1{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3module Agda.Auto.SearchControl where
5import Control.Monad
6import Data.IORef
7import Control.Monad.State
8import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
10import Agda.Syntax.Common (Hiding(..))
11import Agda.Auto.NarrowingSearch
12import Agda.Auto.Syntax
14import Agda.Utils.Impossible
16instance Refinable (ArgList o) (RefInfo o) where
17 refinements _ infos _ = return $ fmap (Move 0) $
18   [ return ALNil, cons NotHidden, cons Hidden ]
19   ++ if getIsDep infos then []
20      else [ proj NotHidden, proj Hidden ]
22   where
24    getIsDep :: [RefInfo o] -> Bool
25    getIsDep (x : xs) = case x of
26      RICheckElim isDep -> isDep
27      _                 -> getIsDep xs
28    getIsDep _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
30    proj :: Hiding -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (ArgList o)
31    proj hid = ALProj <$> newPlaceholder <*> newPlaceholder
32                      <*> return hid     <*> newPlaceholder
34    cons :: Hiding -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (ArgList o)
35    cons hid = ALCons hid <$> newPlaceholder <*> newPlaceholder
38data ExpRefInfo o = ExpRefInfo
39  { eriMain           :: Maybe (RefInfo o)
40  , eriUnifs          :: [RefInfo o]
41  , eriInfTypeUnknown :: Bool
42  , eriIsEliminand    :: Bool
43  , eriUsedVars       :: Maybe ([UId o], [Elr o])
44  , eriIotaStep       :: Maybe Bool
45  , eriPickSubsVar    :: Bool
46  , eriEqRState       :: Maybe EqReasoningState
47  }
49initExpRefInfo :: ExpRefInfo o
50initExpRefInfo = ExpRefInfo
51  { eriMain           = Nothing
52  , eriUnifs          = []
53  , eriInfTypeUnknown = False
54  , eriIsEliminand    = False
55  , eriUsedVars       = Nothing
56  , eriIotaStep       = Nothing
57  , eriPickSubsVar    = False
58  , eriEqRState       = Nothing
59  }
61getinfo :: [RefInfo o] -> ExpRefInfo o
62getinfo = foldl step initExpRefInfo where
64  step :: ExpRefInfo o -> RefInfo o -> ExpRefInfo o
65  step eri x@RIMainInfo{}           = eri { eriMain  = Just x }
66  step eri x@RIUnifInfo{}           = eri { eriUnifs = x : eriUnifs eri }
67  step eri RIInferredTypeUnknown    = eri { eriInfTypeUnknown = True }
68  step eri RINotConstructor         = eri { eriIsEliminand = True }
69  step eri (RIUsedVars nuids nused) = eri { eriUsedVars = Just (nuids, nused) }
70  step eri (RIIotaStep semif)       = eri { eriIotaStep = Just iota' } where
71    iota' = semif || (Just True ==) (eriIotaStep eri)
72  step eri RIPickSubsvar            = eri { eriPickSubsVar = True }
73  step eri (RIEqRState s)           = eri { eriEqRState = Just s }
74  step eri _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
77-- | @univar sub v@ figures out what the name of @v@ "outside" of
78--   the substitution @sub@ ought to be, if anything.
80univar :: [CAction o] -> Nat -> Maybe Nat
81univar cl v = getOutsideName cl v 0 where
83  getOutsideName :: [CAction o] -> Nat -> Nat -> Maybe Nat
84  -- @v@ is offset by @v'@ binders
85  getOutsideName []            v v' = Just (v' + v)
86  -- @v@ was introduced by the weakening: disappears
87  getOutsideName (Weak n : _)  v v' | v < n = Nothing
88  -- @v@ was introduced before the weakening: strengthened
89  getOutsideName (Weak n : xs) v v' = getOutsideName xs (v - n) v'
90  -- Name of @v@ before the substitution was pushed in
91  -- had to be offset by 1
92  getOutsideName (Sub _  : xs) v v' = getOutsideName xs v (v' + 1)
93  -- If this is the place where @v@ was bound, it used to
94  -- be called 0 + offset of all the vars substituted for
95  getOutsideName (Skip   : _)  0 v' = Just v'
96  -- Going over a binder: de Bruijn name of @v@ decreased
97  -- but offset increased
98  getOutsideName (Skip   : xs) v v' = getOutsideName xs (v - 1) (v' + 1)
100-- | List of the variables instantiated by the substitution
101subsvars :: [CAction o] -> [Nat]
102subsvars = f 0 where
104  f :: Nat -> [CAction o] -> [Nat]
105  f n []            = []
106  f n (Weak _ : xs) = f n xs -- why?
107  f n (Sub _  : xs) = n : f (n + 1) xs
108  f n (Skip   : xs) = f (n + 1) xs
110-- | Moves
111--   A move is composed of a @Cost@ together with an action
112--   computing the refined problem.
114type Move o = Move' (RefInfo o) (Exp o)
116-- | New constructors
117--   Taking a step towards a solution consists in picking a
118--   constructor and filling in the missing parts with
119--   placeholders to be discharged later on.
121newAbs :: MId -> RefCreateEnv blk (Abs (MM a blk))
122newAbs mid = Abs mid <$> newPlaceholder
124newLam :: Hiding -> MId -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (Exp o)
125newLam hid mid = Lam hid <$> newAbs mid
127newPi :: UId o -> Bool -> Hiding -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (Exp o)
128newPi uid dep hid = Pi (Just uid) hid dep <$> newPlaceholder <*> newAbs NoId
130foldArgs :: [(Hiding, MExp o)] -> MArgList o
131foldArgs = foldr (\ (h, a) sp -> NotM $ ALCons h a sp) (NotM ALNil)
133-- | New spine of arguments potentially using placeholders
135newArgs' :: [Hiding] -> [MExp o] -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (MArgList o)
136newArgs' h tms = foldArgs . zip h . (++ tms) <$> replicateM size newPlaceholder
137  where size = length h - length tms
139newArgs :: [Hiding] -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (MArgList o)
140newArgs h = newArgs' h []
142-- | New @App@lication node using a new spine of arguments
143--   respecting the @Hiding@ annotation
145newApp' :: UId o -> ConstRef o -> [Hiding] -> [MExp o] ->
146           RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (Exp o)
147newApp' meta cst hds tms =
148  App (Just meta) <$> newOKHandle <*> return (Const cst) <*> newArgs' hds tms
150newApp :: UId o -> ConstRef o -> [Hiding] -> RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (Exp o)
151newApp meta cst hds = newApp' meta cst hds []
153-- | Equality reasoning steps
154--   The begin token is accompanied by two steps because
155--   it does not make sense to have a derivation any shorter
156--   than that.
158eqStep :: UId o -> EqReasoningConsts o -> Move o
159eqStep meta eqrc = Move costEqStep $ newApp meta (eqrcStep eqrc)
160  [Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, NotHidden]
162eqEnd :: UId o -> EqReasoningConsts o -> Move o
163eqEnd meta eqrc = Move costEqEnd $ newApp meta (eqrcEnd eqrc)
164  [Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden]
166eqCong :: UId o -> EqReasoningConsts o -> Move o
167eqCong meta eqrc = Move costEqCong $ newApp meta (eqrcCong eqrc)
168  [Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden]
170eqSym :: UId o -> EqReasoningConsts o -> Move o
171eqSym meta eqrc = Move costEqSym $ newApp meta (eqrcSym eqrc)
172  [Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden]
174eqBeginStep2 :: UId o -> EqReasoningConsts o -> Move o
175eqBeginStep2 meta eqrc = Move costEqStep $ do
176  e1 <- newApp meta (eqrcStep eqrc)
177          [Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, NotHidden]
178  e2 <- newApp' meta (eqrcStep eqrc)
179          [Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden, NotHidden]
180          [NotM e1]
181  newApp' meta (eqrcBegin eqrc) [Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, Hidden, NotHidden]
182    [NotM e2]
185-- | Pick the first unused UId amongst the ones you have seen (GA: ??)
186--   Defaults to the head of the seen ones.
188pickUid :: forall o. [UId o] -> [Maybe (UId o)] -> (Maybe (UId o), Bool)
189pickUid used seen = maybe (head seen, False) (, True) $ firstUnused seen where
190  {- ?? which uid to pick -}
192  firstUnused :: [Maybe (UId o)] -> Maybe (Maybe (UId o))
193  firstUnused []                 = Nothing
194  firstUnused (Nothing     : _)  = Just Nothing
195  firstUnused (mu@(Just u) : us) =
196    if u `elem` used then firstUnused us else Just mu
198instance Refinable (Exp o) (RefInfo o) where
199 refinements envinfo infos meta =
200  let
201   hints = rieHints envinfo
202   deffreevars = rieDefFreeVars envinfo
204   meqr = rieEqReasoningConsts envinfo
206   ExpRefInfo { eriMain  = Just (RIMainInfo n tt iotastepdone)
207              , eriUnifs = unis
208              , eriInfTypeUnknown = inftypeunknown
209              , eriIsEliminand = iseliminand -- TODO:: Defined but not used
210              , eriUsedVars = Just (uids, usedvars)
211              , eriIotaStep = iotastep
212              , eriPickSubsVar = picksubsvar -- TODO:: Defined but not used
213              , eriEqRState = meqrstate
214              } = getinfo infos
216   eqrstate = fromMaybe EqRSNone meqrstate
218   set l = return $ Sort (Set l)
219  in case unis of
220   [] ->
221    let
223     eqr = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ meqr
224     eq_end         = eqEnd  meta eqr
225     eq_step        = eqStep meta eqr
226     eq_cong        = eqCong meta eqr
227     eq_sym         = eqSym  meta eqr
228     eq_begin_step2 = eqBeginStep2 meta eqr
230     adjustCost i = if inftypeunknown then costInferredTypeUnkown else i
231     varcost v | v < n - deffreevars = adjustCost $
232       if v `elem` (mapMaybe getVar usedvars)
233       then costAppVarUsed else costAppVar
234     varcost v | otherwise           = adjustCost costAppHint
235     varapps  = map (\ v -> Move (varcost v) $ app n meta Nothing (Var v)) [0..n - 1]
236     hintapps = map (\(c, hm) -> Move (cost c hm) (app n meta Nothing (Const c))) hints
237       where
238         cost :: ConstRef o -> HintMode -> Cost
239         cost c hm = adjustCost $ case (iotastep , hm) of
240           (Just _  , _       ) -> costIotaStep
241           (Nothing , HMNormal) ->
242             if c `elem` (mapMaybe getConst usedvars)
243             then costAppHintUsed else costAppHint
244           (Nothing , HMRecCall) ->
245             if c `elem` (mapMaybe getConst usedvars)
246             then costAppRecCallUsed else costAppRecCall
247     generics = varapps ++ hintapps
248    in case rawValue tt of
250     _ | eqrstate == EqRSChain ->
251      return [eq_end, eq_step]
253     HNPi hid _ _ (Abs id _) -> return $
254         Move (adjustCost (if iotastepdone then costLamUnfold else costLam)) (newLam hid id)
255       : Move costAbsurdLam (return $ AbsurdLambda hid)
256       : generics
258     HNSort (Set l) -> return $
259          map (Move (adjustCost costSort) . set) [0..l - 1]
260       ++ map (Move (adjustCost costPi) . newPi meta True) [NotHidden, Hidden]
261       ++ generics
264     HNApp (Const c) _ -> do
265      cd <- readIORef c
266      return $ case cdcont cd of
268       Datatype cons _ | eqrstate == EqRSNone ->
269         map (\c -> Move (adjustCost $ case iotastep of
270                                         Just True -> costUnification
271                                         _ -> if length cons <= 1
272                                              then costAppConstructorSingle
273                                              else costAppConstructor)
274                         $ app n meta Nothing (Const c)) cons
275         ++ generics
276         ++ (guard (maybe False ((c ==) . eqrcId) meqr)
277            *> [eq_sym, eq_cong, eq_begin_step2])
279       _ | eqrstate == EqRSPrf1 -> generics ++ [eq_sym, eq_cong]
280       _ | eqrstate == EqRSPrf2 -> generics ++ [eq_cong]
282       _ -> generics
283     _ -> return generics
284   (RIUnifInfo cl hne : _) ->
285    let
286     subsvarapps = map (Move costUnification . app n meta Nothing . Var) (subsvars cl)
287     mlam = case rawValue tt of
288      HNPi hid _ _ (Abs id _) -> [Move costUnification (newLam hid id)]
289      _ -> []
290     generics = mlam ++ subsvarapps
292    in
293     return $ case rawValue hne of
294      HNApp (Var v) _ ->
295       let (uid, isunique) = pickUid uids $ seenUIds hne
296           uni = case univar cl v of
297                  Just v | v < n -> [Move (costUnificationIf isunique) $ app n meta uid (Var v)]
298                  _ -> []
299       in uni ++ generics
300      HNApp (Const c) _ ->
301       let (uid, isunique) = pickUid uids $ seenUIds hne
302       in Move (costUnificationIf isunique) (app n meta uid (Const c)) : generics
303      HNLam{} -> generics
304      HNPi hid possdep _ _ ->
305       let (uid, isunique) = pickUid uids $ seenUIds hne
306       in Move (costUnificationIf isunique) (newPi (fromMaybe meta uid) possdep hid) : generics
307      HNSort (Set l) -> map (Move costUnification . set) [0..l] ++ generics
308      HNSort _ -> generics
309   _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
311  where
313    app :: Nat -> UId o -> Maybe (UId o) -> Elr o ->
314           RefCreateEnv (RefInfo o) (Exp o)
315    app n meta muid elr = do
316      p <- newPlaceholder
317      p <- case elr of
318        Var{}   -> return p
319        Const c -> do
320          cd <- RefCreateEnv $ lift $ readIORef c
321          let dfvapp 0 _ = p
322              dfvapp i n = NotM $ ALCons NotHidden
323                          (NotM $ App Nothing (NotM $ OKVal) (Var n) (NotM ALNil))
324                          (dfvapp (i - 1) (n - 1))
325         -- NotHidden is ok because agda reification throws these arguments
326         -- away and agsy skips typechecking them
327          return $ dfvapp (cddeffreevars cd) (n - 1)
328      okh <- newOKHandle
329      return $ App (Just $ fromMaybe meta muid) okh elr p
332extraref :: UId o -> [Maybe (UId o)] -> ConstRef o -> Move o
333extraref meta seenuids c = Move costAppExtraRef $ app (head seenuids) (Const c)
334 where
335   app muid elr = App (Just $ fromMaybe meta muid)
336              <$> newOKHandle <*> return elr <*> newPlaceholder
338instance Refinable (ICExp o) (RefInfo o) where
339 refinements _ infos _ =
340  let (RICopyInfo e : _) = infos
341  in return [Move 0 (return e)]
344instance Refinable (ConstRef o) (RefInfo o) where
345 refinements _ [RICheckProjIndex projs] _ = return $ map (Move 0 . return) projs
346 refinements _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
349-- ---------------------------------
351costIncrease, costUnificationOccurs, costUnification, costAppVar,
352  costAppVarUsed, costAppHint, costAppHintUsed, costAppRecCall,
353  costAppRecCallUsed, costAppConstructor, costAppConstructorSingle,
354  costAppExtraRef, costLam, costLamUnfold, costPi, costSort, costIotaStep,
355  costInferredTypeUnkown, costAbsurdLam
356  :: Cost
358costUnificationIf :: Bool -> Cost
359costUnificationIf b = if b then costUnification else costUnificationOccurs
361costIncrease = 1000
362costUnificationOccurs = 100 -- 1000001 -- 1 -- 100
363costUnification = 0000
364costAppVar = 0000 -- 0, 1
365costAppVarUsed = 1000 -- 5
366costAppHint = 3000 -- 2, 5
367costAppHintUsed = 5000
368costAppRecCall = 0 -- 1000?
369costAppRecCallUsed = 10000 -- 1000?
370costAppConstructor = 1000
371costAppConstructorSingle = 0000
372costAppExtraRef = 1000
373costLam = 0000 -- 1, 0
374costLamUnfold = 1000 -- 1, 0
375costPi = 1000003 -- 100 -- 5
376costSort = 1000004 -- 0
377costIotaStep = 3000 -- 1000005 -- 2 -- 100
378costInferredTypeUnkown = 1000006 -- 100
379costAbsurdLam = 0
381costEqStep, costEqEnd, costEqSym, costEqCong :: Cost
382costEqStep = 2000
383costEqEnd = 0
384costEqSym = 0
385costEqCong = 500
387prioNo, prioTypeUnknown, prioTypecheckArgList, prioInferredTypeUnknown,
388  prioCompBeta, prioCompBetaStructured, prioCompareArgList, prioCompIota,
389  prioCompChoice, prioCompUnif, prioCompCopy, prioNoIota, prioAbsurdLambda,
390  prioProjIndex
391  :: Prio
392prioNo = (-1)
393prioTypeUnknown = 0
394prioTypecheckArgList = 3000
395prioInferredTypeUnknown = 4000
396prioCompBeta = 4000
397prioCompBetaStructured = 4000
398prioCompIota = 4000
399prioCompChoice = 5000 -- 700 -- 5000
400prioCompUnif = 6000 -- 2
401prioCompCopy = 8000
402prioCompareArgList = 7000 -- 5 -- 2
403prioNoIota = 500 -- 500
404prioAbsurdLambda = 1000
406prioProjIndex = 3000
408prioTypecheck :: Bool -> Prio
409prioTypecheck False = 1000
410prioTypecheck True = 0
412-- ---------------------------------
414instance Trav a => Trav [a] where
415  type Block [a] = Block a
416  trav _ []     = return ()
417  trav f (x:xs) = trav f x >> trav f xs
419instance Trav (MId, CExp o) where
420  type Block (MId, CExp o) = RefInfo o
421  trav f (_, ce) = trav f ce
423instance Trav (TrBr a o) where
424  type Block (TrBr a o) = RefInfo o
425  trav f (TrBr es _) = trav f es
427instance Trav (Exp o) where
428  type Block (Exp o) = RefInfo o
429  trav f = \case
430    App _ _ _ args         -> trav f args
431    Lam _ (Abs _ b)        -> trav f b
432    Pi _ _ _ it (Abs _ ot) -> trav f it >> trav f ot
433    Sort _                 -> return ()
434    AbsurdLambda{}         -> return ()
436instance Trav (ArgList o) where
437  type Block (ArgList o) = RefInfo o
438  trav _ ALNil               = return ()
439  trav f (ALCons _ arg args) = trav f arg >> trav f args
440  trav f (ALProj eas _ _ as) = trav f eas >> trav f as
441  trav f (ALConPar args)     = trav f args
443-- ---------------------------------