solution is optimal
290             break;
291         //determine which variable leaves the basis
292         mincoeff=inf;
293         lv=-1;
294         bool hits_ub,ub_subs;
295         for (int i=0;i<nr;++i) {
296             a=m[i][ec];
297             b=m[i]._VECTptr->back();
298             int j=basis[i];
299             if (is_strictly_positive(a,contextptr) && is_greater(mincoeff,ratio=b/a,contextptr))
300                 hits_ub=false;
301             else if (is_strictly_positive(-a,contextptr) && !is_inf(u[j]) &&
302                      is_greater(mincoeff,ratio=(b-u[j])/a,contextptr))
303                 hits_ub=true;
304             else continue;
305             if (is_strictly_greater(mincoeff,ratio,contextptr)) {
306                 lv=-1;
307                 mincoeff=ratio;
308             }
309             if (lv<0 || (choose_first && j+(is_slack[j]?nv:0)<lv+(is_slack[lv]?nv:0))) {
310                 lv=j;
311                 lr=i;
312                 ub_subs=hits_ub;
313             }
314         }
315         if (lv<0 && is_inf(u[ev])) { //solution is unbounded
316             optimum=inf;
317             return m;
318         }
319         if (is_zero(mincoeff))
320             choose_first=true; //switch on Bland's rule
321         if (lv<0 || is_greater(mincoeff,u[ev],contextptr)) {
322             for (iterateur it=m.begin();it!=m.end();++it) {
323                 it->_VECTptr->back()-=u[ev]*(a=it->_VECTptr->at(ec));
324                 it->_VECTptr->at(ec)=-a;
325             }
326             if (ev<nv)
327                 is_slack[ev]=!is_slack[ev];
328             continue;
329         }
330         //swap variables: basic leaves, nonbasic enters
331         if (ub_subs) {
332             m[lr]._VECTptr->back()-=u[lv];
333             if (lv<nv)
334                 is_slack[lv]=!is_slack[lv];
335         }
336         pivot_ij(m,lr,ec,ub_subs);
337         basis[lr]=ev;
338         cols[ec]=lv;
339     }
340     m=*_eval(m,contextptr)._VECTptr;
341     optimum=m[nr][nc];
342     bfs=vecteur(nv,gen(0));
343     for (int i=0;i<nr;++i) {
344         bfs[basis[i]]=m[i][nc];
345     }
346     for (int j=0;j<nv;++j) {
347         if (is_slack[j])
348             bfs[j]=u[j]-bfs[j];
349     }
350     return m;
351 }
353 /*
354  * Solve the relaxed subproblem corresponding to this node.
355  *
356  * This function uses two-phase simplex method and applies suitable Gomory
357  * mixed integer cuts generated after (each re)optimization. Weak GMI cuts are
358  * discarded either because of small away or because not being parallel enough
359  * to the objective. Cuts with too large coefficients (when integralized) are
360  * discarded too because they slow down the computational process. Generated
361  * cuts are kept in the problem structure to be used by child suboproblems
362  * during the branch&bound algorithm.
363  */
solve_relaxation()364 int lp_node::solve_relaxation() {
365     int nrows=prob->constr.nrows(),ncols=prob->constr.ncols(),bs;
366     matrice m;
367     vecteur obj(prob->objective.first),l(ncols),u(ncols),br,row,b,lh,gmi_cut;
368     gen rh,obj_ct(0),mgn,minmgn;
369     ints cols(ncols),basis;
370     vector<bool> is_slack(ncols,false);
371     map<int,int> slack_cut;
372     bool is_mip=prob->has_integral_variables();
373     //determine upper and lower bounds
374     for (int j=0;j<ncols;++j) {
375         lp_variable &var=prob->variables[j];
376         lp_range &range=ranges[j];
377         l[j]=max(var.range.lbound,range.lbound,prob->ctx);
378         u[j]=min(var.range.ubound,range.ubound,prob->ctx);
379         if (is_strictly_greater(l[j],u[j],prob->ctx))
380             return _LP_INFEASIBLE;
381     }
382     //populate matrix with consraint coefficients
383     m=*_matrix(makesequence(nrows,ncols+1,0),prob->ctx)._VECTptr;
384     for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) for (int j=0;j<ncols;++j) {
385         m[i]._VECTptr->at(j)=prob->constr.lhs[i][j];
386     }
387     b=prob->constr.rhs;
388     //shift variables according to their lower bounds such that l<=x<=u becomes 0<=x'<=u'
389     for (int j=0;j<ncols;++j) {
390         b=subvecteur(b,multvecteur(l[j],jth_column(m,j)));
391         u[j]-=l[j];
392         obj_ct+=obj[j]*l[j];
393         cols[j]=j;
394     }
395     for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) {
396         m[i]._VECTptr->at(ncols)=b[i];
397     }
398     //assure that the right-hand side column has nonnegative coefficients
399     for (iterateur it=m.begin();it!=m.end();++it) {
400         if (is_strictly_positive(-it->_VECTptr->back(),prob->ctx)) {
401             *it=-*it;
402         }
403     }
404     //append cuts inherited from parent node
405     for (ints::const_iterator it=cut_indices.begin();it!=cut_indices.end();++it) {
406         insert_column(m,vecteur(nrows,gen(0)),-1);
407         slack_cut[ncols]=*it;
408         prob->cuts.get_lr(*it,lh,rh);
409         for (int i=0;i<prob->nv();++i) {
410             rh-=lh[i]*l[i];
411         }
412         row=vecteur(cols.size(),gen(0));
413         for (int i=0;i<int(cols.size());++i) {
414             int j=cols.at(i);
415             if (j<prob->nv())
416                 row[i]=lh[j];
417         }
418         row.push_back(gen(-1));
419         row.push_back(rh);
420         if (is_strictly_positive(-rh,prob->ctx))
421             row=multvecteur(gen(-1),row);
422         m.push_back(row);
423         l.push_back(gen(0));
424         u.push_back(inf);
425         is_slack.push_back(false);
426         obj.push_back(gen(0));
427         cols.push_back(ncols++);
428         ++nrows;
429     }
430     //optimize-add cut-reoptimize-add cut...
431     //repeat until no more cuts are generated or max_cuts limit is reached
432     while (true) {
433         br=vecteur(int(cols.size())+1,gen(0));
434         bs=basis.size();
435         basis.resize(nrows);
436         u.resize(ncols+nrows-bs);
437         for (int i=bs;i<nrows;++i) {
438             br=subvecteur(br,*m[i]._VECTptr);
439             basis[i]=ncols+i;
440             u[ncols+i-bs]=inf;
441         }
442         m.push_back(br);
443         //phase 1: minimize the sum of artificial variables
444         m=simplex_reduce_bounded(m,u,is_slack,solution,optimum,basis,cols,RAND_MAX,prob->ctx);
445         if (!is_zero(_simplify(optimum,prob->ctx)))
446             return _LP_INFEASIBLE; //at least one artificial variable is basic and positive
447         m.pop_back(); //remove bottom row
448         for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) {
449             int j=basis[i];
450             if (j<ncols)
451                 continue;
452             //ith basic variable is artificial, push it out of the basis
453             int k=0;
454             for (;k<ncols && (is_zero(m[i][k]) || cols[k]>=ncols);++k);
455             if (k==ncols)
456                 return _LP_ERROR;
457             pivot_ij(m,i,k);
458             basis[i]=cols[k];
459             cols[k]=j;
460         }
461         //phase 1 finished, remove artificial columns from m
462         for (int j=int(cols.size())-1;j>=0;--j) {
463             if (cols[j]>=ncols) {
464                 remove_column(m,j);
465                 cols.erase(cols.begin()+j);
466             }
467         }
468         //append bottom row to maximize -obj
469         br=vecteur(ncols-nrows+1);
470         for (int j=0;j<ncols-nrows;++j) {
471             int k=cols[j];
472             br[j]=obj[k];
473             if (is_slack[k]) {
474                 br.back()-=br[j]*u[k];
475                 br[j]=-br[j];
476             }
477         }
478         for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) {
479             int j=basis[i];
480             if (is_slack[j])
481                 br.back()-=obj[j]*u[j];
482             br=subvecteur(br,multvecteur(is_slack[j]?-obj[j]:obj[j],*m[i]._VECTptr));
483         }
484         m.push_back(br);
485         u.resize(ncols);
486         //phase 2: optimize the objective
487         m=simplex_reduce_bounded(m,u,is_slack,solution,optimum,basis,cols,
488                                  prob->settings.iteration_limit,prob->ctx);
489         if (is_inf(optimum))
490             return _LP_UNBOUNDED; //solution is unbounded
491         m.pop_back(); //remove bottom row
492         if (!is_mip) break;
493         if (int(cut_indices.size())>=prob->settings.max_cuts)
494             break;
495         //try to generate Gomory mixed integer cut
496         gmi_cut.clear();
497         for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) {
498             gen p(fracpart(solution[basis[i]]));
499             vecteur eq(*m[i]._VECTptr);
500             if (!is_zero(p) && !is_integer(eq.back())) {
501                 gen f0(fracpart(eq.back())),fj,sp(0),eqnorm(0);
502                 double away=_evalf(min(f0,gen(1)-f0,prob->ctx),prob->ctx).DOUBLE_val();
503                 if (away<LP_MIN_AWAY)
504                     continue; //too small away, discard this cut
505                 eq.back()=gen(1);
506                 for (int k=0;k<int(cols.size());++k) {
507                     int j=cols[k];
508                     if (j<prob->nv() && prob->variables[j].is_integral) {
509                         fj=fracpart(eq[k]);
510                         eq[k]=(is_strictly_greater(fj,f0,prob->ctx)?(fj-1)/(f0-1):fj/f0);
511                     }
512                     else
513                         eq[k]=eq[k]/(is_strictly_positive(eq[k],prob->ctx)?f0:(f0-1));
514                     if (j<prob->nv()) {
515                         sp+=eq[k]*obj[j];
516                         eqnorm+=pow(eq[k],2);
517                     }
518                 }
519                 double dsp=_evalf(sp,prob->ctx).DOUBLE_val(),deqnorm=_evalf(eqnorm,prob->ctx).DOUBLE_val();
520                 if (std::abs(dsp/(prob->objective_norm*std::sqrt(deqnorm)))<LP_MIN_PARALLELISM)
521                     continue; //this cut is not parallel enough to the objective
522                 eq=integralize(eq,prob->ctx); //turn cut into an equivalent integral representation
523                 mgn=_max(_abs(eq,prob->ctx),prob->ctx);
524                 if (_evalf(mgn,prob->ctx).DOUBLE_val()>LP_MAX_MAGNITUDE)
525                     continue; //this cut has too large coefficients
526                 if (gmi_cut.empty() || is_strictly_greater(minmgn,mgn,prob->ctx)) {
527                     minmgn=mgn;
528                     gmi_cut=eq;
529                 }
530             }
531         }
532         if (gmi_cut.empty())
533             break; //no acceptable cut was generated, so there's no need to reoptimize further
534         //store GMI cut
535         lh=vecteur(ncols,gen(0));
536         rh=gmi_cut.back();
537         for (int k=0;k<int(cols.size());++k) {
538             int j=cols[k];
539             if(!is_zero(lh[j]=gmi_cut[k])) {
540                 if (is_slack[j]) {
541                     rh-=u[j]*lh[j];
542                     lh[j]=-lh[j];
543                 }
544                 rh+=l[j]*lh[j];
545             }
546         }
547         vecteur slacks(lh.begin()+prob->nv(),lh.end()),orig_lh;
548         gen orig_rh;
549         lh.resize(prob->nv());
550         for (int k=0;k<int(slacks.size());++k) {
551             int j=prob->nv()+k;
552             prob->cuts.get_lr(slack_cut[j],orig_lh,orig_rh);
553             rh+=slacks[k]*orig_rh;
554             lh=addvecteur(lh,multvecteur(slacks[k],orig_lh));
555         }
556         cut_indices.push_back(prob->cuts.nrows());
557         prob->cuts.append(lh,rh,_LP_GEQ);
558         ++prob->stats.cuts_applied;
559         //append GMI cut to simplex tableau and reoptimize
560         gmi_cut.insert(gmi_cut.end()-1,gen(-1));
561         insert_column(m,vecteur(nrows,gen(0)),-1);
562         m.push_back(gmi_cut);
563         slack_cut[ncols]=cut_indices.back();
564         l.push_back(gen(0));
565         u.push_back(inf);
566         is_slack.push_back(false);
567         obj.push_back(gen(0));
568         cols.push_back(ncols++);
569         ++nrows;
570     }
571     for (int i=0;i<prob->nv();++i) {
572         solution[i]+=l[i];
573     }
574     solution.resize(prob->nv());
575     optimum=obj_ct-optimum;
576     //compute some data useful during branch&bound
577     opt_approx=gen2double(optimum,prob->ctx);
578     infeas=gen(0);
579     most_fractional=-1;
580     gen p,ifs,max_ifs(0);
581     for (int i=0;i<prob->nv();++i) {
582         if (!prob->variables[i].is_integral)
583             continue;
584         p=fracpart(solution[i]);
585         ifs=min(p,gen(1)-p,prob->ctx);
586         if (is_zero(ifs))
587             continue;
588         fractional_vars[i]=gen2double(p,prob->ctx);
589         infeas+=ifs;
590         if (is_strictly_greater(ifs,max_ifs,prob->ctx)) {
591             most_fractional=i;
592             max_ifs=ifs;
593         }
594     }
595     return _LP_SOLVED;
596 }
598 /*
599  * Return fractional part of g, i.e. [g]=g-floor(g). It is always 0<=[g]<1.
600  */
fracpart(const gen & g)601 gen lp_node::fracpart(const gen &g) {
602     return g-_floor(g,prob->ctx);
603 }
605 /*
606  * Return true iff variable with specified index is fractional.
607  */
is_var_fractional(int index)608 bool lp_node::is_var_fractional(int index) {
609     for (map<int,double>::const_iterator it=fractional_vars.begin();it!=fractional_vars.end();++it) {
610         if (it->first==index)
611             return true;
612     }
613     return false;
614 }
616 /*
617  * Create a child node with copy of ranges and cut indices and depth increased
618  * by one.
619  */
create_child()620 lp_node lp_node::create_child() {
621     lp_node node;
622     node.depth=depth+1;
623     node.ranges=vector<lp_range>(ranges);
624     node.cut_indices=ints(cut_indices);
625     node.prob=prob;
626     return node;
627 }
629 /*
630  * Return true iff there are integrality constraints, i.e. iff this is a
631  * (mixed) integer problem.
632  */
has_integral_variables()633 bool lp_problem::has_integral_variables() {
634     for (vector<lp_variable>::const_iterator it=variables.begin();it!=variables.end();++it) {
635         if (it->is_integral)
636             return true;
637     }
638     return false;
639 }
641 /*
642  * Return true iff problem has approximate (floating-point) coefficients.
643  */
has_approx_coefficients()644 bool lp_problem::has_approx_coefficients() {
645     if (is_approx(objective.first) ||
646             objective.second.is_approx() ||
647             is_approx(constr.lhs) ||
648             is_approx(constr.rhs))
649         return true;
650     for (vector<lp_variable>::const_iterator it=variables.begin();it!=variables.end();++it) {
651         if (it->range.lbound.is_approx() || it->range.ubound.is_approx())
652             return true;
653     }
654     return false;
655 }
657 /*
658  * Set objective function parameters.
659  */
set_objective(const vecteur & v,const gen & ft)660 void lp_problem::set_objective(const vecteur &v, const gen &ft) {
661     objective.first=v;
662     objective.second=ft;
663     for (const_iterateur it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it) {
664         obj_approx.push_back(gen2double(abs(*it,ctx),ctx));
665     }
666 }
668 /*
669  * Display a message.
670  */
message(const char * msg,bool err)671 void lp_problem::message(const char *msg, bool err) {
672     if (err || settings.verbose)
673         *logptr(ctx) << msg << "\n";
674 }
676 /*
677  * Return the jth column (coefficients of the jth variable) as vecteur.
678  */
column(int index)679 vecteur lp_constraints::column(int index) {
680     return jth_column(lhs,index);
681 }
683 /*
684  * Duplicate the jth column.
685  */
duplicate_column(int index)686 void lp_constraints::duplicate_column(int index) {
687     assert(index<ncols());
688     vecteur col(column(index));
689     insert_column(lhs,col,index);
690 }
692 /*
693  * Multiply the jth column by -1.
694  */
negate_column(int index)695 void lp_constraints::negate_column(int index) {
696     for (int i=0;i<nrows();++i) {
697         vecteur &lh=*lhs[i]._VECTptr;
698         lh[index]=-lh[index];
699     }
700 }
702 /*
703  * Subtract v from rhs column of constraints.
704  */
subtract_from_rhs_column(const vecteur & v)705 void lp_constraints::subtract_from_rhs_column(const vecteur &v) {
706     assert(int(v.size())==nrows());
707     for (int i=0;i<nrows();++i) {
708         rhs[i]-=v[i];
709     }
710 }
712 /*
713  * Append constraint "lh rel rh".
714  */
append(const vecteur & lh,const gen & rh,int relation_type)715 void lp_constraints::append(const vecteur &lh, const gen &rh, int relation_type) {
716     assert(nrows()==0 || int(lh.size())==ncols());
717     lhs.push_back(lh);
718     rhs.push_back(rh);
719     rv.push_back(relation_type);
720 }
722 /*
723  * Set the constraint with specified index.
724  */
set(int index,const vecteur & lh,const gen & rh,int relation_type)725 void lp_constraints::set(int index, const vecteur &lh, const gen &rh, int relation_type) {
726     assert(index<nrows());
727     lhs[index]=lh;
728     rhs[index]=rh;
729     rv[index]=relation_type;
730 }
732 /*
733  * Get left and right side of the constraint with specified index.
734  */
get_lr(int index,vecteur & lh,gen & rh)735 void lp_constraints::get_lr(int index, vecteur &lh, gen &rh) {
736     assert(index<nrows());
737     lh=*lhs[index]._VECTptr;
738     rh=rhs[index];
739 }
741 /*
742  * Get the constraint with specified index.
743  */
get(int index,vecteur & lh,gen & rh,int & relation_type)744 void lp_constraints::get(int index, vecteur &lh, gen &rh, int &relation_type) {
745     get_lr(index,lh,rh);
746     relation_type=rv[index];
747 }
749 /*
750  * Divide the constraint by g.
751  */
div(int index,const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)752 void lp_constraints::div(int index, const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
753     assert(index<nrows() && !is_zero(g));
754     lhs[index]=divvecteur(*lhs[index]._VECTptr,g);
755     rhs[index]=rhs[index]/g;
756     if (is_strictly_positive(-g,contextptr))
757         rv[index]*=-1;
758 }
760 /*
761  * Subtract vector from the constraint.
762  */
subtract(int index,const vecteur & v,const gen & g)763 void lp_constraints::subtract(int index, const vecteur &v, const gen &g) {
764     assert(index<nrows());
765     lhs[index]=subvecteur(*lhs[index]._VECTptr,v);
766     rhs[index]-=g;
767 }
769 /*
770  * Remove row with specified index.
771  */
remove(int index)772 void lp_constraints::remove(int index) {
773     lhs.erase(lhs.begin()+index);
774     rhs.erase(rhs.begin()+index);
775     rv.erase(rv.begin()+index);
776     if (int(score.size())>index)
777         score.erase(score.begin()+index);
778 }
780 /*
781  * Add identifiers from g to variable_identifiers.
782  */
add_identifiers_from(const gen & g)783 void lp_problem::add_identifiers_from(const gen &g) {
784     vecteur vars(*_lname(g,ctx)._VECTptr);
785     for (const_iterateur it=vars.begin();it!=vars.end();++it) {
786         if (!contains(variable_identifiers,*it))
787             variable_identifiers.push_back(*it);
788     }
789     variable_identifiers=*_sort(variable_identifiers,ctx)._VECTptr;
790 }
792 /*
793  * Return variable index corresponding to the given identifier.
794  */
get_variable_index(const identificateur & idnt)795 int lp_problem::get_variable_index(const identificateur &idnt) {
796     int n=variable_identifiers.size();
797     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
798         if (*variable_identifiers[i]._IDNTptr==idnt)
799             return i;
800     }
801     return -1;
802 }
804 /*
805  * Create the problem variables. Assume that they are continuous and
806  * unrestricted by default.
807  */
create_variables(int n)808 void lp_problem::create_variables(int n) {
809     variables=vector<lp_variable>(n);
810     nvars_initial=n;
811     for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
812         lp_variable var;
813         var.range.lbound=minf; // default: no restrictions whatsoever
814         variables[i]=var;
815     }
816 }
818 /*
819  * Tighten both upper and lower bound of the variable.
820  */
tighten_variable_bounds(int i,const gen & l,const gen & u)821 void lp_problem::tighten_variable_bounds(int i, const gen &l, const gen &u) {
822     lp_variable &var=variables[i];
823     var.range.tighten_lbound(l,ctx);
824     var.range.tighten_ubound(u,ctx);
825 }
827 /*
828  * Output solution in form [x1=v1,x2=v2,...,xn=vn] where xk are variable
829  * identifiers and vk are solution values.
830  */
output_solution()831 vecteur lp_problem::output_solution() {
832     if (variable_identifiers.empty())
833         return solution;
834     return *_zip(makesequence(at_equal,variable_identifiers,solution),ctx)._VECTptr;
835 }
837 /*
838  * Determine coeffcients of linear combination g of variables x in
839  * variable_identifiers. varcoeffs C and freecoeff c are filled such that
840  * g=C*x+c.
841  */
lincomb_coeff(const gen & g,vecteur & varcoeffs,gen & freecoeff)842 bool lp_problem::lincomb_coeff(const gen &g,vecteur &varcoeffs,gen &freecoeff) {
843     gen e(g),a;
844     varcoeffs.clear();
845     for (const_iterateur it=variable_identifiers.begin();it!=variable_identifiers.end();++it) {
846         a=gen(0);
847         if (is_constant_wrt(e,*it,ctx) || (is_linear_wrt(e,*it,a,e,ctx) && is_realcons(a,ctx)))
848             varcoeffs.push_back(a);
849         else return false;
850     }
851     return is_realcons(freecoeff=e,ctx);
852 }
854 /*
855  * Add slack variables to the problem if necessary (i.e. convert all
856  * inequalities to equalities).
857  */
add_slack_variables()858 void lp_problem::add_slack_variables() {
859     ints posv;
860     int nv0=constr.ncols();
861     for (int i=0;i<nc();++i) {
862         if (constr.rv[i]==_LP_EQ)
863             continue;
864         append_column(constr.lhs,multvecteur(gen(-constr.rv[i]),singleton(nc(),i)));
865         constr.rv[i]=_LP_EQ;
866         variables.push_back(lp_variable()); //add slack variable
867         posv.push_back(i);
868     }
869     objective.first.resize(nv());
870     //determine types of slack variables
871     vecteur lh;
872     gen rh;
873     for (int k=0;k<int(posv.size());++k) {
874         int i=posv[k],j=nv0+k;
875         lp_variable &var=variables[j];
876         constr.get_lr(i,lh,rh);
877         if (is_exact(lh) && is_exact(rh)) {
878             gen den(_denom(rh,ctx));
879             for (int l=0;l<nv0;++l) {
880                 if (is_zero(lh[l]))
881                     continue;
882                 if (!variables[l].is_integral) {
883                     den=undef;
884                     break;
885                 }
886                 if (!lh[l].is_integer())
887                     den=_lcm(makesequence(den,_denom(lh[l],ctx)),ctx);
888             }
889             if (!is_undef(den)) {
890                 lh=multvecteur(den,lh);
891                 rh=den*rh;
892                 var.is_integral=true;
893             }
894         }
895     }
896 }
898 /*
899  * Make all decision variables bounded below by negating variables unrestricted
900  * below and replacing variables unrestricted from both above and below with
901  * the difference of two nonnegative variables. This process is reversed after
902  * an optimal solution is found.
903  */
make_all_vars_bounded_below()904 void lp_problem::make_all_vars_bounded_below() {
905     for (int i=nv()-1;i>=0;--i) {
906         lp_variable &var=variables[i];
907         if (var.range.is_unrestricted_below()) {
908             if (var.range.is_unrestricted_above()) {
909                 var.range.lbound=gen(0);
910                 lp_variable negvar(var);
911                 var.sign_type=_LP_VARSIGN_POS_PART;
912                 negvar.sign_type=_LP_VARSIGN_NEG_PART;
913                 variables.insert(variables.begin()+i,negvar);
914                 objective.first.insert(objective.first.begin()+i,-objective.first[i]);
915                 constr.duplicate_column(i);
916             }
917             else {
918                 var.range.lbound=-var.range.ubound;
919                 var.range.ubound=inf;
920                 var.sign_type=_LP_VARSIGN_NEG;
921                 objective.first[i]=-objective.first[i];
922             }
923             constr.negate_column(i);
924         }
925     }
926 }
928 /*
929  * Force all problem parameters to be exact.
930  */
make_problem_exact()931 void lp_problem::make_problem_exact() {
932     objective.first=*exact(objective.first,ctx)._VECTptr;
933     objective.second=exact(objective.second,ctx);
934     constr.lhs=*exact(constr.lhs,ctx)._VECTptr;
935     constr.rhs=*exact(constr.rhs,ctx)._VECTptr;
936     for (vector<lp_variable>::iterator it=variables.begin();it!=variables.end();++it) {
937         it->range.lbound=exact(it->range.lbound,ctx);
938         it->range.ubound=exact(it->range.ubound,ctx);
939     }
940 }
942 /*
943  * Report status.
944  */
report_status(const char * msg,int count)945 void lp_problem::report_status(const char *msg, int count) {
946     char buf[16];
947     sprintf(buf,"%d: ",count);
948     int nd=numdigits((unsigned)count);
949     string str(msg);
950     str.insert(0,buf);
951     while (nd<8) {
952         str.insert(str.begin(),(char)32);
953         ++nd;
954     }
955     message(str.c_str());
956 }
958 /*
959  * Solve the problem using the specified settings.
960  */
solve()961 int lp_problem::solve() {
962     stats=lp_stats();
963     char buffer[1024];
964     make_problem_exact();
965     add_slack_variables();
966     make_all_vars_bounded_below();
967     objective_norm=_evalf(_l2norm(objective.first,ctx),ctx).DOUBLE_val();
968     if (settings.maximize)
969         objective.first=-objective.first;
970     message("Optimizing...");
971     int result;
972     optimum=undef;
973     double opt_approx;
974     lp_node root;
975     root.prob=this;
976     root.ranges=vector<lp_range>(nv());
977     root.depth=0;
978     if ((result=root.solve_relaxation())!=_LP_SOLVED)
979         return result; //optimal solution does not exist
980     if (root.is_integer_feasible()) {
981         solution=root.solution;
982         optimum=root.optimum;
983     }
984     if (is_undef(optimum)) {
985         message("Applying branch&bound method to find integer feasible solutions...");
986         double root_optimum=_evalf(root.optimum,ctx).DOUBLE_val();
987         double root_infeas=_evalf(root.infeas,ctx).DOUBLE_val();
988         root.ranges.resize(nv());
989         vector<lp_node> active_nodes;
990         active_nodes.push_back(root);
991         clock_t t=clock(),t0=t,now;
992         int n,j,k,depth;
993         double opt_lbound,fr,max_score;
994         bool depth_exceeded=false,incumbent_updated,is_use_pseudocost=false;
995         map<double,int> candidates;
996         gen lb,ub;
997         while (!active_nodes.empty()) {
998             if (stats.subproblems_examined>=settings.node_limit) {
999                 message("Warning: node limit exceeded",true);
1000                 break;
1001             }
1002             n=active_nodes.size();
1003             if (n>stats.max_active_nodes)
1004                 stats.max_active_nodes=n;
1005             opt_lbound=DBL_MAX;
1006             k=-1;
1007             depth=-1;
1008             for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
1009                 lp_node &node=active_nodes[i];
1010                 if (opt_lbound>node.opt_approx) {
1011                     opt_lbound=node.opt_approx;
1012                     k=i;
1013                 }
1014                 if (settings.nodeselect==_LP_BREADTHFIRST ||
1015                         (settings.nodeselect==_LP_HYBRID && !is_undef(optimum)) ||
1016                         node.depth<depth)
1017                     continue;
1018                 if (node.depth>depth) {
1019                     candidates.clear();
1020                     depth=node.depth;
1021                 }
1022                 candidates[node.opt_approx]=i;
1023             }
1024             if (settings.nodeselect==_LP_DEPTHFIRST ||
1025                     (settings.nodeselect==_LP_HYBRID && is_undef(optimum)))
1026                 k=candidates.begin()->second;
1027             if (settings.nodeselect==_LP_BEST_PROJECTION) {
1028                 double bestproj=DBL_MAX,proj,iopt=is_undef(optimum)?0:_evalf(optimum,ctx).DOUBLE_val();
1029                 for (int i=0;i<n;++i) {
1030                     lp_node &node=active_nodes[i];
1031                     proj=_evalf(node.optimum,ctx).DOUBLE_val()+
1032                             (iopt-root_optimum)*_evalf(node.infeas,ctx).DOUBLE_val()/root_infeas;
1033                     if (proj<bestproj) {
1034                         bestproj=proj;
1035                         k=i;
1036                     }
1037                 }
1038             }
1039             if (k<0) {
1040                 message("Error: node selection strategy failed",true);
1041                 break;
1042             }
1043             j=-1;
1044             if (settings.varselect==_LP_PSEUDOCOST || settings.varselect<0) {
1045                 max_score=0;
1046                 for (int i=0;i<nv();++i) {
1047                     if (!active_nodes[k].is_var_fractional(i))
1048                         continue;
1049                     lp_variable &var=variables[i];
1050                     double score=var.score(active_nodes[k].fractional_vars[i]);
1051                     if (score==0) {
1052                         j=-1;
1053                         break;
1054                     }
1055                     if (score>max_score) {
1056                         j=i;
1057                         max_score=score;
1058                     }
1059                 }
1060                 if (j>=0 && !is_use_pseudocost) {
1061                     report_status("Switched to pseudocost based branching",stats.subproblems_examined);
1062                     is_use_pseudocost=true;
1063                 }
1064             }
1065             if (j<0) {
1066                 switch (settings.varselect) {
1067                 case -1:
1068                 case _LP_MOSTFRACTIONAL:
1069                 case _LP_PSEUDOCOST:
1070                     j=active_nodes[k].most_fractional;
1071                     break;
1072                 case _LP_FIRSTFRACTIONAL:
1073                     j=active_nodes[k].fractional_vars.begin()->first;
1074                     break;
1075                 case _LP_LASTFRACTIONAL:
1076                     j=active_nodes[k].fractional_vars.rbegin()->first;
1077                     break;
1078                 }
1079             }
1080             if (j<0) {
1081                 message("Error: branching variable selection strategy failed",true);
1082                 break;
1083             }
1084             if (!is_undef(optimum)) {
1085                 stats.mip_gap=is_zero(optimum)?-opt_lbound:(opt_approx-opt_lbound)/std::abs(opt_approx);
1086                 if (stats.mip_gap<=settings.relative_gap_tolerance) {
1087                     if (settings.relative_gap_tolerance>0)
1088                         message("Warning: integrality gap threshold reached",true);
1089                     break;
1090                 }
1091             }
1092             fr=_evalf(active_nodes[k].solution[j],ctx).DOUBLE_val();
1093             lb=gen(int(std::ceil(fr)));
1094             ub=gen(int(std::floor(fr)));
1095             incumbent_updated=false;
1096             lp_node child_node;
1097             for (int i=0;i<2;++i) {
1098                 child_node=active_nodes[k].create_child();
1099                 if (child_node.depth>settings.depth_limit) {
1100                     if (!depth_exceeded) {
1101                         message ("Warning: depth limit exceeded",true);
1102                         depth_exceeded=true;
1103                     }
1104                     break;
1105                 }
1106                 lp_range &range=child_node.ranges[j];
1107                 if (i==1) {
1108                     range.tighten_lbound(lb,ctx);
1109                     if (is_strictly_positive(child_node.ranges[j].lbound,ctx)) {
1110                         switch (variables[j].sign_type) {
1111                         case _LP_VARSIGN_POS_PART:
1112                             child_node.ranges[j-1].ubound=gen(0);
1113                             break;
1114                         case _LP_VARSIGN_NEG_PART:
1115                             child_node.ranges[j+1].ubound=gen(0);
1116                         }
1117                     }
1118                 }
1119                 else
1120                     range.tighten_ubound(ub,ctx);
1121                 ++stats.subproblems_examined;
1122                 if (child_node.solve_relaxation()==_LP_SOLVED) {
1123                     double p=child_node.fractional_vars[j];
1124                     variables[j].update_pseudocost(std::abs(child_node.opt_approx-active_nodes[k].opt_approx),
1125                                                    i==0?p:1-p,i);
1126                     if (!is_undef(optimum) && is_greater(child_node.optimum,optimum,ctx))
1127                         continue;
1128                     if (child_node.is_integer_feasible()) {
1129                         //new potential incumbent found
1130                         if (is_undef(optimum) || is_strictly_greater(optimum,child_node.optimum,ctx)) {
1131                             if (is_undef(optimum))
1132                                 report_status("Incumbent solution found",stats.subproblems_examined);
1133                             else {
1134                                 sprintf(buffer,"Incumbent solution updated, objective value improvement: %g%%",
1135                                         (opt_approx-child_node.opt_approx)/std::abs(opt_approx)*100.0);
1136                                 report_status(buffer,stats.subproblems_examined);
1137                             }
1138                             solution=child_node.solution;
1139                             optimum=child_node.optimum;
1140                             opt_approx=child_node.opt_approx;
1141                             incumbent_updated=true;
1142                         }
1143                     }
1144                     else
1145                         active_nodes.push_back(child_node);
1146                 }
1147             }
1148             //fathom
1149             active_nodes.erase(active_nodes.begin()+k);
1150             if (incumbent_updated) {
1151                 for (int i=int(active_nodes.size())-1;i>=0;--i) {
1152                     if (is_greater(active_nodes[i].optimum,optimum,ctx))
1153                         active_nodes.erase(active_nodes.begin()+i);
1154                 }
1155             }
1156             now=clock();
1157             if (1e3*double(now-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC>settings.time_limit) {
1158                 message("Warning: time limit exceeded",true);
1159                 break;
1160             }
1161             if (CLOCKS_PER_SEC/double(now-t)<=settings.status_report_freq) { //report status
1162                 sprintf(buffer,"%d nodes active, lower bound: %g",(int)active_nodes.size(),opt_lbound);
1163                 string str(buffer);
1164                 if (stats.mip_gap>=0) {
1165                     sprintf(buffer,", integrality gap: %g%%",stats.mip_gap*100);
1166                     str+=string(buffer);
1167                 }
1168                 report_status(str.c_str(),stats.subproblems_examined);
1169                 t=clock();
1170             }
1171         }
1172         //show branch&bound summary
1173         sprintf(buffer,"Summary:\n * %d subproblem(s) examined\n * max. tree size: %d nodes\n * %d Gomory cut(s) applied",
1174                 stats.subproblems_examined,stats.max_active_nodes,stats.cuts_applied);
1175         message(buffer);
1176     }
1177     if (is_undef(optimum))
1178         return _LP_INFEASIBLE;
1179     if (settings.maximize)
1180         optimum=-optimum;
1181     optimum+=objective.second;
1182     for (int i=nv()-1;i>=0;--i) {
1183         lp_variable &var=variables[i];
1184         switch (var.sign_type) {
1185         case _LP_VARSIGN_NEG:
1186             solution[i]=-solution[i];
1187             break;
1188         case _LP_VARSIGN_NEG_PART:
1189             solution[i+1]-=solution[i];
1190             solution.erase(solution.begin()+i);
1191             break;
1192         }
1193     }
1194     solution.resize(nvars_initial);
1195     return _LP_SOLVED;
1196 }
1198 #ifdef HAVE_LIBGLPK
1200 /*
1201  * Create GLPK problem from constr.
1202  */
glpk_initialize()1203 glp_prob *lp_problem::glpk_initialize() {
1204     glp_prob *glp=glp_create_prob();
1205     glp_add_rows(glp,nc());
1206     glp_add_cols(glp,nv());
1207     glp_set_obj_dir(glp,settings.maximize?GLP_MAX:GLP_MIN);
1208     for (int i=0;i<=nv();++i) {
1209         glp_set_obj_coef(glp,i,gen2double(i==0?objective.second:objective.first[i-1],ctx));
1210         if (i>0) {
1211             lp_variable &var=variables[i-1];
1212             glp_set_col_kind(glp,i,var.is_integral?GLP_IV:GLP_CV);
1213             int bound_type=GLP_FR;
1214             if (!var.range.is_unrestricted_below() && var.range.is_unrestricted_above())
1215                 bound_type=GLP_LO;
1216             else if (var.range.is_unrestricted_below() && !var.range.is_unrestricted_above())
1217                 bound_type=GLP_UP;
1218             else if (!var.range.is_unrestricted_below() && !var.range.is_unrestricted_above())
1219                 bound_type=GLP_DB;
1220             else if (is_zero(var.range.ubound-var.range.lbound))
1221                 bound_type=GLP_FX;
1222             double lo=var.range.is_unrestricted_below()?0.0:gen2double(var.range.lbound,ctx);
1223             double hi=var.range.is_unrestricted_above()?0.0:gen2double(var.range.ubound,ctx);
1224             glp_set_col_bnds(glp,i,bound_type,lo,hi);
1225         }
1226     }
1227     int n=constr.nrows()*constr.ncols();
1228     int *ia=new int[n+1],*ja=new int[n+1]; int k=0;
1229     double *ar=new double[n+1];
1230     gen a;
1231     for (int i=0;i<constr.nrows();++i) {
1232         for (int j=0;j<constr.ncols();++j) {
1233             if (is_zero(a=constr.lhs[i][j]))
1234                 continue;
1235             ++k;
1236             ia[k]=i+1;
1237             ja[k]=j+1;
1238             ar[k]=gen2double(a,ctx);
1239         }
1240         double rh=gen2double(constr.rhs[i],ctx);
1241         switch (constr.rv[i]) {
1242         case _LP_EQ:
1243             glp_set_row_bnds(glp,i+1,GLP_FX,rh,0.0);
1244             break;
1245         case _LP_LEQ:
1246             glp_set_row_bnds(glp,i+1,GLP_UP,0.0,rh);
1247             break;
1248         case _LP_GEQ:
1249             glp_set_row_bnds(glp,i+1,GLP_LO,rh,0.0);
1250             break;
1251         }
1252     }
1253     glp_load_matrix(glp,k,ia,ja,ar);
1254     delete [] ia;
1255     delete [] ja;
1256     delete [] ar;
1257     return glp;
1258 }
1260 /*
1261  * Solve LP problem using GLPK implementation of simplex method.
1262  */
glpk_simplex(glp_prob * prob)1263 int lp_problem::glpk_simplex(glp_prob *prob) {
1264     glp_smcp parm;
1265     glp_init_smcp(&parm);
1266     parm.msg_lev=settings.verbose?GLP_MSG_ALL:GLP_MSG_ERR;
1267     parm.it_lim=settings.iteration_limit;
1268     parm.tm_lim=settings.time_limit;
1269     parm.presolve=settings.presolve?GLP_ON:GLP_OFF;
1270     return glp_simplex(prob,&parm);
1271 }
1273 /*
1274  * Solve LP problem using GLPK implementation of interior point method.
1275  */
glpk_interior_point(glp_prob * prob)1276 int lp_problem::glpk_interior_point(glp_prob *prob) {
1277     glp_iptcp parm;
1278     glp_init_iptcp(&parm);
1279     parm.msg_lev=settings.verbose?GLP_MSG_ALL:GLP_MSG_ERR;
1280     return glp_interior(prob,&parm);
1281 }
1283 /*
1284  * Solve MIP problem using GLPK implementation of branch and cut method.
1285  */
glpk_branchcut(glp_prob * prob)1286 int lp_problem::glpk_branchcut(glp_prob *prob) {
1287     glp_iocp parm;
1288     glp_init_iocp(&parm);
1289     parm.msg_lev=settings.verbose?GLP_MSG_ALL:GLP_MSG_ERR;
1290     parm.tm_lim=settings.time_limit;
1291     parm.out_frq=(int)(1000.0/settings.status_report_freq);
1292     parm.mip_gap=settings.relative_gap_tolerance;
1293     parm.gmi_cuts=settings.max_cuts>0?GLP_ON:GLP_OFF;
1294     parm.mir_cuts=settings.max_cuts>0?GLP_ON:GLP_OFF;
1295     parm.clq_cuts=settings.has_binary_vars?GLP_ON:GLP_OFF;
1296     parm.cov_cuts=settings.has_binary_vars?GLP_ON:GLP_OFF;
1297     parm.presolve=GLP_ON;
1298     switch (settings.varselect) {
1299     case _LP_FIRSTFRACTIONAL:
1300         parm.br_tech=GLP_BR_FFV;
1301         break;
1302     case _LP_LASTFRACTIONAL:
1303         parm.br_tech=GLP_BR_LFV;
1304         break;
1305     case _LP_MOSTFRACTIONAL:
1306         parm.br_tech=GLP_BR_MFV;
1307         break;
1308     case _LP_PSEUDOCOST:
1309         parm.br_tech=GLP_BR_PCH;
1310         break;
1311     default:
1312         parm.br_tech=GLP_BR_DTH;
1313     }
1314     switch (settings.nodeselect) {
1315     case _LP_DEPTHFIRST:
1316         parm.bt_tech=GLP_BT_DFS;
1317         break;
1318     case _LP_BREADTHFIRST:
1319         parm.bt_tech=GLP_BT_BFS;
1320         break;
1321     case _LP_BEST_PROJECTION:
1322         parm.bt_tech=GLP_BT_BPH;
1323         break;
1324     default:
1325         parm.bt_tech=GLP_BT_BLB;
1326     }
1327     return glp_intopt(prob,&parm);
1328 }
1330 #endif
1332 /*
1333  * Solve the problem using the GLPK library.
1334  */
glpk_solve()1335 int lp_problem::glpk_solve() {
1336 #ifndef HAVE_LIBGLPK
1337     message("Warning: solving in floating-point arithmetic requires GLPK library",true);
1338     return solve();
1339 #endif
1340 #ifdef HAVE_LIBGLPK
1341     glp_prob *prob=glpk_initialize();
1342     int result,solution_status;
1343     bool is_mip=has_integral_variables();
1344     switch (settings.solver) {
1345     case _LP_SIMPLEX:
1346         if (is_mip) {
1347             result=glpk_branchcut(prob);
1348             if (result==GLP_EMIPGAP)
1349                 result=0;
1350             if (result==0)
1351                 solution_status=glp_mip_status(prob);
1352         }
1353         else if (!is_mip && (result=glpk_simplex(prob))==0)
1354             solution_status=glp_get_status(prob);
1355         break;
1356     case _LP_INTERIOR_POINT:
1357         if ((result=glpk_interior_point(prob))==0)
1358             solution_status=glp_ipt_status(prob);
1359         break;
1360     }
1361     if (result==0) { //solving process finished successfully
1362         switch (solution_status) {
1363         case GLP_OPT:
1364             solution_status=_LP_SOLVED;
1365             break;
1366         case GLP_FEAS:
1367             message("Warning: solution is possibly not optimal",true);
1368             solution_status=_LP_SOLVED;
1369             break;
1370         case GLP_INFEAS:
1371             message("Warning: solution is infeasible",true);
1372             solution_status=_LP_SOLVED;
1373             break;
1374         case GLP_NOFEAS:
1375             solution_status=_LP_INFEASIBLE;
1376             break;
1377         case GLP_UNBND:
1378             solution_status=_LP_UNBOUNDED;
1379             break;
1380         case GLP_UNDEF:
1381             solution_status=_LP_ERROR;
1382             break;
1383         }
1384         if (solution_status==_LP_SOLVED) { //get solution and optimum
1385             solution=vecteur(nv());
1386             switch (settings.solver) {
1387             case _LP_SIMPLEX:
1388                 if (is_mip) {
1389                     optimum=gen(glp_mip_obj_val(prob));
1390                     for (int i=0;i<nv();++i) {
1391                         solution[i]=gen(glp_mip_col_val(prob,i+1));
1392                     }
1393                 }
1394                 else {
1395                     optimum=gen(glp_get_obj_val(prob));
1396                     for (int i=0;i<nv();++i) {
1397                         solution[i]=gen(glp_get_col_prim(prob,i+1));
1398                     }
1399                 }
1400                 break;
1401             case _LP_INTERIOR_POINT:
1402                 optimum=gen(glp_ipt_obj_val(prob));
1403                 for (int i=0;i<nv();++i) {
1404                     solution[i]=gen(glp_ipt_col_prim(prob,i+1));
1405                 }
1406                 break;
1407             }
1408         }
1409     }
1410     glp_delete_prob(prob);
1411     if (result==0)
1412         return solution_status;
1413     return _LP_ERROR;
1414 #endif
1415 }
1417 /*
1418  * Load problem from file in LP or (possibly gzipped) MPS format. File types
1419  * are distinguished by examining the filename extension. If it is .gz or .mps,
1420  * it is assumed that the file is in (gzipped) MPS format. Else, it is assumed
1421  * that file is in LP format.
1422  */
glpk_load_from_file(const char * fname)1423 bool lp_problem::glpk_load_from_file(const char *fname) {
1424 #ifndef HAVE_LIBGLPK
1425     message("Error: loading CPLEX and MPS files requires GLPK library",true);
1426     return false;
1427 #endif
1428 #ifdef HAVE_LIBGLPK
1429     glp_prob *prob=glp_create_prob();
1430     int result;
1431     string str(fname);
1432     string ext(str.substr(str.find_last_of(".") + 1));
1433     if (ext=="mps" || ext=="gz") //MPS format (modern)
1434         result=glp_read_mps(prob,GLP_MPS_FILE,NULL,fname);
1435     else //LP format
1436         result=glp_read_lp(prob,NULL,fname);
1437     if (result==0) { //successfully loaded
1438         char buffer[1024];
1439         int obj_dir=glp_get_obj_dir(prob),len,t,k;
1440         int nr=glp_get_num_rows(prob),n=glp_get_num_cols(prob);
1441         if (nr*n>LP_CONSTR_MAXSIZE) {
1442             message("Error: constraint matrix is too big to be loaded. Aborting...",true);
1443             return false;
1444         }
1445         int *ind=new int[1+n];
1446         double *val=new double[1+n];
1447         create_variables(n);
1448         constr.lhs=*_matrix(makesequence(gen(nr),gen(nv())),ctx)._VECTptr;
1449         constr.rhs=vecteur(nr);
1450         constr.rv=ints(nr);
1451         variable_identifiers=vecteur(nv());
1452         settings.maximize=(obj_dir==GLP_MAX);
1453         objective.second=double2fraction(glp_get_obj_coef(prob,0),ctx);
1454         objective.first=vecteur(nv());
1455         obj_approx=vector<double>(nv());
1456         for (int j=0;j<nv();++j) {
1457             objective.first[j]=double2fraction(glp_get_obj_coef(prob,j+1),ctx);
1458             obj_approx[j]=std::abs(glp_get_obj_coef(prob,j+1));
1459             lp_variable &var=variables[j];
1460             t=glp_get_col_type(prob,j+1);
1461             k=glp_get_col_kind(prob,j+1);
1462             var.name=string(glp_get_col_name(prob,j+1));
1463             variable_identifiers[j]=identificateur(var.name);
1464             if (t!=GLP_UP && t!=GLP_FR)
1465                 var.range.lbound=double2fraction(glp_get_col_lb(prob,j+1),ctx);
1466             if (t!=GLP_LO && t!=GLP_FR)
1467                 var.range.ubound=double2fraction(glp_get_col_ub(prob,j+1),ctx);
1468             if (k!=GLP_CV)
1469                 var.is_integral=true;
1470             if (k==GLP_BV) {
1471                 var.range.tighten_lbound(gen(0),ctx);
1472                 var.range.tighten_ubound(gen(1),ctx);
1473             }
1474         }
1475         for (int i=nr;i>0;--i) {
1476             if ((len=glp_get_mat_row(prob,i,ind,val))>0) {
1477                 vecteur &row=*constr.lhs[i-1]._VECTptr;
1478                 for (int j=1;j<=len;++j) {
1479                     row[ind[j]-1]=double2fraction(val[j],ctx);
1480                 }
1481             }
1482             t=glp_get_row_type(prob,i);
1483             if (t==GLP_FR) {
1484                 sprintf(buffer,"Warning: auxiliary variable bounds not set, discarding constraint %d",i);
1485                 message(buffer,true);
1486                 constr.remove(i-1);
1487                 continue;
1488             }
1489             if (t==GLP_FX) {
1490                 constr.rhs[i-1]=double2fraction(glp_get_row_lb(prob,i),ctx);
1491                 constr.rv[i-1]=_LP_EQ;
1492             }
1493             else {
1494                 if (t==GLP_LO || t==GLP_DB) {
1495                     constr.rhs[i-1]=double2fraction(glp_get_row_lb(prob,i),ctx);
1496                     constr.rv[i-1]=_LP_GEQ;
1497                 }
1498                 if (t==GLP_DB)
1499                     constr.append(*constr.lhs[i-1]._VECTptr,double2fraction(glp_get_row_ub(prob,i),ctx),_LP_LEQ);
1500                 if (t==GLP_UP || t==GLP_DB) {
1501                     constr.rhs[i-1]=double2fraction(glp_get_row_ub(prob,i),ctx);
1502                     constr.rv[i-1]=_LP_LEQ;
1503                 }
1504             }
1505         }
1506         delete [] ind;
1507         delete [] val;
1508         stringstream ss;
1509         const char* name=glp_get_prob_name(prob);
1510         if (name==NULL)
1511             ss << "a problem";
1512         else
1513             ss << "problem \"" << name << "\"";
1514         sprintf(buffer,"Successfully loaded %s with %d variables and %d constraints",
1515                 ss.str().c_str(),nv(),nc());
1516         message(buffer);
1517     }
1518     glp_delete_prob(prob);
1519     return !(bool)result;
1520 #endif
1521 }
set_type(int t,GIAC_CONTEXT)1523 void lp_variable::set_type(int t,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1524     switch (t) {
1525     case _LP_BINARYVARIABLES:
1526         range.tighten_lbound(gen(0),contextptr);
1527         range.tighten_ubound(gen(1),contextptr);
1529         is_integral=true;
1530         break;
1531     }
1532 }
assign_variable_types(const gen & g,int t,lp_problem & prob)1534 bool assign_variable_types(const gen &g,int t,lp_problem &prob) {
1535     pair<gen,gen> range;
1536     int i,i0=array_start(prob.ctx);
1537     if (g.type==_VECT) {
1538         for (const_iterateur it=g._VECTptr->begin();it!=g._VECTptr->end();++it) {
1539             if (!assign_variable_types(*it,t,prob))
1540                 return false;
1541         }
1542     }
1543     else if ((g.type==_IDNT && (i=prob.get_variable_index(*g._IDNTptr))>=0) ||
1544              (g.is_integer() && (i=g.val-i0)>=0))
1545         prob.variables[i].set_type(t,prob.ctx);
1546     else if (interval2pair(g,range,prob.ctx) &&
1547              range.first.is_integer() && range.second.is_integer()) {
1548         for (i=range.first.val;i<=range.second.val;++i) {
1549             prob.variables[i-i0].set_type(t,prob.ctx);
1550         }
1551     }
1552     else
1553         return false;
1554     return true;
1555 }
parse_limit(const gen & g,int & lim,GIAC_CONTEXT)1557 void parse_limit(const gen &g,int &lim,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1558     if (is_positive(g,contextptr)) {
1559         if (g.is_integer())
1560             lim=g.val;
1561         else if (is_inf(g))
1562             lim=RAND_MAX;
1563     }
1564 }
parse_options_and_bounds(const_iterateur & it,const_iterateur & itend,lp_problem & prob)1566 bool parse_options_and_bounds(const_iterateur &it,const_iterateur &itend,lp_problem &prob) {
1567     for (;it!=itend;++it) {
1568         if (*it==at_maximize)
1569             prob.settings.maximize=true;
1570         else if (it->is_integer()) {
1571             switch(it->val) {
1572             case _LP_MAXIMIZE:
1573                 prob.settings.maximize=true;
1574                 break;
1575             case _LP_VERBOSE:
1576                 prob.settings.verbose=true;
1577                 break;
1578             }
1579         }
1580         else if (it->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal)) {
1581             //parse the argument in form "option=value"
1582             pair<gen,gen> bounds;
1583             gen a,lh(_lhs(*it,prob.ctx)),rh(_rhs(*it,prob.ctx));
1584             if (lh.type==_IDNT && interval2pair(rh,bounds,prob.ctx)) {
1585                 int vi=prob.get_variable_index(*lh._IDNTptr);
1586                 if (vi>=0)
1587                     prob.tighten_variable_bounds(vi,bounds.first,bounds.second);
1588             }
1589             else if (lh==at_maximize && rh.is_integer())
1590                 prob.settings.maximize=(bool)rh.to_int();
1591             else if (lh==at_assume && rh.is_integer())
1592                 prob.settings.assumption=rh.val;
1593             else if (lh.is_integer()) {
1594                 switch(lh.val) {
1595                 case _LP_INTEGERVARIABLES:
1596                 case _LP_BINARYVARIABLES:
1597                     if (!assign_variable_types(rh,lh.val,prob))
1598                         return false;
1599                     break;
1600                 case _LP_DEPTHLIMIT:
1601                     parse_limit(rh,prob.settings.depth_limit,prob.ctx);
1602                     break;
1603                 case _LP_NODE_LIMIT:
1604                     parse_limit(rh,prob.settings.node_limit,prob.ctx);
1605                     break;
1606                 case _LP_ITERATION_LIMIT:
1607                     parse_limit(rh,prob.settings.iteration_limit,prob.ctx);
1608                     break;
1609                 case _LP_MAX_CUTS:
1610                     parse_limit(rh,prob.settings.max_cuts,prob.ctx);
1611                     break;
1612                 case _LP_TIME_LIMIT:
1613                     if (is_strictly_positive(rh,prob.ctx)) {
1614                         if (is_inf(rh))
1615                             prob.settings.time_limit=RAND_MAX;
1616                         a=_evalf(rh,prob.ctx);
1617                         if (a.type==_DOUBLE_)
1618                             prob.settings.time_limit=int(a.DOUBLE_val()*1000.0);
1619                     }
1620                     break;
1621                 case _LP_NODESELECT:
1622                     if (rh.is_integer())
1623                         prob.settings.nodeselect=rh.val;
1624                     break;
1625                 case _LP_VARSELECT:
1626                     if (rh.is_integer())
1627                         prob.settings.varselect=rh.val;
1628                     break;
1629                 case _LP_METHOD:
1630                     if (rh==at_exact)
1631                         prob.settings.precision=_LP_EXACT;
1632                     else if (rh==at_float)
1633                         prob.settings.precision=_LP_INEXACT;
1634                     else if (rh.is_integer() && rh.val==_LP_INTERIOR_POINT) {
1635                         prob.settings.precision=_LP_INEXACT;
1636                         prob.settings.solver=_LP_INTERIOR_POINT;
1637                     }
1638                     break;
1639                 case _LP_GAP_TOLERANCE:
1640                     a=_evalf(rh,prob.ctx);
1641                     if (a.type==_DOUBLE_ && is_strictly_positive(a,prob.ctx))
1642                         prob.settings.relative_gap_tolerance=a.DOUBLE_val();
1643                     break;
1644                 case _LP_MAXIMIZE:
1645                     if (rh.is_integer())
1646                         prob.settings.maximize=(bool)rh.to_int();
1647                     break;
1648                 case _LP_VERBOSE:
1649                     if (rh.is_integer())
1650                         prob.settings.verbose=(bool)rh.to_int();
1651                     break;
1652                 }
1653             }
1654         }
1655     }
1656     return true;
1657 }
parse_constraints(bool is_matrix_form,const_iterateur & it,const_iterateur & itend,lp_problem & prob)1659 int parse_constraints(bool is_matrix_form,const_iterateur &it,const_iterateur &itend,lp_problem &prob) {
1660     vecteur cv;
1661     if (is_matrix_form) {
1662         if (it->type!=_VECT)
1663             return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1664         cv=*it->_VECTptr;
1665         int n=cv.size();
1666         if ((n % 2)!=0)
1667             return _LP_ERR_SIZE;
1668         if (n>0) {
1669             //constraints are given in form [A,b,Aeq,beq] such that
1670             //A.x<=b and/or Aeq.x=beq (Aeq and beq are optional)
1671             if (cv[0].type!=_VECT || cv[1].type!=_VECT)
1672                 return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1673             vecteur &A=*cv[0]._VECTptr,&b=*cv[1]._VECTptr;
1674             int len;
1675             if ((len=A.size())!=int(b.size()))
1676                 return _LP_ERR_DIM;
1677             for (int i=0;i<len;++i) {
1678                 prob.constr.append(*A[i]._VECTptr,b[i],_LP_LEQ);
1679             }
1680             if (n>2) { //there are equality constraints
1681                 if (cv[2].type!=_VECT || cv[3].type!=_VECT)
1682                     return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1683                 vecteur &Aeq=*cv[2]._VECTptr,&beq=*cv[3]._VECTptr;
1684                 if ((len=Aeq.size())!=int(beq.size()))
1685                     return _LP_ERR_DIM;
1686                 for (int i=0;i<len;++i) {
1687                     prob.constr.append(*Aeq[i]._VECTptr,beq[i],_LP_EQ);
1688                 }
1689             }
1690             if (!ckmatrix(prob.constr.lhs))
1691                 return _LP_ERR_DIM;
1692             if (prob.nv()==0)
1693                 prob.create_variables(prob.constr.ncols());
1694             else if (prob.nv()!=prob.constr.ncols())
1695                 return _LP_ERR_DIM;
1696         }
1697         //if the third arg is [bl,bu] then assume bl<=x<=bu
1698         ++it;
1699         if (it!=itend && it->type==_VECT) {
1700             matrice &bounds=*it->_VECTptr;
1701             if (!ckmatrix(bounds) || int(bounds.size())!=2 ||
1702                     int(bounds.front()._VECTptr->size())<prob.nv())
1703                 return _LP_ERR_DIM;
1704             if (prob.nv()==0)
1705                 prob.create_variables(bounds.front()._VECTptr->size());
1706             for (int i=0;i<prob.nv();++i) {
1707                 prob.tighten_variable_bounds(i,bounds[0][i],bounds[1][i]);
1708             }
1709             ++it;
1710         }
1711         if (prob.nv()==0)
1712             return _LP_ERR_SIZE;
1713         if (prob.objective.first.empty())
1714             prob.set_objective(vecteur(prob.nv(),gen(0)),gen(0));
1715     }
1716     else { //the problem is given in symbolic form
1717         if (it->type==_VECT) {
1718             cv=*it->_VECTptr;
1719             prob.add_identifiers_from(cv);
1720             ++it;
1721         }
1722         prob.create_variables(prob.variable_identifiers.size());
1723         vecteur sides,c;
1724         pair<gen,gen> bounds;
1725         gen r;
1726         int rel;
1727         for (const_iterateur jt=cv.begin();jt!=cv.end();++jt) {
1728             if (jt->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal))
1729                 rel=_LP_EQ;
1730             else if (jt->is_symb_of_sommet(at_inferieur_egal))
1731                 rel=_LP_LEQ;
1732             else if (jt->is_symb_of_sommet(at_superieur_egal))
1733                 rel=_LP_GEQ;
1734             else
1735                 return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1736             sides=*jt->_SYMBptr->feuille._VECTptr;
1737             if (jt->is_symb_of_sommet(at_equal) && interval2pair(sides.back(),bounds,prob.ctx)) {
1738                 if (!prob.lincomb_coeff(sides.front(),c,r))
1739                     return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1740                 prob.constr.append(c,bounds.first-r,_LP_GEQ);
1741                 prob.constr.append(c,bounds.second-r,_LP_LEQ);
1742                 continue;
1743             }
1744             if (!prob.lincomb_coeff(sides.front()-sides.back(),c,r))
1745                 return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1746             prob.constr.append(c,-r,rel);
1747         }
1748     }
1749     if (!parse_options_and_bounds(it,itend,prob))
1750         return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1751     return 0;
1752 }
_lpsolve(const gen & args,GIAC_CONTEXT)1754 gen _lpsolve(const gen &args,GIAC_CONTEXT) {
1755     gen g(args);
1756     if (g.type==_STRNG)
1757         g=makesequence(g);
1758     if (g.type!=_VECT || g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
1759         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1760     vecteur &gv=*g._VECTptr,obj;
1761     const_iterateur it=gv.begin(),itend=gv.end();
1762     lp_problem prob(contextptr); //create LP problem with default settings
1763     bool is_matrix_form=false;
1764     if (it->type==_STRNG) { //problem is given in file
1765         int len=_size(*it,contextptr).val;
1766         string fname(it->_STRNGptr->begin(),it->_STRNGptr->begin()+len);
1767         if (!prob.glpk_load_from_file(fname.c_str()))
1768             return undef;
1769         ++it;
1770         if (it->type==_VECT)
1771             return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1772     }
1773     else { //problem is entered manually
1774         is_matrix_form=it->type==_VECT;
1775         if (is_matrix_form) {
1776             obj=*it->_VECTptr;
1777             if (!obj.empty()) {
1778                 prob.set_objective(obj,gen(0));
1779                 prob.create_variables(obj.size());
1780             }
1781         }
1782         else {
1783             prob.add_identifiers_from(*it);
1784             gen obj_ct;
1785             if (!prob.lincomb_coeff(*it,obj,obj_ct))
1786                 return _LP_ERR_TYPE;
1787             prob.set_objective(obj,obj_ct);
1788         }
1789         ++it;
1790     }
1791     switch (parse_constraints(is_matrix_form,it,itend,prob)) {
1792     case _LP_ERR_SIZE:
1793         return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1794     case _LP_ERR_TYPE:
1795         return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1796     case _LP_ERR_DIM:
1797         return gendimerr(contextptr);
1798     default:
1799         if (prob.nc()==0) {
1800             for (int i=0;i<prob.nv();++i) {
1801                 lp_variable &var=prob.variables[i];
1802                 vecteur row(prob.nv(),gen(0));
1803                 if (!is_inf(var.range.lbound)) {
1804                     row[i]=gen(1);
1805                     prob.constr.append(row,var.range.lbound,_LP_GEQ);
1806                     break;
1807                 }
1808                 else if (!is_inf(var.range.ubound)) {
1809                     row[i]=gen(1);
1810                     prob.constr.append(row,var.range.ubound,_LP_LEQ);
1811                     break;
1812                 }
1813             }
1814             if (prob.nc()==0) {
1815                 prob.message("Error: no constraints detected",true);
1816                 return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1817             }
1818         }
1819     }
1820     for (int i=0;i<prob.nv();++i) {
1821         lp_variable &var=prob.variables[i];
1822         switch (prob.settings.assumption) {
1823         case _ZINT:
1824         case _LP_INTEGER:
1825             var.set_type(_LP_INTEGERVARIABLES,contextptr);
1826             break;
1827         case _LP_BINARY:
1828             var.set_type(_LP_BINARYVARIABLES,contextptr);
1829             break;
1830         case _NONNEGINT:
1831         case _LP_NONNEGINT:
1832             var.set_type(_LP_INTEGERVARIABLES,contextptr);
1833         case _LP_NONNEGATIVE:
1834             var.range.tighten_lbound(gen(0),contextptr);
1835             break;
1836         }
1837     }
1838     bool is_solver_exact;
1839     switch (prob.settings.precision) {
1840     case _LP_EXACT:
1841         is_solver_exact=true;
1842         break;
1843     case _LP_INEXACT:
1844         is_solver_exact=false;
1845         break;
1846     case _LP_PROB_DEPENDENT:
1847         is_solver_exact=!prob.has_approx_coefficients();
1848         break;
1849     }
1850     vector<lp_variable>::const_iterator vt=prob.variables.begin();
1851     for (;vt!=prob.variables.end();++vt) {
1852         if (vt->is_integral && is_zero(vt->range.lbound) && is_one(vt->range.ubound)) {
1853             prob.settings.has_binary_vars=true;
1854             break;
1855         }
1856     }
1857     //solve the problem
1858     switch (is_solver_exact?prob.solve():prob.glpk_solve()) {
1859     case _LP_INFEASIBLE:
1860         prob.message("Error: problem has no feasible solutions",true);
1861         return vecteur(0);
1862     case _LP_UNBOUNDED:
1863         prob.message("Error: problem has unbounded solution",true);
1864         return makevecteur(prob.settings.maximize?inf:minf,vecteur(0));
1865     case _LP_ERROR:
1866         return undef;
1867     default: //_LP_SOLVED
1868         return gen(makevecteur(_eval(prob.optimum,contextptr),_eval(prob.output_solution(),contextptr)),_LIST__VECT);
1869     }
1870 }
1871 static const char _lpsolve_s[]="lpsolve";
1872 static define_unary_function_eval (__lpsolve,&_lpsolve,_lpsolve_s);
1873 define_unary_function_ptr5(at_lpsolve,alias_at_lpsolve,&__lpsolve,0,true)
1875 #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
1876 }
1877 #endif //ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC