1 /* GNUPLOT - tables.c */
3 /*[
4  * Copyright 1999, 2004   Lars Hecking
5  *
6  * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
7  * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
8  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
9  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
10  * in supporting documentation.
11  *
12  * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
13  * distribute the complete modified source code.  Modifications are to
14  * be distributed as patches to the released version.  Permission to
15  * distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted,
16  * provided you
17  *   1. distribute the corresponding source modifications from the
18  *    released version in the form of a patch file along with the binaries,
19  *   2. add special version identification to distinguish your version
20  *    in addition to the base release version number,
21  *   3. provide your name and address as the primary contact for the
22  *    support of your modified version, and
23  *   4. retain our contact information in regard to use of the base
24  *    software.
25  * Permission to distribute the released version of the source code along
26  * with corresponding source modifications in the form of a patch file is
27  * granted with same provisions 2 through 4 for binary distributions.
28  *
29  * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty
30  * to the extent permitted by applicable law.
31 ]*/
33 #include "tables.h"
35 #include "command.h"
36 #include "datablock.h"
37 #include "fit.h"
38 #include "setshow.h"
39 #include "term_api.h"
40 #include "util.h"
41 #include "alloc.h"	/* for init_colornames() */
42 #include "graph3d.h"	/* for DGRID3D_* options */
43 #include "getcolor.h"
44 #include "voxelgrid.h"
46 /* gnuplot commands */
48 /* the actual commands */
49 const struct gen_ftable command_ftbl[] =
50 {
51     { "ra$ise", raise_command },
52     { "low$er", lower_command },
53 #ifdef USE_MOUSE
54     { "bi$nd", bind_command },
55 #endif
56     { "array", array_command },
57     { "break", break_command },
58     { "ca$ll", call_command },
59     { "cd", changedir_command },
60     { "cl$ear", clear_command },
61     { "continue", continue_command },
62     { "do", do_command },
63     { "eval$uate", eval_command },
64     { "ex$it", exit_command },
65     { "f$it", fit_command },
66     { "h$elp", help_command },
67     { "?", help_command },
68     { "hi$story", history_command },
69     { "if", if_command },
70     { "import", import_command },
71     { "else", else_command },
72     { "l$oad", load_command },
73     { "pa$use", pause_command },
74     { "p$lot", plot_command },
75     { "pr$int", print_command },
76     { "printerr$or", printerr_command },
77     { "pwd", pwd_command },
78     { "q$uit", exit_command },
79     { "ref$resh", refresh_command },
80     { "rep$lot", replot_command },
81     { "re$read", reread_command },
82     { "res$et", reset_command },
83     { "sa$ve", save_command },
84     { "scr$eendump", screendump_command },
85     { "se$t", set_command },
86     { "she$ll", do_shell },
87     { "sh$ow", show_command },
88     { "sp$lot", splot_command },
89     { "st$ats", stats_command },
90     { "sy$stem", system_command },
91     { "test", test_command },
92     { "tog$gle", toggle_command },
93     { "und$efine", undefine_command },
94     { "uns$et", unset_command },
95     { "up$date", update_command },
96     { "vclear", vclear_command },
97     { "vfill", vfill_command },
98     { "voxel", voxel_command },
99     { "while", while_command },
100     { "{", begin_clause },
101     { "}", end_clause },
102     { ";", null_command },
103     { "$", datablock_command },
104     /* last key must be NULL */
105     { NULL, invalid_command }
106 };
108 /* 'plot ax[ei]s' parameter */
109 const struct gen_table plot_axes_tbl[] =
110 {
111     { "x1y1", AXES_X1Y1 },
112     { "x2y2", AXES_X2Y2 },
113     { "x1y2", AXES_X1Y2 },
114     { "x2y1", AXES_X2Y1 },
115     { NULL, AXES_NONE }
116 };
118 /* 'plot smooth' parameter */
119 const struct gen_table plot_smooth_tbl[] =
120 {
121     { "a$csplines", SMOOTH_ACSPLINES },
122     { "bins", SMOOTH_BINS },
123     { "b$ezier", SMOOTH_BEZIER },
124     { "c$splines", SMOOTH_CSPLINES },
125     { "s$bezier", SMOOTH_SBEZIER },
126     { "u$nique", SMOOTH_UNIQUE },
127     { "unwrap", SMOOTH_UNWRAP },
128     { "f$requency", SMOOTH_FREQUENCY },
129     { "cum$ulative", SMOOTH_CUMULATIVE },
130     { "k$density", SMOOTH_KDENSITY },
131     { "cn$ormal", SMOOTH_CUMULATIVE_NORMALISED },
132     { "mcs$plines", SMOOTH_MONOTONE_CSPLINE },
133     { "fnor$mal", SMOOTH_FREQUENCY_NORMALISED },
134     { "z$sort", SMOOTH_ZSORT },
135     { NULL, SMOOTH_NONE }
136 };
138 /* dgrid3d modes */
139 const struct gen_table dgrid3d_mode_tbl[] =
140 {
141     { "qnorm", DGRID3D_QNORM },
142     { "spline$s", DGRID3D_SPLINES },
143     { "gauss", DGRID3D_GAUSS },
144     { "exp", DGRID3D_EXP },
145     { "cauchy", DGRID3D_CAUCHY },
146     { "box", DGRID3D_BOX },
147     { "hann", DGRID3D_HANN },
148     { NULL, DGRID3D_OTHER }
149 };
151 /* 'save' command */
152 const struct gen_table save_tbl[] =
153 {
154     { "fit", SAVE_FIT },
155     { "fun$ctions", SAVE_FUNCS },
156     { "set", SAVE_SET },
157     { "ter$minal", SAVE_TERMINAL },
158     { "var$iables", SAVE_VARS },
159     { NULL, SAVE_INVALID }
160 };
162 /* 'set' and 'show' commands */
163 const struct gen_table set_tbl[] =
164 {
165     { "a$ll", S_ALL },
166     { "ac$tion_table", S_ACTIONTABLE },
167     { "at", S_ACTIONTABLE },
168     { "an$gles", S_ANGLES },
169     { "ar$row", S_ARROW },
170     { "au$toscale", S_AUTOSCALE },
171     { "b$ars", S_BARS },
172     { "bind", S_BIND },
173     { "bor$der", S_BORDER },
174     { "boxdepth", S_BOXDEPTH },
175     { "box$width", S_BOXWIDTH },
176     { "cl$abel", S_CLABEL },
177     { "c$lip", S_CLIP },
178     { "cntrp$aram", S_CNTRPARAM },
179     { "cntrl$abel", S_CNTRLABEL },
180     { "cont$ours", S_CONTOUR },
181     { "dasht$ype", S_DASHTYPE },
182     { "dt", S_DASHTYPE },
183     { "da$ta", S_DATA },
185     { "data$file", S_DATAFILE },
187     { "debug", S_DEBUG },
188     { "dg$rid3d", S_DGRID3D },
189     { "du$mmy", S_DUMMY },
190     { "enc$oding", S_ENCODING },
191     { "dec$imalsign", S_DECIMALSIGN },
192     { "errorbars", S_BARS },
193     { "fit", S_FIT },
194     { "font$path", S_FONTPATH },
195     { "fo$rmat", S_FORMAT },
196     { "fu$nction", S_FUNCTIONS },
197     { "fu$nctions", S_FUNCTIONS },
198     { "g$rid", S_GRID },
199     { "hid$den3d", S_HIDDEN3D },
200     { "historysize", S_HISTORYSIZE },	/* Deprecated */
201     { "his$tory", S_HISTORY },
202     { "pixmap$s", S_PIXMAP },
203     { "isosurf$ace", S_ISOSURFACE },
204     { "is$osamples", S_ISOSAMPLES },
205     { "jitter", S_JITTER },
206     { "k$ey", S_KEY },
207     { "keyt$itle", S_KEY },
208     { "la$bel", S_LABEL },
209     { "link", S_LINK },
210     { "lines$tyle", S_LINESTYLE },
211     { "linetype$s", S_LINETYPE },
212     { "ls", S_LINESTYLE },
213     { "lt", S_LINETYPE },
214     { "loa$dpath", S_LOADPATH },
215     { "loc$ale", S_LOCALE },
216     { "log$scale", S_LOGSCALE },
217     { "mac$ros", S_MACROS },
218     { "map$ping", S_MAPPING },
219     { "map$ping3d", S_MAPPING },
221     { "mar$gins", S_MARGIN },
222     { "lmar$gin", S_LMARGIN },
223     { "rmar$gin", S_RMARGIN },
224     { "tmar$gin", S_TMARGIN },
225     { "bmar$gin", S_BMARGIN },
227     { "micro", S_MICRO },
228     { "minus$sign", S_MINUS_SIGN },
229     { "mo$use", S_MOUSE },
230     { "mono$chrome", S_MONOCHROME },
231     { "multi$plot", S_MULTIPLOT },
233     { "mxt$ics", S_MXTICS },
234     { "nomxt$ics", S_NOMXTICS },
235     { "mx2t$ics", S_MX2TICS },
236     { "nomx2t$ics", S_NOMX2TICS },
237     { "myt$ics", S_MYTICS },
238     { "nomyt$ics", S_NOMYTICS },
239     { "my2t$ics", S_MY2TICS },
240     { "nomy2t$ics", S_NOMY2TICS },
241     { "mzt$ics", S_MZTICS },
242     { "nomzt$ics", S_NOMZTICS },
243     { "mrt$ics", S_MRTICS },
244     { "mtt$ics", S_MTTICS },
245     { "mcbt$ics", S_MCBTICS },
246     { "nomcbt$ics", S_NOMCBTICS },
247     { "nonlinear", S_NONLINEAR },
248     { "of$fsets", S_OFFSETS },
249     { "or$igin", S_ORIGIN },
250     { "o$utput", SET_OUTPUT },
251     { "overflow", S_OVERFLOW },
252     { "pa$rametric", S_PARAMETRIC },
253     { "pm$3d", S_PM3D },
254     { "pal$ette", S_PALETTE },
255     { "color", S_COLOR },
256     { "colorb$ox", S_COLORBOX },
257     { "colorn$ames", S_COLORNAMES },
258     { "colors$equence", S_COLORSEQUENCE },
259     { "p$lot", S_PLOT },
260     { "pointint$ervalbox", S_POINTINTERVALBOX },
261     { "poi$ntsize", S_POINTSIZE },
262     { "pol$ar", S_POLAR },
263     { "pr$int", S_PRINT },
264     { "psdir", S_PSDIR },
265     { "obj$ect", S_OBJECT },
266     { "wall$s", S_WALL },
267     { "rgbmax", S_RGBMAX },
268     { "sa$mples", S_SAMPLES },
269     { "si$ze", S_SIZE },
270     { "st$yle", S_STYLE },
271     { "su$rface", S_SURFACE },
272     { "spider$plot", S_SPIDERPLOT },
273     { "table", S_TABLE },
274     { "t$erminal", S_TERMINAL },
275     { "termopt$ions", S_TERMOPTIONS },
276     { "theta$0", S_THETA },
277     { "ti$cs", S_TICS },
278     { "ticsc$ale", S_TICSCALE },
279     { "ticsl$evel", S_TICSLEVEL },
280     { "timef$mt", S_TIMEFMT },
281     { "times$tamp", S_TIMESTAMP },
282     { "tit$le", S_TITLE },
283     { "v$ariables", S_VARIABLES },
284     { "ve$rsion", S_VERSION },
285     { "vi$ew", S_VIEW },
286     { "xyp$lane", S_XYPLANE },
288     { "xda$ta", S_XDATA },
289     { "x2da$ta", S_X2DATA },
290     { "yda$ta", S_YDATA },
291     { "y2da$ta", S_Y2DATA },
292     { "zda$ta", S_ZDATA },
293     { "cbda$ta", S_CBDATA },
295     { "xl$abel", S_XLABEL },
296     { "x2l$abel", S_X2LABEL },
297     { "yl$abel", S_YLABEL },
298     { "y2l$abel", S_Y2LABEL },
299     { "zl$abel", S_ZLABEL },
300     { "cbl$abel", S_CBLABEL },
301     { "rlabel", S_RLABEL },
303     { "xti$cs", S_XTICS },
304     { "noxti$cs", S_NOXTICS },
305     { "x2ti$cs", S_X2TICS },
306     { "nox2ti$cs", S_NOX2TICS },
307     { "yti$cs", S_YTICS },
308     { "noyti$cs", S_NOYTICS },
309     { "y2ti$cs", S_Y2TICS },
310     { "noy2ti$cs", S_NOY2TICS },
311     { "zti$cs", S_ZTICS },
312     { "nozti$cs", S_NOZTICS },
313     { "rti$cs", S_RTICS },
314     { "tti$cs", S_TTICS },
315     { "cbti$cs", S_CBTICS },
316     { "nocbti$cs", S_NOCBTICS },
318     { "xdti$cs", S_XDTICS },
319     { "noxdti$cs", S_NOXDTICS },
320     { "x2dti$cs", S_X2DTICS },
321     { "nox2dti$cs", S_NOX2DTICS },
322     { "ydti$cs", S_YDTICS },
323     { "noydti$cs", S_NOYDTICS },
324     { "y2dti$cs", S_Y2DTICS },
325     { "noy2dti$cs", S_NOY2DTICS },
326     { "zdti$cs", S_ZDTICS },
327     { "nozdti$cs", S_NOZDTICS },
328     { "cbdti$cs", S_CBDTICS },
329     { "nocbdti$cs", S_NOCBDTICS },
331     { "xmti$cs", S_XMTICS },
332     { "noxmti$cs", S_NOXMTICS },
333     { "x2mti$cs", S_X2MTICS },
334     { "nox2mti$cs", S_NOX2MTICS },
335     { "ymti$cs", S_YMTICS },
336     { "noymti$cs", S_NOYMTICS },
337     { "y2mti$cs", S_Y2MTICS },
338     { "noy2mti$cs", S_NOY2MTICS },
339     { "zmti$cs", S_ZMTICS },
340     { "nozmti$cs", S_NOZMTICS },
341     { "cbmti$cs", S_CBMTICS },
342     { "nocbmti$cs", S_NOCBMTICS },
344     { "xr$ange", S_XRANGE },
345     { "x2r$ange", S_X2RANGE },
346     { "yr$ange", S_YRANGE },
347     { "y2r$ange", S_Y2RANGE },
348     { "zr$ange", S_ZRANGE },
349     { "cbr$ange", S_CBRANGE },
350     { "rr$ange", S_RRANGE },
351     { "tr$ange", S_TRANGE },
352     { "ur$ange", S_URANGE },
353     { "vr$ange", S_VRANGE },
355     { "vgrid", S_VGRID },
356     { "vxr$ange", S_VXRANGE },
357     { "vyr$ange", S_VYRANGE },
358     { "vzr$ange", S_VZRANGE },
360     { "xzeroa$xis", S_XZEROAXIS },
361     { "x2zeroa$xis", S_X2ZEROAXIS },
362     { "yzeroa$xis", S_YZEROAXIS },
363     { "y2zeroa$xis", S_Y2ZEROAXIS },
364     { "zzeroa$xis", S_ZZEROAXIS },
365     { "zeroa$xis", S_ZEROAXIS },
366     { "rax$is", S_RAXIS },
367     { "paxis", S_PAXIS },
369     { "z$ero", S_ZERO },
370     { NULL, S_INVALID }
371 };
373 /* 'set hidden3d' options */
374 const struct gen_table set_hidden3d_tbl[] =
375 {
376     { "def$aults", S_HI_DEFAULTS },
377     { "off$set", S_HI_OFFSET },
378     { "nooff$set", S_HI_NOOFFSET },
379     { "tri$anglepattern", S_HI_TRIANGLEPATTERN },
380     { "undef$ined", S_HI_UNDEFINED },
381     { "nound$efined", S_HI_NOUNDEFINED },
382     { "alt$diagonal", S_HI_ALTDIAGONAL },
383     { "noalt$diagonal", S_HI_NOALTDIAGONAL },
384     { "bent$over", S_HI_BENTOVER },
385     { "nobent$over", S_HI_NOBENTOVER },
386     { "front", S_HI_FRONT },
387     { "back", S_HI_BACK },
388     { NULL, S_HI_INVALID }
389 };
391 /* 'set key' options */
392 const struct gen_table set_key_tbl[] =
393 {
394     { "def$ault", S_KEY_DEFAULT },
395     { "on", S_KEY_ON },
396     { "off", S_KEY_OFF },
397     { "t$op", S_KEY_TOP },
398     { "b$ottom", S_KEY_BOTTOM },
399     { "l$eft", S_KEY_LEFT },
400     { "r$ight", S_KEY_RIGHT },
401     { "c$enter", S_KEY_CENTER },
402     { "ver$tical", S_KEY_VERTICAL },
403     { "hor$izontal", S_KEY_HORIZONTAL },
404     { "ov$er", S_KEY_OVER },
405     { "ab$ove", S_KEY_ABOVE },
406     { "u$nder", S_KEY_UNDER },
407     { "be$low", S_KEY_BELOW },
408     { "at", S_KEY_MANUAL },
409     { "ins$ide", S_KEY_INSIDE },
410     { "o$utside", S_KEY_OUTSIDE },
411     { "fix$ed", S_KEY_FIXED },
412     { "tm$argin", S_KEY_TMARGIN },
413     { "bm$argin", S_KEY_BMARGIN },
414     { "lm$argin", S_KEY_LMARGIN },
415     { "rm$argin", S_KEY_RMARGIN },
416     { "L$eft", S_KEY_LLEFT },
417     { "R$ight", S_KEY_RRIGHT },
418     { "rev$erse", S_KEY_REVERSE },
419     { "norev$erse", S_KEY_NOREVERSE },
420     { "inv$ert", S_KEY_INVERT },
421     { "noinv$ert", S_KEY_NOINVERT },
422     { "enh$anced", S_KEY_ENHANCED },
423     { "noenh$anced", S_KEY_NOENHANCED },
424     { "b$ox", S_KEY_BOX },
425     { "nob$ox", S_KEY_NOBOX },
426     { "sa$mplen", S_KEY_SAMPLEN },
427     { "sp$acing", S_KEY_SPACING },
428     { "w$idth", S_KEY_WIDTH },
429     { "h$eight", S_KEY_HEIGHT },
430     { "a$utotitles", S_KEY_AUTOTITLES },
431     { "noa$utotitles", S_KEY_NOAUTOTITLES },
432     { "ti$tle", S_KEY_TITLE },
433     { "noti$tle", S_KEY_NOTITLE },
434     { "font", S_KEY_FONT },
435     { "tc", S_KEY_TEXTCOLOR },
436     { "text$color", S_KEY_TEXTCOLOR },
437     { "maxcol$s", S_KEY_MAXCOLS},
438     { "maxcolu$mns", S_KEY_MAXCOLS},
439     { "maxrow$s", S_KEY_MAXROWS},
440     { "opaque", S_KEY_FRONT},
441     { "noopaque", S_KEY_NOFRONT},
442     { NULL, S_KEY_INVALID }
443 };
445 /* 'test' command */
446 const struct gen_table test_tbl[] =
447 {
448     { "term$inal", TEST_TERMINAL },
449     { "pal$ette", TEST_PALETTE },
450     { NULL, TEST_INVALID }
451 };
453 /* 'set colorbox' options */
454 const struct gen_table set_colorbox_tbl[] =
455 {
456     { "v$ertical",	S_COLORBOX_VERTICAL },
457     { "h$orizontal",	S_COLORBOX_HORIZONTAL },
458     { "def$ault",	S_COLORBOX_DEFAULT },
459     { "u$ser",		S_COLORBOX_USER },
460     { "at",		S_COLORBOX_USER },
461     { "bo$rder",	S_COLORBOX_BORDER },
462     { "bd$efault",	S_COLORBOX_BDEFAULT },
463     { "nobo$rder",	S_COLORBOX_NOBORDER },
464     { "o$rigin",	S_COLORBOX_ORIGIN },
465     { "s$ize",		S_COLORBOX_SIZE },
466     { "inv$ert",	S_COLORBOX_INVERT },
467     { "noinv$ert",	S_COLORBOX_NOINVERT },
468     { "fr$ont",		S_COLORBOX_FRONT },
469     { "ba$ck",		S_COLORBOX_BACK },
471 };
473 /* 'set palette' options */
474 const struct gen_table set_palette_tbl[] =
475 {
476     { "pos$itive",	S_PALETTE_POSITIVE },
477     { "neg$ative",	S_PALETTE_NEGATIVE },
478     { "gray$scale",	S_PALETTE_GRAY },
479     { "grey$scale",	S_PALETTE_GRAY },
480     { "col$or",		S_PALETTE_COLOR },
481     { "rgb$formulae",	S_PALETTE_RGBFORMULAE },
482     { "def$ined",       S_PALETTE_DEFINED },
483     { "file",           S_PALETTE_FILE },
484     { "func$tions",     S_PALETTE_FUNCTIONS },
485     { "mo$del",         S_PALETTE_MODEL },
486     { "nops_allcF",	S_PALETTE_NOPS_ALLCF },
487     { "ps_allcF",	S_PALETTE_PS_ALLCF },
488     { "maxc$olors",	S_PALETTE_MAXCOLORS },
489     { "gam$ma",         S_PALETTE_GAMMA },
490     { "cubehelix",      S_PALETTE_CUBEHELIX },
492 };
495 const struct gen_table color_model_tbl[] =
496 {
497     { "RGB", C_MODEL_RGB },
498     { "HSV", C_MODEL_HSV },
499     { "CMY", C_MODEL_CMY },
500     { "XYZ", C_MODEL_XYZ },	/* Obsolete */
501     { NULL,  -1 }
502 };
504 /* 'set pm3d' options */
505 const struct gen_table set_pm3d_tbl[] =
506 {
507     { "at",		S_PM3D_AT },
508     { "interp$olate",	S_PM3D_INTERPOLATE },
509     { "scansfor$ward",	S_PM3D_SCANSFORWARD },
510     { "scansback$ward", S_PM3D_SCANSBACKWARD },
511     { "scansauto$matic",S_PM3D_SCANS_AUTOMATIC },
512     { "dep$thorder",    S_PM3D_DEPTH },
513     { "fl$ush",		S_PM3D_FLUSH },
514     { "ftr$iangles",	S_PM3D_FTRIANGLES },
515     { "noftr$iangles",	S_PM3D_NOFTRIANGLES },
516     { "clip$z", 	S_PM3D_CLIP_Z },
517     { "clip1$in",	S_PM3D_CLIP_1IN },
518     { "clip4$in",	S_PM3D_CLIP_4IN },
519     { "clipcb", 	S_PM3D_CLIPCB },
520     { "noclipcb",	S_PM3D_NOCLIPCB },
521     { "map", 		S_PM3D_MAP },
522     { "bo$rder",	S_PM3D_BORDER },
523     { "nobo$rder",	S_PM3D_NOBORDER },
524     { "hi$dden3d",	S_PM3D_HIDDEN },
525     { "nohi$dden3d",	S_PM3D_NOHIDDEN },
526     { "so$lid",		S_PM3D_SOLID },
527     { "notr$ansparent",	S_PM3D_NOTRANSPARENT },
528     { "noso$lid",	S_PM3D_NOSOLID },
529     { "tr$ansparent",	S_PM3D_TRANSPARENT },
530     { "i$mplicit",	S_PM3D_IMPLICIT },
531     { "noe$xplicit",	S_PM3D_NOEXPLICIT },
532     { "noi$mplicit",	S_PM3D_NOIMPLICIT },
533     { "e$xplicit",	S_PM3D_EXPLICIT },
534     { "corners2c$olor",	S_PM3D_WHICH_CORNER },
535     { "light$ing",	S_PM3D_LIGHTING_MODEL },
536     { "nolight$ing",	S_PM3D_NOLIGHTING_MODEL },
537     { NULL, S_PM3D_INVALID }
538 };
540 /* EAM Nov 2008 - RGB color names for 'set palette defined'
541  * merged with colors from web_color_rgbs used by terminals.
542  */
543 struct gen_table default_color_names_tbl[] =
544 {
545     /* Put the colors used by gd/pdf/ppm terminals first */
547     { "white"           , 255*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 255 },
548     { "black"           ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) +   0 },
549     { "dark-grey"       , 160*(1<<16) + 160*(1<<8) + 160 },
550     { "red"             , 255*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) +   0 },
551     { "web-green"       ,   0*(1<<16) + 192*(1<<8) +   0 },
552     { "web-blue"        ,   0*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) + 255 },
553     { "dark-magenta"    , 192*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 255 },
554     { "dark-cyan"       ,   0*(1<<16) + 238*(1<<8) + 238 },
555     { "dark-orange"     , 192*(1<<16) +  64*(1<<8) +   0 },
556     { "dark-yellow"     , 200*(1<<16) + 200*(1<<8) +   0 },
557     { "royalblue"       ,  65*(1<<16) + 105*(1<<8) + 225 },
558     { "goldenrod"       , 255*(1<<16) + 192*(1<<8) +  32 },
559     { "dark-spring-green",  0*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) +  64 },
560     { "purple"          , 192*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) + 255 },
561     { "steelblue"       ,  48*(1<<16) +  96*(1<<8) + 128 },
562     { "dark-red"        , 139*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) +   0 },
563     { "dark-chartreuse" ,  64*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) +   0 },
564     { "orchid"          , 255*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) + 255 },
565     { "aquamarine"      , 127*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 212 },
566     { "brown"           , 165*(1<<16) +  42*(1<<8) +  42 },
567     { "yellow"          , 255*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) +   0 },
568     { "turquoise"       ,  64*(1<<16) + 224*(1<<8) + 208 },
570     /* greyscale gradient */
572     { "grey0"           ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) +   0 },
573     { "grey10"          ,  26*(1<<16) +  26*(1<<8) +  26 },
574     { "grey20"          ,  51*(1<<16) +  51*(1<<8) +  51 },
575     { "grey30"          ,  77*(1<<16) +  77*(1<<8) +  77 },
576     { "grey40"          , 102*(1<<16) + 102*(1<<8) + 102 },
577     { "grey50"          , 127*(1<<16) + 127*(1<<8) + 127 },
578     { "grey60"          , 153*(1<<16) + 153*(1<<8) + 153 },
579     { "grey70"          , 179*(1<<16) + 179*(1<<8) + 179 },
580     { "grey"            , 192*(1<<16) + 192*(1<<8) + 192 },
581     { "grey80"          , 204*(1<<16) + 204*(1<<8) + 204 },
582     { "grey90"          , 229*(1<<16) + 229*(1<<8) + 229 },
583     { "grey100"         , 255*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 255 },
585     /* random other colors */
587     { "light-red"       , 240*(1<<16) +  50*(1<<8) +  50 },
588     { "light-green"     , 144*(1<<16) + 238*(1<<8) + 144 },
589     { "light-blue"      , 173*(1<<16) + 216*(1<<8) + 230 },
590     { "light-magenta"   , 240*(1<<16) +  85*(1<<8) + 240 },
591     { "light-cyan"      , 224*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 255 },
592     { "light-goldenrod" , 238*(1<<16) + 221*(1<<8) + 130 },
593     { "light-pink"      , 255*(1<<16) + 182*(1<<8) + 193 },
594     { "light-turquoise" , 175*(1<<16) + 238*(1<<8) + 238 },
595     { "gold"            , 255*(1<<16) + 215*(1<<8) +   0 },
596     { "green"           ,   0*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) +   0 },
597     { "dark-green"      ,   0*(1<<16) + 100*(1<<8) +   0 },
598     { "spring-green"    ,   0*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 127 },
599     { "forest-green"    ,  34*(1<<16) + 139*(1<<8) +  34 },
600     { "sea-green"       ,  46*(1<<16) + 139*(1<<8) +  87 },
601     { "blue"            ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 255 },
602     { "dark-blue"       ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 139 },
603     { "midnight-blue"   ,  25*(1<<16) +  25*(1<<8) + 112 },
604     { "navy"            ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 128 },
605     { "medium-blue"     ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 205 },
606     { "skyblue"         , 135*(1<<16) + 206*(1<<8) + 235 },
607     { "cyan"            ,   0*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 255 },
608     { "magenta"         , 255*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 255 },
609     { "dark-turquoise"  ,   0*(1<<16) + 206*(1<<8) + 209 },
610     { "dark-pink"       , 255*(1<<16) +  20*(1<<8) + 147 },
611     { "coral"           , 255*(1<<16) + 127*(1<<8) +  80 },
612     { "light-coral"     , 240*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) + 128 },
613     { "orange-red"      , 255*(1<<16) +  69*(1<<8) +   0 },
614     { "salmon"          , 250*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) + 114 },
615     { "dark-salmon"     , 233*(1<<16) + 150*(1<<8) + 122 },
616     { "khaki"           , 240*(1<<16) + 230*(1<<8) + 140 },
617     { "dark-khaki"      , 189*(1<<16) + 183*(1<<8) + 107 },
618     { "dark-goldenrod"  , 184*(1<<16) + 134*(1<<8) +  11 },
619     { "beige"           , 245*(1<<16) + 245*(1<<8) + 220 },
620     { "olive"           , 160*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) +  32 },
621     { "orange"          , 255*(1<<16) + 165*(1<<8) +   0 },
622     { "violet"          , 238*(1<<16) + 130*(1<<8) + 238 },
623     { "dark-violet"     , 148*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) + 211 },
624     { "plum"            , 221*(1<<16) + 160*(1<<8) + 221 },
625     { "dark-plum"       , 144*(1<<16) +  80*(1<<8) +  64 },
626     { "dark-olivegreen" ,  85*(1<<16) + 107*(1<<8) +  47 },
628     { "orangered4"      , 128*(1<<16) +  20*(1<<8) +   0 },
629     { "brown4"          , 128*(1<<16) +  20*(1<<8) +  20 },
630     { "sienna4"         , 128*(1<<16) +  64*(1<<8) +  20 },
631     { "orchid4"         , 128*(1<<16) +  64*(1<<8) + 128 },
632     { "mediumpurple3"   , 128*(1<<16) +  96*(1<<8) + 192 },
633     { "slateblue1"      , 128*(1<<16) +  96*(1<<8) + 255 },
634     { "yellow4"         , 128*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) +   0 },
635     { "sienna1"         , 255*(1<<16) + 128*(1<<8) +  64 },
636     { "tan1"            , 255*(1<<16) + 160*(1<<8) +  64 },
637     { "sandybrown"      , 255*(1<<16) + 160*(1<<8) +  96 },
638     { "light-salmon"    , 255*(1<<16) + 160*(1<<8) + 112 },
639     { "pink"            , 255*(1<<16) + 192*(1<<8) + 192 },
640     { "khaki1"          , 255*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 128 },
641     { "lemonchiffon"    , 255*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 192 },
642     { "bisque"          , 205*(1<<16) + 183*(1<<8) + 158 },
643     { "honeydew"        , 240*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 240 },
644     { "slategrey"       , 160*(1<<16) + 182*(1<<8) + 205 },
645     { "seagreen"        , 193*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 193 },
646     { "antiquewhite"    , 205*(1<<16) + 192*(1<<8) + 176 },
647     { "chartreuse"      , 124*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) +  64 },
648     { "greenyellow"     , 160*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) +  32 },
650     /* Synonyms */
651     { "gray"            , 190*(1<<16) + 190*(1<<8) + 190 },
652     { "light-gray"      , 211*(1<<16) + 211*(1<<8) + 211 },
653     { "light-grey"      , 211*(1<<16) + 211*(1<<8) + 211 },
654     { "dark-gray"       , 160*(1<<16) + 160*(1<<8) + 160 },
655     { "slategray"       , 160*(1<<16) + 182*(1<<8) + 205 },
656     { "gray0"           ,   0*(1<<16) +   0*(1<<8) +   0 },
657     { "gray10"          ,  26*(1<<16) +  26*(1<<8) +  26 },
658     { "gray20"          ,  51*(1<<16) +  51*(1<<8) +  51 },
659     { "gray30"          ,  77*(1<<16) +  77*(1<<8) +  77 },
660     { "gray40"          , 102*(1<<16) + 102*(1<<8) + 102 },
661     { "gray50"          , 127*(1<<16) + 127*(1<<8) + 127 },
662     { "gray60"          , 153*(1<<16) + 153*(1<<8) + 153 },
663     { "gray70"          , 179*(1<<16) + 179*(1<<8) + 179 },
664     { "gray80"          , 204*(1<<16) + 204*(1<<8) + 204 },
665     { "gray90"          , 229*(1<<16) + 229*(1<<8) + 229 },
666     { "gray100"         , 255*(1<<16) + 255*(1<<8) + 255 },
667     { NULL, -1 }
668 };
669 struct gen_table *pm3d_color_names_tbl = default_color_names_tbl;
670 struct gen_table *user_color_names_tbl = NULL;
671 const int num_predefined_colors = sizeof(default_color_names_tbl)
672 				/ sizeof(struct gen_table) - 1;
673 int num_userdefined_colors = 0;
676 const struct gen_table show_style_tbl[] =
677 {
678     { "d$ata", SHOW_STYLE_DATA },
679     { "f$unction", SHOW_STYLE_FUNCTION },
680     { "l$ines", SHOW_STYLE_LINE },
681     { "fill", SHOW_STYLE_FILLING },
682     { "fs", SHOW_STYLE_FILLING },
683     { "ar$row", SHOW_STYLE_ARROW },
684     { "incr$ement", SHOW_STYLE_INCREMENT },
685     { "hist$ogram", SHOW_STYLE_HISTOGRAM },
686     { "circ$le", SHOW_STYLE_CIRCLE },
687     { "ell$ipse", SHOW_STYLE_ELLIPSE },
688     { "rect$angle", SHOW_STYLE_RECTANGLE },
689     { "boxplot", SHOW_STYLE_BOXPLOT },
690     { "parallel$axis", SHOW_STYLE_PARALLEL },
691     { "spider$plot", SHOW_STYLE_SPIDERPLOT },
692     { "textbox", SHOW_STYLE_TEXTBOX },
694 };
696 const struct gen_table plotstyle_tbl[] =
697 {
698     { "l$ines", LINES },
699     { "i$mpulses", IMPULSES },
700     { "p$oints", POINTSTYLE },
701     { "linesp$oints", LINESPOINTS },
702     { "lp", LINESPOINTS },
703     { "d$ots", DOTS },
704     { "yerrorl$ines", YERRORLINES },
705     { "errorl$ines", YERRORLINES },
706     { "xerrorl$ines", XERRORLINES },
707     { "xyerrorl$ines", XYERRORLINES },
708     { "ye$rrorbars", YERRORBARS },
709     { "e$rrorbars", YERRORBARS },
710     { "xe$rrorbars", XERRORBARS },
711     { "xye$rrorbars", XYERRORBARS },
712     { "boxes", BOXES },
713     { "hist$ograms", HISTOGRAMS },
714     { "isosurface", ISOSURFACE },
715     { "filledc$urves", FILLEDCURVES },
716     { "boxer$rorbars", BOXERROR },
717     { "boxx$yerrorbars", BOXXYERROR },
718     { "st$eps", STEPS },
719     { "fillst$eps", FILLSTEPS },
720     { "fs$teps", FSTEPS },
721     { "his$teps", HISTEPS },
722     { "vec$tors", VECTOR },
723     { "arrow$s", ARROWS },
724     { "fin$ancebars", FINANCEBARS },
725     { "can$dlesticks", CANDLESTICKS },
726     { "boxplot", BOXPLOT },
727     { "pm$3d", PM3DSURFACE },
728     { "poly$gons", POLYGONS },
729     { "labels", LABELPOINTS },
730     { "ima$ge", IMAGE },
731     { "rgbima$ge", RGBIMAGE },
732     { "rgba$lpha", RGBA_IMAGE },
733     { "cir$cles", CIRCLES },
734     { "ell$ipses", ELLIPSES },
735     { "sur$face", SURFACEGRID },
736     { "parallel$axes", PARALLELPLOT },
737     { "spider$plot", SPIDERPLOT },
738     { "table", TABLESTYLE },
739     { "zerror$fill", ZERRORFILL },
741 };
743 const struct gen_table filledcurves_opts_tbl[] =
744 {
745     { "c$losed", FILLEDCURVES_CLOSED },
746     { "x$1", FILLEDCURVES_X1 },
747     { "y1", FILLEDCURVES_Y1 },
748     { "x2", FILLEDCURVES_X2 },
749     { "y2", FILLEDCURVES_Y2 },
750     { "xy", FILLEDCURVES_ATXY },
751     { "r", FILLEDCURVES_ATR },
752     { "above", FILLEDCURVES_ABOVE },
753     { "below", FILLEDCURVES_BELOW },
754     { "y",  FILLEDCURVES_Y1 },
755     { NULL, -1 }
756 };
758 const struct gen_table fit_verbosity_level[] =
759 {
760     { "brief", BRIEF },
761     { "quiet", QUIET },
762     { "noquiet", BRIEF },
763     { "results", RESULTS },
764     { "verbose", VERBOSE },
765     { NULL, -1 }
766 };
768 int
lookup_table(const struct gen_table * tbl,int find_token)769 lookup_table(const struct gen_table *tbl, int find_token)
770 {
771     while (tbl->key) {
772 	if (almost_equals(find_token, tbl->key))
773 	    return tbl->value;
774 	tbl++;
775     }
776     return tbl->value; /* *_INVALID */
777 }
779 parsefuncp_t
lookup_ftable(const struct gen_ftable * ftbl,int find_token)780 lookup_ftable(const struct gen_ftable *ftbl, int find_token)
781 {
782     while (ftbl->key) {
783 	if (almost_equals(find_token, ftbl->key))
784 	    return ftbl->value;
785 	ftbl++;
786     }
787     return ftbl->value;
788 }
790 /* Returns value of the first table entry for which the search string
791  * is a leading substring, or -1 if there is no match.
792  */
793 int
lookup_table_entry(const struct gen_table * tbl,const char * search_str)794 lookup_table_entry(const struct gen_table *tbl, const char *search_str)
795 {
796     while (tbl->key) {
797 	if (!strncmp(search_str, tbl->key, strlen(search_str)))
798 	    return tbl->value;
799 	tbl++;
800     }
801     return -1;
802 }
804 /* Returns the index of the table entry whose key matches the search string.
805  * If there is no exact match return the first table entry that is a leading
806  * substring of the search string.  Returns -1 if there is no match.
807  */
808 int
lookup_table_nth(const struct gen_table * tbl,const char * search_str)809 lookup_table_nth(const struct gen_table *tbl, const char *search_str)
810 {
811     int k = -1;
812     int best_so_far = -1;
813     while (tbl[++k].key) {
814 	/* Exact match always wins */
815 	if (!strcmp(search_str, tbl[k].key))
816 	    return k;
817 	if (!strncmp(search_str, tbl[k].key, strlen(tbl[k].key)))
818 	    if (best_so_far < 0) best_so_far = k;
819     }
820     return best_so_far;
821 }
823 /* Returns index of the table tbl whose key matches the beginning of the
824  * search string search_str. The table_len is necessary because the table
825  * is searched in the reversed order. The routine is used in parsing commands
826  * '(un)set log x2zcb', for instance.
827  * It returns index into the table or -1 if there is no match.
828  */
829 int
lookup_table_nth_reverse(const struct gen_table * tbl,int table_len,const char * search_str)830 lookup_table_nth_reverse(
831     const struct gen_table *tbl,
832     int table_len,
833     const char *search_str)
834 {
835     while (--table_len >= 0) {
836 	if (tbl[table_len].key && !strncmp(search_str, tbl[table_len].key, strlen(tbl[table_len].key)))
837 	    return table_len;
838     }
839     return -1; /* not found */
840 }
842 /* Returns the key associated with this indexed value
843  * or NULL if the key/value pair is not found.
844  */
845 const char *
reverse_table_lookup(const struct gen_table * tbl,int entry)846 reverse_table_lookup(const struct gen_table *tbl, int entry)
847 {
848     int k = -1;
849     while (tbl[++k].key)
850 	if (tbl[k].value == entry)
851 	    return(tbl[k].key);
852     return NULL;
853 }